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9.8k · Nov 2014
The Onion Field
~Christi Michaels~12/2014~

you with an onion
in the palm of your hand
pulling back layers
seeing just who I am

removing the papery
outer shell
the flesh beneath
holding slight color tan

folding back the next
begining to understand
sweet juicy onion
in the palm of your hand

brave to peel 
the next layer
spicey as onions can be
a tear begins to form
a tear just for me

now you are intoxicated
as only an onion can do
you pull back again
translucent flesh
coming through

sweeter and sweeter
I become
as you genlty find my core
you've settled in
found your way
what a delectable
delicious score

Copyright © 2014 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
*Just a Little Ditty!*
9.7k · Apr 2016
Sacred Locket
♡° ⊙ • ⊙ °♡
This place in my heart
intimately aware
     Deep tenderness
Imbued with
opening in the fullness
of the Moon's light
wrapped tight
threads of fear
Mama Pain
too great to fight
     A ragged slice
with hurt by
unkind words
thrown my way
Self inflicted pain
when I doubt my inherent
Knowledge and Strength
     I know this part
of my heart
that holds
the wounded
collections of me
Keeping at bay
the ache that
lives within
     The Blessing is
that Love
Wraps around
with Healing light
Shining within
to Hold The Power
     Allowing me respite
from the Sacred Locket
held in this place of
My Heart
♡° ⊙ • ⊙ °♡

Copyright © 2016. Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved

related poems...
ThankYou for reading...
Heartbreak finds us all.
Mine is in response to my
daughter's ****** addiction.
Having overdosed unknown times in
2 1/2 years, no matter
the heartache, each day
she is with us is precious.
A unique beautiful creature
She is 20 years old.

Currently in her 8th recovery program. Today, she is alive and either succumbs or battles through each day.
9.6k · Oct 2015
Heartbreak Chasm
If only your arms
Held me true again
Our lips and
bodies entwined~
If we could remember
language once shared.
Find our rhythm divine

Yet we have climbed
these ravaged cliffs
Heartbreak Chasm
A fragile bridge
of diminished connect
Crossed only in my dreams

Older now
in this state of suspense
To watch our love fall away~
A tender time for both of us
This loss of each
Precious day

Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved
ThankYou all so much for reading
The Daily. I appreciate your
stopping by to say Hello!!!

This is about the loss of a long term,
once intimate, emotionally
committed and "forever"  relationship.
9.3k · May 2018
There are no Monsters

There are no
Monsters here...

this, the
soft, fertile soil,
that was
to feed the
Family Gardens.

No evil creatures, lurking behind
these timid
hurting hearts.

a painful place...
this invasive, pervasive,
of Us .

Here lay
The raw,
The ragged
mashed up
An onslaught
of hurts,
that float and fester
in our cauldron
of tears.

'Canvas of Colors'
tells Our story...
Melding together
The frozen and
unthawed moments of
all the

There are no Monsters here

We are the tender
beings that continue
to breathe ragged
after the forest fire,
tripping through
Crumbling Ashes
turned wet black.
Dank and slippery.

Yearning to find
strong footing
amongst these
ruins of our
own doing

No evil creatures, lurking behind
these timid
hurting hearts

There are no Monters here
Addiction uprootes and infects
The most loving of families
8.2k · Dec 2016
A kiss of breath

A kiss of breath
This delight,
To inhale twilight.
Ride the nightlight to the stars.

To kiss the breath within
each moment
Free from introspection,
doubt and regrets.
It is here, I yearn to dwell.

No fear of neglect.
No fear of offense.
No fear of fear.

Yet, ever vigil,
to a slight variance of mood.
Of circumstance.
Of changes that determine
outcomes and future.

Fear of loss.
Fear of rejection.
Fear of fear.

