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8.0k · Apr 2018
Artemis In Silence
Michael Briefs Apr 2018
Artemis of the wood,
sweet skill of deadly
her accurate aim and steady
finds the subtle seam,
all things.
Her swift sentry,
elegant and true,
flies with focused
The soft,
wet earth
surrounds and
her realm of the hunt.
The scent
of the fallen leaves,
cool and colorful,
my soul.
The forest hush is all that
Poem inspired by picture at
6.1k · Jul 2017
Flesh Strokes
Michael Briefs Jul 2017
From white canvass,
a blank ledger of potent
awaiting form and function.
The artist invokes
shade and light.
The seminal swirl of
her brush signals
simple hue,
discrete structures.
Then flesh strokes imbue
sanguine blush of
satin seams
and outstretched limbs;
spring greens and rampant peaks,
reaching high into
gossamer nimbus. Calm swells,
abundant bosoms,
beckoning fields of luxuriant temptation.
From an eternal cool,
the (all too) temporary warmth
of her embrace
lies just beyond:
enticing, luring, teasing
into torrid desire.
From whence,
the dream
See a photo that inspired this poem:
6.0k · Nov 2017
Love Recalled
Michael Briefs Nov 2017
It seemed so much had been lost.  

So much had slipped through
A grasping hand,
A yearning heart,
A desperate mind
As mine.

The dull march of days present
Was shadowed by the
Gloom of regrets and
Shrieked by a shrill wind at lonely,
Bitter hours.  
What was mine? What was ours?
Gone for good and all?

My love, it seemed, was only
Ever a dark dream.
In my swelling and stinging agony,
Love was
As a locked door
And my heart was a bloodied fist
Beating against it.  
A wraith-like specter of doubt clung to me
With oppressive raiment,
Scrapping over exposed skin
Like course, mortifying fabric.  

Then, from out of a pristine past,
A voice  
Called out to me.  
The herald of an angel
Rung clear and glad as winter bells,
The dark narcissus of mortality was
Driven off!
The burial cloak was split;
The stone was rolled back!  

A hope newly found
Surrounds and soars above me,
As a deep, azure ribbon of
Stretching, unending sky!

I am imbued with cheering thoughts
Of our days gone by!
Glories recalled in a moment relived;
Revelries and song lifted with voices
And hearts, stout and full!

With my beautiful Eurydician queen;
Returned, she was,
From an underworld of time.
We coax and stir
The memories of first passions,
Innocent, powerful and pure.
We are now bending
The arc of our history,
Rending the precious pearl of affection
From the murky domain of
A love denied.  
Renewed and viewed through  
Prismic fractures of sadness
And through the sharp focus
Of blue eyes, in rapt recognition,

Today is reborn,
Lived again and again,
With each pulse of the clock,
Each beat of my heart.  
The blood within
Is purged of that familiar poison.  

All is potent and refreshed:
You, your face, your voice, your touch, your scent,
Your vibration pours to and through me, once again!
Oh, true friend,
Tender lover,
Gently knocking at my door.
You return from distant lands
Remote and misty,
Bringing light and love
To my lonely shore.
I approach from my realm,
Far removed.  
Age and ages have chiseled
The shape of my soul.
In part, it is smoothed;
Refined with wisdom, empathy, and clarity.
Also, though,
It is,
In part,
Broken, jagged, and cracked,
As the forgotten sculptures
Of ancient empires,
And doomed.

Yet I realize, all at once,
That I am not forgotten.  
I am not doomed
To shadow.
I breathe,
I seek,
I still have hope and
Words to tell!
And I still have my love for you!
My life is now freed from that
Sad spell.  

This breath,
This stony soul
(Sculpted by the Artist of Pain)
And this trammeled heart
Trembles in desire of
Your beauty,
Your touch and
Your presence --
Your calming presence,
Bringing levity,
And familiar stories of
Hopeful remembrance.  
From love recalled,
Comes your unexpected
Embrace and
Sweet sign of friendship.

That time of distress has come and
Gone and we turn to discover that
Our tender connection remains,
True and undefeated!
It rises with the earliest song
Of still sleepy birds,
Lilting on the cool air of the morn.  

This uplifting emotion
Again flows within me,
As an angel granting absolution,
Touching me in a place
As deep as first love.  

5.0k · Aug 2018
I Fell
Michael Briefs Aug 2018
S       I found myself on a sheer rock face of desperate desire.
H      Holding on to her presence, in the danger of my devotion.
E       But I lost my grip. I missed a step
and my heart skipped a beat.
E       Then she was gone...
R      And I was loose! Plunging, caught by a force of nature.
R      White noise filled my ears and dread filled my heart.
O      In a primal panic, a terrible cry shattered the blackened sky.
C      Her face faded away and I was left reaching for a line --
K      Trying to avoid the rocks below.
F       I tried to find some way back up the mountain.
A      I clutched for the breath in my lungs,
C      The breath that was there before I fell;
E       That moment skipped over,
F       When I lost my grip and you were gone.
A      I carry the pain inside, searching for release.
L       But life goes on and on, day by day.
L       Outside, I am quiet, I hold a steady gaze.
L       But inside, the scars grind like metal on metal,
O      Between a rock and a hard place,
V      Until the edge within becomes razor cold.
E       Like a steely blade inside a silken sheath,
H      The knife buried beneath, poised to draw blood,
O      When the balance is tipped, the pressure too much.
P       Will I crash on jagged agony below or will I let go the dagger,
E       To reclaim the climb? To reach again and find her face, aloft...
Yup, this was the big one. The all-time heart break of my life, circa 1986. Just obliterated, shattered, vaporized me. I am still trying to find my way back up.
3.8k · Dec 2017
A Kiss Upon the New Year
Michael Briefs Dec 2017
A kiss.
A small thing,
like a mustard seed
compared to the crushing
pressures of our desperate world.
But, doesn't the sweet, small, precious
gesture revive the soul,
heal the mind,
and quicken the flesh?
Oh, yes, richly so!
May the new year give me
this fleeting gift,
that small miracle.
May it come sweetly and
may my longing be satisfied,
to experience a taste
of a unity divine;
when two lovers,
in the twinkling of an eye,
become one.
May the mountain of my
solitude be moved,
may a resurrected heart
rise in it's place.
3.2k · Jul 2017
Fragile Pearl
Michael Briefs Jul 2017
If you seek her truth,
beneath all her complexity,
look into her eyes,
to her splendid Self within.
Look with honesty,
to know her for who she is --
but go lightly to her dark spaces;
you may enter only
with humility and tender
For, she keeps precious
a pearl of great worth!
Her pearl is as an ivory column
in the court of Heaven, but also
as fragile as a bird's egg.
So, with care, if you please:
gaze upon her as a translucent
jewel, refined and glittering
like the star-draped canopy of
the desert night.
Handle her heart so
as to set her free,
to lift it up to flight,
where her wings stretch
towards the limitless sky!
Seek her truth, embrace her soul,
treasure her jewels, and guard her
These truly are riches beyond
price and the highest calling
of a Prince!
3.0k · Jul 2017
Distance Unending
Michael Briefs Jul 2017
Journeys rendered dateless,
Wayward and extending out,
Round the compass points --
Dizzying aspiration to cease this race,
To slow my sprinting soul,
This pace splintering, in exhaustion.

Expiring breath of hope or of home
Evaporated in a distance
Vanishing and
On trackless tides, across
Labyrinthine depths,
Within the vast heart
Of the world
I cannot run from.

