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9.3k · Apr 2011
Nicole Normile Apr 2011
moving forward
pushing so hard
to be something more
moving forward so quickly
so far from being sickly
in the past
the horrid things that didn't last

moving forward
farther and farther
from being so unsure
catching truths
while still in my youth

moving forward
from crimes and lies
from superficial friendships that only die
being my own
learning to be independent
learning to be alone

moving forward
far from that dark need
of anyone other than me
4.7k · Jan 2011
Reuniting Our Love
Nicole Normile Jan 2011
it was a moment in space
a second in time
a look in the face
a giggle, the thought
of letting our hands get caught

oh, what a beautiful person
we lie so close together
oh, it's been so long, feels like forever
since we've truly held each other

I mustn't get too caught
after all the past tears I've fought
but it's so easy to forgive his past lies
maybe it's just those hazel eyes

and I can't resist
his sweet kiss
those little lips of his
up and down my tummy
oh, his love is so yummy

nights spent being held
his warmness makes me melt
so sweet
so sincerely
now I remember why I loved him so clearly

because way back when
he was mine
way back when we were intertwined
but we had forgotten all that
it's just so far past

it was a first love thing we made
that turned into so much more
I never thought it would be regained
after he closed the door

but here we are
all cozy and sweet
here we are
once again, our hearts meet
3.6k · Oct 2010
Boy of Stress
Nicole Normile Oct 2010
new beginnings

softer endings

hold me til my head stops spinning

stop the laughing

you're not having

anything other than winning

so let's begin

this over again

and when you come to see

what it is that's wrong with me

you can confess

that I'm the mess

while you're the striving

boy of stress
3.0k · Nov 2010
Tripping on Each Others Feet
Nicole Normile Nov 2010
you keep tripping on eachothers feet
and I'm just watching, wanting to fix it all
but my solution is merely mine, not your intention
and as we dine, you look in her eyes
this is the part that I despise
and I can feel the heat, every tap, every beat
my racing heart and my ice cold glare
breaks you two, eachothers stare
you fall to pieces, the tension so strong
you know I've held on way too long

and you're just tripping on eachothers feet
so much confusion
my desire is not her solution
and you feel my cold stare, my dead eyes
breaking you in two
to think that it could have been just me and you
I crack your voice as I interject
you see me tearing
so you fall to pieces, the tension so strong
because you know I've held on way too long

and you two keep tripping on each others feet
tripping as I watch
wanting to dance into my sense of defeat
by her I've been beat
and her satisfaction now tears me
her satisfaction is what wears me
and you know I feel it, you feel it too
so then I run, grab you, and sob
and before you said goodbye
I watched you try to grab the dinner check
but your cash went short
so you only covered her meal
and I swear this mustn't be real
and by now I'm trying to hold back, no more tears
I almost did crack watching you two
this was my biggest fear
because I wanted to dance with you
or simply the clarity that this is through
1.9k · Jan 2011
Nicole Normile Jan 2011
it's a sad thing on my mind
and maybe right now it'll be hard
but I'm going to be fine
cause' in a month, I'll have moved along just that much more
maybe then I would have picked myself up off the floor
So I'm not going to fret
I'm going to stop thinking of all I regret
cause' it'll be just fine
it'll be alright
I'll get back on my feet so I can take flight
the cure is time
sad to say
things don't always go my way
I accept this, so I can live
find something new
in just more time to pass by
and eventually about all this I will no longer cry
It's okay
It's okay
I'm going to keep reassuring myself day by day
1.6k · Oct 2010
Alone Thoughts
Nicole Normile Oct 2010
Weekdays in school
Weekends at home
cold winter nights
when I'm alone

Good old friends
they meet their ends
their time is up
new friends
good luck

over-thinking all the time
an emotional rhyme
crying at night
yet laughing daylight

making these choices
hearing these voices
talking to myself
for I've got no one else

this little bit of pain
is what's driving me insane
1.5k · Oct 2010
Goin' Nowhere
Nicole Normile Oct 2010
let's have our midnight coffee
spike it a bit
smokin' a cigarette
and just keep hopin' life's gunna take us somewhere
but let's not waste the cab fare
we all know we're going nowhere
1.3k · Oct 2010
Nicole Normile Oct 2010
everything changes
did I change
...or stay the same?

