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A money system that’s built to last
Breeds long-term insights to our views
And money that inflates quite fast
Breeds short-term actions as we choose

A money system stable and sound
Gives us decades to work and build
Nurture each other - nurture the ground
As dreams and lives become fulfilled

Lasting families, lasting goals
Lasting buildings, lasting states
A lasting vision for our souls
Knowing that our wealth awaits

An unsound money kills our dreams
As every system falls apart
Hopes are torn up by the seams
And all are shaken - losing heart

The “fiat standard” rings unsound
Backed by nothing - quite unjust
A better standard we have found
The Bitcoin Standard - we can trust
This is Bitcoin Poem 006 at and you can see it displayed on a background when you (copy and paste the link below).
If wings from every butterfly
Can move the air so readily
Then every better thought I think
Will change the world quite steadily

If one small bird can sing a tune
That makes my soul feel lighter
Then I decide to act in ways
That make our futures brighter

If sunlight cutting inky clouds
Brings vibrant light to eye and heart
I know that every mighty change
Had small and subtle steps to start

For wings and tunes are wispy things
As gentle as a summer breeze
Prosperity comes not by force
Yet step by step, it comes with ease
This is Prosperity Poem 35.  You can see it on a background here -
While bitcoin users daily grow
And uses accelerate
Should you wait to buy your bitcoin
Or buy bitcoin, then wait?

As you learn about hard money
And want to accumulate
Should you wait to buy your bitcoin
Or buy bitcoin, then wait?

When you want to plan ahead
And your needs anticipate
Should you wait to buy your bitcoin
Or buy bitcoin, then wait?

If you want to store your wealth
And value appreciate
Should you wait to buy your bitcoin
Or buy bitcoin, then wait?

Highly secure to send or save
And quick to authenticate
Should you wait to buy your bitcoin
Or buy bitcoin, then wait?

Only you can choose your path
Your future and your fate
But I’ll not wait to buy bitcoin
I’ll buy bitcoin, then wait
This is Bitcoin Poem 024 at and you can see it displayed on a background when you (copy and paste the link below).
A problem with fiat centralized money
   Is that monetary accounts can be frozen
      Censoring people or nations who refuse
         To follow the narrative of those in control
            Monetary officials who decide who can use
               Money and who is not allowed to use money
                  Because of their beliefs or ideas or support
                  Because people hold varying beliefs in life
               Let’s use a money that can’t be frozen at all
            Because this money remains private property
         Money that can be held and used by those
      On opposite sides of any issue or decision
   A bearer asset that is censorship resistant
This money exists - the solution is Bitcoin
This is Bitcoin Poem 038 and Problems and Solutions 3.  See more at
Expanding universe
Plant some seeds
See the fruits
That our world needs

What we plant
Will surely grow
In spirit above
Or soil below

Week by week
Our visions appear
From our intents
When thought is clear

Be choiceful with
The seeds you plant
For yearly growth
Will surely grant

The endful fruit
Of seeds that grow
So sow today
The truth you know

In faith and hope
Plant tiny seeds
That surely grow
And fill our needs
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I stand upon the mountaintop
And raise my banner high
I feel the inner confidence
A strength I won’t deny

Though obstacles I daily meet
These hindrances I shun
For with my constant confidence
Unless I quit - I’ve won

My banner I display to all
That they too may achieve
I cultivate my confidence
And always I receive
This is Prosperity Poem 66 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
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Each day will blessings flow your way
From your sure and consistent pace
Like the story told of a speedy hare
And the tortoise who won the race

Your dreams need daily attention
Which draws them to your embrace
So trade your fitful stops and starts
For that steady, consistent pace

Yes, quick and powerful actions -
At times they may have their place
But more success is gained by far
From a stable consistent pace

So when you plan your daily life
Save some focused time and space
For the daily thoughts and actions
That keep your consistent pace
This is Prosperity Poem 106 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)

I've been putting some classic (old) parables and some new parables on my Mom's website for her.  As I built the page about the tortoise and the hare, I thought how effective (and prosperous) we can be when we act with consistent pace.

