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a president
had once
played in
hall of  
mountain King
and laud
him shelter
there on
the plat
and while
this side
of an
armature frothed
quicksilver on
his clothes
in black
and white
A tale of dawn where
my genius at play for her beads
if thunder hie will quicken quinine
why Doeville surely nigh and on route yon
that bare a drove her handkerchief spar
in field with hills to make her rich still clad in negligee
and between her steps arose Carthage in antiquity
a lore of ages to unfold Spain today
with a guitar strumming this spicy song of quest so inane
As such let us see a referendum
a morning
of gratefulness
will heighten
my apple
or sprite
only that
one wakes
the ***
with golden
keys till
dawn flies
in rhetoric
with plea
of harmony
that properness
is parallel
as thee
a note on thrill
I really want her too
that illume here with a candy bar sheen
and her corsage plays a sequel
that bare a quotient ready
with delight into their masquerade.

As the moon her telltale, sublime much rockabilly
that grand ballroom with her cantankerous smile
that must wear her hat and scarf awhile, here
champagne pour bail in her cheeks tonight

oh Valhalla ware of yore beast
still shine yet but go with flash **
as Crystal stem a silvery beak tonight,
that bounce our best laid plans off the wall
and encrypt the world with only enhancement
that inquires a distant strand this avowal.
As Kate and Ann
make mine gravity in Peter Pan
and giddy with **** nigh go up and
down upon his leaf

so even now at dine
ise ready for a steeplechase that really rock thine
essence whom fill or slam such gore making sure homeward
with sound of a steal magnolia only there a tower serenade
whoosh a rabbit hop these tails and there
arose those ears only to avow each step
through the freshly cut grass ahead

with just their paths to *** then nibbling

with raps round afar that supplely dug afield but prose ajar
this piedmont in a poetic depth just to find another hole
and lined with attaché won this most harrowing thought
of yesterday's eclipse that a shriek of ebriosity
incandescently taught a caper night of fun
A mystery of raging here a breath
that fashion this batch with bunches  
at lunch they golf round their attire
but a tailspin for a fragrance
with a flair for rehabilitation where they
sought final substantiation and
this club swings mere saturation.
A Jukebox
Heroine wholly
my fave
and in
this enclave
she'll rock
while the
deposit must
spin 'bout
Gibraltar but
coin slot
of my
finger wave
as she
dies the
fairer death
rave here
A Jukebox Hero'd antidote
An availing light only calm wind
if a morning without rain now
a humid night awaken too
a time born of paradise
that let me pray with jubilee again
my crêpe flambé full of surprises
has me kiss their pain today
that knowledge first isn't the key
for a bastion here in cyberspace.
a man
with his
wit and
babe a
star there
want for
a law
that require
stodgy this
lure that
furnish a
cart and
tie in
mag with
view highly
to snag
the brink
A wayfarer gardens
and yeaning wake his soul
on this Market Square
still he shops and sleeps
where his abode is nigh  
and their goods are cheap
like his barbecued cecils
now such gazes he's met
that fires their clement  
if City Hall landslide elects again.
an ocean
side park
duly attract
yet take
the break
surf punk
depth to
its hull
and the
frequency spark
paladin there
yet his
arc afield
in the
streams that
remark in
the night
As a lemon is laurel and a grove near a bay only
that lies trees with the cherry blossom seeds
in these seasons of bliss where splendor was wind
and resplendency now accord with the crabgrass
while lust sublime in these orchards of time.
a woman
still left
extra once
again there
when her
man set
her black
dye in
addition to
her twice
swept hair
thus threw
her lion
on the
back of
a ninth
street line
Love 'Ya Lions
staying  here
let me
upstanding to
trust my
asterisk that
mark my
note with
tarter that
laughter brings
my heart
that champaign
pours from
art tonight
that exercise
my right
to express
delisted delight
His heart of pleasantry games
in futility, his host so sheerly  
a lion, in field of corn today.

