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3.3k · Dec 2020
Born again
GQ James Dec 2020
I use to hurt people,
Now I help people,
The pain brought me some peace,
It had me thinking about my life,
Thinking about my choices,
Looking at myself,
Questioning my motives.

Life ain't the same for me,
Don't think the same,
Don't live the same,
Don't feel the same,
God replaced my heart with a new heart,
Was once cold-hearted,
Now I have a big heart.

Facing pain in the eyes changed my vision,
Crying my eyes out left me numb,
What I felt I can't feel no more,
What I was doing I ain't doing no more,
The way I was living i ain't living no more,
Confessed my sins and repented,
God forgave me,
Right my wrongs,
I'm now singing a new song.
3.2k · Dec 2020
GQ James Dec 2020
wrap them legs around my neck,
wrap my arms around your body, wanna keep u safe and curess your body. touch you like nobody else can,
pleasing you is always the plan nobody will ever get it or understand.

A boy and man are very different,
Only a real one will know the difference. I like the mix things up like a chemist. The chemistry be so strong .

Eat it like my last meal,
When it comes to you I always need a refill. Some say too much of anything isn't good but there's no such thing of having too much of you. baby I just can't get enough of you I want more and more of you.

I thought you knew . Ya blow my mind like some nicotine. It feels like a dream it can't be real . Talk to me baby let me know how u feel . You talk , I'll just listen. your beauty runs deeper than water in the ocean.

I wanna feel on you like some lotion. Mositurize your heart . Feed your appetite. Drink your juices. whatever this is I can't or don't wanna lose it.

Don't run I wanna taste you until you ***. Dripping like sweat , you know you're the best. I'm blessed .
2.5k · Dec 2020
My favorite thing to eat.
GQ James Dec 2020
My tongue be rubbing all over your ****,
Then the rest of that ***** I kiss,
That morning bliss,
I wanna lick on her until she ****,
Where you going don't you run,
Your juices is what I want,
I wanna feel you and taste you,
Breakfast,lunch,dinner and dessert.
You're the only thing I have a appetite for,
You got the recipe for whatever I need,
No need to beg nor plead,
But you're the only thing I wanna eat,
My favorite thing to eat and please is you.
2.0k · Dec 2020
Stop killing us.
GQ James Dec 2020
Lemme see your hands,
That's what the officer said,
But he still shoots like he couldn't see my hands,
Why did you shoot me?
I kept my hands visible,
I didn't resist or reach in my pockets.

You ain't need to pull out and fire your gun,
All that was unnecessary,
You think just because you're an officer of the law,
That you're above the law,
You're not above the law,
You need to be better at protecting and serving,
Stop killing us.

Protect us and stop killing us,
I'm just a innocent black man,
The black on black crime getting scary,
Black lives matter,
Ths color of my skin makes life harder,
Had a target on my back since birth.
1.5k · Sep 2021
Little angel of mines.
GQ James Sep 2021
I try not to cry and tear up about it,
It's not that easy,
I keep my emotions hidden away,
Nobody can begin to understand my pain,
You think you know but you don't know,
I will never trust in you,
My trust for you has faded.

The best thing you could've gave me is gone,
Felt like it was taken from me,
There's a bigger purpose,
God has a reasoning for everything he does,
I'm starting to realize the reasoning,
It wasn't meant for you to be born yet,
This wasn't the right setting,
No matter what you were still a blessing.

I will always remember the small we had,
It will never be forgotten,
The time we had was small but precious,
It was a beautiful  we shared,
I carry you with each and everyday,
Tear up every time i think of you.

I wish you never left me,
You meant so much to me,
You were a blessing and a gift,
That moment we shared can never be replaced,
I can see you in up there,
You will always be a part of me.
1.4k · Dec 2020
GQ James Dec 2020
The symptoms of pcos are endless,
It causes many issues for the ovaries,
There's no cure for this but there need to be one,
It makes it harder for her to get pregnant,
It makes it harder for her Emotionally,
It makes it harder for her Mentally.

God has the last say in all of this,
Don't worry for those who suffer from this,
I know it's painful and draining,
Don't give up on having children,
It may be difficult but it's not impossible,
Never knew much about this,
But wanted to speak about it.

Many women are battling with this,
It can be easy but in due it will get easier,
Hang in there and keep the faith,
God has the last say not the doctors,
Anything is possible through the grace of God,
Miracles happen everyday.

