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Mar 2024 · 951
Genocide in 4K
Daivik Mar 2024
Theres a genocide going on in 4K
And the world's acting like its okay
And I wonder who's more pathetic
The antagonist or the apatethic

That we shouldnt **** children is not really that complex
Unless you are from the military industrial complex
And you do not need to know the history of a millennium
To know its wrong to displace millions
And carpet bomb civilians

And humanity is not political
Unless you are a politician
And peace is not controversial
Unless you are hell bound on controverting
Well,you are hell bound anyway

The placards and slogans are up again
Its better than nothing,even if it doesnt bring any change
You wanna feel like you've done something
Even if its meaningless in greater scheme of things

In a world where everything little thing is trauma
The genocide becomes a newsroom drama
As they make you believe they are others
And convince you its fine to **** your brothers
And you get convinced in a day

However much we can scream
Continues the killing spree
From the river to the sea
Only hatred seems to be free

So theres a genocide going on in 4K
And it will never be okay
However much they try to erase the voices
And cover it up in chemical warplane noises

And if you wondering which side you should be on
If its the one killing children,its probably wrong
Nov 2023 · 631
Her song
Daivik Nov 2023
Hold my hand
I hope you can understand
How much I love you now
I will show,if you allow

Kiss my lips
Let me caress your curves
With my fingertips⁷
Let me love every inch of you
For i love you
With every cell of mine

I never believed in past lives
But I must pursued the noblest venture
For to share your love in this life
Is something beyond comprehension

I am yours
You are mine
To see your face
Is divine

Hold me close
Protect me from my inner woes
Be my light
Guide me through this despodent night

These simple words cannot express
My feelings towards your loveliness
How could one be so madly in love
Jealous are the gods above

I wish to shout from every rooftop
That I will love you till my heart stops
I wish to write in every crevice
Of this forlorn,forsaken world
That there exists such true love

Just to be with you
Is a privledge
That you love me
I dont deserve it

I still cannot believe
Someone like you lives
Who loves me from the heart
A part of me is now yours
We shall never part

I love you
I love you
I miss you everytime
Lover,do not worry
For love is life
It moves up and down
But our love never subsides
Our love never subsides
Aug 2022 · 216
mind,body and soul
Daivik Aug 2022
My body limits my soul
As my soul limits my body

My soul limits my mind
As my mind limits my soul

My mind limits my body
As my body limits my limits

And in these limits,I am unlimited
Aug 2022 · 1.1k
Genesis 1:27
Daivik Aug 2022
"So Man created god in his own image,in the image Man,he created him,Pagan and Non-Pagan he created them"
Aug 2022 · 2.5k
Cheese-extra loaded
Daivik Aug 2022
ओ जानेमन! यू ना नाराज़ हो
तुमसे क्या राज़ छुपायु
तुम ही तोह मेरी राज़ हो

Be aggrieved not ,O lover!
How could I keep any secrets from you
When you are the secret I keep from others .
Pls don't judge me on this
Jul 2022 · 177
who r u?
Daivik Jul 2022
Who are you?
Who are you?
Jul 2022 · 2.6k
the dilemma of subjectivity
Daivik Jul 2022
When nothing is everything
Everything is nothing

When everything is true
Nothing is true

When everything is false
Nothing is false

When everything is false
Everything is true

When everything is true
Everything is false

When everything is nothing
Nothing is everything

Constant war is constant

Knowing nothing is as good as knowing everything

Complete freedom is complete dictatorship

The extremes are not furthest
apart but coinciding


And past,it doesn't exist
Neither does tomorrow
Just this infinitesimal moment
Where everything is false,
Nothing is false
Everything is true
Nothing is true
You are me
I am you
Jul 2022 · 1.5k
Daivik Jul 2022
Such a strange age
Want to be free
Afraid to leave the cage

Too young to be old
Too old to be young
Too little to spend
Too much to learn

Afraid of the future
Long to be in it
Flightless birds
in a sky with no limit

Nothing to do
So we cry
Nothing to live for
So we die

Addicted to depression
This covid generation
Craving some attention
Looking for clarity
In this lonely,loveless Eden
Zoo animals thrown into wild
Without any preparation

Hate our parents
Hate the world
Hate ourselves
Issues of dearth

Want to do so much
So we do nothing instead
Feeling so tired
Of being so useless

Yes,we have dreams
Atleast I remember that we do
What are they exactly but
We haven't got a clue