We all have different personalities, and some lean toward a consistent pace naturally.  My Dad and I can easily take a huge project and work a bit a day on it for 100 days.  Some others in my family...  don't naturally do that.
However, there is magic and power in a consistent pace!
With fiat money losing value consistently
     This leads to a proclivity for consumption
          Since the money is worth more right now
               Than it will be worth in the coming years.
                    In time, this leads to overconsumption &
                         Ostentation and environmental effects
                              Due to a constant need for spending.
                               Let’s use an option that reverses this
                          By using money that gains value over
                     Time and incentivizes the holding of
                Money because it purchases more in
          The future rather than less.  Over time
     The psychological and environmental
Benefits of Bitcoin grow and help all.
You can see this poem on a background here -
Most assets have counterparty risk,
     Which is the risk that the other party
          In an investment or contract may not
               Fulfill their obligation, resulting in loss.
                    All stocks, bonds, and other securities
                         Contain counterparty risk in many forms
                         We need a bearer asset with absolutely
                    No counterparty risk in order to remain
               Secure in our wealth and our freedom.
          Bitcoin is the asset with this property
     Of no counterparty risk, but sovereign
Ownership secured by private keys
You can see this poem on a background here -
Creative vibes bounce all around
Just catch them while you play
Or when you work
Or during sleep
Catch hundreds every day

Then use the very best you find
You only need a few
So choose the best
Just leave the rest
And thank the muses too

Creative vibes don’t live in us
They’re zipping all around
Just harmonize
Use “inner eyes”
Creative vibes abound

You may not always see them there
But if you look you’ll find
Success will grow
You’ll surely know
The grand creative mind
This is Prosperity Poem 111 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)

Creativity is fun!  In this poem I describe Creative Ideas as being outside of us.  We have to catch them.  You might "run into" more of them in a new location or even out on a walk.  This is how I experience it.

YOU can increase your creativity and thus your enjoyment of each day.  We all love to be engaged, and creativity and engagement go hand in hand.  And, creative vibes help create more value for people.

So, creativity is directly related to prosperity.
See a crystal blue stream
Flowing through green trees
And tumbling over mossy stones

See the bright sparkling gleam
And hear the light breeze
Blowing leaves in musical tones

In your mind
Become the stream
Yielding and bending
Rhythm with no ending

Relax and breathe
Let go and flow
You are always giving
Power to all living

This crystal blue stream
Remains a symbol for you
A stream of prosperity
To last your life through
This is Prosperity Poem 60 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background here
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Focus on your end result
To feel more energetic
And engage your inner powers
From your system cybernetic

Yes, seek for goals and targets
You are built to be magnetic
As a self-correcting expert
When you act more cybernetic

Cybernetics helps you truly aim
But only if you have a goal
So don’t go with the current
But grab your life and take control

Do those actions that truly count
Stay calm and not frenetic
Keep your eyes upon your dream
Use your system cybernetic
This is Prosperity Poem 96 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)

When still in high school I read Pscycho-Cybernetics, by Maxwell Maltz.  That book changed my life for the better in a huge way!  If I remember correctly, it was recommended by my High School wrestling coach, Mr. Hale.

Maxwell Maltz was a plastic surgeon, and he came up with an amazing discovery.  We have an inner world or image, which is as "real" as the outer world.  In fact, when we create something in detail in our mind (a blueprint), this attracts physical matter to it and it "Manifests" in what we call our outer reality.

So I would play out certain wrestling moves in my mind, as instructed in the book, and I got better at those moves!  So I also used the process for test taking, dating, running, giving talks, and much more.  

The official definition of Cybernetics is below, but it leaves out the most important part.  It's the science of communications and control mechanisms IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE A SPECIFIED TARGET.  

the science of communications and automatic control systems in both machines and living things.

