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1.5k · Jul 2019
My heart is mine
Kayla Chappell Jul 2019
I'll leave my hat
My shoes
And My scarf
That you adored

I'll leave my house
My rings
And my jewelry.
That I always wore.

I'll leave my paintings
That you said were dumb.
I'll leave all my little charms
That I said were good luck.

You can have it all

But I'm taking my heart,
Out the door

Cause that
Is mine
And mine
To take

You can't have my love
Not anymore

So Farewell
Farwell to you

And to me
The one you once knew.
1.4k · May 2023
For you.
Kayla Chappell May 2023
As you close the curtains
I close my eyes too
But i still feel
What ive always felt for you.

And when the sun awakens,
So will you.
Maybe youll apologize,
Sometimes you do.

Whats been accomplished here
Im not sure.
Im constantly on a swing
Back and forth from
Can i love myself
And love you.

Im not sure what my goal is here
Maybe i was placed as a lesson
For you.

Im tired of being the lesson
I want to be the prize.
I want to feel desired.

Your eyes locked in mine

I am the fixer
I dont want perfect
I will always water you
Even if its not worth it.
If i dont get anything back
At least i am with purpose.

But your soil has dried out
I pour myself over
Nurturing you
Every last drop
I squeeze out to water you.

Your roots are too damaged
My flow still everlasting,
I seem to think.

But each drip you take
Is thrown away.
I take the water
That I desperately need
And give it to you.

Clinging to each moan
Each time we electrute

Infinite energy.
My *** is empty
Yet i know I have more,
So i keep going.
Your eyes and mine
But then the stars say, its time.
You cant turn from truth
When its looking your right in the face.
Begging you, to not run away.

You need to take a look deep inside.
I am the prize.
But we've lost track of time
Fun times turned to addictions
Actions turned vindictive
I know that white powder is so pretty
But its not a human being.

I miss being
The one you want to touch
Even if its lust.

Yearning for the day,
That i look in the mirror and can accept my face.
In my eyes,
All i see is damage.
Most days i see in grey.

I want to explore.
******* tired of being ignored.
So please step up,
Do you have what it takes?

If not, sit down
And let the next man take your place.
I have too much love to give
Jokes to have
Laughter to live
To sit here
And accept this fate.

Im taking control of my day.
Ill be the one to put a smile on my face.

If you know you know.
1.4k · Apr 2021
The trees
Kayla Chappell Apr 2021
The trees,

They whisper to me.

Of the things they want me to believe.

The trees, say

You are strong.

You are tall.

You will rise,

Like me.

The wind,

Whisper’s to me,

Be like me.

Be wild, be free.

Forgive. Let in.

The waves,

Speak to me.

With their resilience,

Their everlasting crash.

Forward and back, Forward and back.

The waves tell me,

Keep going.

The world will still go on without you,
The waves will still crash
The wind will still soar
The trees will still stand tall.
Seasons will change,

So keep going.
Stay strong. Be resilient. Let go, Let in.

1.2k · Apr 2021
My old friend, depression
Kayla Chappell Apr 2021

My old friend

Oh my, oh my

Where have you been

You creep back into me

Ever so sneakily.

How i wish, we can make amends

After all this time spent

My old friend,

You cut me open

Then stitch me closed.

My tears flow and flow

Scars open

Bleeding out into the unknown.


Just like that

You shut me off.


Now I am numb

To the bone.

My old friend,

It is either all or nothing with you.

Well I am sick

Of having to come up with reasons

Of why I am not feeling well.

I’m through with you.

Out, Out,

Gone be.

You are not me.

I will not be defined by the lies you shout and whisper to me.

My old friend, you will not take me with you

I have worked too hard,

Towards light,

To stay on my own path.

My mind has blossomed and my heart has been watered

You will not **** me dry.

Leave me, Leave me

Let me be.

1.0k · Jul 2019
He's my manager.
Kayla Chappell Jul 2019
The way he walks
His smile
And his complete look.

Drives me absolutely nuts.

The way you turn red,
The way you blush.

I have to know, do you ever think of me too?
I think I've caught you staring across the room.
But it's hard to tell, with all these rules and layers built up.

Please give me a sign, if you see a spark in me, if there could ever be an us.

As of right now, to you;
I'm just another employee.

And To all reading this,
Wish me luck.

I have my heart wrapped around something forbidden
My eyes set on a cloud I can see but not touch.

I can't help it, mister.
you are the one I adore.

