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May 2024 · 852
When She Smiles
Steven Forrester May 2024
When she smiles
The whole world melts away
When she smiles
All of my pain
It drains
Leaving a cavity
She pulls me in
It's pure gravity
It would be a tragedy
If I didn't look deeper
I'm a dead sleeper
When she smiles
I am awoken
No longer broken
And so I smile
For Anna
Jun 2023 · 3.2k
Steven Forrester Jun 2023
Basking in strawberry moonlight
I look upon selene
And see your face
The air catches in my throat
I'm captivated by your grace
The thought of you
It lingers in my mouth
Your taste
Terrifying and terrific
Terribly tantric
Tumultuous an tempting
This tempest
A torrent tearing down my walls
A Tsunami
Leaving bare
my soul
Is this true
Is it you
My goal...
For Ari
Feb 2023 · 539
Steven Forrester Feb 2023
Sure footed
And silent
Fervently flirting
Flitting feverishly
And fumbling
In to subtlety
Resounding this resonance
Responsibly rectified
Is the laughter in my mind
Is seems
Lost in mushroom dreams
Threads laid bare
Bursting their seams
Wily and wicked
While woefully wrecked
In a witches eye
And verses
Vindicated in Victory

Mar 2022 · 967
Steven Forrester Mar 2022
Iron gray storm clouds
Hug a ***** desert city
With years of dust
And rust
And disgust
Heavy rain
Slaps against a grimy face
Leaving clean streaks in its place
A highlight
To the plight of the homeless
Thunder rolls forth
In this ironclad storm
Down here it's the norm
I find it soothing
Almost meditation
In form
Helps me inform
Oh well
Thoughts gone
Another monsoon
In Tucson
It's raining, and I'm people watching
Nov 2021 · 1.1k
Have I Given Enough?
Steven Forrester Nov 2021
Silently I stand
Surrounded in stoicism
Submerged in saddening sorrow
Saddled by stacking sour and soulful screams
This pressure building heavier
Yet I endeavor
I carry this weight
Always knowing
The load I bear
Will at some point
Give way
Releasing a cavalcade
Of despair
My life has not been easy
Albeit easier than others
This pressure grows on you
Sometimes so much it smothers
And covers
The screams
That replace my dreams
That shine
In my eyes
Over time
It has died
All that's left is grime
My eyes
An everlasting echo
Etched into everything
I've ever erased from memory
A cliche I'll enter
I hurt myself
To make sure I can still feel
I meet love head on
Full of zeal
Incessantly inquiring for that iconic
And inspirational ideal
But to no avail
My heart seems
At least to me
A fun thing
For people to step on
I rush to aid the ones
Who remind me of myself
Because for me
No one cared
No one dared
So maybe I should
Maybe I could
Offer my opinion
Grant a little guidance
My lack of direction
Makes me a foul figure
To follow
So my advice is unheard...
I apologize for this dump
Recently I've been in a slump
Just wanted to say this stuff
And also ask the world
When have I given enough?
Jul 2021 · 641
Steven Forrester Jul 2021
Dot dot dot
Three periods
It means I don't know what to say
I've left a lot of conversations
In just this way
I read people
Sometimes a little too well
And this pause
It fails to quell
This storming tide
Tempestuous in its turmoil
Tilting and tottering
As my heart is tossed around
Tiny tears trickling toward a sound
Slowly smoldering
Shouldering a stupendous
Looking for the ground
For days I've tried to be there
For days I'm met with silence
For days I've been scared
Because it seems
Like no one cares
I'm languishing
I'm low
Lost in a listless lilting
Heart is wilting
And it feels like I'm growing cold
I hope I'm wrong
I hope I'm just crazy
But in my experience...
Apr 2021 · 882
Steven Forrester Apr 2021
Eyes like black holes
They draw me in
Green as the spring bloom
Soft and inviting
A voice like a melody
A laugh like a song
A caress so tenderly
What's taken so long?
Mere folly
Or fortune
I'm not quite sure
Malicious and meticulous
Milling out malignant
Thoughts of malcontent
My melancholy
A cure
To sit
And laugh
Without pressure
Or care
Means more to me
Than water
Or air
You sit across and giggle
And I just stare
Ask what you will of me
My story is bare
My background
My triumphs
My sadness
It's there
Ask any question
It's nice to finally share.
Feel free to reciprocate
You will always have my ear
There's not a story you have
That I don't want to hear
Things are beginning
As before I stated
I find that in this spring
I'm #twitterpated
Sep 2020 · 490
Wicked Smile
Steven Forrester Sep 2020
Is this real life?
Or is it just another dream
This one is different
This one is powerful
As breathtaking as a miracle
Like a lake
Calm and serene
