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3.1k · May 2021
Tons of eggs
Millions of eggs falling from the skies,
Magical eggs filled with butterflies and flowers and everything you like!

Tons and millions,
No, billions of eggs falling from the skies
Feeding butterflies in stomachs
To churn and churn and churn...

Trillions of eg.s to tell where to be mistaken and why.

Feeding the bodies and lakes of wonder,
And boy do we wonder...

Tons of baby eggs dinosaurs,
Oh, no, trillions of dinosaur baby eggs...
Eggs to grow legs and walk
For the love of God!

Celebration of life.

Spaghetti eggs,
Lasagna and pizza eggs,
Eggs of rolls and Rolling down the tube
Apple sauce with chicken wings, fried,
Potato fries and all the life you wished for.

Celebration of life,
For the love of God!

Where epic drama starts
In a Golden yolk carefully protected,
Nurtured with love and care.
1.7k · Nov 2020
Rainbow Clouds
A picture hanging on the wall, a desk and two black curtains
falling down to the floor;
The full moon hides behind rainbow clouds,
stories of that yesterdays' sun
metal sounds
and two drops of heavy dew.

... Sighs ...

I was circling your thoughts,
they were mine
to wonder about
and make them shine
all the way
through the spirals of our times.

... wishful sighs ...

A picture hanging on the wall, a flower on the desk,
two black curtains falling down
and up the full moon staring...
An almost hidden by rainbow clouds
love for that yesterdays' sun...

The two drops of heavy dew
are reflecting into the floor.

© All rights Reserved Theodora Oniceanu
1.6k · May 2021
The B s
Because you needed a ***** in the House.
A sweet *****,
An awful *****,
A lousy *****,
A dreadful *****,
A lonely one,
A hopeful one,
A very very brave and powerful:
Real Hateful one.
A scarry *****,
A mighty *****,
A tired one...
A ****** filthy 'son of a gun' one!

The poor ***** that got broken,
The sad ***** and pitiful,
The pretty *****,
Oh my Word! Oh, my Lord!

The charming and the jumping,
The petty...
The wonderful and working.

The stupid ***** you can't live with,
The one you can't live without.
"Better dead than that bad"

The natural *****,
The great *****,
"You little *****!"
The unnaturally something *****.

"My, my! The ***** that was
Is still mine!"

The healthy *****,
The stealthy *****,
The common *****,
The extraordinary *****...

A proud piece of rotting ****.
Your people, chosen or not disrespect.

The rotting *****,
Romantic *****,
The famished *****
And thirsty, eyes wide open,
Thinking *****, the doer *****,
The coldest *****,
You trending *****!

You want them
All                                 !
You want them

The wealthy *****,
The famous one,
The popular, loved n' hated one
The lofty one,
Superior one.
The Princess *****: you'll have to work for her and her lawn.

The never tired *****,
The always hard to take,
The better *****,
The one to money-make
Come true
The never wrong but needed *****,
Adored, much worshipped
Set free, caught in a web,
A bottle of champagne,
A cup o' tea,
A thought for thoughtful a *****
Who used to be too thoughtful,
Too loud,
Too something this and that,
To wrong.

Oh, faithful *****
Caught by all ******* love
For Gold and money and Fame you fall,
You have to.

Oh, sick of it,
Oh, knowing-it-all!
Creative *****, what have you done.
Inventive *****, illustruous *****?

My teaching a good lesson *****,
Thank you for helping me around.

Because you needed an idiotic *****!
A parting one,
Departing one,
An angry gal, good, sorrowed one.
Luckily a ****** one,
A greedy, thirsty for clean waters one,
A helplessly dreaming *****,
A needy one, needing a good witch,
The learning for better
In sickness and health,
Cleaning the wound, help mending a heart hurt
- gal!
A helpful one,
Much funny one,
A stronger one,
A stubborn one,
One to catch worms
Like every other one.

A witchy ****** annoying bitchey
Because without *******, what would be?
Oh what this world could be?
If having a good passion means to be a ***** in your eyes, so be it, I will be the *****, I will be the star, the sun in your eyes, all your waste of time preventing it.
1.6k · Apr 2021
The Damsel in distress
In this maze of dreams and nightmares
nobody knows what is right or what is wrong
only your heart, true
can tell
what you know you couldn't just bare.