The one I yearn to touch.
I do hope, this won't become too much.
Yep, I'm falling for my manager. And the worst thing  about it is I can't even tell anyone. Stupid, stupid heart. You always want what you can't have.
I hope these rules are the only thing that keep us apart. Besides the 13 year age difference.
1.0k · Sep 2019
Kayla Chappell Sep 2019
I have food in my belly
A roof over my head
And thoughts that keep me spinning

I have a grandma who loves me
A cousin who looks up to me
A cat and a dog
That have so much warmth to give.

But All I can think
Is how there's a chance
That you don't love me

Every 7am
I check my phone
Hoping there's a message from you

How far down the line does this go
Is it mutual
Even a bit
Even at all?

But my hope is too strong
My faith isn't giving up
On the possibility of meeting your core.

I'm hard headed
And passionate to the bone.

I'm silly
And I'm serious

I'm goofy
And ****

I'm a paradox
Wrapped in skin.

You haven't figured me out
As I'm unraveling more so
Each and every breathe I take.

Discovering the magic in my fingertips
The power of my voice
And the strength in my dance.

I'm a warrior woman
A goddess who will always strive
When I'm weak and shaky
Even when it's hard to get up

A goddess will always strive
Even with warm tears
In her eyes.

If the girl over there has you distracted
With her big eyelashes and flirtatious flare

I hope it's worth it,
Cause it cuts my wounded heart.
To know you didn't even try to understand

My eyes.
My tries.

Take a look deeper,
Take a look inside..

I may be fallen now.
But I will rise.

1.0k · Jul 2024
Dna remembers
Kayla Chappell Jul 2024
Do you feel it
Its the feeling
That you get
When there's nothing left

No distractions
No messages to check
No cigarettes
Real self is glaring back

Hi hey its me
Do you like what you see
If not change direction
Find what you need
The path can get rocky and dark
But every breath
Can be a fresh start
To begin again
Ego deleting
Humans, misleading,
Is there a way out of
Im Breaking
The soul is aching
Knowing i cant keep replacing

ancestral healing
Generation after generation
Running from the University of
But dna remembers
The embers
burned from those cold

Flown away
from ash to dust
What's done is done
But do everything with love,
And dont forget the ones up abovee
As we are one

Blessed be the
Music makers
The creators
The soul achers
Shedding their layers,

bleed in
Bleed out
Returning the energy to origin
No doubt
Breathe in
Breathe out
No time to scream and shout

The Stagnant air can get left there,
On the page that i wrote,
Bc of the way that you spoke.
Its not the first bad note,
Here comes another ****.

the ones that can let go of their pain
The ones that can cry out their rain
Not always soothing
It stings, its saddening
But beautifully shedding
From All that's been
And kept in my head

Bleed it out
Work it out

Soul healing
Will set you free from the shackles
Of your lineages chain.
Will not repeat again.
The wise one,
Puts the stop here.
If not you,
Then who?
If not now,
Waiting isnt wise,
Youll get left behind

A step essential to take,
To not have trauma stored in the skin
Embedded in the dna
Let go of the heartbreak
The envy, and the i wish it could bes.
Break the cycle of holding
You must heal all thats been shoved down
And replaced with a drug you found.

Choose you
Choose now
Write it
Yell it
Paint it
Feel it
And let it go.

Step into the clear air
You did it
You repaired

Breathe in the fresh air
Remember how you got here
---------- -- ---- -- ---- -- --- -- --
939 · May 2023
Why is it
Kayla Chappell May 2023
Why is it
We write about what we need
What we’re missing

Instead of what we have
And what we have found

Always yearning
Always Craving
For something more
Than what’s given
Than what has been found.

Is there more to life out there
Or am i a hopeless dreamer
Making wishes on every shooting star
And every 11:11

Is there a point
Where we stop wanting
And start accepting
Life, for what it is
What our experience has become

I’m not sure which one
Is worse.

Maybe instead of counting how many tears
I’ve shed
I’ll start counting how many sun rises
I've seen

There is something to learn,
From nature itself
Like how the sun always falls..


She rises.
Over and over


Til she burns out.
Day after day,
Until she  takes her last breath.

She will shine so bright
Her whole life
Maybe never knowing
Her true worth.

We clearly see her light.
We figure she knows how valuable she is
How much we need her,

She has no clue.
Yet She continues to rise and fall,
Breathing life unto us all.
While maybe she..
Is falling apart;

Keep going
Keep burning
Even when you dont feel like it.
Someone out there needs you

910 · Sep 2019
Kayla Chappell Sep 2019
Dear Nicotine

Why do I feel like I need you

Like the air that I breathe.