Yet, I moved to and between
The center or its peripherals, in
Singular or collectives,
Seeking pattern and
Drawing connectives –-
Brushing by and
Bustling among
Entranced In their own

I watched their movements
And their exchanges,
I heard their rituals and
In all these transitions,
They have no inkling
That their seemingly trite
Lives merely manifest
The epic motifs of the heavens!

Our imaginations mirror
The vitality of the gods!
We are as immortal as they!
Our simple, sensual stories
Are also enduring legends
As our pages turn,
Our flags are unfurling!

Just as our fellow
Olympians of old
Engaged in a marathon of
Endeavor to heights
From those mystic days
Since Orpheus’ ardent lyre
Sang notes
Of Nature’s divinity, Her
Eternal sweetness.

We need only sense that
It is in Nature’s essence
We are sharing.
With her, we are joined in
An undying marriage,
A unified pairing –
Our human heritage,
Our dignified bearing.

We share in that song,  
We share in that sweetness,
We share in that race,
We share in Her immanence.

This journey is our own.

It goes on, unending!
Michael Briefs Sep 2017
"...Tell me, for Love's sake, what is that flame which burns in my heart and devours my strength and dissolves my will? What are those hidden soft and rough hands that grasp any soul; what is that wine mixed of bitter joy and sweet pain that suffuses my heart? What are those wings that hover over my pillow in the silence of Night, and keep me awake,watching no one knows what? What is the invisible thing I stare at, the incomprehensible thing that I ponder, the feeling that cannot be sensed? In my sights is a grief more beautiful than the echo of laughter and more rapturous than joy. Why do I surrender myself to an unknown power that slays me and revives me until Dawn rises and fills my chamber with its light?  Phantoms of wakefulness tremble between my seared eyelids, and shadows of dreams hover over my stony bed. What is that which we call Love? Tell me, what is that secret hidden within the ages yet which permeates all consciousness? What is this consciousness that is at once origin and result of everything? What is this vigil that fashions from Life and Death a dream, stranger than Life and deeper than Death? Tell me, friends, is there one among you who would not awake from the slumber of Life if love touched his soul with its fingertip?"
I love Kahlil!
2.3k · Aug 2017
Black Ruin Resurrection
Michael Briefs Aug 2017
The black ruin exploded
on that cold night,
A drenching rain hid a peril,
With lighting strikes
a thunderous white,
we drove in that hour late,
lost and wandering.
The dark road
stretched like a tight rope,
with twisted, wooded boughs
cloaked around.  
We searched the thick shadows
and kept hope,
but chaos is all we found.
Praying for safe passage,
clutching the wheel in fear,  
clinging to the way forward,
but the way was still unclear…
the elements flashed a
dagger of jagged disaster --  
we veered violently,
with vertiginous swerve and swallow.
sheer horror revealed
a visage, eviscerated –
eyes of deep pitch
and bone, hollow.  
Broke and black marrow, portends
no tomorrow;
shattering glass,
splintering wood,
shredding tires,
spilling blood.
Both of us cast into crushing trauma.
…I faded into a murk of the mind,
of Stygian sentience,
slipping beyond, resigned…

Emerging back from a
wild twilight,
where I lingered,
drifting in a diffuse dusk
of a subconscious
with a flood
of shock sensations!
I awoke to a world of
twisted metal and wicked pain,
…“This is really happening?!”
flashed across my mind,
as I struggled to free myself from
the maw of debris.
I could not tell the time or location
of place or friend, but there came
flashing lights and helpful
souls, rushing to attend.
In and out of temporal existence,
my eyes dreary --
heart beat shallow,
impressions of
people and rooms
were bleary.
Numb in my safety,
skating on the surface of an
induced calm, I thought,
“I am in their care.  I can only let go and
let someone else steer.”  
But I waver to explore
the depths of the well
in which I fell;
I can’t yet grasp what transpired,
and I recoil from the traps --
I resist,
I deny,
I withdraw,
I collapse.  

The wet, dark, twisted
walls rise,
reaching high
and ringed around.
she sheltering shock
subsides, and in this
well of pain I drown.
It was only after many hours,
from the moment of
the difficult work
finally began.
To try to come to terms with
the meaning of this hard fact,
to wash the fear from my heart
and the blood from my hands.
With bracing clarity
I realized
how close to death
I had wandered.
All that my life stood for
and meant was crystallized,
and yet
there was so much weakness
and Fear I had not
…And the tears rained down,
drenching my face…
I reeled in despair, clutching
in anguish at the reality,
my mind was white
with grief.
My short life had conceived no honor,
no art,
no lasting vitality!
A legacy of wisdom and
love was imperiled,
nearly stolen by that
phantasmal and cloaked thief.  

Reaching out through the tears,
calling on my savior for help,
I cried out for a way through
the shadow, clinging to
a hope.
Through the blur
of hot sadness came
a human face, with eyes
sending love, healing, empathy, and care…
Her voice and presence was
as an angel from above.
Her tender heart
struck like a thunderbolt
of compassion.  
I was instantly drawn out
from the deathly well,
and the darkness was
I was saved from Hell.  
this Motherly embrace
came and whispered soft
words of consolation,
as she held my soul aloft.  
I felt my hope
returning, I saw my
life revived.
This dawn,
I was thankful that
from black ruin
I survived.
This is auto-biographical.
Michael Briefs Nov 2017
Wrestling with the rifts within,
Fraught with an inner turmoil,
I stagger down to the sea,
Seeking to uncoil.
Standing out on the pier,
Alone with the song of the shore
And the sea around me,
The bitter questions dissipate,
The draining weight lifts free.

Waves crash and currents move
Like gravity made plain;
A watery force droning as voices
The sound of this presence pulls me
Into a trance of fate.  
My reverie foments, my mind drifts
And my thoughts fly
Like sea spray.

Inside, I am dancing, daring, flirting with
Danger and teasing the tides!
Soon, I feel like I am floating above
The deluge,
Yet my courage abides.

I am in that place
In the midst of a constantly flowing
But I am steady,
Held within its reach.
I am not lashed by the elements
Nor tattered by the winds…
I feel immersed in this dynamic
Field of hydro-power
And showering sonic sheets.  

This place has become a part of me,
For my heart has joined with it
And the two become one:
Pulse and flow,
Flesh and wet,
Water and blood
It’s the rise and fall of
Centrifugal churning
(beneath the waves and within this body),
It’s the crack of a quickening surge!

In this bracing instant, we hum
In sympathetic harmony,
At this moment, at once, I am
Vulnerable and victorious,
Pallid and empowered,
Passing and present;
All of these combined.

With the lurking land mass of my life behind
And this mysterious, epic depth before,
My soul hangs suspended
And separate from those on the ships and
Those who tread
Beyond the shore.  

Behind, in the earth, I have been fashioned
For a life like the teeming masses
I see every day.
With so many years gone by, under
The wandering sun and the
Waning moon,
I have journeyed in vain.  
With the taste of dust in my mouth,
My feet are blistered by
The fractured terrain.

I am yoked with the weight of
Bruised memories, still unresolved
Conflicts in my mind.
That earth realm leaves me weary,
In black and sullen confusion, blind.

Yet something is calling me back
To forth,
Out from and above those wasted years,
Like so many fingers
Clutched around my neck!
I sense my flight and my future are found before me.
I feel girded for the trek.

There is an overwhelming need
For a desperate DEPARTURETURN!  
To evolve…

Then, within my soul and with
The salt of my saliva,
I gasp at a realization...Yes!
This is a chance to chart my course!
To start my life anew!
To face the epic depth of
This fearful moment!

To descend and rise….to baptize.  

