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Àŧùl May 2014
We see a lot of dreams,
Of future life,
With opportunities rife,
In this land,
And in this birth itself...

Though we'll get married,
It isn't for the first time,
Either for you and for me,
But we still tie the knots,
Together we start it again..

Haven't we met previously too,
Hopefully you remember well,
We did meet in previous birth,
We had had made the promise,
You & me marry in every birth.
So we won't be married, we'll be remarried!
The true love stays immortal
My HP Poem #624
©Atul Kaushal
May 2014 · 1.3k
Àŧùl May 2014
In the world there is so much hatred,
And so much of bitterness in world,
Plus at least as much as violence,
Blue shades keep accumulating,
I find no space for happiness,
There's just hatred for love,
People fail to get it at all,
They mass against love,
Find it abnormal and,
The title in a simpler word means 'absurdness'
My HP Poem #623
©Atul Kaushal
May 2014 · 1.4k
Daddy Cool
Àŧùl May 2014
My daddy is just so very cool,
He inspires me to be cool too,
I'll be a cooler dad than him...

He's such a sweet-sweetheart,
I was pampered & I am loved,
My daddy has the best effect..

I have the same loving genes,
My daddy is just so very cute,
He'll always be adored by me.
Yes he made his share of mistakes,
But so did his family - me & mom,
And I've forgiven him for those...
My HP Poem #622
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Apr 2014
Innocence is personified in herself,
Her angelic beauty belies humanity,
Because she is younger than myself.

Innocent is the love of hers so true,
How hearts are gifted trusting love,
Belong to each other so much truly..

Innocence be preserved for a time,
Here is a cute angelic youthful self,
Because a cute heart is now mine...
My HP Poem #621
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2014 · 3.6k
Beautiful Watery Eyes
Àŧùl Apr 2014
She is a person who can win hearts,
Just with her beautiful watery eyes,
And with her purely innocent smile.

She has a shiny heart of 24 c.t. gold,
Akin to those beautiful watery eyes,
And her heart has a soft shiny glow.

She makes me feel proud of myself,
Not just relatives can rightly feel so,
And she loves me so it won't matter.
My HP Poem #620
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Apr 2014
All those moments spent in night,
I could better invest in both of us,
Yes that was a definite time waste,
Because they were spent this way,
Lit only by darkness of negatives,
This was possible if at all we had,
Met in a different conditions set.
My HP Poem #619
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2014 · 899
Time Worked Magic
Àŧùl Apr 2014
You were wary of all guys till you
Met my dumb but intellectual self
In this vastly wide but empty void
Called my hopelessly romantic life
Then we were only poetry friends
Slowly was peeled this fruity love
Now we have been in sweet love.

Can you explain this relationship
Or would you choose no diagnosis
And only relish its divine sweetness
How very sweetly it has happened
Why & how we two got together..

Finding the heart which was lost
Through all ages, time and again
Tides o'times our love has faced.
They tried sinking love but it resurfaced!

My HP Poem #618
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Apr 2014
I am not worried if someday we fight,
Because she loves these cute arguments,
As these always increase our closeness,
We obviously start with contradictions,
But we then end up making happy loving peace.
My HP Poem #617
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2014 · 1.1k
Love A to Z
Àŧùl Apr 2014
You are:
*Adjusting with all my flaws;
Beauty personified just for me;
Cutest person in my life;
Dream-come-true for me;
Earnest in your love towards me;
Flair of life for me;
Glamorous angel descended from heavens just for me;
Heaven's doorway for me;
I myself for me;
Jacket protecting from cold for me;
Krispi flavour of love for me;
Lesson of life for me;
More than any other thing or person for me;
New breath for me;
Orange morning Sun for me;
Purest towards me from your beautiful heart;
Queen of my heart;
Rigid base for our relationship;
Sexiest person for me;
Trustworthy of my love & life;
Unique partner in love;
Valiant young woman;
Wife material for me;
Xenial & welcoming in nature;
Yearning for me; and,
Zealous & proud about the greatness of our love.
My HP Poem #616
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2014 · 951
The Egg Will Finally Hatch
Àŧùl Apr 2014
After a period of twenty four months of staying impregnated is spent nourishing itself, the egg will finally hatch and out will emerge the Phoenix, the tears of whom will heal me and the gorgeous feathers of whom will give me relief from this moist hot weather which stays as if here from the beginning of time & for ever now on and just for me to enjoy its relieving warmth under this torrid sky.