You feel as good as oxygen


You are slowly killing me
I hate that I love you
883 · Jun 2019
I crave
Kayla Chappell Jun 2019
I crave
The smell of old books,
The aroma of coffee shops,
The touch of the rain
And the feel of the sun on my face

Deep conversations
About the meaning of our purpose
Discovering ourselves
Uncovering ourselves
From all our disguises
And fake faces

I want the truth
The feeling of true connection,
with compassionate eyes
That understand mine.

The feeling of the earth
With my bare feet

I will open up and tear myself apart
Pour myself over
Like a cup of tea
To find my sweet.

It will be worth it
828 · Apr 2021
Love over Fear.
Kayla Chappell Apr 2021
Choose Love over Fear.
Choose Love over Fear.

How do I know which one is which?
Can I choose fear and love actively together?

My daunting question is,
Can I lose myself due to love?

Well, my dear.
Do not listen to your fear.

The Universe notices bravery
when you take a leap
in love,
and trust yourself.

That is, what she awaits for you.
For what ever decision you make,
to trust yourself.

The Universe hears you,
but she is waiting for you to listen.

To stop asking everyone around,
for the answers you seek within.

Listen to your inner knowing.

To trust.
To choose love.
To Be brave,
and you will not be disappointed
in what awaits.

When you trust yourself,
and act in love,
Love only expands from here,
my darling.
571 · Jul 2019
Miss blue
Kayla Chappell Jul 2019
As the day seems to fade,
My numbness does too.
All the darkness comes to surface

Hello, hi.
Remember me?
I’m Miss blue,
hiding in the corner of the room.

Did you miss me?
You know, I missed you.

The giggles evaporated to knives
Now all pointed at me
They cry of piercing noises in my ears

Cruel words is all i can hear
Convincing that this is me.

The whispers in the back of the room,
now screeching, like nails on chalkboards
Expressing what they want me to believe.

Here comes the feeling, I know all too well.
Not being able to breathe.
Throwing my pennies in the wishing well,
Wishing for love
Wishing not to feel’

Once again, a new perspective pushes through.
Everything is always changing, therefore these times will fade too.
So for I know,
this feeling, won’t always be stuck to me
Like glue.

But then I wonder,
Do normal people fantasize about their funeral too?
Sweet whispers of a beautiful tragic, spread through the room, “Gone too soon.”
Or “ I wish I would have knew”
Better cut those thoughts,
Before they consume you.

Nights like these, familiar in taste.
And lonely in soul.
Screaming in spirit, for a place called home.
Uncontrollable emotions. Release it all.

Cry on the floor, if that’s what you need to do.
Just know, your spirit will rise through,
Your soul will be cleansed once the storm is over
And your eyes will see anew.

You will see past the old truth that you once knew
From a different perspective;
Yet the same point of view

Crying so much, my eyes start to bleed.
And they plead;
For love, for warmth.
For eyes that I adore.

Somewhere this must exist,
Far away from here.
Or maybe I can find it
Residing within myself.

We create our own kind of hell
or permanent bliss.
It depends on which you want to hear.

Well i’ll start with this,

Here comes the reaching upward of the soul

I hope you will believe, even as the light turns to dusk

The same light that shines from the sun
And illuminates the moon
Exists within you, too.

The magic starts with this ☆
Right now, right here
In this mirror
This is probably my favorite poem I have ever written. It starts off about this "monster" or voice inside the back of my head telling me all these awful things about myself, but as time goes on I can't differentiate the voice and these cruel words start to sound like the truth. Only until I start to realize, these feelings and times will change. So I hold on, I hold on to the light that we all share.. those who suffer, we fight.. we fight everyday, with a smile on our face to the world. They have no idea, but we know we are warriors.
I truly would like to hear feedback on what people think of this piece. Listen with an open heart. Thank you
521 · Aug 2019
A greater day
Kayla Chappell Aug 2019
As I lay
And I think
Of all the wonderful possibilities
That could be coming my way

My talents and ambitions
But do I have what it takes?

The feeling of dissatisfaction
And dissapointment
In who I am
Creeps my way

My thought is always split in two
Love and hate
Mistakes or was it fate

But as they say,
It's the contrast
That makes life great

Without feeling bad,
You wouldn't know what it is
To feel glad.
To embody that warmth,
The feeling all of us adore.

