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22.8k · Jan 2015
Red lips
Nicole Bataclan Jan 2015
Can I not take

A compliment

Without questioning

Whether he means it

Look into the mirror

See what his eyes believe

Sees me as it is

Red lips he wants to kiss.
18.4k · May 2014
Nicole Bataclan May 2014
My orange dress
I wore it last
That night
My soul you undressed

I was in love
With all of you
You stripped it down
Claiming we
Belonged to you.

I am reclaiming
What is mine,
What has always been

I take a vow
I wear it now
This dress I love
My color of love

Dedicate it to
Ours to adore

The one
Given from above.
14.5k · Jan 2015
The smart ass theory
Nicole Bataclan Jan 2015
Was that offensive to you?
I was just pointing out
Something obvious.

Oh dear,
If it were clear
I am sorry to disappoint
It was so smart I missed your point.
12.3k · Jul 2012
Only a champion
Nicole Bataclan Jul 2012
Day in, day out on the mind
All comes down to competition
Result of years of preparation.

In those seconds of restlessness
When the body can take no more
Dream of a medal reassure.

Will to succeed is eminent
Breathes through each atom and cell
To have what only a champion can smell.

In the spirit of sportsmanship
Fair play is to be endeavored
The performance to be savored.

Now is everything you pursued
Aspiring in the end
To proudly sing the national anthem.

A steep climb to that podium
Be the best that you can be
And have what only a winner can see.
11.8k · May 2014
A sip of coffee
Nicole Bataclan May 2014
A sip of coffee
Disclosing my story
Pasting in this scrapbook,
All the photos of us
I took
Writing the captions,
I tear up with emotions
Eternity is a gentle caress
And I recognize
In the end,
There is nothing more
Real in life
Momentary happiness.
11.4k · Oct 2015
Nicole Bataclan Oct 2015
Autumn is a sturdy man
Eager to take your clothes off
What a mess he will leave on the floor

Some dignity hanging on
For as long as possible
But he gets bolder by the day
Complacent to stay.

Autumn is a coy woman
Eager to wear the colors of desire
What a sight she leaves for the beholder

Some courage to resist
As you blow her a kiss
But before she succumbs
She is promised a firework.

Autumn is a seductive game
Here to devour her right away
While withholding for her is foreplay

His approach is raw
She delays her fall
She wanted it to last
But he came too fast.
9.2k · May 2014
Night owl
Nicole Bataclan May 2014
The dark hours
My light
The best of me
Pops up
At night
A disco nap
Before I go out
Once the bass
Doles out
'Til after dawn
I will continue
As long as
The music is on
And once I
Flit home
My morning song:
Streets in silence
Still playing techno.
6.3k · Nov 2014
Nicole Bataclan Nov 2014
It is all I ever wanted
With you
To sit and wait
In this crowded space
Waving in vain
To the waiter in distress
And I crack up
To calm you down
No need to fret
His smile tender
Once we place our order.

Between bites
And overhearing
The couple beside
I bask
In delight
My obsession
While you carry on
With the conversation.

I pass by
Quickly catching this sight
I stand outside
At at loss it is not I
Savoring sushi at your side.

I walk past all I ever wanted
With you
You sit inside
Reveling in my sushi
With another one than me.
4.0k · Jan 2015
Nicole Bataclan Jan 2015
I find myself
Visualizing your glasses
When he removes his.

I imagine his crooked tooth
When I see yours
Impeccably aligned.

I learned a new word today,
To the act of tenderly running one's finger through someone's hair.

I grew fond of the act
Long before
Getting hold of the word.

I know not whose I prefer
Now his I adore
But as much as I do yours.