did I let each memory stay with me
as you turned over a whole new leaf?

did I run from each new beginning hopes that it'd be you I was winning?

was it all just me being stuck in the past?
or did I truly think it would last?

either way, I know by now
that I have to walk...I was just hoping you could teach me how
1.3k · Dec 2010
A Boy
Nicole Normile Dec 2010
he was once a boy
a face in the crowd
which brought me no joy

we talked once or twice
didn't mean a thing
timing not right
I was else where
dreaming of someone else
who didn't want me on their shelf

so this boy whom I didn't feel for
liked me just so much more
but I couldn't see
him so perfectly
for I was looking elsewhere
at one who didn't care this boy told me I was looking in the wrong place
and I couldn't see the beauty in his face
my mind still caught on someone else
I was stupid to not see
who it was that may have been right for me

for the boy that cared
I didn't have those feelings shared
but time went on
I stopped dreaming of the guy that was wrong
and started friending this guy that felt for me

though he had gotten a girlfriend
he became my best friend
and I'm getting close to this boy who once wanted me
but now he's taken
and I sit around crying
about a boy who once felt for me
about a boy who now isn't loving me
1.3k · Oct 2010
Once Broken Home
Nicole Normile Oct 2010
People will come
look, but not see
the broken house this had once come to be

This practically now perfect space
isn't true to this place

This house, it is disguised
to impress
hiding the past, it is all lies
covering the mess.
1.2k · Aug 2011
In His Arms Lies a Home
Nicole Normile Aug 2011
lost under blankets of warmth
into his arms she's at home
the only one that's ever been real
it's the rawest love she'd ever feel
the epitome of anything and everything ever dreamed
it's love
it's love you see
but you don't
you think she's just naive and falling
though she is falling
she's not drowning
no she's falling for more than she'd ever dreamed
in his arms is everything to see

he holds her
wraps her up
and he holds her
warm and snug
she's now dived into something she'd feared so much
something that gives the biggest rush
a wave of emotion
of feeling
of heat
a wave of love
sweeps you off your feet
and into the air
and her hair
long and flowing
as she swims in the air
of love and hoping
just hoping it will last
never let it pass

she needs
him to breathe
he's her antidote
her cure for the cold
and her only true home
you see
do you see
this hopeless feeling
of need
letting everything go
just being in his arms
forever warmed by his touch
so strongly in love
she loves him so much
1.2k · Feb 2011
Nicole Normile Feb 2011
I've come to see
that I feel fear almost constantly
it's the fear of losing all I love
because it's seems to me
that people disappear so quickly

daddy's dead
who's next?
more worries in my head
don't think about it
it was so long ago
but still I'm lacking hope
because so few stay
because everything good goes away

and never mind falling in love
did it once
and broke my heart
at first so fun
forgot about life for a bit
but I always over thought it
failing to be
everything he wanted to see in me
after a year so intimate with each other
he moved on to another

how crushed I was when he went
for days lied in bed blaming myself
for not being as good as his someone else
for not being everything he wanted in me
and for not looking like what he wanted to see

from this my fear of losing love progressed
relationships always leave me a mess
so forget trying to hold on
to someone who so soon will be gone
you can trust so few
and even when you do
they just may
break you in every way
or if you're too attached and they die someday
you're broken
always broken
1.2k · Apr 2011
The Fool
Nicole Normile Apr 2011
all these years
holding a fool
drying his tears
the fool walks off
but always comes back
because being held keeps him on track

he'll go and explore the world and live in illusion
and when all goes wrong
I'll hold him til he finds his solution
only to watch him run off again
leaving me to wonder when
he'll return

with my arms wide open to hold
he'll come and go as he pleases
knowing I'm there when he gets cold

so being the fool that he is
doesn't think he needs this
doesn't think he's naive
doesn't even know how to believe

he's a fool
with a limb to lean
doesn't think what would happen
if I was no where to be seen
1.2k · Oct 2010
An Angel
Nicole Normile Oct 2010
An angel
A doll
A baby girl will fall
You fiend
You fool
A boy so cruel
Darling girl
So sweet
Broken dreams
A boy
A heart so cold
He seems
1.0k · Dec 2016
Have You Ever
Nicole Normile Dec 2016
Have you ever loved someone in a way they didn’t love you?
Or cried over someone who didn’t cry over you too?
Ever put blind faith in them, then they didn’t follow through?
Or squeezed and hugged them so hard, but they didn’t squeeze you too?
Ever told someone the entire truth?
Then find out they weren’t honest with you?

