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243 · Aug 2019
I’m Not Alone
B D Caissie Aug 2019
Come sit with me alone in my silence,
my dark and faceless friend.
Some moments your larger than life,
but then you shrink away from view.
     You have no memories or worries, you have no soul.
I hate that I’m jealous of such, just a shadow of a man.
These are moments, thoughts of weakness, but every time He takes my hand.
He leads me into the brightness of His grace and love.
     I turn to look back but He tenderly puts his palm upon my cheek.
With a smile and a slow shake of his head I look to Him.
In His wake I follow and the darkness blows away like ash.
243 · Aug 2019
Hard to Swallow
B D Caissie Aug 2019
I chewed on your words a hundred times, then washed them down with  tears of wine.

Your words they trickled within my  heart, so full with them it split apart.

But now your words they have no clout, I broke them down and ****** them out.
240 · Aug 2019
Food for Thought;
B D Caissie Aug 2019
When I was a child for fun I used to pretend to have super strength when crushing crackers in my soup...
Huh! Turns out it’s still as fun as I remember.
Young at heart
233 · Aug 2019
Time Well Spent
B D Caissie Aug 2019
It’s an illusion that hours of the day speed up as we get older. A classic  misdirection, a slight of hand on the face of a clock if you will.
The pace of time will never change. But it’s our sense of urgency of how much time we have remaining on this serendipitous wheel of fortune, that father time has spun, that has us reeling...
232 · Aug 2019
Bleeding diary
B D Caissie Aug 2019
Blank pages from my diary rustling near the window by my bed.

Soon to be weighed down by words I’ve not yet said.

My dreams unwanted memories my thoughts are bleeding red.

Imprisoned by my heartbreak red ink to paper bled.
229 · Sep 2019
Thoughts 101
B D Caissie Sep 2019
Memories... Such a love, hate relationship.
228 · Aug 2019
Monkey on the Moon
B D Caissie Aug 2019
There's a monkey on the moon, my grandpa use to say
Forever swinging from his tail, searching with each sway

He lounges on the clouds to watch the children play
His lonely tears come falling down and they all run away

At night he hops from star to star to visit the milky way
Without a friend to share it with all he ever sees is grey

There's a monkey on the moon, my grandpa use to say
Look up and spot him hidden amongst the clouds by day
227 · Aug 2019
Looking Down from Above
B D Caissie Aug 2019
I stood transfixed, at equals with my idle thoughts.
You patiently waited, wondering if I’d ever connect the dots.
224 · Aug 2019
Sweet Freedom
B D Caissie Aug 2019
Bitterness and hate tend to leave a sour taste in one's mouth. I secretly forgive for selfish reasons, for I have tasted it’s sweet freedom.
220 · Aug 2019
B D Caissie Aug 2019
What have I become?
But an absent soul forever cast beneath the shadow of all my discarded dreams...
220 · Nov 2019
Happy Place
B D Caissie Nov 2019
The origin to heal is such a fickle thing.
For it needs to start deep down within.

A foundation to heal is a laughing soul.
We all deserve that chance to be whole.

To embark some need only to step away.
Many wished it would be easier to stay.

The origin to heal is such a fickle thing.
For it needs to start deep down within.
219 · Aug 2019
B D Caissie Aug 2019
Bewildered soul
Banished from play
Brought down by illness
Breaks free only in dreams
218 · Aug 2019
Edge of Pride
B D Caissie Aug 2019
I walked to the edge to evaluate my existence and in  my hubris I believed I was reaching the firmament and beyond.

Instead the sky was falling and with it the stars. Within my eyes you can follow their decent to the unknown depths of my heart.
217 · Aug 2019
My View
B D Caissie Aug 2019
Looking out my window pane. The sun shines, but all I ever see is rain...

My scarlet heart forever stained. Gentle harp plays, strumming at my pain...

Every day seems in vane. Birds are singing, only fill me with disdain...