In this maze of dreams and nightmares
everyone searches for their heart lost then found,
lost then found,
only your heart true
will tell
to you what's bearable and what was too much to take.

In this maze of nightmares and dreams
nobody will care but for their own heart,
my heart yours, at some point
I lost it,
I can tell, I recovered it for revenge that's sweet,
Ah, this sweet revenge of ours!
And your hearts, true.

A whole world born out of fires, with passionate flames shaped
cutting ways through the thick cold air of the systems
as it spins and turns and rails...
The same path to existence ... for all our nightmares.
How would you like to recover from your old nightmares and fears?

"She suffered a lot, I suffered with her... on the battle field each of us did their 'job well... duty always something good for something else. Grounds are using, decomposing nature knows how everything can be used for all those flowers, trees and everything we need and love... you'll end up loving everything that got out of ****. (sorry for the choice of such an abhorring word.)"
1.4k · Nov 2020
Funny Hell
Funny hell, under the spotlights explained,
Painfully cruel, well built,
exposing the gravity of your wrong doing.
When time comes, please, tell me,
do show me how proud you are of yourself!
Hell, funny as it should be for the devil.
She once spoke of the devil being a god,
Doesn’t god mean everything?
Inspiration, sweetest love on earth and beyond,
Isn’t everyone the same here? Lovely
You fight for a right, yours.
Claimed! Right now and forever, claimed
My right to fight and stronger, reach happiness.
Part of my "Natural" collection,  © All rights Reserved Theodora Oniceanu
1.3k · Jul 2021
The unbelievable:
When things we're made of start speaking
And our ears just can't believe it.
1.2k · Apr 2021
Saint Garbage Day
In which ditch should I waste this flesh
For you to feel superior?
On which street to make a fool of myself?
Why not Satisfy all your 'highness's evil wishes
And be the lousiest there is?
Saint garbage, saint crap, saint ****...
Saint all the ****** and ****** people making of you
The greatest and most loved.

Garbage, garbage,
Trashing lives,
All recycled, changed, undermined
A demon' s wishes...
To keep all this garbage
In real life.

Garbage, saint garbage
Producer of honey in your lives.
Awful the garbage but when somebody knows how to make of it something else then I suppose it is something like magic going on.
"And so the world Transformed."
1.2k · Jan 2021
Magic Frogs Business
Once upon a time
Things were funny as Hell,
Life was worth living
And everyone had a place in this magical story
Of witches and Princes, princesess and ghosts,
Kings and queens and everybody else.

Soul users
Served some frog legs,
Delicacy today,
The witch is feeding her owls,
Keeping safe a few.
She's watching from her broom-flight
For souls she needs to use?
If they're Alright or not
She cares not.not _ not caring for it a lot
More than you thought.

Oh, well, a lie or two
Won't harm anyone!
Truth:... She speaks with a heart of true!

The witch selects her targets,
What she needs is what she seeks,
What she wants is what she cares for.

I want only my peace,
Even if louder than you May think!
But what to do? What to do?
May God help you too!
1.2k · May 2021
Breathing like... Hmm...
I caught you feeling... you stupid...
How dare you feel and where's your brain?

I caught you working... you stupid...
Working all day hard with a level of thinking aligned

I caught you learning,  caring, helping around,
Trying to make life sweeter...
Helping a wound fade away
And the memory of that awful day become bearable.
Are you that... stupid, stupid! Why don't you keep it all to yourself?

I caught you having some ideals...!
High and of the brave Angels adored!
You stupid, stupid Child!
How dare you even dream?
How dare you believe and hope and scream and shout out your pain!
How dare you stay!
How dare you fight!
How dare you be what you are
You are not... Stupid... Stupid...
The heart that ruined all that!

How dare you be strong?
You did it all at some level but wanted much more!
How dare you be only a human?
How dare you be much more?
You got all tired of this... Stupid... Stupid...
And walked away.
How dare you be that strong?
How dare I admire you?
Stupid... Stupid...
Heart and Soul taken to a ride by the Mind!
How dare you walk away?
Stupid thing... no! Lie!
Image on a surface
To remind us all
When stupid,
When arrogant
And why.

I caught you enjoying life. Well that's stupid!
Again, you will get hurt, you stupid stupid thing.

I caught you thinking... are you that stupid...?
When will you learn to act? React.
Do something!