Is this really what it seems?
Life is confusing
Important and given
That smile melting away the madness
Wondrous and willful
Whimsically wearing down my walls
Driving me wild
With it's mild
But I digress
Not sure what this means
Still seems like a dream
But I realize
This is reality
And I'm pretty stoked...
For Vanessa
May 2020 · 416
Language of the Unheard
Steven Forrester May 2020
This is a verse for George
This is a poem for Philando
This is a memory of Oscar
Continuing the fight for Malcolm
Venerating the wisdom of Martin
This is a call to action
Even if just a fraction
Causes this cause to gain traction
For people tired of the inaction
The people have spoken
And decades have passed
Nothing has changed
Protesters still getting gassed
With years behind them
Trying to stay quiet
One ******
Two murders
A thousand
It's no surprise
That this protest is now a riot
Flames flitting in and out of frame
Guns glinting
as bootlickers offer more of the same
Tin badges holding themselves
As above the rest of us
I scream in disgust
What gives you the right
To ****** my neighbors?
What gives you the right
To brutalize my friends?
These fires ignite a memory
And makes me sing
Noting the similarity
To Martin,
and also Rodney king
I'll stop now
My angry rambling
I'll leave you with a quote
Most would think
It was said by Malcolm
But it was said by Dr. King
It's not absurd
He said it
"A riot is the language of the unheard"
That is the wisdom of Martin
That's why we continue to fight for Malcolm
That's why I remember Oscar
I wrote this poem for Philando
I wrote this verse for George
#BlackLivesMatter #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd #SayTheirNames #burnthismotherfuckerdown
Sep 2019 · 475
Steven Forrester Sep 2019
I have a question
For my friends
Of single perspective
I've been pensive
And holding my thoughts
To my chest
Always neglected
I'm not even second best
If I had the choice
I'd raise my voice
And scream up to the heavens
Why am I not good enough?
Why do I
Get left behind
Like some forgotten toy
Am I meant to constantly
Be ignored?
Ripped up?
Thrown away?
What's so wrong with me?
I think I'm ugly
And 15 people disagree
And of those 15 people
Not a one would actually
spend time with me
Then I think
It's gotta be my teeth right?
But no,
Because I've seen them with worse
So is it my personality?
Yeah I have issues
But most of them I deal with on my own
Am I too quiet?
Too shy?
Is that why I'm always alone?
**** man
I just don't know any more
Maybe I'm just bore
that's not the case
Maybe my time is just fun to waste
God this feeling has me on the floor
I'm screaming
To my ceiling
What the **** did you tell me you liked me for??
Aug 2019 · 477
How to Feel
Steven Forrester Aug 2019
It's late
Or early
Depending on
Your perspective
Not doing great
A little too lonely
Reflecting on
My prerogative
I'm a comet
Falling from the stars
But the ground is far
I'm coming in hot
This impact is going to be hard
A little too dark?
Some times I can't believe
The **** that happens to me
The more I get hurt
The funnier it becomes
This hilarity
It's scaring me
I can't tell if this is real
I'm not sure
But I think.....
I think I'm forgetting how to feel.
Jul 2019 · 493
Wishful Thinking
Steven Forrester Jul 2019
I think of you
Way more than I should,
But in this case;
I have to.
Because my voice
Doesn't do me any good
I wish it could
Oh I wish it would
Wishful thinking
From just an inkling
Of attention from you
I'm a distant guy
And shy
But I can't hide
That deep inside
I find
No other has lit my soul
On fire
This desire
I feel is coming to a head
I look ahead
And wonder
My heart drops
Derailed by this dread
I ponder
Your energy
It just...
It brings me to my knees
And I feel weak
I can't contain this much longer
With every day
Every word
Every single
Little smile
This feeling grows stronger
At first
I thought
Mere infatuation
But your presence is nuclear
And I bask in your radiation
You're an inspiration
For this dedication
Could not stop this
War torn
Two souls
Terribly Tormented
To totality
Tediously Traveling
Tempest tossed terror
Just to find
Each other
The air around you
But inviting
But not biting
I stand and wait
As my breath abates
Taking in this winter chill
Before my eyes
Flecks of snow
Intricate crystal
A blizzard
Terrifying and blissful
The only thing that makes sense
But I have to hold back
Jun 2019 · 482
Forever Alone
Steven Forrester Jun 2019
You know
It's rare
When I feel like
I like myself
Because every time
I get excited
I get shot down
Crash and burn
And once again
Sadness ignited

