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Mar 2020 · 246
When the dust settled
Deon Mar 2020
A shared tragedy they say
Brings people even closer
In circles they bond and pray
Believing it makes them stronger

And so the world suffered this fate
It struck fear in our hearts and made us sick
We promised to move past our hate
As to save lives, we had to pick

But when the dust did settle
It left us in ruins and wrack
Just like the *** and the kettle
We burned again in greed and hate
But turned to called the other black
Dec 2019 · 267
Deon Dec 2019
I'm alive but I'm still ill
Jul 2019 · 346
My Great-grandma's cat
Deon Jul 2019
I think Nana was named after her cat
Mary the cat didn't like me much
She thought she ran the house, I thought so too
I just wouldn't give her that as well
She'd hiss and stare and give me the creeps
One night I dreamed she tied me away
Sent me on a boat to never return
At dawn, she stretched and washed herself
and seemed surprised that I was still there
My great-grandma died at almost a hundred
I believe the cat lived just as long
It might have died or moved away
Or she's immortal just as I thought
She must miss Nana just like I do
They were good friends until the end
Or so I imagine, I really wasn't there
I'm not sure what qualifies as poetry and I'm mostly just putting down what is on my mind for now
Jun 2019 · 852
Deon Jun 2019
Life is a comedy if you have the right sense of humour
Jun 2018 · 812
Deon Jun 2018
I'm not writing again
But today is Caitlin's birthday
And she does deserve a piece

We haven't talked of late
Yet I feel she's doing great
I'm not sure what to say
But I'm glad I didn't forget

Before this turns to a bore
I just want to say
I'm glad we were friends for a bit
Happy birthday Caitlin
Apr 2018 · 1.1k
Hi Mom,
Deon Apr 2018
There's so much you don't know about me
There's so much I don't know about me
But maybe we can know each other a bit better
If you don't mind I'll go first

I think about you quite often
But I'm not sure what to say when you call
I have questions you don't have answers to
And I know they're ones I should find myself

Words haven't always been very effective for me
There are way too many to choose from
I've had every conversation you can imagine
It's all in my head but they're comforting

I try to be better you know?
Better than I was yesterday
Don't worry I try these days
Not to be too ******* myself

There are things I wish for that keep me up
I want them but I'm not doing enough yet
When things get tough I still remind myself that
The journey is the reward not just the destination

I haven't completely figured out who I am
But has anyone?
It means I get to choose and
Create a meaning despite the absurdity of it all

There's a new cookie recipe I made
You would most certainly love it
We should talk sometime Mom
Over fresh cookies and milk
Learn more about each other
Like mother and child should
Trying out new recipes
With hopes they turn out well
Apr 2018 · 414
Catch me after midnight
Deon Apr 2018
In the still of the night
My thoughts drift inwards
I let my guards down
So maybe, just maybe
You catch me after midnight
I'll let you in
Share my deepest self
My fears
The part of me
I often hide with humor
At that point
You become a part of my world
See through my eyes
And get to know me
Just long enough
Until the walls go up again
It's just after midnight
Mar 2018 · 345
Can I write Uninspired
Deon Mar 2018
I keep erasing the words I write
With no life or soul in a poem
Why bother writing one at all
Apr 2017 · 368
Deon Apr 2017
Here I am again writing **** down like it'd make me feel better
I look in the mirror and **** i still like what I see
But the dude on the other side
Doesn't seem too happy with what I've become
A lot of things have changed
Not much that I'm particularly proud of
Maybe my best days are past
Maybe I'm a **** after all
Maybe I'm ****** in the head
And the only thing that makes sense is a paradox
Maybe I just need to sleep
Or get hit real hard in the face
It's probably really the end of days
Too late to be a ***** about it now
What if it's okay to feel bad
What if it's okay to ***** up
Maybe I'm just human after all

What about those I've hurt?
Wish I could say sorry enough
I never mean to hurt anyone
Except maybe the one in the mirror