This is a *******
Torn by emotions
We have history, we share chemistry
I love you
Though I love him too
Cannot think of him
Without thinking of you

This is a *******
I have come to loathe
But the truth is
I belong to both.
3.4k · Mar 2012
A good conversation
Nicole Bataclan Mar 2012
I love nothing more than a good conversation
Whether we laugh or have a serious discussion
Quality moments sitting around a table
Words flow as we're trapped in our own little capsule

Promptly, we are transported to a different world
See all these places and get cultured through mere words
Without even leaving this spot for a second
Our shared stories spur on the imagination

I am here enjoying my beer or my coffee
It is a pleasure to be in great company
One can learn so much through the eyes of another
To some questions, one can firmly get an answer

It doesn't matter if we are, or not, alike
A smart and challenging person will always strike
Ultimately, one might get more than what he thought
One discovers things about himself just with talk

I love nothing more than a good conversation
Whether we laugh or have a serious discussion
Sit around a nice little table for a while
What's greater in life than connecting through a smile?
3.1k · May 2015
Nicole Bataclan May 2015
They keep asking me
Did I do anything different
Not one bit
At last he appreciates me.
3.0k · May 2014
Nicole Bataclan May 2014
I will not show it
Just yet
It is not ready
To be framed
Just yet
A work in progress
It is still a mess
She is fast
She peeks at it
And holds it
It is perfect as it is
Unnecessary to polish it
It is already
Beautifully completed
Right now,

2.8k · May 2012
Time travel
Nicole Bataclan May 2012
The past has a way of catching up with you
Like a crash that beats the hell out of you
And what you thought were memories
Only fragments and forgiven stories
Are moments that you relive again
How could it, once more, happen
All the smallest details resurface
Of that day, and of that place
Unglued, on this pavement
Fray seems not transient
Past is still a question
Present in equation.

But all of a sudden
You notice this man
One stroking your hand
Reassuring you can stand
You smile because it is true
Got the tools to get you through
History has a way of repeating itself
But time lets you take care of yourself
Though you might experience a similarity
You know each day is new and has its own story
And when you forget, those are angels that God sends
Telling you time travel will never feel like a burden again.
2.7k · May 2014
Nicole Bataclan May 2014
Like you do not have a care
In the world
Like it is the only thing you care about
In this world
Of all ages
From many
Different places
We come together
Just for you
We become one
For this music
We all love
To pursue
We are Generation Sven
You create the magic
And we are here
To dance.
2.6k · Jan 2015
Nicole Bataclan Jan 2015
We meet for afternoon coffee
For this I reckon
I would fancy a waffle with it.

How are you?,
The first sentence of the last conversation about me and you.

While dipping a piece of my waffle
In the whipped cream
I did not order,
I have a thought.

We have never been
More than a side dish;
Like a waffle I would
Every so often ask for.

To sweeten this life
I require more.

I still prefer to take
My coffee black, as plain as my heart.
2.5k · Oct 2018
Back door
Nicole Bataclan Oct 2018
I let him in
Through the back door

He alone
Holds the password.

Seldom knocks
But often enough;

Through the tiny peephole
Of the unresolved,

I take the chain
Off the door.

I keep my skirt
While he unbuttons my heart

That door policy is rough
But he earns my trust;

That love hurts
'Til a gentle push.

The secrets to my core;

The fissure
Of pleasure

For a full-frontal
Of my soul.

He sneaks
In the back door

Only he knows
The password;

No one is welcome
But one.
2.4k · Mar 2012
Red light district
Nicole Bataclan Mar 2012
They say it's not safe to walk around here
You'll see women standing on street corners
Few drunk mortals and usual dealers
Still, it has a unique flair that's sincere.

Interesting folks spotted at cafes
Nights and on weekends, the scene is alive
Best galleries in town, boutiques survive
A form of art, nothing close to cliches.

The kind of place that gives someone a fright
A misconception for some who can't stand
The riveting darker side of their mind;
It's here geniuses like Baudelaire saw light.  

There is something alluring about them
Those society scorn, the marginalized.
Judgmental souls persist; not so surprised
When below the surface waits a poem.