The anxiety and depression can get the best of you,
Hold on to your faith,
Stay prayed up,
The symptoms will have you Emotional,
But there's nothing you can,
This is a test so just keep fighting,
God will see this through.
1.3k · Dec 2020
The hate has to end.
GQ James Dec 2020
Why hate on me when you can love on me,
The hate is getting deeper and deeper,
You don't wanna see me win,
Only happy when I'm down bad,
The way we treat one another is just sad,
We are brothers and sisters,
Let's make a friend instead being enemies.

It ain't gotta be so animosity between us,
Let's get along and not go to war,
Put the guns down and pick up the bible,
Homicides increasing,
Economy decreasing,
Let's create a new season.

The community bleeding,
Let's stop the bleeding,
Why your family starving and you eating,
Let's all eat and break break together,
Let's stand together,
Stop the separation.

It's a war zone out here in America,
We some animals in this jungle,
Caged in,
Locked up,
Throw the key away like we ain't humans,
We humans so let's stop acting animals,
We are better than the how the world see us.
1.3k · Sep 2021
Misunderstood life of mines.
GQ James Sep 2021
A man can't help but keep it all together,
You can't see my pain,
Because i don't show it,
That doesn't mean i don't have any pain,
I suffer each and everyday,
But i will always smile and laugh thru it all,
I keep my emotions hidden away,
They can't be found but they haven't drowned.

Don't be fooled by strength,
I am human and i feel as well,
I just can't show no sign of weakness,
I will remain strong even through the pain,
Those tears be shedding inside me,
That's why you can't see my tears,
Best to believe i be going thru it daily.

Don't be alarmed if I'm laughing and smiling,
I finesse the pain with laughs and smiles,
Many don't know what I'm suffering with,
I tackle my problems and fears on my own,
It be overwhelming at times,
But that's the only way i know,
They be telling me to talk to someone,
But I'm not into talking about sh*t,
I have my own process.

To understand me,
You have to understand my life,
You have to walk in my shoes,
You have to wear my clothes,
You have to be in my position,
You have to be in my head,heart,spirit and soul.

I'm misunderstood you could never understand,
My life isn't your life,
We have lived totally different lives,
Don't compare my life to your life,
I won't compare my life to yours.
1.2k · Dec 2020
GQ James Dec 2020
You put your trust in the one you think you can trust,
Then it turns out you can't trust em,
That trust is more lethal than them bullets in a gun,
You can run from them bullets,
You feel them bullets harder than a heart attack,
They both can **** you,
The question is which is more fatal.

If that bullet hits you inside your heart,
You're pretty much dead,
You're heart is the most fatal,
Without your heart you can't live,
Nothing compares to a broken heart,
The ones you love the most hurt you the most,
It's less painful not to care.

All that pain made me cold,
The only thing I care about is family,
My mama more than anyone,
Heartless what I've become,
I can't feel nothing,
My EMOTIONS have been faded.
1.2k · Feb 2021
Heart, mind and soul.
GQ James Feb 2021
I don't want your body,
I want your heart, mind, and soul.
That intellectual vibe,
*** is easy but conversation isn't,
Can't converse with everyone,
But can *** with everyone,
Your body is the last thing I want or need,
I wanna feed your heart, mind and soul.
GQ James Sep 2021
Im tryna survive in these streets,
It's funny when you look around,
And realize all you got is yourself,
Nobody around to help,
Makes you think about your life,
My life doesn't feel worth living anymore,
It keeps getting worse not better.

I feel like leaving and not returning,
There's nothing anyone can say or do,
I can't deal wit all this,
Too much coming at me at once,
It's not slowing down,
It keeps coming that sh*t speeding up.

Y'all keep trying to have faith,
But how can you have faith at this point?
I have nothing to have faith in,
Can't tell someone something,
If you're not in their shoes,
Everyone's struggle isn't the same,
Y'all don't know what i go through,
Don't even what i suffer with mentally.

My life ain't your life,
Your pain isn't my pain,
What you go through and what i go through,
Ain't the same thing,
Something has to change,
If not i don't know what I'm going to do,
I'm at my breaking point.
963 · Dec 2020
GQ James Dec 2020
You ain't gotta be a secret,
You can be my surprise,
No need to keep secrets and tell lies,
Never thought I could feel again,
You changed all that,
You know who you are,
No need to say your name,
This was back in the day,
Things aren't much different these days.

The bond was so pure,
The vibes were so sacred,
Our connection was instant,
I seen something in you from day 1,
I never caught feelings for nobody besides you,
That's how you know what we had was real.