So the thermostat in your house is a cybernetic system - when the temperature it low, it kicks on the heater to bring the temperature back to the target level.  A heat seeking missile is programmed for a specific target.  You need a target or goal.  A "nothing-seeking" missile achieves nothing.

There are thousands of machine examples, but more important for our success is using Cybernetics to achieve what we want.
As golden leaves fall gently down
From treetops in the sky
They scatter ‘cross the golden ground
When Autumn breezes fly

These tiny leaves don’t realize
The power that they hold
To nurture growth that will arise
As they decay and mould

Relax and let the ebbs and flows
Of seasons cycle round
For that’s the way abundance grows
When leaves fall to the ground
This is Prosperity Poem 141 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
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My vine bends low with purple grapes
A bountiful harvest so fine
Clusters so large - flavor so sweet
Stems from daily growth divine

An ancient wall stands high and long
With stones added one by one
Erected not in rush or haste
But with daily growth was done

The canyons deep, rugged and steep
Carved by rivers - rapid or slow
Their rugged walls truly attest
To the strength of the daily flow

I look about, and glean this truth
From the things I hear and see
Listen close - I’ll share it with you
Daily growth is prosperity
This is Prosperity Poem 77 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
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This poem started with the concept of "consistency", but not a lot rhymes with that, so it just wasn't working out. I've always been amazed at how much can be accomplished by taking consistent action each day.

When I look around my garden I see this truth also. I never see my peaches or grapes or tomatoes grow in one day - because each day's growth is so small. But over a season, this amounts to hundreds and hundreds of pounds of bountiful fruit for my family!

Faith in Daily Growth allows me to take on projects that are many years long - knowing that the consistent building will add up to monumental results.
Dark forces
Stealing time
Through inflation’s daily climb

Printing money
Come what may
Though the poorest have to pay

Dark forces
Surveilling you
Watching what you say and do

With the motive
To control
Shaping you - their stated goal

Dark forces
Creating naught
They just live off what you’ve got

Higher taxes
They decide
We work hard - yet incomes slide

Dark forces
Anger and fear
When they see - Bitcoin is here

Bringing hope
Shining light
On dark forces, with truth and right
You can see this poem on a background here -
The problem with fiat money
   Is centralized control of the money
      Those in control of the money creation
         Always eventually yield to the temptation
            Of inflating the overall money supply
               Causing debasement of the currency
                  Decreasing its value for those who hold it
                  People need a money that holds value
               Or actually increases in value over time
            This must be a money with a limited supply
         That cannot be changed in spite of temptation
      No person or group can be in control of this money
   This money must be decentralized
The solution is Bitcoin
This is Poem 036 at
Dilution risk exists for nearly every
     Money and asset on this planet now.
          Dilution risk happens when a person’s
               Share in an asset is decreased due to
                    The issuance of new shares.  This risk
                         Brings about a huge loss of real value
                         An ideal asset would be one in which
                    There is no dilution risk possible, ever.
               Bitcoin fulfills this unique property of
          Money because the supply of bitcoin
     Is preprogrammed to 21 million coins.
Bitcoin has zero risk of share dilution
You can see this poem on a background here -
Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) claims
   That money must be managed or controlled
      Actively setting a price (and supply) of money.
         Artificially low or high interest rates lead to loss
            Of signal which leads to misallocation of capital
               Which leads to market bubbles and collapses
               Let’s use a money that can never be distorted
            In either price or supply by any group at all
         This will be a money that gives true signals
      About capital allocation to needed projects
   Based on free market principles and work
What money can’t be distorted?  Bitcoin
You can see this poem on a background here -  Inspired by Jack Mallers
Every thought I sow
Continues to grow
And the end result
Seems simple to know

Every thought in mind
Produces in kind
I can clearly see
The divine design

An apple’s small seed
Grows apples indeed
And thoughts of one “type”
To more they will lead

A seed, like a thought
Is tiny, but not
With faith, both are sought

I’ll think just the best
And bypass the rest
By divine design
I will remain blessed
This is Prosperity Poem 91 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
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Seeds amaze me!  I love gardening and growing all types of plant and trees.  Right now I'm saving peach pits from all of the peaches we are eating from our yard.  Each pit contains literal instructions on how to build a peach tree and ripe peaches using just water, sunlight, and soil.  Our thoughts are seeds also and they produce after their "kind".  My peach pits won't grow apples - that's just contrary to Divine Design.