The people here have no care in the world.
Whether it's where they work or their hangout
Here, free spirits do not need to stand out
They think lightly and none shall be bothered.

They say it's not safe to walk around here
It's the truth, one must be a bit careful
But this area, genuinely soulful;
Rather here, red light district I revere.
2.4k · Oct 2015
Make words, not love.
Nicole Bataclan Oct 2015
I take your mind to bed
Any opinion
You ever had,
Stark naked.

I start fondling
Your musings;
I envision
Your thoughts on my skin.

Your ideas enter me;
I feel myself
From all the talking.

All my dreams flow
You, too, are close --
Baby, let me swallow
Any last word.
2.2k · Jan 2015
Urban Nature
Nicole Bataclan Jan 2015
Part I

No words need be spoken
Inhaling loudly,
She is mindful and content.
The only artifice here
A camera in her gear;
This instant in a frame
As wonders engulf her,
She claims.

I stand at the centre,
Swamped by
The tick of high heels and chatter.
Mindful and composed,
Left aghast
By the mass who walk past.
The right words come up
Binding my feelings to my art.

Part II**

Smell the air
Both dig inspiration

Of worldly proportions
Our nature
Do not fit by definition.

Entering each other's realm,
We love to understand.

May this gap
Be bridged with time
For I am afraid

We do not rhyme.
2.1k · Aug 2012
Act your age
Nicole Bataclan Aug 2012
The notion of age
Trickier than time,
We can never decide
On what is accurate
When it is early,
Or definitely too late.
We tend to feel older,
Older than our actual age.
As teenagers alone,
We could not wait,
Wait for that salient day
To be taken seriously
As mature as we ought to be.
I am not a child anymore,
An exasperated sigh,
I make my own decisions now
I have learned all the know-how.
But once we get older
The tables turn
And we are chasing the years
The years we spent acting older.
The wise still comment
Take full responsibility,
Deadpan honest,
You are not that young anymore
You got to think about the future.
And we ponder,
We reflect,
Reviewing the times
We already felt too old
Though our blood was so young.
Recollecting those times
We were surely too young
To be behaving so old.
And you wonder,
Puzzle over,
When is that time
That timing that is right;
Because truthfully,
You are reluctant -
Is there ever a time
A time you managed
To act your own age?
2.0k · Jun 2013
Nicole Bataclan Jun 2013
You say one thing
But mean another
I feign a nod
Because I know
What you aspire

You keep by the rules
I use all the right tools
We play it carefully
Though we already
Share this affinity

We do not have
To pretend
By now
We are on the same

We say one thing
But we mean another
Such a farce
Because we both know
We are untruthful

The beauty of
This deceit
Is that we are
Of the truth
Behind it

It is a lie
That we need not
The truth about
You and I
Being coy is that
You are crazy
About me
And the other way

We say one thing
But our eyes intend

And the heavenly feeling

We are both liars;
The two of us
Telling the same fib
To one another
Then quite frankly,
At the core of the
Were we not telling
The truth
All along?
2.0k · Apr 2012
Taking sides
Nicole Bataclan Apr 2012
I am the friend in between
Who will be summoned to take a side
When one will be less than keen
And save the other from a landslide.

It will be unconceivable
For me to give unbiased answers
If one were to ask for advice and counsel
Presuming that I can pick a winner.

Though reluctant to take a step back
There is a reason why I am against
My judgement will never be on track
By getting involved in this case.

I am implicated in some way
Even if it is not my story to tell
With luck, it was Cupid I had to play
Because being a referee will not end well.
1.9k · Dec 2014
Christmas Lights
Nicole Bataclan Dec 2014
The Christmas lights are up
I am in the mood,
Have they always
Twinkled like that
Or do they
Because it parallels
My own delight.

They are the same

While my eagerness
To stop,
Observe and smile
Has me burning
On the inside.
Under pressure I am
A snowball
Of anger
Out of control

I am the same

But the difference
This year
I forgive myself
Like others
In the long stretch
In my lasting search
Of what matters

And I have you
As seed
To my everyday glee.

