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gabrielle Mar 2019
here came, the hardest goodbye
see it, here comes the end
farewell soon, here comes the sunset
not enough to bear
but the only choice is to stare
gabrielle Aug 2019
seriously ? i did not see that coming .

i haven ' t prepare a wonderful smile

so i stared at you

and ( un ) luckily

my heart didn ' t go with horses

yet it stopped

my whole world stopped

i couldn ' t scream

i couldn ' t do anything

i just

- s t o p p e d -
don ' t be so silly to say things like that
i ' m always caught off - guard
gabrielle Mar 2019
the mask
that hinders you
would be forever you
a lie and never the truth
gabrielle Feb 2019
you wrecked me
i learnt
and i loved
gabrielle Feb 2019
if i die
would you mourn ,
my moon ?
gabrielle Jan 2019
i ' m holding on ;
on roses
with sharp thorns
i hold on , i grasp
gabrielle Jan 2019
are you giving up ?
no ?
'cause i am
i'm tired
i love you
gabrielle Jan 2019
Why worry ?
I can't do anything,
and you still don't love me.

It is fine.

Why worry ?
I love you unconditionally,
and you still don't love me.

It is okay.

Why worry ?
When I accept that
you won't ever love me.

I accept.
a stress management skill whereas

if you either lost something and you did everything for it, but it's still gone or you lost something and did nothing 'cause you accepted that it's gone.

it's still the same, it's just a
matter of acceptance.

even if i didn't do anything and
i love you forevermore, you
won't still love me.
gabrielle Feb 2019
the wonderful world
would cover up my affection

the sky's gradient in every dusk
would cover my colorless self

the earth's mighty wind
would blow my tears away

the night's luminous stars
would outshine my endless love

the land's languid flowers
would bloom before me -
while i withered of your love

in the latter time,
i will be forgotten
caused by the pain of the unrequited

the world's grace
and the universe' elegance
will conceal every agony i have

but in every fantastic disguise
it is not sure to obscure
my love, my lies and goodbyes
we have an amazing world,
it can keep out of sight the things we are not capable of hiding.

and as for the truth, it can never be hidden.
gabrielle Mar 2019
the people
who stands after me
that falls beneath of who i am
whom accepted my being

the wise ones
who taught me
that brings the best of me
whom shared time in loving me

for who i am;
in goodness and the worst
them who acknowledge
to what i am and to what i do

the advocates who i am thankful for.
@moots, @noeowu & @cami

thank you
gabrielle Jan 2019
See the sky changes it's colors ?
from pitch black in night,
and blue on a day so bright ?
All is Beautiful.

See the flowers bloom ?
And hear the birds sing ?
I know, All is Beautiful.

See the wounds from a battle ?
See it now all scarred ?
Painful but all is beautiful.

See our heart breaks ?
See our hardships through it ?
Unbelievable but all is beautiful.

feel my love ?
feel it even though i'm far ?
It is Beautiful.

feel your love ?
i can't
because to me, you're not in love

But All is Beautiful.
every single thing is beautiful
whether it looks messy
it looks unappealing

even it hurts
remember, all is beautiful
gabrielle Feb 2019
your song
i long

i sing
lone wing

by myself
without thyself

all alone
without my favorite tone

" you "
to sing your song

by myself
gabrielle Jan 2019
shoot me with the words of yours

oh, you can't ?

was it a fair ceasefire because it is hurtful

or it was out of pity ?
don't worry, i'm okay.
gabrielle Jan 2019
the hatred i feel
even if i can't feel

the anger inside
that i don't know why

for once, i have felt
what to feel

that even for it's sadness
i saw light in this darkness

made me hopeful
cleansed my soul

i felt happiness
this is supposed to be the first part but.... yeah
gabrielle Feb 2019
i love you
and you may not love me

but at least
we're on the same sky
so near, yet very far
gabrielle Feb 2019
break my heart fast
thank you

break it slow
i'll cherish it
i'll love it
i'll remember it

i'd cry out of thankfulness
you don't deserve me
and i don't deserve you
the fool me has gone out
gabrielle Jan 2019
the sun
must set to rise

must wilt to bloom

my love
will set because of you
and it will rise just for you too

my love
will set
and soon will not rise

for i haven't got the reason to.
i'll set. i'll rise.
i'll set. i'll not rise.
you. aren't. there.
gabrielle Jan 2019
watch me see,
watch me feel,
watch me do everything
of my list of dreams.