Never been no perfect man,
I always knew we were once perfect together,
Put you through a lot but it's all love,
Nobody could ever take your place,
You're irreplaceable.
938 · Nov 2020
GQ James Nov 2020
Took the risk of branching on my own,
It has been far from easy,
I held down my own,
Being grown is being able to survive on your own,
I stay in my zone,
I can be around many but still feel alone.

Ain't nothing like being at home,
Being in a house isn't being at home,
Home is where you're comfortable,
Not every place and every person is comfortable,
The ones we can trust make us comfortable.

Clothes still in the suitcase,
Everything still where it was,
My body is here but my heart is elsewhere,
You can't help where you feel comfortable,
Can't help who you feel comfortable with,
The heart knows what the heart wants,
The heart knows where the heart belongs.
909 · Nov 2020
Web of love.
GQ James Nov 2020
I can't get caught in love no more,
Love can get real twisted real quick,
EMOTIONS involved changes everything,
Can't make promises,
Things always happen unexpectedly,
EMOTIONS can get the best of you.

Web of lies get real wicked,
Web of destruction gets real twisted,
Web of love is dangerous,
The webs ties you in deeper and deeper,
Can't help who we get tied into and with,
Our EMOTIONS take over our judgement.

Loving the wrong one can have somewhere you don't wanna be. Loving the wrong way will show you things that you thought you'd never see with your eyes. Love is more fatal than the drugs we take.
Your heart can mislead you,
Follow your mind not your heart.
887 · Feb 2021
We can all eat.
GQ James Feb 2021
Homelessness to evictions to robberies,
Why all the poverty and violence?
Why can't we share wealth, peace and love?
Is it that hard?
It shouldn't be so hard,
It's actually pretty easy,
You eating while your people starving,
What kinda person are you?
We can all eat not just you,
Treat our brothers and sisters as equals,
Not treat em like peasants.

It has to get better,
We gotta treat our brothers and sisters better,
If you eating then feed your family,
Never let your family starve,
There's more love to be shared than hate.

Our way of living has to change,
Things only change when we change them,
Change doesn't happen on its own.
834 · Nov 2020
Family ain't always family.
GQ James Nov 2020
Family ain't always family. Ever felt like you were on the outside? Ever felt like you were outcasted? Ever felt like you didn't get in the family? It be like that sometimes. We are all born into a family but that doesn't mean you're family. Family is more than those who you're connected to by blood. Family loves you, cares for you and there for unconditionally.
The ones who aren't your blood treat you better than the ones who are your blood. A brother ain't always a brother. A sister ain't always a sister. A father ain't always a father. A mother ain't always a mother. Just let it sink in and marinate in your mind. Families aren't as close as they should be.

The ones we should keep close, we distance ourselves from. Let's put the hate down and let's share the love. Life is too short to have so much hate in our hearts. It's easier to love than it is to hate. Why spend your whole life mad and angry about something so simple? Is it worth it? What if they die, would you be okay with that? All that anger you're carrying around ain't doing nothing but hurting you.
834 · Dec 2020
Step out the way.
GQ James Dec 2020
I'm in a jungle filled with animals,
Them noises get louder and louder,
When is the chaos gonna calm down?
Will the chaos ever end?
Long as I been around it's gets worse,
I took notice on many things,
I've decided to get out the way.

I tried to put an end to things,
Then I realized there's nothing I can do,
It's up to the universe,
I'm stepping out the way,
Stepping to the side,
Stay in my bubble,
Remain in my lane.

There's nothing left on the brain,
Mind is empty,
System is empty,
Emotions are empty.
GQ James Nov 2020
Look into your eyes and I see you,
Not all of them can see but I see,
The beauty of who you really are isn't seen,
The elegance of your beauty isn't seen,
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder,
Every set of eyes are different,
What one sees another won't see.

Those thick thighs,
Them beautiful curves,
That big ****,
Is not what that caught me,
Your beautiful mind is what caught me,
Your body is what I saw,
Your mind is what keeps me.

Many have great assets,
Not many have a beautiful mind,
Intellectual connections are forever,
You can become tiresome of a big **** and smile,
The physical becomes tiresome,
The intellectual last forever,
Let's keep this moment.
783 · Mar 2021
Miscarriage Pains
GQ James Mar 2021
This was very unexpected,
The pain is a pain I've never felt,
There's nothing easy about losing a child,
The moment I found out,
I was drowning in tears,
I've wanted a child since I was young,
I don't question his doings,
I just take it as a lesson as well as a blessing,
God has something bigger in store for us,

This broke my heart deeper than you can imagine,
I felt like my heart was taken out my chest,
My heart stopped for a moment,
I'm trying my best to keep it together,
But truth be told it ain't easy,
The holy spirit is what's keeping me sane,
Without my faith I'll go insane,
Outside I look good but inside I'm in pain,