It is Christmas time
The lights are up
This time, I am looking up.
1.9k · Mar 2012
The nomad
Nicole Bataclan Mar 2012
A nomad's home is the road
His favorite spot, the window.
The eyes wander constantly
Heightened by their vicinity.

A nomad adores people
To his travels, they're fuel.
Differences is what he seeks
A common ground is what they'll reach.

It's a nomad's addiction
Have this world leave an impression.
He'll get smitten with a place
Set off, but not without a trace.

It's a nomad's prerogative
To venture, for him, is to live.
Memories in his suitcase
New experience, he'll embrace.

     For a nomad, it never stops
     There's no such thing as enough.
     Globe-trotting is a purpose
     This nomadic life he chose.
1.9k · Feb 2019
Extra fries
Nicole Bataclan Feb 2019
I will order
Those extra fries
Like the best things
In life

One is never enough.

If everything
We have been through
Did not put a halt —
A story
We keep coming back to

Are we moving forward
Or am I in love
With a bookmark?
1.9k · Aug 2016
Same same but different
Nicole Bataclan Aug 2016
Lands and beliefs separate
But I know
We are watching the same sunset.
I catch the beginning
Colors waltzing
As the sun brushes against
The mountains;
Battling whether or not
I should send you
A message.

Yours is about to disappear
There is an order
In this mess of colors
Clashing into each other;
Dissipating fast
Behind the curtains of the sea
As far as the eyes can see;
Wondering if you will get
A message
From me.

We are thinking
The same thing
Guaranteed our longing will ****
The merit of this moment
When in fact, we alone
Want it tragic.
Hearts aligned
Into the darkness;
Such fools in the process
To believe you and I are that different.
1.8k · Oct 2014
Nicole Bataclan Oct 2014
I got drunk on life
This time, like every time
The old trick works on me
I am just happy enough
Until I have had one too many

Then everything is buzzing
Fuzzy thoughts and accurate feelings

I carry on
As if my gut still permits it
Before promising, I learned my lesson
From overindulging.

This time, I will be more vigilant
Life tastes delicious;
But I should sip gently
Unless it is yet another hungover
From decisions I could regret long after

Then everything is buzzing
Accurate thoughts and fuzzy feelings

Drink moderately, or else I will be
Easily intoxicated
On this plethora of life experience
This time, I shall only get a little tipsy.
1.8k · Mar 2013
Maybe we have to argue
Nicole Bataclan Mar 2013
Maybe we have to argue
Let our ugly side ensue
To test whether or not
We are really that glued.

Maybe it is necessary
To check the natural nasty
If we are when petty things occur
A presage for stormier weather.

Maybe it is for our sake
Raise our voice in conflict
See if we are strong enough
When life is more than tough.

Because when times are good
Our friendship is much valued

We are as lovely
As we will ever be
An unbreakable link
And no ship to sink.

But it is when times are rough
That persuades if love is enough

We are divine
When times are fine
But our ability to sort things out
Will see if we will ever fall out.
1.8k · Jul 2013
Nicole Bataclan Jul 2013
I worry
A little --
A little
And enough
To know
I am
To care
1.8k · Mar 2017
Half love
Nicole Bataclan Mar 2017
Half a life
Half a love
Undivided submission;

I am utterly devoted
To lesser moments.

Between the sheets
The mind drifts
In search of atonement;

Part-time wrong
Entirely yours
An inevitable outcome.

It is living half a life
Accepting half love

My light,
Take me out of the dark

The courage within to say goodbye.
1.8k · May 2014
The kick
Nicole Bataclan May 2014
Now she speaks,
My cold hands
The warmth
Of his kick
Saying hello
For the first time
I am euphoric
For this nephew of
And already
I know
Since that first day
I prayed for you, I saw
Though we have not
Met yet
We are already
And always
I will come through
Across this wall
Of I love you.
1.7k · Feb 2019
Nicole Bataclan Feb 2019
Do not take it too seriously,
Following a recipe to a tee

Unless you are making
No need to fake it
‘Til you make it,
It is a sweet life
You are baking.

