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a scholar
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read this
prose aloud
when the
5 Spot
as xgiving
is where
he's deserved
the staple
and wear
the cape
as formidable
in the
crowd and
bring cogito
A bail easily made her
abase and extruded her there extremely adhered to hurl her more
when she openly was scoffing only
to vale her cry which defied throbbing

with wind in her hair
what allure was fair now blue as it wither season in waters soon dawn her tear with scolding moon turned into frost
a scarf lined jacket that drift to stone
fore midnight clear rose twinkle in her eyes
Angler in stream till moon
When she
drove leverage
zonk-out an
exchange rate
at window
ready open
market on
a cloudy
day trade
that sun
ripened with
humid heat
wave finally
went to
the brink
in oil
of gladness.
As heat
will arrive
and snow
does melt
together with  
who shall
shadow my
wit in
a rain
drop with
retribution so
evidently me
singing Emerson
yet a
uniform makes
a hard
nosed pig.
He set a motion that tied the night
with a surge of peace through flight
A walk at pardoned him for this fight
the doorway sought now
as his fortune with the moon!

And a primal scream that retaliated fraught
but down by fairgrounds his doggy run
still furry friends rode in heat,
and they couldn't be sheep in these latitudes that wool adorn
when a caper was a precedent.

If ghosts perched upon the cases
where sprinkles attended from where they stay
but they must defame those breeds
with suggestive wiles they rehearsed.
furthermore their embrace did employ
what dignified lust was another cornflower day
A Catalan
liaison where
with his
jazz guitar
as Gioconda
in Hoboken
really left
for Athens
and green
pasture of
Ulster that
pokes a
fable with
lure of
capes in
New York
and Saint-Tropez
Abercrombie , John ;noted jazz guitarist
my yellow
basket went
mash and
my tissue
twinges thee
there on
ring but
bard in
mine 'twas
graft that
mud came
a peace
fulfillment that
didn't regret
intake of
grizzly and
movable feast
in the
pit I'll
visit tonight
with her
said the
yellow *******
of cordial
and skylight
in Monserrat 
she ought
to treasure
my Abacab
with séance
with her
quilt of
resilience that
she'll muddle
a night in Barecelona
A season prim hostler's proper attire
while this bolsome flower is blooming by the savin juniper shade
though a diadem purport the crescent wane anew
in mouthes of horses nights attain  
a welding of alliance brilliantly tempered how it has grown afield in agronomics with a tact of finance in speedy recovery again!
a madwoman's bra fit entirely a flaw as
a greenbrier there she needn't to true but
to her on this roof by the stream then on
the way with her wickedness in boots
as she reverberates mountains upon her
stockings and lively spirit exhibited by taut
*** and misnomer of any malcontented rap
a rap in speed and dire circumstances
a snapper hedge lore
and bet in vicissitudes
that little wife arise up
but a purse string prize
here in the piazza today
that change in her suit
a bra fit
a sunset here  
now line-dance mere
last boots of star
well kick the sky
still co-exist in boudoir
wholly flatter the soul so nigh,
why a pearl sensation
set afire her mensuration
whether will wist legate
or a motley orb's date!
wist is past participle
The canary
with its
handsome brow
cloister monk
that quarry
with cow
that graze
coal an
edifice for
living in
climes north
in midst
a fire
burns out
into the
wind his
***** bowels.
A carman of lore now
superfluously en route
to enrapture
these egalitarians indebted
to patriots
but clandestine horizon
when jeopardy arises with present  
that unrest succumb to fighting
that surreptitious supplant freedom
with only a vestige of Justice.
home with
a stitch
and whereabouts
to absorb
law with
an easement
drawn for
the dawn
that capital
in Gibraltar
  is accretion 
to bed
like talbots
and within
town on
a street
of gold
a way fot accreditation
a vitamin
no duet
soggy chanty
she gleefully
abet her
set in
bloom with
her trigger
hole fillet
in juice
now feverishly
the vamp
played this
orchestral piece
of mind
there with
her white
chaparral fleece
A chief
entirely good
with assent
sought when
he aspired
leadership in
parochial while
his lifestyle
supported a
ritual in
high court
though his
reason without
doubt there
is solid
with omnibus
opinionated height.
S.C.O.T.U.S. 1 First Street, NE
Upon this
bus where
my destination
delights in
orbit of  
her ride
that climbs
in her
heart isn't
a skirt
but rhymes
with their
blades so
writing here
in my
seat moves
her sighting!
A bus with an intersection.
a citadel
has lever
and set
them free
from *******
but by
the fountain
that breed
the spirit
she hoist
her backpack
in ramparts
and later
he fore
that garrison
under siege
from tyranny
As "she" the  union of federation
I once was glib
now I hang out in my crib
but with Instagram
she'd **** my home
if Blondie is my babe
and I act like John Wayne
still way out west
when today is where it's at
but Sonny sounds the best
for the record in time  alas!
Conservative make
watermark there
if he
seek not
both their
inequities in
this dissolution
close to
them both
render what
in their
agreement with
antipathy then  
might grant
with only
final adoption
his again
a contortionist
that dies
with candy
in hand
was vexed
in vanguard
and settled
improvisie with  
flavor in
his lore
with a
spoon registerEd
delight and
never would  
discriminate trouble
with women
in awe
Darnell is
trash compactor
a general  
to fabricate
thrift in
whiff of
blustery air
but doctoring
his hallowed
fornicate only
compressed tires
into rototiller
with compost
to enrich
their denizens
with commercial
paper here
a contractor with heirs
A cab where it's golf
and swing by the precedent here
while an ability is a lift
only stay a workout in sport
these hours shine outdoor with grace
on the course but the green
to graph smartly a widget
driven to its extreme with a club
and my dream today.
A bottle beneath her cab in a pick-up truck
or the fifth caught here behind the wheel
If pride wouldn't don a cat about this vision wholly refined again
and like a goat with a kid tied this climb atop the land
and she found with her chickens in this ford or a pig there
to book the dance with them all backstage
and now her life was still full of assuage even so she sings
the finer things in life here with that ***** in his belt.
She hasten soon left in a streak
and gravity seen hitherto will roar
that glistening  grease in a political chase
that she drove tirelessly across moonlit destination  

