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Jan 2021 · 1.4k
Parting gift
Giovanna Jan 2021
Thanks for your gift,
love the bruise
you left on my soul.
I will wear it like my favourite tattoo
cause it'll say the story of you!
You tattooed on my soul
Jan 2021 · 827
Truth deceives
Giovanna Jan 2021
Truth is the true deceiver,
hides in plain sight.
The truth is always in front of our eyes, its just that we fail to see it or turn a blind eye to it.
Jan 2021 · 564
A sense of You
Giovanna Jan 2021
All my poems have,
a sense of betrayal.
A sense of loss.
A sense of hatred.
A sense of melancholy.
A sense of blue.
More importantly,
a sense of You.
Jan 2021 · 468
Giovanna Jan 2021
The bigger the wound
the more medicine you need.
But no water had the adequate depth
to make her drown.
Jan 2021 · 614
Giovanna Jan 2021
People are static.
Dynamic are their faces to you
and your position to them.
People never change, their priorities do!
Jan 2021 · 1.4k
Don't be a moon!
Giovanna Jan 2021
Why do you have to be the moon?
when you can be the star with your own light!
Dec 2020 · 375
Hues of us
Giovanna Dec 2020
When side by side,
the hues of we
blend in untried
like the serenity of nature with rumpus of birds on a tree.
Nov 2020 · 284
Too hard to lie!
Giovanna Nov 2020
Wear a mask of smiling face,
that the truth is impossible to trace
but you always spot the tear in the twinkle of my eye
cause you are too hard to lie!
Nov 2020 · 594
Giovanna Nov 2020
If my life were a musical,
then she'd be the symphony.
Oct 2020 · 701
Flying to pinnacles
Giovanna Oct 2020
Nothing's forever
and hardships aren't an exception.
When you are too heavy to fly,
remember all you can do is retry.
What's the problem if people don't believe in you
Make it your reason to break through.
It's okay to be scared of your dream,
atleast you know that it is its extreme.
If you fail on the way,
take a break and mend yourself for the future day.
Never doubt your calibre and go back
cause you didn't come this far to pace back the track.
Keep fightin'
and one day you will find yourself flyin'
Oct 2020 · 578
Floating deads
Giovanna Oct 2020
Was happy to see me floating,
little did I know I floated cause I was dead.
Oct 2020 · 673
Giovanna Oct 2020
To her, he was magic,
which she feared
may fade out one day!
Sep 2020 · 231
Cloth with stains
Giovanna Sep 2020
I dive,
into the oceans for her eyes.
No coming back but staying there alive.
A fake smile,
a pack of lies.
Her jewel was her pain.
If her life were a cloth,
it'd be full of stain.
Sep 2020 · 500
Wind of love
Giovanna Sep 2020
As the wind blew,
it took some of me to you.
First my essence,
And then my heart!
Sep 2020 · 398
Puddle of Thoughts
Giovanna Sep 2020
When the arrow of overthinking strikes,
feels like have my head on spikes.
Thinking a lot these days.
Aug 2020 · 285
Black void
Giovanna Aug 2020
I am stuck in the black void of space.
Can't tell if things are falling into place.
It's so dark in here.
Light nowhere near.
No purpose to fulfill.
No suffering to ****.
I live a life so usual.
That my existence feels illusional
I don't know what I am writing but it feels me.
Aug 2020 · 939
Giovanna Aug 2020
I daydream for multiverse.
The entirety in reverse.
All the enimety,
rebuilds into intimacy.
A place equal to Paradise,
occupied by people with faces less than that of a dice.
Where maybe I wasn't invisible to you.
Where my existence was a little less blue.
A place where you'd love me,
and I could love me too.
A fetish for multiverse.
Aug 2020 · 903
A Face to your questions
Giovanna Aug 2020
You asked what am I?
I am just a bunch of unanswered questions which you always ignore and sideline!
Just a face to your questions,
from which you want to escape!
Aug 2020 · 401
Giovanna Aug 2020
I observed you a lot,
I hope I could have understood you once!
You are the puzzle I could never solve.
Aug 2020 · 322
Past is motivation
Giovanna Aug 2020
An Invisible permanent scar,
will hitch my wagon to the star.
Some say no time to heal
I say I won't let it make me it's meal.
Some say you need a little brightness.
I say some things are better timeless.
Don't hold on to your past. Also don't forget it completely. Use it as a fuel to launch yourself to better things in life
Jul 2020 · 301
You, my aiding pillar
Giovanna Jul 2020
In the middle of a war,
maybe with no shore.
Not a defeater.
But no better.
Weary with no sword.
Not metres apart from being floored.