A creature of the moment
A pinch of salt
Is the secret

Your concoction
Puffs up in the oven —

The frosting,

Make it
‘Til you become it.
1.7k · Oct 2015
That is what poets do
Nicole Bataclan Oct 2015
That is what poets do

They romanticize pain
They idealize the torment

There is solace in darkness
Which they craft to enlighten;

Lure with words
The forlorn is adorned
Guilt is charming
Mistakes rewarding

That part that is revolting
The best line in their poems.

That is what poets do

They embellish heartbreak
To cement the heartache

But as soon as they leave their paper
and beautiful words captivated readers

Life can no longer render
The adequate metaphor
Agony is agony;

There is no substitute for it.
1.7k · Nov 2016
The poetry she cannot write
Nicole Bataclan Nov 2016
She lives the poetry she cannot write
Not her words,
A life that became hers.
She has written fiction,
Dreams and speculations;
Until all turned into a tale
She did not long to put on paper.

She writes the poetry she cannot live
Her words,
Gives life when it is not hers.
She has had desires,
Loss and tantrums;
Turned nightmares into tales
On any piece of paper.

She lives the poetry she cannot write
Not her words,
A love that finally became hers.
She has written fiction,
Heartache and expectations;
That embrace in her coffee place
He took away her pen.
1.7k · Jul 2018
The other side
Nicole Bataclan Jul 2018
On the other side
The truth lies
On the other side
Lives in plain sight.

Blinded by the sun
My five Euro shades
Unveil what I shun
I am paying
A king's ransom.

'Til worlds collide
'Til I crossed to the other side
He never lied,
Lived another truth
By my side.
1.6k · Dec 2015
How long is now
Nicole Bataclan Dec 2015
How long is now
This moment
Will last a lifetime

How long is now
My body endures the hours

But my mind took a halt

As soon as I entered the hall
I stopped minding the clock.

I shut my eyes
The goosebumps never lie

I awake in paradise
The soul dancing to the bass.

I lose myself
As much as find

Exactly who I am.

The music becomes
My second skin
I look around and
You too, have the same discipline

How long is now

We are infinite in this crowd

Then, I will remember your smile
Your heart sounds just like mine in Berghain.
1.6k · Mar 2012
My everything
Nicole Bataclan Mar 2012
Berlin, Berlin, it was love at first sight
All senses synchronized, bass to the heart.
People of all walks of life danced to the beat,
Tresor was on fire, I can still feel the heat.

Since then, it is electronic music
That fuels me; provides the everyday kick.
Hours of tech house, minimal and techno --
Never a day without, I'm always in awe.

I need Ibiza every summer,
Cocoon each time; Hive, never a ******.
Richie forever! The great Papa Sven!
It is falling in love, again and again.

So electronic music doesn't care much
About image or status; petty things as such
You have to lose yourself in the music
That's all that matters, soul and rhythm that click.

The ones who really know, they understand
How I feel is unique: my horizons expand.
It's crazy how it has shaped my being,
I'm thankful for it, you're my everything.
1.6k · Jan 2016
Nicole Bataclan Jan 2016
I like things
That do not belong
Mislaid, lost
Dropped, thrown
How do they end up in my frame
How come I keep on noticing.

I am attracted to things
That do not quite seem to fit
Subtly ruining it;
A smudge, a note
A love
Unwritten in the stars.