There seems to be mercury in my
Blood stream for it swells until
My eyes swim!
There is a cataclysm in my psyche
As the crashing ricochets

My soul, my fears, my hopes and my heart
Are fluxing and flying wildly, like sea spray!

There is a feeling of being drawn out,
Like a force of gravity
On a current of inevitability.
At this moment, at last, I am one.
1.5k · Jul 2018
Seek Love, the Source
Michael Briefs Jul 2018
Love is the path.
Love is the light.
Love is the substance.
Love is the journey.
Love, the destiny of all!
Give yourself to Love!
Love speaks truth (sometimes painful)
and proclaims poetry, mystic and joyful.
Love sings songs of courage and delight!
Love sees all beauty and struggle.
Love acts to heal, to forgive, to touch, to embrace.
Love sees you and hopes the highest hope!
Love is the SOUL of Justice, Truth, Beauty, and all creation.
While Love gives light, there is also Darkness;
Darkness is a part of Love but does not command it.
We have the dark in our heart and flesh but we also have light.
Love is the source of that light so let the light and dark play!
From such play comes all ART
and the power to overcome sadness.
Love is the power of all life.
Darkness abides in life but it can also consume it – Do not let it.
Fight the danger of darkness with the hope,
courage and light of Love!
Love is your one hope.
Death is not the end,
Love is.
1.5k · May 2019
In The Air Above Amritsar
Michael Briefs May 2019
On a morning
misty and silent
I lift my gaze.
I float in the air with my friend
-- in a Balloon of many hues! --
above a land of
unbridled diversity,
a land imbued of an
ancient haze.
Ages of untold
days blur in
literal abstraction, in this
enchanted place.  
Alas, I struggle, bruised by all that
my mind cannot capture.
Rationality wants its place
at the table of experience
and reason seeks to define this rapture.
But I have to leave the doors
open to something else...
something wider, some
new synthesis.
I reach for a new level of existence.
In time, I will
learn to dance
to this dislocation;
I will
learn to let go and
accept what I
cannot fathom.
A heady view from our craft
of levity and lightness
supplies a calming reprieve
from my apprehension.
We drift high through hot
atmospheres and above
pungent savannahs,
seeking to release tension.
We let ourselves drift in
the limitless space of God's
breath, bringing our
breathing into the pattern of
The hush takes hold...
Suddenly, we are over come
with spontaneous celebration!
We exalt in the
wisdom of the Sage sublime!
We embrace it all, in thrall
to visions divine!
We pray to the ineffable
with our laughter and
make love in the moment
with our tears.
All our fears are cast away
and we accept a gift offered
by the mystic pulse
of Mother earth.
A view from our balloon
is the prism which
opened our eyes
to the everlasting
This lofty vantage from a
buoyant craft birthed
the soul's
transcendent flight!
The picture that inspired me to write this is at this address:
1.4k · Nov 2017
The Flight of the Raven
Michael Briefs Nov 2017
This floral world
her blackened wings.
Thorns hover, blood-stained,
above ashen lips...
they taste the sting.
The flight of myriad starlights
shows the way
for the final plunge
to the lonely tomb.
The creature is revealed...
it has arrived.
She has found us.
She has come home.
1.3k · Aug 2017
Michael Briefs Aug 2017
She stays with me in the dark,
Until I drift.  
She’s there when I land,
Tangled in my bed,
A solitary shift.  
To rise,
To shake off the chill,
To assert my will,
To never give in or give up.  

I’ll make one more stand, fighting forth,
Moving out into the world,
Treading the path again.  

Ever still in my mind,
Her image firm above my aim,
She guides me through my pain.  
She speaks to me from within,
A whisper of delight;
Alight, sweetened words
Of unquenched desire.  
My pain and my joy,
Through fire and rebirth,
Beyond far horizons

I stray….

Still, I go on.  

Still she tempts me on:  
Over expanse of waves,
Of white peaks,
Of green forests,
Of hot sand….
Where I see her face and
Enter her wilderness.  

I go to her, seeking the comfort
Of her arms around.  
Her breath takes,
Her voice quakes,
Until vibrations crashing –-
My heart splashing –
Loudly in my ears…  

A place of fire and earth,
Between our dark core and
Brilliant corona,
There scatters arcs of light,
Heavenward into air.  
The liquid of our selves
Flow out into rivers of diamond tears
And precious oils.
Holding on to her,
Speaking her name,
Waiting for the force to ebb,
To flow…

I don’t know what my journey will bring.  
I don’t know when my sight will return.  
I only know I must face up
The troubled terrain,
To break my self upon the road.  

To know my soul has a safe home,
My heart has a singular name,
My life has a surging wind,
And my love is its strong sail.  

And I know the breath of God will blow,
And blow on….

Still, she tempts me on.
1.1k · Aug 2017
Mother Ocean, Father Fire
Michael Briefs Aug 2017
She moves like life from water!
She springs forth like the bubbling brook,
Splashing free, cool and joyful!
From above she comes, falling from
The grace of the Creator, Mother to Maiden,
From HER to here!

From the lonely droplet,
Clear and oval,
To the lovely rain,
Drenching in elemental purity,
She embodies a universe
Of vanishing, transparent organisms --
All busy like minute motors.
This infinitesimal society of her new self is,
At once, chaotic and harmonic,
Vast in its plenitude
But invisible to entities above.
This is her world within worlds (a cyclical vortex),
Whirling free and purposeful,
Gyrating and making
Things happen!

She grows through her years to the placid pond:
She is calm and open in support of the swimming,
Leaping, floating, flying, green, yellow,
Brown, red, violet, fragrant, sweet and earthy
Communities who have befriended her ---
We surround her, humming our odes maternal.

She evolves to the raging river and plummeting falls;
A being of turbulence --
Rushing, plunging
And exploding into the air!
Submersed within, she sculpts a sharp edge
Of wit and cunning; subsumed inside the surging flood,
She shapes smooth circulars,
The stones of her ideals, hard-won,
Perfected for her slingshot battle-cry!
Her watery voice is now a full-throated roar,
Haughty, rebellious and self-possessed!
With it, she will stand against and subdue the giants
Who dare to constrain her purpose or deny her worth!
Still, the sonar of her soul also emits waves
More limpid:
The lyrical, ripple-pulse of the river,
Melodically mingled
With the shifting sunbeam and the wafting breeze.

There are sensual silences of unspoken longing
That spill, slip and spin upon quieter currents.
She emerges with all these energies…
Our homes may drift asleep in her care.
We move and live over her wet,
Strong, sultry shoulders.
She carries us through our lives.

Her destiny is, finally, joined to Mother Ocean.
Vast. Powerful. Earth-embracing.
She lets go of doubt as she is drawn into it –
Undeniable, unrelenting, untamed.
Caught in the undertow of desire, of
****** rapture, her tinder temple trembles.
She is lost in a clinging, clutching chaos, quaking
From the erogenous flesh and *** of her source.
All of her essence dissolves into a spherical suffusing;
A filling and expanding need.
Darker -- a sounding blue inside her.
The leviathan of lust descends, arriving at a level
Teaming in mysteries.
Here, there are a myriad of eyes searching
In the hot marrow within.  
Above, the thunder, wind and riptide wave;
Below…the deathly, serious
Silence that reveals the primordial
Drone of the universe –
The vibration of the heart of God --
In the midst of all things known or merely intuited.
Wisdom uttered in a language we hear, we understand,
But we fear to speak…
Yet, in a twinkling of the eye, sometime further ahead,
Above the storm,
We will know,
Speak from our hearts,
And be safe, in her fathomless arms.  