You know
It's sad
To think so highly of myself
Only to be told
You're not good enough
You're too nice
Too mean
To distant
To clingy
So quiet
But oh so annoying
It's rough

You know
It's not easy
Having these conflicts
Deep inside
They never subside
Knowing what I want to say
But also knowing
I have no right to speak
But in my mind
I just can't hide
From you

You know
Your presence alone
Can lift me up
Out of this prison
In which I lock myself
Of course this is something
I can't tell you at present
So I suffer silently
So sure I was
Of this serendipity
I was wrong
Now an epitome
Of stupidity
I close my lips

You know
I don't know
What the future holds
I've spent so much time
On my own
My heart is screaming
For someone to hold
But alas
It seems I'll always be alone...
Jun 2019 · 423
Who am I?
Steven Forrester Jun 2019
Who am I?
What have I become?
No solace in solitude
Solidifying my sadness
In singular significance
Silently stewing somberly
In sorrow
What can be done?
Your brilliance is overwhelming
Tearing and gnashing
At the corners of my mind
Your radiance and energy
Over charges my eyes
So much so
That I feel blind
And I can't unwind
Heart strings
Concentrically coiled
Around your fingers
Every step
Every word
Every noticed common interest
Highlighting compatibility
From now into infinity
You pull those strings
Bringing me closer
Yet so far away
Rip and shred
My heart yanked from my chest
Knocking me breathless
A gut punch
Too high to jump
Too low to duck
My brain creates
Images of competition
And I'm losing.......
Who am I?
What have I become?
What is this?
And what can be done?
Apr 2019 · 496
I Walk
Steven Forrester Apr 2019
I walk
I walk to get around
I walk and listen to natural sounds
I walk in sunshine
And mostly in twilight
Sometimes the things I see
Seem subliminally superb
And slightly more special
At night
I listen
I listen to the problems
And issues of others
Because I know I've most likely been there
I listen
To ludicrous outcries
And lacivious and lustful Lamentations
Looking listfully luxurious
Our eyes meet
And it passes
I speak
And usually only within my mind
Because I know
Nobody is really interested
In what I have to say
Silently I suffer
Because some have it worse
Most have it better
But that point is moot
I've rambled
Rampant revelling
Revealing raucous and ****
Riotous rituals
Relinquishing my radiance
I fade
Into an abyss
Created from my loneliness
I am alone
And some times I feel
It will always be so
I've made mistakes
My mind mauling
My insides
Meticulously melting
My very memory
Merely a moment
In time
I fear
I fear that one day
A chalk line will
Slowly and surely
Produce a vague image if me
An outline
An ode to my sadness
Of course I know it won't
But one can't have this much pain
And not fear these things
It's obscene
The things I say to me
Taught by torment
Tutoring myself in torture
I'm mean
To myself
And no one else
I hear the things I say to me
And shudder to think
The damage my words could cause Another
Sets me free
And alleviates this anger
In allegory allowing the air
To absolve my anguish
And then.....
I change my train of thought
Too touchy is this subject matter
Or not
But mostly.......

