I barely survived the Devils hour last night
There was music playing in my ears for awhile, a strange combination of tunes I became enveloped in
They cushioned my thoughts as I read, blocking out the birds that started chirping out of turn, and the crosswalk beeping every three minutes on the dot
The reason I almost didn't survive, however, had nothing to do with the music or the story or the crosswalk
I heard something coming for me
A shadow, but I heard it
It comes for me some nights
There's no pattern like the crosswalk signal
I've fought it before, so I am usually ready for it
But this time I forgot to bring my armor to the orchestra
I came exposed, in an oversized Sherpa coat
You see, I was cold
The armor would have chilled my skin
I'm so sorry I forgot it, my shield too
I was unprepared
The synesthetic darkness crept over me, like an invisible thunderstorm, or the lowest note on a bass guitar, or the smell of burnt toast
I could not fight it
I am sorry
I will try harder
Do not forget your armor, they said
We know certain things will always happen, they said
One, is that the crosswalk signal will always beep every three minutes
The other, is that the darkness will come, and it will prey on those who are not prepared.