only bitten rolling along countryside her waterloo
and  a marvel uncanny as that in a dream
sheer adrenaline multiplied with a tear on her coverlet
a foe's
fear fraught
that quilted
alight when
jay shed
her feather
here then
darkened delight
this may
tore where
a patch
was the
crocus but
wilted this
spring with
hallelujah she
direly met
A Patchwork Dream
A gob of squash
in a saucer with a hub
let a carrefour marque
with an apple ding
in swirls of romance heading there
a crowd of superfluousness as a hip is king
and a patch through the field
that roll lushly on green for this round mesh
while exquisitness hit so sweet
in a shade of sky  
where ablaze in silky attire
with her brazen desire again.
Wimmbleton Championships
I met a busboy and once he really ***** twill
of this winding expressway
with a bourgeois vex in this supper quest
why a Turk described them admirably
a shrew whirled in a shrill of the night
still could skirt his papa's pants
in a romance of tennis
to further kind with a match
only with a foul drama again
and put it in court
an actor's guild
a  constitution
inquiring for
debate that
resides there
a book
in prophesy
those coming
years with
barter awhile
that journals
any turn
around that
apocalypse has
with balderdash
then spoken
tracts in
between crosshairs
Re:  Roy Moore
I want
her a
pass there
and with
my spyglass
while stand
is dapper
with my
aura if
it supremely
cantor when
only in
my fedora
she's mine
or just
her chance
with barney
An expeditious stout
In Sonya's
superfluous court
this decision
there stunk
and she's
given stellar
away to
see theirs  
bleed in
a vacuum
of pride
as her
coat was
died blue
in a
vehicular suicide
of labyrinth.
money machine
was astride
but direly
enured any
time but
for treasury
would still
dilate his
mind if
togetherness was
our kind
when ritual
finally was
to field
but wept
and dined
in spring
A note on highness was the debt
an egregious
man in
his crass
distortion and
tout with
his distinction
upon his
indignation that
steward frugally
with his
abstraction and
that rather
their abreaction
is dare
his buck
tow in
this rec.
assort the derby first
sleepy hallow
would tell
a sociology
their dark
foment of
capture and
rude awakening
as superfluous
launch of
mystery in
wee hours
that could
creep beyond
there with
a retentiveness
of unfaithful
and deviated
law again
a lawyer's touch
an endless summer in a song that drags
if your wipers parade
through inception and the hinterlands golf
their journey to the moon
and down this road of bricks make the border
yet finds their motel coffee again in disarray
and this everyday sprint still in fashion
a journey to distant
a favor
in law
reaches its
nihilistic while
cows grain
these matters
that suppose
this arbitration
wasn't theirs
but this
trench would
hide the
horror of
waywardness with
their cultivation
in grazing
upon licorice
a note on arbitration
a feature
of drama
now in
her proposal
my palpable
fave of
penetrable cave
as starlet's
life in
director of
dream she
dance her
tassel to
this soundtrack
of ska
with a
street presence
A concetion
a first
family has
never ending
wilt this
statistician's score
and old
yeller on
top of
the scene
there with
his bullhorn
only there
to shout
as his
tweets mount
across the
inteenet dial
a fixation
ludicrous that
flush charmingly
dill today
assuage the
dopiness in
market square
when such
alarm might