The Phoenix inside must wait till these testing times are done with posing all the challenges in its incubation period so that its shell has gotten thinner and weaker.

All the desires, longings to meet my loving Phoenix mate which are unfulfilled a present will be made to stand these harsh tides of time and will have to be nurtured with love and, more primely, patience till the she finally hatches and finally meets its long-time match from the previous birth.
I believe that true love crosses the boundaries of life & death, so will ours each time we perish.

My HP Poem #615
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2014 · 1.0k
A Dreamy Story
Àŧùl Apr 2014
I fell asleep in the afternoon only for waking up to a pleasant dream,
I had a dream of a life without you my love mate but it was pleasant,
I was missing my mate so I sculpted a statue and it was resembling you,
I then put my wizardry skills to bring the statue to animation in real-time,
I spent all my life alongside you happily drinking the elixir of love.
My HP Poem #614
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Apr 2014
Es ist schöner als Englisch,
Und es ist so viel wie Hindi/Sanskrit,
Ja, es ist dein Volkssprache.

English Translation

I am sorry about the German language

It is more beautiful than English,
And it is similar to Hindi/Sanskrit,
Ya, it is the popular language.
But it lost ground in ******'s rule.

My HP Poem #613
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Apr 2014
If I catch a deadly fever someday,
I want you to kiss me and,
Keep kissing me on and on,
Let it be as passionate to scare death away,
And let it keep away till we grow older,
Much older and rickety limbed,
To finally kiss each other while ******* life out of each other.

Kiss me till I die, I will reciprocate.
My HP Poem #613
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Apr 2014
Be the Dumbledore of your own life,
Let poetry be there for your mornings.
Write happier poetry in gloomy days,
Do not let the gloom get your better.
Aggressive poetry in frustrated days,
Would surely help drown frustrations.
Leave no space for sadness as a poet,
Create a space for happiness in life.
I showed the back door to negatives,
Now all is so positive except for *
Ehe he he ha ha ha!
My HP Poem #612
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2014 · 2.8k
Àŧùl Apr 2014
I only love her,
She loves me too.
We do meet in future,
The date is unpredictable.
But in the meantime,
I age everyday.
She does too,
But slowly.
She stays sweet,
Turns much sweeter.
Much more than sugar,
She's my **** sugar babe!
Another poem for my darling love
My HP Poem #611
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Apr 2014
Killing heat as if from a hearth,
Rapidly getting onto my nerves,
Insipid sweat is dropping down,
Passionately onto your pink lips,
I** wish the romance is for lifelong.
Another poem for my darling love
My HP Poem #610
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Apr 2014
He loves her,
She loves him too,
One day will come,
When they marry,
Have two kids,
Bring them up,
See their children getting married to their respective partners,
Hear and see their grandchildren's sweet cackles,
And then He & She both die together,
My HP Poem #609
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2014 · 1.2k
Àŧùl Apr 2014
A display of deft actions is only so
good up to that hour of realization
after a hostile event of failure
that any more such efforts will go
in vain and would surely cause
remorseful tears to escape from
your dark pearly eyes in future

So be deft enough to study well
but don't be daft enough buddy
mouth gaping stupidly at all the
results having gone awry later...
My HP Poem #608
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Apr 2014
Welcome my darling, love welcome.

Enter this realm I created with love,
Into that inner room you follow me.

Stout & charming reddish cylinder,
Curious you look closely at the pole,
Muscles have stiffened up so much.

Eager as we both had expected this,
I look into the lovehole you possess.

In the lovehole I insert my lovepole.
Lovehole: Kisser, mouth
Lovepole: Quite the same, tongue
My HP Poem #607
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2014 · 532
Àŧùl Apr 2014
As I have made you smile for few moments,
Few moments of yours that I protected from sadness,
I feel that I have liberated myself from the cycle of life & death.
Short & sweet attempt
My HP Poem #606
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Apr 2014
The high priestess issued a religious order against us both,
We were punished for being dearly in love with each other,
They apprehended and executed the two of us lovers mercilessly.

Our heads dropped down to the floor in a pool of blood,
The bodies of ours tossed about so very much agonizingly,
For my heart heard our connecting string break into two pieces.

I was made to watch as the axe was felled on your neck,
What I failed to do for all my lifetime with you was happening,
Tears were jerking down my cheeks relentlessly refusing to stop.

I felt that I saw your soul taking-off from the body,
She appeared smiling and beckoning my soul too,
Soon my head was severed from my body too.

