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102.6k · Jun 2014
the basics
PrttyBrd Jun 2014
love generates kindness
trust generates peace
open hearts breed understanding
21.9k · Oct 2016
Sugar High
PrttyBrd Oct 2016
She glistens in shades of rose wine
Warmth melting inhibitions
Flesh begging to be devoured
A hint of its sweetness
beckons as it lingers on still air
Molten steel
Heat rises
A gentle touch
Electricity liquefies
There, in the light
transformed by a glance
that holds a promise of passion
Aquiescence in liquid candy
She is consumed
He is ravenous
yearning to be sated
Yet, feeding the very hunger
that drives him
straight through her soul
14.8k · Feb 2017
City Soot and Silent Promises
PrttyBrd Feb 2017
The sewer stink of street trash
marries the scent of desire
veiled in crimson shadows
reflected on the damp pavement

Thoughts silenced by the gasp
of nylons being shredded by possibility
Teeth grip then slip
on the sweat of a humid night

Fireball burns sweet
as night lands on the flesh in city soot
a grit that makes every movement
a sanguinary promise
forged on the edge of pain

Owned. Taken. Willed.
Filled with primal intoxication
that turns warm city nights
into shameless memories
wrapped in the stink of street trash
13.1k · Nov 2014
Night Night
PrttyBrd Nov 2014
Sweet dreams to all my friends
Know you are loved
12.0k · Dec 2014
PrttyBrd Dec 2014
I bet you taste like
the most delicious sin
11.9k · Jul 2011
PrttyBrd Jul 2011
it is my unseen lover
it caresses my dreams
and weaves beauteous nightmares
my closest friend, it walks with me
our hands entwined in better days
and cradles me tight against its breast as I falter
though feared by so many,
it is comforting in its consistency,
in its dependability
always there, it never disappoints
close enough to feel its cold breath envelope me,
it feels like home as it moves like fog through the cracks in my soul
And my heart can almost feel whole in its bitter embrace
©PrttyBrd 14/08/11
11.7k · May 2010
Come Back to You
PrttyBrd May 2010
Slipping further away
Deeper into the darkness
Bad choices and wrong turns
Weigh the anchor speeding descent
Plastic smiles and crocodile tears
Which is the mask?
Where does the truth lie?
Reaching down to offer a reprieve
There is no hand to grasp
Helpless, watching
Tears burning as the light fades to nothing
Where is the fire that lit you from within?
If you reach for me,
I will always be there
11.2k · Jul 2015
Rules of Engagement
PrttyBrd Jul 2015
Crossing the room in slow motion
She watches his muscles move in the moonlight
Oh how they glisten in anticipation
Sit my pet, in a whisper
At her feet he waits with bated breath
So pleased at his obedience
Such a simple command
He inches closer
His eagerness evident in his silence
In his omission of a proper response
An outfaced palm and he stops short
Sitting back on his feet, hands in lap, eyes to the floor
I'm sorry Ma'am, he says
That is evident by his failure to respond
He knows what is coming
Grabbing the back of his hair she forces his eyes to hers
Position, she says disgustedly
She leans back in the armchair as he pulls her hips to the edge
He lifts one leg and gently places it over the arm
Then he positions the other in the same manner
Sitting back on his feet, facing the floor
His arousal is evident, as is his moist anticipation
The word is grunted through gritted teeth
He leans into heaven
Hovering an inch away
Slow deep breaths
He breathes in her essence wanting nothing more
Than to bridge the gap with his tongue
White satin and peekaboo lace
She runs down the rules of his punishment
Will you touch the Goddess
No Ma'am
Will you drool on the Goddess
No Ma'am
Will you move without permission
No Ma'am
How long will you hold your position
As long as my Goddess sees fit...Ma'am
Good boy
His breath is slow, deliberate, and heavy
The heat of it permeates the thin fabric
She runs her hand over the object of desire
Accentuating the outlines of what lies beneath
An accidental whimper
A gruff command
Followed implicitly
In a slow and graceful motion
A hand slips under the fabric
Opening her flower releasing a hint of nectar
The scent grows exponentially upon the unfurling of petals
A glistening finger touches him just above his lip
Is that what you want?
It's a rhetorical question
Yes please
What will you do to get it
Such a simple question with but one answer
Anything you please, Goddess
Stick out your tongue
He does so in silence, careful that he does not touch her
She uses his wet flesh to wipe her finger clean
Closer she whispers
Now, within a half inch he breathes her in deeply
Mesmerized by the dewy goodness held behind the smooth satin