Burdens of life I can’t explain. The sun shines, but all I ever see is rain...
214 · Sep 2019
Thoughts 101
B D Caissie Sep 2019
Capture despondency and confine it to verse. Control what is written, your emotions inverse.

211 · Aug 2019
In Search of Peace
B D Caissie Aug 2019
I've the wherewithal that time is brief
What time has taken like a thief

A bird above and pebble below
Standing between is all I know

An archway taunts me through the spruce
Hounded by whispers of being obtuse

Left by the forest right on the river
My eyes are open wider than ever

Listen to the ripples upon the water
Finding  peace with my heavenly Father

Oh how those wildflowers have grown
Where I forever rest my weary bones
204 · Aug 2019
Sister of Orion
B D Caissie Aug 2019
She wore her heartstrings on her sleeve. That nearly brought her to her knees.

She tried to stitch them close to the vest. The result was just a tangled mess.

Her tears flowed down like a raging river. She held herself but still she shivered.

She tied her hardships with a little white bow. Then wore it proudly for all to know.

She was soft like a lamb with a heart of a lion. Her soul was bound with the sisters of Orion.
203 · Sep 2019
Lonesome Love
B D Caissie Sep 2019
I’d climb the highest mountain peak to greet you.
Can you see?
I’d nosedive my way back down to be with you.
Are you free?
I’d walk through flames for a moment of your time.
Do you care?
I’d wade through ashes of despair to meet you.
Are you there?


My love for you is a slow and steady burn.

My scars suggest perhaps I’ll never learn.

You left me staring blankly in the rain.

Gazing out the window on a slowly departing train...

I know this poem kind of changes but I'm okay with it.
202 · Aug 2019
Ravens Deceit
B D Caissie Aug 2019
A black raven ruffles on a stone by a hollow. It beckons you come where none want to follow.

Your pain and your sorrow his promise to bury. The cost is your soul to hell it will ferry.

Look away from the shadows and the depths of the sea. For none of those things want to see you set free.

So the next time the black raven's squawk doth beckon. Alas, it's call is the harbinger of depression.
202 · Aug 2019
B D Caissie Aug 2019
You somehow eclipsed all my moments in the sun.
Where upon I became the penumbra in your presence.
The moods you wore left me sodden and confused.
Our times together had become painfully arduous.
191 · Oct 2019
Daylight Saver
B D Caissie Oct 2019
Approaching night
Wasting light
Save my soul
Before your sight

If I should stray
Beyond this day
Make me whole
For this I pray

189 · Aug 2019
Undaunted Love
B D Caissie Aug 2019
Somehow we  opened each other's hermetic hearts.
Our perspicuous love rippled across the cosmos.
Distancing ourselves from the turpitude of the world.
Hermetic- sealed so as to be air tight. Perspicuous- clearly expressed. Turpitude- depravity,  wickedness, corruption, evilness.
188 · Aug 2019
My Tenet
B D Caissie Aug 2019
My heart bleeds maudlin, my mood azure.
The  essence of you lingers pomander.
I miss you still, alone with my tenet.
Maudlin- excessive emotions, azure- colour blue, pomander- mix of aromatic substances, tenet- belief, to be true.
188 · Aug 2019
Thoughts 101
B D Caissie Aug 2019
You cannot find a peaceful destination when the mind forever roams.
187 · Aug 2019
Stress Lines
B D Caissie Aug 2019
Fake smiles, roads travelled, stress lines for miles.

Tired eyes, bloodshot lightning, weeping within stormy skies.

Weary feet, chasing sheep, sleepwalking myself to sleep.
187 · Sep 2019
Thoughts 101
B D Caissie Sep 2019
There is no greater motivation than the inspiration of true love.

180 · Aug 2019
Short n Sweet
B D Caissie Aug 2019
It’s not the length of the sentence, but the words you choose that count...
178 · Aug 2019
Palace of Glass
B D Caissie Aug 2019
Is one able to yearn
When burned
Having never learned
To wait ones turn

So sojourn...

