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Jeremy Betts Apr 20
...that's an ice cold strategy
Some shifty savagery
To tell me I have the luxury
Of not having to deal with family
But you know me
So you know that's the only thing I've ever wanted,
And you use it against me
Part of what make you so special to me,
Is you are essential to me
I say that knowing it's probably
Not a healthy way to be
You're all I have essentially
You could never possibly lose everything
But me?
I'm about to be

Night flees in darkness,
     day sleeps. Now knocks on my door
             shall I say "come in?"
Time is the only luxury and relevant currency. It's the key to life.
Piotr B Mar 22
is something your life
would be miserable without.
s1mpl3po3t Feb 2023
My baby had a Tesla ride
This week,
She said it was oh-so comfortable
And suggested that I should take a peek.

I compare a luxury car like that
To the ownership of an iPhone,
Which I have never learned to operate
Even for hours alone.

She passengered in a Tesla
Saturday and Sunday,
From the gleam in her eye
It must have been a fun day.

And I'm hearing the story
As we're riding in the bumpy truck,
She has a habit of getting her own way
With a smile and a kiss and her own good luck.

My baby wants a Tesla
But I know it’s not for me,
It’s like buying a thoroughbred
And man, they’re not free.
Nylee Jan 2023
You give me ease
but my list of problems don't end

You give me joy
but my amount of sadness doesn't change

it is crazy, the technology
Everything is super speed,
Still no time to rest or sleep.
Once upon a time
Things were funny as Hell,
Life was worth living
And everyone had a place in this magical story
Of witches and Princes, princesess and ghosts,
Kings and queens and everybody else.

Soul users
Served some frog legs,
Delicacy today,
The witch is feeding her owls,
Keeping safe a few.
She's watching from her broom-flight
For souls she needs to use?
If they're Alright or not
She cares not.not _ not caring for it a lot
More than you thought.

Oh, well, a lie or two
Won't harm anyone!
Truth:... She speaks with a heart of true!

The witch selects her targets,
What she needs is what she seeks,
What she wants is what she cares for.

I want only my peace,
Even if louder than you May think!
But what to do? What to do?
May God help you too!
you told me this cage was a palace
you told me I was lucky to be in a place so luxurious
with beautiful bars to grip and look out through

you told me the people walking outside were the prisoners
you told me that freedom is poison
you kept feeding me stale bread reminding me how miserable they were with their champagne and cavier

i kept looking out at the ocean and wondered what it would feel like to swim beneath it's depths
you caught my gaze and promised me that the ocean would only drown me

you told me this cage was a palace
that i was outrageously lucky
so, why did you never call me your queen?
why did you never join me in this so called luxury?
you spin her the same lies you spin for yourself
FairlyCultured Aug 2020
Bear with me, I must warn you,
My thoughts are alone.
Traded a thousand for nothing,
With them and the unknown.

Left with nothing but a paper and a pen.
Let's just say,
Lucky are those who can afford to be in tears
Every now and again.
miki Aug 2020
our love was dipped in luxury
and you were made of gold
i always liked pretty shiny things
until they got old
golden eyes, 2am nights
made loving you seem worth it
but secrets, lies, and unresolved fights
made loving you a burden
they could have hung us in the louvre
had we stayed in gold forever
but we were only carat plated
and nickel at our center
Charlotte Ahern Jul 2020
there’s only one place

where you can walk on the stars

just be sure

to keep your face forward

so not to step on any corpses
no notes, I think I get my point across lol
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