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Kelly Weaver Feb 2018
Your seething tides churn in my mind
As my shaky hands subside
And though love can be caustic,
You are sweet-tempered.
Your voice could calm even the roughest storms.
I wish I had enough time in the day to tell you of how many times you've kept my heart beating
Or of all of the times you've interrupted the steady streams of woe escaping my bloodshot eyes
All without even trying.
I wish I could thank you for holding my hand while I puked up roses, and drying my eyes when I choked on the thorns.
for my darling boyfriend, who I love so very much
9.6k · Jan 2017
desamation of character
Kelly Weaver Jan 2017
As your salt stings my chapped lips and my open wounds I come less and less to you

You grit your teeth into dust that carries through your heinous breath that makes my eyes water and my heart ache

And I cannot believe not too long ago I turned to you for care and comfort and compassion but instead I was caught in a tight spot lacking wiggle room

I can feel you burning a hole through my chest as I ***** words and phrases that don't make sense when put together like

"I love when you make me cry"
Kelly Weaver Jul 2016
Her weary eyes, skin torn at the cuticle
Feet aching yet marching still
Cotton on the heir’s back
Canvas on the feet of the dutchess
Triple the hours, double the dough

His crimson cheeks, toes purple with pride
Not a single tear, nor a single fear
No fuel for his ego
No warmth for his heart
Just a lonely street corner

Their tear-stained dress, his voice, her choice
Deep in their skin do they confess
If God was real, he'd want perfect
God wouldn't make them a sin
A “he” or “she” is not needed

The silent voice of forgotten
Too afraid to speak, startled still
Too afraid to be saved
Gone but never forgotten
A son or daughter, broken

A wedding, thank this “God”
Where men can act as such
And women use their powder
But genders may stay pure
It is a sin, after all

A young girl watching the news
Filled with hate, this world turns
She is coming of age, is she not?
She understands their struggle
And ready she is to stand up

For she has kids to feed
For he just needs a meal
For they want to be real
For they were never heard
For they wed their own
She understands. She accepts.

She is ready.
This poem won me a poetry contest for poems about respect in my advanced creative writing class so I hope you enjoy!!!
6.1k · Aug 2016
Ignite Your Own Epiphany
Kelly Weaver Aug 2016
My impending fear,
With danger near,
Only increased until I began to see myself wondering how he left without shedding a single tear.
And happiness,
My biggest weakness,
Was on a constant downward spiral into something that made even myself wish to digress.
But suddenly,
Fairly abruptly,
I began to understand how his absence brought me a soft feeling of serenity.
My excuses,
Hidden bruises,
I was reluctant to push the blame onto anyone but myself even though I didn't choose this.
People asked me,
Quite literally,
If I was aware that I smiled brighter and laughed louder now that I've had this epiphany.
And finally,
Now I can see,
I allowed myself to be taken for granted just so I wouldn't have to be lonely.
And in the end,
I recommend,
Looking inside yourself and seeing the broken bonds you must mend.
5.8k · Mar 2018
Kelly Weaver Mar 2018
Our home has an uneven foundation
The walls are crumbling and the support beams are rotting
And tonight, the roof finally caved in.
As my lungs filled with sawdust I covered my ears
I covered my eyes and hid from my fears
I didn’t wanna hear the screams or the tears,
I couldn’t bare to hear promises of suicide
And claims of pure hatred with a dash of cyanide
I couldn’t bare to see my home topple over
And I couldn’t bring myself to look at their hands bunched up into fists
They screamed until they couldn’t make a sound and I couldn’t deal
I couldn’t witness such a catastrophe without being scarred so I ran and I hid
I hid from their words and I hid from their lies
I hid until the worst of it was over
And then all was quiet.

When I opened my eyes, the walls were intact
The beams were solid, the floor was leveled
And everyone was smiling.
Their teeth were black with ash and soot
But they smiled wide, grinning ear to ear
And their voices were calm, the yelling had ceased
I uncovered my ears.
And though their mouths told one story
Their eyes told another
They were red and puffy, and I could see the pain that the damage caused
But they smiled on anyway
As did I.
the draft, however, remained.
5.6k · Sep 2016
Reasonably Broken
Kelly Weaver Sep 2016
I'd rather drown a hundred times than let my heart go free
Because I can't hear your horrid voice at the bottom of the sea
And you've ruined every chance of love
So I pulled when I was supposed to shove