So much has changed
But hey I still have a piece of my soul
I should probably let that bleed out too
Cos yeah it's so much easier to not feel at all

What the hell?! I'm probably overthinking everything
Nothing's as bad as it may seem
Well until your demons come to feed

What does it matter anyway
All of it
It's all just a joke
Not a very funny one though
I'm gonna climb back up my ***
And not show my face here again
It's not like anyone gives a ****
It's not like I give a ****

I'm no poet
I'm just ****** up
I guess this is what I get for coming back here. Uninspired thoughtless ramblings but hey I never said I was Shakespeare
Dec 2016 · 1.0k
The Devil and Me
Deon Dec 2016
He offered me the earth and all in it
Riches and gold, power and fame
A place above kings, a throne to sit
Pleasures in life without no shame

In exchange for a soul
That I possess
You won't be a ghoul
Or demon possessed

Not nearly enough I turned and smiled
I wish not for fame
Nor money and power
If you give what I need
We have a deal

A man without desire
For the things on earth
What do you wish that I can't give
What do you have that most men wish

You're the Prince of Earth
And I'm satiable but
Not of the things in this world
Those things never last
Metaphors still
Dec 2016 · 642
The Devil's Offer
Deon Dec 2016
I should have taken his offer
While it lasted so
All I could've gained
In exchange for one soul

But I don't want riches
I don't want fame
**** I don't even want power
I just wanna know why

Yeah I stopped writing
Cos it stopped helping
My demons still are
Pounding in my head

I've lived I've loved
And seen the good in people
I've hurt I've hated
And seen the worst in man

But I don't blame them
Not for what happened with me
At least
I still blame myself
For not taking the angel's either
Metaphors appear to be a good illustration but I don't think I'm back to writing though.
Mar 2016 · 494
The end
Deon Mar 2016
God will not destroy the world
We'll destroy it long before he arrives
Jan 2016 · 482
Deon Jan 2016
I think it's kinda funny
I know it's kinda sad
The people who betray me
Are the ones I trust the most
Jan 2016 · 449
Deon Jan 2016
You'll find this hard to believe
I find it hard to say
The dreams in which I die in
Are the best I ever had
Jan 2016 · 399
Love (10W)
Deon Jan 2016
Everything and everyone you love goes away in the end
Nov 2015 · 708
Deon Nov 2015
My voice is cracked from crying
Who then will sing your dirge
It's hard to speak or say goodbye
Or stop my hands from trembling

Tears roll down as we shared the grace
I try to sing but start to cry
Now I stare at a soulless face
Hoping that somehow 'tis all a lie

Dressed in white, your arms by your side
The door is closed as you take a ride
To an Isle that lies beyond the road
A road there is with no return
A place that someday even I will follow

While I can't tell you how I feel
At least I can write you a song
That those who hear ur Epicedium
Will cry for then they know
An angel had left for home
Trying to write poetry based on willful inspiration. Hopefully it'll go pretty well
Nov 2015 · 710
Mind of a poet
Deon Nov 2015
Bits and pieces
Words and phrases
A title or an end
A rhyme in the middle
A poem a prose a song maybe
Metaphors and sarcasm,
A flow in the tone
Colors, places
A warm thought or faces
A pen a paper
A quiet place to think
These are battles of thoughts
In the mind of a poet
Aug 2015 · 1.2k
Deon Aug 2015
The value of art
Lies not in its beauty
But in its flaws
It's not about the perfection
But its mistakes
It's not about the art itself
Or the story it tells
The true value of art
Is how it makes you feel
Felt something after seeing some art that didn't really make much sense but really had deep emotions flowing in it... good, bad and scary all at once
Aug 2015 · 5.8k
Stories in the mirror
Deon Aug 2015
There are stories in the mirror
I read them everyday
Each day a new story
Different from yesterday's

Each day I read something new
But some stories turn out blue
Each mirror tells a story
To a stranger or friend
The stories they tell
Are different but never end

Each mirror tells a story
When it's in the light
But grows quiet and cold
If the moon is in sight

