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47.0k · Jan 2018
My sociopathic mistress.
Purcy Flaherty Jan 2018
Initially she began contacting me over the course of a year or so and increasingly over the last few months she started visiting me, helping me, caring for me and occasionally employing me in different ways.

She’d just had a break up a few weeks before, explaining that things hadn’t been right in the relationship for some time!

She presents herself as respectful, thoughtful, gentle, kind and considerate and after what seemed to be a very short length of time; unexpectedly declared that she had feelings for me; regarding love, admiration, desire and some other adventures.

She then began to bombarded me with love talk; occupying around 70% of my time gaining my trust, I was swept off my feet; she took a great deal of interest in me, learning everything about me, what I liked, where I would go, always asking what I was thinking feeling, how she could help and I was flattered and she was charming, though a little awkward at times.

As our friendship grew she started sharing her back story, including some tragic life experiences; she vilified her past lovers, and ex-partners and branded them as crazy, or bitter liars and troubled souls; slowly gaining my sympathy, whilst securing my allegiance, and keeping me on side; keeping me close; drawing on my compassion loyalty & trust!

During intimate moments she would sometimes seem a little awkward, false, over enthusiastic or a little insincere, and I made allowances for this given my knowledge of her backstory.
Re: (tragic events & experiences)

She began to choose and buy me clothes; outfits, take me shopping, gradually altering my outward image and appearance.

She introduced me to her friends; but was careful to keep me and them at arms-length, I realise (((Now))) that she was building an alternative profile of me in their minds and that the people she introduced to me rarely exhibited the behaviors or characteristic that I was led to expect.

She soon started to embroil me in her own rituals and compulsive behavior's, explaining that tasks needed to be performing in very specific ways to prevent her getting distressed!

She made many promises : ‘The hook’ It was my expectation i.e. waiting for some of those promises to materialise, that kept me hanging on the hook; As this increased her control and I think exited her too.
(Next to none of her promises came to fruition!)

She gradually had a hand in almost every aspect of my life i.e. my home, my work, my friends, family, my finances, the way I dressed, the food I ate and many other things besides, much of which I didn’t realise until our relationship was finally over. and I was left empty.
(In every way)

She often took immense pleasure in duping, individuals or companies out of something through theft, shoplifting, or getting something for nothing, a profiteer, a chancer!

To question or challenge her authority would result in seeing her facade slip and watch her decline into meltdown. It's at that point, she would lose composure, and I would see her irrationality come to the fore; revealing the real person underneath; childish, contrived and very fragile; It’s as if control is the glue that holds her together, without it she just falls apart, during this time she can’t be consoled and it’s impossible to calm this escalating situation; in fact; at this point that she would attempt to regain control by ‘gas-lighting’ me, she would distort the truth; re: who said what; in an attempt to damage my self-esteem, to make me question my own mind, my words, my intention and any actions, apportioning blame, pointing fingers, making me feel guilty, use rejection, or using hurt, sorrow, tears, shame and even threaten liable or legal action, and then use *** to pacify or regain control over me and my actions.

These episodes would appear often; though irregular and without provocation, I would always be deemed at fault!
I found silent compliance was less stressful than engaging in discussion.    

She never took responsibility or made any apologies for her conduct.

She would set me tasks, and go out a lot, and lie or bend the truth, as to where she had been; I never once challenged this behaviour!

When the relationship was finally deemed over; I was both devastated and relieved.

I began to see my new position in the cycle; as she immediately begin to vilify me in order to give credence to her new backstory, I felt very confused, disorientated and emotionally fraught, shell shocked! questioning, how much of our relationship was true and how much was a lie? For everything I thought I knew was now knitted together with a very complex web of loyalties, lies and half-truths.

Her pattern of repetitive and controlling behaviors have seemingly remained unchanging throughout all her relationships;
(I was covertly contacted by many of her previous partners and various other casualties since leaving her, and they offered shared many familiar experiences.

Within two weeks of being apart (ostracised) she informed me that she had fallen in love (And that my replacement) some-one she admires, someone kept just within the circle, a mutual acquaintance and she even thanked me for bringing them together.

My assumption is that: The grooming of her new lover will have commenced some time ago; her M.O. (Her pattern of behaviors, her techniques have remained fixed.)

She’s incredibly self-conscious, her biggest fear is that other people will find out about her true demeanour, as her image and appearance is everything to her. She's afraid that people will shun her for being so very, very different.
She is a wolf, that’s not to say she is a malevolent creature par-say; she is awesome, beautiful and beguiling in many ways, but you don’t want to be pray.

Full circle:
I too have joined the ranks of the discredited; labelled a liar, troubled, bitter and crazy; she contacted members of my, family, friends and some fellow musicians; and a few folks shared some of these conversations accusations with me.)
I suspect that she may even attempt to vilify me with authorities or threaten some form of legal action; as she has to other lovers in the past.

Despite everything I'm still drawn to her charismatic boldness, her awkward ****** power, her intelligence, and so…I have blocked all means of contact to curtail my own almost pathological interest, for despite everything that’s transpired, her lies, her infidelity, her deceit and appalling behaviour, I'm still drawn, intrigued, bewitched, beguiled by the person hiding underneath the façade.

Now the dust has finally settled; I’ve somehow remained sound of mind.