Where he now host only his inkling of frost
now crossing his mane
as thanksgiving.  That rain makes him clear
a king among her.
Rain of heaven
If a stupendous  thought
more often than not
let me mix her caldron
atop her stove there
my tomorrows work upon
a lover and a poetess
with genuine prognosis
only tailor-made suffice
another lovely evening immanent
she quenches my desire mag.
I touch her hand in mine  
and see allegory cage that Magellanic will bask
and shall dorado not inhibit her glow in cheek now subdue
that wind may howl indeed so wine can stiffen resolve
only then find hers in living here upon my arrival  
this culture won't shock my veins in smite
and bliss quite avow does her only navel. Alas
Blissful Sea
malignant cancer grows inside this test
tube today in longing abundance escaping
with our humanity equally adherent to this
cause of death in ***** where theater
diametrically opposed will cherish it again
with leprosy approx sort of this vacation
that's well in remission with heredity again.
A state mapped
When service alike screams its stupidity at you
That politics aside stream culture as well
With a desire is neither right nor left
That can support theirs in a place such matters resound most
When lure is a condition atrophy has impeded progress there
Only goes to show that one is well intended with sprig.
Self commentary
A Czech chick dribbles but
rebounds on the court
that a running game allows her basket there in breakneck time
that they belch instead of cry and teammates once
they've shined in their field house atop the hill.
It looks like five  on  referee
She's me
chat that
back her
stack as
eyes gleam
and conglomerate
of ceramic
taste that
steal the
heart away
for cause
of now
that mayn't
bring her
down to
this gloomy
bile of
pancakes grief
on a turnpike
an arrogance
lied in
depths of
fishermen as
rine in
shone was
rival law
that quest
always superior
in vapor
and those
inevitable waves
in time
what lore
dithered our
fortune together
with heterodox
A lore of nations
An Englishwoman distress
when her remark finesse
her pebble with her hand
when sororities clothier allure
welcome ****** tourists that mall require band
when with a carafe round eleven these bargain hunters enliven extra browsing with delite wrap on pleasance in Kuala Lumpur.
A charming flank
in think tank went aground today
with an exam that writ a woodchuck
with alarm that studied a course
and back into a hole with a mole
yet in a fir tree there that squeaked

to the fox.
a scab
turn punk
to martyr
like disease
was the
art for
some future
refinement to
paint with
a sponge
in whether
or not
a cape
would subside
in Ayer
with hare
of mine
a string of Thebes
a deck
now with
Bedouin high
there dream
her red
quotient in
Catalonia with
Montserrat qua
mountain deem
hindmost their
trials to
independence back
to innermost
Barcelona as
watershed lariat
begun this
year Ole
a story in  Spain
a dark night schlep
and parasitic flies make zombie bees;
this joy of flight in honey delight

why his orbit tilts wide that
never bona fide her legs
till it catches them niggling there
and thrive behind a seance in plight

as their mutation is austere
yet circumcise this oblate mission
with a meadowlark's songs of vamp.
The nights zombie bees lay eggs of  parasitic files.
an American
tree with
mandarin flute
that made
cute in
her high
shoes where
courtier still
glazed midland
snow with
mistletoe on
this street
as lit
for shop
till the
new year
was shone.
market street in usa
An orange
sought crunch
as nightfall
waned in
northern tier
and would
annex more
than south
as it
lied encumbered
with KE
when Robert
E, Lee
incandescently drew
lion's share
of resistance
in Yorktown.
"A patriot with remark"
In The Middle East, her cherry blossom yet descry, her peace when
she curiously sought bond throughout the world again but drew laity with such evanescence only those many years have blessed timber narrowly for her seance now she cries as her grip only hollowness then exult her art though wolf or fish in the river stay in these nuances as astonishment atone more over this region as view encapsulated and extended this craft to invoke this leveraged peace again.
my dire Sverige
with blood in her hair
still chosen in knees

that kiss my spirit
with rarity upon brow

an influx hasten and
only wrought me pier

mirror, hour, tablet
her quest is in change
see every moment dawn
by a monument in land

she belligerent retire here
with her radiant shine alight
a lawn overcome in ****.
Legalization and recall
An interplay of this separation
still on vacation yet
as any variation tedious that superfluous is law
and supplement lantern that a grain cordial
when vacant harbor oppression here
undaunted but so admirable at a feria
an office
trove packed
plentiful travels
today with
a fast
clip their
pens and
refills on
swivels for
a techie
to browse
afternoons for
ergonomiety and
nearby as
a wayfarer
needs a
coffee break
An instant fulfillment depot  hereby staple
She was this silver moon
alight her seldom seen swing
or virtually then
as time in a bottle

and in this antiquity
on Saturday night
she grew the orchard
by the cloverleaf

when her bridge opened wide
and she felt so granted
that it was her ambiance or garth
near a point then

she went combing a ride
the bus did go that way
and her muggy wantonness
burst inside her chest every moment
Globe with first snow yet.
As I drove through Vermont
where a ****** only south in Elizabeth
that I would come upon her scenery
and there it made me dream nostalgically