Something in between
First-time adult,last-time child
Most of the times we do nothing
But somedays we wanna be wild

Staring emptily into the void of insta
For that rush of dopamine
Too afraid to be bored
Young,dumb and serene

Simultaneously thinking
We are better and worse than our true selves
In search for salvation
On video game shelves

I'm so confused
This way or the other
Too dumb to know the answer
Too proud to ask my mother

All the friends
have suddenly become so strange
Acting so different
Singing odes to hell

Everyone else,
so figured out
Me and my friends
surrendered to doubt

Life-changing decisions
And dank memes
Not know what we are feeling
Not knowing what we want
Not knowing who are

Since we have so much time
We love to waste it all
Give me a friend to talk to
There's too much going on

Waiting for the revolution
Watching tiktok on the computer
Reading novels on socialism
What is your political compass?

Hearing the same song again and again
Left wing or right wing,which path do we take
Contemplating the economy,measuring the pain
Doing silly trends,to be up with our friends

Gold fish attention span
Choose a poison,choose a clan
We have so many plans but don't ask our plans
Be obnoxiously silent or be obnoxiously loud
Time to get real,time to fool around

Learning about the world
It seems awesome and f-ed up
The adults have ruined it
Now we have to clean up

Confusion is an ally
We are *****,young teens
Oh no,******
Feelings of love begin

Hey god if you are real
Can you email me the address
Because I am unable to find the pincode
of true happiness?

Take us to the yesterday
Take us to the future
What to do,what to do
Killed by confusion
Dont judge,you were once like this too

I don't know what I want to mean
But I get a pass
I'm confused,I'm eighteen

You cannot understand us
Because neither can we
Que sera sera
Whatever will be,will be

(Note-the poem may feel repetitive because so is life)
Jul 2022 · 1.7k
Daivik Jul 2022
What happened to her was disgusting
But she should have better not been out in the night alone
So what it was her job, she's not a man,a girl isn't safe on these roads

And what happened to her was indeed dastardly
But why did she have to go to that area
Being in that situation was partly her fault

The boys were indeed monsters
But did see what that teen wore
Her miniskirt might have turned them on
(Oh she was in a saree,never mind,moving along)

Of course it's all the boy's fault
But does good girl drink alcohol
What was she doing partying at 11'o clock
Maybe she was friendly and her no sounded like a yes,
You know,boys will be boys afterall

What they did,they should rot in hell
But why the hell did she take a strangers' help
I guess thats what being too friendly entails

And she has my full support
But, but,she was not a very 'nice' girl ,if you know what I mean
The jobs she did,the places she went
I heard she had many boyfriends
And don't take it in the wrong way
But she sort of caused it upon her

And that's why kids
Keep company of only 'good' people
And follow our orders
If you wish not such dishonour
Always be prim and proper

I can't imagine the pain she must be in
Now who will marry a bride with lost honour
All the reputation of the family is lost,better keep this a secret,don't tell the police

It's none of her fault of course
But western values did spoil the gal

And the boys did a grievous wrong
But she could have tried not being so free
It's not a West European city

Well you know what I mean
She could have, well, tried not existing
A poem on victim shaming
Jul 2022 · 1.0k
Daivik Jul 2022
Won't you hold me tight
And say life will be bright
And it will be alright

I'm not ready yet
To leave your nest
The world's a cruel place
I feel scared
Scared to leave your embrace

I need advice,
Hold my fingers,help me walk
On this unnerving path unknown
I cannot do this alone

I don't want to grow up
Do things I have never done
How to strike conversation
It's happening to fast,it's all too much
I'm yet too young

Take me back to 2015
When I was young and carefree
When exams were my only worries
Now trials arrive in flurries

Please come back
I want sleep once more in your lap
Hear stories of the fairyland
Kiss once more your wrinkled hand

Let's be together once more
There are things you can't do over the phone
Come on,let's hangout as friends
I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them.