You don't know how it feels to love so blindly
All trust enveloped into another soul
Only to have them crush your hopes and dreams with one fatal blow  
Breaking down, slowly
I decay with the rest
A dusty box of your old shirts
I could barely bring myself to collect
But I'm the one crying myself dry
I'm the one fighting to keep myself alive
I didn't sleep, I couldn't eat,
Not a single soul could help me.
I can't trust others
I barely trust myself
So at the end of the day
It's me, myself, and nobody else.
4.8k · Jul 2016
Thank You, Ex-Lover
Kelly Weaver Jul 2016
Thank you, ex-lover
For teaching me my true worth.
For showing that you cannot love
Based on a smile.
And thank you, *******
For teaching me to stick up for myself.
Because if it wasn't for your insults
I'd be defenseless.
Thank you, ex-lover
For cheating on me.
By doing so, you gave me a chance
To leave.
Thank you, ex-lover
For ruining me.
Because falling to the bottom only
Made me climb higher than I was.
And finally, ex-lover
Thank you for being so cruel
Now I know certain traits
To keep an eye out for and to avoid.
4.2k · Oct 2016
Sweet as Sugar
Kelly Weaver Oct 2016
Sweet as sugar
Put your hands on me
Feel my soft skin beneath your touch
Trace my lines with your gentle hands
I'm just like sugar
I'll crumble under too much force
So be gentle, dear
Soft like butter
Put your hands on me
Feel my curves
I'm straight from the mold
But I broke coming out
Put me together
Put your hands on me
3.9k · May 2017
Dear Diary,
Kelly Weaver May 2017
Dear Diary, today is a new day
I waited for all the rain clouds to go away
Things may be looking up from here
I hope I'm not being too hopeful
Dear Diary, I didn't eat today
Not because of self image but rather my stomach's in frayed
Knots and I can't seem to keep anything down
Except the kind words of those who are around
Dear Diary, I couldn't sleep last night though I felt so tired
And that made it so hard to get up in the morning it felt like my
Shoulders were being held down by rain clouds
I wish I could fight this feeling somehow
Dear Diary, people keep asking if I'm okay which I
Don't understand but either way I say
Yes I'm okay, just a little blue
But at night it feels like my mind's split I two
Dear Diary, I cried ten times today
But my parents aren't asking me if I'm okay
I come home each afternoon and lay in my bed until my brain sings a different tune,
Dear Diary, I saw my doctor today
She FINALLY asked me if I was okay and I didn't
Know how to respond because honestly I didn't know on my own,
Dear Diary, I didn't wanna get up today
So I stayed in bed and it was there that I laid
And doodled on my arm with a razor blade until
Every foul thought slowly faded away,
Dear Diary, my parents have noticed my arms
But they didn't seem even remotely alarmed as I
Stayed in bed once more then I added on another four,
Dear Diary, I often wish I was dead because there
Are thoughts screaming at me in my head and I'm
Trapped in this cold body I'm in while I
Waste away as the walls slowly spin
Dear Diary, today is a new day
I waited for all the rain clouds to go away
Things may be looking up from here
I hope I'm not being too hopeful.
3.6k · Oct 2018
red slushee vape juice
Kelly Weaver Oct 2018
the feeling of unwanted fingertips tends to wash over my skin in the same manner that the cold washed over yours
but heat transfers, or lack-there-of.
it was in this way that i became sick,
or maybe the smoke i've filled my lungs with had finally done me in.
i drank cough syrup either way.
i guess i was unaware at the time, but the smell of cherries was what did me in.
cherries, and i felt your hands once again
cherries, and my breathing nearly stopped all at once
cherries, and my hands began to tremble so violently that i dropped the bottle.
cherries, as i leaned over the toilet throwing up sticky sweet memories
cherries, as i drew further and further into myself and, subsequently, closer into your arms
cherries, as my eyes dried from the excessive tears and i could no longer manage any noise.
cherries, as your cold transferred into me and your hands clenched around my wrists
cherries, as the entire weight of your body was laid on top of mine
cherries, and i couldn't move, i couldn't scream, i couldn't see
cherries, as your voice echoed in my mind, preventing me any relief from this nightmare,

no, not even the simplest of coughs could find relief under such strain.
because my cough syrup smelled like your red slushee vape juice,
i froze. and i couldn't pick myself up again
i couldn't front the storm, i couldn't slip you into my pocket
i couldn't put you on the back burner.
i couldn't erase you from my mind no matter how many times i tried i couldn't wipe you off of my skin no matter how hard i scrubbed
i couldn't close my eyes without hearing your voice telling me to stay still i cant stop smelling your ******* red slushee vape juice because the scent accompanies every panic attack and every breakdown.
and i sure as hell couldn't stop the blood from flowing once it had started.
the stress that made it hard to breathe had gotten to you, inside of me
and there was so much blood.
the doctor said it was normal for it to be about the same consistency as cherry cough syrup.