A weakness
For displaced happiness
Somewhere I never intended;
My love,
I misplace my heart in the right spot.
1.6k · Sep 2014
Write again
Nicole Bataclan Sep 2014
I want to write again
I want to feel
Like I did back then
When my day depended
On the words I had chosen
-- The life I put
In my poems

I want to write again
I want to feel
The thrill of the pen
The delight that rushes through my veins
When the right words blend
The pain I endure
Once my thoughts
No longer make sense

I am exhilarated
When I start
Scribbling on paper
My heart at peace
As soon as I polish it
On my typewriter

I write again
I write
Like nothing ever happened
Like not a thing prevented me
Months at an end

I write again

I write
Because it is who I am
Because in time,
I always return
To my essence
-- That in the end,
Nothing feels quite right
Unless I am writing.
1.5k · Mar 2012
Nicole Bataclan Mar 2012
It is not Herculean to disappear,
Repel all the strong feelings that appear.
You're at the summit or in the gutter,
None of that sticks, you're numb whatsoever:
Entirely immune to bitterness;
New journey trying out being fearless.

Cured injuries that left hideous scars,
Love-hate relationship in your memoirs:
Don't want to go on living without them,
And yet you cannot stand the sight of them.
Solace in the fact that it pains no more,
Vexed because balance was never restored.

You deal with a constant oxymoron;
You alone create this little *****.
At length, cannot get out of your own way,
Exhausting having your thoughts on replay.
Done with being neurotic; done grumbling;
Sky high, downfall, indifferent's becoming.
1.5k · Feb 2019
Big little things
Nicole Bataclan Feb 2019
My niece

Hugging me tighter

Than usual;

Words spill

On my heart

Making a mess

My mind

Will not erase;

Kissing me sweet

Clenching my fists;

The big things

Rest on that microscopic grin

On the right corner

Of my lips --

That is where you lie,

In the space between

My lines.
1.5k · Mar 2012
Nicole Bataclan Mar 2012
Nothing but the sound of the waves
Feeling the warm wind on my face
Close my eyes just before I dive
I have never felt more alive

Millions have walked here before me
Still, this moment belongs to me
When my footprints will wash away
In my heart you are here to stay

The island's whispering to me
Overwhelmed by your energy
Everything in sudden osmosis
A harmony I'll surely miss
1.5k · May 2013
Nicole Bataclan May 2013
Each time we hug
It is the moment
I unplug

At times
From life's
Harsh realities

Most times
Toasting to life's

I can still recall
The first time we met
Not yet recognizing
It was going to set

This journey
We have been sharing
Creating our own kind
First-class experiences
In the routine.

We dance and have coffee
Talk future and memories
Brick by brick
The most precious

Skyscraper of friendship.

Each time we hug
We are honest at heart

Whether we are
Bursting out
With laughter
Or the hours we are
Caught in a sob.

My life is living it all with you

The hurt, the pain
The best, the great

There are not enough
Thank you's
To show my gratitude
But I hope you know

Each time we hug
It is me also exhibiting

I love you.
1.4k · Mar 2012
Better than fiction
Nicole Bataclan Mar 2012
Love stories do not start the same
Yet they all end the classic way
Odd first encounter, then obstacles
Come credits, movie fades with wonder.

Sugar-coated films are to blame
Viewers listen to what they say
That love is worth a million battles
In the end, you'll find the right partner.

Romantics yearn for the Grand Finale
Optimists believe in Meant To Be's
Broken hearts curse the hurtful truth
And films try do define the rule.

Love the drama and the silly
Sick of the cheesy and the tease
Either way, like having a sweet tooth,
Their imagination becomes your tool.

Still, I have another idea
Of how it should be, how it feels.
Then again, I got no clue at all
But I'm certain it's not like the films.

Nothing real can come of thee,
Only partials and it kills
The erratic beauty of it all,
Love must be more than what they scheme.

  So I know it's not like fiction
  Pain lasts and it never ends well;
  So I want better than fiction
  Perhaps one day, I'll be able to tell.
Nicole Bataclan Mar 2017
I will **** you with a metaphor
My feelings censored
Behind beautiful words.