So when I get those bad feelings
Just let them pass
The scarcity of the wound won't last

If you can hold onto something
Let it be this

There is always
A greater day
Soon on its way.

And remember,

You have what it takes.

You must believe this.

509 · Jul 2019
Hearts In The Dust
Kayla Chappell Jul 2019
I don’t understand why
It hurts so bad inside.
Each word
He speaks
Is like a knife in my heart,
A stab in my back that makes me sting.

I don’t know why I ever let him inside.
Why I let him make me cry.
Why I let him into my safe zone
Let him into my sacred space;

I gave him the key to my gold
He scratched at it,
then spit it out at my face.

Not sure what hurts more than this,
Salty tears and puffy eyes
Trembling hands and despise.

To feel so ashamed for letting you see me,
Telling you my secrets like an open book
All i am is another story with no happy ending
I’ll never get naked for anyone again.

I wanted to feel safe and beautiful.
But now all i have is empty walls and endless thoughts.

He laughed and then he cried.
He regrets what he did
And now I have to pay the consequence.

Trying to go about my day, trying to forget the mess you made.
So I smile, I walk and talk like nothing ever happened,
But deep down the memories of watching you love someone else
Replays and replays through my head.

It’s sickening, can’t stop looping.
The sound is screeching, pounding.
it used to birds chirping,
Wanting to scream, nowhere to run.

But i keep quiet.
I’ve chosen to forgive, because I see you.

But forgetting is something, that I’m not capable to do.
So please forgive me, If I keep bringing up the past.
I promise you, The wound won’t always be this raw.
The scarcity of it won’t last.

Bare with me, baby. I ask.

People make mistakes and maybe all that was fate.
I tell myself everything happens for a reason; maybe the feeling will go away.

What a gruesome mess of salty tears forever strolling down my face.
I can never forget the pain.

Give and give
They will take and take..
Until you have nothing  left.
They will leave you with a jar, only full of your own tears and call it fate.

Making you feel like you’re the one who did this, you could’ve been better,
Prettier, brighter.
maybe smile a little bigger,
maybe be a little thinner.

I start to vanish

They will leave you stranded
In the realm of emptiness,

When i speak up, He tells me it’s my pride.
So i swallow my words.
I die.
I die.
I die.

He lies.
He lies.
He lies.

I cry, I cry, and I cry.
So pathetic and so disgusted.
The humiliation, to see i was so easily decepted.
I wanted to  believe that he did love me.
He was too blind to see.
All that unfolding in front of me.

I picked at my skin,
Screamed, cried and plead for him to come back to me.

I begged for his love and that’s what disgusts me.

I should have kicked you and her out, but i was too deep in my own sorrows without a doubt.
Wishing and hoping you’d come back home, into our sacred space

I wanted to hold your face against my soul and i hated myself for being so vulnerable.

Why would I want someone who used me like a puppet on a string.

Lets not forget if I stand up for myself, I’m a *****.

Forever astounded at the egoism.
Mislead and now pleading

Wondering where you went wrong
Wondering what you did to deserve this mess.

Feeling abused and despaired.
Was I a fool to think you would be there?

I could never stoop down to how you mistreated and disrespected my heart.
Nothing about that is art.

I’ve forgiven but the heart cannot forget what has wounded so deeply.

   You did nothing wrong sweet sweet girl, all you did was give your love to the world.
You can’t control how others abuse your heart. Don’t let their foolishness take away your heart.

Don’t dare let those dark shadows capture your pure form.

Be true to yourself,
especially if you are falling apart

Cause the world desperately needs more devotion and less promotion.

But remember
The ones who give away their hearts to a wicked spirit  
Usually end up, with sunken souls in the dark.

Be careful of whom you give your love.