I don’t feel guilty or loyalty anymore; I’m aware that I’ve been manipulated into thinking and acting in ways that don’t truly represent my character; and that I’m just one of many people seduced by a sociopath; (((another natural human variant)) a person devoid of empathy for others, an entity that’s developed a narrow set of skills and mirroring behaviors, that allows her to blend into mainstream society in order to feel safe, secure and in control.

She would have preferred to keep me hanging on, like many other dependents, adding me to the hareem; a bank of beguiled individuals that she occasionally calls upon to perform simple tasks, or perhaps to monitor and re-assess her clever handwork.

The last time we met she opened with nervous politeness and finished with pleasure and veiled cruelty.
I left feeling drained, uncomfortable and quite fazed.

I’ve written this diary account to help further understand what had transpired during this complicated relationship.
(I’ve published it here with no names, because I think it’s worth understanding, it’s not a warning or a vengeful act.

In any case, Her next lover will ignore any pre-warnings as just bitter ramblings, as most individuals are driven by the natural pursuit of love, which consists of caring intellectual loyalty, *** and romance rather than following advice of some seemingly bitter ex. ( And rightfully so)

Good kind or exciting people further enhance the image and status of a sociopath and they will orbit your small shiny star, tapping into your  valuable energy before  slingshotting into a larger, more attractive orbit of a lager star.
Sadly love, *** and desire is simply a tool for manipulation and gain, it's all about prestige.

I wish her well, like every creature.

Expect high drama.
She loves to watch you come unstuck
26.2k · Mar 2018
Top of the heap?
Purcy Flaherty Mar 2018
I heard the footsteps as they came across the road;
The snap of hurried feet outside the house.
Shapes in the moonlight, a voice in the darkness,
A knock at the door, I heard the dogs barking.    
The bleating of the flock,
The chatter of the birds amongst the trees,
I recall the whisper of the morning breeze;
Hyphening the broken silence as two boys stole about the house;
It was midnight in August 99.
Two sparks set out to chase the bang!
Bang! ~ set them running.
I cut them down; I cut them down!
I heard the sirens as the cops sped off the road;
The squeal of hurried wheels outside the house.
shapes in the moonlight, a voice in the darkness,
A knock at the door, I heard the dogs barking.
The bleating of the flock,
The chatter of the birds amongst the trees,
I recall the whisper of the morning breeze;
Hyphening the broken silence as two cops stole about the house;
It was midnight in August 99.
Two cops set out to chase the bang; Bang!
I put my hands up and the cops took me down!

Judge I’m guilty, it’s true for everything they said I did; I did!
But there were reasons, don’t you see:
These boys; they were bullying me!
I called the cops on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, came round again; still no one came; drove me insane;

Two sparks set out to chase the bang!
Bang set them running; I cut them down!
Two cops set out to chase the bang!
Bang! Yes, I put my hands up!
and the cops took me down!

But Mr Wolf gave me twenty,
and the circus came to town;
for as a victim I was lonely;
but as a killer; as a killer; I was crowned.
Newsworthy, top of the heap, the talk of the town!
Here is the song link
24.9k · Aug 2018
Let the sunshine in
Purcy Flaherty Aug 2018
Let the sunshine in, let the sunshine in;
Open up your hearts and let the sunshine in.

I got a friend in you; you got a friend in me.
Just smile that way each and every day,
fill the world with love and say!

Let the sunshine in, let the sunshine in;
Open up your hearts and let the sunshine in.

Kindness is the key to peace and harmony!
Open up your heart and let the sunshine in.

Let the sunshine in, let the sunshine in;
Open up your hearts and let the sunshine in.
Let the sunshine in;
let the sunshine in,
Open up your hearts and let the sunshine in.
Positively comes from within
23.1k · Jan 2018
The fool!
Purcy Flaherty Jan 2018
I see you!
You’re a chancer, an unusual impulsive, persuasive & promiscuous soul; unconcerned with remorse or guilt!
You’ve created a life & career through crazy schemes and dreams!
You have a certain glib, superficial charm and an impressive sense of self-worth and I liked that; but not the drama.
If only you’d had the gumption to formally introduce me to the genuine you, without fear of rejection; you ****** fool!
A stark reminder of just how far you penetrated my heart & mind!
I have to remind myself that your hearts as cold as ice.
Purcy Flaherty Jan 2018
From Alan Lomax to the commercial art and now the money machine.

At the turn of the century; when sound recording 1st became available to the masses, recording a song was an opportunity for folk to reach out; and tell the world something up front and personal.
It meant that people were able to put themselves on “The record” A way of leaving a permanent audio statement, an epitaph, an audio sound bite immortalising ~ life, mood, emotion captured and bottled for all eternity.
(A medium that conveyed messages from artists and storytellers of all kinds)

A recording was also a great addition to "The family album" something more tangible, a window to a real person, with a real life, a message and a point of view; a legacy, a blast from the past.
Few people expected sound prints to be re-designed, homogenised, formulated, copied, repackaged and that art and the message would be played over and over again by new artists in the form of "cover music" or that the style of the messages would become secularized, seperated into distinctive groups, or constrained by an elite clique or commercial genre.
Labelling and streamlining art & music mostly benefits the commercial art & music industry; and no longer the artists and creators.