You stupid...
Why don't you angel for us and fly?
Show those wings that can carry the world to a better...

'You stupid? Why don' t you Angel inside?
Without feelings, without thinking, without?... Only a cold machine, smart!

Ah, I can finally breathe in and out!
This is a strange perhaps but still a stand against violence we sometimes apply... out of discouragement, out of resources, out of some filth imposed we keep looking for ways out. Why do we do this? Why do we keep taking and taking and giving... ? Our hearts need to be out there, telling their stories, their joy and suffering, their truth and their faults, their lies and their one day found news...

*There's also a SoundCloud available for this poem:
1.1k · Jan 2021
You, you had me hooked from the very first, the very first moment,
Stories of Peter Pan running in my head,
We flew away and had times of the greatest value,
Now here I am, stuck in this tragic place,
Under the ground of a trainstation,
Like the punished soul of that Anna you missed,
A russian girl you'll never forget.

You, you had me hooked from the very beginning,
Our eyes met only for a short recognition,
Only then I knew who she was to you
And what I meant all along.
1.1k · Jan 2021
Loner of the planet
Where dreams give way to musing,
Flemditation and Jarvoy,
Living with Jhello made of peppers, hot,
Loons scouring cobbled city streets
Well treated with modelparse wine,
Reflecserve chortling along in
Plan to watch a mockumentary,
broken by the doorbell -
A fairy telegram:
Invite to brunch
From Trolly,
Best friend, the only,
One to teach me
How to use my spork.
Glad to lose the smog of this morn,
I dress-up cheching the mirror:
Great a fit of my suithalf.
Portmanteau Poem written at request, a challenge taken for practice and a little fun.
1.1k · Jan 2021
Pride waves encounter
With the waves a sea encounter
A spectre of eternal tides
Swallowing my hollowing pride
1.0k · Nov 2020
Dopamine soul
Dopamine, dopamine,
serotonin levels high,
need satisfied,
Drug of happiness,
that's what you need!
Love is all around,
passionate dark love,
It ruffles feathers
and tells of the soul,
dopamine flying around
can you believe it? - hmm.
Part of my "Natural" collection,  © All rights Reserved Theodora Oniceanu
989 · Apr 2021
Just a whore (letter)
It seems to me that I am a *****,
Cheap a *****,
Perfumed flower of the Day...
What else, what else I wasn't there...
Here and there...

I lost the one I thought too good,
She had a mission,
All too great... It's over, now.
I may just die, from their end...

True, true... They need no prayers,
They need no rescuers of their souls,
They're that good.
Or' Maybe they have no soul,
No soul they have...
She May be just a *****... I am too proud for this...
But would you care...
Oh, yeah, you showed all the care.
Maybe she didn't have a choice...

I'm just a *****, among other things,
I like to dance... I like to think...
Your Perfume take, quite cheap,
Cheap, cheap romance,
Cheap romance
Like an ocean breeze.
Do you think she doesn't care,
She has no feelings, o' heart, no brain.
Maybe she didn't have a choice,
Wish we were all much luckier...

I'm Just a *****, dear, what did you expect?
Of Just Justice and Miracles
955 · Jan 2021
Red Pants
"red pants
burning bottom
soft cream prescription."

"pantalonasi rosii foc
dos colorat
prescriem crema."

"les pantalons rouges
quel bel cul ardent
douce creme prescrite."
Haiku can be Fun
940 · Apr 2021
Music to the ears
It was quite music to their ears,
Music to their ears:
Your shouts and Screams,
Your inner fights out,
Wars spit with the venom of a serpent high,
Knowing, just knowing how it feels:
It was quite music to their ears,
Music to their ears,
It hurts like Hell,
Your shouts and Screams,
Music to their ears,
Music to the ears
Your shouts and Screams.

Hard times expressed,
Making something of the beauty one can find,
What went wrong,
What went wrong?
Why weren't those mirror reflected upon your existence?
Why do they enjoy making us suffer?
For you to find,
It's for you to find
It was all
Music to those ears...

