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Jan 2016 · 800
IsReaL E Summers Jan 2016
Whispers in shadows
Reveal the keymakers.    
Jan 2016 · 683
a Con-Man & the Dove
IsReaL E Summers Jan 2016
I'm having a hard time letting go.
Your soft embrace carresed my soul.
Inspired, I rize to meet my fate.
But fate, it seems, for me is waiste.
Tasted and saw.
and I;
A criminal.
the Devils drink
Jan 2016 · 476
Give & Take
IsReaL E Summers Jan 2016
Relation Linear
(He was)
First given,
Last to take.
O' sleeper,
eyes & teeth
Jan 2016 · 600
just a crazy Truth
IsReaL E Summers Jan 2016
I wonder,
My worth.
Free flying
Never rehearsed
These poems
Just blurt, out
And about,
From cloud
To cloud
To conquer doubt
A forceful shout,
Can end a drought
Where water lives
Offerer of the gifts
Controls our
Metrons width
Now, You
Have entered in
Welcome! ^-^ Good to see you again!
Jan 2016 · 426
IsReaL E Summers Jan 2016
Take any two words...
Make them relate.
Truth isn't relative.
You're just being fake.
Few words big meaning
Jan 2016 · 486
IsReaL E Summers Jan 2016
If ever I could leave;
A finer Legacy...
This universe,
Lives in me.
Jan 2016 · 742
IsReaL E Summers Jan 2016
A tiny lump
Of blackened coal
My soul
Press your precious blank slate
Upon hells rusty gate
And shake.
Stirred gently awake
Spirits give
Impressionism (gravestones)
Jan 2016 · 987
One Ring...
IsReaL E Summers Jan 2016
I bet Bilbo Baggins
Would laugh at the self-proclaimed;
***-backwards actors
Who proclaim with a loud verse
Recited, and well-rehearsed
But in secret their hearts doeth curse
The Creator; of Universe.
Universe: (latin?) One phrase.
Jan 2016 · 852
the Lion and the Lamb
IsReaL E Summers Jan 2016
He knows to stay away.
His nature holds him sway.
But hunger holds to thirst.
And Blood has quenched the first.
A white lie'n the pride of the Savannah
A gentle lamb, who's name is Hannah.
O'God reign heavenly manna!