I've no problem with good business, or the multi-billion pound industrys that have gained commercial success.

However the process of mass homogenisation, product synthesis, marketing, streamlining and then packaging fashion, sound and synthetic culture to sell a product, leaves very little room for creative people to just be creative.

A medium originally open to many for self expression, a historical record, an archive, a voice, a personal message;
Is now just a vehicle for advertising and perpetuating a genre of nonsense, so much so that there is now more white noise immortalised than messages.

To re-cap ~ I Think that creativity and expressionism; like story telling conveys moods and messages from the present and past!
Artists and musicians should have the opportunity to create and produce more information than they copy; thus creating a richer more colourful tapestry, whilst not devaluing the message of their predecessors!

Purcy Flaherty.
From Alan Lomax to the commercial music machine.
A culture of cover singers, blinkered snobbery and the hermetic music industry !
15.3k · Oct 2018
Purcy Flaherty Oct 2018
We embarked upon a titanic voyage to a new world.
It’s said that behind every great man there's a great woman; But a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.
7 bells rang late that night, as our ship stuck fast; between the devil and the deep blue sea.

Fingers frantic! tapping code, as land lubbers row hard, pulling for freedom.

Sailors quickly battened down the hatches and stowed away the Riff-raff, for they knew fine words would butter no parsnips, Better here than there in 3 class.
Some fiddlers on the deck played “Nearer My God to Thee", As the bubbles rose from beneath the sea, come buckle down boys for the devils to pay, come hell or high water he’ll have his pay.
Mothers row, lubbers row, it's time to leave this god forsaken place.
Ten steel decks split and snap, as they join the *****, and hundreds either shriek or pray; as La dolce vita slowly ebbed away.
Mercifully the cacophony descends ever silent, as fifteen hundred souls become neither fish nor flesh, rotting from the head down.
Save our souls •••- - - •••
Bless all those souls lost at sea!
15.2k · Jan 2018
Accounting problems solved
Purcy Flaherty Jan 2018
Acknowledge that we are each our own common denominator!
The sum of all our parts, brought to account !

The book stops with us!
Blame & passing the book!
12.1k · Jul 2017
In and out the closet.
Purcy Flaherty Jul 2017
I was just in the closet July 1988
Not a word was said; 'sept a couple of whispers and an obvious desire to ****!
Mop buckets, the heat, and the stink of her *****,
Petulant hands and harsh fingers as staggered breaths tell a tale;
knickers and pants half pulled down,
Hard truths pushing through,
I had to **** her from behind,
Very confined, quick, clumsy, ******, release.
We both staggered out;  her mate was much older and waiting outside, bold as brass, she looks me up and down all tough and barks assertively "i'm next!" and **** I was back in the closet 1988
Two brazen cleaners take turns with the new boy in the closet in 1988 extract from my diary.
10.8k · Mar 2018
Little green frog
Purcy Flaherty Mar 2018
Little green frog
A little green frog is trying to catch my eye!
A little green frog is trying catch my eye!
It’s a tadpole-lite; it's lily lies,
It's sticky poison and feminine whiles,
A little green frog is trying to catch my eye!
Hoppity, hoppity, hoppity!)))))))

A little green frog is trying to catch my ear!
A little green frog is trying to catch my ear!
It's mouth is full of lies and it's belly's full of flies.
A little green frog trying to catch my ear!
Hoppity, hoppity, hoppity!)))))))

A little green frog is trying to catch my boat!
A little green frog is trying to catch my boat!
it's got to knock knees, and two bent legs,
A plastic smile and a crazy head,
A little green frog is trying to catch my boat.

It's up and down all night long;
splashing about in the water,
A little green frog's still tryin' to catch my ...
A little green frog's still tryin' to catch my...
A little green frog's tryin' to catch my boat!

Bless her soul.
There's no point in trying to engage with little green frogs!
They're, just splashing about in the murky water catching flys
Please visit the youtube link to the song below
10.5k · Feb 2018
The little wooden boat
Purcy Flaherty Feb 2018
'Twas all so beautiful a sight,
A long summers night; The sacred stars were burning bright about our mother moon.

The wind filled the sails above the waves, that sped us through the sailors tales, and brought us to a deep lagoon.

We cast our nets out far and wide, then watched them sink below the tide, which rattled out a tune for me and you.

We hauled aboard the silver fish, to fill our bellies and our fists, then set off home with seagulls squawking tunes.

The wooden boat now tied about the quay,
its tattered sail and rusty cleat,
gently tug and tug the rope upon the swell.

come to sea!
A little well used boat tied about a key
Purcy Flaherty Oct 2018
I was treated like the VIP,
A cat and a big fish,
A hook and a big Six,
whilst visiting madam bow-peeps
rotisserie of *****,
Always receptive,
Wearing open silk
working 9 to 5am.
With a little overtime,
hot funk never satisfies,
She had the way-with-all
to feign, delight; even interest,
before negotiating the price,
Two shekels,
She was classy,
kind of slick,
she tickled my ears
for nothing more than kindness,
a small token in exchange for a smile.
She popped on a tune,
as she took off her dress.
The petting started
her two hands tugging with the zipper of my jeans.
A woman's touch... Ha HA,
the rich sultry kiss of *****,
tight and tasty;
***** like a ripe tomato,
Sugar fried and drunk.