Ever been broken, and sad, and lost in a daze?
Then hear people tell you it’s just a phase?
Have you ever kissed someone all over their face?
Or thought about them every day?
Then have you ever tried to explain the feelings you’re having, the love and the pain?
989 · Oct 2010
Can't Keep it Right
Nicole Normile Oct 2010
I want to run from bad
stay with good
get the **** out
I do wish I could
find an escape
to save myself
while I'm holding on
I'm being let go by everyone else

I'm intuitive
so I do know
that I wasn't good enough
even when I put on the show

And **** the lies
the cover up
**** it all
cause' no matter what I do
I continue to fall

So **** that *****
I'm not dumb
I know she won
the best **** thing that I now do see is done

Wrong is attracted to me
I'm trying to find right
this is the ****
that keeps me up at night
but even when
I find something good enough for ME
I'm not good enough for it
and don't you see
I'm nothing more than a week of fun
because after that
everybody's done
959 · Dec 2010
Dark Ride
Nicole Normile Dec 2010
long dark rides
smoky lies
we only have each other on the sides
blasting music
ringing ears
somehow peaceful
like we've known each other for years

we won't tell anyone
not my place to say
but we have a need to explode all ******* day
why don't you tell the truth?
I'm falling over, slipping off the roof
down to the ******* ground

still feeling down
darkness inside me
you never said you wouldn't go through
and now you say it's ******* you?!
you have a place to go
someone to hold

you never took the time
to know that it wasn't all a simple touch
or maybe
you thought I was just love crazy
I'm drowning in thought
but we all know you're not
924 · Sep 2018
Feelings Forbidden
Nicole Normile Sep 2018
When I'm happy
He's always there
But when I'm sad
He goes away somewhere

When I speak in a joyous way
He will listen and talk all day

But when I speak about my sadness
He shuts off, driving me to madness

When I try to explain how this hurts me
He even further ignores me

Then when I cry about this pain
He steps back even further away

He might show up some time late after
With his excuses and attempts at laughter
But I won't laugh, or even smile
Because this pain lasts such a long while

I will just try to say
How he hurt me by running away
But he won't listen, as he does it again
Running away from my emotion

So to him, I plea and plea
Just to be treated respectfully
Just to be treated like he values me
Just to be treated like my feelings matter
Just to be treated with empathy, not laughter

For one who laughs at others' pain
Uses others' suffering to their own gain

And all the mean boys who makes girls weep
Are mirror reflections of him and how he treats me
919 · Jan 2017
The Men in Our Lives
Nicole Normile Jan 2017
They are everything
    Bring us to our knees
    They tear us apart

    How are we free
    When they have our heart?

    They are everything
    all mighty and strong
    They shake our world
    Tell us right from wrong

    But where are they?
    Where have they gone?

    The men in our lives
    Are for whom we long
    The men in our lives
    Seeming so strong
    They hold us up
    And tear us down

    The men in our lives
    Are stronger now

    As we give them more
    Our love
    Our hearts
    Our whole self we pour

    They absorb us
    And sweep us away
    The men in our lives
    Can always have their way

    And so many men in our lives tend to stray

    But who are we
    To be so weak?
    And who are we
    To not even speak?

    They create us
    Captivate us
    With their eyes
    Their opinions break us in two
    But we look into their eyes
    And still say, “I need you”

    They come and go as they please
    Break our hearts with so much ease

    From the fathers that leave
    To the boys that cheat
    To the pain that brings us to our knees

