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memoona kazmi Jan 2019
And when my guardians failed to protect me,
I left myself
On the mercy of these vultures,
I can feel them,
Tangling their beaks
In my warm flesh,
Piercing it,
Feasting on it,
I hear my blood spill
Drop after drop
Sanctifying every grain of Earth,
I can smell,
The sweet metallic smell,
Blending in the air
I hear *****
***** of their wings
Drenched in my blood,
I watch blood dripping from their beaks,
I can see the fibres of my blood
Stuck inside those nefarious nails,
As they tear my carcass
I watch my guardians
The silent spectators
Oh I Want them to make it stop,
To step forward,
Oh I do want them to...........
memoona kazmi Jul 2019
I'll love you
Even if the whole sky melts
To the blue water in the oceans,

I'll love you
Even if the whole world
Stands against us

I'll love you
Even if the golden sun
Burns to ashes the woods we lived in,

I'll love you
Evn if you keep on saying
That you dont

I'll love you
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
and if i ever get a chance,
to let you see from my eyes,
i'll show you,
how that smile of yours is,
i'll show you ,
how perfect you look in your own skin,
i'll show you,
that you don't need anything else,
to make yourself pretty,
coz you in real means,
are a masterpiece......
-memoona kazmi
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
what did you say honey,
you want to be immortal,
come,fall in love with me,
and live in my poetry forever.....
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
i took paints of my love,
used the brush of truth,
gave few strokes of generosity,
gave it touch of hues,
oh honey look i painted you.........
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
so she stood there,
watching the rays dying,
watching the sun bleeding in yellow and orange,
the moon ready to take it's place,
and at that time,
she realized,
nothing is irreplaceable,
neither the sun,
nor was she.......
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
bahir sufi naach nachawey,
andar ishq dhamaalan paave
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
we all are in a journey,
a journey of self,
journey of forage,
we all are craving for us,
craving for real us,
and the journey,
seems to continue,
until we find someone,
on the same path,
with same notion,
the one we can communicate,
not through words,
but by silence
by eyes,
and that moment
we realize,
they aren't any other person,
they were the parts of our own soul,
split up by GOD,
to keep us in a journey,
journey of self.....
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
and when you no longer see me,
in the hurly burly world of yours,
or hear my voice,
in the screaming noises of yours,
or no longer see my shadow,
in the darkness of night,
pick my notebook up,
and ponder over it's every word,
go through it's every page,
caress every line of my poetry,
and when you realize it was all about you,
dont even dare to say,
that you could have loved me,
never say that,
because you should have,
when i was alive,
coz now it's of no use,
to blow the trumpets of love,
on lump raised,
called my grave.......
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
at the age of 15 ,
she thought everything is good,
love is amazing,
at age of 18.
having her heart broken by some guy,
she thought,
love was just ****,
at the age of 30,
she knows ,
love always comes with a little bit of sufferings,
its us who are not brave enough to face the challenges of love,
and make it worth fighting for,
a little pain and one heart break thought her so much.......
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
and sometimes you just have to let them go,
not because you are  not strong enough to fight for them,
but because they wont even try to win you
i had to let you go because i was tired, tired of everything ...i just couldnt take it anymore..........
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
lips that once used to smile,
have started to abuse,
eyes that once used to shine,
are now busy in crying,
hands that once used to paint,
have started writing,
mouth that once used to sing,
has now,
started reciting poetry,
loving the wrong person,
taught her so much new..........
memoona kazmi Oct 2019
Let's leave the world behind.,
And meet in silence,
Where the words are no longer required,
To express what we feel...
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
in every letter,
i receive,
i search
for the one,
with your
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
i am letting go of myself,
hold me close,
at this time,
i need nothing else,
just pull me closer,
let the whistling wind,
carry the sound of you promises,
to my ears,
let them echo in eternity,
tell me all your dreams,
tell me you are here,
i am letting go of myself,
just hold me close
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
and when the night falls,
she pulls out a flask,
from the pocket of her thoughts,
add a few drops,
to the cup of her heart,
stir with the spoon of sighs,
sweeten it with sugar of her memories,
and every sip of it, reminds her,
the taste of your lies......
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
his love was senescence,
he once lied to me,
the bud of my flower expand,
he didn't notice,
he then lied to me,
my flower's vibrant colors faded,
he overlooked that,
he again lied to me,
and the petals begin to drop,
and the flower of my love,
which once bloomed red,
is now lying on the floor,
it's dead....
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
i love to write,
well maybe because,
when i see everyone judging me,
by my past,
i feel my pen,
writing all my mistakes,
as a burning phoenix,
when i see the world,
laughing on my pain,
my pages accept my sadness,
when i feel alone and empty,
my writing hold me close,
kiss me on my head,
wipe my tears off,
and stays there for me.....
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
maturity is when you,
stop making people happy,
and start doing,
what makes you happy.....
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
everything has changed,
the caterpillar that once walked so slowly,
it has now learnt to fly beautifully,
lips that once used to smile,
they have now learnt to bite,
boy who was once so afraid of water,
has now learnt swimming,
seed that once was afraid of being buried,
has now bloomed beautiful flower on it,