She opened her legs,
her hair smelled like shampoo,
She was on her belly,
knees tucked up
as I took in the fruit,
deep holes filled with **** and shabby fingers,
hollow spit and angry poison,
head spinning to the groove,
loud and high,
The bed squeaked
and a single light bulb dangled
like a loose tooth,
Ten minutes and
two ******* love songs!
Sick and spent up,
I got dressed to leave,
I said with a poke,
"I couldn't get laid,
Not even in a ***** house!"
And now I'm back in the cold again,
only dirtier.
Another old poem
The inspiration from William and Don G
10.0k · Feb 2018
Key lime pie
Purcy Flaherty Feb 2018
Have a little slice of key lime pie; get down on your knees and get real high,
'cause mamma’s gone and cut you a slice of key lime pie!

Spank step, toe hop, cramp-shuffle, paddle and roll;
Mamma’s gone and cut you a slice of key lime pie.

Dig deep, riff-walk, clunk-click, scuff those feet;
Mamma’s gone and cut you a slice of key lime pie!

Soft shoe or metal tap on the heel or toe, get your shoes on honey here we go!

Tastes so good, tastes so neat,
it’s a sweet and salty treat!
'cause mamma’s gone and cut you a slice of key lime pie!
The oral tap dance

Song link below:
9.2k · Mar 2018
Love & obsession
Purcy Flaherty Mar 2018
You"re on my mind
every second,
every minute,
every hour, of every day.

The way you look,
The way you smile,
The way you touch,
The words you say;

Simply takes my breath away
Smittenn,yearning, love, desire your always on my mind.
Ieternaly waiting..
7.7k · Aug 2018
7.3k · Feb 2018
Poem for Don G
Purcy Flaherty Feb 2018
Meet me at the place where the sunrise and sunset are joined by the prettiest clouds.

A tranquil place where times stood still for more than one eternity.

Stretch out your limbs with Lotus hands and play the spoons for me.

Breath out your life, then breath it in expanding endlessly.

The mother of creation, the atomic act, the divine self, a metaphor for hunger.

A life filled with space gaps, dust, prophecies and jars.

A universal love that's born of dreams and fallen stars!

The proprio-ceptive tools that launched the ships to voyage within ourselves.

To seek out that illusive and wilful spark within our hearts and souls.

Stretch out your limbs with Lotus hands and play the spoons for me.

In that tranquil place where times stood still for more than one eternity.

Meet me at the place where the sunrise and sunset are joined by the prettiest clouds.

Stretch out your limbs with Lotus hands and play the spoons for me.
Don G
Don G
I found a kindred spirit, perhaps there is a kindred place, somewhere nice that we could meet.
6.7k · May 2018
Good & Bad souls
Purcy Flaherty May 2018
Your soul is your current state of being!

The difference between a good soul and a bad soul; is how much physical and mental effort you are (((compelled))) to put in; to ease the grief and suffering of others.

There's a broad spectrum of soulful and soulless in individuals; and their capacity to empathize with other living things!

So are you a good soul and soulful? or a bad soul and souless?

A good soul benefits the world socially and strives to improve the environment for everyone including the next generation; where as shallow souls; mostly look to benefit themselves and have little regard for anything else.
Good souls, bad souls and everything in between
6.3k · Nov 2018
The housewife EB
Purcy Flaherty Nov 2018
You came to me like a fairytale,
I held you close; I looked into your eyes,
they were deep and full of soul; chancing fate.
I kissed your neck and shoulders, your belly and your ***,
We took each others bodies and tasted freedom.
I couldn't help feeling this was your one and only,
A secret that you'll keep to your self ~ "A happy thought!"
Secure in the knowledge that you were once utterly cherished;
And that you alone would choose martyrdom; rather than embracing me.
choosing martyrdom and brutal familiarity rather than embracing change.
6.3k · Feb 2018
Purcy Flaherty Feb 2018
Set us free

Rise up and step across those borders,
For together we must stand as one,
Put aside those old traditions;
Let us sing a song or freedom!

Every woman, every man,
Everywhere, throughout the land,
Sing out loud, your heart’s desire,
All five senses are on fire!

One voice, one heart, one soul,
One world, One Love, One Goal,
Let us sing in harmony!
A song of freedom  I was inspired to write this song after spending three days in Berlin and going to see Nina Hargen
Song link below
6.1k · Oct 2018
Purcy Flaherty Oct 2018
We rode our horses cross-country,
Through the nations of the unknown,
We survived the snowy mountains,
And lived off the land and the trees,
Through hot summers and cold winters,
Through deserts storms; we circled the trails,
We learned from the birds and the bees,
We hunted the elk, the deer and the buffalo,
We fished to feed the travelling spirit,
We turned acorns into flour,
We set our senses free.

Europeans brought Soldiers, missionaries, smallpox, the common cold, scalping, reservations, whisky and the rush for gold.
You brought land grabbers, oil barons, fencing, bricks, barbed wire and all the accoutrements of your civilised culture!
You made this country your own; and forced it's 1st nation people into a 3rd world culture.

You ***** the land of its resources, filled it with waste.
You wasted the water to make coke, burgers,
and fantasy towns.

To reign supreme in a new-world without shame!

