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1d · 332
Ashes of My Heart
Sora 1d
Even if you burn my heart
until there's nothing left but ashes,
I'd still adore the flames
that ignite us for eternity.
the faint glow would put me to sleep, despite falling apart within.
Sora 3d
The storm in my heart
never ceases to calm
as it rages on;
despite my feigned disdain for you.

It strikes,
shattering my soul into more pieces,
making it harder to gather them all
or to keep count.

I foolishly attempt to construct something,

Out of the awry, worn heart
which once only beat for you;
just to fail miserably.

But it is as though
in this moment,
everything seems to go still.

The winds come to an end,
leaving a soft zephyr in its place.

I close my eyes
as the once wrathful storm
that overtook my soul
quiets down,
the noises hushing with it.

The sun at its zenith,
high above, away from all the chaos
I yearn to leave behind.

All that could be heard now,
was the echoes of the blazing thunder
blurred into the faded hums of a lullaby
I once cherished.
Maybe if I didn't yearn what I could never have, this wouldn't have happened.
Sora 4d
What path in this warren of life,
made you go from affection
in everything you said,
to disdain in your nostalgic eyes?

The promises we uttered,
expecting to keep them for eternity and after;
now dissolved in the acid of your treachery.

Was it just me who had that intention
of never leaving until the end of time
or, were they merely just a game of your deceit?

The mirage of your trust and insistence
of partly carrying my burdens,
as I did for you,
now reduced to ashes
from which an ember lowly emits in its wake.

The very envisage of us being,
that would hush me too a deep repose
on sleepless nights;
now keeping me up until dawn.

it was my fault
for expecting so much.

For assuming you were
the one friend I'd needed,
in this deep, hollow concept of living.

I suppose what I'm better off with
is a barren version
of the shallow expectations concerning
human existence.

Often times, I reckon,
what would be of us
if we hadn't strayed apart to divergent voyages.

It is as though,
due to the circumstances uncalled
or our fraying nexus of connection,
we just weren't meant to be.
Why did you have to change?
Sora 5d
The inept waves of loneliness felt
are but a sign we are human;

Weaving shattered pieces of misery together
in hopes of being perceived
as complete again;

Apprehension clouding the mortal ideas
we call emotions.
we're all alone at some point, are we not?
Sora 5d
And just like how
wisteria bloom and flourish
in the unbeknownst shadows of spring,
your once befooled heart
shall also find it's way.
Only if it was possible to be as beautiful as flowers.
Sora 7d
Mankind is a mosaic
of everything they have done in their existence;
insignificant if the pieces cease
to fit against each other,
all intertwined into one melancholic,
woe-filled work of art.
That would be a very messy art piece.
Sora Sep 14
Is poetry like rubbing salt on already open wounds,
or is it what heals them?

Is it the cure to the poison present in our soul,
or is it, instead, the bane of what we feel?

what if in lieu,

poetry is what keeps mankind alive
through words once unsaid and unwritten.

It carries on our prophecy
and alleviates the vague suffering
present in the deep pit of our insufferable, mortal minds.

is the way our soul inevitably bleeds.
that would mean our soul has bled too much.
Sep 14 · 82
What is Sorrow?
Sora Sep 14
Is sorrow defined
by the absence of something you love
or the echoes of what you once held dear?

Or is it defined by the lack of warmth once felt,
the only remnant now, the shadows you learned to fear?

Perhaps it is neither.
Or perhaps, it is both.

All I know, and have known,
is that sorrow is what you feel after letting something go.
Maybe sorrow was meant to stay vague.
Sep 14 · 108
The Cost of Words.
Sora Sep 14
Time heals, they say,
but have you ever noticed
how every word you breathe is a sharp, unrelenting sting?

How you choose to speak them anyway,
no matter the agony they bring?

Have you ever noticed
the way I pick at every bruised scab
on the depths of my frayed heart,
that I once allowed you to hold?

Maybe it was my fault,
how I needed you to stay,
even though all my efforts
were nothing but in vain.

And as the blue-painted skies
slowly start to turn grey,
I still can’t find it in me
to look at you with disdain.

Although you might prefer to give up
on everything and leave
than watch wet paint dry;
I’m the one who's left to grieve,
over every truth and lie.
Does everything really turn out fine in the end with time?
Sora Sep 13
If the stars above could paint the vast, vivid realm
That seeks shelter in your eyes,

Would it be fair to decline?

Or perhaps, it was always meant for us
To wave goodbye at the end of time.
could get lost in your eyes forever.
Sora Sep 13
We are the things we so desperately desire be kept concealed:

the unsightly sensation of blood
painting our stained hands,

the sheer amount of hopelessness coursing inevitably
though the warren of our lifeless soul.

we are, what we are not.
A glimpse into the contradictions we hide within ourselves.
ironic, isn't it?
Sep 13 · 133
The Sun's Last Farewell.
Sora Sep 13
I gaze as the Sun retreats to its hollow cavern of darkness,
The stars a faint reminder of the vast emptiness that lies beyond.

A dove flew across my view,
And a daffodil gently landed on the windowpane.

Yet, it wasn't long before I realized that the Sun had set before it even rose.
Not everything lasts.
Sep 12 · 126
Flickering Hope.
Sora Sep 12
Like a candle,
The reflection of our shattered, but beating heart continues to grow Dimmer
As the passage of time goes on;
Kindled by our growing sorrow and the want to be ignited yet again for one final time,
The hours fleeting by as flowers wilt
And the ever-lasting rain ceases.
hope isn't always very steadfast, is it?

— The End —