I succomb to this perception.
Live in accordance
within the rules and structure
that appear to maintain order  
to each of my days

Yet I await, with anticipation...
To kiss the breath within
each moment

This delight.
To inhale twilight.
Ride the nightlight to the stars


Copyright © 2014 Christi Michaels. All Rights Reserved.
❣ An honor, ThankYou ❣
8.1k · Feb 2015
"Old News"
~Christi Michaels~November 2014~
~ ~ * ~ ~
hard to believe
hearing you say
you did not want me
would not have us

could not control
the clench of my heart
when you told me
words so few
find someone new

"Old News"
you said I was
"Old News"
and you just
did not want
me anymore

waved your hand
in front of me
to be sure I understood

Could not control
the clench of my heart
when you told me
with words so few
find someone new

"Old News"
you said I was
"Old News"
and you just
did not want me
would not have
us anymore

waved your hand in
front of Me
to be sure I knew
We were not to be
~ ~ * ~ ~

Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
7.9k · Jan 2016
this touch
~  ♢  ~

this touch
of your hair
brings me
a glimpse a
the recipe
of you
this taste~
your dna
threads of

the essence
of you~
forever to
into my
of memory
and dreams...

  ~  ♢  ~

Copyright © 2016. Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved
6.4k · Nov 2014
blueberries {haiku#6}
ripe wild blueberries
nestled under tall fir trees
sweet **** juice bursts forth

Copyright © 2014 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved
5.6k · Mar 2015
precious {senryu#15}

precious life begins
entering womanhood now
in my arms you sigh


Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
3.5k · May 2015
《☆ Ode to Miller Spring ☆》

I have traveled this road.
I have traveled this road since
first I came to be here.
This journey was
my awakening to the
new existence I would step into.

Foreign to me
the illustrious homes.
Dripping willows, old oaks, poplars...
Perfectly kept grounds.
Checkerboard patterns carved
into lush grass.

This road is winding.
One needs to go slowly.
Families, children, animals, 
all enjoy this path.

The winds blow at this highest point,
up above the Glacial Basin
that forms the river below.
Before farmland,
home to

The Spring
The deep Spring of Healing
Ancient, pouring forth
from the center of the Earth.

This road, brought me to a
place of solitude...
An open space.
Land of possibilities.

I have traveled this road. 
I have traveled this road
since first I came to be here.
This road has led me to the new existence
I have stepped into.

Perfectly kept grounds
checkerboard patterns carved
in lush grass.

The wind blows at this
highest point,
up above the Glacial Basin,
that forms the river below.
Before farmland,  
home to

The Spring
The deep Spring of Healing.
Ancient, pouring forth from
the center of the Earth.
This Spring, that quenched
my family's thirst.
This Spring, that pulled my
people here,
so many years ago.

A road brought me to
this place of solitude.
An open space.
A land of Dreams.

I wonder,
what Dreams,
this land
will hold for me?

~July 2014~May 2015~
2nd Edition
Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.

"Miller Spring" is a pure crystalline-rock aquifer that has been revered by all peoples blessed to live within it's reach. The tribes of the Ojibwe and Lakota shared the spring. It was called the "Sweet Spring of Healing Waters" This spring was also shared with Settlers as they arrived. When the land was owned, the spring has always been made accessible, to All People. It should be noted that this spring water is exceptionally clear,
crisp and has a sweet bright taste
It is delicious!
To this day Miller Spring is available to all.
It's icy cold waters gush forth 24/7~365
days a year out of a well by the side
of the road, down about a mile
from my home.

I actually live in a modest house
on two original acres of this
beautiful land, which is now
bordered by five "illustrious" homes.
We moved here from the
City in the year 2000
Living in the suburbs was the
"New Existence" I had stepped into...
3.4k · Dec 2015
Drop your Grudge Rants
by the door
We Will Not Tolarate
This Anymore

Edit and toss Distasteful Rhymes
Ugly Poems with Vain designs

Haughty thoughts and
bitter words
Childish petty accusing verbs

Who did What to Who and When
Will this Clusterfuck never end?

Selfish actions, Spoiled Children
We Refuse to be your Minions

Like CNN
And Drone Fox news

We've had enough of
Self Serving views

Hurting hearts, far and wide
tender Poets with
tenuous pride

Yet, Strutting and Indignant
for who I ask?
All those involved,
A Donkeys ***

Not a home for
Egotistical Zealots
Nor a place for
flinging pellets

We come in Peace, HP to share
Not get caught in ugly snares

And to the few that
have the gaul.