Why can't I remain a child forever
Have fun with my school mates
Waste hours watching cartoons
Not worried by world affairs
Take me back to the golden days

Now I have to choose a college
After sometime,get a job
Survive on my own
Talk to people i haven't met before
What if I fail
What if I crash
What if my dreams are thrown into thrash

I'm still a child
I do not know what is my worth
Don't leave me,ma
I'm still a child
I'm not ready for the real world

Everything's changing
And so fast
But family will
Forever last
I know I am lucky that I can say that

Guide me through
Guide me through
Guide me through
This age of angst
Daivik Jun 2022
जैसी तैसी ज़िन्दगी
यू हीं हैं कट रही
टेढ़ी-मेढ़ी राहो से
जैसे तैसे गुज़र रही

जहा सुख का फ्रूट मिले
जूस बनाके पी जाओ
किसे पता क्या होगा कल
इसी पल में जीवन जी जाओ

हार और जीत के संघर्ष में
सुख और दुख के जंगल से
इनके संगम से उत्पन्न जो नदी
उसी का नाम जिंदगी
Jun 2022 · 360
Daivik Jun 2022
Is it just me or does this website always crash?
Jun 2022 · 725
Blooddy mary
Daivik Jun 2022
You are entitled to your opinions
And we are entitled to not giving a f..k
I ordered chicken at a restaurant yesterday,instead they gave me duck

I really want to leave this town
On my face i wear a tired frown
Let me tell you the story of the boy who wore gowns
He died

Love is at every corner
Especially if you have money
I love bees,but I hate their honey
The day is rather cloudy ,i hope the night will be sunny
I'm so funny

My imaginary girlfriend
She died in a car crash
Which reminds
I just have no cash
I'm so not funny
But I do want your money

Thank you for wasting your time
I don't care,I'm a hare
I really don't care
I care
May 2022 · 3.1k
sleepy day
Daivik May 2022
Today is a very sleepy day
And I am going to sleep it away
So please do not come in my way
For today is a very sleepy day
May 2022 · 1.5k
Daivik May 2022
I believe in love
You, in the god above
I wonder who is more delusional
Daivik May 2022
We are fire
We are lightning
We are thunder
We will roar

We are fighters
We are fighting
And we will keep on fighting
Till we reach our goals

We are the future
We are a revolution
We are the world
We will soar

We want more
May 2022 · 1.1k
positive affirmations
Daivik May 2022
hey there
yeah,it's you i am talking to
listen to me,
i went to the future
you turned out fine
yes,yes,you did
it is going to get better
everything will turn out alright

dont care so much
about all these little things
they will come and go
trust me,they don't matter that much
just a small part of life
not worth hurting hurting

now,now,don't be so upset
it will all be fine
this too shall pass
as everything does
future holds everything for you

so now
dont be so sad
or be, but not for too long
dont compromise with your happiness
its much more important than so many other things

your life has just begun
you have so much see
so much to experience
and if you put your all in it
you can achieve all you want
trust me,you can
you have it in you

so friend,i'm going now,
but remember
there will always be someone to love you,someone to live for
so many joys and pleasures still await you
most importantly,
strive to be happy
strive to be good

you can do it
Apr 2022 · 1.2k
Daivik Apr 2022
So today on news
We have

Inflation something something
Some politician said something political
This celebrities dog is a scorpio
"Will the Ukraine war affect Ukraine ?"
Let's just shout now
Inflation something something

Th­at's all for today
Tune in tomorrow for the same old sh*t
Replace hindu-muslim with left vs right if you are american.
Daivik Apr 2022
हमेशा हार थोरे ही सकते हो
कभी तोह जीतोगे ही।
Apr 2022 · 1.3k
Daivik Apr 2022
कुछ करने का मन नही करता,
मरने का भी नही
Apr 2022 · 1.0k
Daivik Apr 2022
मै नावक हु इस कश्ती का
जीवन जिसका नाम हैं
मै पालक हु इस धरती का
यही मेरा प्रधान हैं
गायक हु उस गीत का
जो तम में लाता प्रकाश हैं ।

में न रुकूँगा
न झुकूंगा
न ठहरूंगा
में लहरूँगा
चलते रहूंगा जब तक
सामने कोई राह हैं।
सामने कोई राह हैं।
Apr 2022 · 876
Daivik Apr 2022
It's easy to say life has no meaning when you haven't even tried finding it.
Apr 2022 · 1.1k
Daivik Apr 2022
Just floating in this world like a rudderless ship

An aimless traveller on a nowhere trip
Daivik Mar 2022
Little rays of sunshine fall upon your face

In a lovely glowing embrace

And sadness leaves the countenance without a trace
Mar 2022 · 1.3k
beautiful life
Daivik Mar 2022
Is that beautiful life

Just a beautiful lie
Mar 2022 · 1.3k
Love love,hate hate
Daivik Mar 2022
कोई नहीं पराया, मेरा घर संसार है।

