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205 · Jul 2021
Feelings, A Haiku
Colm Jul 2021
Feelings personal
So much so unknown to self
Still they want to grow
204 · Nov 2021
Colm Nov 2021
Shouting into the void is not vanity, but humanity
Whereas shouting into a crowd is just insanity
204 · May 2019
Colm May 2019
I used to write just to read on and on
In a listing manner, with a scrolling eye

But no more do I
Write in such a manner as this

There’s no desire to be found
As those days have long since passed me by

And now I only write for myself, the ID
As compared to the length which these pages provide

And I stop flowing waters
Dead in their tracks, without so much as a whisper

Because I’m no longer afraid to speak
Or to be seen here within these imperfect lines
Procedural, less, am I, still.
204 · Sep 2019
Inadequate Search
Colm Sep 2019
Someday, they'll burry my grave, long after the ink and parchment have faded.

Long after my thoughts have longsince passed into the undying lands.

I just hope that my neices don't have to burry me

Which is why now I search for a new family.
Inadequate Search
204 · Sep 2018
Unspoken Questions
Colm Sep 2018
Would you hide with me, unwind with me?
Would you sew my home for an hour or so?
Would you let me cook for you into the night unknown?

Would you listen to me, would you speak the words?
Would you fall back into the quiet, until, we can hear the obnoxious chirping birds?

Would you want my hand as I want your mind?
Would it matter if I asked you for just a little more time?

And your body, your spine, in its perfect align.
Is but a hopeful wish for distant tomorrow.
One that belongs to the keeper of heart in due time.

But then, in such situations as this, to ask...
Would my courage not fail me?
Would such moments now last?
Would? Should? Haha... Silly self.

204 · May 2021
The Eventual Tanka
Colm May 2021
This truth be told to the world
Gray skies come for us
All beneath one and the same
None ever escapes from rain
Deter Me Not Set (4)
204 · Jun 2017
Just Look
Colm Jun 2017
There are those people who know things
Without even having to speak them
You just see them
And you know it to be true
That they are true
How the music plays
The wind blows
And the eyes speak enough of what you both already knew
Colm Dec 2019
Warm breath
Cold air burning beneath southern stars

A comforting voice
In ears at last a presence being, my present
204 · Mar 2018
With Eyes Unopened
Colm Mar 2018
So my memories tell me
"Wow indeed"
Because she kissed like it was with the last breath of eternity
Think about it *wink*
203 · Apr 2019
In Due Time
Colm Apr 2019
Who I am
And if I'm good enough
True enough to be
Should not be my concern
Because when someone wants to see you
They generally see

In due time
All is seen
In due time
203 · May 2019
Colm May 2019
Time is a river
A perspective
A current washing through your fingers
203 · Feb 2021
Only Yourself At The End
Colm Feb 2021
Inevitability and time are plagues
On the human soul, the psyche, the mind
Leeches leech
And ticks borough
But time and inevitability weave
And sow so much of nothingness
That without (God)
There is no now
203 · Oct 2018
Storms Create
Colm Oct 2018
Though storms rise on tempered seas
They stir the sand to glass
The oyster pearls
The time to pass
A wish for all kinds of weather on land and sea.
202 · Dec 2018
Rolled Out
Colm Dec 2018
I’m going to plaster my words on the walls of life
Like paper
That way you cannot avoid me
Or the memory of mine

Just as a heart will not be cheap
Or doted upon everywhere
Or rolled out with ease

But plastered meticulously
That’s me
Rolled Out
202 · Sep 2017
The Ocean Is Writing
Colm Sep 2017
The ocean is why I wish to create
Look at the depths
Feel the weight
When you’re lying on the bottom reef
The pressure is immaculate
And you cannot wait
To taste the newness of each breath
Surrounded by salt
And the slow falling sand
Like the snow of the sea
So the freshness in your eyes cannot wait
To be both above and then below again
And that is why I wish to create
Like the ocean sands which are underneath
And not like the hot sands beneath our feet
Both in the sand and of it. But only when it's cool. My preference.
201 · May 2019
Faith Gives More
Colm May 2019
Faith makes faces shine
Like crumpled tin sheets in the sunlight