We can use this understanding of seeds, thoughts, and Divine Design to increase our manifesting skills.  Learning how to create with your mind is an important part of why YOU are here on earth at this time.
Don’t delay, just start today
This glad message I convey
Bitcoin’s here, so act straightway
For Bitcoin keeps on growing

Money printing never ends
For the rich, and for their friends
Government just spends & spends
While Bitcoin keeps on growing

Bitcoin brings deflation’s gains
Come break free from fiat’s chains
Hold some value that remains
As Bitcoin keeps on growing

Take some time to sit and learn
To store the value that you earn
Act right now - this is your turn
Since Bitcoin keeps on growing

More good people, every day
Move to Bitcoin’s better way
Get some now, and don’t delay
As Bitcoin keeps on growing
You can see this poem on a background here
When you’re feeling strong and wise
And all your life feels blessed
That’s the time to act with power
And really do your best

But when you’re feeling down and out
And to your limit pressed
That’s the time for inner strength
To rise and share your best

At times you feel despondent
A bit unsure and stressed
But you can still express your will
And always act your best

Your best may look quite different
On some days - than the rest
But still you have within your reach
To ever give your best
This is Prosperity Poem 84 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).

Each day you can do your best. Sure, on some days your best may be on a lower level than on other days. But you can still act your best.

On your good days, do your best.

On your bad days, do your best. On days when you wake up in so much pain that you don't know how you can make it through the day, do your best.
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Our Mother
With our care - we now cover

Rebuilding your soil
With intention and toil

We are sorry
To make you cry
And drain your rivers dry

Our Mother
We now strive
To help you to revive
That all can prosper
And survive

Thank you
For teaching us
That every drop of water
Every blade and leaf
Every creature
Makes a difference
This is Prosperity Poem 108 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)

I've been studying Geology lately so I've been learning a lot about Mother Earth and her intricate workings.
When choosing a new course
And you’re not sure where to start
Call upon a faithful guide
Your energy of heart

Your heart - it speaks the truth
And will make your fear depart
So always lean towards love
With the energy of heart

When life weighs upon you
And you’re feeling pulled apart
Healing can come quickly
Through your energy of heart

Your heart - it shows the path
And will help - to you - impart
Ask then - to be full of love
With the energy of heart
This is Prosperity Poem 90 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)

You can rely upon your "Energy of Heart" to guide you in helpful and creative paths! Read this poem and let the words impact your day and your life. The initial idea came from my friend Rikka as she talked about how we are made of love. Then I gained more inspiration from a favorite scripture.

Trust your energy of heart. Connect with your energy of heart.
All we need is enough
Enough clothes
Enough food
Enough recreation
Enough sunshine

In a world of too much
Too much sugar
Too much alcohol
Too much entertainment
Too much screen time
Too many belongings

Prosperity is Enough
This is Prosperity Poem 123 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).

The seed of this poem was from an interview with Michael Saylor, the CEO of Microstrategy.  He was saying that we just have too much of everything, and we only need enough.

There are of course those in the world who do not have enough.  If the rest of us are content with "enough", then there is more to share with them.
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)
Atlas shrugged, and the world fell
In violence and despair
Thank God for the rise of Bitcoin
Equitable, fast, and fair

With Galt’s Gulch we take our stand
Our sovereignty to prepare
As Bitcoin keeps on winning
Equitable, fast, and fair

With cancel culture all around
Censoring what you share
Bitcoin is permissionless
Equitable, fast, and fair

With dollars losing value fast
Act smart and stay aware
Hold Bitcoin - based on scarcity
Equitable, fast, and fair

A truth and freedom machine
To which nothing can compare
A portal into cyberspace
Equitable, fast, and fair

The Alpha asset taking ground
For everyone, everywhere
Bitcoin’s here to save or spend
Equitable, fast, and fair
You can see this poem on a background here -
Every thought I think
Flows wild and free
An independent entity

Like fruit from a tree
Or a king’s decree
Sent forth to all - a gift from me

Every thought I think
Carried with power
Flowing from me hour by hour

I start my thoughts
Yet they don’t end there
They travel quickly everywhere

So I’ll keep choosing
My best thoughts to share
And inviting all - to think with care
This is Prosperity Poem 78 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).