My soul joined yours and then on we are hosted by the temple,
Now they have started worshipping love in our form & face,
Fabled is our story of love & entirely unknown to all of them,
Our souls still brew the **hot coffee of love behind those altars.
And today we have met again in this birth & totally fell again for each other.
My HP Poem #605
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2014 · 7.3k
Oh My Darling
Àŧùl Apr 2014
Come oh my darling come,
Come fluttering to my arms.
Let me dream some more,
Let me house you in the eyes..
Your abode is in my heart,
Your dwelling is not just eyes...
Fluttering in its own way,
Fluttering here is your shade..
Relaxing in your lap I am,
Relaxing in my sole heaven.
My HP Poem #604
©Atul Kaushal
Mar 2014 · 2.1k
Don't You Worry
Àŧùl Mar 2014
Of course we love each other,
I accept this wholeheartedly,
I am really proud about that,
Proud due to my love for you,
And, happy feeling your love.

We will get married for sure,
How to do that I don't know,
Hopefully we will be closest,
To each other simply for life,
And, not just for our present.
My HP Poem #603
©Atul Kaushal
Mar 2014 · 6.6k
Hey There Evening
Àŧùl Mar 2014
Come over...
Now just relax,
Don't worry at all,
Needn't act hurried,
Sun often sinks early,
Now it shall set as well,
Today let it happen slow,
Night can wait some more.

Now we both will imagine,
She imagines me around,
Not just I reciprocate,
But I even admire,
New joy of hers,
Heavy breath,
Nose swells,
Good bye...
My HP Poem #602
©Atul Kaushal
Mar 2014 · 3.5k
Come Sit With Me Dear
Àŧùl Mar 2014
When I feel tired in life,
Come sit with me dear,
Hold my hand in yours,
Swing your other arm,
Around my waistline, and,
Tickle me hard to shrieks.

Right when I need you to,
I relax myself in your lap,
I'll blow in your hair,
You will let me do it,
Slowly & close to ear,
Holding you closest.
My HP Poem #601
©Atul Kaushal
Mar 2014 · 1.4k
Centered On Love
Àŧùl Mar 2014
Neither Romeo not on Juliet either,
Their love was centered on itself.

Neither Heer nor Raanjha in Punjab,
Their love too was centered on love.

Neither on yourself nor on myself,
Our love is centered on love as well.
My HP Poem #600
©Atul Kaushal
Mar 2014 · 1.2k
Merely Love
Àŧùl Mar 2014
Merely Love Is Not So Strong At All,
It Requires Cementing From Trust,
More Hard Work Keeps The Promise,
Inputs From Romance Are Steroid,
Many Failed In This Hardest Exam.

Both Of Us Feel A True Form Of Love,
Happiness Tinkling At A Distance,
Bathing In This Elixir Of True Love,
Helping Live Each Other In Being,
Being Happy Or Happier & Happiest..

You Are My Antioxidant-I Am Yours,
I Am Living This Refurbished Life,
Yes You Are The One Who Loves Me,
I Have Committed To You My Life,
Your Youth Yearns My Experience...
My HP Poem #599
©Atul Kaushal
Mar 2014 · 424
We Live Our Lives - Our Way
Àŧùl Mar 2014
O mummy & daddy,
You had your chance,
And you had had it.

Now please do not hold me back,
Let me live my life my way,
And I am so very certain about it.

If you're doubtful at all,
You should never be,
Your failures taught me.
My HP Poem #598
©Atul Kaushal
Mar 2014 · 505
She Settled Scores!
Àŧùl Mar 2014
When I confessed my love for her,
She instantly settled back scores,
How well she gels along myself.

Often I weigh the mutual feelings,
Really complex is this truer love,
I come to the conclusion daily.

Not at all felt this way previously,
Truest love is once in a lifetime,
Merrily falls the tide of time.

Now it is her exclusive domain,
A name now rattles in my heart,
Emptiness filled my heart earlier.

Loving her is a mistake I'd repeat,
Not only once but infinite times,
For it is the sweetest mistake.
My HP Poem #597
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Mar 2014
Yes I am as human as you my friend,
Emotionally I'm weaker than others,
I commit my share of mistakes daily,
Errors both minor, or, major I make,
Yes I am afraid of imperfections too.

I made this brain of mine a student,
I've learned lessons from the errors,
But I don't just interpret my lessons.