i can't drink it anymore.
you don't deserve to know what you did to me.
3.5k · Nov 2016
The Naked Truth
Kelly Weaver Nov 2016
If mirrors were made to be looked into
And people deserve to be loved
Why didn't I feel good peering into
The merciless glass?
Why was I told that my body
No matter how wonderful I felt
Was disgusting?
Why did my eyes veer away from the truth
As I stood, body prominently shown
Even when I felt beautiful?
When a society gets to the breaking point
Where a girl can try her absolute best to be healthy
And someone asks "who are you doing this for?"
As if the answer is something other than herself
There is a problem.

Spending most of my life absolutely loathing my reflection was pointless

Those telling me I need to change
Telling me I should be ashamed
Looking me up and down with a disgusting countenance that spewed hatred and the only words they could make out was "how much do you weigh?"

They were wrong.

There's no need to bring the happy down
And baby, I was soaring before you came around

"We have been taught to hate
Those that appear a certain way
By an unqualified teacher.

And one day, alone with my mirror
I peered into it to see my body clearer
And I realized my beauty was there all along

I was just looking through clouded lenses."
2.3k · Aug 2016
no hard feelings(?)
Kelly Weaver Aug 2016
There is no being
That can make my stomach turn
Or make my eyes burn
More than he.

                                         On cloudy days
                                     I yearn for the sun
                              To kiss my frozen skin
                          He left my heart chilled.

I often think of our past
No matter how painful
And I still cannot believe
I allowed you to treat me that way.

                                            I was so weak
    Accepting demons that weren't mine
       But how could I stick up for myself
          When I didn't know how to love?

How was I to know
That self acceptance gives
Overwhelming confidence
To the broken?

                     I do not regret my mistakes
       I could not question my judgement
       Thanks to you, I learned my lesson
                                 And I'm better for it.
2.1k · Aug 2018
the time that you hold
Kelly Weaver Aug 2018
I didn't think anything of the ringing in my ears until you told me that silence shouldn't be so loud
You had that same problem.
Too many concerts that were far too loud
Too many nights driving with the windows down
Blasting our favorite songs and screaming our hearts out
I wouldn't take a single second back given the chance
And I'd hope for the same of you.
I think of you whenever it rains because you loved it so much
As did I.
I think of sitting in your car while the raindrops on the window shone onto my thigh
That's when I learned to find beauty in the smallest of things
Like the way your laugh was rough and sweet
And how your eyes glimmered when they met mine.
The other day there was a firefly outside of my bedroom window
I had been crying over the empty feeling that tends to settle in my chest when I am alone
And when I saw its tiny flickering on my windowsill
I managed a smile.
Because I thought of the day we met
And how the cranberry bog hosted as many as I had ever seen in one place
You walked behind as I chased them in my bright yellow shoes
And you held me as I sobbed over their tiny significance.
When I can feel past unwelcome hands on my skin and in my bones
I think of the night you saw me scared shitless, sobbing next to you in bed
I covered my mouth to muffle the sound of my fear as hot tears fell onto my cheeks.
You held my shaking palm in your own
And then held me in your arms, which I have grown accustomed to call my home.
If I had one wish, it would be to posses the ability to evoke the feeling of your arms around me at will.
When you'd ask if I have ever been in love I'd find myself lost
Because in all of the past relationships I've taken part in
I have never felt nearly as happy and alive as I did when you were by my side.
So I guess, though current,
The answer to your question
Is yes.
i've slept a lot lately because my dreams are the only time i get to see you anymore
1.6k · Nov 2016
"Mr President"
Kelly Weaver Nov 2016
No, "Mr President", I will not stand
I will not chant your pledge
While you crush me under your iron boot
No, "Mr President", I will not salute you
I will not wish you good luck
When you wish for people like me to change
I'm sorry, "Mr President", for being AFRAID
I will hold my breath as my rights
Are slowly stripped away
I'm sorry, "Mr President", but I will not subside
I will not stand idly by
While your reign of terror fills the skies
And I'm not sorry, "Mr President", for wishing you had lost
For you will drive us into the ground
And you'll get your way, at any cost.
1.5k · Oct 2018
the american reality
Kelly Weaver Oct 2018
i cried over fireflies in front of you on our first date
and you asked for my permission to hold me
because you knew that i was far too familiar
with unwelcome hands
and i have never felt more grateful
for something so rudimentary.
my ****** is walking free as this is written
he woke today feeling safe.
he woke today with his monstrous hands uncuffed flashing fangs in his toxic grin
the same that tore my flesh to ribbons.
I woke today to another ****** assault report
from a girl's seemingly worst nightmare,
(the third in under a month)
as well as a *** offender/supreme court appointee
plastered on every platform,
and, subsequently,
a ****** predator in the highest seat in the country.
monsters like them wake to comfort
while i wake to feeling as though i can't breathe
with the weight equivalent to his five-foot-nine stature bearing down onto my chest.
you hugged me once and i started crying because i couldn't move my arms
and you held me in bed for the following hours as my whole body trembled.
i didn't mind thanking you when you asked if you could hold me
but i wish i wasn't accustomed to doing so.
1.5k · Feb 2017
saint valentine
Kelly Weaver Feb 2017
Oh, sacred Cupid
Stick me with your arrow and bring me to my feet
My knees have gotten so very weak and tired
Turn my sobs to kisses then back to sobs once more
And allow myself to forget my troubles even for a moment.
Allow love to take its fingers and lock them into mine
Only to break each and every finger just one more time
Touch my skin and allow it to erode and decay
Either finish me off entirely or take your love away