Our thoughts are real - and they do travel..! They have an independent existence. You can use this truth in so many ways.

Explore this poem and treat your thoughts with loving care! They matter to you and they matter to others. We have free will, yet our thoughts do influence others (for good or ill). Together, let's make this for GOOD.
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)
The sun shines forth in full array
Everywhere - and all around
Yet sometimes things get in the way
Making shadows on the ground

I cannot say the sun’s now gone
As grayish shadows herald night
In my mind I “see” the dawn
My faith is stronger than my sight

Prosperity flows endlessly
Everywhere - it can be found
With my “in-sight”, I can see
Though limits on my eyes abound

I cannot say my wealth is fled
At times when it seems far away
On firm and faithful paths I tread
And peace and riches flow my way
This is Prosperity Poem 140 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)
Hope in life for all of us
Comes full of expectation
Looking forward in our minds
With fervent aspiration

We expect some better things
To flow in our direction
And expectation sets intent
And shapes our world connection

Thus we see our daily hope
And happy expectation
Helps to bring our hopes to pass
And mold them to creation

So claim your daily power
And all the liberation
That follows optimistic hope
And mindful expectation
This is Prosperity Poem 145 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)
Faith is real substance
Of things not yet seen
Not seen by my eyes
But my mind, clear and keen

Faith requires action
And focus I must
Faith is creation
With God whom I trust

By faith worlds were framed
And this power I choose
To frame my own world
And the wealth I can use

Faith gives me vision
A more excellent way
To discern the right acts
What to do - what to say

I’ll practice this faith
And grow in this skill
For my “Eye of Faith”
All my dreams will fulfill
This is Prosperity Poem 58 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background here You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)
Humans are fallible in many ways
   One way human weakness is shown
      Is by inevitably debasing a money supply
         NO human has been able to resist the short
            Term gain for those in power, but only pain
               And suffering for the majority of the people
               Since we can’t make infallible human beings
            We must move the money supply out of the
         Control of humans completely.  We do this
      Through cryptography and mathematics
   Bitcoin is the rules based decentralized
Solution for this human fallibility issue
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When you’re down and out of sorts
With your shoulders knotted tight
Just loosen up - let feelings flow
And your burdens will feel light

When you’re “up” and feeling joy
When you feel your freedom rise
Accept and let the feelings flow
Flow with lows and flow with highs

Don’t call feelings “bad” or “good”
Flow with those that come your way
Question if your thoughts ring true
And change as needed day by day

Feelings flow most naturally
So keep emotions moving free
Feel them deep and then let go
Renew your hope, and fear will flee
This is Prosperity Poem 127 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)

Your life will be better when you LET them flow.  Emotions are supposed to be in motions, not blocked up and resisted.
Traditional financial systems often
   Charge high fees for many services
      Especially certain types of transactions
         Such as remittances, credit card payments
            Wire transfers, and late payment charges
               Remittances alone charge 6 percent of the
                  Amount sent globally from one to another
                  Let’s save billions of dollars for real people
               By moving to a system with much lower fees
            For transferring money anywhere on earth
         Bitcoin’s transaction fees are quite small
      Especially when using lightning protocol    
   Imagine the savings and the freedom
As billions start using Bitcoin soon
You can see this poem on a background here -
“Fiat” in Latin means “let it be done”
Yes, a “binding edict” for everyone
So “fiat money” means “by decree”
THE approved money for you and me