I forward to you, o love, useful tips,
You just have to keep them in mind,
So we get a stronger hold in future.
Don't be afraid to do it wrong, but look out that you don't happen to repeat the same mistakes too often. So I'd call mistakes as teachings for as long as possible but it's not too good to go through the same teaching again & again, so don't repeat your mistakes in general.

My HP Poem #596
©Atul Kaushal
Mar 2014 · 924
Simple Desires
Àŧùl Mar 2014
I wish that I could,
Encase your hands in my hands,
Whenever you need me to come,
And you need to feel me present,
Present near you in your vicinity.

Freely in my arms,
You are falling carefree relaxing,
Fall tension-free in my embrace,
Gelling well to my calmer body,
Play in the lakes of salty water.
My HP Poem #595
©Atul Kaushal
Mar 2014 · 8.7k
Examination Ghost
Àŧùl Mar 2014
A necessary evil for our segregation,
It's the deadly examination monster.

It's rough-tough so it never spares us,
Alongside the weaknesses it bares us.

Prepare for them if you want it easy,
Your scores often determine the life.

Never you give-up all fearing failure,
For you can write your future bright.

Holding shining silver string of love,
You 'come more courageous in life...
My HP Poem #594
©Atul Kaushal
Mar 2014 · 965
Her Image Stays
Àŧùl Mar 2014
Even as she gets busy with stuff
She doesn't ever make me alone
Her cute holographic image stays
Leaving no scope for Loneliness
Killer is the way that she smiles

Trying to touch her cheeks then
I extend my arm as I intend that
But then I only reach the mirrors
Realizing that it is me & me only
I smile to myself I am her lover
My HP Poem #593
©Atul Kaushal
Mar 2014 · 1.0k
Vaguely Me
Àŧùl Mar 2014
People on earth are segregated,
Their identities always unique.
Not just fingerprints or birth marks,
But exist many more identity marks.
Can be religious like any tilak,
Can also be sacrilegious things.

Mellifluous activity it seemed,
Descended upon me as death.
Even I have some sacrilegious scars,
I will carry them as vestiges of past..
Past where just pain was felt,
Days when only torture was.

Till I get better I can just wait,
Rubbing clear my ***** slate.
Allowing life to smile with herself,
Found her as my pure happiness...
Just waiting for her to come,
I wait in complete patience.
My HP Poem #592
©Atul Kaushal
Mar 2014 · 1.1k
Àŧùl Mar 2014
She sure has that x-factor in herself,
More beautiful herself than an elf.
Perfectly carefree she renders me,
Her thoughts leave me in a trance.
I often feel she is thinks about me,
How she is gonna make me dance.
Particularly I'd be hopping a little,
May it be a reality sooner enough.
She definitely has had that charm,
Mere her name saves me from harm.
My HP Poem #591
©Atul Kaushal
Mar 2014 · 1.2k
Hundred & One Percent Sure
Àŧùl Mar 2014
People have become so familiar
With so many failed love stories
They seek protection from love
Categorizing lovers as peculiar
Keeping at distance from them
Branding the lovers like aliens
They often oppose idea of love
But guys please read all of this
Read that I am obviously fully
Hundred & One Percent Sure
That my love will materialize
My HP Poem #590
©Atul Kaushal
Mar 2014 · 2.5k
The Romantic Painting
Àŧùl Mar 2014
Love can make us fly,
Love can take us high.
Love can't make us lie,
Love can give us wings.
Love could make us try,
Love wouldn't let us die.

Love isn't that instant noodles,
Love isn't ready-made clothes,
Love is a pure example of art,
Love made quickly isn't pure,
Love aims for the perfection,
Yes, love demands patience.
My HP Poem #589
©Atul Kaushal
Mar 2014 · 713
It Is Love
Àŧùl Mar 2014
How intensely I love you,
You wouldn't ever know,
But you know it is true...

How truly I love you,
You'll always know it,
Just till we meet at all..

How actually I love you,
You can only then know,
When we will really meet.
My HP Poem #588
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Mar 2014
This world is not a place for love at all,
Giving just so many failed love stories,
People just block all love instinctively.

Calling out my name in public just yet,
An action I would not suggest you did,
For it brings us a bad name & ill-fame.

Once both of us have attained the ages,
Believing when I ask you to be patient,
So wait till you are 23 & we can marry.
My HP Poem #587
©Atul Kaushal
Mar 2014 · 9.1k
In The Desert Of Loneliness
Àŧùl Mar 2014
I feel deserted in this desert of loneliness,
Even though several people surround me,
Just lonely sand anywhere the eye can go.