There's no one to blame,
Life will never be the same,
Me and my wife went through this together,
We will get through this together,
One day we will try again but not anytime soon,
My pain so deep you can't see it,
Keep my emotions inside,

God gives his toughest battles,
To his strongest soldiers,
So the battle hasn't began to begin,
It's far from over,
We are soliders so will fight to end,
Children are in our future.
752 · Sep 2021
Step all over you.
GQ James Sep 2021
Don't let them step all over you,
Put your foot down and keep it down,
You hold all the cards,
You have more power than you realize,
Take a deep look and you shall see,
Never let anyone treat you unfairly,
You don't need them,
They need you.

You can poke the bear but so many times,
Until they just can't take anymore,
Don't allow to take advantage you,
Stop playing their game,
Play your own game,
Don't follow their rules,
Live by your own rules.

I may not be perfect but I care for you,
They ain't never cared,
They only care about themselves,
Only out for themselves nobody else,
Look around and you'll see what's true,
The truth always reveals itself.

Stand up for yourself not stand still,
It's not okay to be mistreated,
Never let anyone mistreat you,
You deserve better don't accept nun less,
Respect yourself and others will as well.
738 · Sep 2021
She can never be replaced.
GQ James Sep 2021
When my angel died and went to heaven,
A piece of me died,
If i ever lose my mama I'll be gone for good,
My mama is my heart,
My angel was my better half,
A child is all i have ever wanted,
She can never be replaced,
Even when i have a child one day,
She can never be replaced,
She's irreplaceable.

My baby girl brought me joy,
Baby girl gave me peace,
Baby girl was a gift from heaven,
She was so beautiful and precious,
Each moment was so precious,
God blessed us with a blessing.

I still carry her in my heart,
I can't forget about her and never will,
Baby girl you will forever be remembered,
Was her for a short amount of time,
But in that small time it was beautiful,
I miss you my baby.
727 · Feb 2021
Growing pains.
GQ James Feb 2021
It ain't getting no easier,
Doing my best to hold on,
Keep getting knocked down,
Over and over,
God gives me the strength to keep going,
Who knew it would be this hard,
I surely didn't but that's okay,
No cries or tears to shed.

The struggle made me numb,
I can't feel nothing but what's in front of me,
The struggle and them growing pains,
It only makes me stronger,
The weak give up not me,
I keep pushing,
It ain't easy but nothing in life is easy.

Throw me to the wolves,
I'll come back running the pack,
There's nothing I can't handle,
I was built off the muscle,
I was raised from the struggle.
695 · Dec 2020
My first love.
GQ James Dec 2020
I took one look at you and I knew,
You will always be my first love,
The love we once share was beautiful,
Felt like we were the only two in the room,
It was our world for a long time,
It was shattered for many reasons,
Things could've turned out differently,
But we didn't make the best decisions,
Many things didn't take place,
It only made us better people in the end.

Don't beat yourself up,
It's not your fault we both had a part to play,
Not everyone's love is forever,
Our season just came to an end,
The silver lining is we are better apart than together,
Better to be friends than to be enemies,
Why not have a piece of someone,
Rather not have them at all.

Stop holding on to what killed us,
Just let it all go and give to god,
What's gone is just gone,
Can't live in the past but can make a better future,
The past is mirror for our future.
691 · Jan 2021
You're a lady.
GQ James Jan 2021
You're a lady,
You should be treated as such nothing less,
If you're not cherished, uplifted, respected,
All the things you deserve and more,
You should wait on it,
Don't deal with nothing less,
Queens are valuable,
Your worth is priceless,
Don't let him take you for granted,
If he can't see your worth,
Leave him behind and move forward.
GQ James Dec 2020
Don't be quick to make an enemy,
Why not make a friend,
The ones we envy and hate we can keep close,
The hate can be transferred to love,
We hold on too much anger,
We can just release the love.

Stop hating each other,
Let's love each other,
Stop and think what you're doing,
Once you calm down you'll realize it,
Take your EMOTIONS out of the equation,
EMOTIONS cloud your judgement.

Women hating other women over some man,
Why hate her on what he did to you,
Make her your ally rather your enemy,
Let's come together not collide against each other,
Not enough togetherness in the world,
Let's create togetherness,
Let's end the war that's going on.
651 · Sep 2021
Heart on ice.
GQ James Sep 2021
I can't take anyone serious anymore,
My heart is locked away,
I'm the only one with the key to unlock it,
The key will be locked away in a safe place,
Heart on ice,
That's what happens when you suffer so much,
That pain put me in a different ora,
I'm a different person all around,

Once I see the vibe ain't for me I exit silently,
No harsh feelings just ain't for me,
Can't stay in a uncomfortable setting,
At least not anymore,
Because I've been there before,
I'll be go there again,
Learned from my mistakes so won't be going back.

