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memoona kazmi Feb 2019
i am never going to be happy again,
so don't try to tell me,
i will be the happiest,
when i already know,
i can't get that,
don't make me believe that,
everyone loves me,
when i know,
they don't love me,
so dont try to convince me that,
everything will change,
i will start smiling again...

now kindly read from bottom to top
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
I once had a flower,
Whose lovely scent,
Used to freshen my mind,
Whose fresh petals
Were a bliss to my life,
And now,
that flower haunts me,
Its dead petals remind
Me of my love days,
It’s dead smell
Reminds me of you
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
under the shades,
of those thick,long,black lashes,
were the pearls,
waiting to jump out of the window,
waiting eagerly to roll down his cheeks,
but there was a rule ,
which he should abide by,
that men never cry.......
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
i am alone tonight,
go tell her,
i am all ears,
tell her to whisper in my ears,
to pour the bitter truth in my ears,
the truth i had been hiding from all,
tell her to come with,
her tongue so sharp,
with her eyes,
so vicious and dark,
with her speed so fast,,
tell her i am all ears,
tell her to
pop off the poison,
into my ears,into heart,
let me listen,
to the words,
dancing in the dark,
go tell my sadness,
i am alone tonight,
go tell her,
i am all ears........
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
i know this hurts,
but i guess i'll hold onto your memories forever
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
so many colours on a scattered on a page,
too many scars on a pretty face.......
for my friend who died two weeks ago
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
behind every successful woman,
is  a little confidence and a heartbreak that changed her outlook on the world....
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
in the tsunami of self loathing,
i am not going to swim,
i am sitting numb,
staring at the walls,
questioning myself,
why am i this way?
why can't i be what they want me to be?
why can't i?
i hear the waves of ocean of detestation,
crashing on my mind,
destructing my trueself,
shaking the buildings of my self confidence,
i can feel the water filled inside my lungs,
and this time,
i am not swimming,
i am not trying to save myself,
i am drowning,
and i don't want anyone,
to save me from drowning,
coz i know,
they can save me from demons,
but no one can save me from myself....
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
she was a warrior,
fighting every demon against her,
she never learnt to bow before pain,

she was an artist,
painting happiness in everyone's life,
pouring love even when her own heart was experiencing rain,