Meat and potatoes!
6.1k · Mar 2018
One in two
Purcy Flaherty Mar 2018
I’m unseen in the open,
I’m concealed in your town,
I’m veiled by your fears,
I’m hidden by your frown.
To change the way you view me,
You’ve got to see right through,
Recognise this soul is just another part of you;
One in two!
Recognise this soul,
Taste the poverty,
Feed my soul,
Set my spirits free.
Give me hope,
Compassion, dignity,
Hold me close,
Set my spirits free.
Currently 51% of the world population is homeless!
5.4k · Mar 2018
The social climber
Purcy Flaherty Mar 2018
Image is everything, spin and white lies are addictive, destined to become ugly truths in a malevolent world, it's all about increasing your number, and binding to the best people available; you'll enter their clique in order to further enhance your image and validate your own false reality; once your host is unable to enhance your façade, they will be discarded; and you will move on to the best people available to you; in order to further enhance your image and validate your false reality.
This cycle is destined to go on and on and on throughout your entire life-cycle.
Friends and family will become worthless in time, becoming  just one of social climbings many downfalls.
No  direction just a circle.
List in a loop.
Purcy Flaherty May 2018
As I enter the arena and the blood sport begins;
I gaze around the room, at the fighting *****, all dressed in battle trim.

Angry eyes telling tails, chests puffed out,
**** and ****** feathers scattered to and fro, spurred on by spite...

Amidst the bitter cries; and angry beaks;
talons rip and wound again and again until the match is over
and everyones a loser;

Even the hen!
Inspired by **** waving & cockfighting.
5.0k · Feb 2018
Easy on the eye
Purcy Flaherty Feb 2018
I’ll be sitting on the fence;
until the cows come home,
You can steal my thunder,
and you can break my bones.
Blood is thicker than water
and you’re the apple of my eye,
you may steal my thunder,
but you're a blessing in disguise,
Because honey!
You're just so easy on the eye,
It’s true I’m shallow;
but you're so easy on the eye.
I like the way you walk,
I like the way you talk,
I like the way you move,
I like the way you groove,
I like the way you scream,
I like the way you shout,
I like the way you spit, (Swollow)
I like the way you pout!
Because honey
You're just so easy on the eye,
It's trues you're a monster;
but you're so easy on the eye!
conceited, self image,  narcissistic
4.7k · Mar 2018
Palms of my hands
Purcy Flaherty Mar 2018
Our worlds keep spinning; around and around!
Constantly spinning around!

When I was a child, I’d open my mouth and bite the moon,
When I was a boy, I’d lay my head within the stars,
And when I grew old, there was no place like home,
When I died, flowers grew from the palms of my hands.

When I was a star I sailed for a boy with a dream,
When I was a moon a child bit a chunk out of me,
And when I grew old, there was no place like home,
When I died, flowers grew from the palms of my hands.

Still our worlds keep spinning; around and around!
Constantly spinning around!
The cycle of life!
4.5k · Feb 2020
The equalist
Purcy Flaherty Feb 2020
The Equalist!

RE: The guerrilla girl’s poster 5% women artists yet 85% of the models are female.

This poster was heralded as a feminist rebuff of misogyny and the male gaze.

It is my opinion: one of the reasons females are more sexualised than males in Western society; is because the majority of women working in a sexualised industry such as modelling, dancing, fashion or *******; choose to perpetuate that role and the connection between *** and femininity; often in industries where females outnumber the men six to one; I'm also aware that the majority of the hierarchy in theses industries are male, it seems their gender solidarity is more concerned with the money; than notions of ****** inequality; thus perpetuating the issue.

Vernacular test:
Step one - Question one:
I took a survey of 30 fellow artists asking what is a misandry? followed by what is your gender?

Step two - Question two:
I took a survey of 30 fellow artists asking what is a misogyny? followed by what is your gender?

I did offer any information or allow any of the subjects to see the survey paper, or overhear the question.

Results: 30 subjects took part in the survey; One female knew both words and their meaning, and one female didn't know what Misogyny was. (Two females approached refused to take part in the survey, all men approached engaged.)

Step three - Question three:
I then gave all the subjects the dictionary definition and asked why they thought the vernacular misandry is not as well known as the word misogyny?

(I should add that I too couldn't recall the vernacular meaning of: Misandry; though I could recall the meaning or definition of Misogyny.)

Female... "I don't care"
Female... "It's due to a gender economic imbalance"
Female..."Blokes just don't like it when women speak out about it"
Female..."I don't get involved in protests"
Female..."I don't know"
Female..."Men just think with their ******"
Female... "There's more misogynists"
Female... "Because men are pigs"
Female... "Why does it mater"
Female... "It's just a word"
Female... "I'm not interested"
Female..."Try being a women"
Female... " It's *******; it's just a vernacular"
Female..."You wouldn't understand your a man"
The other 5 Females... chose to offer no explanation.


Male..."I don't know"
Male... "who cares"
Male... "Yeh that's interesting"
Male... Why does it matter"
Male... "Let me think about it"
Male... "Who gives a ****"
Male... "What's this about"
Male... "Can I see the results later"
The other 2 males... Chose to offer no explanation.

I personally identify as human; and don't wish to be defined, labeled or marginalised; I also don’t believe that secularism in any measure is healthy or meaningful in an inclusive society.

