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Lark Train May 2016
The windows, lo, are boarded, shuttered.
As is the heart, with final flutter
Lark Train Jun 2016
7,150,000,000 people see
1 day in
7,150,000,000 ways.

That is how
1 day becomes
19,589,041 years.
Every day is longer than the overall lifespan of the human race. Yay! More not-poetry!
Lark Train Jun 2016
We stay
Strong, Do no
Wrong, these fools'
Song is too

That hate
Preach, destroys
Me, my friends
See, I feel

You say
I'm a bad
Rhyme but through
Grime, I keep

Don't slow
Down, lease my
Crown, forfeit
Sound for those
Rhyme at the start, maintain the meter, give it your heart, a victorious leader
Lark Train Sep 2016
I lived and loved and lost it all
In just a single day.
I began anew and watched it fall
In a not-peculiar way.
For, you see, I've loved before
And seen it wash away,
So wherefore shall I try once more
In maybe one more day.
Lark Train May 2016
I fear the bass and treble.
The Stuka's nasal voice ringing out.
The tremulous earth beneath two treads.
The planet itself was set to tremble.

I fear the detonation.
A whistle in the darkness.
Harmonizing bass and treble.
Imminent inflammation.

I fear the bass and treble.
Lark Train Jan 2016
Being a bridge is a thankless job;
For no one really cares
That here I gave my life away
That they might lighten theirs.
Lark Train Jan 2016
We loved: Juvenile
And lived: For a while
But I: Couldn't see
That you'd: Turned your back on me.

You left: I watched you go.
My life: Walked out the door
We grew: To new depths
My heart: Your greatest theft.
Lark Train May 2016
A flaw in the crystal spire
Of our deeply entwined hearts,
Much like the flaws of corundum,
Alights a ruby's fire.
Lark Train Jan 2016
Why* you'd ask if you saw me now,
My head slung low and shoulders down.
You  used  to  be  so  big  and  strong,
Baby  tell  me  what  went  wrong.
Wh­y  won't  you  tell  me  what  went  wrong

I used to be a tower, but now I am no more.
I used to wield such power, likes never seen before.
I used to be a castle, till one crept in 'guised silly and aloof.
And razed my lands around me while I fiddled on the roof.
My first castle sank into the swamp. My second castle fell over and sank into the swamp. My third castle burned down, fell over, and sank into the swamp. But the fourth castle stayed up.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Lark Train Jan 2016
Sudden intimacies
Old missed opportunities
And a
Woman who should've known
Exactly when I'm not my own.

She strikes like a viper,
Shoots to ****, like a ******.
And she
Quickly has disappeared
Confirming what I had most feared.
The song Clocks by Coldplay was the inspiration for this one. I used the rhythm and meter to create these two verses.
Lark Train Jun 2016
Ah, the darkness.
The warm, calm darkness.
That satisfying darkness.
I am nothing here.
The world is nothing here.
Everything is darkness here.

The one I love is somewhere near.
The distances are nothing here.
There is only darkness here.
Lark Train Jun 2016
there are an infinite number of things
i want to say
to you

I can't I'm choking on these words
of mine
they strangle me from deep inside
the light that you had promised me
took my eyes it's blinding
some-where secret i cannot see
you animals are laughing.
Lark Train Jan 2016
Do not be a cat.
Cats get burned by cold stove lids.
After hot lids sting.
This was inspired by a quote from Mark Twain, the inspiration for many of my works.
Lark Train Jun 2016
Don't tell me how to live my life
Don't tell me what to do
Don't tell me what you've learnt
For I shall learn it soon.
Lark Train Jun 2016
Do nothing, think nothing, be nothing.
Do something, think something, be something.
Do everything, think everything, be everything.
Do the impossible, think the impossible, be the impossible.
Do, think, be.
Yay! More not-poetry! I'm certain all two of you who will look at this will absolutely adore it! #Sarcasm
Lark Train Jan 2016
I live in the fantasy of my mind's devising
The universe of my newest rising.
Though fogbanks often cloud the view
Of the place I fell in love with you.
Lark Train Jan 2016
I am a dreamer.
I am a thought.
Industrious steamer,
I'm certainly not.
I care too much
For ideas and such.
For I am a dreamer.
I am a thought.
I like to think and dream.
Lark Train Jun 2016
The gentle apathy
Which, up to now,
Had carried me
So softly through the forest here
Abruptly stopped when you drew near.
I couldn't help but be interested
In everything you'd do.
The world had grown old on me,
But somehow it seems so new
But only around you.
Lark Train May 2016
Black eye-shadow.
Black-eye shadow.