“Fiat lux” means “Let there be light”
God said the words, God has the right
But fiat money by leaders decreed
Abuses that role - if inflating by greed

Dollars are printing by trillions, it’s true
And all decreed money is inflating too
If “by decree” - debased money we use
Much of its value we can and do lose

Now you can use a “money” that’s new
Not “by decree”, so it’s freeing for you
Bitcoin is money that plays by the rules
Safe and predictable - no one it fools

The money printing, controlled by a few
Takes from the rest - not much we can do
You can use Bitcoin, by choice - not decree
Let’s make the choice - so we can be free
This is Bitcoin Poem 008 at and you can see it displayed on a background when you (copy and paste the link below).
Physical cash transactions are final
  But in the digital world non-reversible
      Transactions have not been possible
        Since financial institutions cannot avoid
            Mediating disputes which prevent finality
              The cost of mediation slows enterprise
                  And makes trade and finance complex
                  We need an electronic payment system
              Based on cryptographic proof, not trust
            Allowing any two parties to transact directly
        With irreversible transactions based on a
      Distributed timestamp server to generate
  Proof of the chronology of the transactions
And thus finality. The solution is Bitcoin
You can see this poem on a background here -

All sizes of money - the large and small
Make money useful for one and for all
It’s able to split - making varied amounts
Useful for sending and keeping accounts


Money that lasts leads to money trust
It’s money that won’t decay or rust
A durable money lasts for years
Growing our wealth & calming our fears


Portable money moves with ease
So you take it along, wherever you please
It also means you can easily send
Your money ‘cross space, to family or friend


To see and to know - because we agree
That money is true - we just look and see
It’s best we can verify it is what it claims
So we can trade freely, with no money games


This last trait of money - a finite supply
Makes money solid - no one can deny
Stable in quantity, or growing quite slow
These are the five traits of money we know

Throughout all of time, Bitcoin’s done best
Showing these traits, far more than the rest
These five attributes reveal Bitcoin’s strength
With worldwide adoption coming at length
This is Bitcoin Poem 002 at and you can see it displayed on a background when you (copy and paste the link below).
Inspired by Robert Breedlove from the What is Money YouTube Show
When small and simple steps I take
I reach my destination
When focused acts I daily make
I reach my wealthy station

Today I’ll live a perfect day
I’ll create and give and build
With small specific forward steps
My heart and soul are filled

When every single hour I move
Further on my chosen way
Success builds incrementally
Perfect day to perfect day
This is Prosperity Poem 27 at  and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background here
Freedom may sleep, but it will awaken
For those who love freedom
Can never stay shaken

Freedom may pine, in chains for a night
Yet will always break through
And stand firm in the right

Freedom may kneel, but only to pray
For strength in its purpose
And hope for today

Freedom may falter, and may need to slow
But with renewed vigor
Will get up and go

Freedom may fall, but it NEVER dies
It’s part of our soul
And will EVER arise

Bitcoin is freedom - to save or to spend
The freedom of money
We will ever defend
You can see this poem on a background here - Inspired by the end of Ayn Rand's book Anthem.
Why do you fancy global elite
Try to sweep us under your feet?
Does it make you feel complete
To make others’ lives less sweet?

Are you really so hungry for power
That free people make you sour?
And you labor hour by hour
To take property and devour?

Our lives, liberty and property
Don’t need your shaping or tyranny
Your rules for us, but not for thee
Enjoy your wealth - let us be free

Do you really believe your lies
To deceive and plan and devise?
Causing power to centralize
In your control, since you’re so wise?

