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Oct 2024 · 505
songs in sand
will Oct 2024
shifting winds blow tenderly
revealing all that they're covering
unearthing old tunes so lovingly
brushing over their edges and caressing
gentle notes of sand rush softly
i haven't written here or really anything at all in three years and to be honest most of my older works are pretty terrible. not that this is any better but i am glad to be writing again!
Jan 2021 · 712
will Jan 2021
i miss my hair falling out
my eyes dragging me down
i miss not having anything but bile
my bones pulling to the earth
i miss the sweet feeling of being hollow
Jan 2021 · 464
will Jan 2021
blue, a color to morn
seen as sadness
mistaken for a sign
of the coming sorrow
some simple symbol

blue, a color of comfort
like rain after drought
clear streams bubbling
and oceans swelling with joy

blue, like fireworks
while popping blueberries
and a refreshing drink
under the clear blue sky
Nov 2020 · 478
alone in my room
will Nov 2020
blue lights
hot teas

cold feet
soft sleeves

quiet room
typing keys
solitude looks different to everyone this is mine
Nov 2020 · 382
will Nov 2020
beloved you are
gentle soft pillows
filled with feathers
that itch at my skin

beloved you are
sobbing on shoulders
acid on tongue
begging for love
that I've never known

beloved you are
the beat of water
the shower head
pearly tears fall down

beloved you are
broken like glass
an edged smile
at days of the end

beloved you are
chaining me here
clutching at nails
like knives in my hand
I just needed to get some stuff from my last relationship out... remember kids emotionally manipulating your partner into staying with you is still abuse.
Nov 2020 · 319
my own mind
will Nov 2020
we all have thoughts
impulses, moments, similarities
we all know the actions
smiles, words, movements

out of sync, the feeling of missing a note
no arrangement to follow in a symphony
a world of music, no voice to sing

my own are broken
discordant, amiss, awry
my brain is hoping
wishing, waiting, wanting
some of my thoughts on living in the world that seems to know what to be doing or saying as a neurodivergent.
Nov 2020 · 268
writing poetry
will Nov 2020
writing, rules all different
art, with no color
music, with no instruments
all these but none at all
be it prose, be it lyrical, or be it free
poetry is distinct as it's own
a free flowing expression
a moment of emotion, of connection
just some thoughts I've been having
Oct 2020 · 301
will Oct 2020
burns lay across skin
fire touched finger tips
from reaching out to the sun
reddened and shiny blisters
peel away from shaking hands
leaving soft skin of innocence
a layer to forgive the fire
from a thoughtless star
you reach again
the cycle continues
Oct 2020 · 1.1k
winter hands
will Oct 2020
those slender fingers ache
with frost touched tips
when hands join not
and severance of limb
not of your own body
comes away like snow
falling from the sky
so naturally but so coldly
Oct 2020 · 186
will Oct 2020
body, what aches in you?
from dismantling joints
to decaying flesh
the rot only I can see

mind, what plagues you?
from late night thoughts
to the words of others
as I try to escape it

body, what are you?
to deny the mind
and wreck havoc on identity
to break me again

mind, what say you?
follow into darkness
and float ways away now
to a better place for us
Oct 2020 · 424
buried here
will Oct 2020
I sit alone on the floor,
the light blinks in and out.
...or perhaps it is my eyes?
that I cast now over leftwards
to look at the doorway.
Empty, as it always is,
or is now? as it should be.

I feel as though I am floating,
no, I am grounded now.
Chained here to the floor.
My body lays like bones in the ground,
unmoving and crushed by dirt.
heavy and cloying, the smell of earth.
worms dig under my skin,
wriggling parasites in my skull.

Am I decaying? like I once wished.
my thoughts like rot, what else...
but to deteriorate into darkness.
My body lays on the floor,
a useless cadaver as it always was.
I am strung to it by some means,
my ghost lingering on the dead.
Have I not moved on yet?
Sep 2020 · 274
will Sep 2020
one that is not my own
one a skin I no longer fit
one all my own but older
one new and fresh faced
one that no one ever knows
a list so long I could never find me
a list of them extending beyond all
Sep 2020 · 250
will Sep 2020
everyone in sync
lining up together
words and actions
that flow just right

out of the loop
unable to connect
like some secret
I couldn't find

how do they connect
like wires to computer
making memories together
I feel disconnected
Sep 2020 · 360
can't sleep for they see
will Sep 2020
tired eyes, those long nights
drinking mint tea like alcohol
whispering to myself in a soft drawl
as the frigid september air bites

my lids grow heavy as hours pass
staring at my screen for answers
words jump around like dancers
my vision becomes milky glass

