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9.3k · Aug 2022
In Darkness
Katelyn Rew Aug 2022
We lay together in darkness as your hand trails down and rests between my thighs.
Your light caresses send me shivering into a world not entirely my own.
Your fingers dance in me, sliding through puddles, finding hidden doorways I'd thought long gone.
I brace your wrist, fingers encircle.
Don't stop. Never stop.
5.5k · Aug 2022
Sacred Rage
Katelyn Rew Aug 2022
I dance out my anger in the name of the priestess,
draw in her power to extinguish my unrest.
I worship my body in a state of undress,
let my rage break free in radical protest.
I surrender myself to this sacred process,
stomping my feet like an unbridled tempest.
4.0k · Mar 2017
Katelyn Rew Mar 2017
Empowerment is to stop begging you to come home,
self love is realising a soulmate would never leave you alone,
happiness is letting the loneliness fade,
fulfilment is realising the best lives are self made.
3.7k · Mar 2023
Katelyn Rew Mar 2023
Trace my curves in charcoal,
Sketch my lines in lead,
Fill in all my shadows,
As I lie naked on this bed.
Warm my hues in pastels,
Draw in every part,
Adore me with your paint brush,
Turn my body into art.
3.2k · Aug 2021
The Beach
Katelyn Rew Aug 2021
I visited you today,
felt you crunch against my toes,
smelt you from a mile away,
heard you in your throes.

You covered me in wet kisses,
as I languished in your swell,
you promised me an ocean,
one you knew so well.

I took you in my mouth,
let you spill down my chin,
and as I walked away, I smiled,
knowing I could still taste you on my skin.
Katelyn Rew Jun 2014
Nothing is as beautiful as the transformation of the human face.
The journey of a smile as it licks at the lips and dances into the eyes.
The adventure of laughter as it opens the mouth and tickles the throat.
The reclusiveness of sadness as it travels down the cheeks and wets them with tears.
The intensity of concentration as it furrows the brow and quickens the breath.
The turmoil of fear as it flares the nostrils and grinds the teeth.
The restfulness of sleep as it closes the eyelids and brings relief.
2.3k · Jul 2013
I hate how it feels
Katelyn Rew Jul 2013
Blue eyes, blonde hair, red lips, intense stare,
self doubt, dark soul, your eyes bore a hole,
hard kiss, quick ****, over fast, no luck,

leaving now, going home, so cold, so alone,
shiver shake earthquake, so unreal, so fake,
tears trickle down my face, so slow, quicken pace,
still there on the brink, another drug, another drink,
block you out, so numb, want to hide, want to run,

Far away, leave it all, the more i think, the more i fall,
Shut my mind, shut you out, feeling sick, full of doubt,
Too hard, you’re always there, look at you, try not to stare,
Fake smile, cold hello, nervous laugh, hard swallow,
little hope drains away, another moment, another day,

Time goes on, hope it heals, because I hate how it feels,
But for now, I crave your touch, I want you now, miss you so much.
2.3k · May 2014
My dancing soul
Katelyn Rew May 2014
I see my soul dancing naked in a pit of burning embers.
She is on fire, and she is laughing and twirling engulfed in beautiful flame.
She dances mostly alone.
Sometimes another soul will come along and dance with her.
They will stay for a while, and then they will leave.
The fire is too hot for them, and they tire easily.
Then one day a soul comes along who is made entirely of water.
He is her opposite in every way.
He dances with her and enjoys the heat of her fire, for he has the power to keep himself cool.
He never tires of their dancing for she is so different to him, and he is transfixed by her uniqueness.
She in turn is in awe of his fluid motion, and the coolness he conveys.
One day they decide to embrace each other.
A merging of fire and water.
They touch each other for the first time.
They fill each other and synchronise in perfect harmony.
They both wonder aloud how they had ever been separate, for now that they were together, they would never dance alone again.
Katelyn Rew Jul 2013
None too far from those who see,
Crystals melt the ebony
Fire on water, ice on lake
Opposites to reciprocate

Earth on sand, mud on dune
Walking on the harvest moon
None too far  from those who hear
The melodic whisper oh so clear.