Watching desire grow in painfully slow motion
He blows out on the growing dampness
As he waits for her next command
PrttyBrd Feb 2015
In the silence of a day like today
In the wake of yesterday's dreams
Forgetfulness feels like noncompliance
In a world where defiance still seems
Like a benign inaction of innocence
Though it feels like a stabbing of spite
Willing to kneel to your Goddess
Yet unable to yeild to Her might
There is no weakness to worship at Her altar
It takes strength to relinquish control
Relax and trust in the knowledge
Acquiesce and watch it unfold
There is freedom in the smile of an angel
There is love to be had all around
There is power in making Her smile
Don't be the sadness beind every frown
Inaction, as innocent as it seems
Breeds disappointment that infects every smile
And all those little requests
Will stop being wanted after awhile
See, for all the deeds left unfinished
And all those tiny tasks left undone
Will chisel away Her hearts desire
Leaving Her another invisible no one
An empty shell of a Goddess
Whose glory, in your heart will remain
While She curses her very existence
Languishing in true-love's refrain
10.6k · May 2010
Beautiful and Blinding
PrttyBrd May 2010
Stepping out
On stepping stones
Cracked and ready to crumble
The slightest pressure or lightest weight
Bring the depths instantly closer
Plummeting to the unknown
Facing the unwanted
The sunny sky turns tunnel
Turns pinhead, turns black
Vertigo, no sign to guide
Nothing to lean on
No way to track the bubbles
As the drowning ensues
Searing pain, like lightening
Blinds or enlightens
A flash of what's to come
For an instant there is tomorrow
In that instant hope renews
A hint of up or down
A choice of direction
A path to glory
A way of life
And the sun will never be lost again
- From Sunset to Sunrise
10.5k · Mar 2014
My Obsession
PrttyBrd Mar 2014
I fear
The closer we get
The stronger the longing
10.1k · Dec 2014
The Scent of Reminiscence
PrttyBrd Dec 2014
The scent of fresh bread
breathed me home for Christmas
10.0k · Oct 2011
behind those eyes
PrttyBrd Oct 2011
Behind those eyes of blue-gray-green
Lies a heart of which is seldom seen
Though hard for some to realize
There's a world of pain behind said eyes
From drama of torn childhood
From doing bad but being good
To grown up tears of discontent
From words once spoken but never meant
And now with empty bottles past
With clarity one hopes will last
Can be seen a glimpse of inner peace
Of eager joy which begs release
Though years of numbness linger still
Denying freedom to laugh at will
A perfectly polished yesteryear
Cradles everything the heart holds dear
The memories of warmth and fun
Tarnish easily out in the sun
When walking backwards leads you blind
One can never leave the past behind
The farther away the better it seems
Even the nightmares look like a dream
Now, when walking heel to toe
Facing the way you want to go
The road's less bumpy for the ride
Obstacles faced with longer strides
The light behind those eyes still burns
As chapters end and pages turn
The book continues day by day
Joy slowly rises come what may
Living is what makes us strong
To do what's right when we've been wronged
And though that pain may never die
There's no place left for it to hide
It's worn dull by loves embrace
Displaced, in time, with joy and grace
And then those eyes of blue-gray-green
Will sparkle new with brighter sheen
For a heart that's swelled to greater size
Will be foretold behind those eyes
copyright©PrttyBrd 21/10/2010
9.2k · Oct 2011
Conformed to a Rainbow
PrttyBrd Oct 2011
The epidemic of conformity consumes all
Children play by board game rules
Stifled by the world to paint a proper picture
They draw flowers of red with stems of green
Fields of wildflowers viewed as weeds enveloped in insecticides
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet
That is a rainbow, in that order alone
We are taught to live by the colors in a box of eight crayons
But even so, those colors cannot make a proper rainbow
A rainbow should be praised if drawn in mixed-breed hues
That field of flowers, natures pallet
We should begin with a box of 124 and grow infinitely
Where lilac dragons can live in cherry trees
Where those waist-high weeds hide the predator from the prey
For where would we be without cops and robbers, or hide and seek
In a world where out of sight incites widespread panic
Children's laughter in the sun is slowly silenced by the rules
Instead, embrace the joy and encourage creativity
We should harbor imagination and develop unreality
For it is there that is born the ideas that will form the future
copyright©PrttyBrd 22/10/2010