"If you have nothing decent to say,
say nothing at all"



Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved
Many of us feel so cheated when we
have a moment to come onto HP
and our time is wasted by ugly
degrading Rant Writes
against other Poets.
SERIOUSLY. . Come on.. REALLY???????
3.4k · Jan 2015
Too Much Too Little
~Christi Michaels~January 2015~

Always too Much
Followed by too Little
Flawed in my ability
To understand
how to balance the two

Always too Much
Followed by too Little
Left with not knowing what to do.

Since the day of my birth
Till the day of today
My own nemesis
Every step of the way

As if the wrong download
was set into place
Incongruent with my gentle beauty
My comfortable face
Always too Much
Followed by too Little

I am flawed in my ability
Born without the understanding
Of how to balance the two
Always too Much
Followed by too Little
Left with not knowing what to do

Copyright © 2014 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
3.3k · Jun 2015
Walk Your Land
Walk your land...
   Eyes to sky
      Azure beauty
         Clouds etheric bright
Rock ashen black
  Trees of umber
    n' greens of grass
      Fresh and alive
Lay on earth
  Smell deep
    the essence
       moist or parched
Walk your land...
     Walk your land...
        Find your
          Home once again
Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
Remembering to Remember #3
3.3k · Aug 2019
I Save...
Pieces of
our past.
Wondering how we will
them back
in the days
of the weeks,
the months
of the years ahead...

as you disguise
on benches,
in corners, alleys.
Hidden in woods,
of freeways.
Tents, cars
of strangers.
Filthy trap houses.
You disappear,
to find
comfort in
the only place
left to heal.

The Deep Depths of Sleep.

Oh how I
worry about
you my love.
You suffer so
for this journey  
you have embarked on...

Oh, how I
hurt for you,
yearn for you,
love for you
and cry for you.

Your pain
so deep
keeps you away,
to dwell in the
terrifying place that
the need to
Self implode..
Obliterate all ability to feel.

Even the
true sense of Belonging
Of being
Missing my precious daughter so...
3.2k · Feb 2015
~Christi Michaels~September 2014~

We are not symbiotic any more
I lay in our soft warm bed
I slumber to your snore
Our heart's and minds have drifted
To other continents shores

We walk in two dimensions
Though parallel they may seem
Find it so very difficult
Imaging the way we used to be

This is such a simple tale
Of love thats gone amiss.
The problem here
The difficult reality
Is what to do with This.

Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
a simple poem for a complex reality
3.2k · Jan 2015
Silence is Golden
There are Times
it's just Downright Lonesome
~ ~ ~
~* * * * *~

Copyright © January 2015 Christi Michaels. All Rights Reserved.
Alone..Not Alone...
2.9k · Mar 2015
everlasting slumber
~Christi Michaels~March 2015~
«¤» «⊙» «¤»

I watch over
your embrace of
everlasting slumber
fear has left
spirit released to wander
strength surrounds 
your labyrinth unfolds
Illusion of quiet
amongst memories retold

suspended breath
sacred moments left
translucent skin
muscles soft and flesh
artistry of your journey
open to hearts that see
place of tender remembrance
sacred and loved eternally

«~⊙~» «ω⊙ω» «~⊙~»

Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
foot note:i
I am often with my clients to the
end of their time being here,
after living and/or suffering for so long,
This is a blessing and as it should be.
I always feel honored to be by their side,
bringing all Love to surround them,
on their Journey.
2.8k · Aug 2015
elusive {haiku#17}
~ • ~ • ~
slippery when wet
catching salmon in your hands
life quivers within
~ • ~ • ~

Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved
Haiku/ Senryu
2.8k · May 2015
Revelation of Delight
Beneath my covers in the
dark of night,
I felt pulled tight. 
My pajamas and
underthings finding all
the wrong places.

At my time of change,
I was gifted a bed.
I felt freedom.
A space of my own, finally alone.
The eldest, released from the pack.

Revelation of delight,
naked under soft sheets.
I felt the coolness.
My skin alive, fresh from a
warm bath. Feet wrapped safe,
deep within layers.

The Dreams came then...
I felt their calling.
Whispers beckoning me
into flight,
to float above,
observe my simple beauty

Gently slipping towards the galaxy,
I felt no weight.
Nebula's Helix, Saturn and Orion,
their colors became the
pallet of My mind.

Able to soar with the eagles,
into the depths of the oceans.
The whales called for me to follow.