*I'd rather die than live another day
1.4k · May 2016
Dear Future Lover
Kelly Weaver May 2016
Dear future lover,
Please be kind.
Touch with only the softest hands
For I've felt the worst.
Please don't be impatient
I may be difficult at times.
I will feel lost without you
For I loathe being lonesome.
Please be gentle with me
Don't pull on my petals.
A smile in its rarest form
Belongs to you and only you.
Please, future lover,
Be faithful to me alone.
I've felt the sting of betrayal once
And I am afraid.
Please never doubt my love
For you're always on my mind.
Never doubt that I dream of you
Each and every night.
Please, future lover,
Give and you shall receive.
I would wake at any hour
To soothe any agony.
Never fear my help, dear
We all have our nights.
Never doubt that I understand
And I won't doubt your frights.
And please, don't ignore me
Just tell me when you're hurting.
I would help in every way
I'd never be a burden.
Finally, future lover,
Know your arms are my home.
And though you may be far
Never let me sleep alone.
1.4k · Apr 2016
Our Graveyard
Kelly Weaver Apr 2016
The fog creeps
Quietly over each
The clouds covered
Our moon
Tonight, we are
Wet leaves stick
To our skin, we dance
Softly over the
Jagged teeth
Bring the untimely
Of a child
We have become
Knots on knots of
Hang from each
Rotting branch
New victims bring
A gift each night
You will never find
Someone that cares
For you more than
I do.
1.3k · Apr 2016
What A Wonderful World
Kelly Weaver Apr 2016
We live in a world
Where a size ten model
Is considered
“Plus Size”.

A world where women
Are prudes for wearing too much clothing
And ****** for not wearing

A world where men
Are afraid to talk of their abusers
Because they’re afraid of being
Laughed at.

A world where the color
Of your skin makes you
A criminal, or a

A world where your
Mental illness is only sympathized
If it’s a genetic

A world where women
Are criticized for wanting to
Be able to control their own

And a world where
Nobody cares about your suffering
Until you’re already
Kelly Weaver Jul 2016
This is never how I planned to spend my youth
Locked in my own fears and shackled to your dirt
Forced to live in (y)our constant mess
Afraid is judgement, yes, but fearing death by your breath
And shaking in your bones and your pine
I twist and turn my aching spine just to catch a glimpse
A glimpse of life outside of these walls a life filled with laughs and falls
But the happiness made up for the scrapes and bruises
While all I had was broken promises
Lost without a will to live I slowly climbed
Reaching higher heights than I've ever seen
I escaped your grasp to land on my feet
And though I'm certainly lonely I'm most certainly not alone
And even though I don't have a being beside me
And I don't have someone to think of before I go to sleep
I now dream of better things.

Things much bigger than you've ever seen.
1.2k · Aug 2017
our first house
Kelly Weaver Aug 2017
We were young when we built our first house
Each brick was a dream of ours
And though the house was supported
We built it too big.
Too many empty halls,
Too many empty rooms,
So secrets began to check into them.
And when these house guests gathered for breakfast
Their welcome was outgrown.
So our big house emptied, one by one
And it seemed to be the end.

But of course, we could always downsize.

So we were still young when we built our second house
This time, being much smaller
But, unsurprisingly,
This home didn't last long either.
A huge storm arrived,
And tore the boards apart
Yet each gust was oh so tender,
It was as if they came from your hands.