For anyone who gives the time to read my poem completely, thank you. I wrote this about two years ago. As you can see, I was completely infatuated with someone who treated me like dirt.. I finally got past this point, and I realized, I didn't love him.. I loved the idea of him love me. And once I realized this sad truth, he owned my heart no more. Thankyou for reading again. Just a bit of my heart and tears poured out onto paper.
494 · Apr 2020
Dear Mom.
Kayla Chappell Apr 2020
Time has passed now,
I hope you are a part of the waves crashing down
At peace
Hope you are a butterfly flying around somewhere
Forever wandering
Hoping you are the color of deep red since you loved it so much
Filled with passion
I hope you can hear me
And i hope you have let go.
You deserve to be at peace.
I hope you are drinking wine and eating tacos with Marilyn Monroe while dancing to your favorite songs
For eternity

I never realized how much you did for me, the little things.
Im a mess now.
I just wish i could talk to you
The only one who knew what to say
When all came crashing down

I miss arguing with you about little things
And laughing til we cant breathe
You seemed to be the only one who really knew me.
I would do anything to have you back, but i cant keep reflecting on the past.
I have to let go too, but i cant let go of you.
You were my life. All that i knew.
Gone far too soon.
God i wish i woulda knewn.
I would never turn down an outfit you picked out for me,
Just because i love you.
I would never turn down an opportunity to come see you,
Which i know i did towards the end.
Too involved in social dynamics and friends.

I regret it all momma.
What i would do, if i knew, that i would never see you again.
I would have never missed your birthday.

It cuts me to the core.

Just know, i love you so.
I hope you are singing a song.
With not a worry.

Dont stress about me,
Ill be okay, eventually.
I love you infinitely and appreciate all you do for me.

Still sending signs to me.
I love you so.
Like rose said to jack, ill never let go.

I cant wait for us to meet again.
You always called me your angel baby
But you are my angel now.
I can feel you watching over me. <3
I love you my butterfly.
~ To the ends of the universe, til’ the end of time.~

Youronlydaughter -- ~
493 · Jul 2019
Down the road.
Kayla Chappell Jul 2019
The thoughts
They flow like an open road
Never do i know
Where they are going to go.

My heart,
Reaching out and soaked

I’ve wrote and i’ve wrote

But i’m not sure
What i can say to save us

My arms are locked up
I'm waiting for the tide to come in,
For the same wave to wash me out
and slam me back against that edged rock
Again and again.

How many times before i realize;
I can't swim in this.
This water is poison.

My lungs are being filled with water
And I'm gasping for air
Hoping the love I thought we had
Would be there
To save us
From this awful nightmare.

I said, Crying in despair.

What a sappy ending
But life isn't fair.

It hurts more to hold on,
Than to let go.
So I'll Just keep on walkin',
Down that road.
When it's time to let go
477 · Jul 2019
Hiding my love.
Kayla Chappell Jul 2019
Your sharp stare
Kills me,
Each time you look

Because I choose to hide
Underneath my smile

And my makeup
That is probably deceiving

But I hope you can see
My eyes can't lie.

They are always searching
For yours
To meet mine

For they are always wanting more.
Ugh, how can I keep doing this. When you want to be with someone so bad yet they dont have the slightest clue. And I just hope you see me in the same light.
476 · Apr 2020
Ash to Dust.
Kayla Chappell Apr 2020
I have so much love to give

Like the sun gives to us

A light so bright, we can't even see the other side.

But pieces of my heart
Have burned
And flown away
From ash to dust.

There's a light
that still shines through
In my hopes of belief
That there could be a me and you

I empty myself out
And let the universe fill me
With her maternal love

Each breath of oxygen
Mother Earth fills our lungs.

So we must thank her
And never forget
Her love is what keeps us
What bounds us
What keeps our hearts beating
As one.
an oldie but a goodie.
461 · Jun 2019
It's how
Kayla Chappell Jun 2019
It’s hard to tell
To trust my mind
Or my heart

I’m tired of falling apart.

So instead i’m spinning in circles
Waiting and waiting
for the change to happen

I have tears in my eyes
And I don’t know why

It’s how i feel inside.
It’s how i go to hide
when i really want to shine.
It’s how i  turn shy
when i want to sing,
because i’m scared of what the others would think..

All i want to do is live
But I’m stuck behind a cage.
And I’ve trapped myself,
Now all I want is out of this personal hell.

I don’t want to fade.

It’s how my mother died,
It’s how my father disappeared
And now he hides

He’s a coward.
But i guess so am I.

Now i’m here, to face life alone
Until our Creator
Calls me at the higher throne.

I hope i at least find love in this lifetime.
Or at least
437 · Oct 2019
I'm a volcano
Kayla Chappell Oct 2019
A man who’s not ready to commit
Will always find a way
To make you feel not good enough

With an empty
Aching heart

That just wants to be loved
And understood
From the start.

My intent is so pure.

But with each piece of love i give away
I don’t think
It gets returned
Back to my heart.

How do i feel so hollow
My chest like a drum

Yet filled with passion
And sadness
To my very core.