Music to my ears all my shouts and Screams,
All the laughter and the tears!
861 · Dec 2020
Apple Rolls
What's this, mother?
- I don't know, Let's discover!
What could be in this bag?
- Oh, look, a pair of gloves and mistletoe!
A Santa magic ball and two pine cones;
three angels with flutes, a bow and Christmas *****.
Oh, look! A heart and ginger bread...
And Apple Rolls! You remembered!
the child jumps around joyously dancing
- You remembered! You remembered!
- I sure did!
The night is slowly falling, her cover of dark ink

Blessed a night,
With no fallacy snowflakes cover the grounds,
The air touched
With white fairies, unique, caressing memoirs
Pristine hearts.

Blessed, the moon rises
Above pine trees and fir, at the pass of each cloud
Staring into the dark proud.

The hour of kisses under mistletoe arrives.
Cards, still, lingering on tables, in the air sweetness of cake,
Paces of a stranger showing a loner path,
Caramel whiff, Carols lift into the drizzling canopy,
Bells tolling, memories falling and calling
For help.

He knows nothing of this, the loner,
Empty his heart, leaving all hope behind,
Refilled with tears,
His mind produces magical dreams.

In praise of past illusions, love for life,
Love for laughter, love for the lost...
Rebirth of love divine,
In loved shells chosen,
The sky's bright darkness manifests.

Of clear conception,
Inception, blue fill...
To come on the morrow
When Santa's gifts we'll find
Under our trees,
When hearts of true will offer
More than empty smiles
And a cup of coffee...

A sign of blissful charm, enchanting
A world devoid of magic and love.

"Better to be cold than destroyed,
Crushed under the mighty need to feel all-mighty.
Better a cold star than a burden
To your own world."

Of pristine conception,
Inception, blue fill...
Love means sacrifice
And sacrifice's treated today
For stupid act of treason to the self,
To good old reason...
Charms enchanting cups of hot chocolate
To ease a child's pain.

In praise of past illusions, love for life,
Love for laughter, love for the lost...
Rebirth of love divine,
In loved shells chosen,
The sky's bright darkness manifests.

The hour of kisses under mistletoe comes back.
Cards, toys, ribbons and lights floored, flavour of cheesecake,
Shadows of the past and footprints left around,
Caramel whiff, Carols lifted to gently touch the angels,
Bells tolling, memories falling and calling
For help.

Blessed, the moon rises
Above pine trees and fir, at the pass of each cloud
Staring into the dark aloud.
© All rights Reserved Theodora Oniceanu
838 · Feb 2021
Music to...
"The night she bathed into the light
Came with the blessings of your heart
And strong she was to your good sight,
So fragile in appearances yet so bright!

That light came slowly caressing the night,
Embracing her soul for the fairest fight,
So strong, still, too fragile for the part
Written on walls and danced to the right

Height. Looking up, stare into the blight
Of all sorrow ed-souls I saw how you fell apart
And it ached my soul, what solutions, right
To find? What Word for you... crave straight. "

Music to...

©Theodora Oniceanu
815 · Dec 2020
Leaden sky blanket of soaked thoughts
Adding wars back,
Giving the pale impression of illness,
Enthusiastic thunders,
Changing weather,
Swirl of birds
Darkness reflection of a world beyond
Changing weather,
Prosaic surfing, swivel,
Swirl of conspiracy
Conspicuously visible,
Relented turf
In a bout of self-pity.
Awake from this tragedy
Of disillusion
Finding the way to a clean resolution.
Enjoyment of theories
Look for heaven.
Where is my perfect heaven?!
Write of December. Inspired by 'A tragedy in heaven.'
805 · Mar 2021
Holy Hot Sauce
Holy hot sauce,
Hot sauce burning down leftovers and waste,
Adding spice to this flesh
Not going with anything,
Not going with anything else
Never better than hot sauce,
Hot sauce with well stuffed and fried or stewed
In Shells of porcelain contents,
Shaped and decorated, well plated,
Well plated with Silver and Gold plateaus
Of stew, salads and anything fried
Taking a rich shower of the loveliest spiced,
Holy hot sauce.
This is the long version of the poem (the short one's riding în a contest, or something... Oh, well... I wish myself and the poem good luck! May the best or whatever win.) Hopefully you'll enjoy this write and search for more.
791 · Apr 2021
Defended punisher
There's no forgiveness for what I did!
For you and your crimes
And your horrors
And 'evil deeds,
There'll be always
A Word, a good opinion
To have and think about.
There's no forgiveness for what I did!