And though I loved to be right,
I hated being right about this.
1.2k · Apr 2016
Kelly Weaver Apr 2016
My scream to you is only a whisper
Why bother when all you do is hit her
Your mama says you’re in trouble, mister
That’s no way to treat a lady!

Baby, what’s the duct tape for?
What of this rope you bought at the store?
That better not be what I think it’s for
That’s no way to treat a lady!

I’m not in the mood for a hit
Not to be battered or bit
Baby, you’re so full of ****
That’s no way to treat a lady!

An accident? She’s dead!
And your palms are stained crimson red
And I can see her body under your bed!
That’s no way to treat a lady.

Flowers planted after dark
Just as you wished, you left your mark
Doesn’t matter how loud I bark
That’s just how you treat your lady.

There she lies, under the ground
Unable to be seen, not to be found
The gardener won’t even make a sound
She knows that’s how you treat your lady.

Dig up the roots, there she lies
Bones broken at the ties
Skull crushed, her demise
We’ve found your lady!

Flowers growing from her bones
Dug out by mindless drones
Results of your uncontrolled hormones
We’ve found your lady.
1.2k · Apr 2016
Your Silhouette
Kelly Weaver Apr 2016
Through the morning fog
I couldn’t make out your face
An eerie silhouette, facing me
Twigs under your feet
Shivers up my spine with each step
Come nearer, dear
Vague is the memory
But it haunts me still
Your breath against the chilling air
An outline, moving but not approaching


To my dismay, you were walking
In the other direction.
Or maybe I was on the wrong side of you
1.1k · Apr 2016
Somehow Sad
Kelly Weaver Apr 2016
Fluffy white lullabies
Cotton candy in the sky
Pastel pinks and baby blues
Fields of flowers, pick and choose.
Silky tears on my cheek
Cold water in the creek
Dark skies with a full moon
Don’t worry love, I’ll be gone soon!
Empty pill jar on the floor
Throw up roses, more and more
Cry with every passing thorn
Wheezing while your lungs are torn.
Pasty skin, purple veins
Fighting off the hunger pains
Counting every single rib
Wipe the bleach off of your bib.
Blankly staring at the wall
As every last leaf will fall
Nothing wrong but nothing right
Sit and think of every fight.
Every sin drips from your lips
Shivers through your fingertips
Bleeding everytime you cry
Down a little cyanide.
Haven’t slept for centuries
Smashing the piano keys
Letting out a heavy sigh
Turn your cheek and say goodbye.
1.0k · Jul 2016
Your Deadly Storm
Kelly Weaver Jul 2016
A small storm is not enough
To upset a nation
But while others go about their lives
I've been uprooted.
A twister, destroying all in its path
Made of horrid mistakes and promises
Swept over my small world
And demolished it.
While others, free from grief
Sent only meaningless prayers,
I eagerly awaited a kind spirit
That was never to arrive.
So here I sit, on this solitary stump,
Wishing for it all to be over
But the weatherman said there's a big storm coming
In mid to late October.
1.0k · Jun 2016
My Darling Chickadee
Kelly Weaver Jun 2016
I saw a bird once with broken wings

It just sat there, it would hop and sing

I thought one day I would help the bird

But I am no doctor

Her wounds were much too deep to heal

She hadn’t eaten a single meal

Her wings were smashed and bruised and crushed

I am no doctor.

Her wings could never be restored

But I had found what I was looking for

A beautiful creature in need of me

I am no doctor.

I’ll heal the bird and let it rest

I promise I will do my best

I’ll even make her a little nest

For I am no doctor.