मैं ना बँधा हूँ देश-काल की जंग लगी जंजीर में,
मैं ना खड़ा हूँ जाति-पाति की ऊँची-नीची भीड़ में,
मेरा धर्म ना कुछ स्याही शब्दों का सिर्फ गुलाम है,
मैं बस कहता हूँ कि प्यार है तो घट-घट में राम है,
मुझ से तुम ना कहो कि मंदिर-मस्जिद पर मैं सर टेक दूँ,
मेरा तो आराध्य आदमी, देवालय हर द्वार है।
कोई नहीं पराया, मेरा घर सारा संसार है।

कहीं रहे कैसे भी मुझको प्यारा यह इन्सान है,
मुझको अपनी मानवता पर बहुत-बहुत अभिमान है,
अरे नहीं देवत्व, मुझे तो भाता है मनुजत्व ही,
और छोड़कर प्यार नहीं स्वीकार सकल अमरत्व भी,
मुझे सुनाओ तुम न स्वर्ग-सुख की सुकुमार कहानियाँ,
मेरी धरती सौ-सौ स्वर्गों से ज्यादा सुकुमार है।
कोई नहीं पराया, मेरा घर सारा संसार है ।।
मुझे मिली है प्यास विषमता का विष पीने के लिए,
मैं जन्मा हूँ नहीं स्वयं-हित, जग-हित जीने के लिए,
मुझे दी गई आग कि इस तम में मैं आग लगा सकूँ,
गीत मिले इसलिए कि घायल जग की पीड़ा गा सकूँ,
मेरे दर्दीले गीतों को मत पहनाओ हथकड़ी,
मेरा दर्द नहीं मेरा है, सबका हाहाकार है।
कोई नहीं पराया, मेरा घर सारा संसार है ।।

मैं सिखलाता हूँ कि जिओ औ' जीने दो संसार को,
जितना ज्यादा बाँट सको तुम बाँटो अपने प्यार को,
हँसों इस तरह, हँसे तुम्हारे साथ दलित यह धूल भी,
चलो इस तरह कुचल न जाये पग से कोई शूल भी,
सुख, न तुम्हारा सुख केवल जग का भी उसमें भाग है,
फूल डाल का पीछे, पहले उपवन का श्रृंगार है।
कोई नहीं पराया मेरा घर सारा संसार है।

- गोपालदास 'नीरज'
Mar 2022 · 861
Daivik Mar 2022
Live for the sake of it
Love for the heck of it
Because that is what we were made to do
Because that is what we've got to do
Feb 2022 · 407
Daivik Feb 2022
Rich men wage wars
Why don't they fight them
Soldiers dying for what?

Rich men sending away poor men
To die for some more money
Some more power
Some more land
Just some more
And more
And more

No side is the saint
All of them, narcissistic egomaniacs,f**k them
The cost is paid by those who don't know what it is even for
By the innocent
What did they do?

And God never punishes the evil,only the innocent
For absolute futility,families lose their children,people lose their nation
For what?
And you can give me many reasons to justify
But how do you justify death
Can you give them back what you have taken

And you can give many speeches
But can you tell me why is the old mother crying
Why is that road red
Why is the little boy orphaned
What did they do?
What is there fault?
Why bring us into your sick games?

And afterwards you celebrate
But has any war ever been truly won?
Both sides lose something
Your soldiers are not my enemy
Just humans,thinking he is doing the right thing

War is the cost of peace,peace is the cost of war,a cycle of death,destruction and madness
Madness,absolute madness
Tyrants thinking they own us,and they do

One man's ego ruining millions of lives
How can someone be so evil
It is their war,of the rich,why are we fighting

No you can't
However much you try you can justify mindless killing
Not a single one of them
Not a million

We are not guns or tanks that can be bought and made
We humans who live and laugh,have beating hard
We aren't collateral damage
And if we don't die we starve

You may ask who are we?
Many more than you estimate
Who are you?
This blood,this death,this destruction
And you paint the dead as heroes and martyrs because you can't give them their lives back

All the money in the world going to **** people who have nothing to do with it
Peace is not profitable
Peace is not in your interest

Gory glory
Red rivers
You say its for good
But don't you shiver
When you see the tears
In the widows eye
The orphan children playing with wasted guns
How do you sleep at night?

Who is right who is wrong
The left or right,I don't know
You say,"us or them"
There is no them
It's only us,this whole world ,this is us,you are the 'them'
Just tell me one thing before you call me coward
It's blood on whose hand?