I was aimless if not for your thought dear,
Your presence in my daily life's beautiful,
Like an oasis which is needed in a desert..

I am valuable for you & similarly you are,
Invaluable for one another we're lifelong,
Igniting warmer the feelings kissing lips...
My HP Poem #586
©Atul Kaushal
Mar 2014 · 2.9k
My Ideal Idol
Àŧùl Mar 2014
Idol worshipping is alien to my mindset,
I have still found her - my feminine idol,
Someone who I love and respect as well.
She is the mother of God who I'd honour,
Not just 'til I live but even after my death,
Girl of my dream she's the girl of my life.
Someone who I let eradicate my tension,
I am lucky to have her enticed to my life,
Idol of my dreams is materialized in her.
I wait till she fills the void in my real life.
My HP Poem #585
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Mar 2014
Dry deserts in parts & dripping water holes
As well the body sure is a varied ecosystem
Having its own hairy forests having blooms
A body is like that as it's both moist and dry
Dusky at places where light seldom reaches
My HP Poem #584
©Atul Kaushal
Mar 2014 · 473
Fanatical Glory
Àŧùl Mar 2014
Words descend in Her worship,
Always singing for Her divinity,
These hymnal pieces of poetry...

Answering violence peacefully,
These resonating bottomlands,
Mutter the peace of pure love..

Demanding only love from Her,
Here I am perservingly waiting,
Just words of love in my world.
My HP Poem #583
©Atul Kaushal
Mar 2014 · 567
Àŧùl Mar 2014
I want you to have access to my dead body,
For that you better become a good doctor,
I have my own logical reason behind it.

If I am surely to die someday in future,
You should perform my postmortem,
And claim what's yours - my heart.

I want you to donate it to someone,
That someone who would need it,
A part of me could still survive.
My HP Poem #582
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Mar 2014
All these afternoons are really monotonous,
(Read "highly difficult & potentially boring")
But I never get bored of writing new poems!
My HP Poem #581
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Mar 2014
We know each other only by internet,
Which means we've not ever met yet,
Would it look so weird looking back?

The hearts are so much well-polished,
Embellished in her happy young self,
Making me feel more than just young.

What if it does indeed appear weird,
When we've let time do our bidding,
Why shall we even care about past?

She has got a beautiful golden heart,
Even I have got a very similar heart,
****** distance - the only difference.

Why is this later spring show so shy,
Would it show sooner when needed,
Will it keep languishing in her eyes?
My HP Poem #580
©Atul Kaushal
Mar 2014 · 693
A Day Will Come
Àŧùl Mar 2014
Your eyes would not ever get moistened,
Now just let me take all your pain away,
How much longer would you shove it in,
There is no place for tears in your eyes...

All your wishes and each of your desires,
They are all so tangy and sweet and sour,
Just wait until all the desires are fulfilled,
Do not worry dear such a day will come...
My HP Poem #579
©Atul Kaushal
Mar 2014 · 347
Demon-Angel Den
Àŧùl Mar 2014
I invite you to come with me,
Enter this den so very dark,
Just come inside forget the bright.

In you follow me as you are smile,
Charmed by my docile talk,
I gladly hop when you do so..

I found food for my nightmares,
By feasting on yours I'll survive,
Planting sweet dreams instead...
I would really love to have your nightmares.

My HP Poem #578
©Atul Kaushal
Mar 2014 · 529
A Good Morning
Àŧùl Mar 2014
I woke up to a pleasant dream about us,
I slept peacefully rid of any nightmares,
I was at a relative's place with my papa.

These relatives have a married son,
The cousin goes by the name Vivek,
This cousin has just gotten married.

He has gotten his knots tied happily,
His longtime love is the lucky bride,
Heads high they had gotten married.

I was there at Vivek's home for a cause,
I kept in my mind just one name - Mystery,
I hope that he will help convince father.
Oh and then up at 4 am from the pleasant dream I studied for my forthcoming entrance examination for around 90 minutes before posting this poem.

My HP Poem #577
©Atul Kaushal
Mar 2014 · 1.4k
Àŧùl Mar 2014
Though this festival is celebrated with
Powdered colours,
But today in Rex Gym where I visit for
Exercise oftentimes,
It was celebrated two days in advance
With marigold petals.
I go to the gym 4 times a week on an average,
Not aiming for bodybuilding but body toning.

My HP Poem #576
©Atul Kaushal
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