They ask me "why are you single" ,
I tell em "I'm just chilling",
I ain't even looking or studding anybody,
I got trust issues,
I can't trust others or myself to trust anyone else,
There's no space for anyone to get close,
Sorry but I'm not sorry.
621 · Sep 2021
Sleepwalking in my casket.
GQ James Sep 2021
I don't know how I'ma die but I can feel it coming,
They put the gun to my head I'm not running,
I can't lose my life when I feel like it's gone,
Life hasn't been the same for awhile now,
Them rainy days turned into stormy nights.

That storm feels like it's gonna last forever,
I use to think I could make it through anything,
I don't know anymore,
Feel weak and feel like I'm falling apart,
One by one,
Piece by piece,
Mind, body, soul, spirit and heart.

If you see me bleeding don't call 911,
Just let me bleed out,
I already feeling like I've lost myself,
I feel like sleeping walking in my casket,
My life is out my hands,
I've been lost for awhile,
God still working on me,
Trying my best to hold on,
Don't know how much more I can handle.
615 · Sep 2021
No words just actions.
GQ James Sep 2021
I get silent instead of getting loud,
No screams or anger in the space,
You stay out my space,
I stay out of your space,
No invasion of space.

Listen to my words,
Follow the language i speak to you,
My language is deeper than words,
Pay attention to my actions,
Follow my lead.

Stop making up sh*t in your head,
Listening could go a long way,
Don't judge me but get to know me,
You can't know me,
If you're always trying to judge me.
599 · Jun 2021
Loneliness isn't easy.
GQ James Jun 2021
The biggest struggle is when I'm all alone,
Loneliness is the biggest trigger,
When you spend so much time alone,
You become comfortable being by yourself,
But it become difficult to cope with.

The days are hard but the nights are unbearable,
Having someone to be by your side,
Makes everything much easier to cope with,
It won't fix anything but it'll make it easier,
I put too much on myself sometimes,
But that's just who I am can't help it.

Don't allow anyone to help me,
I help myself that's just the way I am,
We can't be anyone but ourselves,
Sometimes being ourselves can be hard,
Especially when we're so use to certain things.

Loneliness can be difficult at times,
But it's the best outlet sometimes,
You never know who you can trust,
One's actions aren't always as they appear to be,
Many have motives not always so true,
Be careful who you put your trust in.

Trust is as fatal as those we put our trust in,
I learned that at a young age,
Being let go over and over,
Being lied to over and over,
It can do damage more than you know.
Loneliness is my biggest trigger.
581 · Dec 2020
Home has been burned down.
GQ James Dec 2020
You are a trigger for me,
When I'm around you I feel different,
Than when I'm not around you,
My world feels much different when I'm alone,
That energy we share doesn't feel good,
That pain is sharper than a blade,
The space just doesn't feel comfortable.

I don't feel at home but I feel homeless,
Being in a house ain't the same as being at home,
Our home has been burned down to ashes,
The flames burn sharply,
The ashes are burned to crisp,
Our lives haven't been the same.

You can't rebuild the house,
The house has been destroyed,
You can't even recognized things the same,
When you look at it things aren't what they use to be,
What's broken can't be fixed.
565 · Dec 2020
I can't get enough of you.
GQ James Dec 2020
Girl why you doing this to me?
I can't get enough of you,
When it comes to you there's no limits,
I wanna overdose when it comes to you,
I can't be without you,
Without you there isn't no me,
You complete me and I complete you.

Them feelings I'm feeling I never felt before,
Where did you come from?
Wherever you came from?
You just ain't normal,
You got me doing things I wouldn't dream of doing,
You ain't good for me,
But I sure don't want to let you go.
560 · Dec 2020
I wanna be HIM.
GQ James Dec 2020
Lemme please you,
I wanna cater to you,
I'll never tease you,
What you deserve is to feel good,
I wanna please your body,
I wanna stimulate your mind,
I wanna keep your spirits up,
I wanna be in your heart.