coffers redeem  
flowers that
wilt but
resonate for  
stale perfume
that has
really pouched
the air
a rabit
that ******
in the
garden beckon
the ***
with flatulence
there still
makes ***
green though
hallowed the
leaf with
chocolate and
a grieve
to blur
**** with
farming now
a thrill
I shall gallivant after dark  
when droves of waves depart at dusk
to point a gun at Mortimer here
still swears allegiance to France
but bid my bride on coach farewell
only to surmise inheritance again
how treacherous the streets lurk
there's upheaval in every crypt
so peruse if your dreams scheme with mine tonight
with a legion in silhouette
as her benevolent shall copulate  
even corporeal lie mosey and
to pretend such revolution here
only justice might enhance constitution
on the road with sound
where golem ampleness in sweat
still sings a melody this ritual part in excellent lore
that would succumb world in the dark
if gander again jog along memory lane
while seance must intrigue each tog
that Nottingham's still absorption and namely a craft
in situ just to incept a suffragette abdication abound
this an extant with luxury again
and forthwith evermore.
If a puzzle was his peer
and a parallelogram was his shirt
while his tangency threw his belt
where his shoes kept aground
and his step to rather George didn't tarnish him;
with the steeples in bay windows on near side of the street to worship a gathering of wisdom where he'd praise mackerels
and the president with a gray suit.
my sheer
wend this
goal when
score is
low and
pasture is
blue as
our chronology
indigo that
boogaloo in
the steps
that triumph
with such
adversity that
group in
a mantric
frost again
A frosty night
if these ties of cupid
however with hearsay were stupid
that she'd complicate her nature
where her ensemble was audacious
but round a hearth with her nomad
as beast were her shillings
there was her but again wore attire
so attractive but as frozen
and heartily felt as her gait was thrilling
left her gander with grinder eaten.
a bastion
of position
to fend
rife that
any captor
courts acrimony
here that's
really offensive
that ruptures
passage to
the next
realm in
this savanna
with bedspread
if interstellar
jar was
thunder road
a gallant approach
On sugar hollow road
there a red maple leaf sewed
the lawn athwart a wind to carry
why the orchard drove its seed
and back today did wing her feb
once her bare chest too did ravel
through her gratuitous smile again
that her Valentine still must travel.
A schlepper ground with stars alight round movie
marquis a rightful pocket will pop a leader
to weigh in his conversation where

fire tight dreamer's surreptitious delight
when eggplant has garnished the haunt tonight
and there in a mercurial trance these numbers abound
in a matinee where such tones are plush.
a rider there found the lore
and envision his plan
though surely a wire tell
and fine her in her skull
a minute's worth of plaintiff
while they meet rhetorical
and anchor a horse feather
this bar between hither
with Pegasus dimly lighted
and Chisholm Trail afoot
wholly charm a spirit together
in a kiss of extraordinary measure
that a yellow sky glitter
under the stars tonight
A woman
here with
free speech
inured law
that once
was her
rift but
a fiddle
found her
midriff and
her chihuahua
growled like
a snake
yet saved
her much
aligned in
love again.
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