The pain of betrayal.
Lark Train May 2016
So fake, he needs to put makeup on all three of his faces.
So fake, my brother dressed as him for Halloween.
So fake, even street vendors refuse to sell him.
So fake, Disney wants to make a movie about him.
So fake, his biography would be in young adult fiction.
So fake, he can't even define truth.

I hear what everyone says behind my back.
I hear it, and it hurts.
Lark Train Jan 2016
Fire is rising.
I, engulfed by flames of passion,
Succumb to tongues of fire
I was burned by a remorseless liar
And have since turned some what ashen,
It matters not. Fire is rising.
Lark Train Jan 2016
Fire away Fire away
Live for a minute.
Live for a day.
Love when it's lost
Die when it's found.
A purposeful prose
Is all that it costs.
My heart doth confound
With that red bright rose.
Fire away, Fire away
This poem is an example of the "Grand Illusion" thought. I'll allow the reader to determine the meaning of this statement.
Lark Train May 2016
I thought I saw
Late one night
Obsequious in
Voluminous light
Emotionally distressed
Your tears cascading, shining bright
Opposed to black mascara left in
Unscripted tracks down your face.
Every guy has that girl, the one whose flaws you love more than any other girl's virtues.
Lark Train Jan 2016
They who cheer your coronation
Are they who cheer your execution.
I think I'll call them friends.

They who weep for your wedding night
Will weep with news of this ungodly plight.
I know they are my family.
Family is forever.
Lark Train May 2016
I used to send you goodnight poems,
Each and every night.
And you would post them on Snapchat,
To serve as a nightlight.
But now you have forsaken me,
I cry my life away.
I miss and hate and still love you,
Though you threw me away.
Sorry for a ton of my recent poems being really depressing; I've been in a sort of slump for the past few days.
Lark Train May 2016
Goodnight, my Princess.
Goodnight, my every hue.
Goodnight, my moon and stars above.
Goodnight, my darling, true.

Goodnight, my universe,
My everything and more.
Goodnight, my trusted faithful,
And hark to hear the score.

Goodnight, my Beautiful,
And trust my words are true
For lest the sun rise suddenly,
I'll start to write of you.

Goodnight, my single Only,
For it is to you whom I have swore
Never to lie, never to cheat,
Never to late return.

Goodnight, my dearest sunshine,
'Till dawn shall bring us to,
And dream of me, my Princess,
As I shall dream of you.
Goodnight Beau
Lark Train Jun 2016
A dark star awake
The coal eye of my heavens
A pitch black morning
Lark Train Jun 2016
Alive in this place
Of the dead and soon-to-be.
Crossing River Styx.
Lark Train Jun 2016
Hello, friend.
I'm back again.
Alone again.
Undone again.

Hello, friend.
It's me again.
Do you see again
What you are to me again?

Hello, friend.
I'll just go again.
To the void again.
Without you again.

Goodbye, friend.
The word "again" looks really odd when you have a bunch of them together. I actually looked up the spelling twice as I wrote this.
Lark Train Jun 2016
Hello. I am words.
I have taken your voice, stolen your swords
But still you read onwards
Though be it for naught?
For I am just words. But you truly
Are not.
Nobody is two dimensional. You are someone important and brilliant in your own way. These words apply to everyone.
Lark Train Jul 2016
I don't want to leave behind
The world I've come to know.
And I refuse to return blind
From the land of ice and snow.

The land of painful suffering
I've come to know so well
I must depart for fairer lands
Then return to blazing hell.

The issue here, I don't exactly know.
Its fire never scorched me
Its barbs have never scratched me.
All I can tell you is that

I don't want to go.
What is happening in this country? The United States once stood for freedom and equality for all, but I just watched a video depicting a black man lying on the ground with his hands in the air as two police officers emptied full magazines into him. He was a behavioral psychologist, treating an autistic patient, and was murdered on the street.
And now I'm going to Canada to go to college. This *****.
Lark Train Jan 2016
Here its warming hold takes grip
Safety upon a sinking ship.
Here I feel its calming heat
As underneath, my life would sink.
Here it starts to drag me down,
Far into the azure underground,
For a life jacket cannot rise
Towing me towards the skies.
I sank beneath the ocean blue
My bomber pulled me to my doom.
Lark Train Jan 2016
I've been hurt before by love
But fly off and away like a dove.
The sting goes away
With each passing day,
But when once I was young
And first learned love stung...
That pain is here to stay.
Lark Train May 2016
Imaginary man, go. Here is your passport.
The imaginary city will not miss you.
The paper woman will not kiss you.
The snake oil train will too soon depart.

Imaginary man, weep. The furnaces tore you 'part.
Reality here is fain to **** you.
When no one else can cry, will you?
The tears in past you'd always dry, now refuse to start.

Imaginary man, flee. Your soul is free of this evil fort.
Their guns shall never train on you.
Their gases cannot ****** you.
But here you stay, a ship which burned in fallen port.