There can't be forgiveness for what I did.
You, on the other hand,
For you all due respect.
You and those horrors
You had to do,
You had to do.
Respect: how else to terrify
Your enemy
So cruel...
For you, all due respect.
- I don't know what I could have done in any past life, said the girl, to deserve this!

"God rest the good man's soul."
When someone can love you someone can Save you.
762 · Mar 2021
****** chicken soup,
Yum Yum,
Puddles of chicken soup
All over the space,
There's a tornado of soup
These days
Plenty of chicken soup
In the fridge too.
Happy the family,
For gallons of chicken soup
Every day made in the bathtub...
Hot warming the heart to the bones
Bon on sweet
Puddles of yum yum,
On a plate the bowl
Of YummyYum,
****** chicken soup.
Chicken is: 1. sweet (godammit, let's hope it won't be killing us - 'cause God forbid, we want to live forever!)
                      2. tasty and nourishing, for sure! Nurturing only sentiment of good use.
                       3. ******* condescendent (these days. I Wonder if this is the way chicken always was. So ****** silent and all of).

*"- ****** survivors!" launched the chicken boiling in the bowl...
-****** chicken... Soup! Too hot again! the ragged voice of the termite terminator blurted.
- Oh, how I love a good hot bath and a juice show on such a hot day! Grinned the carrot.
725 · Jan 2021
Pouting at football passion
It seems that football and beer is a  much More desired plan today
Than words spoken from the heart or wisdom... or art of the grey,
But what can I say?
I'm too passionate about it,
I can't give up...

Shadows of the past coming to remind me that once upon a time I was quite okay with everything...
As long as I was myself and I was mine not someone elses...

I guess I grew up and I prefer another path... Something that makes me feel complete... myself...
Art beer and football (as long as I am myself I can be okay with everything, can't I)
650 · Apr 2021
And... For What
You Keep me blinder and blinder with your love,
With your light,
Making me feel that I worth something in this world,
For the world we work'nd fight until we realise the world doesn't give a **** about what we do,

Blinder and blinder about what you really do,
For me, for our future,
For your Kind...
Yes, my heart used to be true...
We fought together and alone for the world
The world doesn't give a **** about what we did or wanted to do.

The world doesn't give a **** about what you need, about what we did or didn't do...
To think that we all fought
(together and alone)
And for what?
Duty... Honour... Respect. All garbage în the end. May I Thank you?
646 · Apr 2021
Child, have some rest
What's with you?
Why does it Hurt you so much,
Let me find a way to help you...

Let me ease your pain...
"Sleep, my Child...
Find some time to rest...
It's the only way you can help...
You know it...
You thought it...
Others have preached it back to you...
You know this from so long ago... From your dreams and Sleepless nights of childhood...
Sleep, my Child.
It is time to have some rest...
Find a way to understand... this is your time
To rest. Your moment. "
Relativity and fun. We all play the role of a little saviour în our time due on Earth.
593 · Apr 2021
If you want to know
I cried rivers of pain for you,
I suffered for that soul I lost,
I suffered for the same things,
Reasons we claim that weren't but ours.

I Poured some in silence
And some had their awful turns...
Why do you want to see me... ?
Like this...
Why do you love me so much?

Grave open to make me see
What Hides into the depths of your kindness.
It's all around you,
Can't you see?
Don't you hear?
What kind of love can be so bright?
What Hides into the depths of your kind silence
Speaks to me.
Why do they bother me? Weren't they already fair enough? At least they are rebuilding their devastated world.
533 · Jan 2021
Too much oven
Infection with love, dangerous,
Obsession to get cured,
Regret follows,
Trapped for there seems to be no way out of here,
Enjoy All your wars, all your sorrow.

Courage to live it, punished,
It is only for the chosen, those who fought,
Only everybody's fighting
For what they want.

Sweet and tenderly you came
To declare all your wishes,
My commands_

Making love powerful.
Poem included in my "Christmas Afflatus" collection
531 · Nov 2020
Blue Honey
Sharing moments,
Sharing sweets,
Sharing laughter,
Sharing tears.

Share your light
And share your Shadows,

Give some resting time to hollows
That are sleepy right away
Giving you recourse to clay,
New illusion for your beliefs
In some cool, pathetic breeze
of the ocean that you freeze
In your mind to rest remarks
Made on peaks, high, of a rock.