I walk.
Apr 2019 · 567
Can You See?
Steven Forrester Apr 2019
Look in to my eyes
What do you see?
Can you see the pain I've seen?
Can you see the places I've been?
Can you see the people I've known?
Can you see how much I've grown?
Can you see that I'm alone?
Can you see?
Green and gold dancing around the inky black
My pupils
In brightness contracted
From the light refracted
Giving substance to what stands before me
Can you see?
Despair and joy
Balancing in a brutal ballet
Brawny and brittle
Becoming barely blissful
A benevolent boquet
Of clover
Is this over?
My eyes have seen beauty
Perceived pain
Punished by pleasure
And pleasured in anguish
Can you see?
The person standing here
With eyes swimming
In a sea of green
Dec 2018 · 502
And Then...
Steven Forrester Dec 2018
A pin drops
Sending waves of nothing
Into my cold heart
I grow colder
As I fall apart
The deepening darkness
Drenching me in despair
Drunk and dribbling
Drooling devilishly
Upon the door of doom
Soon, you say
And again
And I wait patiently
Thinking absently
And then....

Cautiously waiting
A cacophony of cries
And a craving carrying
This cornucopia of craziness
I'm callow
Or so they say
Is this my life?
Is this my way?
Kind words
And actions
Melt mere sections
Of this muscle
But so far
It's not enough
And then......

Breathe in my soul
My very essence
Take in my life
My effervescence
I am champagne
Bubbles on the surface
But bitter inside

And then.....

I ask why.....

And then....

I beg to die....

And then....

I say goodbye...
Dec 2018 · 411
The Ride
Steven Forrester Dec 2018
Some times I wonder
Some times I think
Some times I ponder
Am I on the brink?
It seems so simple
But is it really?
A heart is delicate
And mines the epitome
It's barely holding together
In a messed up jury rigged state
Made presentable
With safety pins
And a lot of tape
When ever I start to feel
The way she makes me
I think is this real?
'cause it feels like a dream

I want to know
What makes her tick
I want to know
What makes her sick
Somebody better check me

I'm catching feels
And I can't catch my breath
My heart thumps
And I reel

Feeling feathery
Frightfully fearing
While furiously fighting
Figuratively of course....
This finesse at finding
Fiery finality

Kind of makes me hesitate
So commiserate
And resuscitate
Let's conversate
And enjoy the ride
Nov 2018 · 1.0k
Steven Forrester Nov 2018
Thump thump
What is that?
Thump thump
There it is again
Thump thump
It's coming from inside
Thump thump
I'm starting to feel alive
Thump thump
Ice is falling from my skin
Thump thump
Is this a sign?
Thump thump
Shall I begin?

I see this face
It's beautiful
It's radical
How this image
Takes a hold of me
A *****
Veritably vanquishing
This viciously vile
And yes
I feel alive
At my door
I hear as opportunity knocks
Taking the form
Or figure
Of a fox
Slyly slithering
In to my thoughts
Eating away
My cage
And I awake

Was it just a dream?

I don't thinks so......
For Adrienne
Nov 2018 · 361
Steven Forrester Nov 2018
They well up
My heart
Torn to shreds
My mind
Running these scenes
It's obscene
The way you talk to me
My soul
It's empty
I'm drowning
In a cascade
I keep reminding myself
Not to let it get to me
Not to let her hurt me
But she does
I can't hide
I can only face it
I can't lie
It's getting hard to take it
That high path is getting rough
Recklessly rocking
On a rickety and ramshackle road
Bridge my heart and soul
What is that sound I hear?
A listless lilting liquid hammer
I stammer
Just another tear
Jul 2018 · 1.2k
Carpe Diem
Steven Forrester Jul 2018
Life has a funny way
Of driving us almost insane
And pulling back
Just in time
For you to feel ashamed
Sometimes it throws a curve
Causing a momentary swerve
To avoid what we deserve
I watch these people
Clinging to a dream
They know in their hearts
Is gone with the wind
All the while
Theres been something good
Waiting in the wings

The world has a funny way
Of making us waste
Never siezing that day
Lie in wait
Just to alleviate

Because we're all a little broken
A little out spoken
But broken all the same

I dont want to wait anymore
**** it
This opportunity is knocking
And I'm opening that door
I feel these changes coming
This adventure I adore
And did I mention?
I have a question