Walking within the beam of
light, I felt warmth.
Crystalline aquifers quenched
my thirst. Grounding  me to the
center of our Earth.

Of an age now,
that comfort has settled in,
I feel whole within.
Naked with my soul.

The sheets still cool
after a long warm bath.

Copyright © May 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved
Remembering to Remember #2
2.8k · May 2019
You are gone,
yet everywhere
that I touch,
see, with my sensitive eyes
and heart.

You are gone,
Yet we never stop looking.
We know you're out there.
Each morning we call the
the jails.

You are gone.
Day after day
we hear nothing.
We wonder,
we hope,
we pray that you
are alive.
That no one has hurt you too badly through the night.
That you've not hurt yourself too much to come back from.

You are gone.
Yet the shadow of you is here.
It is everywhere.
Your shadow floats down from the
moon light,
and at night
covers such deep sadness
we know then that we miss you beyond the stars.

The You
that was You..
Losing an adult child to drugs is devastating beyond words. It hurts so bad.
2.8k · Dec 2014
~ Christi Michaels ~
* * * *
*Darkest Night
Miles n' Miles
Eyes Dry
Heart Pounds
Invisible Elusive
Highway Hums
Eyes Pierced
Blinding Light
Pounding Heart
Darkest Night
Black Road
Snow White

White Snow
Road Black
Darkest Night
Pounding Heart
Lights Blind
Peircing Eyes
Hum o' Highway
Elusive Invisible
Heart Pounding
Dry Eyes
Miles 'n Miles
White Snow
Road Black
Darkest of
Dark Nights
2.7k · Mar 2016
Little Bottles

A rare thing, my Mother's touch.
Though it was she I desired,
her babies I lovingly embraced.

Letting us make messes.
Be boisterous.
Expected independence.
“You do it, you learn it”
Helped us raise each other,
myself in the lead.

Our imaginary
world, rarely interrupted,
allowed us the freedom
to entertain ourselves.
Mom was not one to coddle,
but to patiently teach.
Cooking, gardening,
care giving.
To plant a tree,
and properly prune.
Create a thriving home
for salamanders.
Names of plants and trees.
Cloud formations.
how to patch up bloodied
knees and noses.

My Mother knew how to
transport a station wagon
filled to the brim with kids.
Provided us with masking
tape to square off our own
territory, creating safe
havens from point A to B.

She was fearless during
that overwhelming time.
Chaotic household of
youngins’ needs.
Teens tempers, mixed
with yearnings and desires
She taught us perseverance.
Eyes forward
No matter... calm or storm.

Her demeanor,
devoted and gentle.
Yet, fierce in determination.
An educated “No bones about it”
woman. A nurse.
Cute in a clean,
crisp natural way.
A woman of extraordinary
capabilities, rarely
comfortable with a compliment.

Not one to linger in a
moment of luxury.
To be soft and silly.
Or settle in for a deep cuddle.
The way she was raised
amongst her kin of many,
being the youngest.
from a different time.

Regardless of my perspective,
She loved enough to
make 5 children.
Provided food.
and kept us clean.
Encouraged the decoration of
our bedrooms to our
personal delight.
Allowed dogs and bunnies
to share our lives.
Insisted on the five food groups
at each evening's family meal.

These days, I cherish the hand
picked cards always mailed on
time for occasions and
holidays. ThankYou notes for
every kindness shown her way.
With her gardens beautifully
tended, herbs carefully harvested
and patiently dried, at Christmas
she labeled recycled spice bottles
collected from here and there.

Yesterday I gathered them,
Small glass vessels in hand.
My name and the date,
meticulously written by
her hand on white labels.
Over time, I have
saved them all.
Ingredients left intact.

My Mother's language of
love lined up in front of me,
these Little Bottles,
a culmination of the years.
Aromatic herbs
tenderly tucked inside.
I understood then,
I had been
Held in Mother's
arms all along...
I just never knew how to
fully accept her embrace.