    The men in our lives are all that we need
Disclaimer: This is a poem I wrote about all the pain the men in my life have caused me. I am NOT saying all men are like this and I am NOT saying all women feel this way. This poem is simply how I personally have felt at some points in my life due to poor relationships with men.
Nicole Normile Dec 2010
the winter's brought sadness
and all this holiday madness
it's brought love
and regret
and few new people I have met
but coming into the warmth
is what I need
a night in the arms of an angel
or just a night where I can show that I'm fragile
a night by a fire
a night with whom I'd admire

in the arms of an angel
the arms of one who is safe
a night away from this place
and the winter's froze my soul
given me baggage til my hands are full
and hasn't brought me a rest
or a night where I feel my best
I know the season is cold and drear
but in the arms of an angel
it's warm and dear
796 · Mar 2011
Nicole Normile Mar 2011
a bite of an apple
a sip of a snapple
a flick of the tongue and
spring has sprung

some time outside
a lovely ride
it's a wonderful day
to rest in the hay

hours in the sun
before the day's done
I'm frolicking in the park
until way passed dark
781 · Dec 2016
Dreams to Explore
Nicole Normile Dec 2016
take me away
first to New York
then continue going up north
after that we’ll see the rest of the world

and meet new people
and try new things
because there are cool people
and to be found cool things

we will see new cultures
and eat new foods
then spend a week in a colony, totally ****

get out of Virginia
drive or fly
and even if just for a while
It would bring memories and lots of smiles

and this might be too much
or just too out there
but if it could be such
I’d be out of here

to see everything I could
to meet everyone I should
and to do everything I dreamed I would
778 · Dec 2016
I Just Want to Cry
Nicole Normile Dec 2016
I just want to sit in my room all night
I want to drink til I feel alright
and smoke til I’m completely fried

and I just want to cry

and if I stay here long enough
maybe it won’t be so tough
maybe I’ll get past this stuff

but for now I’ll lay alone
in my room by the phone
wishing that all lies be known
maybe that would change my tone

and I just want to cry

I just want to sit in my room all night
and hope it passes by
773 · Jan 2011
only a moment ago..
Nicole Normile Jan 2011
trying to forget
all I feel
side thoughts of regret
I don't like what's real
at night my fantasies take me away
but I try to forget them every day

I can't see straight
and I suppose it is now a bit late
I'm just so far gone
from early on
a point in which
I could stand up-right
but now I've fallen so far from light
and still pretend
with my tired mind, lacking sleep
that everything's fine
maybe it is
but I'm so deprived
and numb
I can't even tell
if it's all done
because it was only a moment ago
in which it had begun
767 · Dec 2016
That Horrible Night
Nicole Normile Dec 2016
I should have turned around
that horrible night
I wish I turned around
as you held me tight

instead I laid there
and pretended to sleep
I acted like you weren’t there
and wanted you to leave

how horrible of me
to close off my heart
how cruel of me
to ignore your scars

I watched as your heart bled
and then tried to get away
while pounding your head
as you begged me to stay

when you asked why
I told you your prior mistakes
you started to cry
as I watched your heart break
with sorrow in your eyes
regret was there
but I was so blind
I didn’t even care
751 · Jan 2011
Boy Messed Me Up
Nicole Normile Jan 2011
when I look at you
I see a shallow kid
who was once so sweet
before all you did
once had a dream
once caring, or so you did seem

now, you stupid kid
you're so messed up
you stupid kid
you messed me up
you lied to me
and you did see
me fall so hard

I was a girl
a young girl crazy about you
believed you cared
and for a minute, it was love we shared

you left me a year or so later
made it with some girl
I did hate her
I remember crying in your arms
as you pretended to care
when you left
turns out your mind had been there
not here
not right here with me

and time went on
after it all went away, I still had hopes for someday
and some nights I would still cry
then it was a year after you left me
when to the other girl, you said goodbye
and now you're alone
but I just got over you
for a while, I gave you all I had
and now just the sight of you makes me mad

you come on by from time to time
"get out!", I say
I no longer want you mine
now you don't see me as more than a piece of meat
your hands on my body
sort of like you own me
but you don't
you don't

I tell you to get away
because you messed me up
so I don't want to hear what you have to say
you're so different
so unlike the boy I knew
now I truly don't like you
you don't respect me
you think I'll give you myself
because at one point I did
way back when you were someone else

so leave me alone
please don't stay
leave me alone
you've already gotten your way
and now we're done
don't you see
after the hurt, you don't get me physically