I’m a balloon filled with water
I’m a volcano ready to burst

I have let the poison of my own thoughts travel to my heart.
They build until i explode
I will burst, and fall apart
But once the mess is over

My tears fall like a river
they will cleanse the scars within
And now I can smile into the fire that you once burned me with
And walk away with just a scar

And Now, i am free
Free to restart again.
Free to be
My own friend. - k.c. 10/27/19
When you're in love with a guy who clearly wants to still " explore " when he's almost 40. I have so much to give, I had so much I was willing to sacrifice. But with his message,  I feel like I was never enough. I get excuses of age gaps and "logical" reasoning, but I know deep down, he could never like me enough. What was the point of playing pretend..
now I ask, how do you not look in the mirror and ask
am i not pretty enough
am i not smart enough
what can i do to be enough
for him.

broken heart, broken thoughts.
i'm so tired of falling apart.
I wonder if I ever will heal and rise
from all that's damaged my heart.
353 · Apr 2020
Flicker of Hope.
Kayla Chappell Apr 2020
The slight flicker in my chest

Empowers me with enchantment

Tells me there is hope
Grants me with drive
To find my purpose

To do more,
than simply stay alive.

This feeling,
It tells me
There is something divine
Within my etheric being

I will chase this flicker
Until it’s light takes over me.

I just know,
347 · Jul 2019
230 am
Kayla Chappell Jul 2019
230 am
Restless body
And a tired soul
Yearning for more

I wish I could find the words to fill the space
Of what I want to say.
Or I wish I could stop thinking of the
Same mistakes
Ive made

I wish I could be smaller

But I've grown too much
To ever fit into your hands
Once more

Life changes as we do
Im not going back
To the fool I once was

And as the birds start their morning song
My eyes gently fall back
And my concious thoughts
Finally pause

As the night comes
And the day fades

I'll see how late I can stay awake
Until I drift into smooth everlastings
Of silky cotton candy clouds

While the day resets
And the burning sun wakes us
To the life we live
Overthinking, late night thoughts
347 · Sep 2019
Love yourself too.
Kayla Chappell Sep 2019
You may not get him
But at least you get you

Love yourself
Each and every bit

It doesn't matter
What he thinks

You are worth it
You deserve
Every last drop of
All the love
That you give.

265 · Nov 2019
Swollen eyes and despise.
Kayla Chappell Nov 2019
Out of breathe

Snot on my sleeves
Swollen eyes

When I'm all done
I'll put some makeup on
And no one will know

The smile I put on
is just a show.

It's my new look
Crying eyes and despise
Put some lipstick on,
Just say you're fine.
Smile through the day.
Fake it til you make it,
They say it'll all be okay,
We lie and tell ourselves it's fate.

Whatever helps us sleep better at night
But too many of us don't put up a fight

Now is the time.
To let your truth be heard,
Let your cry roar.

How one moment can you make me feel so special
And the next like,
I never even mattered

Maybe I was only a speck In your Galaxy
But you were my whole night sky.

I would love to forget,
But my heart will not let up.

My heart wants to hold on
Like you are my home
While my mind says
Dummy, let him go.
Throw him to the wolves.

And you know they will devour you
They've been waiting
And I've been watching.

So until then,

Crying eyes and despise
Anxious thoughts and WHY'S.
Messy hair and I don't cares.
  is how I'll be,
Until I can overcome
What happened here.
243 · Jun 2019
If I write a poem
Kayla Chappell Jun 2019
If i write a poem
Every night
Will i feel alright
When each day

Each time,
It gets a little easier
To deal with the pain
To smile it away

Buried and buried away
In treasures and chests,
Lays a pool of each and every tear
I’ve shed.

Kept in jars, Each tear
With a story,
A name,
And a face
That I've forced myself to forget.

They are kept away
with a padlock at the door
That says never let anyone in again.

Long walks into the night,
Writing my heart out
And reading for hours on end

I’ve transformed my pain,
Into something good.
In hopes of it going away

Building a new me
With each new step i take.

It hurts too much to remember,
So i choose to forget.

But the old me still resides,
She sleeps in the hole in my chest.
That's been patched up with bandages
Over and over again.

Her pain doesn’t subside,
She's made herself a bed.
I can still feel her cries,
When i lay to rest.

How she yearns to be loved,
And she’s only ten.

I will be her guardian,
Comfort her pain,
Fight her demons away

Finding reason to make her smile,
Day, by day.
Until I am called, at my fate.