Copyright © 2016.
Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved
My Mother and Father are both 83.
It is our honor
to care for them now,
as they did for us then
~Christi Michaels~December 2015~

the air presents tranquility
zephyr winds which blow on high
swirling within the troposphere
veiled serenity
clouds stealthy shift
covering brilliant, poignant stars
air masses
a juxtaposition
tension exists between...
yet unseen.
the sky illuminates..sparks of light
swarms of fireflies 
ubiquitous in flight
there is a calm
steady as a drone
unwavering in its commitment
to a reality yet unknown.

till the shift proceeds
balance moves to tilt
calm planes of matter
Present ready to meld

celestial balance
no longer in alignment
exploding outward 
defying confinement
fragile realization
of a squall revealed
friction surmounts
air becomes thick
atmosphere now dense
expanding as it pulls in

a tempest has arrived
opposition exists
shards of electricity
violently ripping open
the sky above

zephyr winds which
blow on high
the inevitable calm before the storm

* * * * *
Copyright © 2014 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
2.7k · Nov 2014
A Moment
~Christi Michaels~November 2014~

A Moment
The yearning  
Yeilding to it...

Letting go at Last
Emraced in Passion

Then the need to
pull back
from the rawness of it all   

Copyright © 2014 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved
2.7k · Aug 2015
I came upon a parade of Zinnias
today..lined along the pave-way,
wild and wily. An infinite variety
of colorful heads popping up
and out, like eyes of
wary prairie dogs,
on the lookout for action.

Thought of you...the flower heads
you gave me, filled with seeds
aplenty to plant in the spring.
Knew just where they would go.
Imagined my hands in the
welcoming earth, sowing
them at just the right depth.

They would grow, reaching
with their long thin frames.
Vigorously tall and full of
summers brightness.
Symmetrical flowers
filled with attitude
towards the sun.
Flourishing in cracks along  
sidewalks and driveways.
Finding comfort and feeling free
in the most limited of spaces.

Yet...I did not plant them.
Aware that I am not able,
just now, to make such a commitment.
To water and ****. Ensuring that they
would reach their full potential.
A simple promise of one season.
To nourish a delicate, perfect Zinnia.

~Christi Michaels~July 2015~

Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
2.5k · May 2019
No way to breathe
No way to find myself
Out of this sorrow
of you

I hear rumors
Sleeping In laundry mats
Dumpsers next
to the river
At night
Under freeway passes

The **** owns you
Knowing you
are so vulnerable
Breaks my heart
Even more

I am isolated
in your aloneness
I am lost in
your lost-ness
I miss you deeply
Yet am afraid
Of all you
come with

How do I find solace
When there is none
When the
silver lining has
become tarnished

My Sparkle Girl
Gone Girl Gone
Even if I found you
You would deny me
You would deny
me because
I am the voice
of reason
That you run from

I am so very alone
in your aloneness
Methamphetamine addiction. Heartbreaking
2.5k · Jan 2015
Hands of Light
~Christi Michaels~January 2015~

Rays of Illumination
Beams of Beauty

Sunset Hues Veil
Gateway to The Divine

Takes My Breath away
Mesmerized by the Sight
The Sky opens
offering radiant
Hands of Light

Copyright © 2014 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
When I was a little girl and the Rays of Light would spill down from the sky peeking through the clouds..we would call it "Jesus Light", just like in the paintings!
{Yes...I was raised Catholic}
now am Spiritual..One with The Light
2.3k · Apr 2015
She Sends Her Love
She sends her love
She sends her love down
into the Mother
that holds her dearly
pressed deep within layers
crystalline veins
become fingers of light

beneath the surface
precious stone
purple points of symmetry
down through darkness so dark
ancient dreams she remembers
She sends Her Heart
Heart Pure

She sends her love
She sends her love down
into the Mother  
that holds her dearly
millenniums of rotation
meld together in perfect form
full, round and firm

layers upon layers of
bones, stones n' trees
leaves laden with mud
pressed dense n' deep
beneath the surface
orbs of precious stone
purple points of symmetry

crystalline veins
become fingers of light
tunnels of silver
copper and gold
milleniumms of rotation
meld together in perfect form
full, round and firm

stones trees n' bones
mud laden with leaves    
pressed deep n' dense  
down through darkness so dark
ancient dreams She remembers
She sends her Heart
Heart Pure

fingers of light
the Warm Core  
Beating Heart of the Mother


Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved
She Sends Her Love
A Mantra
2.3k · Jul 2016
Forever Young
Forever Young**
Written and arranged and recorded by:
Bob Dylan

May God bless and keep you always
May your wishes all come true
May you always do for others
And let others do for you
May you build a ladder to the stars
And climb on every rung
May you stay forever young
Forever young, forever young
May you stay forever young.