I’ve a right to bale
When lovers fail
Tucked is my tail
Leaving a paper trail

Unanswered mail...

I look for solace
My formidable edifice
On the edge of malice
Up in my palace

Blunt cowardice...

So in conclusion
This web of delusion
Self-inflicted confusion
My mental pollution

Sentenced seclusion...
178 · Aug 2019
Shadow Play
B D Caissie Aug 2019
Candle-lite flickering, shadows loomed.
Bringing an uneasy feeling across the room.

I sat on my rocking chair, my favourite reading nook.
Got all nestled in and picked up the good Lords book.

Fear not! Sayith the Lord! Was the first thing I read.
The sounds I heard next drained the blood from my head.

A Hideous scraping sound chased by a foreboding thump.
Dropped the good book and stood straight off my ****.

Frighteningly harry and rigid, my blood pressure dropped.
****** forth my candle... Oh thank the Lord it’s only the mop.
176 · Aug 2019
Child Within
B D Caissie Aug 2019
Childlike days of yore unencumbered with the guilt of sin.

Hardship has trapped youth under years of thick skin.

Memories have fallen like scattered skittle pins.

Much to the chagrin of the hidden child within.
174 · Aug 2019
B D Caissie Aug 2019
Wherever your heart lies the mind will fluff the pillows.
Ten words of wisdom
172 · Aug 2019
B D Caissie Aug 2019
Every day I close my eyes and lightly run my fingers along my scars like braille on a page and every time it spells forgiveness.
168 · Aug 2019
Journey of My Mind
B D Caissie Aug 2019
I wish to ride along the Milky Way in a groovy time machine.

I wish to glide along the planet rings like some roller disco scene.

I wish to bounce off every star like some 80’s pinball dream.

I wish to visit Planet X dressed up like Wolverine

I wish to Bungee jump the black hole and GoPro what I’ve seen.

I wish you’d join me from where you are to break from life’s routine.

166 · Aug 2019
Time and Again
B D Caissie Aug 2019
Time and again I open my heart.
Only to have it once again ripped apart.

Time and again wounds have healed.
My scars exposed yet their depth concealed.

Time and again I rise above.
In search of the elusive wings of a dove.
160 · Aug 2019
Leather Bound Book
B D Caissie Aug 2019
I carry my thoughts in a leather-bound book.
Tied by a heartstring I've not yet forsook.

I open it often to reminisce what you took.
A rose thorn pierces my skin whenever I look.

My blood stains its pages amongst every nook.
Drawn like a Shepherd lovingly with his crook.

I carry my thoughts in a leather-bound book.
The story of heartbreak we two had partook.
158 · Aug 2019
Weather or Not
B D Caissie Aug 2019
Looking out my window pane. The sun shines, but all I ever see is rain...

My scarlet heart forever stained. Gentle harp plays, strumming at my pain...

Every day seems in vane. Birds are singing, only fill me with disdain...

Burdens of life I can’t explain. The sun shines, but all I ever see is rain...
157 · Aug 2019
Lost Love
B D Caissie Aug 2019
You stood high on a deserted precipice, and with a loud voice you proclaimed your love for me. My fear of commitment  left me silent and aloof.
As a result you were left on the edge of nothingness with a lonely echo. Proudly you stood strong and drew a line, vowing never to return.
Now I disparagingly walk this god forsaken landscape, forever reaching for a  mirage that isn’t you. Left with only my shadow of regret.
156 · Aug 2019
Departing Autumn
B D Caissie Aug 2019
Tears of autumn meld with dew, dripping off your cherry hues.

These melancholy feelings how they haunt me, but autumn’s beauty how she taunts me.

Soon the landscape will all be pallid, it’s colours for now sing a lovers ballad.

Shed tears of joy and not of sorrow, don’t spoil today with the weather tomorrow.
154 · Aug 2019
Shore Thing
B D Caissie Aug 2019
Let our carbon footprints wash away with every crashing wave...

From shore to distant shore

Save the mighty currents that clean our oceans deep...