The Man: He is a volcano.
He is pure earth, he is unruly fire-lathe.
He is stone, he is air, and he is the gravity
Which girds the foundation.
He is a destroyer and
He is the
New creation at dawn –
Cooled off, enriched, and potent.
He lifts up the trees, the grass, the rose, the shrub.
The birthing and nurturing soil forms around his feet.
Yet rippling amidst the inflorescence and saplings bubbles
A stream or a spring. Her presence is like diamonds, like pearls
In the rich rough -- glinting, splashing and playing in his garden!
He is the green mountain;
He is the red fire within it.
He explodes, in a blinding white,
Causing the new world,
In all its iridescence, to arise!

Woman and the water.
Man and the fire.
Together we are the world, entire.
Our home. Our journey. Our destiny.

963 · Aug 2017
One Word
Michael Briefs Aug 2017

I am in a cold, desolate life of
A lonely wind blows,
battering the futile torch that
lights my sight into the unknown.
I am choked by fear of
the gloom that blocks my way,
the blackness that stalks my steps.
I stumble about in this deathly,
forbidding forest of regret,
this myriad maze of my wandering.
I am so far from home…
how long can I go on deprived
of a way to the other side?

No gathering years of learning,
no illuminated books of wisdom, nor the
knowledge that drives
the advancements of our time
could ever prepare me
for this journey.
Gold has no purchase here –
you cannot barter for the substance
absent in this place of isolation.
The hunger that gnaws inside
goes on and will not cease.
Human touch, kindness, community
and friendship flees from my
presence. Time haunts my heart.

Nothing matters.

All our plans, all of our achievements
accumulate on the shelf,
like trophies wasting space.
Many spend life chasing wealth and
seeking power, so concerned with
status and their own tastes.
Pleasure flows freely for the physically
flawless while praise rings riot
from a ravaged, ruined race.

The greatness of our cities
and our technologies,
the skill of our artists,
the discoveries of science,
the shock and awe of empire,
and the vain belief in human perfection
or of a superior God or Church to
crush all others…
all our striving for earthly gain is
That path is less than

All this pales in comparison
to the power of that
That one word,
transfigured within that
triune expression that
connects us
at the heart of it all:


In a world that is splitting apart
at the seams, our lives
unhinged with war-bred
turbulence of struggle and
all around us…
all our lives – the point of all
that is –
boils down to that one word.

And I just want to say, I love you.
I love you so much!

I hope I am not too late.

Nothing else matters.

Nothing else.

848 · Mar 2018
Summer Jive
Michael Briefs Mar 2018
Sophie sits quietly, soaking in the sounds.
This Jazz club suits her perfectly,
As she swallows spirituous rounds.
The music is hot, with Latin-flair, and
Pulsing, staccato, percussive drive.
The air on her shoulders is moist
In this Parisian summer jive.
Sophie tastes the twilight culture,
She lives for the buzz.
She won't accept the ordinary, she
Vibrates with bohemian blood!
She loves her music live in her
Sultry summer jive.
Michael Briefs Jul 2017
The animal spirit she possesses,
An agile anima stalking a dark spark within,
Looms as predator and protector.
This hunter-rogue guide
Glides through her Soulscape,
Revealed as moon illumined mountain forest,
A place of winter-refracted
Ethereality and lurking danger.
In this dusky, deceptive ambiance,
She has access to a primordial instinct –
Archetypal symbols, ancient signs –
At once savage and wise.
Finding herself in this
Wilderness of vulnerability,
She girds for battle.
Staring squarely into the dark,
Duplicitous and cruel face
Of her adversary, she prepares.
She finds the strength to see
What are lies and
What are the truths --
Both are found there
In that pitched, lacerated visage.

Like all warriors across
Time immemorial,
She embraces her pain,
Exercising control over it.
Absorbing the jagged,
Razor’d contours,
She sees
In its elements
The space where the
“Other” ends
And where she begins;
How she was made
A flint against which
He sharpened his cutlass
And where she
Has made of herself
The door through which he entered.

From this core radiance
Comes a rapier will to survive,
The strength to guard her kin,
The keen intelligence
To unleash her primal howl,
And the blood-fire to rule her demons.
Okami is the Japanese word for wolf. A photo representation that inspired this poem:
823 · Aug 2017
Abandon Yourself To Me
Michael Briefs Aug 2017
I desire your lips in all unruly abandon.
I hunger for the nectar on your tongue.
I burn for the fire of our transfigured union.
I see the shimmer of your eyes
And hear the sound of our song, as yet unsung.
Lover...tear me apart.
I am your next victim.
You are my unbridled obsession.
You are my wanton *****.
Sometimes, you just have to put it out there. Sometimes I feel like if I can't have passion in my life at least I can write my desire down on paper and send it out into the world. Sometimes, all you can do is drop a pebble and watch the ripples expand. Perhaps...
816 · Sep 2018
Rise to the Light
Michael Briefs Sep 2018
Even as you move
in dark places,
surrounded by icy perils;
even as you search
deep under,
scraping sharp rocks,
darting by jagged jaws
with black eyes – floating in a world
of sunken ships and drowned crew --
keep searching.
Reach out and kick,
extend and bend,
flutter your lithe legs
to slice the murky veil.
Your intrepid frame
is contoured and sculpted
by your steady courage and
steely will to survive.
You weather the slings and
sharp things flying by you,
in your rush to get back
to the surface, back to the light.
You've slipped in and out of
fiery cracks
in the crust of the ocean floor;
the volcanic glow shimmers
in your eyes! You have felt
the hot breath in your chest;
you have lived with the painful
eruptions of injustice,
scorn, and your indignant anger.
You have seen
the scars and tempests of the deep.
You have faced the ugliness and
the vast impurity
of mankind and our volatile time.
And yet you keep your sight
focused high;
you struggle to ascend,
reaching for the light above.
You rise back to the surface,
back to the open sky,
blue and radiant!
You will take in the cooled
aspiration of the renewed future
you will create!
When you emerge, sister,
we will all breathe the pure
air of freedom!
808 · Jul 2018
Her Dance, My Prayer
Michael Briefs Jul 2018
Your beauty is such that all your walking upon the earth is a dance!
You are at once as weightless as light and yet connected to my world like a natural miracle.
Indeed, you are the lightning strike of my desire, burning in my soul!
Dance, my love! See the wandering world...but come back to me.
You have left your mark and I am forever quickened by your light.
God, please bring her back to me! Do not let us lose our synergy!
Michael Briefs Mar 2018
I am a tree, grown in the shade, and today I stretched my branches to tremble for a while in the daylight. I came here to tell you good-bye, my beloved, and it is my hope that our farewell will be as great and awful like our love. Let our farewell be like fire that bends the gold and makes it more resplendent.
Selma did not allow me to speak or protest, but she looked at me, her eyes glittering, her face retaining its dignity, seeming like an angel worthy of silence and respect. Then she flung herself upon me, something which she had never done before, and put her smooth arms around me and printed a long, deep, fiery kiss on my lips
I love KG
590 · Jul 2017
Striking Wild Within
Michael Briefs Jul 2017
In the ancient ages of our story,
Long lost on the storm-tossed sea of time,
Mystics, Shamen, Seers, Poets, and Prophets
Pointed to paths leading to survival,
Vital roads for our guides to find.
Lo, our progress came through
The purge of many perils.
In the grip of that troubled existence,
Our visionaries found the way forth
From a plague of deadly terrors.

Born out of the feverish tumult of the mystic Wild-man
Or the symbolic song of a Tribal Priestess,
Came words of hope and vision.
Their inner-light was a primordial premonition, stoking
The courage to make our daunting decisions.
Their mind’s eye pierced the veil, striking
Lightning catalysts into a forest of fascination,
To ignite the strength we must bring to fruition!

