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Jan 2019 · 400
That's just life!
Sometimes i know how to feel alone,
and i have a king a fear that don't leave me.
I've searching alot for a place inside my lit soul for my demons can't find me,
People said the same "That is just a season" but i always keep hoping for better days,
I lying to everyone when i said i was fine bc i feel alot of pain and loneliness sometimes that i never cannot describe.
I know how i feel when i feel alone,
The voices inside my head is not always my own.
I'm broken, i'm sad; where I'll end up .. I don't know, but maybe this change.
I look to the sky and close my eyes and realize that life is exactly this sometimes,
So im holding on to hope and turn this page cuz i know i'll find some peace on this dark place.
Please tell me tomorrow this will end.. tell me that is just a season and i'll feel ok.
cuz life is life...
Jan 2019 · 377
Yeah, you're miles away,
and we're lit bit alone.
But after all this time,
You're coming home.
I never let it show,
but i feel sad sometimes...
cuz when you leave,
my heart brokes in pieces.
But all this things you do,
and the best part is when you say:
-I'm coming home.
We know you heart is always with us.
your calls keep me warm,
and help me throuth the storms...
but i know understand that is life.
i'm always counting the days,
for listening and you say,
baby i'm coming home.
i ❤ u
Jan 2018 · 664
you're my forever fav;
The way that we are,
It's the only reason why I stay,
As long as you're here with me,
I know we'll be Ok.
Cuz you're my everything,
and I promise things will never be broken,
or friendship...
We're so strong together.
honestly idk why u pick me,
but i swear i'll never leave you,
If i stay with you this will be forever.
Dec 2017 · 616
Quiet for so long
I feel piece on your voice,
And i love when you smile,
I can stand look to you for hours,
And quiet for so long.
I feel safe on your body,
And i love when you hold me on your arms,
I can stand feel your heart beat for hours,
Quiet for so long.
I feel loved when you kiss my forhead,
And you can keep do it,
Quiet for so long.
Dec 2017 · 336
Black holes!
You know when you feel you don't fit into this world,
When people treat you like ****,
You feel your neck tight,
that nothing you do is good, feels worthless.
You just want to cry,
You just want to disappear.
All these feelings revolt and you have nowhere to escape.
When it falls to the bottom and there is no one to hold your hand and you just smile because it is the only chance to stay alive.
When the voices bring you down.
This world is unfair people of your blood. I gave up.
No one understands or ever will understand is like a mouse in the wheel, a hole, times and times without count,a feeling of pain, hate....BREAKING POINT!
May 2017 · 7.1k
You're my favorite thing;
Well, you're my favorite one, my favorite person to look into, my favorite person to think when i can't sleep,my favorite name to see appear on my phone. My favorite person to spend the day with. You're my favorite place to visite when my mind searches for peace. You're my favorite to talk with.
You? You're my very very favorite person obviously You're my happiness and my sadness sometimes mostly my happiness. You're my favorite distraction. You're everything good.
You're my favorite everything.
Feb 2017 · 891
im dead!
Send condolences,for my family and i'll share some tears,
I just try take u out of my memory,
and pls wears something black as usual,
Just to say goodbye
and let some roses on my grave
Cuz baby, im dead

And I need to **** me
That's the only way to get you out of my head,
**** you on my memory,
cuz you said to pretty things,
I really want to **** me,
just for this pain disappear

And so why ?
why all the funerals have rain days,
with all black umbrellas,
just for the underground cry too,
but im dead.

I just need to say sorry
That's the only thing you say when you lose someone,
and i need to say sorry,
for fall in love with you.
And when i found you're just a friend,
i said  what about us, well what about me?

And he said u always be my fav one.