People dying
People crying
People writing songs on wars
On the sieges and victories
And the pointlessness of it all

Love will win
Peace will win

Love will win
Peace will win

Love will win
Peace will win

Love will win
Peace will .................
I support no side but peace
Jan 2022 · 977
Daivik Jan 2022
"It is very important not to mistake hemlock for parsley, but to believe or not believe in God is not important at all."
-Denis Dedirot(idk who,some random old guy)
Jan 2022 · 941
Unfinished poem
Daivik Jan 2022
You told us to hate them
To the very bone
Cuz they were bad men
For reasons unknown

You said that it was for the good
But I knew something was off
But what can a common man do
Than just to play along
Dec 2021 · 1.2k
Daivik Dec 2021
I write poems
Write the poems of life
Write the poems of death
I write to escape
And to stay
I write the poems of love
But not the poems of hate

I write poems of beauty ,
Poems of strife
Poems of truth
And of our lies

I write the dismay
Display the hope
Write the evils men do
And the good.
Happy 2022
Daivik Oct 2021
कल आएगा,कल जाएगा

पर बात तो ये हैं

कि हमसे ना हो पायेगा।
Oct 2021 · 1.3k
Daivik Oct 2021
सावन की पहली बारिश
हरा खेत लहलहाता हैं।
सावन की पहली बारिश
इस माटी को महकाता हैं।

बूंद-बूंद मछलती
खग नए सुरो में गाते हैं
पानी की बौछार में
जीव जंतु नहाते हैं।

फूल-फूल में आनंदोदय
टिमटिमाती क्यारी
गा रहा हैं सबका हृदय
मिटि थकावट सारी।

पर जैसी ही सब घर पहुचें
सर्दी लगी बिंदास
दो घंटे बाद पाए गए
बिस्तर में करते हुए आराम।

गरम पकोड़े तलकर खालू
सोच रहा हर मानव प्राणी
पर अपनी तोंद की गहराई देख
छा रही हर प्रत्येक चहरे पे उदासी।

रास्ते नदी के धार बनते
फुटपाथ गंगा के घाट बनते
परेशानी के पानी का स्तर बढ़ता
कभी गम ,कभी खुशाली।

जीवन के इस मौसम को मेरा प्रणाम हैं
जल के इस वरदान को,कोटि-कोटि आभार हैं।
Sep 2021 · 405
Daivik Sep 2021
I was a dream that became reality
Now it is my dream to make other's dreams a reality
Sep 2021 · 175
two roads
Daivik Sep 2021
Two roads diverged into the woods
Which one did you take?
Sep 2021 · 220
2 roads
Daivik Sep 2021
Two roads diverge into the woods
Which one do you take?
Aug 2021 · 1.1k
Daivik Aug 2021
It's painful
A person becoming a statistic
Aug 2021 · 4.6k
Happy Independence Day
Daivik Aug 2021
On that August day
From heaven the martyrs cried
Their dream
Their struggle
For which they died
Was finally realized

The dawn was breaking
It was history in making
The charkha of time had turned
After so many years
A nation was waking
Aug 2021 · 1.8k
Freedom isn't free
Daivik Aug 2021
Two brothers fought
None won
Both lost
Freedom exacted a dear cost
Happy independence day
Aug 2021 · 1.2k
Freedom isn't free-1
Daivik Aug 2021
They had nothing to give
To their motherland
Except their mortal lives
So they gave it cheerfully
Without a second thought
To see her wrinkled smile
Jul 2021 · 837
The Great Equalizer
Daivik Jul 2021
The blue sky
Red blood
And death

Are all that connect us
Jul 2021 · 599
monsoon sonata
Daivik Jul 2021
As ocean falls from the sky
On my glass and concrete umbrella
I am engulfed in the petrichor
And lose myself to the winds
Jun 2021 · 3.3k
Monsoon sonata
Daivik Jun 2021
As ocean falls from the sky
On my glass and concrete umbrella
I am engulfed in the petrichor
And lose myself to the winds
Petrichor means pleasant smell of first rain
Jun 2021 · 826
Whatever you want
Daivik Jun 2021
See what you want to see
Hear what you want to hear
It's your life,your fantasy

Say what you want to say
Belive what you want to believe
Doesn't change the reality

Do what you want to do
But whatever happens to you
Will be your responsibility
May 2021 · 1.9k
Daivik May 2021
यह नदियां यूँ ही बहती रहेंगी
लाशो को गवाह बनाकर
उस दर्द का जो "वे" इनकार करते रहे
May 2021 · 857
OCD-A Story
Daivik May 2021
This OCD
It's killing me
I'm a bit dead already
(But I won't die)

