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706 · Jul 2019
Song and Dance
JJ Inda Jul 2019
Bittersweet song
on my radio.
Reminiscing on our story
as if conjured.
Some roads fork
and divide,
others turn to dirt
and get lost in the wilderness.
Still, there's a melody
to be found;
memories fondly held,
despite the lies.
704 · Aug 2021
JJ Inda Aug 2021
Routinely these words
miss most
and reach only a few.

Some call them trite,
or flat.

Not up to par;
nonetheless they fill this space
and await contemplation.
662 · Jun 2019
Dead-end desire
JJ Inda Jun 2019
There's beauty there,
willfully beyond my reach,
yet ever so near.
Its light reflects
upon my eyes
and consumes
all clarity.
Not mine,
not free;
nor shining for me.
there's a skip
a rhythmic beat
600 · Nov 2018
JJ Inda Nov 2018
Not an ounce of anger
nor arden rage
which typically fill the pages.
There’s a subtle calm
causing such hesitation;
a sense of being stuck.
-Restless, drifting
in a sea of tranquility.
490 · Feb 2019
Valentine's day poem
JJ Inda Feb 2019
Cupid had no say
between your heart and mine,
it was a different fate
which our paths intertwined.
No chocolate or wine
nor a perfect line to win your heart.
Still all that's true lingers in your eyes,
our love, like clouds;
where all takes place.
449 · Sep 2020
JJ Inda Sep 2020
you cast upon me
doubts and flaws;
not a single virtue
as resentment creeps.
440 · Feb 2021
Round and round
JJ Inda Feb 2021
Needed someone
to understand
if you fall
you can get up again.
-Why glass bottles
are full of sand,
how it goes
round and round.
Nothing's bound forevermore
not hate nor love.
423 · Nov 2018
Absurdism in a nutshell
JJ Inda Nov 2018
This mind,
this ability to create,
and study and learn
and teach,
this is the tool which harms us.
This mumbling about meaning,
this world devoid of purpose,
the world from which it sprung.
-the struggle at it's root
and so the Absurd is born.
a very loose interpretation of the philosophy of the absurd.
421 · Aug 2020
JJ Inda Aug 2020
The one on her left wrist
reminds her of a family member
now long gone.
On her right forearm
a flower, because she liked how it looked.
On the back of her neck
a gecko she got in Cancun
and on her left thigh, one she'd rather forget.
None add her up or subtract
who she was or who she is.
368 · Feb 2019
In the air tonight
JJ Inda Feb 2019
All this bottled up
pour it
and drink up.
A dream
in the air;
a star
a name.
Ray of light
these glaring eyes.
357 · Nov 2018
In Between
JJ Inda Nov 2018
The vast expanse
is worrisome.
The search is futile,
in the end is all very foolish.
Knowledge allows the proposition
that there’s a lot we’ll never know.
While ignorance is loud and obnoxious,
completely unaware of it’s shortcomings.
The struggle
takes place in between.
350 · Dec 2018
You hurt.
JJ Inda Dec 2018
I hurt just the same
More or less
Still, there’s no rest
And these pages scribbled
Adorned with ink blots
-every other word
And there’s very little punctuation.
Scratched a line that was a lie,

Another removed, for it said too much.
Should be simple to understand
I hurt just the same.
337 · Jul 2019
The Roots
JJ Inda Jul 2019
Away from the roots of it,
far from the truth;
there you'll be.
Asking questions no one can answer.
dodging stares,
slurring, launching
slings and arrows
at your darling- your sweetheart.
Hard to believe this could be your reality,
but it twist and it turns all within the bounds.
Yet, physics will mean little to you
as the heart aches.
and the roots of it all
are out of reach now.
334 · Jan 2021
JJ Inda Jan 2021
There's talk of redemption
in crowded halls,
and as they adjust the dial
there's an addendum.
hard to tell
just who is right
although everyone knows
who is wrong.
no doorway in sight
in this mirror funhouse,
but the poor have TV's now
isn't that nice?
328 · Nov 2018
JJ Inda Nov 2018
Waves arrive at the shore
tired of such
Your enamored stare;
Like the moon
    Stares at the sun.