Feb 2017 · 836
I hate VD's
Valentine's day for me is like any other day.
I'm not good with relationships, always trying to discover something in others,
but I always try to find myself.
And whenever I tried to make everything beautiful,
I ended up alone.
The last time I kissed someone my heart felt alone
and I never thought I would recover
but I hate drama.
And this day never has meaning,
and will never have because,
I'm a lonely soul.
Jan 2017 · 1.2k
its magical,
how black stains,
transform in small galaxies
in our body,
and make everything stop to seem
like an bruise,
in our soul.
how can a black stain,
be so beautiful?
Jan 2017 · 556
so far away;
Kisses on the head and hugs,
that's how it all started.
And I never thought this would happen,
To love someone I could not stand,
cause you were colliding with me all the time,
but now I like you and you're so far away. So far that it is impossible to touch.
I keep the simple things that you give to me,
because they are important to me and now I don't know what I saw in you.
And maybe even know it's those special hugs that pulled me to you,
but this can't exist because you're too far away.
so this can't happen and it leaves me shattered.
I don't know if it's a true feeling or it's just a part time love but I'm sorry that it can't never happen.
Cuz i don't live in you but u probably live in me.
And at the end i don't want lose your friendship.
Jan 2017 · 872
Flowers are so beautiful,
So different with different colours.
They deserve to live,
Why do we **** them?
We cut their lifes throught the mud,
Were they breath and feed.
One day  little girl told me,
We cut the flowers to keep them alive,
But why the flowers,why are they always dead?
I gave them water o keep them alive and wet.
They're sad for being in a jar,
But we are monster's!
We take them from the world outside,
We take them the air that makes them shake,
with vanity and makes their smell to spread in the world.
The flowers deserves freedom,just like humans.
So DON'T cut them,
FREE THEM from this cold evil humans.
Jan 2017 · 1.8k
Little girl don't cry!
Little girl don't cry,
Cuz your eyes are too red.
With black circle under your  eyes,
We can see the afraid of dead.
Little girl don't cry,
Why are you so sad?
You should smile for put loneliness away.
Little girl don't cry,
The world it's not to bad.
Put some colour on your head.
Little girl STOP CRY,
I just want see this green eyes shinning.
Aug 2016 · 1.3k
She needs someone to love her better,
Like the other couples do,
To always forgive her,
save or die with her,
like the realcouples do.
She's so pale as fck,
shes was build for all abuse
and he use her like a toy
and she stills  love him so much.
shes was paint in acid bath
and her colours make guys die
and she have secrests that he dont know ...
She needs someone to love her better,
Like the other couples do,
To always forgive her,
save or die with her,
like the realcouples do.
he threw her ...
of buildings,plains and ceillings
and shes still love him
i dont undestand
why this love remain  
She needs someone to love her better,
Like the other couples do,
To always forgive her,
save or die with her,
like the realcouples do.
ps; hi Mr J i love u
a poem for harley quinn with a touch of kehlani song gansta
Jun 2016 · 770
Love can be something beautiful,
Where a friendship is built,
It can be painful,
Hurt you and broke you in peaces.~
But people can turn loneliness into love..
Once and for all.
Because love can chance everything.
Can make people smile, sympathy with all.
Bodies can collapse in one body.
Our hearts is on fire.
Is a constant repetition...
So lets things and make a question what is suppost make with them?
Cuz we can do lots of things with this wonderfull passion.
Apr 2016 · 3.0k
probably you're paying for all sins you did,
not all at once,
but all of them feeling a little all day.
because you dom't know take what God gives you,
you just put friendships on the garbage like trash,
you deserve pay for what you did...
probably you already paid you lose who you loved more, yet you still can't thank to god for what they made for you...
maybe you suffer, and i cant undertand but you should be more,delicate and more lovely for people that love you.
I made some mistakes, but I was always there for you and you still
despise me,
you're unfrateful,
god will punish you believe in that,
because karma is a ***** and karma has no deadline.
Mar 2016 · 470
I should;
I hate you, I hate you so much,
No,no you don't,
but I should.
Mar 2016 · 475
Just put the fingers on the door for you,
And this can hurt lit bit too.
The feels…
And you never will understand.
bc i give you all my life
Feb 2016 · 683
throughs Part I
he sat with me,
I told him my story
huge smiles and drinking juice in high glasses,
refreshing our souls.
we ran, we laugh in places like fairytales,
he told me stories and promissed to never leave me,
he promissed me to always support me,
even when I went down.
but her, with her pale face and dry lips cried, eyes full of tears,
but he would always be there,
even when I hide my feelings in that dark and lonely room.
I always felt weak and not worth it,
And I would lie to myself,
Because those feelings and broken smiles wouldnt change a thing,
and would only make me more confuse.
this would be the last time that,
everything would be the same.
I left everything in the bathroom,
and I avenged everything I felt in bed,
Because only he knew,
and he never judged me and always saved me from quit,
frail, lost, broken in two with feelings.
I didnt knew,
and I everyday survived,
the storm and fell asleep,
all anxiety would return the next day,
but he would always be there to take care of my broken pieces.
I lied to myself,
hurt feelings but he was always
there to me.
and he always took care of mine tiny pieces,
wipe the tears of my pale and frail face,