Stuck in the thought spiral.
Tears filled in a barrel.
Your arrival, a hope,
like a climb up rope.

Still in the fight.
Now standing upright.
A finger on the trigger,
with you as my aiding pillar.
There's someone always there to support you
Jul 2020 · 1.1k
Nuptial Bliss
Giovanna Jul 2020
Writing this piece was a trouble,
says the story of a lovely couple.
A dinky apartment of 2 BHK.
Each day as lively as a flower in a freshly made bouquet.
First light was marked with peck.
Followed with looking for specs on the head.
Before the office came a hug,
that was addictive as a drug.
Their love moved the machine,
and so was their routine.
Today was no different,
For the going to be parent.
The peck, the spec, the hug and lunch.
All love showered in a bunch.
An extra kiss for the bump.
Promised to be back before the moon came up.
Had to return early,
to take her to the hospital securely.
The staff started to prepare.
Sat reciting a prayer.
That happiness was no lie,
when heard his baby girl cry.
Their eyes were full,
when saw their daughter beautiful.
Did it remind you of your partner?
Jul 2020 · 465
Sad Delight
Giovanna Jul 2020
Is it wrong to be happy when in pain?
No efforts ‘to be’ go in vain.
When you know what the mighty holds for you,
it is the best thing to do.
It’s just that the pain feels so real.
Misery is in the open air site,
and happiness is like all the treasure locked inside.
All the words hurt more than a bite.
What weighs upon when I smile, is not delight.
why does sadness feel more real?
Jul 2020 · 2.3k
The Rape
Giovanna Jul 2020
Buddies since birth.
Supposed to be the star of the north.
My playmate, my entertainer, my protector.
Like a human lie detector.
The same one face.
The other hard to trace.
Your evil on the rise.
Visible through your nasty eyes.
Your hands all over me.
Push and pull me in like a sea.
Cutting deep into my soul.
Gave me another set of secrets to hold.
All that you should have been was an illusion.
I regret calling you my cousin.
Trust NONE
Jul 2020 · 373
Giovanna Jul 2020
In this house so big,
where mammoth appears miniature as a twig,
is occupied by my family lil wacky,
and the members lil shabby.

Fancy dress is a quotidian.
And try to talk in lydian.

I love being with them.
Treat me as a rare gem.

We spend time ample.
But they leave me alone in a temple.

Few times their pretend cuts look real,
like denying to heal.

Forever with me.
But a visiter and no guarantee.

People are weirdly overwhelmed by sentiments,
and ask me how am i doing since the car accident.
Do you also forget some incidents but the gones are alive?
Jul 2020 · 424
What life is!
Giovanna Jul 2020
Sometimes I wonder what life is!
Is it like my mom’s kiss?
Gonna embrace?
Or is it success that I have to chase?
I know the world’s horrible.
Always make you feel invisible.
But what is life like?
A wild cat’s strike?
Or gonna be a child’s dreamlike?