I question why 29 out of 30 subjects had heard of Misogyny; and just one person had heard of Misandry.

Sexism is not as the dictionary suggested prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women.
Everyone is effected buy prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination.
The subtleties of which is played out every day.
Feminist or a Misogynist; I am an Equalist I believe that secularism is harmful and misleading for  an inclusive society.
4.3k · Jan 2019
Bonnie & Clyde
Purcy Flaherty Jan 2019
Bonnie & Clyde

You held my hart in your hands and my soul in your mouth, we watched the moon slip through the dark knight, A lullaby of blood and sticky labels, reach for the sky, reach for the sky, No more dollars, No more heists, No more; No more, Bonnie & Clyde.

won't you save me, for I've been running all my life, I've been sinning, I've been stealing and I know that that ain't right, won't you save me, won't you teach me right from wrong, I've been sinning, I've been stealing, please take me home.

We sang to the pound of the engine, you lay your head in my lap, so sweet so simple, you toyed with the coins in my pocket, reach for the sky, reach for the sky, No more dollars, No more heists, No more; No more, Bonnie & Clyde.

won't you save me, for I've been running all my life, I've been sinning, I've been stealing and I know that that ain't right, won't you save me, won't you teach me right from wrong, I've been sinning, I've been stealing, please take me home.

We danced to the  backdrop of yellow fields, spattered with red confetti, shookhands with the devil, all dressed in rags, reach for the sky, reach for the sky, No more dollars, No more heists, No more; No more, Bonnie & Clyde.

The devil he has taken me, and I can't run no more, No more sinning or stealing, for now my life is done; you can't save me, You can't teach me right from wrong, No more sinning, No more stealing, For now this soul has gone.

Ten cops, camera and a smile, Photo for a trophy, V8 Ford full of holes, reach for the sky, reach for the sky, No more dollars, No more heists, No more; No more, Bonnie & Clyde.
Gospel song  sung by bonnie,
Bonnie's redemption prayer;
but it still all ends in bloodshed.
4.1k · May 2018
Just a musician
Purcy Flaherty May 2018
I never in a thousand years thought of myself as anything, but here I am and everything that you have found favorable comes from this place.
Constantly creating just to stay in the game, I play for my work; not for my pay…
I get behind every word!
The life of the appetite! always hungry for something?
I chose words to be durable ... for better or for worse!
I sense a deep yarning.
I have an ego that's pointless.

I'm driven to create, to sing talk and lark about to help dissolve our suffering, even the trash has it's place in that!
Always hoping to reduce the eye, my work is small like me!
What my hands fall on I do willingly to be connected, to give something back.
Everything is so very; very small !
Contentment is the key to it all !
That and kindness!
Writing songs, poems ramblings for as long as I can!.
3.9k · Jun 2019
Orgasm addict
Purcy Flaherty Jun 2019
Indulgent the body yearning to be teased and touched, feeling the sensations move across the skin, slipping down the shaft of each hair, and stirring yearning deep within the ***;
The anticipation rising then embracing that perfect resistance; before letting go... Ecstasy!
****** desire, ***,  *******,
3.3k · Sep 2018
The Gypsy
Purcy Flaherty Sep 2018
The evening breeze,
the rhythm of the trees,
the song of love,
the honey bees,
I climb back under the covers
and dream of traveling horses,
starry skies, valleys and plains;
from which the mountains rise.
I keep my feet upon the ground.
She keeps her eyes upon the road.
Our souls, wild and fertile, roaming with desire,
Our souls, wild and fertile, roaming with desire,
but love ?
In that she is replete;
traveling from A to Z.
and i'm happy for her.
Gypsy, travelers,  Romanys,  New age travellers,  troubadours Pixies
3.1k · Mar 2018
Summer rain
Purcy Flaherty Mar 2018
Summer rain, summer rain;
I’ll come shining through,
They say that every cloud has a silver lining,
But it’s raining down on you.
You’ve forgot your coat and umbrella
and now you’re wet right through!
I’ll come shining through
~ this summer rain.

You can hop from tree to tree;
Use a bag, or a magazine,
Take shelter in a coffee shop
and soak up the caffeine!
The streets are ner deserted;
There’s not a soul to be seen,
Summer rain, summer rain,
I’ll come shining through!

There are clouds up in the sky,
Whistling winds are blowing by
There are rain drops big and round
What a sight, oh me oh migh!
Summer rain, summer rain,
I’ll come shining through,
Yes I’ll come shining through
This summer rain.

Summer rain, summer rain,
I’ll come shining through,
They say that every cloud has a silver lining,
But it’s raining down on you.
You’ve forgot your coat and umbrella,
And now you’re wet right through!
I’ll come shining through,
this summer rain.

I’ll come shining through ~ this summer rain.
Summer rain, Summer rain, Summer rain.

Youtube link to song
Raining whilst busking in the street!

Youtube link to song
2.9k · Mar 2018
We make our own choices?
Purcy Flaherty Mar 2018
Are we capable of making sensible choices?
when our own logic is generated from organic matter; a brain heavily influenced; fueled on random flashes, hormones, pheromones, testosterone, diet, desire, the air we breath, the need to ***, or a simple cup of tea; all of which alters our body ~ ((Our chemical bag)); a fragile echo system constantly at odds with other elements.