she was a healer,
curing every sick heart,
just by touch of her gentle hand,

she was a lover,
loving every moment of her life,
the blooming flowers as well as the grains of sand......
memoona kazmi Apr 2019
she could feel rhythm in air,
tune in air,
music in her heart,
so she threw her fake pride away,
put her dancing shoes on,
and danced...........
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
if she kisses you,
with her eyes open,
it means she's not there yet,
she's not lost into it,
the enchanting garden of love,
is yet to be reached by her,
the demon against love are still to be fought,
the potion of love,
is yet to be drunk,
and if her eyes are still open,
when you move your fingers,
in her hairs,
and if she still can't feel your heat,
she isn't yours to keep.........
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
I like to take,
Showers more than usual,
Not because I am too tidy,
But because,
I like my tears to stay hidden,
I don’t want them to be seen ,
By people who will judge them,
Not understand them,
I like them to be washed away,
With shower,
I stand still,
Until I see every little,
Drop of my tear,
Roll down my cheek,
Get absorbed in
The guise of water,
And I love how
I come out so nicely,
Like everything is
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
An epmty park,
Sky full of stars,
Crickets were chirping,
Fireflies were blinking,
Fog was dense,
The weather was tense,
I had so much to say,
No one to share,
So I chose silence,
It proved to be the best peer,
I told her my worries,
Asked my queries,
neither did it deny,
Nor did it reply,
No matter what I say,
It always stay,
Hidden in my heart,
Playing it's friendship part........
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
silly girl,
little does she know,
they believe the smile,
not dare to look in the eyes,
the eyes hiding the lies,
little do they know,
she's been crying all night,
silly girl,
~little does she know~
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
people say,
the person you sketch,
is the person you love,
if that is the parameter to measure love,
let oceans be my ink,
and skies be my pages,
they will not be enough,
but all they say is true,
then sit next to me,
and let me sketch you
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
woman who sleeps,
with so many men,
for the sake of money,
you call her ****,
i call her a lady,
who is trying to earn a living,
who presents herself,
in a dish,
to the greedy dogs,
hungry for her assault,
you see her,
as a characterless woman,
i see her just a woman,
it's not about her virginity,
that makes you believe that she is a ****,
it's all about the difference in visionality,
how you see her,
how i see her
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
some flowers aren't meant to bloom fully,
they are plucked so early,
some waves aren't made to surf,
they die too early,
some eggs aren't meant to fertilize,
they are stolen so early,
i guess i wasnt meant to be loved deeply,
that's why you left so early..........
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
you left space in me,
which i cannot fill,
that ephemeral relation with you,
was enough to destroy everything of mine,
while sitting alone in my room,
i hear you calling my name,
how stupid of me,
still expecting from you,
didn't know,
you were the puzzle,
i didn't have the complete pieces of,
never really knew,
it was only a game,
and i was amazing at losing in it.....
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
sugar coated people,
we all are,
dressed up in cloaks,
cloaks of sweet words,
uttered by cherry lips,
inside those cloaks,
we are just humans,
on the outside,
but beasts from inside,
with our brutal eyes,
hiding our darkside,
it's not that,
i just am,
or you just are,
the bitter truth is,
we all are...........
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
if they throw rocks at you,
it's time,
you pick those rocks up,
and make walls out of those rocks,
to keep such people out.......
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
here you go,
take a sip of your words,
chew them with patience,
swallow them,
and now tell me,
how do they taste,
salute me,
i have been swallowing them for such a long time
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
hey stranger,where are you now?
i thought we shared something,
or maybe something else,
maybe it was love,
but stupid me,
didn't realize,
you were just a strangers.........
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
while they all were busy,
in praising her beauty,
falling for her looks,
admiring her eyes,
proclaiming those rosy cheeks,
he found her,
collecting the bits of herself,
that were tossed by you,
he found her behind the woods of guise,
offered her hand,
and pulled her out,
out of that fake world,
and that has made all the difference
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
They say ,
They know me,
They love me,
They understand me,
That’s not fascinate me,
What intrigues me the most,
Is what will they do,
To themselves,
When they’ll truly understand me……….
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
the night told me,
what the sun couldn't
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
fairy lights hanging on the walls of circus,
sweet music,nice colours,talented acrobats,
a man dressed in red and white,
with his smile shining bright,
a little red lipstick,
and a little white under the eyes,
kids feared him,
for them he was scary,
adults laughed at him,
as they found him funny,
i sat and gazed,
after hearing his jokes,
noticing one thing i was amazed,
i saw his bright smile,
hid his glistened eyes,
behind that funny face,
was a clown,
fighting withing with pain,
that day i realized,
not all those who laugh ,
are happy and,
all those who don't cry are sad.............
-memoona kazmi
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
in an encounter,
with your enemy,
when you have chance to punish me,
never punish them,
just forgive them,
coz no punishment,
is more fatal,
than repenting,
make them curse,
every second of their life,
the time they hurt you..
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
and when i try to look,
through the red velvet curtains,
of my murky room,
i see moon,
drenched in blood,
looking as vicious as it could be,
half red moon,
moon tinted with red drops,
drops of her blood,
and no matter what i try,
to look for,
a red haunted moon,
is all i see,
oh i see it......
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
without me,
the world would be a better place to live,
don't ever lie to me that,
i belong here,
when i already know that,
for fools like me,
this world isn't a better place,
don't tell me,
it will be alright,
when i know,
it's never getting better,
don't try to convince me that,
everything is going to be perfect.........