Bitcoin opens freedom’s door
So we can choose and plan for more
Our life and liberty we restore
Your great reset we do abhor
This is Bitcoin Poem 029 at and you can see it displayed on a background when you (copy and paste the link below).
The core of basic freedoms
Is the freedom to transact
This underpins the other rights
In the Magna Carta pact

The crux is private property
To use, or hold, or trade
Our time, our land, our energy
Our work - our fortune made

King John was forced to sign it
Holding tyrants to account
So that we can all stand free
With our liberty paramount

Why, in all our nations dear
Have freedoms flown away?
Due process rashly flung aside
As prisoners, we must pay

Now Bitcoin rises to sustain
Our freedom to transact
A bastion of private property
No matter how oft attacked

So steady - up and onward
For our freedoms, stand exact
At the root of other freedoms
Lies the freedom to transact
You can see this poem on a background here -
Inspired by the Magna Carta - which King John was forced to sign on June 15, 2015.

This was a freedom document that contained basic rights, such as the freedom to transact, and the right to a fair trial.

Unfortunately, most countries have strayed from these basic rights, surveilling citizens and censoring or controlling free market transactions.

Bitcoin restores this right - because it's open to all, and difficult to censor or control.
Free from the whims - of politics
And the shifting tides of state
Bitcoin remains unchanging
Impervious to love or hate

Free from the whims - of power
In any of its ugly faces
Bitcoin performs its duties
At all times and in all places

Free from the whims - of greed
From those who reach and steal
Bitcoin continues like clockwork
Holding scarcity as the ideal

Free from the whims - of looters
Who mandate the “sharing” of gains
Bitcoin rewards the hard workers
Who break from the idler’s chains

Free from the whims - of anyone
Who might alter or change the code
Bitcoin stays governed by rules
Staying firmly on freedom’s road
You can see this poem on a background here -
The history of fiat
Is chock full of breaches
Of centralized power
That pushes and reaches

Debasing our money
The looters and leeches
Gaslighting people
With Keynesian speeches

Where is our money
In fractional banks?
They lend out in bubbles
And give us no thanks

Restricting our freedoms
With raw overreaches
Yes, the history of fiat
Is brimming with breaches

But now we have freedom
From theft and abuse
A better money in Bitcoin
And the power to choose
You can see this poem on a background here -
Inspired by this quote from Satoshi
The central bank must be trusted not to debase the currency, but the history of fiat currencies is full of breaches of that trust. Banks must be trusted to hold our money and transfer it electronically, but they lend it out in waves of credit bubbles with barely a fraction in reserve.

Satoshi Nakamoto
Get a vision that you can clearly see
In your mind’s eye, your desire is in view
Imagine away, while feelings run free
Vision will guide you in actions to do

What will you get with a vision so clear?
Energy, passion, and power to act
Vision revives you, and overcomes fear
All the odds in your favor are stacked

What will you get when your vision is true?
A drive and an urge that pulls you along
Commitment, confidence and zeal anew
Hope in your heart, and faith that is strong

Get your clear vision - a dream that excites
Then motivate all as your fire ignites
This is Prosperity Poem 38 at  and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background here
When you’re weary of inflation
And you want to cry and pout
Take a stand, and take a step
Get Bitcoin, and opt out

Are you tired of censorship,
Where your freedom is in doubt?
Make a concrete choice today
Get Bitcoin, and opt out

Do you want more hope in life?
More confidence, strong & stout?
Then choose accountability
Get Bitcoin, and opt out

When you’re sick of seigniorage
This theft that comes with “clout”
You can claim your power now
Get Bitcoin, and opt out

Bitcoin provides a better way
So stand up with joy and shout
That it remains permissionless
Get Bitcoin, and opt out
You can see this poem on a background here -
See a rich goblet of gold
Empty and ready to receive
Ancient in style, yet shining bright

This antique treasure of old
Belongs to you. Trust and believe
And claim your prize in calm delight

In your mind
Become the goblet
You are precious indeed
Your lasting worth decreed

Feeling your worth
Made from riches of earth
Fully fulfilled every day

Spark of divine
Your wealth is a sign
Of life surely flowing your way
This is Prosperity Poem 62 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)
Rather than just Good, or Great
I reach high and feel Excited
And when I feel Together-ness
I call that feeling United

The words I use - mold my thought
And help create my body state
So I’ve learned to know the names
Of feelings I want to activate

Pleasant, Pleased, or Powerful
Affluent or Approving
I feel Certain, Clean, or Cherished
My feelings keep on moving

Elated or Expressive
I can feel these every hour
Sometimes I feel Invincible
And bursting with inner power

At times I may feel just Fine
And my body state will match
How much better to feel Divine?
A feeling others want to catch

Name your feelings - let them flow
Feel Blissful, Brilliant and Bold
Feel Merciful and Mindful
Good feelings - they never get old
This is Prosperity Poem 83 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).