Our fuel, our input influences the way we think, Yet our ego tells us that we are in control; and that we makes our own choices.

Put your hands on your hearts people! and tell me how many sensible choices have we acutely made!

I'm personally content that some seemingly bad choices have turned out quite nice!
Dedicated to Zoe
2.9k · Mar 2018
The hot dog man
Purcy Flaherty Mar 2018
I’m the hot dog man!
I put my sausage on your roll !
I put my sausage in your roll !
I can go all night long;
Singing this crazy song,
Put my sausage on your roll,
I’ll put my sausage in your roll,
I’ll be your hot dog man,
You can be the hot dog stand,
I’ll put my onions on your roll,
Put my mustard in your hole.
I’ll be your jelly!
I put my jelly on your roll !
I put my jelly in your roll !
I can go all night long;
Singing this crazy song,
Put my jelly on your roll,
I’ll put my jelly in your roll,
I’ll be your jelly,
You can be my sweet confection Jenny,
I’ll put my sugar on your roll,
Put my cream in your hole.

I’m the hot dog man !
I’ll be your jelly !
I’m the hot dog man !
I’ll be your jelly !
Jenny !
Mucky food !
2.8k · Apr 2018
I like a little
Purcy Flaherty Apr 2018
I like a little ***,
I like a little Coke,
I like a little Whiskey,
I like a little Dope.

I like a little Gin,
I like a little Wine,
I like a little Pill,
I like a friend of mine.

I like a little something to while away the time.
I like a little something to pacify my mind.
2.8k · Mar 2018
Stepping stones
Purcy Flaherty Mar 2018
A shallow being that simply consumes, discards and then moves on to the next host!
Every good or creative act is designed to mask that simple fact! This creature presents a chosen character and sexuality for reasons pertaining to social image.
*** is simply a tool for manipulation or pleasure!
There is no love!
Just stepping stones!
people using people
2.7k · Jan 2018
Black dog
Purcy Flaherty Jan 2018
Black dog Jan 2018
I spend all my hours crying and crouching in dark despair, consumed by self-pity; neither living nor dead, my mind poisoned by grief, ruined, undone, bitter and broken; my love wrenched from me.
My dream smashed into a billion pieces.
I'm finally ready to embrace the black dog with all its teeth and fury, fearless, numb, exhausted, done.
I'll gladly drink down the bitter pills to end this state of loss; to spread my flesh, to let the cold waters draw me down; with pockets full of stones, anything to stop this intolerable feeling!
I am nothing but empty!,
I’m sick and tired and at the end!
And for those that may remember just how retched a soul I had become; I pray and pray; that I am soon completely forgotten.
Confused, broken, desperate place, dark, suicidal
2.6k · Feb 2018
My love has gone
Purcy Flaherty Feb 2018
My love don’t live here anymore.
My love don’t live here no more,
The body it has gone,
but the soul it lingers on.
My love don’t live here no more!

I hear your whisper in my ear,
I hear your whisper in me ear,
Though the body; it has gone,
The words they linger on.
I hear your whisper in my ear!

Let me go, let me go, don’t you cry!
You’ll meet me on the other side,
You promised me a song,
let it be a gentle one,
Hold me in your arms for one last time.

No more trouble; no more strife row your boat to the shaw;
my love,
Take my hart and leave these tears,
i'll meet you in a lifetime,
and kiss you in that place called paradise.

Let me go, let me go, don’t you cry!
You’ll meet me on the other side,
You promised me a song,
let it be a gentle one,
Hold me in your arms for one last time.
Hold me in your arms for one last time.
Meet me in that place some other time!
Dedicated to Ray & Tarita Martin two people I love with all my heart!
Song link below:
2.4k · Jun 2018
Building the bauhaus!
Purcy Flaherty Jun 2018
"Make lots of noise ~ Stamp your feet!"

Garlic is the new black, all squares are red, so dance the colour blue, and leave your prejudices at the door.

It's not just wrapping paper, yellow triangles or wallpaper,
it's radical art; challenging the norms and provoking change!

"show me how you party and I'll show you who I am!"

14 years of faith, form and function;
designed to unleash the utopian spirit,
a space for drinking, laughing, loving, dreaming and creating.

We built the Bauhaus as a sanctuary, not as a prison, a monument, or a museum, but as a springboard for something new!
We can embrace the desease that's consumerism and mass production or present something new?

Stamp your feet *******
2.3k · Jul 2017
Purcy Flaherty Jul 2017
Your eyes sparkle,
Your lips smooth like silk,
Pink peaks,
Your body speaks,
Anticipation swells,
Delicate to the touch.

The pulse quickens,
You smell so good
Little sounds,
Our hearts pound
Fold me in your arms,
It’s not just a poem.

It’s love.
It’s not just a poem it's infatuation
2.2k · Dec 2018
Nose goo
Purcy Flaherty Dec 2018
Mining for nose goo;  digging in deep,
plucking, pinching, scraping the meat.

Busily forming sweet salty clumps.
squigging, rolling and flicking off lumps.

Piggy's, bogeys, snot and green crows,
I'm mining sweet nose goo; right under your nose.

I'll hide behind a book, a hanky or a rag, slip my belongings in a nose bag.