The ones who hurt didn't see your worth,
I see your worth and I see you,
It takes a man to see you,
A boy can't understand or see you,
The things you been thru he wouldn't understand,
I don't know you yet,
But wanna learn everything about you,
I wanna know everything about you,
You deserve something good,
I can be HIM.
523 · Mar 2021
Married Life
GQ James Mar 2021
Married life can get hectic at times,
But it can be beautiful as well,
Don't get discouraged when times get hard,
Hold on and keep fighting to the finish,
Me and my wife have been through the worse,
We still keep fighting,
You can't give up just because it gets rough.

No fight will ever be easy,
As time goes by things will get harder,
Nothing worth having will ever be easy,
The harder the fight is,
The more valuable they are,
Can't have something valuable without a fight.

The price of love is priceless,
Never stay in a unhappy marriage,
Leave that marriage if you're not happy,
You deserve to be happy,
You don't deserve to be unhappy,
Marriage isn't for the weak,
Not everyone is mature enough for marriage,
Not everyone is strong enough for marriage.

If you don't feel in your heart you're ready,
Just do yourself a favor and stay single,
Marriage is a respectable gesture,
Not just another journey in your life,
Take it seriously not just walk through it.
Marriage isn't for the weak. If you're not mature enough to handle it just stay single.
519 · Dec 2020
Keep your enemies closer.
GQ James Dec 2020
You can cut off my hands,
You can cut off my legs,
You can cut off my feet,
I'll still find a way to move around,
I was born in the war so I'm solid,
Military minded and heart of a solider,
Purple hearted but the blood I shed is pure.

No matter what you do to me,
I'll always come back stronger,
Came from a family of strong ones,
Nothing weak about me,
There's vultures in the sea,
Keep your eyes out for the sharks in the ocean.

The ones who seem to be cool,
Usually be the ones who ain't cool,
Play your friends close but keep your enemies closer,
Friends ain't always your friends.
511 · Sep 2021
Questions of love.
GQ James Sep 2021
Can you trust me?
Can you love me?
Can you submit to me?
Are you in love with me?
What is it about me?
Do you need me or do you want me?

I'm asking you so what are the answers,
We always question ourselves,
But let's questions our partners,
Love is simple and kind,
Not painful and complicated.

Is my love easy or hard?
Does my heart comfort you or hurt you?
Does your heart call for me?
Is your life complete with or without me?
But why?
509 · Dec 2020
GQ James Dec 2020
Silence my words,
Cut my ties away from it all,
Walk away from you,
Close my eyes,
Close my mouth,
Close my ears,
Lock up my heart.

I can't hear you,
I can't see you,
I can't trust you,
Loving you died long ago,
Letting you go.

I feels no ways,
I'm not mad,
I'm content with my choice,
At some point you're just over it,
I'm silent.
503 · Dec 2020
Losing a loved one.
GQ James Dec 2020
Them flashing lights give you that PTSD vibe,
Many lives lost at a young age,
Every time the phone rings it gives mama the chills,
That late night knock at the door,
You never know what to expect,
When you're use to losing someone,
Everything becomes real for you.

Identifying the body of a lost one is never easy,
You never wanna face the lost of a loved one,
You have to face the truth,
Don't hide behind the what IFS or lies.

When you're hurting don't silence your cries,
Cry out loud and grieve the ones you lost,
No one can begin to understand your pain,
Life will never be the same,
You'll forever be changed.
496 · Dec 2020
It was all yours.
GQ James Dec 2020
The moment I look into your eyes I knew,
My mind couldn't deny you,
My heart couldn't deny you,
My soul couldn't deny you,
My life couldn't be lived without you.

I was blind to the rest of the world,
It was our world,
You allowed the unimportant to invade our world,
What's ours can't be touched,
You allowed the outside to invade the inside.

What's lost can't be found,
What's torn can't be repaired,
What's damaged can't be put back together,
What's dead can't be brought back to life.
True Love.
495 · Dec 2020
I knew the risks.
GQ James Dec 2020
Them thoughts I been having lately crazy,
Life can get deadly when you don't expect it,
Our lives can change quicker than you realize,
Everything that has taken placed is a surprise,
I can't worry or stress,
Life could be much worse,
I continue to keep pushing,
I won't give up,
Just keep putting in that work.

I knew the risks of my choices,
I knew it wasn't gonna be easy,
God has a plan for me,
I can feel something good coming,
Nothing good comes easy,
If you want something good,
You gotta take a lost to get the big win,
You can't succeed if you don't fail,
Can't experience success without failure.

Before you can walk you gotta crawl,
Before you talk you gotta listen,
Lessons are learned by paying attention,
How can we do better if we don't know our mistakes?
Know what you did wrong,
Before you can make it right,
What's wrong can be made right.
462 · Jan 2021
Love dangerous as cancer.
GQ James Jan 2021
My heart is in a safe place,
No love left except for my family,
Nobody gets me or understands me,
Don't have the tolerance for anyone,
Sorry but not sorry,
Love will eat at you like cancer,
It slowly kills you.