We eat in Peace.
Though wars never cease.
Body vs soul heart vs mind
Jan 2016 · 799
IsReaL E Summers Jan 2016
A silver platter,
I've never had.
Only words for munitions
By definition im smitten with'm
Slow down the rythym
Let the bass drop and then when it hits'm
Spiznit the wisdoms
Please consider your kingdoms!
Held together by lectric power.
Without it you'd be devoured
By thoughts in the shadow-realm
So batten the hatches-of-helm
Scatter the ashes that fell
Sell your attachments
To hell
And roll on your magical mystical
Fantasical whimsical mythical
Let's leave a lasting loving legacy
Lamenting is landing zone.
Loud laffs appose.
Poetry & pro's
Just a thought;
"I suppose"
Poe@treeofLife ("YOU TREE HUGGING HIPPIE!")  ... OK I'll be that. ^-^
Whatever you say cap'n!!!
Dec 2015 · 718
Shooting Star
IsReaL E Summers Dec 2015
What words can tell;
Of heavens Angel
Alive for all to see.
I speak to her,
In whisper-tones,
A cross, a mighty sea.
I saw her,
Upon a time.
Her graceful presence,
Still fresh in mind.
If Love can happen,
At first sight.
I wish I may,
I wish I might...
Have this wish...
I wish tonight.
For you.
Dec 2015 · 518
How LONG O'God?!
IsReaL E Summers Dec 2015
The rivers run red
Children are left unfed
Fed to wolves; jackyl$ & hydes.
Isis is watching, and big brother too,
But I implore to your core...
Please, broaden your view.
The last time man United in "peace"
We were scattered abroad.
Global communication ceased.
The earth itself groans;
At the weight of the sin of the world.
the blood of the Martyrs,
Will be more than unfurled.
Righteous indignation.
The end of days.
Heavenly Justice.
Dec 2015 · 645
"the gap"
IsReaL E Summers Dec 2015
Shadows emit
Casting darkness
While the jollyiest
Of Christmas Light
Shines across the massive chasm;
I'm waiting in.
Merry merry Christmas kinfolk!
Hand to God; I Love you.
Dec 2015 · 697
(Once upon a time)
IsReaL E Summers Dec 2015
Painting with Sunshine**
Awhile ago, I was asked
by my closest friend,
To write about happiness.
To no avail,
I wriggled thru the akward;
Painstakeing strokes; i
Summoned imagination
Thru the inspiration of hope...
But now, omw to see Shine...
I could sing divine.
My heart is sublime.
For Once is mine.
Upon a time.
Happiness: completed
Dec 2015 · 862
crimson ninja
IsReaL E Summers Dec 2015
Not ego
We go
Let go
He flow
Hes a muh ****** beast doe!!
Ive never been anything more then what my Father has made me to be be I may have been sane but briefly cause God man is just "crazy" (the way that He Loves me.)
To yours.
Merry Christmas Light creeps
Dec 2015 · 5.2k
narcissistic cannibalism
IsReaL E Summers Dec 2015
Soliloquys of repitoires
He pulls out the demon-arm
To see if harm
Feels better than being alone.
His hearts at "home..."
He roams...
To feed...
He has needs.
Nothing & everything... all at once.
Dec 2015 · 335
arm the masses
IsReaL E Summers Dec 2015
Don't stay.
Believe & recieve.
Your hopes & dreams;
Dec 2015 · 379
a man they call Zachery
IsReaL E Summers Dec 2015
"Sure to make the bodies drop,"
Your rage against the machine,
Inspires me. For bravery, amongst "the brave" we rave.
Ranting away, outside the lines of grey.
You hold sway.
Over the one known as McGray.
For your soul I pray.
Pray or be prey.
We shake our fists down the dark hallway.
They lead us away.
O' how the leaders have strayed!
Evil empires
Dec 2015 · 539
To Whom it may concern
IsReaL E Summers Dec 2015
From the bottom of my heart,
Thank you.
Why you continue to believe in me...
I don't know.
But, because of you;
Watching over me while I dream of a place, so real...
I believe.
I believe, I am Loved.
I believe, I am free.
I believe n' Trust... because You first loved, and trusted me.
Your existence... your very essance...
Inspires me; to live-out-loud.    
Un-ashamed; I AM radiating the astronomical grace given to me;
To us...
On calvary.
                                  With all my heart
                                              & soul,
                                  Isreal E. Summers
O.t. "angels among us"
Dec 2015 · 735
Columbus & I
IsReaL E Summers Dec 2015
Skeletons from my past    
that haunt me leap from my closet,
Heart beating fast,
sinful things that I have amassed,
now my mayflowers mast.
Both cast & crew, planked eyes, 2thru which they view.  
mutinous! venomous!
Now its down to the brig for the both of us. Couple Capn's in cuffs.  ...
What will await us on this new land?
Gold? Diamonds? If only!!!    ...  ...
Then suddenly unlocked for me        
Was the prison we were sitting in
S'like I was a slave now free
to begin again. Now hate is not my sin even as the spiritual muses spew vile things as I exit from: within
the anchored vessel Wrecka'less
one. my faith has been tested, & second, lessons taught with a gun... make mans war's never won.  
Go! Explore while there's still sun left!
Roll on cue (sonset)
curtains. exit stage left.
"history repeats itself" my dad used to say
Before he was admitted for chemical induced delusional disorder or something like that.
Dec 2015 · 774
the nation of Imagine
IsReaL E Summers Dec 2015
"You can fly here"
He said with a smile.
"Oh yeah and also,
There is no Fear."
"Excuse me did I hear
You correctly?"
"Uh huh he's dead,
in this country!"
I ******* bled for this country.
If I bleed, then its country.
In the Country we in now B.
Blood is mud **** its awful G!
Remind me who is
Capture your thoughts for a spell,
We're ******* headed to hell.
Lest we turn and recant.
This little horn isn't decadent.
Given a false-precedent,
You ventured excellent
My magnificent
Molevolent "movie" makers
Do we have any takers?!
Earthquakes now break
And shakers
Im over-reaching here a bit.
Slightly edited beyond freestyle. I added a line. A word, and ...
Dec 2015 · 516
The Silver-tongue
IsReaL E Summers Dec 2015
A slithering snake;
Afraid in the grass.
On his belly he wriggles;
But can't take a step back.
The rodent has sniffled
Where doeth he belong?
Suddenly swooping ;
An awe-inspiring Owl from heaven swoops down;
          to Save.
But the prey is afraid.
There's no grey;