as I lift my head to the dawn
my hands still across the keys
and I can finally feel at ease
now the night shadows are gone
I see shadows echoing and stretching across my walls as I sit here writing hoping that I last through the night. I fear sleeping, but I know it is irrational.
Sep 2020 · 307
will Sep 2020
the sky hangs low
with a dark shroud
as the wind picks up
and blows light away
as the ground shifts
and the trees shake
when rain holds its breath
before they fall down
in this dreary day
we walk in whispers
rushing inside and away
from the misty chill
Sep 2020 · 172
will Sep 2020
I painted my brothers nails black
he got tired and we took a nap
then I woke up to get a snack
there was even a little cold snap
Prompt: write about what you did today!
Sep 2020 · 142
morning sun
will Sep 2020
what is true nature if not this
the whole feeling of sunshine
as it streams onto my face
bring such warmth and joy
as I soak in its morning rays
Sep 2020 · 1.4k
waking up
will Sep 2020
shaking off unconsciousness
stretching those aching joints
and lifting your eyelids to light
as sunlight begins to stream in

you pull the soft covers down
your sluggish mind begins to wake
as you slip from the bed to the floor
reaching over a kiss to my head

you whisper good morning
then I role over again to sleep
as you leave me in the dawn
to begin the daily drawl
Aug 2020 · 398
will Aug 2020
sweet dripping and lush
in my tea and into me
honey in my veins
Aug 2020 · 385
the foodie who hated food
will Aug 2020
i hate food
i love to eat and eat and eat
i never seemed to stop
chips, nuts, berries, and galore

i hate food
i love to chew and chew and chew
i always seem to be hungry
pasta, bread, eggs, and more
i hate food
i love to hate myself for it
but never seem to stop
bits, bites, mouthfuls, and shame
Aug 2020 · 237
will Aug 2020
tapping... pages whispering...
someone holds in a cough
as the air tenses around us
I hold my breathe as we listen
to a teachers droning noise
buzzing facts and figures
a quite conversation... a laugh...
I rock back and forth nervously
hoping beyond all it wasn't for me
taking notes my hand shakes
are my fellows judging my writing
can they see how crooked it is
shuffling... a chair squeaks...
Aug 2020 · 121
will Aug 2020
that romanticism it chokes you
trying to holding sweet moments
and hoping for more again
looking for some soft memories
when there were never any
drinking cocoa like it wasn't gasoline
sugar down your throat like *******

you're acting lovely and wistful
like love wasn't a gun to the head
a threat on your deathbed
let go and cut your puppet strings
even if they connect to the parachute
the keeps you from an ocean of doubt
full of salty tears to drown you
just thinking of some stuff this poem doesn't make much sense...
Aug 2020 · 284
black coffee
will Aug 2020
that dark black coffee
bitter on my tongue
it twists my mouth up
like you used too

with subtle flavors
sharp hazelnut undertones
like your soft curls
use to smell in the morning

I wake up to one cup
or maybe three or four
to fill up space that you left
now in my empty quiet bed
Jul 2020 · 455
will Jul 2020
s t  r   e    t     c      h       i         n       g
long corrrrrridors
ache with those
who once

 T                   l
   H                     k
      E                      e
         M                      d

can you hear their echoes coming back?

from so             F A R              away

                    these mirrored halls?
that distorted the truth
                           and their reality?
thinking about the distortion from the TMA podcast...
Jul 2020 · 158
In December
will Jul 2020
this december I will remember
or at least we can try too
I'll try to hold on to those memories
of a year gone to hell
a year in which I held onto you
and we fell together

this december I will remember
all the harder times
in those dark moments we had
yelling at the world
late at night crying for what is wrong
knowing we were too young
Jul 2020 · 400
will Jul 2020
the soft glow of you
the warmth inside you
that spills out from your skin
like standing in front of the sun
back lit and casting shadows
that comfort those in them
a break from the harsh day
a soft pillowing light
to hold them tightly
Prompt 62: Create a descriptive poem about something that has a soft glow or sheen to it.
Jul 2020 · 182
Nighttime Storm
will Jul 2020
amidst the darkness
a gentle patter begins
tipping and tapping
a comforting rhythm
as thunder rumbles
and light begins to dance
during a nighttime storm
It’s 12:05am and raining. What a wonderful feeling.
Jul 2020 · 272
43 days
will Jul 2020
in forty three days
the world will shift
not for you maybe
not even a bit

but in forty three days
my axis will tilt
and fall to the ground
shattering there

in those forty three days
I will change again
and move far away
never to be seen again
Jun 2020 · 258
Lavender Love
will Jun 2020
I wanna smell like lavender and honey drops