Piggy's, bogeys, snot and green crows,
I'm mining sweet nose goo; right under your nose.
posey, hanky, rag, Piggies, bogeys, snot, crows, nose, goo
2.1k · Nov 2018
Virgin Galactic ~ Flight
Purcy Flaherty Nov 2018
I booked myself a ride;
On a galactic flight,
through the atmosphere,
out towards the light,
unity and pride;
is one satellite,
I'm a space-line pioneer;
whistling through the night.
We're verging on a new beginning somewhere out in space
We're verging on a new beginning somewhere out in space ! !
We're setting out on a new adventure;
somewhere out in space,
buy a ticket !
secure your seat;
and join the human race !
Oh ! Oh ! Oh !
Space race is still in!
2.0k · Mar 2018
Purcy Flaherty Mar 2018
Some folks pluck a cherry and some folks poke a peach.
I like to choose the far out fruit that others fail to reach!
I’m a *******;
I like to swing from tree to tree,
I’m a *******;
Would you like to swing with me?
We could go out on a limb, tie up Sue and Jim,
If you want to swing then come and swing with me.

We can swing all night and could swing all day;
Till the birds and bees come out to play!
Just sing this song and swing along with me.

I’m a *******;
I like to swing from tree to tree,
I’m a *******;
Would you like to swing with me?
We could go out on a limb, tie up Sue and Jim,
If you want to swing then come and swing with me.

We can swing all night and could swing all day;
Till the birds and bees come out to play!
Just sing this song!
and swing along
with me!
A cheeky ******* song!
2.0k · Jul 2018
Purcy Flaherty Jul 2018
Dad is so very proud of his culture, underneath this nationalist, racist, sexist, homophobic, religiously intolerant, ageist and xenophobic snobbery; is a man that stands by his right to hate who he likes.

Oh the irony!
Bigots and nationalism
1.9k · Oct 2018
Purcy Flaherty Oct 2018
Oatcakes make great bikinis they're all the rage back home.

You can rap up your eggs and bacon; fill them with sausage and beans.

They're baked on a griddle or backstone; made from oats, flour and yeast.

You can wear them like potters bikinis or munch on a toasty cheese feast!

Staffordshire oatcakes
1.9k · Sep 2018
For the love of money
Purcy Flaherty Sep 2018
My estimation is that every human is primarily in the pursuit of love.
and that most of us are worthy; and that it's value stretches way; way beyond the boundaries of the economic machine.
Love is priceless!
Yet we choose to live in a material world that suppresses love; and we call this sensible.
Every one is in pursuit of love;
You can't buy love with coin
1.9k · Oct 2018
My three sons.
Purcy Flaherty Oct 2018
Blood brothers,
equal in blood,
fathered by the music of love.
Each is perfect,
different in style,
all born from an act of love.
My three sons are so different, yet so similar in many, many ways.
Each has half my blood and genetic imprint and in that they are all three equal and united.
I pray that my sons love each other allways.
1.8k · Feb 2021
Purcy Flaherty Feb 2021
Everyone cares how they are perceived in society; otherwise the ones that supposedly don't care... wouldn't insist they don't care!!
The limitation of language
1.8k · Apr 2019
Lucky Charm
Purcy Flaherty Apr 2019
I got a penny in my pocket,
a cricket in a box,
a ladybird,
a dragon fly,
a little silver fox,
I got a key,
a golden eye,
a pie up in the sky;
I've got so many lucky things;
Oh! these lucky things of mine!
I'll cross my fingers,
Hold my breath,
pull the petals one by one
I'll gaze into my lucky bag;
and marvel at the lucky ones.
shooting stars and moon lit skies are dazzling to my eyes.
But I treasure all these lucky things;
Oh! these lucky things of mine!

Now make a wish
and count to ten
then turn three times and say again!
"I'm a silly superstitious ****!"
Yes I'm a silly superstitious punk!
putting faith into the  silliest things
1.6k · Jan 2018
Purcy Flaherty Jan 2018
"Vanity It’s simply breath!”
Our earthly life with its simple pleasures,
May offer up some token treasures,
Lipstick, fever red, and not to subtly applied,
Hides the nature of your smile,
Simple wisdom eludes vanity,
Though both the wise and foolish end in death.
So why worry ?
Just be you!
Vanity is an excessive self-regard, It's exaggerated pride, a mask, a means to self-publicizing, a synthetic life...
Some people choose makeup and others choose Facebook, but we all come to the same sticky end sooner or later.
I'd like to see you, just  you with all the layers taken off !
1.6k · Apr 2018
The reaffer man
Purcy Flaherty Apr 2018
Light your *** and dream the dream,
hash it out with cups of tea,
Cookies, space cakes, loco ****;
to burp the brain and set you free!

I'm ****** again,
I'm ****** again,
I'm ****** again,
With the ****** man!
A little rreeffer man jazz song (Sliw)
1.6k · Mar 2018
Get a little kindness
Purcy Flaherty Mar 2018
Dont let the hollow in your hear defeat you from the start
and get a little kindness where you can.

Get a little kindness where you can
whether it be a woman or a man'
hold them; squeeze them tight'
make love all through the night,
and get a little kindness where you can.
just remember to be free and keep good company
get a little kindnes where you can.
Here's a link
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