I’ll make the bird feel nice and loved

Even though I can’t fix her wings

For my day is made solely

When I hear the little bird sing
I wrote this for my (ex)girlfriend
968 · Nov 2016
I Can't Forget Your Name
Kelly Weaver Nov 2016
Have you never been hopelessly in love
Without a care in the world?
Trying so very hard to hide your feelings
Though you're breaking.
And the sun can come up
As it does every day
But the emptiness in your heart
Will still remain.
And I know that I'm not perfect
And I know we aren't the same
But I can't shake the image of you
That managed to plague my brain.
So I'll sit back and watch
As you smile, smile away
Just know that, deep down,
I'll never forget your name.
938 · Oct 2016
mental corrosion
Kelly Weaver Oct 2016
It shuts me down from the inside
Turning my bones to dust
Breaking my heart into pieces
And turning my blood into rust
The light dripping from my fingers
As I turn a shade of grey
And though my body's failing
I smile, smile away
Through all the cloudy days
And all the sleepless nights
Even when I feel unable to breathe
Because my chest feels too tight
And I wonder what it feels like
To feel happy every day
And though my heart is breaking
I smile, smile away
915 · Jun 2016
A Grim Reminder
Kelly Weaver Jun 2016
I have rose petals in a jar
From a time I'd like to forget.
Tears stained red
Monsters in my bed
Broken down beauties
Locked in an airtight tomb
With clear walls
Forced to witness every heartbreak
And every sleepless night
How I wish I could stow it away
Leave it in a box on the top shelf
Of an old dusty closet
To remain there in perpetuity
But I could not bring myself
To rid of these darling petals
Though they’re from a time I’d like to forget
They serve as a grim reminder
Never to return to the hell-hole
Which I crawled out of
With jar-in-hand.
Learning from my mistakes
908 · Aug 2016
advice from a broken heart
Kelly Weaver Aug 2016
Trust is not given, but earned
And old bridges must be burned
But you cannot close what was never open
And life tends to favor the over-churned.
From time to time, if you may
See a whole universe in front of you
And maybe next time, per say
Pick someone by the way they look at you.
With gentle eyes
Or with contempt.
If they light up when you smile
Or when you agree with them.
Sure signs of a surely scattered lover
Should come clearer to you than this.
For instance:
          •If they seem like they don't care for you, believe them.
          •If they tend to make other plans when you schedule dinner with your parents, leave them.
          •And, if they let you go to sleep unhappy at night, retrieve their belongings from your apartment, scatter them into the streets and do not allow them to open your now-closed door.
You'll follow this advice, I'm sure.
882 · Aug 2016
degrading myself
Kelly Weaver Aug 2016
What is it about me that makes me so undesirable?
Is it the way I laugh,
The way I cry?
The way I often pray to die?
Is it how often I break down,
How often I need to be picked back up?
Is it the way I tell myself I'm okay,
Then rejection is a smack in the face
Tainting my beauty and (lack of) grace
Until I decide to leave without a trace?
Or is it my horrible need for sympathy
The way you tend to always look at me
And shake your head and roll your eyes
The very things that I despise?
Then again, I love to think
I wouldn't be the last chosen on earth
And that there's are girls that could be worse
But this doesn't matter.
It will never come down to a pick and choose
I'll never get the chance to win or lose
I've already lost.
But at what cost?
I've renounced confidence altogether
And I've taught myself to know better
But I never do.
I never learn.

So I sit back
And I allow myself to think
I'll never be loved
I'll never be loved.
Kelly Weaver Apr 2018

someone’s hands were on me.

I could feel one rip through my chest
It grabbed hold of my heart and started twisting
I felt a scream escape from my lungs
But didn’t hear a ******* sound.

I can still hear him growling.

My hands have been shaking for days now
My bones so jittery I’m surprised they’re not clacking together
Shattering to pieces and piercing my skin
That would be nothing compared to this pain.

he was stronger than he looked.

It surprised me regardless when he weighed me down
Drugs on his breath and then on my skin
Leaving purple marks that screamed anything but consent
To remind me of what happened.

he didn’t ask.

He didn’t speak kindly to me in the way that one should
He was forceful and rough and tore through my flesh
Blistered my skin and rusted my bones
And I can’t get rid of him anymore.

so here he remains.
853 · Nov 2018
if god was a woman
Kelly Weaver Nov 2018
sometimes i think about the way a heavy snowfall mutes all surrounding noise
what beauty is capable of.
though different, this beauty is also in the rain
and the way its droplets tap on our windows.
i wonder if people can communicate in a way so graceful,
perhaps loving stares and skin-on-skin suffice.

i wish people could be beautiful in the way sunsets are.
i wish there was a word for the way sun shimmers against ocean waves
or the feeling that overcomes your body when you know the sea is nearby,
though it hasn't come int view just yet.
i wish the moonlight that dances on my skin had a feeling,
in the same way that sunlight does.

if i could recreate this world, i'd do it differently
i'd give sound to the sizzling of asphalt on a hot summer day
the sun itself may have a soft hum as well.
the twinkling of stars would mimic chimes
the only thing i wouldn't have to change is your smile
that already brings me warmth.
Kelly Weaver Jun 2016
Needles on my skin
Needles on him
Oh god, I’m so sorry.

Etching words of love
Etching words of trust
No, don’t ever worry.

A painful conversation
A painful detonation
Darling, I’m sorry.

Little did I know
Little did he show
A misunderstanding.

Taking me to bed
It echoes in my head
“When it rains, it pours”.