Give some sleepy clay remark
On a cliff's recourse to rock
New illusions cool and hollow
Resting times on breeze to follow

Ocean's cool esthetic sleeps,
Frozen image of a breeze.

Share your shadows and your lights,
Share some moments, sweet and fun,
Share those tears in forms of life
On these moons,
Too clear, make shine!

© All rights Reserved Theodora Oniceanu
From: "Prism Tears" by Theodora Oniceanu
526 · Nov 2020
The same blue sky
We live under the same blue sky,
same Moon, same stars, the same stories-telling clouds,
Why won't we live in peace and harmony?
Why **** and try to make of someone something else
When what we do is nothing wrong but different?
We live under the same blue sky
still ****** happens, all the time.
The child, naive, is wondering.
The man, the woman know and laugh and cry.

© All rights Reserved Theodora Oniceanu
519 · Feb 2021
Blueberries blossom-trees,
Clouds made of soap-bubbles,
Creamy grass and foamy bushes
Of roses blue, purple and grey,
Grapes of red and Orange,
Wines of crystal clear greens,
Red-irises to tell of feelings
Too hot or too sad
Burning hues in a phtograph back home,
Where I don't want to go;
Chariots dragged by stallions
And spaceahips to take us to explore
Other natures...
No poverty, no suffering...
No twisted games,
Just peace...
Guns not allowed here.
518 · Apr 2021
Wisdom take Pt I
Eat, sleep, dream,
Never bother for 'your sin,
Never go too deep into' your problems.

Eat, Sleep, dream.
Enjoy the life that's possible.

Take a chance,
Work your body, work your soul...
Work-out and brain-chorus_
Heavy lifting and chores _
Trained body, mind and soul.

Eat, Sleep, dream...
508 · Dec 2020
Forgiveness comes in easy steps when all your life was beautiful;
It's easy to forgive someone for wrong doing to others.
In easy ways you seem to care for nobody just like they cared,
It's easy.
Forgiveness comes in various ways, just keep noticing troubles.

Upset, the saints still think of days they know as right for human kind,
Enlightened, saved, after the fight for justice they find peace.
What kind of a saint you are?
I ask, what kind of a human?
Complete, all saints know what is right or wrong for everybody.

It's easy to surrender to easy ways and easy times,
It's nonsense to fight for your reasons.
When dreams all collide forming a star,
The one I was forced to understand as once human
Becomes happier.

Forgiveness, coming in ways sometimes mysterious,
it's not the whole world knowing that I have to die
For you to be merrier.

Forgiveness: It's easy to forgive when you don't have to go back to your torments!
Part of my "Natural" collection,  © All rights Reserved Theodora Oniceanu
505 · Dec 2020
Stain of Dark Blue
Heart of shattered dreams,
Illusions on all screens: Possibilities screams!

Heart of mine, broken, blue,
                                               cry for the love lost.

For the pride of your greatest, the mightiest,
                             your beloved.

Admiring your strength, your truth,
                                                             in times of loneliness, no despair,
Heart of darkness, heart of wishes, desires and hopes.
                             Melting away,
Giving life to a soldier,

What to do for you, dear?
Do deserve your kingdom, of broken hearts, loose, lovely!

Fake happiness, turning into a real miracle,
Your soul says it all, there's no need of cruelty call.

Life to create out of nothing, out of shame, out of something...
Examples to take.

"Did I expect anything else from you?
How dared I?"
(to know, to care, to hope)
Believing was probably my greatest mistake,
"Problem causing distress
                                          more agony .(?).

Bring it on, ready for one more fight?
Yes, I was trained right!
Do I care?!

Heart of shattered hopes,
Illusions, dreams and lores,
Realities for people to live.
Humans to love...

Did I expect anything better from you?
(For my own sake)
                                 I hope I did not!
© All rights Reserved Theodora Oniceanu
498 · Apr 2021
To _ Peace Rebellious
To live a life in rebellious peace.

In rebellious peace a life to be led.

Lead a life in rebellious peace.

Rebellious peace in life.

A life (must be) led in rebellious peace.

Of rebellious peace.

A peace rebellious.

Rebellious a life led in peace.

Peace of rebellious life.

Rebellious a peace.

In life a peace, rebellious.

Peace rebellious as life.