Sight and sound are all but lost
Dismissed, discarded, but at what cost?
1.7k · Jul 2014
Katelyn Rew Jul 2014
Remember that time you told me you would love me for eternity
You held me and looked me in the eyes and made me a promise
You looked so sincere and raw and vulnerable
You made me feel things I had promised never to feel
Yet you must have trouble telling the time
For you are gone and i’m still here waiting for eternity.
Katelyn Rew Jan 2017
To all the lovers who’ve been lost, abandoned, or left behind,
a word of wisdom, yourself you must find,
let the tears become warpaint as they streak your face,
let the silence of loneliness be your most powerful embrace,
so remember as you fall asleep at night,
you are courageous, you are strong, and everything will be alright.
1.4k · Jul 2014
Katelyn Rew Jul 2014
Empty bed, cold hands, tear stained cheeks, alone she stands
I find your shirt, hold it close, all that’s left, is your ghost
vivid dreams, see your face, you smile, yet it seems misplaced
I see your back, as it walks away, I wish I could have made you stay
I hope one day, that you’ll see, the path that leads straight back to me
until that time, I’ll sit here and wait, praying that you'll reciprocate.
1.1k · May 2014
When sorrow came to stay
Katelyn Rew May 2014
Sorrow found me, he found me in my bed, he came in through my heart, and lodged there in my head.
He was rather rude you see, he didn’t ask if he could stay, he told me that recent circumstances had lead him straight this way.
"What ever do you mean" I said, and he pointed to my heart, "It’s broken into pieces, you’ve all but fallen apart."
At this I exclaimed, and looked down at my chest, he was right, my heart, it was a complete mess.
I stood back for a moment and wondered what to do, sorrow looked at me bleakly, and said as if on cue.
"There’s nothing that can be done here, I’m telling you all is lost, you better make some room, because I’m staying at all cost."
With that I shook my head, and realised with a start, that sorrow was but an illusion, and I alone had the power to fix my heart.
1.1k · Jan 2017
Ghosts of You
Katelyn Rew Jan 2017
Starry nights shout your name,
voices screaming out in vain,
is that you under the silver moon?
ghosts of you are gone too soon.
1.1k · Nov 2013
The Morning Dance
Katelyn Rew Nov 2013
Soft linen surrounds me as I wake draped in your arms,
I feel your breath on my back and smile,
The light of the morning lifts the shadows, and glides across your soft skin,
I turn and press my mouth against your forehead, stopping a moment to inhale your scent,
As your lips curl into a smile, my quiescent heart builds up rhythm,  
Your eyes open in a flourish of dazzling blue, and the dancer in my chest begins to twirl,
Oh those captivating eyes, circles of crystal that continually ensnare, hypnotising, encapsulating, my dancer has begun to leap.
1.1k · Mar 2018
Hall of Mirrors
Katelyn Rew Mar 2018
My mind is a hall of mirrors reflecting only memories of you.

One day I'll smash them all into a billion pieces.

But for now I sit and watch while the tears steaming down my face slowly turn into shards of glass.
1.0k · Apr 2017
Katelyn Rew Apr 2017
I am nothing to you and you are nothing to me,
just two bodies of atoms swimming round in an endless sea.
1.0k · Nov 2017
Katelyn Rew Nov 2017
I wish I’d kissed you in Paris. As we sat by the river, your breath brushed my skin making me shiver.

Calling you friend now instead of lover will never feel right, as our shoulders gently touched under the soft moon light.

And as we walked together along those cobbled streets, I couldn’t help but think of all those nights spent tangled between sheets.

Where we’d made love whilst staring into each others eyes, never once thinking there’d be a moment when we’d say our final goodbyes.  

Yet they do say all good things must come to an end. And the irony of being in the most romantic city with the man that I loved, is that I had to call him friend.

We got on the train both knowing our lives were again about to split in two, but I think you could see in my eyes that it would be and could only ever be you.

You told me you loved me as I stepped out the door, an echo of a sentence you’d said a thousand times before.