There are stories in the mirror
I hear them all the time
Just look in the closet
They are waiting to be told
there is always a something new about us each day and you'll find out if you look in the mirror everyday
Jul 2015 · 1.9k
September (Hibernate)
Deon Jul 2015
Summer time has come at last
Spring is gone
And I'm alone
Wake me up
When it's September

Here I am so Innocent
But the Innocent
They never rest
Don't wake me up
If all I have is gone

It's like I've met
My own demise
The end at last is here

I can live with my demons
But those angels
Are the ones I dread
Wake me up
If heaven isn't real

I've worked so hard
For so long
To be the best
In what I do
But all I do
Never seems enough

Now at last
I go to rest
Hoping that
It's just a dream
Don't wake me up
Till September comes
Jun 2015 · 2.4k
Deon Jun 2015
A caterpillar needs to die
To become a butterfly
Only then can it fly
Death may be the only way you can evolve and be able to fly
Jun 2015 · 568
Writing Can Heal
Deon Jun 2015
You don't need to be Alan Poe
Just write what you know
It doesn't have to be great in the end
It doesn't need a rhyme
Just one word at a time

You shouldn't be alone
Since your thought are your own
Your writing is your friend
It'll stay till the end

Don't lie or conceal
Just  writing can heal
If you don't already you should pick a pen and just let it flow. It really helps alot
May 2015 · 605
Self Destruct
Deon May 2015
My heart is life bomb
With a count down timer
And it beats faster now
Reminding me my time is near

I wish that life wasn't so short
It had a lot of bad days yes
But with some good memories too

I see no paradise above
I don't think I'm on fire either
I only see the world
With no fairies in them

As my timer approaches zero
On this life bomb with no reset
I just lie back and wait
Waiting till I self destruct
May 2015 · 439
Deon May 2015
Why does no one ever listen
          And those that pretend to do
                   Never truly understand
Maybe it's just best to shut it inside *inner voices*
May 2015 · 830
I don't pray
Deon May 2015
I don't pray
It makes me hope
I don't hope
It hides me from reality
I don't plan for the future
For things rarely turn out the way we expect
I just live the moment
Doing what I can
While I still can
But I don't pray
Not saying it's wrong I just don't pray but I respect the architect of the universe
May 2015 · 877
I don't Pray
Deon May 2015
I don't pray
                                                      It makes me hope
             I don't hope
                                                      It blinds me from the truth
                          I don't plan for the future
                                                      Things rarely turn out the way you plan  I just live the moment
                        Doing what I can
                                                While I still can
                                                                      But I don't pray
May 2015 · 1.5k
Deep Feelings(10w)
Deon May 2015
Only the pen
                and my ink stained
                                     book truly understand
everyone else has a second hand opinion
May 2015 · 411
No Paradise
Deon May 2015
If you went up
Past the moon
Past the sun and the stars
You won't see any paradise
Just darkness
It's void it's dark
With millions of stars
But no paradise
May 2015 · 3.8k
Deon May 2015
Are there any moments
When you read a book
Or hear a song
A phrase maybe
And the thoughts
Of the one you once loved
Crosses your mind
May 2015 · 8.7k
Sound of Silence
Deon May 2015
I love the sound of silence
Of the quiet between the songs I hear
And the music of the silence between the notes
May 2015 · 1000
Deon May 2015
Warm and gentle
Her touch ever graceful
A smile across
Those lips so delightful
Sweet and beautiful
She's more than I ever asked
May 2015 · 1.5k
Coin (10w)
Deon May 2015
I know not of the faceless side of my coin
May 2015 · 671
First Time
Deon May 2015
First time is the worst
But the second still stings like hell
May 2015 · 3.4k
Deon May 2015
Sleep now my beautiful princess
That when the morning calls
You rise so sylphlike and
Gleam like the sun
May 2015 · 9.8k
Aliens With Wings
Deon May 2015
Stories were told
Of aliens with wings
And how they flew
In chariots of fire
And how they dressed
Like warriors with swords