To live! that peace, rebellious.

Rebellious a life in peace.

In life led, rebellious a peace.

Life rebellious peace acts.
An obsession Session turned into a poem. I found a contest asking to write a story in as little words as one can. Basically a line tells the whole story... But how is it told? What's its form and which form matters more? What's the preferred form and why? What's the difference? Does it make any? And if it does... how does that affect the entire story?How does the line influence the whole picture, the content and the frame...?

If you have some other forms of the same 'story' expressed above, please, do leave a note. I would be happy to discover how tall I can get this poem with the "same Old, same Old... A bit, just a little bit different, routine.

Thank you in advance.
496 · Jun 2021
The better life
For everyone
So we stopped fighting,
So we had that
Which cannot but mold the heart
To the most dignifying end...
The most beautiful touch of elegance...
But all that, wasn't but possible through pain.

And I wish you not to suffer more,
The world that seeks to **** your heart mending soul
Never to destroy your grace and beauty.
You little virus! Making one smile
In our times.
494 · Jan 2021
Go Go plans
Go there where you wanted to be,
Where your heart is,
Where you can find your happiness,
Where your soul matters,
Where you can feel free…

Go there where the sun can make you feel good
About your existence,
When the moon plays her sorrows with the finest grace,
Where the gifted are loved and not hated,
Where all promises won’t hurt.

Go there, where you deserve,
Go there, where you can handle all thing well,
Go there, where your soul matters!
For you to decide what all this means to you...
I may only wish you well...
Enjoy your lives! _ and have a beautiful afterlife
493 · Jul 2021
Pride is pride
It doesn't matter if a man or a Woman,
Pride is pride,
Friendship is friendship,
Duty is duty
And work is work,
Just like justice is justice
And life is life.

But there is life in death
And there is a chance to survive in Hell,
And people don't get punished for embellishing a place,
People don't get punished for trying to get better...
And people don't get punished for trying to make their best...

For you: what is the best?
What did you want to do?
And why?
488 · Jun 2021
- Okay, stay with your love.
483 · Feb 2021
The COWart
How to slice you chickens? asked the cow.
My hooves can't hold the knife...
******* all their fun or their sorrows?
My blade won't fit my grip...
These hooves, useless to our need!
You turned me into a sloppy cow!
461 · Jan 2021
Tramp restoration
***** trapped home
Desastruous feel
Need, struggle, work,
Liberty restored.
French cause
454 · Jan 2021
Fae tricksy games
Fantasy trip deadly
haiku inspiration, Japanese poetry
418 · Dec 2020
How to find my peace
When nothing fulfills me?
When the genuine severe my grave
And I am the genuine severing yours?
In all earnestness my heart recovers grace,
In solemn silence finding petulance,
Sulky, old smiles alternating.
© All rights Reserved Theodora Oniceanu
418 · Jun 2021
Hate me
                                     I hate you
And everything is so ****** perfect
            That We're better off dead.
Light was wandering on the hill,
A promise I seal...
We can see a road and the tree
Through a filter made of tears
And I don’t agree
with us touching the spring of our fears.

Feel the acid in your throat,
the chemistry of your burning thought;
You are close to my soul without being near at all!

Three cigarettes and a bowl,
She eats her salad, ... very slow
a movement.
Scents promised to the air
The hills are green
but wear the skin
of Gold;
The copper light is wandering on
the site.
She thought of mountains
blue and strong,
of high bright skies
with a trace of foam,
she heard the whisper of that morning’s Sun
when she left home.

Last night was cold...
When home, she felt
his spirit move around:”
“... release of a sound...
- not sold! -
She felt inspired and at peace
with everything within her being...
“And all was love and love was all they need”

The door shut loud!

Observing the autumn trees in the middle of spring,...
I am touching the bud of eternity!

“-Come back! You’re mine!”
he screamed.

The darkness’s swallowing his being,
she brings her light to him...
He touches the Spring: “-What am I seeing?!”
She felt they’re doomed,
“The bud of eternity has bloomed!”

Carrying the vision of a young man in her heart
And his lightning beam.

“-Come here! You’re mine!”
she dared.

The darkness of those days was about to end,
His bright light inspiring her being...
She took it in!

“Hold on, hold it in!”

My brain catches the beams of light;
That power inside
shows through the veil
I hide behind my sight.
An echo I seal;
I have become so un-Real!”