In your hair you retain
White sand and a sea flower.
     You adorn my sight
With a bright reflection.
   and the ocean enraged,
              Mirrors our love.
327 · Jul 2019
Our story
JJ Inda Jul 2019
Akin to summer rain
or words you can't
seem to articulate
or the smile you feign,
The risk you take
once more.
Even coffee with an old friend,
or moments you regret.
‘bittersweet symphony’
on the radio.
And tears from your eyes
- right on cue.
323 · Dec 2020
JJ Inda Dec 2020

yet, ever-changing.

Just as waves

on the beach;

so are the years

and us.
319 · Jan 2019
A Stand
JJ Inda Jan 2019
As if there is none,
be it by chance
or something other.

A wondering lights up interiors;
Such abundance of articles
more-overs out of use.

No stand is clearer than
a subject nearing sight.
I am.
316 · Jun 2019
JJ Inda Jun 2019
A misplaced comma,
an misused apostrophe;
what some call extra skin,
not fat, but a flap.
The military calls it a redundancy,
although some find it repugnant.
A synonym for excess,
a form of alienation; disgust.
311 · Aug 2020
Infinity loop
JJ Inda Aug 2020
hollow hearts tear at the skin
lust and passion-idle friends
bottles clink during the day
shatter at night.
whispers turn to screams
as the end begins again
294 · Nov 2018
Black tears
JJ Inda Nov 2018
Keeps searching,
If not this one,
The one still to come.
Heart is rapidly beating,
Constantly grieving.
Eyes flickering,
-Always losing,
Gaining years
And mascara infused tears.
275 · Dec 2018
steps away
JJ Inda Dec 2018
frail bones
a past as rich,
as the future is poor.
everything holds
274 · Nov 2020
Words for you
JJ Inda Nov 2020
I had some things to say
-and as the age wages on
and hope starves
as love lures the moon and the sun,
I find once more
I'm full of words for you.
Simple minded hearts suffer the most;
caring deeply has its cost.
261 · Nov 2018
Another unremarkable poem
JJ Inda Nov 2018
another ink blotch,
a sentiment in darkness,
yet, one you forgot.
just a speck
trying to sound off.
a heart- restless,
learning to let go.
another drip of pen onto paper
and then,
type it up so (they) can murmur
and lie aloud again.
259 · Oct 2022
JJ Inda Oct 2022
Within reach

as if a mirage

yet, this time

it's all too real.
257 · Nov 2018
hope is hard to let go of.
JJ Inda Nov 2018
tippy toeing around once more,
still all that fails is true
and lies are grand for while,
until, always until.
-alone isn't always solitude
or lonely,
but it is.
I see the words in the air
and when I reach,
they scatter.
I'm keeping quiet
and very still,
maybe something will happen,
or someone might come in and talk
and I can put the pen down
and admit it's useless.
256 · Nov 2018
One for the trash-bin
JJ Inda Nov 2018
This ache seems to be
like Papa's White Elephants;
valuable in a sense
I've yet to understand.

Busy body, tranquil mind,
a joke I say!
The fishing line
is ever tangled.

wasted morning,
Papa; Hemingway
Worte this afrter reading a short: Hills Like White Elephants
256 · Nov 2018
JJ Inda Nov 2018
Baby blue
against egg white,
silver framed mirror
near the pale light;
exposed bulb,
dust ridden.
~All mired in mediocrity,
stretching the lines
and still
falling short of meaning;
always lacking a certain capacity
to emote.
255 · Sep 2019
Tired of losing
JJ Inda Sep 2019
When all is failing- as it often does.
Laughter might not be enough,
nor beer and alcohol
nor praying to all the Gods.
-No matter,
just keep in mind,
sometimes it's your turn
to lose
and that's fine.
It is a long game after all
252 · Jan 2019
Memories and insomnia
JJ Inda Jan 2019
Harboring dreams,
those that don't allow sleep.
Like nothing
it is still there
waiting for all
that won't come.