It's beautiful when it's good,
But when it gets ugly it gets deadly,
Be careful who you love,
Be careful who you give your heart to,
Be careful who you trust,
Be careful who you care for,
Life can show you more than you bargain for.

Your EMOTIONS can blind your judgement,
Take them blinders off,
Put on some glasses so you can see,
Love is blind,
When you're in love you can't see,
Once you're outta love you can see clearly.
444 · Feb 2021
Broke something inside me.
GQ James Feb 2021
I'm from a broken family,
Mama was always there,
Daddy went missing since beginning,
It broke something inside me,
Ain't been the same since,
As I grew up it made me stronger,
For the longest I was cold,
When I let it go I seen something different in me,
Life hasn't been easy,
Being where I'm from made me hungry,
I ain't ever been greedy,
Didn't have to beg mama to fed me,
Mama fed us with all she had,
Didn't ever want for nothing,
Didn't ever have to question my mama's love,
We all knew she loves us,
Her love surrounded us always,
What's real doesn't have to be said.
436 · Jun 2021
Everyday Is A Struggle.
GQ James Jun 2021
Each day is a struggle,
I try to keep a positive mindset,
No matter what try my best to keep it together,
Not always successful with it,
But all we can do in life is try our best,
If our mental health isn't healthy,
The rest of us won't be healthy.

Many want me to seek therapy,
But I am my own therapy,
God is the only therapist I need,
People always let you down,
God will never let me down.

We all heal in our own way,
We all deal with things in our own way,
Nobody can ever begin to understand my pain,
Talking about it won't help,
Some situations we have no control of,
We just have to cope the best way we can.
GQ James Dec 2020
Tryna to be a star ain't always wise,
Tryna to be the center of attention is wise,
All that attention you want ain't always safe,
Sometimes you'll get more than you bargained for,
Friends ain't always your friends,
Jealousy gets the best of us,
There's always someone who wants what you got,
Stop being a show off,
Keep your business your business.

The loudest one in the room is always on notice,
The weak ones are the loudest,
The strong ones are the most silent,
Being a celebrity ain't safe as you think,
Cameras all in your face,
Flashing lights all over your neighborhood,
Bodies dropping left and right,
The hype ain't always worth the cost.

Staying to myself has kept me safe,
Staying to myself has given me peace,
Staying to myself has kept me living,
Staying to myself has kept me from dying,
The wrong crowd will have you caught,
The ones who are the most friendly die sooner,
The ones who are the most thirsty die sooner,
The ones who love attention die sooner,
Don't risk your life over fame, girls and money,
Glamour ain't shiny as it seems.
412 · Jun 2021
GQ James Jun 2021
Depression will leave you feeling alone when you're in a room full of people. It'll make you not wanna eat, sleep or sometimes not wanna live. That depression isn't nothing to play with. I struggle with depression and just wanted to speak on it. Pay attention to signs. Don't ignore the signs, if so you'll have bigger issues than you can bare. The pain many of us deal with it ain't even fair.

Nothing worse than dealing with depression on your own. Listen to those cries, sometimes they're silent so listen closely and keep your eyes open not closed.
The things we don't take serious be the things that be the most serious. The lives of others and ourselves is the most important. Never know how much someone is really suffering.

The silence is biggest cry that you'll ever hear. The loud cries ain't as bad as the silent cries. Crying for help isn't easy but when them cries are calling take it serious. Asking for help is better than suffering on your own. We be in our own zone, suffering alone.
Them signs are sometimes are hard to read. No matter how much they try to push you away, pull them closer.

The ones who the most help won't ask for it. Ego and pride takes over us more than any disease or sickness. Depression will take over your life with the quickness.
393 · Jun 2021
Lessons taught.
GQ James Jun 2021
As we grow older we start to learn,
We start to see things more clearly,
The more we suffer,
The more we learn if we're paying attention,
Lessons are taught if you're willing to learn,
Get outside your pride and get in your maturity.

As a young man I made many mistakes,
Wasn't the best example as the oldest,
When I had family,
Now I don't have family,
They're dead and gone,
No longer of existence.

All we can do is move forward,
And focus on what's important,
Not ponder on what has already taken place,
Don't lose sleep over things or people,
That aren't worth the stress,
Truth be told don't stress over anything.