Am I also
What you've been looking for?
May 2018 · 237
Life is Confusing
Steven Forrester May 2018
A bleeding heart
With a beating mind
Right from the start
Its hard to find
I keep on searching
Am i ******* blind?
Love me
Or hate me
We're out of time
We're out of place
Quicken pace
Stuck in this race
Theres nothing left
Inside this space
You knock me down
Spit in my face
You hate me now
But i love the taste
My depression dealt
In determination
A detriment
To my salvation
Caught in a loop
Of desperation
Take my breath
My respiration
Im not looking for revenge
Or reparation
My mind is muddled
Mysteriously moving
Marveled by mild
I see you shudder
With anticipation

Life is confusing.......
Mar 2018 · 548
Notice Me
Steven Forrester Mar 2018
Girl's got me crushing so hard
I'm like a black hole
Pressure bulding up
On all sides
The compressions so thorough
That even the light dies
And gets ****** inside
And i cant even hide!
Not that I'd want to
My heartbeat
Fretfully flutters
Like its fighting to fly free
From my chest
Breathlessly waiting
For just one glance
Notice me.....
Jan 2018 · 400
But I'm Getting There
Steven Forrester Jan 2018
Thump thump
Bump bump
My head is ******* me up
Take this life
Leave it in dust
This fear
This anxiety
Got me losing touch
With reality
Ring ring
Swing swing
Wanna know something?
Ask me
Im tired
But inspired
I keep reaching higher
But im too ******* short
Living life against the grain
The sweet **** so seductively smooth
But the pain
The pain is oh so coarse
But i keeping falling into that same gravity
That driving force
Take me away
I scream to the sky
Scarred and scared
Solemnly suited
For silent slumber
Rife with strife
I find my life
Is not where i want it to be

"But im getting there ......."
Jan 2018 · 266
But I'm Getting There....
Steven Forrester Jan 2018
Thump thump
Bump bump
My head is ******* me up
Take this life
Leave it in dust
This fear
This anxiety
Got me losing touch
With reality
Ring ring
Swing swing
Wanna know something?
Ask me
Im tired
But inspired
I keep reaching higher
But im too ******* short
Living life against the grain
The sweet **** so seductively smooth
But the pain
The pain is oh so coarse
But i keeping falling into that same gravity
That driving force
Take me away
I scream to the sky
Scarred and scared
Solemnly suited
For silent slumber
Rife with strife
I find my life
Is not where i want it to be

"But im getting there ......."
Jan 2018 · 415
Steven Forrester Jan 2018
Just blink
When you think
You're on the brink
Trying not to sink
To the bottom of the drink
Kick the bottom
And breach the surface
Forget the silence
Find your purpose
And shout it to the sky
Ask it why
And realize
Walk away
Take a drink
No time to sink
I'm on the brink
The pain makes me think
But it goes away for a while
If i blink...
Dec 2017 · 672
Just a Thought
Steven Forrester Dec 2017
And pain
In my mind
They reign
My life is just a stain
On a cosmic napkin
Celestial garbage
So to speak
And my knees?
Well every day
They seem a little more weak
Every night
Life gets a little more bleak
How can we survive?
Pull up a chair
And have a seat
Let me tell you a story
About the meek
For its we
Who have the power
To change......
Nov 2017 · 362
Steven Forrester Nov 2017
I'm often sad
It's really bad
It's like my brain attacks me
Whenever I feel content
It's like my soul just smacks me
Leading me to contempt
Curled up in the corner
Contemplating counterproductive
crippling me to my core
What a bore
She says
Yawning in indifference
In violent inference

After all this *******
I turn and ask you
What the **** do I do now?
Dedicated to the only person on history to achieve infidelity in an open relationship
Sarah "roa" Camacho
Oct 2017 · 375
The Face of Heartbreak
Steven Forrester Oct 2017
My life is a pit
Of pity
And self loathing
So much so
I constantly fall
For wolves
In sheep's clothing
My mind is mirror
Cracked upon it's surface
Living in constant fear or
More or less
My heart is sand
Ground into dust
Feeling so bland
With no one I can trust
Or at least that's how it seems

My will is vibranium
Strong and indestructible
And so invulnerable
I rise
To meet my fate
As once again I gaze
Into the face
Of heartbreak
(c) Steven Forrester
May 2017 · 312
A Question, Mr. President
Steven Forrester May 2017
Are we dead?
Is this life?
Is it just in my head?
All this strife
All this hate
When the white house
Is the kremlin
Are any of us safe?
It is evident
That our president
Is failing
It is obvious
That he's oblivious
To how obnoxious
He really is
Can we remain
The same
This giant name
Who plays our country
Like a game
Bringing on this heavy rain
Every day my mind is strained
Our international face so often stained

But wait you say
Let your anger stay
Let it drift away

Give him a chance

Wait no another

Wait no one more

How long do we have to wait?