And as your train sped into the future, you were gone much too fast, but I stood on the platform still stuck in the past.
1.0k · Jul 2018
Katelyn Rew Jul 2018
I wrote your name on a piece of paper and buried it in the sand, for the ***** to nibble at your corners.
967 · Jan 2018
Katelyn Rew Jan 2018
As I drank myself into oblivion, the last thing I thought of as the liquor touched my lips, was you.
917 · Dec 2016
I Forgive You
Katelyn Rew Dec 2016
I forgive you,
for all the pain you put me through,
I forgive you,
for all the selfish things you do.
I forgive you,
for loving me too much,
I forgive you,
for not loving me enough,
I forgive you,
for the dreams you conjured in my head,
I forgive you,
for nights spent alone in our bed,
I forgive you,
for the memories we’ll never make,
I forgive you,
for the part of me that you did take.
902 · Feb 2017
My Resting Place
Katelyn Rew Feb 2017
Corners remind me of you.
Darkness sleeps in them and so do I.
Rivets of light seep through the window,
echoing whispers in my resting place.
Day turns into night and night into day,
here in the shadows is where I will stay.
893 · Jul 2014
Katelyn Rew Jul 2014
Every time I talk to you my heart breaks a little more
I didn’t know that was possible
you have broken it so many times before
with your words, and your actions, and your back as it walked away from me
I try not to talk to you, but I just can’t seem to let it be
I look for a sign in between your words and make up story lines in my head
But in the end, nothing really matters, what was once between us, is now dead
858 · Mar 2017
Once Upon A Time
Katelyn Rew Mar 2017
There once was a princess, as beautiful, intelligent and kind as could be.
One day a prince came along, but none of her kindness and beauty he could see.
Nonetheless she loved him more than all the planets and the stars in the sky,
but he treated her poorly, never appreciating her, and it wasn't until a few years went by,
that she kicked him out and realised how stupid she'd been,
she was sad, angry and alone, but after much self love and reflection,
that princess is now a Queen.
Katelyn Rew May 2014
There she stands in the darkness, shadows in her hands, wondering, waiting, watching.
She hears her name on the breeze when usually she hears nothing.
Hesitant at first she stops, blinks, stares, breaths.
Scared of being broken she steps forward slowly, shadows drop to the floor.
Head low, heavy, eyes closed tight.
With every step a piece of her falls silently to the ground.
A mirror stands before her, she opens her eyes but doesn’t recognise her reflection.
She starts to spin, growing dizzy, craving light.
Stop, stagger, makes it feel better for just a second, then back to the darkness.
Shadows float silently back into her palms.
824 · Jan 2017
It Will Be Too Late
Katelyn Rew Jan 2017
No one will love you more than I do,
you’ll probably realise in a month or two,
but by then it will be much to late,
for the lovers of this world hardly wait,
they search for souls that shine like theirs,
put on this planet to find their pairs,
soon I’ll find someone that appreciates me,
for you clearly never did, and one day you’ll see,
that you made a mistake, and gave up something truly great,
but by then my dear, it will be too late.
811 · Dec 2016
Now it's Time
Katelyn Rew Dec 2016
And now it’s time for us to part like autumn leaves from a tree,
but i’ll never forget the feeling of your arms around me.
And now it’s time for you to leave, like the sun on the cusp of night,
but i’ll never forget the days when you held on to me so tight.
And now it’s time for me to watch your back walking away,
but i’ll never forget the times that I prayed for you to stay.
741 · Jan 2017
Silence is Deafening
Katelyn Rew Jan 2017
The silence is deafening, quickening,
my heart beating, rasping,
my breaths heavy,
my tears trickling,
he lurks in shadows, fears,
my head spinning, dizzy,
my eyes blurring,
my world disappears
703 · Dec 2016
Changing of Spring
Katelyn Rew Dec 2016
Our love ends like the changing of Spring,
flowers bloom and then summer begins.
But how can I enjoy the warmth of the sun,
when my heart is broken and I have no one.
679 · Sep 2017
Katelyn Rew Sep 2017
Words silently slither through the slit of your smile,
as they strum my chest and turn into glass.
653 · Jul 2017
Katelyn Rew Jul 2017
Shadows never lie, truth is found in darkness.
640 · Dec 2016
To you, my love
Katelyn Rew Dec 2016
Please don’t forget about me.
All the adventures that we took, and picnics under our tree.
Please don’t forget about me.
The life that we had planned, and the people that we wanted to be.
Please don’t forget about me.
Our travel dreams, and the beautiful countries we hoped to see.
Please don’t forget about me.
For we belong together, I only wish you’d agree.
616 · Aug 2017
Only You
Katelyn Rew Aug 2017
Your words echo heartbeats long forgotten laying dormant in the recesses of my mind.

Do people ever come back from that long forgotten place where love goes to die?

I still think of you morning and night, night and day.

All the seconds and all the minutes in between consumed by you and only you.
610 · Apr 2017
Moving On
Katelyn Rew Apr 2017
I no longer see your face when I close my eyes,
a life with you is something I no longer visualise.
So thank you for freeing me from the shackles that did bind,
finally I can start a new chapter and leave all of this behind.
593 · Jun 2017
Seek out the truth
Katelyn Rew Jun 2017
Do you ever stop and think, why am I here?
Only to close your eyes and see the world disappear.
Do you ever stop and wonder why?
We live our entire lives only one day to die.
Do you ever stop to question things?
Why people live on streets, and others live like kings.
Do you ever ask for proof?
Don’t believe what you hear, seek out the truth.
581 · May 2014
I Am Empty
Katelyn Rew May 2014
Sometimes it just hurts, hurts for no reason at all.
Deep inside the pain is triumphant.
Emotions all askew.
I cry for no reason.
I see the world through opaque tear spattered eyes.
The pain is unbearable, it makes me sick.
I want to hurt myself, pull out the anger, and the hope, and the broken pieces.
They stick to my hands like glue, tearing at my flesh and making their way back inside.
They bury deep, deep into a place where no light reaches, a place where there is no warmth.
It is still and cold, and although they are there, I am empty.
540 · Dec 2016
Sit & Stare
Katelyn Rew Dec 2016
I sit and stare at the walls all day to stop myself from feeling,
my heart is battered, my soul is weeping, when will I start healing?
I try and sleep as much as I can as I prefer my dreams,
for when I’m awake my longing for you tears me apart at the seams.
460 · May 2014
I would give anything
Katelyn Rew May 2014
I would give anything to feel your lips on my lips, tongue in my mouth, hips against hips.
I would give anything to wake up with my head on your chest, i’m in love with you, in case you hadn’t guessed.
I would give anything to know that you’re waiting for me when I get home, to not have to hop into a cold empty bed, to not have to be alone.
I would give anything to ask you stay, tell you not to go, not to let you get away.
I would give anything to see you again, it wouldn’t matter, lover, enemy or friend.
I would give anything to turn back time, to appreciate you more, especially when you were mine.

— The End —