except for one thing,
and that is to be loved by you,

even for a moon

who gleams.
at this very young age of mine
i already knew that of this
long list of my wishes, i still
wouldn't achieve the last one.
gabrielle Jan 2019
every night of stars in sight.
these three stars reminded me what my love was.
to you -
i have my commitment,
but intimacy is absent,
passion is what i thought how it went.

just because of not having the intimacy and passion,
it's still love, not infatuation.
just because i don't have you and you don't love me the way i do,
it's still love, it's just extraordinary.
it is more than what people supposed believe it would be.
gabrielle Jan 2019
To the love's once not back,
To the next, it still isn't back,
To the last, it was never back.
it will never get back
gabrielle Feb 2019
in which my love is great
but dangerous to what i may feel
caught me in utopia
brought me to a glimpse of heaven

i am without you ,
never loved me then .
dangerous to me
and a felicity in heavens
gabrielle Mar 2019
wherein my love is great
but dangerous to what may occur
brought me in utopia,
would fall in nostalgia.
caught in a glimpse of heaven -
  i was without you,
  never loved me then.
now im torn in hell or heaven
gabrielle Jan 2019
you have everything;
excluding me.
i have nothing;
not even you.
not even your love.
gabrielle Feb 2019
do you see me now ?

i'm setting on west
and you're visible on east

completely facing each other
giving you light to shine thither

do you see me now ?

see here
let you hear

i love you
won't you too ?

do you see me.... now ?
look ahead... look overhead... i'll shine forever for you...

but do you see me now ?
gabrielle Jan 2019
how can you do that ?
confessing that you aren't
so good lately,
that you couldn't feel anything,
and then later on you just
gave up on everything,
thinking of doing something.

how can you do that ?
after that you were so jolly,
it's like you haven't said such
things to me,
you were so okay,
but it was so unreal,
super disarray.

how can you do that ?
the duality
lying to yourself, im afraid not,
the facade of being fine when
you're actually not
h o w ?
gabrielle Jan 2019
suppression of the love,

when you had enough

believing he could love you.
stop whenever .
gabrielle Feb 2019
i only hoped
i dreamed
i wished
i yearned that
i was enthroned
as your queen
because you're my king
gabrielle Jan 2019
Love is infinite,

or it isn't ?

I feel unconditional,

I feel love.

It spoke end,

You spoke none.

For mine is unrequited,

For my love is for eternity.

For you do not love me -

For that being said,

I knew it was temporary.
love unconditionally,
cherish it,
'cause you'll learn that it is only temporary.
gabrielle Jan 2019
the field full of
beautiful grass

cold wind and
cold stones

a lot full of glooom
the lot, full of tombs

sudden revelation
of you are gone

after all weary fights
and my fault insight

i haven't said sorry
and you were gone fully

in the warm heavens and clouds,
my soul is within you.
"you were mine"

wait for me, i'll be with you again, someday.
gabrielle Jan 2019
i’ve known you
it is enough

i’ve liked you
it is enough

i’ve loved you
more than enough

you don’t love me too
still enough
your existence, it’s enough
gabrielle Jan 2019
not a fictional man,

but a fictional future and dream...

and a fictional love from you,

please do love me.
i saw this post.. where it was inferring about fictional characters that i or someone have fall in love with, and wishing they could exist.

not for me.
gabrielle Jan 2019
I'm the Moon
You're the Sun
I'm inlove with you
But all I could do is to ****** a
look at you
Not expecting you'll look at me too.

I'm the Moon
You're the Sun
I need to go away
Just for you to shine.

I'm the Moon
You're the Sun
I know we'll never be in the same lane
But I know how to love in vain.