I won't put out
I won't give in
I won't listen to your words
as you try to prove your greatness
you know, I truly hate this
so I don't want to hear it
I don't want to hear
looking back, how did I  handle you that year?
745 · Oct 2010
Fallen and Forgotten
Nicole Normile Oct 2010
She asked for the ride

and you said no

she's broken inside

with no place to go

you left her to her own

she needs you there

she is all alone

and you don't care

she wonders why

the time you spent

was such a lie

and when you went

away for good

she cried all night

like anyone who's fallen would
718 · Dec 2016
Fantastical Thoughts
Nicole Normile Dec 2016
dark hair

light eyes

tone fit body

he’s a perfect guy

smart with wit

this is it

I can say

please take me away

to this man

with a freckling tan

he’s beautiful

and says what’s right

he’s wonderful

take me away for the night

*…sometimes I’m taken over in butterflies

for a perfect guy with light green eyes
696 · May 2011
poem 1 bout her
Nicole Normile May 2011
you think you've found your place
with the hyped up girls in outer space
come back down
come on girl, hold your ground
you've lost yourself
yet to someone else
you're flyin' round' with a fake
she's a lie to you, a mistake
we used to sit round
talkin' ****
so come back down
to where we used to sit
Nicole Normile Jan 2011
living lies
the magic dies
your heart's so fast
as you think of all the things that didn't last

cold sweats
late at night
wake you up
with such a fright
a continual thought
the things you remembered
the things you forgot

you're so scared
of being alone
you're in your own
survival zone
just in knowing that it won't last
she can tell
she will soon be in your past

and so as she fell
you picked her up
denying to yourself
that she ever meant too much

but you're trying to mantain
this mental game
that makes you secure
though you're feeling less and less sure

so you begin to dwell
on all the times that YOU fell
and you keep holding on
to something you didn't even want
661 · Dec 2016
Down The Sink
Nicole Normile Dec 2016
so here’s the thing
about the things you think
the things you thought
what’s down the sink
and what is not
the friends you saw
who you got
who had to go
you loved them all
through highs and lows

but people slip
and then they’re gone
when you can’t keep grip
and there’s nothing to hold on
you’ve got to let go
because it’s how life goes
get past those
who aren’t worth the fight
because they weren’t right
and couldn’t be kept
although you will not forget
the times that were good
the lessons they taught you
but you really should
forget they forgot you

and it’s okay
because so few stay
there’s plenty more along the way
and yes it’s tough
life doesn’t stop
no matter how rough
alone or not
then things get better
they always do
nothing’s forever
but you always get through
659 · Oct 2010
Memories of the Past
Nicole Normile Oct 2010
Every slammed door,
every scream,
every second was like a dream.
This dream brought me misery,
this dream brought me pain,
this dream was my parents
going insane.
649 · Dec 2010
Hoping and Knowing
Nicole Normile Dec 2010
stuck between my mind and heart
between what feels good and what's smart

hoping and knowing
are two different things
hoping is dreaming of being the song he sings

...while knowing is logical and real
I KNOW what I feel
but also know the situation
in which I'm hoping to rid of my isolation

of being alone
though I know what I feel can't be shown
I HOPE to help myself
but KNOW that there's someone else...
646 · Nov 2010
Our Lonesome Flaw
Nicole Normile Nov 2010
we all want to be loved
to have someone to love
but how can you be loved
if you don't love yourself?
if you don't love yourself
how could you properly love anyone else?

see there is our flaw
we have it meaningless
to feel something for an instant
to feel we're important to someone
but the empty physical touch
is only that, then done

the physical moment we touch
is nothing more
never would fill a life time
never could fill your world
and all you want to feel

we hold ourselves at night alone
hoping for someone to do the same
but how can that be
when you can't even remember the last guy's name?
..and how can you feel
if no contact you have is real?
Nicole Normile Jan 2011
I live for the time we spend together.
I wish that our time could last forever.
I've know you for all these years;
my love for you brings me to tears.
So, must I lose you?
Must life push us apart?
For when you leave,
I'll be left a broken heart.
And when you hold me like your doll,
the more in love with you I fall.
Here in my bed I lay,
thinking of you everyday.
You are my heaven,
but I'm falling to hell as
I fear our time is disappearing,
as I fear your departure is nearing
Nicole Normile Dec 2016
you can hold me in
but can’t take me out
I’m somewhere within
but not what you’re about
I’ll give you my nightcall
****, you have my all
and that’s my downfall
cause’ you can only give me what’s been left
since you never retrieved the rest
the bits others hold
those who’s love for you grew old
they took the pieces of your heart
little bits of who you are
leaving you with all sorts of scars
and you never got back the parts
of your beautifully damaged heart
but I can see what you are
amazing like the moon and stars
but just so crazy far
and I need you undivided
all the way decided
on having me
and the mess I can be
totally sure
so I can feel secure
you just have to retrieve
the pieces that are scattered
so I know you won’t leave
and that we really matter
586 · Jan 2011
I Walked As You Sat
Nicole Normile Jan 2011
I'm restless
was wondering how to end this
was hoping for a change
while you wanted things to stay the same
and I just couldn't sit around
hoping for you to move
couldn't sit around
hoping for my life to improve
so I went out to seek something different
but you just sat there, like you couldn't