May you grow up to be righteous
May you grow up to be true
May you always know the truth
And see the lights surrounding you
May you always be courageous
Stand upright and be strong
May you stay forever young
Forever young, forever young
May you stay forever young.

May your hands always be busy
May your feet always be swift
May you have a strong foundation
When the winds of changes shift
May your heart always be joyful
And may your song always be sung
May you stay forever young
Forever young, forever young
May you stay forever young.
**Forever Young**
Written and arranged by:
Bob Dylan
2.3k · Nov 2020
And if I Cry
if I cry
The tears will
cleanse my eyes
wash my face  
Glide along my neck.

My hair will be blessed
with the water of You.
Flowing down my sacred *******,
That nourished.

Waterfall of the Angels,
Down my back.
My body
feeling the coolness.

the sadness of it all.
I am Drenched
in all my thoughts and love
indued with you.

The tears will pool at my feet
forming the trickle,
That will meet the rain drops.
Find the flow-away..
will bring the parts of
you and me together...
down to the river.

through that river
we will join.
Enter the ocean.
My tears will spread
far and wide... 

A perfect moment,
they will rise up
One with the clouds that have formed
the rain and the mist

And if I cry these
will be my tears
Once again
My daughter Mariah Belle Flaherty passed at age 24 on September 23, 2020
R.I.P my youngest Love
2.3k · Jun 2015
I aspired towards being
Since I was a little girl
Watching the other kids
Helping out in our family's world

I worked towards being
as a young teen
Volunteering my time
Making sure I was never mean

I strived towards being
becoming a young woman
Being there for all my friends
Careful of others feelings

I enjoyed being
When I became a mom
Letting them know how
much they are loved
Making sure my children
grew strong

I thought that being
was a trait I longed to be
yet have managed
to push those I love away
from me

Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
Thoughtful ☆●☆●☆ Thoughtless
Moonflower in the Pale Moon Light
Gently Unfurling
Willing to Nights Delight

Cloistered under the Bright
Clear Sun.. Shutting Herself
Till the Day is Done

Secrets Revealed beneath the
Veil Of Darkness
Light of the Moon
The only Language
To which She Hearkens

* * * *
Copyright © 2014 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved
A shout out Moonflowers around the world. How fortunate we are
to be present to their magical ways
2.1k · Apr 2015
Soft Deep Down Deep
~Christi Michaels~April 2015~


I remember Love
a melding complete and fine
intimacy both ******
a union fulfilling~Divine

knew what defined forever
understood magic shared
held each day with tenderness
palpable how much We cared

I remember being satisfied
feeling soft deep down deep
believing You and Me
described the meaning complete

knew what defined forever
understood magic shared
held each day with tenderness
palpable how much We cared

yes I remember Love
feeling soft deep down deep
A melding complete and fine
knew what defined forever
a union, complete~Divine


Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
Soft Deep Down Deep
2.1k · Jan 2016
Verbiage and Visions
Swirls of verbiage
begin to settle.
My wish..
that they land
to connect a thought.
Overflowing as
grapes cascading atop
sides of vessel
butter cup yellow.
Fruit of the
darkest purple persuasion.

I have visions.
Ribbons of colour.
Movements of flutter
Wet paint on pallette,
waiting for a
canvas to present itself. 

Shambolic as to how to
put it all together.
Can almost sense
the fit,
yet unable to develop
the arrangement.
The words, 
the vision
the pigments are there,
on the tip of my mind.

I wonder if, in the event
it all came spilling out,
I would be brave
enough to reveal.
Begin to heal.
If my canvas of words and
colors could describe.

Maybe then, it would all melt
together, becoming the
black of all colors, the no color...
allowing me
to begin anew.