I'm the Moon
You're the Sun
And there wouldn't be a chance to be with you
And to love me too anytime.
i titled it "first" 'cause it is the first ever poem i did with rhythmic rhymes.
gabrielle Feb 2019
i  n e e d  y o u  t o  d o  m o r e
w o r k  h a r d
a l l  i s n ' t  e n o u g h

t a k e  t h e  p a i n
i'll be putting facts of mine...
in this series where i post things i want to say to my self
gabrielle Mar 2019
t o m o r r o w   i t   i s
i   w a n t   t o   d o   s o m e t h i n g
b u t   i   s h o u l d n ' t

w h a t e v e r   h a p p e n s
k e e p   t h e   s t o r y   a l i v e .
k e e p   t h e   l e g e n d
w i t h i n   y o u r   h e a r t
gabrielle Mar 2019
t h i n k   t h r o u g h   v i v i d
g l a s s e s
a l t h o u g h   i t   b r e a k s
a n d   s h a t t e r
i t   i s   c l e a r   w i t h o u t
a n y   w h e t h e r
fact 7 - i am still a frustrated poet
gabrielle Feb 2019
t r a v e l  t h e  d i f f e r e n c e s
e x p e r i e n c e  t h e  o d d s  i t s e l f
fact 1 - i'm from the philippines
gabrielle Feb 2019
w i l t   t o   b l o o m
fact 2 - i'm young... and when i say i'm young
literally young like.... 12 years old
gabrielle Feb 2019
h a v e   t h e   t e m p e r a n c e
t h e y   u s e d   t o   a c c e p t   y o u
fact 3 - i can't believe someone reads my poems
gabrielle Feb 2019
t a l k   f o r   y o u r s e l f

s i n g   t o   e x p r e s s

w r i t e   t o   r e l i e v e
fact 4 - i only have 80 poems/words/thoughts written so far
gabrielle Feb 2019
s t a y   o n   g r o u n d
e v e n   w h e n   y o u ' v e   r e a c h e d
t h e   f a r t h e s t
fact 5 - i want to make a book, i mean i already finished the contents of it,  a poetry collection and i want to make a manuscript out of it..... but i don't know how to make a manuscript :((
gabrielle Feb 2019
d o   n o t   f o r g e t
t o   e x p r e s s  y o u r   d e e p e s t  
g r a t i t u d e
i n   a n y   w a y s   p o s s i b l e
b e c a u s e   t h e y   h a v e  
a p p r e c i a t e d   y o u
fact 6 - as far as i have known myself, i am a selfless person
the kind where if everybody around me is okay then i am okay too
gabrielle Mar 2019
i am not taught
i am not dictated
i am not seen
but i ponder everything
with the people around me
of what will happen to me

i want you to continue.
gabrielle Mar 2019
i s   e v e r y t h i n g   w r o n g  ?
n o t h i n g   m u s t ' v e   b e e n   r i g h t

s o r t   i t   o u t

f i t   i n  ?
c h a n g e   y o u ?

n o , b e   y o u .
be likable

but be you
gabrielle Jan 2019
I asked..
"God, why did you let your
angel come down ?"
He answered,
"For you"
an angel i met, for me, to cause pain
(hi if u have some questions, message me.
if you have something to criticize,
message me.)
gabrielle Jun 2019
i've risen
from the depths of my despair
i've chosen
you still of my love incompared
i've written
the stars of mine
and you, you've not shared
i've been hurt
of the times you weren't there

i'm forever lost
by you
i never knew where

my eyes is open
for you
for real
comin back
gabrielle Jan 2019
from my love
to obsession

from my love just for you
to love for your soul too

from i love you
not loving me

to i love you
still not loving me
when, dear

when ?
gabrielle Jan 2019
the moon

my love for you

love for me

there's nothing i could do
to love you in it's fullest
even not loving me
is okay
nothing i can do
so a goodbye
in my fullest
gabrielle Feb 2019
give me your all
won't make me bawl

love me full
believed - and i am a fool

stars witnesses
blooming of these roses

thorn you may
but lovely i say

i love more and more
hopeless to you and nothing more
full of you
nothing of me

full moon 190219
gabrielle Feb 2019
i wish
my love will be
as full as you
a whole circle like you

so my love
wouldn't be a
one - sided love
unlike you
love me too
gabrielle Feb 2019
all and full
to you
and my heart

all and full
and rejection
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