The end.

-k.c  4/6/19
The beautiful thing about poetry is that the reader may hold a different meaning than what the authors purpose was. This is why art is such a great thing. Music and art can be translated in many ways, one sentence can hit one person one way, and other person a different way, almost meaning completely two different things but the same words. Perception..

My poems, when I write them are coming from my experience, my feelings.
I cannot expect everyone to understand what I'm trying to convey, it is up to the reader and how he/she relates the connection to his/her experience.

But, for me.
This poem is about nurturing that inner child, the inner child we don't talk about, cause we have to put on a face and be an adult.. the vulnerability, the desire to be loved and cared for, the simple joy. We all have that inner child within.. this poem is about connecting with it, and protecting her (me) until the end.
231 · Sep 2023
Fingertips to fingerprints
Kayla Chappell Sep 2023
You give me a bad feeling.
An Image of you runs through my brain
When your away,
Your face locked in my head
I can’t escape
Barely holding through the grey.

Moments fade to snapshots
Finger tips, kisses
To finger prints
And smudged lipstick
Days  spent in your car,
To now not knowing where the f** You are.
NIghts making you meals,
Laughing at reels
Making deals
Now, Phone calls and texts
Now even fade.
turned to now nothing,
Not even hey?
Im supposed to be your girl
Not feel alone in this world

Is it Just a game of who has the upper hand,
That ritual wont last
A dumb game to play,
When your grown and have already marked the pace,I know what i want,
No need to back and forth
Catch and chase
Days of waste.
Grey even fades.

A ghost, my home
Where’d you go?
That’s what makes me look for your crown.
It must be crooked, lost, somewhere,
It must be found.
I know i can turn this around, i say.
But really,
I pray.

The unknown,
The prowler at night
He seeks
He seethes
He bleeds for what he needs

My lion, my prince,
But The leo leads your days
The teeth are near
camouflage gear
claws are here  

You fade away,
Into the night,
turned days..
His hunger
He basks
He prowls
He escapes.

She dreams
She listens
She escapes
Starry nights
And reminisce.
Long silences
Deep breaths
Hums from my heart
Into the earth
Without speaking a word.

Hoping you feel me
With your feet
If I vibrate loud enough,
I know youll feel it.
Through the smoke
I hope, It doesnt fleet.
Where is he?
Thoughts start to create,
Could he,
Would he,
Not her..

My heart
Slam beat
My mind,
Tries to delete.
When your are away,
And the image of you
Loops in my brain.
Like a broken record
On display
The once symphony
Now is only a screech.

A feeling i can’t describe.
Want to run and cry,
sometimes die
Jump out of this window and maybe fly.

Maybe for a day..
I can disspear into the thin air.
But tomorrow,
It might all be great

My fate,
I can’t escape
Can’t mold it
like clay

K.c 9/5/2023
190 · Oct 2019
Kayla Chappell Oct 2019
I expected you to bring me flowers

but all I got was a two page text

explaining how you and me can't be.

A week later and there's
no new messages
and dead crickets
where I once thought
the roses might be.

Now I have
Insecure thoughts,
wondering who you spend your time with
and restless nights.

welcome to
my new life.
you me roses flowers dead crickets
173 · Jun 2023
Swim or sink.
Kayla Chappell Jun 2023
What my life looked like a year ago

Is nothing like it looks like now.

What my life looks like a year from today,

I hope it is nothing like it looks like now.

Rolling with the tides,

I'm having fun on this ride.

Suddenly I woke up

I realize in my laughter and whim,

I've swam too far.

Out in the dark waters,

Lost, Alone,

Where did my friends go?

I Want to get back to shore, my home.
hope to find my way back

but I can not see where home is.

Only seems a blurry vision now,

I'm not sure it exists anymore.

Can I get home? or is home now only a figment of my imagination.

Only a foggy image of home that I can hear like an echo calling my name.

The ocean

Swallows you

Drowns you

Encapsulates you whole..

And your wishing you never

Dipped your foot in the water.

You must swim,
For your life to get out of the depths of the sea thats drowning you.

Every muscle,
Every bone,
Every cell,
Fighting for you.

This is no different,
Only you are only drowning on the inside dear
You must fight for your life.
But your mind must be aligned.

155 · May 2023
Happy mess.
Kayla Chappell May 2023
Happy mess
Is it Something we chase
Maybe there’s something more real
That we must face.

Why is it
When We feel sadness
We feel pain
We feel alone,
Like no one knows.