and then I went ahead
because I know there's someone more important in your head
I can't sit around listening
and not feel restless
boy, am I a mess
even still when I think about that photo
of you in suit, and her in the dress

but I mustn't dwell
too much longer
it didn't go well
as those feelings got stronger
so I walked away
as you stayed the same
you didn't want to come along
which truly was a shame

but you are content
sitting in that place you sit
you stay content
I suppose that's the end of it
578 · Oct 2010
cover the cry
Nicole Normile Oct 2010
she puts on a smile every day
she tries to be nice in every way
yet she is always about to cry
she feels that her life is one big lie
hiding her emotions and hiding her fears
she puts on a smile and holds back the tears
539 · May 2011
poem 2 bout her
Nicole Normile May 2011
stop the thought
of how we are not
stop being
the winter season
come to summer
come to reason
come to be what you were once with me
come to see the change so quickly
the season's here
to change my dear
it's back yearly
get with it
because you're not seeing clearly
521 · Dec 2016
No One
Nicole Normile Dec 2016
no one to call
and no one calls you
no one there when you fall
nobody true

seeing friends in your dreams
so real they all seem
waking up lonely again
knowing that you’re not blending in

hearts get broken
and no one stays
words get misspoken
as they walk away

it’s a tragedy
you’re life is a travesty
no one is who they seem to be

you’re shattered
and scattered
not one friendship that mattered

you’re simply not coping
and a friend is the only thing for which you were hoping
488 · Dec 2016
Within Love
Nicole Normile Dec 2016
I keep smoking
just another cigarette
thought I quit
but I’m choking
feel broken
had misspoken
can’t breathe
we can’t be
it hurts
you see
he runs to me
but then he’s gone
he runs from me
and there he is
yet hates
wants it all
then he fades
and where’d he go
he’s gone I’m sure
but I don’t know
thought his love was pure
then gone again
wondering when
the love will last
he fell so fast
in then out
when I fell in
there was no doubt
and can’t fall out
while he’s asleep
no longer in it
I lay and weep
because I’m within it
481 · Dec 2016
To my Father
Nicole Normile Dec 2016
I wish I had asked you to stop
Like mommy said I should
you were drinking a lot
if I could go back I would
I was 7 years old and didn’t see you enough
you wanted me to visit and you would buy me stuff

I was far too scared
to go over there
because mom told me it all
the drugs, drinks, and cheating
your downfall
and I’m still giving myself a beating
that I hardly saw you at all

I wish I hadn’t been so scared
I wish that I had been there
before you were gone for life
it just wasn’t right
of me to fear you
why wasn’t I near you?

and I’ll never forget when you were in rehab
it was Christmas, but overall sad
little did I know
you’d be gone 2 months from that time
little did I know
I’d be forever saying good bye
I remember your parents came by
and you bought me the doll I had asked for
I should have tried
to thank you more

we visited you in rehab
and I can’t remember why, but mom got mad
sitting at a circular table on green carpeted floor
we left as you tried to get the door
and you just wanted us to stay
and visit for the Christmas day
but mom took us away

and on from then
things rushed to the end
you got out of rehab
but didn’t get better
I wish that I had
encouraged you to get better

but I still stayed away
and I’ll never forget the day
neither my brother or I
wanted to stay
mom took us off and we said bye
and then I saw you really cry
and that’s never left me
because it was so hard to see

then 3 days before your death
I hadn’t seen you for a while
you looked like a mess
but mustered a smile
and you gave me a small stuffed bear with a big red heart
from valentines day
I guess I wasn’t smart
to not realize you would slip away
but we went to dinner one last time
I said goodbye hoping everything was fine