Where she was as divine by candlelight
and we both liked to chat at their In Corner now a pitch so shrill
that adulation was entirely blue,
A stiletto
heel here
that rife
draw message
so clear
whether asleep
or she
trill a
word in
brevity with
the skirt
and glance
of panache
so perfunctory
that my
sage throttle  
her hitherto
Inspired By Fashion
Bread of
hearth that
wreathe my
wire bare
the byway
that always
wits our
touchstone here
and paint
her screen
that market
dream with
nature while
fantasia is
always rapture
again while
wholly political
She endeavor sentimentally to enliven chocolate
till we're both finally in a rotunda as sweet
and intuitively match with just a Hershey's kiss
while a distraction is like something on screen
with their soundtrack and film avant-garde today.
A gardner altogether today
when inhibitions do vividly flower
any indecision of late.
Then the time only to browse let her see again
in her topiary again
she's mine forever as our love shall grow

if a candy onion too
with parsley on her new potato
has sprinkled together with her multitude
the logic in esprit today
and music that lingers on the terrace
will ensue any treasure in her soul
and though a flux of recent time.
On a day in Spain here to find Gris
itinerated light exhibit met collage;
he'd wind my heart to much surprise
and shape these eyes an ingenue,
while these paintings would graft Picasso
and his style in cubism grew
today arbor inside museum found.
A velvet smooth muskrat
her peltry in woods abandon safe harbor
as though a fir tree can alight her gain

yet beneath her surface
that cast doubt in a loom
where her shape desire it
but a charlatan begun ahem

if Tom sheath his wrench
and tries to loosen her again
in Bensalem tonight.
An anarchist
let paisley
die horse
in bracket
and wither
shy of
lead then
only a
shade darker  
in purple
again here
might recount
his race
until golden
track of
mercy wane
in debt.
a loop in upper atmosphere today
with a model's figure of grass
to postpone his next canvass

this desire to retouch in a wanton lapse
his brush fitted in a cloud
and he steamed aloud  

a bubble's glow in a tip of the pen
to exclaim foment
as shape blew doctrinaire
with clasps of tarter  
where his strokes were ardor
that trend would enhance with finale
while he deeply supplanted the soul
As gouache is knack of watercolor
a tropher found Grau
and everywhere lay his fawn
while love's artifice dig chéri
and orient this earth that desire weather

and while out on the horizon he'll dust the farm
but still pond a sparrow 'bout to splatter its bath
in a morning of lust that soon will burn off

with an intent lasting sheen
fore the hour drive to town
as his roads are the ride
amid this country has made her shine
that always ponder the air on such afternoons
only to purchase a bottle of her perfume
then pleasantly he'll puncture the throttle
with a just look in her garden.
a morning's
sustenance here
with supposed
tallow grease
will plop
for quest
of subsistence
with its
logical solution
of flatulent
peace has
expired herd
with mahogany
dessert while
playing a
whiter shade
of pale
this fair's ritual
chest dive
deep again
as treasures
sleep and
once witness
to vernacular
that really
wets woman
as she'd
snorkel with
pajamas but
passion ran
in her
chops and
Guba fjord
laid with
her countryside
a field of dreams
As he'd flip his hat
his ties have shone
though quaint in fact
just belied and bade
his call of freedom yet
his mapping afield where
he'd belay topography
and his harmony too
with hint of something new
even enticed quite averse
that hastened to implore
he cherished that linen
more refined in his attire
as he must wear it again.
a precipice
of Werner
whereas pitch
was dire
of his
slot save
primeval isn't
wood and
whether his
blocks haven't
exclaimed that
he's solemn
or the
tundra is
still frozen
crystals and
ice house
A. Gottlob Werner  was a Neptunist
King Kong
in stripe
as groom
of *****  
still star  
in underworld
these legions
of force
who whatsoever
will take
her on
as siny
so Catalonia
won't dare
throng her
even today
without me
Re: Referndum in Barcelona
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