We count our thorns
While the world sees us a rose.


I push,
Then I pull
Directionless, getting ahead of ya
But there's a path for us all,
Devil in one hand angel in my soul
I can see myself falling
But i keep going
As if I dont know betta,
Ohp im going under.

Another line,
Another smoke,
Itll numb ya up.
Oh baby, We’re just having fun.
You’re just catching up.
Too late. Now you're in.
Devil welcomes you at the door,
Now you'll be thinking about me,
And ill bring you to your knees.
How do you get more,
I’m the one you adore.

**** your relationships,
Ya need me, you see.
Life would be too plain,
And I’m the one to save you from your pain.

Addiction is not your friend
Your only a slave to
your ****** head.
So run while you can
Before your stuck
the realms of darkness

I look inside,
heart full of gold
A soul that wants to go home.
A body that wants to be loved,
By me.
I tend to want the one that doesn’t want me.
Stupid psychology.
Thanks mom, thanks dad,
Is this what love is supposed to be?

Gotta retrain my brain
Into knowing what's actually good for me
It isn’t that easy
raised in a house full of
Neglect, dysfunction and misery.
You think that’s love.
But I can hear from the depths inside of me,
Love doesn’t do this,
Love sets you free.
[of entropy consuming which breathes]

Broken doors, broken glass.
I guess it aint that bad.
[Hes only just half mad
When full glass been gotten gone]

Could've been me.
[Peace enough to let the frame free]

138 · Jul 2024
And then, she woke up.
Kayla Chappell Jul 2024
And then, she woke up.
She decided,
This isnt what she wants.

She then calmly packed her things
Silently dwelled in leaving another home
Uh oh
Time to begin again
And said goodbye to the stagnance,
And with each step forward she gained a little bit of  valiance?
In each step.
She remembers who she is.
Pain is there,
Tears at the waterfront,

But still,
Shes empowered in stepping back into her power.
On to the path of self discovery,
Self love,
And connection.

Strength is never easy.
She drives her tiny car jampacked in silence,
And silently starts to cry
The whimpers turn to gasps
No one there to stop them

Bawling so hard she cant see the road,
She doesn't know where shes going,
She doesn't know where home is,
But still,
She continues.
To go.

She has to do it for herself,
If she doesn't, no one will.

Dont judge yourself for getting lost in the tides
We all get lost in the waves
But there was too many crashes
For how short the waves were.
Doesnt matter about fair.

And today,
I realized what is, is.
And it isnt what i want.
With that, i say thankyou
But the new me is ready to sprout.
No time to shout
This ***** is out

Dont worry too much about right now,
And the future.
You will make the decision you were meant to make with the precision

Each step,
For yourself
Filled with love
And pride.

Her feet dragged,
Her hair messy, puffy eyes,
Unsure of what is next
But still,
She walks.

She continues,
No matter what.

For herself,

And that my dear, is love.

The love you deserve.

Nobody can leave for you,
Nobody knows truly how you feel,
Except you.

Love yourself like you want to be loved.

It isnt easy,
But neither is life.

You are love.
In your pain,
In your joy,
In your madness.

Is when your most beautiful.
Show up for anyone?
Show up for you

Show you what love really is.

The rest can undo.
Make your dreams come true.
106 · Jul 2024
Logical mad girl
Kayla Chappell Jul 2024
Find your center
Find your inner
I think im about to end uh

He thinks this is a game
But tells me im his fate
Like nah
I am not the one to be played
Your stories sound like lies
i should have trusted my gut
This time

Go on
Ill hear your plea
How im the woman you need
But your actions dont align
And you do this every time
The sad part is
Im dissapointed in me

For trusting.
For thinking youd be on your feet
Thinking youd keep it steady
Thinking you could be the one for me.
Thought you were the one who loved me.
87 · Sep 2024
dead inside
Kayla Chappell Sep 2024
I want to feel the excitement
Of a new day coming

I want to step outside my comfort zone
And be who i know i can.
Who i know i am.
But here i go
Holding myself back
From growth.
I walk down the same path
Taking the same road
I know each and every turn
And i feel at ease
knowing the predictability.

i dont take a leap
its hard for me to believe that id land on my feet

I want out of these restraints
That my mind has placed..
Its like a spell
That i can never be truly at peace
That i always want what's not good for me.
The truth is,
I don't know what will set me free.

I say,
Just be.
But i'm not even sure how to just
and be with me

— The End —