Copyright © 2016. Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved
This poem addresses issues
while recovering from
Traumatic Brain Injury.
2.1k · Jan 2015
Love is omnipresent
breathe in...
                   ... exhale
finding perfect joy in the surrender
welcome this river of clarity
to permeate...
                                  ... to quench
every fiber of your being
Love is omnipresent

~Christi Michaels~January 2015~
Copyright © 2014 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
2.1k · Feb 2015
tender {senryu#13}

someday you will see
sweet tender moments a gift
not to be ignored


Copyright © 2014 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved
2.0k · Jan 2015
Secret to the Heavens
~Christi Michaels~ January 2015~

Stepping into Moonlight
Eyes all a Wonder
Casting My Gaze up
Through Soft Boughs of Pine
Ethereal Brilliance, I do Ponder

Evening Darkness
Cloaks My Presence
I am a Secret to the Heavens
Only Fate knows I am Here
My Intentions Honest,

Senses Heightened
this Sumptuous Night
Steadfast upon My Land
am Free to Roam at will
Toes immersed in Loamy Sand

Such Beauty fills my Senses
This Starry Night
Finding Solace Here
Under Magnificent Endless Twilight

Raising My Arms Up... I Surrender
Immersed into Moon's Night
My Heart all a Wonder
Lifting My Gaze
Through Soft Boughs of Pine
Ethereal Brilliance, I do Ponder

Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved
1.9k · Dec 2014
Special {A Mantra}
~ Christi Michaels ~

*Out in the world
where windows reflect
                     I am Special
In an ocean of people
unknown to me..
                     I am Special
Important in the hearts
to those in need
of My tender loving care
                      I am Special
Intellegent, Beautiful
Only one of Me
Perfect in My imperfection
    .                I am Precious
As are We All.....A Mantra.
1.9k · Jan 2015
"Dark Shadows of One's Soul"
~Christi Michaels~

Dark Shadows of My Soul
Memories finally revealed,
Yet always known.

Arches set deep within stone
Labored creake of hinges
Massive wooden doors
My breath, heavy just moments before,
quiets upon the entering.
Dark Shadows of My Soul

Three steps down,
Entering the majestic room.
Domed ceilings. Stucco stained
with colors from long, long ago.
I walk towards windows.
Tall, deep n' narrow overlooking My Realm below.
A knowing. A deep seated
rememberance of a life once lived.
Dark Shadows of My Soul

Secrets, locked away in gilded boxes..
Vessels holding unspoken truths
Trap doors leading to dungeons
concealed beneath intricately woven rugs.
Taste of the air. ****** breads,
roasting meat.
Acrid smoke wafting from Soddy hearths
Dark Shadows of My Soul

Raven ringlets cascading.
A waterfall down my open back.
Pearl woven braids
adorn the crown of my head.
My ******* constrained.  
With each breath.
Brocade and lace lay gently
across my hands, kissing my fingers
My neck long, regal. I hold posture of a Princess.  
My full skirts sweep and polish
these stone floors from time till eternity

Will begin the journey.
Delve into this sordid past.
Facing, long at last  
Deamons. Lies of Old
Embracing now
Dark Shadows of One's Soul

Copyright © 2014 Christi Michaels. All Rights Reserved.
Quote from Barnabas Collins,
the Motion Picture: Dark Shadows.
Starring: Johnny Depp, 2012 originating from the
T.V. series Dark Shadows (1966-1971)
  Barnabas Collins, a 175-year-old vampire from Collinsport, Maine. Having bridged the centuries, he has been both an adversary and an ally to his extended family members over the course of several generations.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I loved Ireland. Felt one within the Castles. This peice, though originally a challenge, fulfilled the " Dark Shadows of My Soul"
1.9k · May 2015
envelop my heart
envelop my heart
enfold my being
cocoon me in kindness
cover my doubts
encompass my thoughts
cloak my vulnerabilities
shroud my fears
enclose me in Love
shield my tenderness     
encase my charms
veil my uncertainties
engulf me in your arms
swathe me with tenderness
encircle my energy
sheathe me from harm
envelop my heart
enfold my being
envelop my heart
envelop me

Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
envelop my heart
1.9k · Dec 2014
The Spiral Shell
* * * *
Today, a breeze rides thru
the window across her bed,
reaching me on the other side.
My clean bare feet resting near.

The sanctuary,
sheets so Soft
comforters comforting.
Flowers fragrant,
her colors, fresh each day.

Her body has taken shape,
like the center of a spiral shell.
A soft curled position.
Hands tucked. Delicate cheeks
resting upon them.