I wanna be there when your heart stops

I wanna breathe in decay and out life

I wanna go to sleep and ascend to your side

I wanna return to dirt and become flowers

I wanna have honeybees in my blooms
Just thinking about weird stuff
Jun 2020 · 270
will Jun 2020
a struggle to keep it together
an ideal that was always missed
unattainable in the very end
crushed by the realization
all that fumbling and tumbling
without ever having a reason
Prompt 73: Perfection.
Jun 2020 · 183
will Jun 2020
anger and blood
spilled across the floor

embarrassment and sophistication
splayed on your face

love and heartache
beating in time together
Prompt: write about a color.
Jun 2020 · 702
will Jun 2020
wrap my fragile chest
in a tight embrace
suffocate me please
and show me now
the who I want to be
Jun 2020 · 286
dragging thoughts
will Jun 2020
early as the sun rises
a drooping still body sits
glancing up to the window
as sun peaks through blinds
a sluggish eye squints up
and the dragging mind watches
as the haunting night now gives way
to a bright merciless morning cycle
as the world continues without a pause
for the weary souls that never ended the day
Prompt 96. What’s it like when you have to wake up in the morning on a night you can’t sleep?
Jun 2020 · 164
no context thought
will Jun 2020
no time for gender
when there are crimes to commit
Jun 2020 · 156
don't cry
will Jun 2020
don't cry darling
whip those tar tears
from your starry eyes
and breath out the smog
of all that you'll leave behind
Prompt 76. Don’t cry.
Jun 2020 · 266
will Jun 2020
eyes squeezed tight
like my bones in this hole
away from it all
Prompt 59: Write about an experience that made you feel trapped. I'm keeping this vague because it's scary.
Jun 2020 · 261
will Jun 2020
falling through the sky
tumbling down now to nothing
foundations lay bare
Aren't we all towers trying to reach higher and high until we compromise ourselves, only to come tumbling down to the cold ground?
Jun 2020 · 227
will Jun 2020
we were like a switchblade
sometimes a smooth surface
with pain on the inside
sharp edges hidden away

but we flicked out sometimes
taking it all out on the world
nothing deserves to feel the kiss
of our mind's rusty blades

She would hold us by the tips
polishing away the old blood
and revealing a dull blade
that never wanted to hurt anyone
Jun 2020 · 217
someone to hold
will Jun 2020
I want someone to hold
and to be held by someone
someone to love and comfort
to dance around the kitchen with
and to whisper I love you to in bed
during the soft sleepy lazy times together
Jun 2020 · 99
the future trip
will Jun 2020
down the road
driving away now
from the grey
the cloudy sky
in dark sun
an eye opens
and spills out
all the secrets
that we held
far away then
from the old
from the familiar
and be new
here with me
Jun 2020 · 116
will Jun 2020
you will know me all though life
until one day I will change
do not be shocked that they are gone
for I was an inevitability
people change and I'm not sorry that I wouldn't stay the same.
Jun 2020 · 346
will Jun 2020
the soft pull of you
fabric across my skin
pulled over my head
with rolled sleeves
you keep me warm
tucked into your folds
burrowing down softly
a comfort like no other
Jun 2020 · 205
will Jun 2020
you were my universe
a face full of stars
eyes like ocean planets
but they froze over
you had a smile like a sun
but it went supernova
the sharp cold of space
stole away into an emptiness
that you had filled with love
you became a nebula
beautiful and unattainable
Jun 2020 · 161
The End
will Jun 2020
at the end of the world
the sky is dyed in grey
the ashes of us all falling
through the still air

huddled away with you
shaking but holding tight
watching as the end comes
and as the planet dies
I'm just really into writing two people at the end of the world stuff.
Jun 2020 · 121
hold me
will Jun 2020
with the falling sky
now at the end of it all
with your hand in mine
Jun 2020 · 213
The Movement
will Jun 2020
flow like water
through the rapids
let not one drop go
move in heavy groups
rushing past the rocks
let not the stone stop you
push and push till we all
flow through freely now
Life is crazy right now, but we cannot rest until we see true change.
May 2020 · 357
wet meadows
will May 2020
it feels both like menace and comfort
like laying in damp grass
a threat of decay but a pillow of softness and promises.
Burry me in soft earth just below the surface...
May 2020 · 191
Late Nights
will May 2020
at that first loud crash
I huddle under thin sheets
shivering and scared
Some side thoughts from my last haiku.
May 2020 · 546
Rainstorm Home
will May 2020
wind screams at the door
thunder crashes down hollow halls
hide under the bed
Prompt 22: Imagine Weather Indoors. My brain immediately goes to an abusive home of screaming matches like thunderstorms.
May 2020 · 373
will May 2020
slipping down a *****
pushed in place again
hair tucked behind an ear

soft light sparkles on glass
eyelashes press to the window
that you look through
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