From shore to distant shore

So future generations can walk with sand between their toes...

From shore to distant shore

Before our footprints in the sand simply become no more...

From shore to distant shore
149 · Aug 2019
Blissfully Yours
B D Caissie Aug 2019
My fingers gently brush the hair from your eyes.
As I rest my hand on the curve of your thigh.

As the other hand combs your hair behind your ear.
I whisper I love you and pull your body near.

Your passionate kiss stirs a blinding desire.
Two tongues dancing like flames from a fire.

Our souls become one tethered by a kiss.
Lost in the rhythm and rapture of  sacred bliss.
146 · Aug 2019
Garden of Life
B D Caissie Aug 2019
Flowers in a field look so lovely.
Flowers in a field how your colours burn so bright.
Flowers in a field with breezes sway so gently.
Flowers in a field reaching skyward craving light.

Wild grasses grow amongst such beauty.
Wild grasses grow to set the balance right.
Wild grasses grow not in awe of what’s around them.
Wild grasses grow knowing they are equals in His sight.
135 · Aug 2019
Box Full of Memories
B D Caissie Aug 2019
I pulled down the box of trinkets of old. Worthless items to most, for me it’s a box full of gold.

For fond memories within are lovingly entwined. I tenderly hold them in turn, drifting back into time.

Your wedding ring you wore since we two became one. I placed within, now that your soul has moved on.

I carefully placed it on a shelf by a dusty old clock. What comes next, now that my whole life’s in a box.
132 · Aug 2019
Never Lukewarm
B D Caissie Aug 2019
Without you
Come to me

Light me
With your touch
131 · Aug 2019
Chaos at My Door
B D Caissie Aug 2019
Light has faded the night doth speak
It quietly whispers that I am weak

Chaos scratches at my door
Sent to confuse me all the more

I'm tired of fighting what I can't win
I fear I'm losing the battle within

Chaos scratches at my door
Sent to confuse me to the core

My thoughts are slowly killing me
I close my eyes yet still I see

Chaos scratches at my door
I'll sleep when I awake no more
124 · Aug 2019
This Old House
B D Caissie Aug 2019
Dust in the attic his thoughts betrayed
Creaks in the hinges to the doors of age.
124 · Aug 2019
Sad Truth
B D Caissie Aug 2019
I’m a man Who’s decidedly strong and tough!
You proceed to play a sad movie to call my bluff.

I see you glance with a teary-eyed smirk. Truth is revealed with your conniving detective work.

As I stomp out of the room saying stupid sad ****. You're laughing your *** off in spite of it.
122 · Aug 2019
Mantle of Love
B D Caissie Aug 2019
Don’t you dare look back on pain, those were dark days.
With the winds, the rouge of your heart smouldered.
Your splendour never went out, though it flickered.

Your fortitude sparked a fire in my crimson heart.
You are the glimmer and heat that ignites my flame.
Together we will face the night with our radiance.
104 · Aug 2019
Pain to Paper
B D Caissie Aug 2019
Your words were as if from the Victorian age. They  spilled my heart upon this page.

This parchment of pain my quill did trace.
Tied with a ribbon of lies and lace.

Within are the writings of my defeat. Sealed with a kiss of your deceit.
102 · Aug 2019
The Beautiful You
B D Caissie Aug 2019
I don’t need to see your face to know your beautiful.
Your words from pen to paper shed light upon your very soul.
Yes, you are most certainly beautiful.
For though your heart bleeds red, your soul shimmers like a diamond in the light. So step out of the darkness my dear and let your beauty shine.
102 · Aug 2019
Silent Cry
B D Caissie Aug 2019
Heartstrings hanging by a thread, on dormant branches bleeding red.
Frozen from whispers in the wind, spreading lies that hope is dead.

A silent cry for help to thaw an already shattered heart.
Lost in a forest of life's distrust and sadly forced apart.

Broken yet beautiful, surrounded by shades of grey.
This colourful world failed you and your soul just blew away.

— The End —