Gives the backing of Giants
To those once considered meek

And shows one's own ability to believe
In all that ever could be

Faith brings both warmth and luminosity
To the cold, small, twisted mind of man
Faith Gives more than any un
Colm Jan 2020
Like snow on the rails
Trampled leaves on the grounded trees
Fleeing light
Familiar scent well known
And the lasting stars you cannot always see
But are still there
The wait is having
My heart a quiet rustle in the summer breeze
Just go and live
Be it amongst noise or fog
As you hold not a single familiar scent or sound
Over me
You are winters cold
And your crackling quiet frustrates me
Just go
Yup - My own well practiced consistencies are not always kind to others.
201 · Aug 2018
Truth And Humor
Colm Aug 2018
Sarcasm is the cowards wall

Hide behind the most obvious observation
But deny the subtle truth you believe
And walk the same way

But know this, so
By the sound of your footprints, I will know
What you really think, what you really believe

Your prejudice shows
If silence isn't an indicator of whats not funny, you're pretty delusional.
201 · Aug 2019
A Habit
Colm Aug 2019
How to let old habits die?
To let the quiet stillness of the mind be
To be content
To be accepted
To be both the present and the virtue
How do you let old habits die?
The trick is
To let life breathe
A Habit
Colm Jan 2021
Maybe today
My words will change
The face of the earth
And make her smile
Smile again
200 · Jan 2020
Behind Twinkling Eyes
Colm Jan 2020
The secret of an old man’s eyes
Is not what they look upon
Or how they shine
But what they see behind
Behind Twinkling Eyes
200 · Apr 2018
Colm Apr 2018
I'm not myself when I write like this.

I am no more than a memory.

An ink well river which flows and bleeds on tempered sands.

Forever resting at the foothill of childhood.

I am.
It strikes me as odd. That I write so much and yet remember so little of what I write. But one word, one line revisited by me, and I'm right back there in the moment of its conception. Silly self. Lolol.
200 · Jan 2020
Similar Perplexities
Colm Jan 2020
Seeing he
with you together
The similarities
do not perplex
So much absolve
Me of the truth
That at least in together
you’re with someone
like me
a little bit
Similar Perplexities
199 · Apr 2021
The day a page went missing
Colm Apr 2021
Tear out my heart like a missing page. I turn and turn to live again.
Her will to read in nature's storm. Once born of being, is there and then.
When your eyesight was ever mine to upend? Or to try and mend.
You see? It never was once me.
That is until your rain begins again. Anew.
The day I realized a page was missing. LOL
199 · Jun 2022
His london fog
Colm Jun 2022
If the London air tasted anything like this
I'd pray for wings and spout quick as can be

And fly to another continent so fast
It would make your head spin

If only tea were in the air
As in flavor pallet here it is with me
1Sight . Fantastic drink
198 · Jul 2017
The Words of Others (No)
Colm Jul 2017
I refuse to reuse to the point of self abuse
To run from the fear of knowing
Into the arms of those I've already known


I will create it on my own
Not out of pride for my own success
(of which I will see little)


But because in order for it to exist
I must first find, create and remember this
That, noone besides me
Can ever be me

And that noone will know
If I always say *No
Such a strong word. Such a short word. I wish I was better at saying it.
198 · May 2018
Random Blurbs
Colm May 2018
It doesn't matter if I haven't. Because I've seen enough to cloud my eyes a thousand times over...

The open road is openly, the place for an open opportunity of mind...

Pictures placed at the heart of mankind, do not last. Not even the servers will satisfy or survive...

Every word I ever wrote about the ever loving trees was never for me...

Turn a new page, open up. Maybe today you will not stop and let the story die inside. But instead draw it out, into the pages where it ought to reside...

Love is such a shallow thing, its nothing like it presents itself to be...

Give me a structure that is not my own and I will not believe in it. Tell me my structure I cannot do and I will invest hours thinking about it. Excited for it...