We clung to their words as we clung to each other,
And heard their call to mission.
We allowed the signs of their ecstasy to gestate
Within our souls; words woven into myths
To bear the fruit of immortal imagination!
Out of this flame came the hard-won wisdom of our people,
Our embryonic culture, and the seeds of our salvation.

We traveled on in the grip of a darkened world and
Survived together, confirmed by a shared oath.
The tree of humanity’s fragile hope must take root,
To fulfill its future growth.

We are an Ark-people, a covenant people,
A people of deep foundations.
We take that light, that fire, and
That power into our destiny,
Striking wild and true within!

May the ineffable Creator bless our steps,
Secure our path, inspire our faith,
And anoint our hearts for the road ahead,
What I believe: Love Rules! It doesn't matter what Faith tradition you come from or you aspire to. Let love be your North Star! Everything you do should flow from that...uh, ahem..."fundamental" foundation. Religion, ritual, symbolism, doctrine...these things can be effective and even beautiful. BUT: if they don't point to LOVE and emphasize the MYSTERY of life (over Fundamentalist attempts to paint that mystery as a black-and-white, judgmental, sin-focused, us-against-them kind of religiosity), then they are only a path to hatred, exclusion/separation, war and death. Love, by it's very nature, welcomes us all; it is the source and destination of all creation. Be a source of love and you will be a source of light. You and I are a part of the ultimate power of creation, expressed as light, in love! Peace!
A photo that I thought matched well with this poem:
581 · Jun 2019
Turn of the Time
Michael Briefs Jun 2019
It is a night like any other.
The room is semi-crowded,
the lights are cool, ambient and allusive.
The music glides and shimmies,
reflectance of electronic symphonies,
with a sinuous pulse to
provoke and tease.
Still, you sense a creeping unease.
You are on your second drink...yet,
somehow, even the 12-year old
Macallan is getting a little too familiar;
its usual savor of spiced plum, dry sherry and
salted caramel dies a slow death
by a cold-water corruption -- its once
robust quaff is reduced to a faint, forgettable flavor.
The dreary day, too, has been flat, predictable,
diffuse in focus and devoid of passion.
Life has been set adrift, on trepid tides.
The dissonance of these thoughts
unsettle your soul and mind.
You feel some kind of reckoning  
approaches and is unavoidable.  
Under your breath,
you ask in fraught confusion,
"What time is it? Why am I still here?"
The Bartender sees the lingering trouble
in your face and he provides
a moment of empathy, of quiet
He reaches for the bottle in response but
suddenly stops and looks past you,
over your shoulder.
A subtle smile forms where
a sober shade once stayed.
He sees something that has changed
the energy in the room,
pivoting as if on a dime,
to a sweeter wave,
a smoother flow.
Someone approaches…
You realize you must turn to look, but
slowly, friend; get your bearings...
Settle your thoughts for a beat or two.
You stand and turn, adjusting focus...there she is.
"....wait. Whoa...
Breathe, brother. Steady, soul!"
Then it hits you:
You realize the sensation you feel,
that unstoppable, sharp, sweet,
seductive suffering,
is the longest and strongest
Of long, lost friends.
You remember
why you are here.
You know the time,
this moment you've waited for,
for so long.
Your heart speaks and  
your eyes lock in,
to capture hers:
Michael Briefs Aug 2017
As the transient day slips by,
We work for our food and shelter.
We busy ourselves with toil
In a sultry, oppresive swelter.
This is the way of things, of course,
As we seek to survive the world’s hardships.
But we must not lose hope, so we keep words
Of encouragement on our lips.

But the day wanders late,
And we must prepare for
The perilous darkness…

Looking up, we saw the day’s diadem
Dropping and dwindling
Into an expanding distance.
A widening waste spreads,
Swallowing our hope and
Threatening our existence.
We kneeled to pray for protection
During this cold gloom of catharsis.
It seemed a ghostly mist approached,
As if from ancient Tarsus.

Suddenly, the warming orb shatters
Against the horizon,
Exploding with resplendent rubies,
Flying out from the surface!
Before this crystalline spectacle we are transfixed,
As our hearts discover a renewed purpose.

This shimmering treasure
Was then drawn up,
As the night’s shade descended,
To stand as a symbol
Of an eternal hope,
Just as God Intended.
To fill the sky with wonderful lights,
Creating a crown Of destiny.
We beheld its glory,
Within and without,
As our fears were transformed
Into ecstasy!

In that moment, we cried out,
“Come, O' Night! We reflect your beauty!
In this darkened aura,
We feel the embrace of an Arcadian love!
Night! Portent of our death and
Harbinger of our illumination,
We are kin with the stars!
We are citizens of the heavens above!”
For a visual representation that inspired this poem, see:
544 · Jul 2017
Flash In Recall
Michael Briefs Jul 2017
Our history,
flash in recall,
almost chimera like,
must be slowed,
must be captured,
Words, my dear...
your words;
my memory of your mouth,
your wet eyes and
your hot words
must be written down.
I will never forget, as long as I live,
our history.
Our book is the heart...
consumed in fire
and shared.
We will turn
into light,
into ash,
then to air.
528 · Nov 2017
Chained Together
Michael Briefs Nov 2017
You and I are opposed.
We are like disparate species,
Serving an inverse purpose.
Our strange essence seems
To set us on polar paths:

You are the flight-stream of "SHE".
I am the fight-stance of "HE".

You wing in the breeze,
Brilliant and inspiring,
As a Bird of Paradise!
Your feminine charisma
And intuitive self-expression
Looks to all the world
As an affirmation of freedom --
Freedom of voice, freedom of velocity,
Freedom of line and trajectory.
At once so sharp and aerodynamic
And again jubilantly hued!
A flash of sun-lit feathers,
Racing on the wind!
Your air-borne voice is a
Canto of melodious joy!
And your brilliant laugh…Ah!
In truth, I swoon to the
Hollo of your untethered
Celebration, connected, as you are,
To your clan of heart-wise purists!
Your levity (you levitate!),
Your choreographed costumes,
Your graceful pace,
Your soul-evanescence,
Your radiant face!

Yet...I stand opposed, it seems,
In my direction.

I am the Sentinel and I am at war.
I stand watch: raised up --
But by a wall atop, not by wings.
I see a world of trouble,
A world fearful in its enmity.
I look only to the perimeter,
Scanning for our enemy.
I cannot relent from the struggle.
I must stand vigilant as I have sworn
To protect you and all my tribe.

I fight to return to you –
To my friends,
To my family,
To my lovers,
To my neighbors –
A world inspired by hope;
One committed to the healing
Of our many wounds.
A world grounded in the
Recognition of our core
Dignity and our highest lights!
This charge keeps me on task,
Through the dark and cold
Silence, before the clash.

We see the world from opposing perspectives…but we are tethered
To each other by the chains of shared

You, with your joy and brilliance,
Bringing happiness and creating
Family bonds -- bonds of friendship,
A shared sense of play and
The wonder of human beauty –

Me, in sober wariness,
Standing watch, atop the wall.
I look to the horizon to discover
A vision of lasting safety,
Justice and peace in our time.

It is my duty to serve our people,
To serve you, my love and
My friend.
I serve the hope of a
Purposed unity and work to
Build a shared prosperity,
For our tribe.