while telling me that he would love me,
even if everything was over,
because all the feelings would disappear in a hot bath
where the water would take my anger and sadness,
and would make me feel better, again, or even feel nothing at all,
but I had him always telling me "baby, everything will be alright".
Feb 2016 · 573
I feel so nervous,
So pls, pls let me out.
This is a cage,
and is killing me.
Just want breathe clearly
Jan 2016 · 495
What if the ghosts could love?
They would change color when they were in love,
And they would fly to the sound of the wind,
Because they feel,
And are friendly.
Jan 2016 · 955
tell me...
don't call me beautiful,
bc i don't feel too
i prefer you call me funny,
tell me that my smile is contagious,
that i made you happy,
tell me i have something to offer someone,
tell me that i'm a amazing human being,
and i'm here to save the world.
Jan 2016 · 845
grab a book,
sit in the rain,
and write what you feel.
can be ****** throughs,
but in the end,
is pretty good feel,
the cold rain,
in your face.
Jan 2016 · 1.3k
only you
all start with part time friend who starts being full time love,
who lives under books and poetry,
i dont see other but only you.
your kisses on the brain is a thing that makes me special,
your kisses are so soft and my body's swinging from
Side to side,
bc i dont see other but only you.
the place of our 1st kiss is magical so magical that i cant explain,
is like fairytails out of books is a city where castle are real,
and you live there and i dont see other but only you.
i want find you and your magical place,
and the trees will whisper my name,
just bc you're smart dont make you geek, right?
bc i dont see other but only you
but you...
you're always trying being funny and makes my messy world feel awesome,
i'm so in love for your the way you see the problems on my head,
bc i dont see other but only you.
me being crazy and you  being calm...
can we have a hosue with thousand of books ?
bc i only see you...
just inspiration on juno movie soundtrack
Jan 2016 · 2.0k
Touching the grass,
i hear the nature sounds.
Is so good smell the grass,
during the morning sun.
Dec 2015 · 1.2k
steel cage
A cute and detailed steel cage
Because who arrested her knew what he was doing
A steel cage, with curves painted with gold
The girl inside was so pure
Velvet face and autumm colored lips
Flying hair between the bars in an innocent dance
But inside the perfect dance
She was unhappy
Why was so unhappy someone so beautfiul?
Because she was trapped
Nobody should feel trapped
So free her and let her live
Because cages are to fit and not to arrest
Dec 2015 · 900
You can ride on my carrousel
Always and always circulating
With shinning horses painted with oiled paint
You can ride on my carrousel
Always spinning in a sky blue painted ceiling
Enter in my carrousel
The children are playing
But they dont disturb
They only bring back good memories
Dec 2015 · 8.0k
That time of the year,
The only holiday,
Where we sit in front of dead trees,
and eat candy from the socks,
because christmas without,  christmas things isnt the same thing.
Nov 2015 · 671
Oh Winter,
why are you so cold.
Bring the heat back
That leave us warm.
Just throughs about a girl who lives in a cold city
Nov 2015 · 11.9k
The old fisherman
The storm is coming,
and the fisherman  from
the house by  lighthouse,
oldest one on the rocks in the sea.
Is lonely…lonely,
like his boat against the waves,
Splash, splash…
and the old fisherman
continues on his house, the lighthouse.
Where only the fire warms  this gray day,
and the old fisherman is going to travel and face the sea,
Nov 2015 · 1.1k
I feel like a flower,
But with flesh and bones instead of petals.
I feel delicate and fragile.
Just like them…
Nov 2015 · 1.1k
In your own impulse,
Open the bottle.
Put his breath inside,
Close it.
Put the bottle on your chest,
and sleep...
just sleep & think how warm he is…
Nov 2015 · 1.8k
Sadly Paris…
A beautiful city
when love remains,
a bunch of terrorist
scared that lovely place.
Innocent people died on November 13th
million of people crying for the lost.
The world is so cruel for this poor souls,
and now that lightly city with beautiful colours,
is now city for pray a lot.
When I see human but i don't see humanity let's stop the war between people.
i still shake & i don't believe what happend on November 13th.
Sadly Paris is now a black place cuz the lights of  Eiffel Tower lost the faith.
Now the city of love is covered with cold… oh sad Paris be strong.

- d.a
Nov 2015 · 657
I just
I just made the impossible that is keep me alive every week
Because breathe some times  don't make sense.
I just want disappear
I just want be alone cuz
the only thing that make me feel better
is cry on my bed                                                              ­                          
The darkness is just more clear now,
this pain really need to go to other body.
My soul is lost on my deep memories.
Only my dreams know this place,
is a dark place with nothing but don't worry...
Even in the lost deep memories
with a lonely soul you find a nice live girl,
with a pretty smile.
She don't deserve suffer.
She just deseve  to love...
love  a time love.

- d.a
Nov 2015 · 2.8k
I like the fog
I like the fog during the night
To smell the ice cold and feel the cold
To see that white cloud between my skin
Tangling my brown hair
I like to smell the fog and how he makes a sinister air
To look and feel that breeze covering the old trees and autumm leaves
I like the fog and to feel the cold entering my troat
To say that it reminds me of winter
I like the contrast between the foggy white and the city's light
But I love the scent of fog

- d.a
Nov 2015 · 1.4k
She has...
she has
white lips and pale face
she is drown in the sea
without no faith
she is a mermaind
lost in a dark ocean
living a life
without passion
- d.a

— The End —