Written for the Adopt a Metaphor challenge.  Words given were "develop unreality"
9.2k · Aug 2015
Life In The Shade
PrttyBrd Aug 2015
Your beautiful soul deserves
so much more
than my shadows
8.9k · Oct 2011
This Moment
PrttyBrd Oct 2011
Between today and tomorrow lives a lifetime
Between today and yesterday seems untrue
Yet, here, in this moment, lies perfection
A glance feels an eternity
Doubt is squelched by honest emotion
And reality breathes in time with our hearts
copyright©PrttyBrd 22/10/2010
8.8k · Mar 2014
Disguised in Fantasy
PrttyBrd Mar 2014
To love the dream
More than the man
Isn't love
8.2k · Jun 2010
In Passing
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
Oh, how the new day dawns
In lavender hues of beautiful.
Tired eyes renewed by the splendor.
As it stretches to peer over the horizon,
The sun grins Good Morning.
As I bid Good Night
copyright©PrttyBrd 12/06/2010
7.1k · Apr 2014
PrttyBrd Apr 2014
you are my sweetest dream.
you are my ever after
7.0k · Jun 2014
Counterfeit Beings
PrttyBrd Jun 2014
Dreams* crafted
useless yesterdays
empty tomorrows

Cracks spackled
makeup and tears

Porcelain facade

... *
6.9k · Sep 2012
PrttyBrd Sep 2012
Through the icy morning
To the sunny afternoon
I find myself looking at you
So far away, yet I remain surrounded
In the warm sun and cool breeze
You tickle my skin happy
In the blue/gray sky that reflects your gaze upon mine
Until finally I am enveloped in dreams of you
copyright©PrttyBrd 09/01/2011- From 14
6.9k · Jan 2015
a pause before trying
PrttyBrd Jan 2015
If at first you don't succeed
Spill your tears on paper
Pour your lamenting soul into the universe
Take a deep breath
And try again
6.8k · Oct 2014
Power of SHE
PrttyBrd Oct 2014
Thick skin falls in pieces
To reveal a molten liquid center
A beauty never gazed upon by another
A glow of heat and pain and
Hidden from prying eyes
Kept safe from strangers and "loved ones" alike
Permanent fists grip tightly
As the center boils hot upon its release
And a trickle becomes a flood
In the right hands...

In the right heart
The stiff grip loosens
And new skin, soft and supple
Replaces the old
Stronger than one could have imagined
Sweeter than one could hope
A butterfly against the odds
And a struggle ends in .....**love
For that sweet one, the one no one else can truly see.
6.6k · Jan 2015
Consequences of Caring
PrttyBrd Jan 2015
In time, the heart bleeds
Choking, drowning on its own
6.6k · Nov 2014
To Keep Him Warm
PrttyBrd Nov 2014
It turned cold quickly
Almost skipping Autumn
Reluctant to wear a jacket
Or a hat, or gloves
Too distant for my arms
To keep him warm against my chest
He said he never wore a scarf
But if he did, he would go Dr. Who style
I had to laugh as i looked up the reference
Fifteen feet of mismatched stripes
Maybe not the stripes, he said
I happened upon a huge skein of yarn
It felt like a warm blanket in the oddest,
Most interesting colors
Manly, neutral, and perfect for Fall
So i crocheted a scarf and pictured him warm
The pattern in those colors was a mess
I chuckled at why they would make such an ugly pattern
I crocheted every stitch with love
Through arthritic hands that felt no pain
I crocheted a scarf, stopping only when it dragged the floor when i put it on
Two feet short, but ridiculously long
I bordered it in shades of green to match
Not realizing it was variegated into Brown's and maroons along the way
But it matched the odd mix of colors
And finally made it almost pretty to me
I covered myself in perfume
And put it around my neck
As I turned I caught a glimpse in the mirror
It wasn't a horrible amalgamation of hideous colors
It was camouflage, with a matching border
I laughed so hard, and felt so bad
My hillbilly in camouflage
Wearing a scarf way too long
Maybe he would hate it
Maybe he won't wear it
I knew better
So, I packed up his bag of gifts
And sent it to the frozen mountains
He never wore a scarf
He opened it and put it on
It smells like You, he said in blssful remembrances
It's definitely camouflage, he laughed
It's perfect baby, I'll wear it whenever it's cold
And in the picture he sent
I saw its beauty
It wasn't in the patterns of crisscrossing colors
It wasn't in the accidental way
The border perfectly complimented the body
It wasn't in the fact that he would be able
To wrap himself up in me to stay warm
It was in that picture
It was the joy that filled his smile
It was in his eyes that danced in love
It was in the fact that he believes
Because i made it, it's perfect
Yes, i accidentally crocheted a thirteen foot camouflage scarf
And he loves that I can keep him warm.
6.6k · Jul 2010
PrttyBrd Jul 2010
70 miles per hour
The highway rushes by
Careless open window wind
Caught like a kite
Lifted to the sky
Open, it dances
Twirling and twisting
Swaying in slow motion
It's invisible smile, contagious
As it flies away free
So lovely as it makes it descent
Swirling in the breeze
Slowing as it realizes its fate
At journey's end it lays
Dusty and crumpled
Forgotten and used
Left by the side of the road
Unsightly, scorned
Torn and stabbed
As it journeys on
Lifted again just briefly
As it comes to rest
At the bottom of a bin
Written as in response to a challenge for Poetic Dreamers.  The inanimate falling item I chose to write about is a plastic grocery bag.