We are opposed but we also support
Each other, as we look above,
To and from
Our highest (deepest) selves.
We scan the heavens for the path
To an existence rich
In love, wisdom and harmony!
We stand together in search
Of a place
Where human joy
Is lived and expressed,
For all the world to see!
522 · Aug 2017
Angel's Breath
Michael Briefs Aug 2017
My life has need of an angel...
Her voice,
Her eyes,
Her breath against my ear.
Alas, her nearness makes my skin rise
Like the tide to the moon.
Her heat gives breadth to my soul:
It ignites and disperses
Like the first moment of creation!
She kindles my star shine and
Sets my spirit in motion,
Forever to cross
The glinting firmament!

Her lips release that heat,
That light, that longing.
It is her feathery lips that
Whisper a hint of Heaven;
Eternity offered as a gift from
The roseate wreath that blooms
Those petals of sweetest desire
Convey a prayer sublime,
A chant of harmonic unity;
An invitation calling me up
From my racked posture,
My world-weary stoop, as I
Tremble in the throes of defeat.
I am summoned to stand and to
Fight on! My journey continues!

She gives a herald of hope, with words
Of honor and encouragement.
Rousing sounds permeate from
The ivory and rose
Corner of her delicate mouth,
Sensuous, silky and moist,
Drenched as waves upon
An ocean of dreams!

They speak:
Lips that tell of verdant fields
In spring,
Of summer’s bliss
Of lover’s song,
Lost but still lingering.

My Angel’s breath brings forth
The fruit of my aspiration,
My inspiration,
And my art in thou.

Bursting upward
Through the ruddy clay!
Words rendered as a child at play!
In the radiant splendor of her divine luminance.

Her voice within my heart breaks into
Love-song and laughter,
And my life is once again inspired,
Raised up and renewed.
499 · Jul 2018
Search for a New World
Michael Briefs Jul 2018
With the signal sun brimming
in the distance, 
I open and find a new world misty
and in silence. 
from a drowsy dream,
still foggy and unsure,
slowly, I conjure my courage
and sharpen mental contours. 
I know I cannot stay
trussed in the safety of my room;
I must, indeed, trust
in the bountiful beauty
of the day's bloom! 
I will rise to seek, reach for and
express a hopeful prerogative. 
It is a vital yearning that
remains illusive,
iconic and evocative.
The search for a truth that coaxes
my soul to a higher place. 
In this quixotic quest
I will try to connect with ancient ways. 
Perpetually receptive to the piercing
insights of those immortal spirits,
I follow this path
where ever it leads,
even to the mysterious silence
of strange spaces.
486 · Mar 2018
Alice Takes Tea
Michael Briefs Mar 2018
It may be grey and gloomy,
out on the moors,
but we have our cozy world,
inside of doors!
Our world is secret and snug
and looks out on plaintive air;
a sprawling country field with
blowing mists thither and who knows where.
We'll have our tea and our stories
and our expectant silences.
We'll let the bleak backdrop of time ebb
and flow, while we admire a vase of Irises.
Ours is a curious cradle of contentment --
just two friends living
a shared imagination against
a mad world, rife with resentment!
We'll spend the hours and stay our journey for
we have peered through the looking glass
and finally come to know:
our trip is spontaneous and
it doesn't matter which way we go!
484 · Aug 2017
Liquid Lyric Elysium
Michael Briefs Aug 2017
The mazy pattern spins upon
The murky enclosure.
The process emerges as
Watery words written, interlaced,
Across the fleshy frame.
A fleeting impression of
Ephemeral inscriptions
Dancing and enticing my mind
To immersed submissions.
Anxious pulse slows,
Cooling blood flows
In sympathetic resonance;
My breath lilts, feathery,
And the room, lustrous, grows.

As light surfaces, giving
Clarity to the liquid lexis
That swirls around, I begin
To see the hypnotic signs,
Coaxing my soul
To a heady delirium!
But the ethos is pure alterity,
And the shapes start to change.
The fluent verses that encircled me --  
Messages of reassurance,
Poems of perpetual peace,
Prompting me to repose,
Calling me to release --
Now shift and bleed
Into a color-blur, so strange!

Once recognizable,
The patterns now appear as
Iridescent waves of a gnosis, primordial.
The intuitive takes hold.

In this floating state of acceptance,
Those dreamy streams pull me to Elysium:  
Visions shimmer of verdant gardens unending,
Acoustics of astonishing life
Jabbering in response, ascending!
The proud Peacock stands,
The wild Quetzal soars!
Is this moment virtual? Is this identical?
I am drawn into a dreamland
Carried from my sentient core.

All will to resist dilutes to
Diffuse and opaque defection.
The eternal elements of existence
Intrude and disperse any mean ambition.

Breath. Sight. Vibration. Light.
Bathed in a serene sea my soul would chart.
Knowledge without thought.
Instinct without provocation.
Flight within the cavernous enclosure
Of my trembling heart.

I am in balance above the abyss,
I am a fixed crystal corpus.
The liquid lyrics of Supreme love
Are interlaced and have become
A spark of pristine existence.
Miraculous codes of new life branch forth
To a seminal universe of expression.

From that murky domain, the excellent
Utterance of my existence becomes clear.
The gospel of the soul’s translation sends its
Proclamation when the muse appears!
I am not sure if this one is quite finished yet, but here goes!
468 · May 2019
The Summoning
Michael Briefs May 2019
I AM...

I am not weak
but without your strength, I can falter.

I am not ignorant
but without your light, I can lose
my way in the darkness.

I am not compromised or diminished
but without you in my life, I am not all
I could be.

I am not dead
but without the summoning
of your love,
my soul lies in cold shade, entombed,
desperately reaching out for

I am not mute.
I still have my voice -- reflected with
emotions of sadness and joy, sacred longing
and sultry desire, laughing levity and
bitter indignation, sparkling song and
studied erudition -- and this voice calls to you.

Just call out to me and I will answer!

I am here,
waiting for your presence.
I am waiting for your solace.
I am waiting for your spirit.
I am waiting for your passion.

Come to me, for
I am yours!
448 · Jul 2018
Secret Scars
Michael Briefs Jul 2018
Her scars come
from time.
Her beauty comes
from eternity.
Her strong heart
is the gateway.
Her soul is the secret prism.
Her eyes,
the mesmeric
jewel of a sublime mystery.
Her lips,
the fleshy focus of a temple
containing pure
light and deepest dark.
These are the treasures of
her naked self,
her raw scars,
her wise soul,
her dark secrets,
and her unyielding
413 · Jul 2017
Michael Briefs Jul 2017


Mask. Me.

Ask me, see me; look within…
Past my mask,
Past my scars,
Past my fears,
Past my charms,
Past my ugly weakness,
Down to the soul and
The soil of my sin.

Yes, I hide here but I will also
Reveal the real, in me.
Behind this shield,
I stay closed
But the door of my
Face tells more,
For those who can see.

Clearly, I am a clown.
That is plainly shown.
But beware:
I am also a bringer of truth --
My truth -- and my beliefs
Are born from deep in the bone.
I stand in defense of my voice
Like a soldier behind the wire.
I bring my armor for the war:
My heart, my hope,
my humanity,
my burning inner fire!

I bring a desperate spirit of courage
And uncompromising desire.
With this act, I will change the way things are!

Though I wear a disguise,
I will enter the theater and
Take my place
On stage.

I will perform my story --
The tale of a tragic martyr -- and
Give expression to my rage.

I will wear the mask,
Secure the armor,
And raise the shield.
I offer to the world the
Chain-mail of my flesh,
My tarnished soul,
My battered bones and
Bronzed heart, concealed.

From this stage,
I will show my scars,
I will engage the enemy.
I will **** my fear.