Your life is more important,
Your existence is more valuable,
We put too much energy into things,
That we shouldn't,
Let's focus on what focuses on us.

We all make mistakes but don't let them define you,
Let those mistakes open your eyes,
Let those mistakes show you the right way,
You've done wrong now you can do right,
Let it go and let them go.
Don't Let Those Mistakes Define You. We're all Humans.
393 · Feb 2021
Prepared for it all.
GQ James Feb 2021
I was prepared for it all,
Thru it all I stood tall,
Ever since I was a teenager,
I took the easy way out,
This time I decided to stand on my own,
It was rough,
It taught me the biggest lesson,
The biggest test of my life,
Brought me closer to God,
Learn the importance of faith and prayer,
Without those would've made it,
I'm wiser,
I see the world and people lot different.

Those who thought I'd fall apart,
Haha jokes is on you,
Never bet against but bet on me,
I was born to win not lose,
I took a few loses but I've got the big win,
This is only the beginning,
There's so many more blessings ahead.

Believe in me,
Not lose faith in me,
Yes I've made many mistakes,
But I've learned from them,
The biggest mistakes of my life,
Were the most valuable teaches,
Without failure you can't succeed,
I'm thankful for the slight failures,
It gave much insight about bigger success.
389 · Nov 2020
GQ James Nov 2020
You can lock me up but can't lock up my mind,
Can't change who I am,
You can **** me but can't **** my spirit,
My soul can't be taken from me,
I'm prayed up and covered with holy water,
The baptism of my sins,
Ain't perfect but my old ways are gone,
I've reincarnated my soul and been given a new one.

Nothing is forgotten,
Karma is very much real,
We have to answer to things we do,
How we treat others will come back upon you,
I've confessed my sins,
I've been forgiven,
But nothing will ever be forgotten.

Take a long look within yourself,
You shall see past the surface,
The element of our ways aren't always right,
You can't see nothing when you you're stuck within yourself. Open yourself up not stay closed off.

We can see more than ourselves,
If we step outside of ourselves,
There's more to the world than ourselves,
Life has more to offer than we realize,
I took a step back and realized that for myself,
Life has gotten better when I became better.
389 · Dec 2020
We are humans.
GQ James Dec 2020
If you wanna know me,
Spend time with me don't judge me,
We all make mistakes,
But our mistakes doesn't define us,
It just shows we are humans,
If we don't **** up we can't learn,
Never think ******* up means you're a **** up,
There's no such thing as a perfect person.

Perfection doesn't exist,
Trying to be perfect will **** you faster,
If they don't accept you for you that's on them,
You are special the way god made you,
Don't allow nobody to change you,
You're unique in your own way.

I saw some things in myself I didn't like,
I then decided to change my ways,
Nobody made me change,
I made the changes within myself,
If you don't like what you seeing,
Change what you see within yourself.
380 · Dec 2020
Holding on to my faith.
GQ James Dec 2020
You alive but you feel dead,
Life just don't feel the same,
Can't tell if I'm coming or going,
I'm here but don't know where I'm headed.

I give the glory to God,
Holding on much as I can,
Faith is the only thing that keeps me going,
Without faith I would have nothing,
My life has taken a different turn.

Live and learn but is it my turn?
What do you expect when you take a different lane?
Something has to change,
I'm the one to blame,
I'm not igniting but I see the flames.

I'm not playing but I play the game,
The rain has become thunderstorms,
The thunderbolts have gotten stronger,
The storm much longer than expected,
Didn't see this coming,
I'm here to stay ain't no running.
378 · Feb 2021
GQ James Feb 2021
why do we have to slaves the system? When are things gonna get better and when will be able to live better? I just don't get it **** sad and pathetic. Let's help each other out not try to hurt another we are sisters and brothers.

Takes too much energy to fight and hate so why not just love and get along. Let's change the cycle and make changes to the world we live in. Don't follow the trend reset the trend .
Never too late to make a change we still here. Long as their is a breathe in my body I'll do my best to have American great you can't fight fate.

And let's talk about how all these men fell like it's cool or even normal to ****. That'll never be cool or acceptable. Let's do better and respect our women not disrespect them.
Women brought us into the world so they have no right to lay hands or even mistreat a woman. Without a woman their will be no man. I know some of you won't get that or even understand. That's the difference between a boy and a man.

Don't put your hands on a woman if you wanna raise your hand , raise your hands up and ask for forgiveness for all your sins. We can all do better and improve. Don't give up that means the devil wins . God is always in control. Don't sell your soul it's never for sale. Your body is temple so respect it and yourself. Don't ever be too proud to ask for help.
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