The only truly haunted walls are those that are plain and bare of thought...
I can't sleep around such walls...

These are a collection of oddities in no particular order or sequence. Just randomness of thought, etc.
198 · Jun 2019
Virtue And Wisdom
Colm Jun 2019
All earthly holes
Can be dug around and out
But virtue and wisdom
Hard earned and fought for
Such value cannot be understated
In terms of being found
Virtue And Wisdom
198 · Jan 2022
Bursting Words
Colm Jan 2022
You coat me
Like a blanketed fall
Turn eyes like stars
And speak bursts like fireworks
Into a sky of strangers . You alight

Well lit in memory still
Newry Set . 8
197 · Feb 2021
Colm Feb 2021
Sometimes feeling
Like a flower unfolding

Open to any passing bee
Overcaring and all giving of pollen
Of any wanting or for wanters flying by

I avail myself
Until I am tired and empty
197 · Jan 2020
Certain Sounds, Revisited
Colm Jan 2020
Sleeping soundly on your memory now

I dream of uncollected worlds
Where young girls dance at summer weddings
And foolish men take their cars for spins and whirls

I've seen you less and less, in the headlights of happiness
My onetime escape
From you I'm free

Within the dance of newfound reflectiveness, I'm free indeed
Certain Sounds, Revisited
197 · Sep 2019
All Will Fall, A Tanka
Colm Sep 2019
Succeed a hundred
Even a thousand times more
Only to prop up
Your former self minded life
As all will fall when we die
Not to be gloomy. But we all lose to death in time. Which is fine.
Colm Jul 2019
You won’t know either quiet
Or the world
Until you step outside at 3 a.m.
To fill the void of an empty mind
With the deepest drink of sky imaginable

You are no less alive
Give Me Moonlight When I'm Leaving
196 · Apr 2019
Son Of David
Colm Apr 2019
My eyes fill with oceans
My mouth healed with humbling salt
When I hear the goodness of the psalmists voice
When I read his song
The psalmist
Colm Jan 2020
No youthful regrets beset
None of that stuff shines to last
I do not, will not
Look back through closed windows without seats of cushioned green, no
A neck is facing forward for a personal fast
And I for the hunger next of dawn
Will taste all that the future holds
Will turn
Me back
Natural and just have been my failing feelings of the past. But they do not and will not dictate my future life.
195 · May 2019
A Less Social Me
Colm May 2019
Has realized
That a train station is not an evil place
It's just busy
A Less Social Me
195 · Nov 2019
The Morbid Truth
Colm Nov 2019
Tell me I will last
   Anyone will last
And I will greet you with a laugh
   Mortal and cold
Like the dawn of each new day
   Every minute growing old
All will wither
   All will die
All will fade
   Will not last
   Or outlast time
Truth be told
   Noone will survive the youngest youth
   Just as none will surpass the timeless old
This is the Morbid Truth
   I hold
The Morbid Truth I Hold, it is this. Time kills all.
195 · Feb 2019
Starlight Fast
Colm Feb 2019
Tears for clouds
Snow from eyes
And shines
Oh the outpouring of light in your luminous eye
And your mind, your mind
Like a scintillating star in the night sky
I blink
And like a shot like in the dark
You pass me by
Quicker than the realization of time and light combined
Starlight Fast
195 · May 2019
The Inevitable
Colm May 2019
Never let it be said
That I took a bite too big to breathe
That I scorched the earth beyond repair
That I cut down every growing tree
That I delved too deeply into the questioning unrepair

Never let it be said
That time itself is now regrettably by
Or that I was never truly willing to try

Never let it never be said that my faith ever waivered, without purpose or reprise

Never let it be said that I said no more
Never let it be said that my breath will not end
Never let it be said I will not endure
Never let it be said that I was not of men