These aliens they say
Watch over us all
With strength of giants
And the sword of truth
And eyes that shone
As bright as the moon

These aliens they say
Will keep us from harm
When lost in the dark
They'll show us the way

Their homes I learnt
Is paradise above
And when I die
My zombie they say
To their homes will fly

Where O! where are they now
The aliens with wings
Where are they now
To save us from sin

Angels they say
But for all I know
These aliens with wings
Are nothing but tales
May 2015 · 745
Mon ennemi Mon ami
Deon May 2015
You are all I wish for
                                                      And all that I hate
The source of my pleasure
                                                      And cause of my pains
The Angel in my dreams
                                                      And the Demon in my nightmares
You are all I need
                                                      And all that I lack
You calm my temper
                                                      And you stir up my rage
You are my hope in life
                                                      And my despair in death
My friend my foe
Et ma raison d'être
May 2015 · 2.1k
I Miss You
Deon May 2015
I know we've gone our separate ways
But every now and then I still think
Of you, us, and our time together
Then I go through your pictures
And see how well you've been
I still stalk you because i care
I miss you and can't say so
I wish I hadn't let you go
Now we barely speak
I still care about you
But I can't tell you
May 2015 · 3.3k
Harsh Reality
Deon May 2015
I'm stuck in the harsh reality
Of living in this city
Which had left me abate
A world with no Cinderella, no sleeping beauty
Nor a princess with a ******
Just people ready to hate

Today I woke by eight
Still hurrying so I won't be late
But I failed and still i got no pity
I tried to change my fate
Yet the future still lies in wait
And I still didn't lose my tenacity

Tomorrow is just another day
Though it's the 4th of May
I know Star Wars is not true
But that's not why I won't stay
It's not like I'm running away
May the Fourth be with You

I woke up optimistic
Yes! my problems may be enigmatic
But it won't always be static
I'll face this harsh reality
With my usual tenacity
May 2015 · 8.1k
Deon May 2015
A day cometh when together we shall stand ne'er
Our different part we shall thread
Leaving behind our families and our homes
Back to them we look not
Just hoping we meet again...
May 2015 · 2.1k
I saw a bird
Deon May 2015
I saw a bird on an electric pole
She chirps and looks at me
Like she's saying comprendo?

Then I try to make friends with her
But she twists her head
Like she's saying Me, You, Friends?
No way!!!

                                                      She looks down at me
                                       Up at her friends
                      And without a goodbye
           She spread her tiny wings
And off she went
True story happened to me on my way to school
May 2015 · 611
A bird in the bushes
Deon May 2015
Through the bushes
I walked past this morn
An orange and black bird flew
                      F   l  u tt e ring and flapping
                                                 As it hums around
                                  It was so pretty
                   That I wanted to have it
                                       But if I did I     th....ou....ght
It ceases to be what I adore
For then I have taken away
What it values the most
Then I smiled and kept walking
          That others passing by
                   Might appreciate its beauty
                               Just as I did and smile
                                       Just as I did
happened a couple days back on a cold morning as I went for a walk
Apr 2015 · 634
My Demon
Deon Apr 2015
I caught my demon
And locked him up
In the basement
I torture him
Every morning I wake
Causing him as much pain
As I possibly could
It gave me great pleasure
To see him wail
But the pleasure ceases
When'er I stop
So I don't.
I just stand there
And watch him suffer

Every night
Before I go to sleep
I suffer him the more
And like a lullaby
His cries rock me to sleep

This one morn
I woke up with the pains
And I whipped him the more
But he didn't cry this time
He just stared cold hard
With his last words he asked
"Is this really the end of your suffering"
"Are you freed from your torment"
But that only increased my grief
Even after he drew his last breath
I struck and beat him  
Yet the memories haunted me

I thought I'd caught my demon
My nightmare my bane
But I din't. I only created him
And the voices in my head
Whispered all night
**"You are your own DEMON"
I am my own demon
Apr 2015 · 6.3k
Brothers In Arms II
Deon Apr 2015
I have watched you suffer
While the battle raged on
Though i nearly died
For once i was never alone
You did not desert me
My brothers in arms