A normal day
I saw a spot on the glass
I cleaned it once to sanitize
Don't know what touch came to my mind
I voice in my head I can't comprehend
I wasn't sure of myself
So I cleaned it a second time
3rd time out of doubt
4th time to maintain my sanity
15th time it was insanity
And I still thought that the glass wasn't cleaned
In that moment I became diseased

I heard these voices constantly
Dictating me,giving decrees
Things I didn't think about
Now so hard to live without
Thinking of them

Intrusive thoughts
Such apparitions
It haunts me still
And they wouldn't leave
(I begged and begged and begged)
Such thoughts
I could die
(But I wouldn't )
I felt like the worst man alive
Was I bad
Or was I mad
It made me insufferably sad

A spot a speck
A fallen drop
Rendered me paralyzed
And I carried out rituals
Just to have some respite
I cried inside
Most difficult to fight
To win with your own mind

Internal demons
Killing me
Using me as their device
Too frightened what would others think
An academic boy
Being possessed
I didn't utter a single word
Until I was caught
It was too much
I was obsessed,compelled and disordered

I don't know why I did things
I just felt disgusted
By the spot the speck
Real and imagined
I doubted everything
Even things I did seconds ago
And made crazy theories
Of how that speck would **** me slow
Rationality thrown out of window
Lady Macbeth why won't you go

I confided
Couldn't bear
My parents were there
They couldn't understand
Why I was acting
Over silly things
But it was real to me
It mattered too much

I searched the web
To find the cure
But thing I read
Made me more
And more scared
Was I forever impaired

I went to the psychiatrist
He fed me with some medicines
I would be lying if I say they didn't help me
But my real fight was with the demons inside me
The thoughts
Be gone
I beg to you be gone
I to again become the master of my life

Make your mind stronger still
So what if speck landed on you
It won't be the end of the world
Boy gather will
Said mrs psychologist

I tried it was hard
To be exposed yet prevent reaction
Be obsessed and prevent the compulsion
I had panic attacks
And emotional outburst
Yet I feel
Slowly but surely I am getting better

Thank God my family was so considerate
I feel for those less fortunate

Mental health is all too real
And first step to cure it all
Is to talk(please please for God's sake talk)
May 2021 · 1.1k
Locked down
Daivik May 2021
थक गया हूँ
कुछ ना कर करके
May 2021 · 1.3k
It's fine,it's alright
Daivik May 2021
Another ambulance siren sounds
Another death waits around
Everyday, increasing counts
But its nothing to worry about
We have it under control
Government says
It's fine it's alright
It's just a few people dying

Gruesome rapes the headlines say
But who believes them anyways
It's worse in the neighbouring state
It's their migrants doing it anyways
(We have no proof
But believe it, it's true)
There's nothing we can do except
Wait till the anger wanes
It's fine it's alright
You'll forget it in no time

Poor die of hunger,"why?,
Are you making this statue?.""To unify
For national pride, comes reply
Reason enough to justify"
Payments of millions less cash more kind
Its fine it's alright

Irreversible damage done
To nature and environment
"Well, it's irreversible, so nothing can be done
Just sign a meaningless treaty, a pact
Just for fun"
Climate change its all a hoax
All this science is satanic folks
Just believe us when we say you won't die
The living conditions will only drastically decline
It's fine it's alright

Turn off the TV station
They sell.fake news to this nation
Lapdogs of the opposition
Just believe what The Republic says
And other government outlets
It's truth, all ahem no lies
It's fine it's alright

Wars, genocides
Crisis of humanitarian right
It isn't our fault this time(it is)
Or anytime
There are things that can't be understood
Just agree, it's for your own good
Anyways, you'll.never know
It's fine it's alright

Nothing to eat
Nothing to wear
Nothing to do
But swear
"It's fine it's alright"

Don't get too fiesty  child
(No revolution coming anytime soon)
Rebel want
(We will crush you with our iron fists)
It's your freedom
It's your right
It's a democracy, your government
It's fine it's alright

Another ambulance siren sounds
Nothing to worry about
Oh it's for you, there's no bed
(As if we care)
Just die
Don't defy(us)
Don't cry
No whys
It's fine it's alright




Really, it's fine, it's alright

    -Issued by the loving government of the world
Inspired by bob Dylan's do nt think twice it's alright and I'm only bleeding mamma
May 2021 · 6.4k
Daivik May 2021
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