My mask tells so much,
For those who can hear.
410 · Mar 2018
The Heart of Carmen
Michael Briefs Mar 2018
Carmen free! Carmen fair.
A Brazilian holiday finds her there.
She caresses the surf with her sandy
Feet, her golden legs are lithe in the heat.
Lovely Carmen, this Island girl complete!

The sound of the waves lifts her soul,
As coastal breezes waft orchid scent.
The carefree melodies of samba song
Soothe all of life's malcontent.
These moments give her pause to muse
On all the promptings of her heart.
She wants to know her deepest truth,
Her love's voyage she must chart.

She savors his passionate words,
those expressed in ecstasy.
The honey'd notes of his desire
Ever to make her life happy.
They share a strong connection,
her spirit is joined to his.
Her destiny feels close enough to touch,
Her life could find true bliss.

The seaside surf swims over her toes,
The amber sun descends to the horizon.
Carmen's thoughts move upon an ocean,
As her ardent heart is guarded by Poseidon.
Yes, there's no getting around it: I'm just a big softie. I love, love, love women.
395 · Apr 2019
She Brings Joy
Michael Briefs Apr 2019
She enters the room
and her ambient light fills
the darkened corners.
Where once there was sadness and doubt,
her loving favor cheers all our mourners.  
Where the world, each day, hurls cruel
barbs at our hearts,
she brings exuberant joy, levity
and the seeds of a new start!
Her warm, voluptuous beauty and
style inspires all who see her.
She generously shares
her sparkling smile and
luminous eyes,
revealing a soul that is pure.
In these troubled times,
her overflowing enthusiasm is infectious!
We need her expression of love, friendship and cheer
to show us a new direction.
Thank you, darling, for your spirit and light.
You have given me a new strength to fight!
This is dedicated to my friend Tish. What a wonderful lady! I am so grateful for her giving heart and kindness.
Michael Briefs Aug 2017
Upon his easel a half-finished work,
The secret labor of his studio,
Said from the canvas, so that none might err,
‘I am the Countess Laura.’ Carlo kneeled,
And gazed upon the picture; as if thus,
Through those clear eyes, he saw the way to
Then he arose; and as a swimmer comes
Forth from the waves, he shook his locks aside,
Emerging from his dream, and standing firm
Upon a purpose with his sovereign will.
He took his palette, murmuring, ‘Not yet!’
Confidingly and softly to the corpse,
And as the veriest drudge, who plies his art
Against his fancy, he addressed himself
With stolid resolution to his task,
Turning his vision on his memory,
And shutting out the present, till the dead,
The gilded pall, the lights, the pacing guard,
And all the meaning of that solemn scene
Became as nothing, and creative Art
Resolved the whole to chaos, and reformed
The elements according to her law:
So Carlo wrought, as though his eye and hand
Were Heaven’s unconscious instruments, and
The settled purpose of Omnipotence,
And it was wondrous how the red, the white,
The ochre, and the umber, and the blue,
From mottled blotches, hazy and opaque,
Grew into rounded forms and sensuous lines;
How just beneath the lucid skin the blood
Glimmered with warmth; the scarlet lips apart
Bloomed with the moisture of the dews of life;
How the light glittered through and underneath
The golden tresses, and the deep, soft eyes
Became intelligent with conscious thought,
And somewhat troubled underneath the arch
Of eyebrows but a little too intense
For perfect beauty; how the pose and poise
Of the lithe figure on its tiny foot
Suggested life just ceased from motion; so
That any one might cry, in marveling joy,
‘That creature lives, -- has senses, mind, a soul
To win God’s love or dare hell’s subtleties!’
The artist paused. The ratifying ‘Good!’
Trembled upon his lips. He saw no touch
To give or soften. ‘It is done,’ he cried, --
‘My task, my duty! Nothing now on earth
Can taunt me with a work left unfulfilled!’
The lofty flame, which bore him up so long,
Died in the ashes of humanity;
And the mere man rocked to and fro again
Upon the centre of his wavering heart.
He put aside his palette, as if thus
He stepped from sacred vestments, and assumed
A mortal function in the common world.
I have a picture that I have matched with this piece on my FB site:
384 · Aug 2019
Temple of One
Michael Briefs Aug 2019
Listen and you will hear
her soul breathe silently,
while she prays.
Watch and you will see
the vine climb higher and
the steep stones sway.
No words uttered, no bells rung,
yet all power centers in
her temple of One.
The picture that inspired this is found here:
381 · Aug 2017
The Quest of Obsession
Michael Briefs Aug 2017
"The world is WIDE and I travel it!
The world has a secret and I SEEK it!”,
Said I, as I sailed off one day
To follow tales of distant shores,
With untrammeled frontiers,
****** and pure!

Yielding to the demand of my disquieted soul,
“Voyage!” she cried, and I set upon my goal:
To stretch forth the extremities of my
Ambition -- to penetrate
The veil of all unknowing;
To heed to the heady lure
Of discovery,
Carried by the west wind, blowing!
The path I run will cost me years, and
I must try to go the distance.
But this is a longing for life undiluted,
Quaffed deep and savored
As a Barolo vintage,
Noble and intense.

Maps of her forbidding hinterlands were
Vouchsafed by Mariner Kings of ancient days.
I consulted the coded charts for clues, and
Configured the gilded astrolabe.
Obsession ruled my motives as I
Poured over sea-faring strategies.
The sagacious scrolls became a cypher,
Whispering exotic rumors
Of pleasures and possessions,
Steeped in rich antiquities.

My fertile mind was seized
By these boundless visions,
As the time came for our enterprise.
I shouted to my stalwart company,
“The road forward will not be forgiving,
But the rewards gained will outrageous fortune comprise!”

Our quest divided the latitudes as a
Scimitar separates flesh from bone.
My ship slashed the longitudes as we
Sought passage far from home.
My desire encircled her sensuous shape,
For she is a mistress, supple and warm.
This journey provided the means of escape, for
From the Tome of Glory these pages were torn!

Hence, joyously exulting, I made clear my claim,
“Wisdom is a treasure divine!
Adventure is the blood inflamed!”

My mad dream was unleashed and
I will always remember the day.
I was free to sail my heart’s tidal-course,
Venturing forth, far and away!
380 · Dec 2017
Sakiya, Princess of Flight
Michael Briefs Dec 2017
Of all the kinetic ripples
that shimmer across
our luminiferous
sweep of sky,
none move me like
the voyage of sleek Sakiya,
Princess of pristine flight!
Her poise is subtle,
her path a prance,
she springs upon the air
with ballon buoyance!
It is the pantomime dance
of her spirit
which keeps her
tracing the clouds,
and her quixotic beauty
should never be covered by shrouds.
With a boundless grace and
her beatific face, we are often
reminded of angels
winging in space!
I lift my heart
as she skims the sky,
with my belief in miracles
beaming from my eyes.
Lovely Sakiya, Princess of Flight,
May your cherry blossom spirit
always reach new heights!
The picture that inspired this can be seen at:
372 · Dec 2017
Ode to Black Rose
Michael Briefs Dec 2017
Black rose, with seam of gold,
Visions penetrate the air
With mysteries untold.
An ancient word spoken,
A waxen seal is broken;
Crow's flight stabs the sky,
As blood flows from a lie.
Poisoned knowing,
Wisdom divine.
Wind of change blowing,
We perceive the sign.
All our days are counted
And seen from above.
All our fears surmounted
When we take flight in love.
The picture I based this one can be seen at:
363 · Aug 2017
Changes End and Begin Again
Michael Briefs Aug 2017
Who knows how it will end…
Or if we will begin
All over again?
Whether in shattering sound
Or a silence within ---
The soul’s secret whisper,
Or lips close to the skin?