in lifes laid. Be very afraid. Be very... afraid.
"Fear can only motivate so far"
Dec 2015 · 567
IsReaL E Summers Dec 2015
Day after day she dreamed of a place
Where she didn't need to hide her face;
Where Mom was proud and didn't shout,
And Dad took time to watch her shine;
Where faith, destroyed all doubt.
The Rose of Summer was another title option for this. It's an excerpt from my poem "the key can't turn itself" I simply changed the character to someone else.
Dec 2015 · 1.1k
Fancy that!
IsReaL E Summers Dec 2015
Who in THE ****,
invented double-meaning;
And the "english language"!? !? ?
Well, fancy that!
Random conundrums
Dec 2015 · 491
IsReaL E Summers Dec 2015
Wherefore art thou?
And how?
Can you see me?
The world outside is set against us.
Hellbent on caging the free.
But in Love we must place our trust.

We bow down on the stage of this comedic-tragedy.
Hopeless romantic
Dec 2015 · 539
IsReaL E Summers Dec 2015
We all struggle,
Yes even rich kids.
But, its the perspective that makes the difference.
Gold, run through the flames, destroying impurities, is needed.
Oil, and water do not mix.
If one is not purged from the other, the the vessel is literally "shaken-up"
Im being metaphorical here obviously.
I guess what im really trying to say is,
Don't let ****** situations define you.
Its just fire. Its just pressure.
So, let it purify your golden heart
Let it turn your blackened carbonized soul into diamonds!
Believe, believe, only believe.
Dec 2015 · 449
IsReaL E Summers Dec 2015

"o' be careful little eyes what you see...
o' be careful little ears what you hear...


                                       **For the Father..."

           -old Pentecostal hymn
Fire. Inside.

Seek the deep ; light creeps.
Nov 2015 · 412
Nov 2015 · 1.0k
One Love
IsReaL E Summers Nov 2015
"Hear da children crying!
Give thanks and praise to the Lord..."
I don't feel alright.
Not tonight...
When the moon is
ILLUMINATING                                                i
Quotations from Bob Marley.
Moonlight tea just you and me;
What's right?
Nov 2015 · 562
grey Thursday
IsReaL E Summers Nov 2015
I wish all of you soft-hearted, bleedin-sleeved hukkabees a merry Turkey day.
(Weeds from dirt) they say

Isreal Godrillee
Blessings on your house
Nov 2015 · 349
IsReaL E Summers Nov 2015
Nothing to; be: in.
Weaknesses saying goodbye.
Nov 2015 · 561
IsReaL E Summers Nov 2015
A brother from another mother.
Nuff said.
Nov 2015 · 425
leave on da' lights
IsReaL E Summers Nov 2015
My first REAL friend....
Younger, but wiser.
He accepted hisself.
Because "it" was acceptable.
Better god than I
I wait for his reply.
To see.
If, indeed;
I doeth see.
Nov 2015 · 628
IsReaL E Summers Nov 2015
I can't vouche for things unknown,
But I can say, I know the maddness;
Of being alone.
Bury her hatchet. Fam. Woof
IsReaL E Summers Nov 2015
(in a thick Scottish brogue)
Reality bites,
And so do I.
This little worm on a hook, called "distraction" is wriggling wry...
Let him fill my insides!
Terrified, I now fly!
Wired to a wizards whimsical wishes
Flying fishes wondering why.
Lost it, from snowballs to fishes;
Did the point get diminished?
Illustrating imagination,
Illuminating our kingdom nation;
To the darker side.
That Joker cannot hide.
S'come down to You & I.
I'd die, to hear a reply;
Wade through the ****** tears in Your eyes... please, hold me tight!
Alone; I'll never defeat, "the other guy".