But I will be okay
And you will be the same
Today was not our day.
we haven't spoken in days
792 · Aug 2016
lover's rain
Kelly Weaver Aug 2016
Though I thought you were different
                              You betrayed my trust
And with every passing shower
                        My heart will collect rust.
from a song I'm writing
782 · Sep 2016
We're Only Human
Kelly Weaver Sep 2016
Just tips of icebergs
In the hazy mist
Could seem as though
They were harmless
But we all knew,
Deep in our hearts,
There was more to it.
Because when seasons change
And our hearts turn sour
There's always reason for pain
Always an exposed nail in the board
To take all of the blame.
Because our eyes deceive us
And we believe others can change
But there's a reason why
We cringe and shake our heads
When we hear their names.
Because we're only human
And though we wish they weren't,
Things will always be difficult
And we'll always have icebergs.
781 · Jun 2016
Who Is Fit To Rule?
Kelly Weaver Jun 2016
Forever wishing I could sit
Upon a throne of dishonest truths
And write for gods not yet approved
Of the disastrous state of our planet.
For heathens and heavens alike in aim
Yet night and day in strategy
For sleepless nights and pointless fights
As one works endlessly to rule all.
And we sit back and believe *******
Spewed from their business tongues
To be swallowed by the uneducated youth
I take back my earlier statement.
Never would I wish to be a cold-blooded superior
Lies keep their hefty egos afloat just long enough
For the public to believe their craziness
And to elect them to power.
who are you voting for?
740 · Sep 2016
tired of life, not living.
Kelly Weaver Sep 2016
overcome with weakness and nausea,
I limp to my bed.
I rest my tired eyes,
and pray to god I wake up dead.
and light doesn't shine on any of my days
as I make my way through this foggy haze,
I try to look on the bright side of life
but all has been shadowed by clouds.
I didn't choose this life,
nobody did.
we were not told how hard it would get,
though I was just a kid.
I asked my mom why granny died,
why she gave up when pappy was gone.
and my mom gave me a very tight hug
and said that she just could not go on.
that's when I learned we could control our death
and god knows I tried a few times.
I was so tired of regret
I was so tired of goodbyes.
but here I am, to this day,
dragging my feet through life
but trust me, friend, this is better
than picking up that knife.
please stay alive.
it gets better.
726 · Sep 2016
a grim bargain
Kelly Weaver Sep 2016
with air turning crisp
leaves crunching beneath our feet
all is dying around us
regardless of it's beauty

as death snaps twigs
all slows to a stop
and just as night falls
his hand is on your shoulder

now, you don't fret
you've been expecting him
see, you've made a deal
and you hold up your end

with goosebumps on your skin
you turn yourself in
and as death leads you away
you maintain a sinister grin

because little does death know
you planned this all along
with guns blazing in the sky
you know you've always wanted to die.
697 · Jun 2016
Kelly Weaver Jun 2016
I don't know
When she's coming back
Or when we'll be
A family
Or when the next earthquake
Will shake our house
As violently as
His voice did when
They fought.

I don't know
When he's coming back
Or when she'll be
In love again
Or when this hurricane
Will finally destroy
Every part of us
Until there's absolutely
Nothing left.

I don't know
When we'll be back
Or if we ever will be
But I do know
That my mother
Doesn't wear her
Wedding rings
686 · Aug 2016
so tired of being tired
Kelly Weaver Aug 2016
Talking to walls can substitute
A kind of feeling not absolute
I often wonder just how long I can go before I have to leak the feelings that nobody else should know
I'm not sure what kind of funk I'm in
Because I only go to sleep when the sun has risen
And I'm not sure how much more I can take of this torturous daze, I've taken blow after blow
But I know it's not your fault
And I do apologize
See, I cannot seem to recover the light in my tired eyes
And I'm afraid there's not much left in me though I've tried very hard to take their insults thinly

But I'm not as strong as you, obviously
And I'm bound to be chained down by him, indefinitely.
if only he could see how happy I would be if I were to leave this state of misery
Kelly Weaver Jul 2016
As a young girl, I paid attention
I knew what happened behind closed doors
It was horrid.
I recall nights of sickness
Inhaling your mistakes into my tiny lungs
And kids didn't want to sit with me at snack time
Because I reeked of regret.
And now, years later
When you found my bag of ***
How could you be surprised?
How could you be shocked
That your daughter, now sixteen
Picked up the same habits you practiced
Her entire life?
Because that burning feeling in my throat
Mixed with cool fall air and sadness
Was my ultimate high.
Because this was easier than dragging a sharp blade
Across my arm to bring some sort of
Non-existent relief.
It was better to escape to somewhere else
Where my problems were small
And I was free.
And when you asked me where I got it
How could you be even the tiniest bit surprised
When you heard that my answer was,
"From your stash"?
Such hypocrites they are.
675 · Sep 2016
The Life of a Working Teen
Kelly Weaver Sep 2016
stress, stress, stress
exhausted and depressed
grey hairs popping up like weeds
not knowing where this path leads.
breaking out, breaking down
my mind is spinning round and round
hiding the bags underneath my eyes
and doing work that I despise.
crying, crying, crying
if I say that I'm okay, I'm lying
with hot tears streaming down my face
I feel myself falling behind in this race.
dying, dying, dying
my condition worsens with time
and with my immune system failing,
I head to bed with a sigh.