“I watch the arrows made of coal
“I have a goal!”
Before I know I am dissecting my soul.

I step aside,
The door has opened wide!
“-Pictures and words, put on a wall
to be shot at then left alone”

The table holds an ashtray on,
two pencils and a bowl;
She ate her salad, ... very slow
a thought …
Three cigarettes were smoking on,
in the middle of the ashtray
right next to the door.

A last call: ...
‘-Hold on!

“Hold It On!”

Light was wandering on...”

From: Theodora Oniceanu. “Time Files”. PersonAll.
© All rights Reserved Theodora Oniceanu
414 · Jan 2021
Plead for a walk
Plead for a walk,
window glass confession
Heart watchwalktalkmeditationluck,
Cold was not outside today,
Feels like the best spring play
Joy having nothing to do with this run away from your real responsability...
But what to do?
Tell a heart she's wrong?
As if he weren't the same...
Life isn't cruel.
410 · Jan 2021
To your satisfaction
A damsel in distress I am,
To your satisfaction,
I wish I knew more of this but the sky was too limited,
Paying my bills to this Universe,
For all that love and all the hatred I was always so capable of!
To your satisfaction
An animal too sweet
sacrificed a much too sweet pitiful animal, supernatural,
Too bitter a cause.

And I am also a feral beast,
Ferociously eating my sandwich,
My part of the sandwich, you won't touch!
My share of wonders, all mine, all mine...
God... sorry... I am too forgiving...
Yes, you may have it, you poor much more famished beast...

And I am a teller of fortune,
Your life was all to beautiful,
You may live in the past...
The future is for the ones who want to last forever....

And I am a changer of pasts, combining
Your Universe lost with mine,
My planet a place for you _only if apart.

But I am lovable.... oh well, I used to be...
Maybe I don't remember correctly
How things should be!
402 · Dec 2020
Lost in confusing feelings
A heart not knowing is a heart that can't see clearly
All desires of the dangerous
Blinded by love, crisp hatred and faith.
Launched in agony,
Apathy encompassing creativity
Glow under the canopy of the great.

From shattered bits of mirrors
and mirroring hearts made of steel,
Gold white plain's
Recomposing the one that I am,
The essence away with the one wholeheartedly loved...
Duty remains duty,
Love will be love
And hatred will find a reason
If not for the sake of the game then for what?

Assumed life,
Assumed reasons to carry on with
Until the hearts melt away,
Feelings storming with no option to make you pay
For their hunger,
Active in their wait for your decline,
Sick, tired and paced with your light feat
You disappear in the haze of vapours
Caused by luxurious rain.
© All rights Reserved Theodora Oniceanu
393 · Apr 2021
If a Child...
When we met I was sure that a soul like yours wouldn't Hurt so much,
Train of hopes ruined,
Heart of Gold looking for kindness,
Now where that kindness?
May it be in a safe place,
May you be loved like you needed.

Heart of silence, when we met...
When we met I was sure...
You weren't one of those...
Now I hope I never see or hear of you again.
Haven't you see many powerful uniting to mock and Hurt even Children? Oh, the adults more irresponsible than their kids! Killing other souls each day... It's only a game. Don't you worry. It will be just fine... Trust me.
378 · Apr 2021
Horror and Crimes
It was all in my head,
Heaven or hell
Maybe only about a state of mind,
The way of a god or another to tell us what to do
How to behave...

This is how we evolved,
Science based on ideals,
Progress based on wars,
Endless fights for what we want,
For those we will always be there for...
Our beloved... Missions on Earth.
Blood spill for the outrage,
Carnages and horror...
It all happened,
Perhaps we don't want to accept
But there's more than one miracle that can Save the world.
This is how we evolved,
As part of one...
We're one until We're needed

If only this had more to do with my crimes,
My horrible crimes!
For those I'll cry.
It was my decision not yours,
To **** and die for what I believe it was right...
The right thing to do
For me and my people.
Missions accoplished with honour open the skies for us and so we see the Angels and demons.
375 · Jan 2021
Private Party Pen
Private Party next door,
My Pen ready to commit ******...
Joy of life though not a sin
For them everything a Joy spin.

Dance! Dance and live your passions
As you are! Dance... But please, leave me alone with my poetry and my soul.
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