God knows, my mother tried...
But the warlocks worm...
She swallowed a juicy lie.
But, through repentance-true...
She will turn around and choose to,
Follow You.
Lord God, I'm calling You.
Please hear my cry, I am so blue.
Know I'm not trying to impress anyone,
Just looking for thee open Son.

The snowflake it takes, to deliver an avalanche, must have a similar feel for that;
Just how I feel in-fact.
The ground from which I "fell upon"
Lets loose, now I'm falling so fast and all my friends are falling too!
Are we tumbling to our doom!?

The air in the room, is vacuumed out;
No doubt your mind is frozen solid now.

With the Genjutsu shout;
Your feast is ceased and now,
Its only famine and drought.

Why all this camotion, inside our souls?

Who speaks it?  Who needs it?
Distractions, just aren't enough, and they're starting to take thier toll!

**** it.    I'm done.
                      Guess I'll just let the dice roll!
From mind to pen. From pen to paper. From paper to screen. From screen to dreams.
Nov 2015 · 554
IsReaL E Summers Nov 2015
I have to ***.
Comfy cats.
^-^ ^-^ ^-^ ^-^

***-***, poo-poo, bog, &  me
Nov 2015 · 715
IsReaL E Summers Nov 2015
Big ups to V and the wolf for love and support!!!xoxo
And of course...
My brother in Christ, E.
My dude.
We hold tight to a dying art, of art...
For Love.
Who loved us first.
Tattooed, pierced, stricken, smitten, by Life   not and, but alive! I strive to be half of sum
And my heart is right.
His heart is right.
Your family.
In my heart.
Seriously tho.

Oh and uh...