and then you gave mom a call
had written her a big check
like you knew this all
that you were dying a wreck

and when I heard the news
I had a friend over
and I didn’t believe it was true
because how could your life be over
daddy, I needed you
but you died in a hotel room
death drug induced
an early dark morning on a Tuesday
like the counting crows song where they say,
*“ It’s 4:30 A.M. on a Tuesday. It doesn’t get much worse than this in beds in little rooms in buildings in the middle of these lives which are completely meaningless. Help me stay awake, I’m falling ”
465 · Dec 2016
My Love's Lie
Nicole Normile Dec 2016
I made you a promise
one I’d always keep
but you became dishonest
leaving me vulnerable and weak

one minute I was your world
the next, just some girl

so, you became my everything
as I became your nothing
so I tried to hold on
as I was hoping for something
but to you it was gone
so now I have nothing

I gave you my heart
heavy and sad
you tore it apart
took all that I had

you promised me a life
and that you’d never leave
to me it felt so right
but I had been deceived
451 · Dec 2016
Subconsciously at Sea
Nicole Normile Dec 2016
certain things I try so hard not to believe
but I must be sad if I’m even crying in my sleep
because I have these ****** up dreams
so many of which take place at sea
and in the book of dreams
feeling the waves of the ocean
represents your waves of emotion

I guess I just don’t want to see
because it’s so hard to know that it isn’t me
so I try so much not to believe
but it’s only myself that I deceive
and about this I would not speak

so I look away
and it’s not thought about during the day
but at night
these dreams bring me fright
of horrible sickness at sea
and this dreadful feeling fills me

on a ship not quite afloat
and this dreadful feeling that I got to go
as the wave movements get more and more
there’s a strong fear of sinking before the shore

and these are the dreams
that keep telling me
how I feel subconsciously
that I might be sinking out at sea
426 · Dec 2016
Lies of a Weak Man
Nicole Normile Dec 2016
I always thought I might
be weaker than you
but I wasn’t right
because that isn’t true

you can’t stand your ground
just can’t tell the truth
when she comes around
you are no longer the you that I knew

because you said
the romance was dead
and that she was just
in the back of your head
but why did I trust
and believe what you said
now I just feel very mislead

I should have seen
what was underneath
how could I let myself be
so extremely deceived

for I already knew
what a broken heart can do
and though I saw it in you
I turned my head
ignoring what was true
and believing what you said
395 · Dec 2018
Nicole Normile Dec 2018
I can’t shed another tear
my dreams of us, they stop right here
for you made true
my every fear
386 · Dec 2016
Nicole Normile Dec 2016
did you get what you wanted?
did you bring back the dead?
I am still haunted
by the things that you said

was it so great to have her in your bed?
and did it match up to the thoughts in your head?

you ****** me
you hurt me
you struck me
and burnt me

you got what you wanted
and I am still haunted
by you being split-hearted
and by feeling discarded

for you couldn’t let go
of someone behind you
and when she did find you
you let me know
that you being over her was all a show
375 · Dec 2016
Nicole Normile Dec 2016
always holding the world on my back
and day by day it continues to stack
til I collapse
and hold no more
I close the door
on what once was
coming in towards newer stuff
but help me yield I’ve had enough
I’m pushing off and losing ground
yet still the answer has not been found
so I surround
my heart with comfort
so I don’t hurt
and feel the pain
I keep rationalizing to keep me sane
lying to myself
I should be crying to myself
but I’m oblivious to all else
and I’m pretending that’s not so
but truth’s shining through and already I know
…I know.
350 · Dec 2016
Holding on to a Moment
Nicole Normile Dec 2016
you stood there
in front of me
a deep blue stare
depth of the sea

so I buried
my head in your chest
but I worried
you’d put your love to rest

so I held on
and wouldn’t let go
I held on
til there was no place to go

but I held on
til I hit a wall
and I held on
til there was no further to fall

but there was a moment
crystallized in time
there was a moment
engraved in my mind

it was your eyes
and your touch
your eyes
were too much

but for a moment
I kept staring
it was a moment
we were sharing

and I held on to that moment
with all my strength
but turns out that moment
was lacking in length

so the love passed me by
and I kept pulling you in to stay
but once that moment flew by
you kept pushing me away

— The End —