There are so many different worlds
And in all may we triumph
As we did once before
Let our blood
Water the trees of liberty
May the moon howl our names
Across mountains and seas
Let our tales be told
By the children unborn

It's a life we have to live
Until we no more do
It hurts us badly though
Everyone has to die
Now i bid you farewell
My brothers in arms

As we journey into the life
Beyond and after
May we stand together
Forever as brothers in arms
Apr 2015 · 8.5k
Brothers In Arms I
Deon Apr 2015
In this far strange land
Is a place i call home
Someday we'll return
To our loved ones at home
And won't have to fight to be
Brothers in arms

Brothers i ate with
Fought with
Bled with
With my last breath
I'll stand by you
My brothers in arms

Let us fight till the end
Just as we did before
As we march on to victory
With blood on our hands
Side by side
With our brothers in arms
Apr 2015 · 617
Easter Time
Deon Apr 2015
It's Easter time
                                                                           Colored Eggs and Bunnies
               Children Singing

                Lots of the candy
                                              Lots of the fun
                                                                         A time to rejoice
                For the bunnies we see

                                                                      Dreams of Easter
                                         Dreams of love
Dreams of every child
                                         Who dares to see
And have yourself
                                A merry little Easter
                                                                   I wish you all
                                                                                           Happy holidays
Apr 2015 · 2.3k
Deon Apr 2015
I don't have no fears
I live I die
I bleed I cry
I shed no tears
And still I try

My heart's not made of stone
For those I wronged I did atone
But gone at last the things I own
And yet again I'm all alone

Where did I go wrong
Where do I belong
What am I to do
To break free of this curse
Apr 2015 · 630
Fallen Angels
Deon Apr 2015
There were Angels trapped in hell
Lost their wings in purgatory
                                                         For pride of how mighty they had been
O! how art the mighty fallen
Pains seared through their veins
As fear smiled in their faces
And defeat in their once graceful eyes
                                                       Cries of pain from the voice once sweet
And all they asked was
Redemption that just to man belongs
And to be freed from the torment of hell

Fallen from grace; wounded with broken wings
                                                      And so Little of the perfect being was left
Apr 2015 · 1.4k
A pita for Peter
Deon Apr 2015
One juice box
One scone
One apple for Noble
and a pita for Peter

One sandwich
One coke
One green pea for  me
and a pita for Peter

One fanta for Santa
One pizza for Caesar
And extra mozzarella for Ella
The spare is for you
And as for the bean
Put that in the bin
and a pita for Peter

One ice-cream
One pie
One pasta for Busta
and a pita for Peter

One cake
One steak
One milkshake for Shriek
and a pita for Peter

One pita
for Peter?
Give each one their own
*and a pita for Peter
silly food rhyme i know
Deon Mar 2015
Sing me a song
as sweet as your lips
Sketch me a portrait
as pretty as the stars
Write me a poem
as charming as your eyes

Tell me a story
a story of our love
Look me in the eye
and tell me a secret

Come close to me
that i hear you breathing
Come closer still
that i feel your heartbeat
Let me inside of you
that i hear your thought

**Just you, just me and no one else
Mar 2015 · 1.2k
I'm a killer
Deon Mar 2015
Ow! i screamed as she pounced on me.
searing through my flesh
her vicious blades tore;
i tried to attack but
she got a better hold of me.
i managed to get her off of me to ask why?
but it was too late i struck her down.

Dead and cold
her lifeless body lay
in a pool of blood;
her blood on mine,
my blood on hers,
blood flowing freely and
blood piling up.
the blood she drew from me
and the blood she was yet to spill.

She had attacked me
but by the time i realized it,
it was too late;
she's gone  and there will be others after her.
i killed her!!!
in self defense i swear
but i just killed a mosquito
and don't know why i should be worried about that
I'll try not to **** the next ones. maybe put a notice that says "gone out come back later"
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