Some of this, is seemingly gibberish. But "itisfinished" ^-^
Nov 2015 · 717
muse. ic.
IsReaL E Summers Nov 2015
A thousand shouting calvary
Raise arms and tails
They surround me
On all sides
No where to run
No where to hide
But as the guitar slides
My dreaming becomes
Thru the meadows of metal
Luscious as laced lasses
Eyes green as the greenest grasses
With big ol'
Glasses, of wine-for-the-soul,
The beats move my control
From hot to cold
Im frank,
Your bold
Hold strong
It won't be too long now
Till we dance and sing
He died for you too
"dah de by o"
Yes, YOU too!
Danced danceDANCE DANCEdance dancing dance dancers dancing dancedance sing singers singing song sung
Nov 2015 · 393
What Is Real?
IsReaL E Summers Nov 2015
This isn't a po-em,
It's a confession.
95% of what I write is free-spok-en.
From the mind to the page,
It's hard for some, but to me;
That is strange.
Every rhyme is a chance-for-change.
Feeling poetic
Nov 2015 · 649
sake with the Cuzz
IsReaL E Summers Nov 2015
2 brothers united
By a Light that can eye it
From a mile away
We see in black and white with no grey
And today is our day!
Of victory and celebration
Of all of Gods green creation
Life is good is our meditation
Holy Ghost is our medication
No hesitation
Our biggest struggle is moderation
The pharmaceutical generation
Drinkin on any occasion
We live to steady our graduation
Fortifying our elavation
Thru inspirition
Drinking sake with my cuzz
Oct 2015 · 601
IsReaL E Summers Oct 2015
Some things,
I do really well.
Other things,
Eh, not-so-much.
But seriously,
What the **** man!
Can I just live and stay my hand?
Branded disbanded
He commanded that I be banished.  
'Like speaking spanish
The linguistics twisted
Not nearly gifted enough in language.
A soul in anguish
All of my control is been vanquished.
Heap on the coals and the ashes
For my Savior endured the lashes;
That my back practiced.
have a nack for the static
Whack as a pack of crack addicts
I attack at the blackness
In the back of your hearts little attic
I impart cause its holy habit
Here is my life
You can have it, just grab it!
Fell into arms of a planet
Freestyle always
Jul 2015 · 727
A shade of grey
IsReaL E Summers Jul 2015
My heart doeth protest too much
I used her as a crutch.
She fades away...
In shades of grey;
My heart now turns to black.
Letting go
Jul 2015 · 494
IsReaL E Summers Jul 2015
If words can cut
Much more than swords...
Then sharp
I am.
Cutting to the marrow of bone.
By tragedies stratagies
I tear the flesh,
Rend the garments,
And slice at God.
Jul 2015 · 930
IsReaL E Summers Jul 2015
My cat is gone
I've waited long enough,
Its time to search.
The giant hill covered in mis-matched patches of overly-healthy and near-dead grass, was no longer  a ****** opsticle,
But an enormous accelerator to my race to find my buddy
I run fast into the wooded clearing
Panning far and wide
Ntt nttntt nttntt! Ntt nttntt nttntt! I exhort to him in his native tongue.
(I sound like a dying chipmunk)
Gazing high into the swaying treetops,
A white-spot catches my not-so-great eyesight
My heart follows me down the hill
Faster than legs can move it raptures me to a scar in the little mountain before me
Its not him, but I keep looking
The trees, not yet fully budded, and green from the waters touch.
I see early flowers of purple and white springing from the dead and withered leaves.
I can't believe.
But I do, believe, in Love, and life.
My wandering eyes now fixated upon these little ironcly painted flowers fill with salt water and fog my heart.
I can tell that my heart is letting go, but the stubborn child in me says
"NOO OHOHO OHohoh *snort!"
I feel myself being held, by a father who understands and cares of his sons tears
And the tears suddenly disappear.
Like a flood, calm washes over me.
I turn back to the house of " exceptance"
Mine eyes look up for one second.
And there is snake eyes-san, jet black with girly features. She meows hello and slides below
My terribly worn out sneakers.
I knew she knew, and she knew I knew.
"He's gone, but im here with you"
Ok so I tried to step outside-the-box on this one and its terrible. But hey, consider it a failing grade in poetry class. Just trying to hone my skillz.
Jul 2015 · 384
My Curse (me)
IsReaL E Summers Jul 2015
My minds a little perverse
Usually, I expect the worst
Free-floating in the verse
Till back-seat of the hearse
Jul 2015 · 506
so vain
IsReaL E Summers Jul 2015
A little rant on humanity's vanity
We have the power to be completely free
But instead we've chosen slavery
Like Loki said
"We were created to be subgegated"
But don't quote me on that
No, here quote me on this
This world ****** up,
What it tried to fix.
Up in my mix.
Twisted, by Lucifer tricks
We have worshipped the triple six
And now we're sick
But in the midst of the blackest darkness
A spark ignites
And illumination soon coincides
So go inside
The mind of heart
Not the heart of mind
There you will find
That you are not so blind
Just nurtured to be a selfish swine
You have a heart that is so divine
But it's choking, entwined
In clothes with price-tags could
"Maybe money can fix this"
Is the mantra of sickness
Random freestyle/rant
Jul 2015 · 851
Scottys Lil' Lad
IsReaL E Summers Jul 2015
"I had such a wonderful woman"
I stated, heart in hand
"Well, you ****** that one up didn't ya boy"
*drops heart

Ya big girl!
It's funny how I read these girl poets swooning over lost loves, & I can't help but empathize... because I too was once so desperately in "love"
Jul 2015 · 489
Benevolent Weapon
IsReaL E Summers Jul 2015
How can I follow,
A title so hallowed?
Pushed down-low
To the gravel.
Play well
They dabble
In the heat-of-the-battle
Caged, yes
But still I will rattle
Scream and shout
Till the cattle
Through the quill
I doeth bleed
Wanted not of this need
Twas the tree of the seed
That conformed me to greed
Wicked webs "they" will weave
With this thought
I now leave
Jul 2015 · 583
IsReaL E Summers Jul 2015
"Something outside the realm of  the natural;
and, the super-natural"
Rough quote/could be wrong
^-^ sorry
Jul 2015 · 812
Word Life
IsReaL E Summers Jul 2015
sometimes I write a really long poem, and it flows well... but then I think I'm trying way-to-hard and completely delete it. (This is one of those cases) And then, soon after i usually end up writing something really short and to-the-point. Hope you enjoy.
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