Two years now wondering
will her life return.
The pain pushes through her
too much to bear.
She awaits for the inevitable.
The deliverance.

I am watching over.
One of her people
this time in her life.
There are the others,
tending the difficult task
of daily living.
The dearest ones.
Facing the inevitable
hurt of losing her.

I am one of the blessed ones.
Chosen to care and
weave my love,
into the tenuous, quiet oasis
that has become her life.

wisdom and grace, envelop us.
A delicate tenderness abounds,
these precious moments of our day.

Copyright © 2014 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved
In Honor of Sheila.
Whom I thank Graciously for allowing me to
be her "Person" at this time in her life.
1.9k · Jul 2015
Woman of the Water
Golden laced
repeat patterns dance
beneath closed lashes
Sunlight finding it's way

through shimmering ripples, 
I see before me
Woman of the Water.
Stance of resilience,

silloute to sky. She
skims the surface.
An apparition.
This Goddess dancing atop

the waves. Paddle in hand,
solid upon her watercraft.
She knows her strength, gliding
above a sparkling world of secrets.*

~Christi Michaels~June 2015~

Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
1.9k · Oct 2015
Senryu {#18}

My brain is scrambled
A puzzle, missing pieces...
Oh look! I found one

Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
1.9k · Feb 2019
Mama Bear
I hurt by the
loss of you.
That you have
lost yourself.
That you can't seem to get away
from the depths
and nightmare
of your addiction.

I am hurting like a Mama Bear.
Lost my cub
and I can't find her.
I look endlessly.
Feel an avalanche  
of painful emptiness.

I am lost myself,
in losing you.
1.8k · Oct 2015
everlasting slumber
~Christi Michaels~March 2015~
«¤» «⊙» «¤»

I watch over
your embrace of
everlasting slumber
fear has left
spirit released to wander
strength surrounds  
your labyrinth unfolds
Illusion of quiet
amongst memories retold

suspended breath
sacred moments left
translucent skin
muscles soft and flesh
artistry of your journey
open to hearts that see
place of tender remembrance
sacred and loved eternally

«~⊙~» «ω⊙ω» «~⊙~»

Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
I am often with my clients to the
end of their time being here,
after living and/or suffering for
so long. The Passing is a Blessing
as it should be. I feel
honored to be by their side,
bringing all Love to surround
them, on their Journey.
1.8k · Dec 2014
magic wands
trees wrapped in lights glitter
shine and sparkle under moons night
open land, expansive
to run
to slide
snow so white and soft like clouds
absorbs our bodies fall

pines and firs a canopy
casting gaze on all below
branch tips wrapped in delicate ice
magic wands
hovering o're our heads
this eve of moonlit glow

Copyright © 2014 Christi Michaels. All Rights Reserved.
Winter Everywhere!!!!:-)
1.8k · Feb 2015
breathless {senryu#14}

I am here waiting
breathless anticipation
dew of morn anew


Copyright © 2014 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
breathless {senryu#14}
1.7k · Jun 2015
****** against the cliff
caught in a vortex  
whirlpool of relentless force
pulling me down, down, down
Obliterating all sense of direction

I succomb to the waves
****** out, pulled in.
Riptide determined to
pull me under
spared by the mercy
of an upper current that
carries me weightless out and
over the break

Impelled by Grace
greater than the Power at hand
My body finds the sand.
I lie upon the beach,
all fight left behind.
The Ocean claims my strength
No question who has won**

Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
1.7k · May 2015
seedlings of spring
~Christi Michaels~May 2015~

I sense the wind
across my skin
goose bumps rise
         to your touch
         calloused hands
         fingers know just
         how firm to grasp

the light rain
Knowin' of a
storm a'blowin
           Your lips settle
           on mine
           firm and yielding till soft

We are nestled in these
suspended moments
between precipitation and
an all out squall
          Your fullness climbs into me
          finding my breath
          I inhale the quiet before...
          exhale, inhaling the Fresh of You

as this storm unfolds
pounding down seedlings of spring
rinsing all things clean
         I am awash with you
         unbridled passion having
         survived a prolonged
         season of thirst and drought

Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
seedlings of spring.
1.6k · Feb 2015
loved {senryu#12}

feel what surrounds you
it is your destiny to know
dearly you are loved


Copyright © 2014 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved
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