copyright©PrttyBrd 012/07/2010
6.5k · Jun 2014
As Yet Unsaid
PrttyBrd Jun 2014
When you
absentmindedly laugh at me with such warmth
It is then that I see your heart

When you
eagerly assume you'll read my most intimate words
it is then that I feel the truth

When you
matter-of-factly believe I'm amazing
it is then I realize I've always loved you
6.4k · Apr 2015
PrttyBrd Apr 2015
After all this time
There are no worries
It is as it has always been
We are one
And forever does exist
6.1k · Jun 2012
Traces of You
PrttyBrd Jun 2012
Traces of you line every moment silver,
     even in my darkest day
Traces of you can make the empty linger,
     the second you walk away

Traces of you are my hidden treasure,
     a joy that is all my own
Traces of you are too fine to measure,
     yet brighten my darkness alone

Traces of you make life worth living,
     the birth of my very smile
Traces of you make ease of forgiving,  
     though memories tend to beguile

Traces of you turn hell into glory,  
     then turn back the other way
Traces of you rewrite the story,
     every second of every day
copyright©PrttyBrd 27/06/2012
5.7k · May 2010
On Deaf Ears
PrttyBrd May 2010
Clouds roll in and thunder roars
Tears, they fall in rage
burning rivers down the face
Of the once innocent
Humanity ripped from souls
The heartless rise
The careless linger
What was once is no longer
What should be, never was
Ineffectual words
Counting down to nothing
5.6k · Jun 2010
Sonnet to a Mermaid
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
Island vacation relaxing and calm
Her fluid nature cannot be ignored
Drawn to her heat with the promise of more
There go the lazy days spent 'neath the palm
Enchanted Princess in an island tale
A bronzen mermaid in the deep blue sea
One look, you'll be who she wants you to be
And revel with new found freedom in sail
The water sparkles in the setting sun
Splashes like fireworks welcome the night
Outlines of flesh reflected in moonlight
In the shadows of waves two become one
Reckless abandon, a perfect escape
In her arms he found that dreams could take shape
Inspired by Far Flung Fun by David Thomas
copyright©PrttyBrd 04/06/2010
5.2k · Jul 2014
PrttyBrd Jul 2014
Lavender rainbows in teal green skies
Where all clouds are lined silver
Glittered lakes in powder pink
Feed pastel unicorns with pearlesque horns
Twisted in iridescent beauty
In a land of pretty pegasi
Dreams become reality become dreams
For Aliah and her love of all things unicorny
5.2k · Apr 2014
PrttyBrd Apr 2014
Cattails in the morning dew
Gently swaying in the wind
Glistening in the sunrise
Stretching toward its warmth
Butterflies spread their wings
Landing in unison with its motion
Perched upon its summit
Clinging on in the cool breeze
Still glistening in the morning dew
PrttyBrd Jan 2015
Time stamped messages
Instant gratification
Checked in
Logged on