How many chances does it take

Until our patience breaks....
(c) Steven Forrester #Trump #POTUS #America #Resist
Feb 2017 · 429
Insomnia II
Steven Forrester Feb 2017
My mind is electric
Thinking about nothing
Thoughts that are unpleasant
I am awake
But wishing to go to sleep
I am alive
And running from this herd of sheep
Do you know
Where we can go from here?
Can see
What we are to be
Locked in
And shackled by our fear?
Break away
And claim
Your everlasting gleam
Frolic fondly, fantasizing
Faintly while forgetting yourself
In a dream
I know
This one
It's pretty deep
Good night reader
Im going to sleep...
Dec 2016 · 492
An Absent Thought VIII
Steven Forrester Dec 2016
So let your mind dance
Enhance your perception
Advance your selection
Grasp what you want
And try to be whole
While wondering
Take control
And hold on to life
Because life
Is a wonderous thing
Now think
What does that mean?
That question seems to be
Right now the biggest ******* thing
You know what it means to me
**** it you all mean something to me
Why must we fight
About whats right
And who has the right to live
We know this ****
Move on you *****
We've all mattered all along
The world is always changing
And we must follow suit
Always and ever evolving
Learn from what we've been through
Take a hold of destiny
And write our stories anew
These thoughts of mine
Are strange indeed
I've forgotten where we're going
Oh well
**** it
I'm out.
The rest is not worth knowing
Explicit Language. (Obviously)
Oct 2016 · 635
Steven Forrester Oct 2016
I'm sorry I'm not better....

Forgive me, I'm trying so hard....

My life is rebuilding....

Ever so slowly...

I will never hate you...

No matter the torture...

I wish I had been better...

I am a loser...

Clawing my way up...

Please stop the hate...

Please stop the punishment...

******* it, I'm sorry...!

Please forgive me...

I'm trying...

So ******* hard...

To hate you...

But I can't....
Sep 2016 · 502
Whispers on the Wind
Steven Forrester Sep 2016
In the dark
I lie awake
I see her face
And start pondering
With her
I feel my eyes stop wandering
Sweetly singing
Serendipitous songs
Swaying silkily
Into sleep
It keeps me up
And thinking
The time I'm wasting
My mind is racing
And I can't make it stop

But maybe I don't want to
The wind is whispering
Waiting willfully
Watching, wavering
Wistfully woeful
Yet wonderful

Time is not guaranteed
Life is full of danger
And what ever doesn't **** you
Makes us a little stranger

Its not so bad though....
Sep 2016 · 3.7k
I Am The Storm
Steven Forrester Sep 2016
Inspiration is a funny thing
It can come from anywhere
What's been done
Is a preview of what's to come
Life hard
Only getting harder
My goals are far
And seem to be getting farther
I'm a father
And a poet
Though at present I don't see her
I hope she can see later
That we're not so bad
Me and her mother
She's angry with me
I'm hurt by her
But like a kidney stone
This will pass
I ask
Does anyone understand?
Can anyone relate?
That's okay
I've always been patient.
People try to shake me
Break me
And take me
There is a quote here
That has driven these words
Like bees they swarm

You say

You cannot fight the storm

I say

You're right

I cannot fight myself

I am the storm.
Sep 2016 · 695
Keep on living
Steven Forrester Sep 2016
I can't tell you
How many times
My mind
The end
Looks mighty friendly

The world is painful
Its cruel
Am I strong enough?
What does this feeling fuel?

My mind watches
As a bullet rips through my brain
And blood stains my walls
And I'm left as a shell

But then.....