Imaginary man, die.
Liberty and Innocence cry.
Reality shall pay no mind.
The child's slain on concrete floor.

Did you bring your passport?
Innocence weeps for want of morality. The innocence of a generation wept for want of an imaginary friend.
Lark Train May 2016
This is the body,
The meter is the heart.
The wordsmith, ever godly,
Looks nothing like his art.
Lark Train Jan 2016
Kiss me goodnight at the end of our time.
I don't want to end with a beauty cryin'.
So kiss me goodnight as the world crashes down,
At least our days will have been capped with a crown.
Lark Train Jun 2016
Singing with a stolen voice
Borrowed tongue, the song of choice
Would have to be
Of ice and fire majesty.

To run from here on others' feet
A differed meter, with which to meet
A girl whom I've known before
Though now we drink and gamble more.

Her persona, then, was gently sore;
I see none of the scars we bore
As children, though now I see
The scars she left now complete me.
Kitsugi is the Japanese tradition of mending broken pottery with gold, accentuating the cracks and scars.
Lark Train Jan 2016
I cannot speak, I cannot write
I fear that you won't end my plight.
The charity of your kiss
Is all that I will truly miss.

Tonight I go, tonight I stay
My sovereignty has gone away.
For while my treach'rous tounge's at bay,
I find myself to be your slave.
The sensation you get when the One doesn't notice you. Mute.
Lark Train May 2016
To sit. In tears.
The one who used to wipe my tears
Was there. With him.
With them.

But I.
Would spend.
Prom night. At home.

No one asked.
Lark Train Jan 2016
I sat before an empty plain
My life laid out and bare,
Excepting all my misfortunes,
Hidden I know not where.

Looking back on these odd times
Which are gone so quick and deft,
My life was filled with happiness
Compared to what I've left.

My world was never going to end;
I still remain in Dover,
Though I know that this can never last;
I'll miss it when it's over.
Lark Train May 2016
Run away from life for me.
Sigh another day for me.
Lie your life away for me.
Run and hide away from me.
My love will calmly wait for thee.
Form an opinion about this, and then please
Tell me what you think.
I'd make another poem here,
But it would kinda stink. :)
Lark Train Jan 2016
It's a wonderful night to die.
The sky is stark from the lights around,
And below my feet are traffic sounds,
Wherein I hear a stricken cry.

It is a wonderful dawn to die.
The sunrise gives my gray surrounds
A color like the shedding's of hounds.
But my cowardice cannot let me fly.

It is a wonderful day to die.
All about, feelings of love abound,
Excepting me. I am alone as if in the ground.
But I do not want to die.

It is a horrible dusk to die.
The sun sets slowly, beneath the hallowed ground.
Within my mind, I behold the eternal town.
Safe in bed, I sleep alone. It matters not to me tonight.
Lark Train Jun 2016
Pots with feelings littered here
Some with courage, others fear
The day we know will draw so near...
But death is certain, crystal clear.

Pots with cracks will herd their steer,
And, from the cracks, eyes peek and peer
The un-chipped *** just cannot see
Through imperfection, we find beauty.
People are trapped in the pots they spun. They can only see out through the cracks, and can only be seen through them.
Lark Train Jun 2016
That's what they call me.
Your heart, phoenix fire.
I stole your heart. Ha ha
Lark Train Jan 2016
You were an alcoholic,
And I was just another bottle.

Maybe you won't break
The next bottle you drink from.

I doubt it, though.
You will drink and break until you wobble.

You are an alcoholic,
And I let myself forget it.
Each couplet is a 10 word poem.
Lark Train Feb 2016
You can call me autumn
Cause I'm falling for you.

Here we go again with our
Little games, but this here's
A war zone, I'm in my finest hour.

Whatever you say, wherever you go
I will be with you forevermore.
These are just lines I came up with, but couldn't figure out where to place them or couldn't fit them into a good poem.
Lark Train May 2016
To see you when the fires stop burning,
To see you when it is done.
The city we raised and razed together,
The world which won't stop turning.

Defeat is vicious to your mind
Intellect cannot stand
To see the paper cities burn,
To see your dreams and mine.

I sit here at my brother's stone
Beneath which he doth rest.
I fiddled upon our rooftops
While the Visigoths sacked Rome.
Ancient History
Lark Train Jan 2016
Six lines can say more than six pages.
But authors and poets have dissimilar wages.
Lark Train Jan 2016
I was one, but then
You became mine.
When I and mine made we,
They crafted sweetest wine.
Us and we are you and me,
For now till burial time.
Lark Train May 2016
Another Thermopylae to defend.
Our love's a battle we can't win.
And so I'll die a Spartan's death,
You'll leave me with out any breath.
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