Time stamps
Instant disappointment
Overlooked, ignored

Time stamps
Phone updates
Instant insanity

Time stamps
Back check lies
Checked in elsewhere
When, where, why

Time stamps
Where R U
Ah, I C U
Seriously, enough already. Big brother has turned into expectations of the people in this instantaneous world of technology.
4.9k · Jun 2010
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
The blue rain of obscurity
Blurs the edges of reality
Turns a deluge of insecurity
Into fissures of abnormality
And disappointed purity
that decays the personality
copyright©PrttyBrd 14/06/2010- From Sunset to Sunrise
4.8k · Jul 2010
July Continued
PrttyBrd Jul 2010

Overcast, sunless
Visibly silent screaming
Parched, now overjoyed


Wheat and weather watched
Drought gives way to summer storms
Lightning strikes with fire


Darkness falls so late
Chicken coop falls silent now
***** crow before dawn


Chasing butterflies
Buzzing bees on flowers still
Spiderwebs glisten


Birds bathe in sunshine
Chasing, dancing, singing free
Harmonious life


Breezes blow warm air
Waves of grasses hypnotize
Clouds float passed the sun


The water ripples
Slow concentric rings wave on
A rock and a splash


Attack, run away
Attack, attack, run away
Courtship rituals


Fowl scattered in fields
Hunting, pecking, roaming free
Chasing bugs and seeds


Corners filled with webs
Intricate art of nature
Respect without fear


Water beads on grass
Thirst quenched every morn
Silence before dawn


Seven eggs in nest
Encircled in royal blue
Three weeks to new life


Small spaces invite
The great escape attempted
Free birds in tall grass


Running through the fields
Frolicking in the sunlight
Sunset calls them home


Butterfly standing
Flapping wings in slow motion
Gently ate its fill


Short weeds in high grass
Flowers, bees, grasshoppers, ants
Seasonal creatures


Scorched earth, lightning strikes
Life lush green burning to ash
Renewal takes time


Five are missing, gone
The culprit is yet unknown
Life cycles throughout


Clawed dirt freshly turned
Evidence of a sly fox
Clever, impressive


Lightning strikes, sparks fly
Fire consumes through the darkness
A fresh start tomorrow


Winds of change blow in
Lightning storms of discontent
Perception adjusts


Stinging insects buzz
Flowers thrive in the meadow
View from a distance


The surface unmarred
Faint hint of things soon to come
Small crack, rotten egg


Distance still remains
Oceans and miles stretch onward
The phone is my friend


Leap and take a chance
Is easier said than done
knowledge kills hope


Change is forged in need
Optimistic tendencies
For better or worse


Clicking black keyboard
Ethereal glowing screen
Midnight love awaits


Separately we live
Together under one roof
Bound by a shared past


Swarms buzz all around
Armies crawl across the ground
Mammals hide in shade


Flying mosquitos
Settling in on warm flesh
Drinking in sweetness


Warm balmy breezes
Steam rising from burning streets
Lungs choke on wet air
copyright©PrttyBrd 07/2010
4.8k · Apr 2015
Guardian of the Goddess
PrttyBrd Apr 2015
Innocent words of wonder
Burn the purest of souls to ash
The Goddess of love,
She spews her lyrics in tinkling sighs
Completed by the one whose light burns brightest
He lights the path of others
Consuming their shadows as they pass
A dragon of fire to fight the darkness
And she sings in sweet daffodils
Satin petals and the Heavens open wide
She sings of pain and the dragon feeds
She sings of joy and he watches
As the words are once again absorbed into her essence
The Goddess welcomes this guardian of light
Never knowing that her words
Pilot the fire that eats the shadows that surround him
Bitter pangs of abrasive truth
Wrapped in delightful ditties of eternal enamoration
He fights her darkness
She fuels his fire
4.7k · Mar 2014
Taken (a Senryu)
PrttyBrd Mar 2014
enchanted with words
mesmerized by eyes unseen
body, mind, heart, soul
4.6k · Jan 2014
PrttyBrd Jan 2014
the feel of fingertips on the skin
the rush of blood surprises
a spark that sets the soul ablaze
the ticking clock stops turning
eruptively raging fires keep burning
forging a path in dewy maze
the melded body realizes
consumption is from within
writing prompt, abcddcba
Interesting to do, but awkward to read.

copyright©PrttyBrd 22/01/2014
4.6k · Oct 2014
Letters to My Lover.....V
PrttyBrd Oct 2014
This poem has been submitted for possible publication.  It will be reposted as soon as possible upon final determination.  Please feel free to peruse my poesy at your leisure.