I picture
My sister
Finding me

My niece crying

My ex dropping to her knees
From the phone call

The paramedics covering my face

And my daughter's smile....

And I cry.

I cry because the end of your life
Brings pain to everyone you've loved
And every life you've touched

I would rather bear my pain
And carry on

Then hurt the ones I love

And so I kept on living.....
Sep 2016 · 836
An Absent Thought VII
Steven Forrester Sep 2016
I am sullied
I am broken
Though they are whispered
I hear the words you've spoken
So open
Your heart
Your mind
Bring forward
Your art
And relish
These times
I find
With rhyme
I fly
But I hide
Unbearably shy
I see you
And wonder......
Aug 2016 · 765
Millennium Soul
Steven Forrester Aug 2016
I've seen it all
Nations rise
While empires fall
And I realize
We're nothing
If not small
My soul
Has watched
And waited
A restless mind
I find
There will always be time

And my soul endures

The passage of decades
Which become centuries
And centuries
Become millennia

And still my soul endures

I have popped up in history
Too many times
For me to mention

The common
This cosmic
To a cannibalistic
Corrals me in contempt

But I'm content

I know and remember my lives
All of them
I see their memories
And I see their deaths
I see their enemies
Whenever I take a breath

I see monsters
And ravens
In my dreams

I feel those personalities
Pushing at my seams

A claim like this
I know
It's bold
And I will always endure

As the Millennium soul...
Aug 2016 · 654
Time Lord
Steven Forrester Aug 2016
I see beauty in her face
Eyes glistening
Full of grace
Shyness apparent
In time and space
This life or a variant
There's no time to waste
Everything is in flux
Rocking my core
I want a taste
Of what
I'm not sure
My hearts are beating
In your eyes
I watch as a star is born
The magnitude
Of your gaze
So much larger
Than my box
We close the door
Wave good bye to the past
But this is no end
My friend
Let the adventure begin.
Inspired by "Doctor Who"
Aug 2016 · 1.1k
Steven Forrester Aug 2016
That sound you hear
When trying to cause fear
And doubt
Within me
You threaten
And tease
And ******
Tremendously tactless
It goes again
What is that sound
You're hearing
You're fearing
It's an omen of what's to come
I have always been patient
Can you say the same?
Your patience is similar
To how you love.
It's fast, and burns bright
A shooting star
It felt so right
But I realize
You've done this all before
The only difference is
This time you have the ultimate weapon
You have my daughter
You will not be forgiven
You will not be apologized too
You are the embodiment of poison
But beware
My power has risen
My future is clear
Vast are my choices
I am no longer scared
That's a bullet
fired by you
That's the bullet
Striking true
You fire your guns
But I'm bulletproof
Aug 2016 · 505
Nothing But A Vision
Steven Forrester Aug 2016
I'm writing a letter
And you know why
Dreadful demeanor
In a dastardly disguise
My pain an endeavor
Of your corrupt design
Take hold of my collar
Tear me from the rind
You are beautiful
And tragic
And I still wish
You hadn't left me behind

You knowingly hurt me
That's okay
I understand
I'm hard to live with

But you use her as a weapon
In a one sided war
I have no desire to fight you
A pathetic notion
I'm sure
Because underneath the anger
I just want what we had before

You put in effort
Over the years
To paint an unfair picture
To tweak everyone's ears

I really don't comprehend
Why it's so important
To tell the world I'm terrible
When I want them to know
You're Wonderful

I'm sure you think I hate you
I'm sure you'll never read this
Here's hoping that you do

I forgive you
For everything you've done
Everything you've said
And I apologize
For all the same

Please stop the slander
Please stop the hate
You say i'm a villain
While I think you're great

I feel like I'm trapped
Lost in a prison
With nothing


But a vision.
Aug 2016 · 922
Heart & Soul
Steven Forrester Aug 2016
Sitting here
And pondering

Or cheerily
Yet I still want to die

My face is smiles
And misleading

My heart is fractured
And bleeding

My mind is buzzing
And words are whirling
Twirling my thoughts
To delusions of grandeur

I sit
Maybe confused
Not sure what to do

Does anyone else feel this way?
Do you ever just
Wish it would end?

Do you ever look at your life
And think.
What have i done?