A Chimera
ardent in my veins,
like alcohol to an open wound.
Wakes me in the morn,
keeps me up at night.
These nights no more dark than eternal.
248 · May 2019
Way back when
JJ Inda May 2019
Way back when
we knew nothing,
just kids trying to fit in,
to understand;
what's this life all about?
something we've yet to figure out.
Still, we laughed freely back then,
way back when.
been gone a while.
245 · Nov 2018
Silly Melancholy
JJ Inda Nov 2018
As night quiets the songs,
silence awakes the mindful.
through old wounds;
now silly scars of course,
but how they bled once!
244 · Nov 2018
JJ Inda Nov 2018
Unaware of these scars
for they are beneath the skin.
The air of radiance and joy;
a facade,
one that fools even I.
Still, there's no escaping the night;
the lonesome quiet,
the heart's drumming,
the mind racing,
igniting a riot.
No calm by the sea
or by city light,
by white sand
or gray concrete.
This visceral yearning
will not cease.
242 · Jul 2021
My thoughts on you
JJ Inda Jul 2021
aching muscles,
these memories;
a blood stained t shirt.
all the while
not to feel pain.
241 · Nov 2018
The worst of it
JJ Inda Nov 2018
Pale light
shines down
reveals the blank page.
Nothingness; an opporunity
- infinite.
the fool rushed in,
fiddled with some words,
adding up to nothing.
That’s the worst of it;
light wasted
and ink
and paper.
240 · Oct 2020
JJ Inda Oct 2020
The flowers
have been
ever since
I picked them
for you.
240 · Nov 2018
JJ Inda Nov 2018
Green smudge
the purple shirt.
The heart nonstop,
and the night uncertain.
The three legged cat searches
for his owner,
and I search for sleep.
239 · Nov 2018
Stiff Heart
JJ Inda Nov 2018
The absence of a beat,
an empty seat
dust covered clothes;
a fight concerning who's valued most.
Who is entitled to this or that?
Meanwhile the lawyer stares at his watch.
Little Jenny asks for grandpa,
the room is a sudden quiet
and the temperature drops
and the apple on the desk continues to rot.
JJ Inda Nov 2018
Perhaps fearing tranquility,
the quiet calm which is never here;
I stopped drinking beer,
only whiskey
or *** from now on.

less of a gut
and better poems or maybe not,
but it sure feels different.
looked up for a minute
and new words descend;

Tears, smiles
and laughter
along with fingers
pointing and eyes
with much intrigue- staring.
228 · Nov 2018
The park's no help
JJ Inda Nov 2018
thought the park would help,
really thought it would.
seeing the birds,
the trees,
the colors in the sky
and the light bouncing off the lake.
but, I saw past it,
saw the highway
running along the green's edge.
227 · Nov 2018
JJ Inda Nov 2018
Your absence
is loud
and clear,
It's your
your complexity
I fear.
It's the
you've never said,
is the truth
I never
220 · Dec 2018
JJ Inda Dec 2018
At the end of the day
or in a lull of a moment
you won’t think of me.
220 · Sep 2019
Grease lightning
JJ Inda Sep 2019
thoughts are passing cars today;
ever changing,
on the move.
colors blur
and details clash.
one after the other,
the next
faster than
the last.
217 · Nov 2018
Caring is essential
JJ Inda Nov 2018
Dust sits on the shelf,
no books or papers
only dust,
remainders of life.
-Staring at it,
feeling nothing.
Hoping for nostalgia, but no.
This sudden detachment is worrisome.
The work can suffer
you know?
216 · Jan 2019
Your Path
JJ Inda Jan 2019
Yours is a path less traveled.
Rythmic for the love of drums.
Got cabinets full of bills,
things that’ll never keep.

A string thugs ever-so-slightly,
but it is visible you see?
Freedom was sold,
hope you kept the receipt.
216 · Nov 2018
Days Bored
JJ Inda Nov 2018
Mid-day beers taste best alone.
tv off, windows open
and the **** dog asleep.
Another day halfway gone
and why hang around,
why linger on?
Seen it all before,
days grown bored.
The night gets music and lights,
alcohol and ****,
who could bore of this?
216 · Nov 2018
JJ Inda Nov 2018
The youth
has gone away.

Only lines
of fun stay.

When I smile
they go astray.
208 · Nov 2018
In Spite of Death
JJ Inda Nov 2018
Vow to live.
To meet the days
in revolt.
Death will come nonetheless;
but make no time for death,
rather for life.
196 · Nov 2018
JJ Inda Nov 2018
They come and go
these passions of the flesh.
Eyes of green,
brown and gray.
Near the big blue
they all look the same.
In the end
it's the ocean
and I
which remain.
195 · Nov 2018
JJ Inda Nov 2018
Innocent is the unborn,
till it's first breath.
A product of guilty parties,
thus ignorance allows it's visceral cries.
I beg,
condemn them not,
their fate (like all) is sealed.
not one soul has yet forgotten.
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