I was
I am
I'm not a Calvinist. But I am me. A human nonetheless.
194 · May 2019
A Window In Rivendell
Colm May 2019
With armchair oceans
Window territories
And cavernous vaults beneath wooden beach
Oak and timber, rock and stone
Stretched out in the cold of winter contained
Find a new home for your quiet feet
And in months, when spring born summer ends
Fall back into the ease of a rustling sleep
With the choice to never begin
Beneath a canvas of life
Which keeps growing and falling
Ever onward and over again
194 · Dec 2017
Why Bad Things Happen
Colm Dec 2017
The coldness felt
Is the willingness of God
To let it be as we perceive it to be
From our fatalist stance
Be it true or false
It simply is as he allows it to be
Two cords which we cannot coexist
My publish poems option is erroring - So I'm working out of my drafts - Tell Elliot please. (:
194 · Nov 2018
Stand Up To The Night
Colm Nov 2018
You think I’m scared of you?
Oh timeless fear

Of your taste for light
Which gnaws at stars
And nether years?

Well I’m not

I’m indifferent

Staring without impudence
Into the moonlit eyes
On metal roofs
Where feet can fly

I need not hold or soil with soot
My hands to cup the sky
As is, as it wished

No, nameless fear
I fear you not

But to challenge me with ferociously
Just try and see
What becomes of truth

When you tell me I should be afraid of you
Just to terrify the mortal in me
Just try and bend my eyes away
From the first new sight of another day
And I’ll break your iron will in two
With my indifference

Try as you may
Your power holds no heavens over me

As a broken line of sight is free
From the abiding night which is stripped away

With dawn come every newborn day
And spit in it's eye.
194 · May 2019
May Isn't For Rain
Colm May 2019
This is me
Standing on a tower cold
Pushing up the clouded skies
With fingers stretched wide
Trying to hold back the rainy clouds
Until this imitation month
Which proclaims to be a daughter of May
Proceeds to pass us by

May isn't for rain
Stealing her sisters MO
194 · Dec 2017
Let Go Of The Old
Colm Dec 2017
Forget them all and forget the calling
The rhyme, the reason, the motivation
Forget the original thought entirely
The process which has since passed you by
Forget it all
Just breathe on the ink and let it dry
Forget like the clouds overhead
And be free to fly between the pages
Unbound as the open sky
Since opening and letting go, and being all that you have been
Is not a sin
Forget the details of the journey
So that you may simply walk again
And discover the mindfulness within
Forget and let it begin again
My publish poems option keep erroring for some reason - So I'm working out of my drafts - Tell Elliot please. (:
194 · Jan 2019
A Life Most Human
Colm Jan 2019
I am steam from the kettle
I am the smoke from the pipe
I am the wisp upon the willow limbs
The stillness in the dead of night
The steel upon the tracks which lie
The wings on the back which flies
Like skyscrapers in the burning distant sight
I am the final swings of the scratching fight
Not about arrogance, but about the wide array and variation of life.
193 · Sep 2018
Hello History
Colm Sep 2018
I don't know you
But I want to

What do you say?
And if you won't

Then I'll see you around
As a smile in history
Short and passing. Like a smile.
193 · Jan 2020
Mortality Is Being
Colm Jan 2020
Waiting doesn't stop with love
With responsibility, distraction, or understanding, no
We wait because we're human beings
And the "being" demands we do so
That and waiting. Be it for life or Christ.
192 · Jul 2019
Social Lows
Colm Jul 2019
The hollow, empty, fickle words
The accounts and all of the time there spent
Social media is the death of all things good and decent
I say again
Social media is the death of all things good and decent
Social Lows
192 · Jul 2019
Recent Times
Colm Jul 2019
And more so than the mountains

I've been blue

I've been tired
And I've been steeped in fog

But most of all

I've been living without coffee every morning
Which is the same as living without you
without coffee
191 · Oct 2019
The First Time You Speak
Colm Oct 2019
It's newfound lovers beneath the first starry night sky shared together

It's a child playing at the tail end of a wave, just wishing for a second longer it would stay

It's a moment consumed by a clockless mouth

It's the most pleasant forget which you can find within yourself

It is a passionate glory in a war without spears

It is the flowing rivers of song in communicative ears

And therefore in being, be it the evermore near

Such love at first words is all that you wish you could hear
The First Time You Speak - nuff said
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