but I always manage to smile.
669 · Apr 2017
just thinking out loud
Kelly Weaver Apr 2017
My skin is steaming, bubbles forming like scales
As I waste away on my own watch
And there's a churning sensation inside of me
The tides are turning again and again and again
Like in a washing machine.
And I could panic or scream for a bit
Though I'd never be heard
Because help is for the weak, dear
Help is for the weak.
I could wish for calming waters
Or I could make things worse
Like always.
But, truth be told,
I'm a fraud.
My skin is but leather and I'm stuffed
Though I may be alive you'd not know upon first glance
Because I repeat, and repeat like a machine
Without faltering.
All that can be done is dream
For a new path, or a turn for the better
But it's impossible when only in one direction.
653 · Oct 2016
I won't ruin a thing
Kelly Weaver Oct 2016
Walking in a field of broken glass would be the utmost pain
Or perhaps
Telling you how I truly feel would be worse
Some say I'll find my knight
But sadly, not today
Because like the setting sun, you've come and you've gone
And I can't see in the dark
I just want you in my arms
But you're constantly evading my grasp
So I'll soak in your smile with the morning sun
And make sure that each memory lasts.
635 · Apr 2016
He Was Busy
Kelly Weaver Apr 2016
You were “busy last night”, weren’t you?
While I was bleeding
You were busy, yes?
Busy with what?
And while you were “busy”
I was falling
But you need your freedom, yes?
You with your yelling

Who was that you saw?

You said you were sick last night, yes?
Or were you just-
So while you take your final drink
Just know I'm not as
Dumb as
You would
Kelly Weaver Jun 2017
As newly-orange leaves trickle down from painted trees
I can smell the season.
And while not even my flannel could prevent goosebumps from forming on my pasty skin,
I feel a pair of arms wrap around the small of my waist
And I'm content.
Coffee brewing from a *** far too old,
I take a warm cup and a blanket
Accompanied by my favorite book
And my favorite guy
To sit out on the porch.
And while the crisp autumn air chilled my spine
I felt warm.
And though it's been years,
Every touch makes me nervous,
And places butterflies in my stomach.
And as a soft rain trickles down from the dark clouds above,
I'm sheltered.
I'm warm.
I am content.
621 · Jun 2016
Kelly Weaver Jun 2016
You can disguise even the ugliest person
With a smile.
Pretend you’re human
Pretend you’re sane.
Pretend you help others
By gliding the blaze across their skin
“Hey, at least it’s not down”.
Create your own storm
Sturr up the debris
And smile for the camera.
Thrash at her scars
Her weaknesses
Take advantage of her trust
It will be gone soon.
No one stays gullible forever.
she is merciless
621 · Jun 2016
Love Lapse
Kelly Weaver Jun 2016
One month and I'm a mess
A shell of what I once was
My spirit weak and mind adrift
And I don't know what to do.

Two months and I'm indifferent
Ups and downs of love and hate
Crying is worked into my routine
And I still think about you.

Three months and I'm lost
No real feeling anymore
No hate or love or grief
And my green eyes have turned blue.

Four months and I'm free
No remorse or empathy
No thoughts of sadness here
And I don't care for you.
I'll never care again
614 · Jan 2017
Curse That Nobody
Kelly Weaver Jan 2017
How do I begin to explain that I cry when I hear your name if I never want you to feel sorry?
How do I speak of the horrible things I wish had been done to me back when I was at my worst?
I can remember choking on sobs and bleeding on all my pretty white clothes
But I can never remember the way it feels to be loved.
Maybe I never really was loved, though it seemed that way he left and only memories remain.
And I don't miss him but I ******* miss the warmth and comfort he provided when I was at my breaking point.
I don't know how to not feel guilty about wanting to die and maybe it's a good thing because maybe it'll keep me alive
But I cry myself to sleep some nights and I can't remember a time when I felt alright.
And though I feel numb I'll bite my tongue because I don't want you to feel bad,
You can't control your emotions and it's not your fault that I can't remember being anything but sad.

It's nobody's fault.
curse that nobody
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