I dare not say it to your face
The euphemism
When I am burning with anger.

Toying with the void
Here I concoct
The right expression;

My sweet weapon
Retort with an oxymoron.

Then nothing; no paradox or pun
I am even at a loss for a rhyme.

For when our eyes meet
It is poetry I read,
Without a word
We say it all.
1.4k · Mar 2012
Nicole Bataclan Mar 2012
No one writes letters anymore
We live in a world that needs more
Than fast messages with emoticons;
We speak our mind through funny fonts.

Tell me you could visualize
A tortured heart that slowly dies;
I truly wish you read the signs
Tears I poured while writing those lines.

In my handwriting, I revealed
In my letter, my heart I sealed
I made mistakes I can't erase
I am so sorry, I lose face.

You won't forgive me easily
Don't expect an answer swiftly;
My words came from deep down inside
One day, perhaps, you'll let it slide.

No one writes letters anymore
But I am the kind that is for
Face-to-face communication
From afar, words must move mountains.

In my handwriting, I unveiled
In my letter, my heart is sealed
I'll say sorry until you care
Was a letter enough to repair?
1.4k · Mar 2013
Nicole Bataclan Mar 2013
So long I have been without
Now that I have you back
I cannot seem to figure out
Whether I missed you or not.

At first I was cross
Everything turned to chaos
No longer my own boss
Without you I was lost.

Obliged to rearrange
Usual habits became strange
But slowly all that came to change
I celebrated with champagne.

When I deemed it impossible
That every day would be a battle
I found ways I never thought of
Greater than any I had walked before.

So long have I been without
Now that you are back
I  keep on having setbacks
Still living as if I had to cut back.

So maybe when we get detached
It is not a time to miss what we had
The gap we get to fill when there is a hole
       Better than what we had when we were whole.
1.3k · Mar 2012
Like art
Nicole Bataclan Mar 2012
I use a pencil when I write down my dreams
Some have been the same all these years
Some came into being in the course of one night.

I use a pencil when I write down my dreams
Some on paper, locked in my heart
Some I erased, redrafted with tears.

I use a pencil when I write down my dreams
Some I turned into my whimsical reality
Some I had to edit because I'm realistic.

I use a pencil when I write down my dreams
Some make me quit because I'm pessimistic.
Some make me see beyond the difficulty.

I use a pencil when I write down my dreams
Cannot draw the future, but I can sharpen it
Can only scribble until dreams become clear.

I use a pencil when I write down my dreams
Will protect them from rain so they won't smear
Will not stop until I find the shoe that fits.
1.3k · Oct 2012
Street art
Nicole Bataclan Oct 2012
The city talks to me
Leaves me messages
I am here to revel in
Certain tags on a wall
A quote on the lamppost
Someone said it before
So I will not miss anything at all.

I keep my eyes wide open
Skimming in every direction
Daily surmise is that this art
Sent to me from there above.

The street is the canvas
Human behavior, the brush
And only the very few
Are smart enough to be imbued.

My city is adorned
Embraces me on wintry days
And enlightens
When it is only shadows that strays
Artists keep pointing out to me
It is because of what is left behind
That wonderful Zürich still bewilders me.
1.3k · Mar 2012
In my book
Nicole Bataclan Mar 2012
In my book
You are far from bad
Thoughtful at day,
And sweet at night.
You try to include me
In your decision-making;
Because I have a voice, surely.

In my book
I am never waiting by the phone
Do not expect much,
And you will not hear me groan.
Not once I have to shrug,
Because at any given time
You shower me with hugs.

In my book
I am not taken for granted
You value my love
And I am not left feeling stranded.
There is no discrepancy,
Need not fight for attention
Because you say what you mean.

In my book
My heart is still;
Neither on ice nor fire
And not a bad feeling to ****.
If only I had the chance to rewrite
Because what is really wrong
Cannot bring you to make it right.
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