Your life will brighten up as you are able to identify and name good feelings. This poem is about feeling Certain or Cherished, Elated or Expressive, Blissful or Brilliant.

You can do better than "fine, good, bad" for your feelings. The emotional words you use literally shape your thought and your experience of life. Feel Mindful, Merciful, and Magnificent!

You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)
Earth and sea
Time and space
Truth for truth
Grace for grace

Worlds were formed
Light embrace
Filled with beauty
Saved by grace

Open heart
Doubt replace
With the love
Giv’n by grace

One day soon
Face to face
We will know
Whence our grace
This is Prosperity Poem 134 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
This poem was written for a particular image.

This background was one of the options for the poem "Like Wind" but another background was chosen.

However, I liked the picture so well that I created a poem tailored just for that image.

Grace has multiple meanings, and I play with that idea in the poem.
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)
While you strive toward lofty goals
And work on them each day
Don’t ignore another’s need
But help along the way

While you journey on your path
Don’t be afraid to stray
Or tarry when a friend could use
Some help along the way

As you focus on your dreams
And try to shun delay
Stay open - with a loving heart
To needs along the way

Achievement and ambition
Are noble - yet I say
It may yet help another more
To serve along the way

So in our life of “end results”
Let’s not forget to pray
That we might see with open eyes
And help along the way
This is Prosperity Poem 124 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)

A few days ago, Kim I were driving back from a trip to Colorado, and I asked her for poem ideas.  She said something about taking joy in the journey.  
She said the journey is part of life, and sometimes we hurry so much to get to our destination, that we miss the opportunities along the way.  We love our little hiking trips, and we always try to find new places to explore on the way to our destination.

In your life, look for the people who need your help along the way to where you are going (literally and figuratively).
Bitcoin is open, for all, and free
A better money, for you and me
Satoshi’s gift, growing each year
You can help this new frontier

Donate!  Help the Bitcoin teams
Help the world with hopes and dreams
Send some dollars or sats their way
Big or small - it will make their day

Many are working day and night
Share a few sats to help the fight
All together - we can win the war
And open wide the freedom door

Some great Bitcoin teams below
You can see this poem on a background here -
Holographic time
Awareness of the whole
The wrapping of
Into a single goal

Clear for me to see
Look, so I’ll feel free

Experience as ONE -
Not points along a line
Joyful and
The choice is ever mine

Accepting of the now
Relaxing in the flow
Allows the truth to show
This is Prosperity Poem 101 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)

I read a book in college called Time and Free Will, by Henri Bergson.  This book expanded my mind and life in a huge way!  The idea of "Linear time" is simply that - an idea.  It's not the way life is.

However, if you think of time as linear, it actually fragments your experience.  I wrote an entire book on Holographic Time, and it's quite the concept to put into a few poetic lines.  You can read above to see how I did.  By the way, the book is called "Realms of Joy - Time of Light", and you can get it along with my book on Holographic Creation (I Create Reality)
When people can’t save value
     In their money system, because
          Of debasement of the currency,
               Then they learn to save in assets.
                    Houses remain the top choice to
                         Save and preserve monetary value
                              Which leads to higher priced homes
                              If we have a hard money that holds
                         Value then people can simply save
                    In money and home prices will drop
               To the normal utility value of a home
          This will make homes more affordable
     For more people across the world
Bitcoin is the hard money solution
You can see this poem on a background here -
Do you know how Bitcoin solves this problem?  Do you know why houses are priced so high?
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