Thank you so much,
4.4k · May 2014
at that i smile
PrttyBrd May 2014
i  smile at the thought of your eyes
and the sound of your smile
and the warmth of your voice
yes, at that i smile
4.4k · Feb 2015
When the Moon Meets the Sea
PrttyBrd Feb 2015
The sea is all flow with no ebb
As the moon hangs full in the sky
He pulls her to him on a breeze
Salty, heavenly, mesmerizing
She comes as he softly beckons
The magnet draws her in close
She inches toward his cool gaze
With the warm water he yearns to drink
For he is parched
And she is giving
Flowing in gentle waves
He calls and she slinks to him in shadows
Locked in the gaze of desire
A gaze broken only by the pleasure
of the deluge of their union
And in that union there is tranquility
His peace releases her
She ebbs, quietly lapping the shore
She turns to see him smile upon her
As she sparkles in the warmth of his glow
PrttyBrd Feb 2015
Darkest days of black
Turn brightest shades of sunlight
Your smile births my own
4.1k · Apr 2015
On the Spirit Plains
PrttyBrd Apr 2015
Buffalo abound
Providing all with one hunt
Sustaining the tribe
4.1k · May 2015
PrttyBrd May 2015
Crazy reared its many heads
Twisted shades of paisley swirls
Kaleidoscope emotionality
Rollercoaster of fear and love
Through the storms of mushroom clouds
An air of peace remained
For that ever-changing scene
Was founded in the purest love
The realest dream come true
No fear of insanity consuming truth
Truth is kaleidoscopes are beautiful
Never boring by design
There is peace in the knowledge
That crazy is exceptional, brilliant
To know a soul, exciting
And through it all
We traverse the universe as one
Riding the wings of insanity
Skiing across the seas
On the backs of narwhals
Simply because they are awesome
Settling into the reality that forever exists and it is insanely beautiful
4.0k · Jun 2014
in your shadow
PrttyBrd Jun 2014
beautiful twisted words of wonder have eaten through my soul
4.0k · May 2010
What Have I Done?
PrttyBrd May 2010
Reflections of self in others
Painfully, reality slaps
Realization of needed change
More patience, more patience,
The residue of stinging words remains
Making it hard to breathe
There is no escaping self-induced consequences
copyright©PrttyBrd 12/06/2010
4.0k · May 2010
PrttyBrd May 2010
Boiling blood and angry eyes
Boil over in tears that do not cry
For this idea, one last good-bye
Is a selfish notion
Proximity breeds what hearts belie
Jagged emotion
So this, our little rendezvous
I swore that I would never do
Until, of course, you asked me too
The doorknob's turning
Now, it must be followed through
My heart lies burning
Ferocity to match my own
Intensifies this time alone
The love has long-since been outgrown
There is no forgiveness
Just pleasure like we’ve never known
This time, I’ll win this
Then finally, you’ll realize
I’ve grown into these golden thighs
That seem to have you hypnotized
Within their power
And far too late you realize
You’ve been devoured
By the woman who stands glistening bare
Watching you with tainted glare
In a flash the passion flares
Drunk acrobatics
Bring forth new heights our bodies share
Now spent and static
Breathless and dripping wet
As close to hate as love can get
And this amazing last duet
An exclamation
In this goodbye lives no regret
No indignation
Inspired by Spite Akimbo by David Thomas

copyright©PrttyBrd 29/05/2010
4.0k · Feb 2014
PrttyBrd Feb 2014
I gave
You have taken

I am empty
You are gorged

I am nothing
You are all

I've been broken*
You have won
Thanks for playing
copyright©PrttyBrd 01/02/2014
3.9k · Nov 2014
amaranthine yore
PrttyBrd Nov 2014
knowing that today
is only yesterday's tomorrow
tomorrow's yesterday
makes it difficult
not to live in the past.
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