When asked the experienced one,
said it can be chilly as winter and  warm as under the sun.
Life is like a movie with all the drama,
with your sidekick as karma.
strike your best pose,
so that the story pays when one goes!
The golden rule of  life is : One who has the gold makes the rules.
Jun 2020 · 106
Roses and Violets
Giovanna Jun 2020
The roses have wilted.
The violets are dead.
A ghostly message still unpredicted.
Talking to the one with a hole in the head
suggest me a caption
Jun 2020 · 353
Bubble of Glee
Giovanna Jun 2020
In my dream bubble,
all the glee is filterable.
No words said.
The blues with the reds,
on a wide spread.
As the clock strikes my happy hour,
there is a prey of my power.
I stand strong over the killed,
with a thirst unfulfilled.
When I said glee could be sieved,
it was misery I picked.
Do u have a thirst like mine?
Jun 2020 · 214
Empty Canvas
Giovanna Jun 2020
Once upon a time,
A petite girl who smelled of pine.
Not so long ago,
was jumpy at her own shadow.
Spent the whole day playing in the meadow.
Had a many with whom she felt like second self,
who would keep all her mischief to themself.

As the time passed,
all her mischieves were a past.
As Went through the growing process,
her friends grew less.

She grew to be a loner,
every corner called her as their owner.
Considered her closed ones as gones,
leaving her with the purposeless dawns.

With her thoughts weighing upon,
she begged for an amusement to clap on.
Negatives filled her head.
She painted her childhood on the empty canvas,
with her blood so red.
are u loner?
May 2020 · 825
Not Alone
Giovanna May 2020
You finally found someone who understands you more than I,
so I guess I will be saying my final goodbye.

When the night will dawn,
the departed will be looked on.
With them will be I,
whispering in your ears a spooky lullaby.

I wish the nights never end,
cause our bond needs to be amend.
I will sit right next to you,
all the nights through.

Bite off more than one can chew.
Your nights I will haunt.
Black and blue to flaunt.
We will always be together,
my hand holding tight to your death tether.
When you think you are the most important for the one who you love the most.
But the ends are not always happy. Losing the person may tear your soul, taking your life out. Then is the moment you want the person you love with you and try bringing them with you.
Bite by bite their soul you take away, leaving back the body with bruises.
You keep your promise to always stay next to them. You take them with you, to your home- THE HELL.
May 2020 · 343
A Fete
Giovanna May 2020
Passes to sell, I went out
but no one knew what's a fete 'bout.
Started at 3:30 with ten,
and came back with nine.
Which was not fine.
Wanted all ten to sell out,
but no one knew what's a fete 'bout.
This episode reflects a disappointing moment in my life when I couldn't sell the passes of my school fete.
May 2020 · 194
Planned Death
Giovanna May 2020
The woe was overpowering,
the mournful silence blaring.
Going round in circles in the labyrinth of sufferin'.
Thinking about a way out was no sin.
Unswerving and swift was the way out.
My existence was a doubt.
Starved for the last breath,
so I planned myself a death.
"Planned Death" is the third poem in the collection of "The Moon and The Night". It continues from the second poem, "Not Forever". In this poem, the narrator commits  suicide when the pain of losing her family becomes unbearable.
May 2020 · 204
Not Forever
Giovanna May 2020
I thought you were forever.
Not gonna leave whatsoever.
Neither I nor you knew,
that our fate held something new.

Now you are gone faraways,
leaving after all the heaviness that weighs.
At the moment, it's just me, my memories, my loneliness,
and the nights which had you,
but now are sleepless.
"Not Forever" is the sequel of my first poem "The Moon and The Night".
The Moon and The Night had a melancholic end. Not Forever continues telling about my present situation after all the people I love have left me alone.
May 2020 · 149
The Moon and The Night
Giovanna May 2020
I start with my poem,                         
when I am down with jeroboam.      
I'll simply tell of the frame.              
Down the river, the moon, the night with a restricted name.          
As the hour of darkness approaches,                                          
the moonlight encroaches.              
Flopped under the cloudless skies,                                                      
far away an owl cries.                        
I call it a night,
when the extinguished darkness arise.
This is the poem I wrote for my family. This signifies their position in my life. The darkness symbolizes adversities and moonlight their love and support.
The end is melancholic. As it ends leaving me alone with my adversities.

— The End —