now read from bottom to top.
the truth doesn't always is what it appear, just like a reverse poem, u have to see from every angle....
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
When my minds,
Spins a web of thoughts,
I try to save myself,
To get myself out,
The harder I try,
The more tangled I get,
And when I leave myself,
To the flow,
All my thoughts,
My illusions,
Lead me toward you
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
they asked me to describe love in three words,
paintings,books ,poetry,
i replied
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
Take me back to that time,
Epoch of love,
When I used to stand
near your window
Just to hear your
Mellifluous voice,
To hear that silence,
Whisper your name in my ears,
To watch that silver,
Polka dotted brush,
Flow through your
Lush black hairs,
Oh take me back  to that time,
Epoch of love
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
And when you
start needing words
to explain your sadness,
that is the time you should
start thinking about
your relation……….
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
struggling childhood,
infinite smiles,
dashing youth,
amazing life,
the wrinkled eyes had,
treasure of memories to share,
but none in the old house had ears to hear,
so the treasure was buried,
deep under the soil,
with the wrinkled eyes....
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
they say its hard,
to find true love,
they are erroneous,
for i found true love,
when i wrapped my hand,
around his finger,
when i had a warm kiss,
on my head,
when i heard him saying,
no matter what you do,
i'll be there for you,
so when they say,
it's hard to find true love,
for a girl it maybe hard,
but as a daughter,
you are born with it...
love my dad more than anything else......
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
so i guess this goes on,
people keep on hurting you ,
and act like you have hurt them........
memoona kazmi May 2019
you dont need a reason to be sad,
all you want to do,
is sit numb,
and stare at the walls,
trying to figure out what's wrong,
and all you come up with is,
that nothing ever was right.........
i dont know why but i am having sadness attacks.......trying to figure out what's wrong
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
let the winds keep blowing against us,
let the sun blow his rage onto us,
let the water rush around us,
for they can't harm,
as long as we are 'us'
-memoona kazmi
memoona kazmi Dec 2019
As the crimson red colour fades
As the last ray of sun dies
I fetch myself out
Run toward the roads
Sieve the sand of my fortune
To if there exist a single line
Line of your laughter and smile
Holding my hands in your own
To see if there still exists
The last possibility
For you and me
As us......
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
i have heard my elders say,
when someone innocent dies,
the earth quivers,
when something unfair happens,
the sky weeps,
a thousand tears,
the graves tremble,
it rain stones,
on the land of earth,
the hell burst fire,
the heaven shed tears,
the birds stop taking flight,
when an innocent dies,
so i am waiting,
standing on the dead bodies,
of my loved ones,
i am waiting for,
the sky to weep,
i am watching,
the men of my nation,
being massacred mercilessly,
i am waiting for,
earth to quiver,
i am hearing,
the screams of my women,
being torn apart by the,
men masked wolves,
i am waiting,
for the graves to tremble,
coz it's all i can do,
waiting is all i can do............
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
and when i said my last goodbye,
a little piece of my soul,
broke from me,
and flew in infinity,
i wanted you to,
hold me from my shoulder and shake me,
shake me till i change my decision,
i wanted you to remind me,
of all the roses you left in my room,
i wanted to listen your ,
"please dont go"
i wanted you to grab my hand,
and say,
you would never let me go,
i wanted you to shout out aloud to the world,
you will never ever let me leave you,
but you didnt even made a single gesture,
to stop me,
from walking away,
so i just chose to walk away,
because i knew at that moment,
that my absence will not effect you,
because my presence never did......
i never wanted to,but i had to because i had was in the favour of both of us
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
we are all so not,
what we truly are,
just like a jester,
who entertain others,
but hides the darkness deep,
in a corner of his heart,
we all are wearing masks,
afraid of the day,
when they will be dropped,
we all are living lives,
that others want,
feasting on so much,
yet can't stop that hungry feeling all the time,
we all are hiding behind the cloaks,
behind the pinched faces,
hides the wolves ready to attack,
we all are holding daggers,
rolled in silk clothes,
ready to cut everyone,
coming in our way,
in the guise of white,bright moons,
we are the the hidden scorching sun,
of our own personality,
we may seem the whistling wind,
seeming a bliss to their soul,
but in real we are blowing,
to flake away their identities,
we all are so not,
what we truly are.........
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
you know what hurts more than a breakup?
when he start spreading lies about you.........
memoona kazmi Jul 2019
The most
Being misunderstood
Or not being understood at all....
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
and when you no longer,
see me,
just close the blinds,
of those mesmerizing eyes,
shut all the noises out,
breathe the revitalizing air,
inside your lungs,
and dwell in yourself,
that's where my paradise is,
that's where i'll always be,
you will always find me,
in your thoughts,
in your mind,
in your heart...
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
i know the pieces of broken glass will hurt,
but who cares?

i know this road leads to destruction,
but who cares?

i know jumping from this cliff will break my bones,
but who cares?

i know you will hurt me in every possible way,
but who cares?
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
too many wishes hidden under my bed,
everynight when i try to sleep,
they put my head in their lap,
and sing lullabies to me,

too many wishes hidden under my bed,
when i try to wake up,
they,like growing vines,,
cover my whole body and face,

too many wishes hidden under my bed,
whenever i try to be happy,
they show up their wicked smile,
to remind me of things i dont have,

too many wishes hidden under my bed,
whenever i try to move on,
they chain my feet like those heavy iron chains,
and i am a prisoner to those unwanted yet badly wanted wishes,,,,,
-memoona kazmi
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
i am a bird,
born to fly,
you can't cage me,
i am a woman,
may seem fragile,
but you can't break me.......
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
I am the first drop of dew,
That falls on,
Flowers of different hue,
I am the sweetness of tea,
and bitterness of coffee
I am the cloud,
That has both
Thunder and rain,
I am the
Strong wind,
That blows,
I am the sweet whistling wind,
That brings peace,
I am the water fall,
I am the sea,
I am the sky and the stars,
I am the beauty,
I am the beast,
I am no ordinary person,
I am a woman…………..
memoona kazmi Apr 2019
in the woods of my life,
darkness is the only thing that prevails,
the trees of grief stands tall,
like devils wearing black veils,
behind the trees of grief,
hide and seek,my sadness plays,
like thorns it injures my feet,
the grass that grows on its land,
no apple,no almonds,no pear,
pain is only fruit the trees bear,
neither does any bird chirp,
nor does a traveler passes by,
no one bother to peep into forest,
to see what these enchanting woods hide........
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