But change will come.

While kneeling, standing or running;
Change while singing, dancing, or loving!  
Whether at the start
Of something shiny new or
To end in a fearful, cataclysmic coup,
We will see it through.

We may be
All poured out,
Reduced and
Into a pristine and naked
We may not recognize the path and
We may fall,
Fetal (not fatal), to the ground.
Tears may flow, hot and wet,
And, as babies will,
We make a sound -- a loud cry
That flies when it hurts
And when we are alone.
Arms outstretched
In perpetual longing;
The space between
Is eternity…
And our cry reaches
Just as far.  

But there will come
A second breath,
Leaping from the depth of being.
Reflexive reaction in shock
Of sheer brightness
In seeing –
Brilliant vision, clear and wide,
A jewel revealed deep inside.
A light shared between us and all,
A blinding fulmination as lightning fall!

From season to season and year to year;
From rugged courage to raging fear.
From small town boy to worldly man --
From joy to sadness and then….

To know why without knowing how.
To advance without knowing where!
To see, unblinking, in a glooming midst,
While light and sound explode around us,
Still….a preternatural daring is expressed.

For one way may suddenly be closed,
Yet another swings open, as if
From binary pre-design.
We need only turn from the wall we see  
To walk through the way we find.

You will enter a new field of experience.  
You will reach beyond any
Hope of control -- to just
Accept and respond.

This is why!
This is how!
This is new
And this is you.
You are…

359 · Aug 2017
A Time To Return
Michael Briefs Aug 2017
A sound ringing in my ears
Alarms raging in my soul
Fire running through my veins
Night burning black as coal

The truth within I fear  
A change I can’t see clear
Many years have past
But the memories remain…

Her tears smeared on my hands
A fate this curse foretold
All my lies have revealed
The way my soul was sold

The white eyes of the sky
Peer down into my mind
Many years have past
But these memories remain…

A time to return, to heal these wounds
To find my free will, a new path to choose

The Earth shifts at the core
No fate is set in stone
A purpose guides my course
The future is mine alone

The change that seemed unclear
Now stands in my view
It’s time to **** my fear
To fly the miles back to you

A time to return, to heal your wounds
To find my free will, a new path to you.
The tides they will rise, by the light of the moon    
Travel over miles, to get closer to true.  

A time to return, to heal these wounds
To find my free will, a new path to you.
This is lyrics to a song that my old band used to play, an original song called "A Time to Return". My old band is called Social Fuse (also written Socialfuse) and you can look them up on Youtube. I believe we have this song in there, somewhere. I used to play drums for them (see: Red-colored drumset. The new drummer has a white set)
357 · Aug 2017
Stars Distilled Inside
Michael Briefs Aug 2017
The hush of eternity
in the air over our home;
its celestial spangles
bless the darkened hills
with a glimmering dance.
Above us all
is silent,
and placid,
while our hearts beat and
strive and shake
with hope and expectation!
Star light over our hearts:
forever distant,
forever desired,
forever distilled
inside us.
A picture that inspired this is here:
342 · Jul 2017
Michael Briefs Jul 2017
Delicate principle of elegant design.
Nature’s scented cynosure.
As watery waves crest and rise
from a luminous lure,
so flowers emerge
and betray their beauty
to the beckoning
of the morning star.
Comely cell
in the cradle corpus
of the silken field;
a pixel-point of paradise,
a peeking prize of life --
a sprout from the marriage
of sun and soil.
She is the perfumed plateau
that provides gifts
of pollen and nectar
to her bee and
butterfly lovers.
Floral seductress,
petaled princess,
Oh, fragrant expression
of summer's incense!
Part 1 of 3, next is Butterfly, last is Bee
340 · Sep 2019
Mirror Moon
Michael Briefs Sep 2019
There are those who pray to the moon!
Does one pray to the moon as
an orbiting rock held in place by gravity,
or does one pray to the light reflected by it?
Or, to the gravitational pull the moon exerts
on the ocean or on our hearts?
That is, does prayer of this kind happen
when the night is moonless, black, and lonely,
or not?
I would guess not.
But the question persists:
what is it that imbues the moon
with its quasi-divine qualities?
Is it merely the faith of the Seeker,
the Nightwalker, or the Primalist?
Or is it that the moon is,
essentially, a mirror
of our own light,
our own darkness,
our own loneliness and
our own divinity?
Certainly, it summons us,
on a deep, soul level,
such as it draws up water
from many fathoms bellow.
And so, it goes...

In all of this,
the questions linger,
the darkness abides,
the mystery takes hold.
338 · Aug 2017
Yes She Said
Michael Briefs Aug 2017
“Yes”, she said.
Braced fast, I stood.
My face did then bloom red
And I trembled ‘neath my hood.

Reeling free of constraint,
Rapt in shock, my mind
Searched for words valiant,
An ardent echo to find.

But shaking visibly o’ertook me
And nonchalance took flight.
My devoted flame took pity,
Her empathetic smile came to light.

“My love”, she whispered.
“My heart!” I urged.
Our hot blood blistered
As our fevered limbs merged.  

The dark room spun around us
And moon-lit fairies showed their wings!
Our frenzied dance evinced no locus
In the celebration this night brings!

The vast distance of time I endured
Until this impetuous embrace befell
Has been unbearable and belabored;
All my hope had drained to Hell.

But all at once my life was liberated,
For tumbling down came her love!
I never believed I would feel this exhilarated,
Joined as one to her heart from above.
336 · Dec 2017
Stardust After Dark
Michael Briefs Dec 2017
Dream and wander,
little one,
even in the dark.
Search heaven for stars,
find stardust in your
The brightsome scatter of lights,
fleeting before your eyes, leaps
forth from your listed and
longed for desires.
Even in the shivery
nightshade you waste
not a moment!
Your muse calls,
casting spells from a wand,
and you quest after, bravely,
A child's sojourn into the fabled forest,
with her stardust eyes,
her Hafling host leaves it's
trace in the snow, glistening.
Her breath, now vaporous, rises in pursuit.
The picture that this is based on can be seen at:
329 · Apr 2018
Michael Briefs Apr 2018
the wind may whip and howl
over the fields yonder
and the ages bring
a withering decay,
we shall not be moved!
We are deeply connected
to the great, wide world
and blessed by the warmth of the sun;
we will drift with the cool of clouds,
we will shine with the shimmer
of distant stars and
we will rise
with the mysterious pull
of the moon!
In dark or light, we
of the ancient and the new.
And while the wide world turns,
we will proudly stand and
testify to the undying strength.
We are
living stones!
314 · Sep 2017
Every Lovely Thing
Michael Briefs Sep 2017
Get up close
To life outside of your
Lonely room.
Take time to see the floral
Subtlety, the elegance of
Nature's ornaments, the
Nuance of the bloom.
Bring a sober silence to
The simple sculpting of
That sacred whisper.
Allow your soul to sip from
The pure expression
Of creation's petalled cistern.
Each of these sprouts show us
What we are made of.
Each lovely thing speaks
The eternal truth: we, also,
Are formed in love.
Touch the petals, smell the scents,
And respect the earth!
Every moment she recreates
Herself anew, and signals a
Pristine birth.
Every moment her beauty
Calls out the herald!
So let us always resonate
With this life force that reveals
Itself in our embattled world.
Let nature show us the way
And we can find our true selves again.
We are made from a love wondrous,
Living in a world of reviving hope and
Possibilities boundless!
This poem written inspired by this photo on Facebook:
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