For me
At least
I have these
To ease
Those thoughts of nothingness

Though i am not famous
Or rich
Or even that well known

My words are profound
My thoughts are now focused
My poetry
And notoriety

My heart
My soul
My drive
My will
This day
I feel
And deal
This wheel
Of life
Or strife
A mighty blow
My heart

Is screaming.
Aug 2016 · 325
I Am Pain
Steven Forrester Aug 2016
Trickling slowly
Back to the front of my mind
This sadness erupts
Tearing my mind apart
So painful it cuts
My already Fractured heart
How do I live?
How do I continue?
What do I do!?


There's nothing I can do
Every time
I try to find
Any sign
To free my mind
But I'm out of time...

Dreaming of a place
Where tears don't stain my face
Where every hello
Is a forced courtesy
How does one cope
When his job is to make people happy
But inside
No happiness resides...

My soul is tortured
And broken
And all of the words I've spoken
Are unheard
They are ignored

I am ignored

I am pain.
Aug 2016 · 5.3k
The Master
Steven Forrester Aug 2016
Clad in vinyl
Bound and gagged
My whip cracks
Cleave clefts of flesh
And the blood trickles
Pain is pulsing
Penetrating prior unknowns
Chains and leather
Inclement weather
The pain and pleasure
A pinnacle of understanding
Our reality
Like lsd
A mind ****
Of the brutal but beautiful
An ode to those beyond
Rather above the pale
I tie your hands
Bind your feet
Kiss your face
And release
The Master.
Jul 2016 · 478
Mon Etoile Nouveau
Steven Forrester Jul 2016
I see her
Shining silently
Across the void
Across the galaxy
Across the universe
System is binary
Though close
To mononova
Honestly glad
The past is over
Mon cour et tien
She says
In her eyes
I know it's true
And patience
Is my strongest virtue
The vastness of space
And still in one place
My heart is moving
Breath taking
Where this journey
Ends I do not know
But I'll make the trek
With a new light
Mi estrella
Mon Etoile nouveau.
Jul 2016 · 519
About me
Steven Forrester Jul 2016
I am darkness
Bleeding out
Into nothingness
I am pain
A grimace
A torturous contortion
This portion
Of my psyche
I can't see
My heart
Was ripped apart
I am
Is this sufficient?
Is it enough to see?
Have I told you enough
About me?
Jul 2016 · 383
Lost Boy
Steven Forrester Jul 2016
Another story
sad and lonely
My life is chaos
Spinning out of control
There was only one person
Who has the power to hold
To calm this storm raging within
My family offers little comfort
Without you
I realize my mind is broken
Was broken long ago
Then in to my life walked you
Holding that tube
Of gorilla glue
You pieced me back together.
Now you're gone....

I know I'm not perfect
And I've never
To be

What do I do....

I'm so ******* lost without you.
Steven Forrester Jun 2016
We can not thrive
but must stand together
a nation united
Not Pagans
Not Christians
Not Jews
Not Muslims


Not Arabs
Not Persians
Not whites
Not blacks
Not Latinos
Not Indians
Not Asians


Stand together my brothers
Stand for freedom my sister's
Stand for love
Stand for light

Brighten the night
And realize
We are one
We are all

We are life

We are America.
In memory of those lost in Orlando
June 2016
Jun 2016 · 2.2k
Never Surrender Your Smile
Steven Forrester Jun 2016
And all its endeavors
Usually end in forever
But never
Your smile
Is an unjust
But never
Your smile
Power comes
When weakness grows
But never
Your smile
Evil will triumph
A time or two
But never
Your smile.

Because smiles have power
Smiles are infectious
Even when life is sour
Smiles' sweetness silently severs
Our connection to pain
Pleasantly putting to perspective
This putrid pestilence
We call progress.

So when you feel down
Your Smile.
Jun 2016 · 1.1k
Steven Forrester Jun 2016
rears it's ugly head
When eyes go read
Thoughts are flying
Through my mind
That answer
I still can't find
Bumbling and blundering
While blissfully blind
I'm hurt
I'm crying
I'm broken
Inside my hearts whithers
I have nothing more to say
Maybe a bullet
Will take it all away
Serious, but also not.
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