the feet that were once afraid to walk,
have now learnt to run,
drops that were once so afraid to evaporate,
have now learnt to fall,
and you who once loved me so much,
now you can't take me anymore,
everything changes na,
just like you.....
-memoona kazmi
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
she lost her sleep,
over someone who was just a nightmare,
she had always been ,
too much for men like him to hold,
she was the queen of hearts,
and he was just a joker,
dressed like her king...........
all the girls out there who have been ditched and lied to, honey get up, it wasn't your fault that he wasn't sincere, your only mistake was letting him.......
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
with my fever burning at 104,
i have no friend to call,
to make me feel better,
to make me feel home,
pity tis for me,
i am sick and home alone
was really sick from past 3 days,but had no friends around me so i wrote it to express my anxiety and anger
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
i never dream of any super hero,
i have my dad standing behind my back......
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
It’s a shame for me,
To claim,
That I live in,
An independent state,
When all I see around me,
Are salves
Slaves of fate,
Slave of greed,
Slaves of lies,
It is a disgrace for me,
To say,
That I live in a.
Peaceful state,
Where  everyday,when I wake up,
All I see are the bodies,
Of innocents hanging,
Hanging on the branches,
Branches of banyan,
Branches of trees,
It is so degrading.
For me to say,
I belong to a loving state,
When I see my people,
Being discriminated,
On basis of colour, sect,religion,
And I feel ashamed,
When I see a headless body,
Of an innocent child,
Who had only learnt to smile……………
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
i don't want you to be my superman,
and sweep me off my feet,
i don't want you to be my batman,
and save me from bane,
don't want you to be my king of hearts,
and save me from masked jokers,
and i don't want you to be my romeo,
and drink poison for me,
just be my man and live for me,
with me
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
while walking through an impassable path,,
i met a traveller,
in red cloak,
with his skin so soft,
with his voice so nice,
with his eyes glittering,
he offered me his hand,
and i in my impulsiveness,
grabbed onto that,
i walked and walked,
miles and miles we travelled,
by the time,
i felt his scarlet cloak,
was turned into dark,
and the glint in his eyes,
oh it was lost,
and the road that was once so smooth,
now it was rough ,
can't believe that,
the wrinkled skin,
was once so soft,
and the one i mistaken
as my saviour,
was only my demon,
oh i'd made a mistake,
i'd made a wrong decision,
for choosing love as my companion..
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
my mom told me,
beware of monsters,
she never told me ,
to beware of men masked monsters......
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
i dont need any superhero to save me,
i am already living in the paradise of my dad..........
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
in the world full of,
james and lily potters,
will you be my severus snape?????
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
talk to them,
but never trust them,
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
i know you fell for my eyes,
you said they looked like,
a never ending fountain of love,
i know you fell for my hairs,
and told me they were like,
a waterfall cascading from heaven,
i know you fell for my smile,
you said it makes you,
stop thinking about the whole world,
i know you fell for,
all my curves and all my edges,
and said i was an ultimate creation of GOD,
but somewhere between that,
i realized,
you never fell for me,
the real me,
that's why,
now that i am broken and sad,
you can't see........
-memoona kazmi
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
next time you see her,
don't tell her,
how much you love her eyes ,
or how much you love her body,
don't tell her how much you love her hairs,
or don't whisper her beauty in her ears,
just tell her,
how much you love her soul,
wild and free,
tell her how much you crave for her,
tell her you are a gypsy,
seeking for a shelter,
and her soul is your only asylum,
don't tell her what a pretty gem she is,
tell her what a precious gem she is......
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
every night,
i hear your countless chuckles,
echoing in my room,
they are my favourite lullabies,
the reads your stories to me,
the best bed time stories of my life,
the stars tell tale of yours,
in the flickering flame of my candle,
i see only your face,
the white fairies murmur your name in my ears,
and every ruck of my bedspread,
is an attestor,
that all my night,
i think of you.......
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
and if you can't be a cure,
you have no rights to unleash my wounds........
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
nothing can hold me back now,
neither any luxury,
nor any love,
neither any goal,
nor any determination,
don't tell me now,
that you will be there for me,
when i have stood alone,
in the breathtaking storms,
watching my sail,
being blown away,
don't tell me you love me,
when i know you don't,
don't tell me it's all gonna be better,
when i already know,
you will always be you,
and i'll a;ways be me.........
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
let's build a house,
a house for two,
let's build it's walls together,
you bring love,
i'll bring affection,
you bring honesty,
i'll bring loyalty,
you bring trustability,
i'll bring reliability,
let's roof the house with fidelity,
we will decorate it with feality,
let's build a house,
a house for two,
a house for us.........
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
shut the door,
close the blinds,
hanging on those windows,
don't look out honey,
just look at the beautiful world,
i have built for you,
in this sweet little house,
look at the lilies we planted together,
they are now blooming,
don't look at the trees on fire,
see i have built a tree house for you,
forget the dead flowers in neighbor's garden,
see how happy we are in our own little world,
forget about the miseries of the world...........
-memoona kazmi
memoona kazmi Apr 2019
i thought you were the only medicine to my pain,
not realizing you actually were,
THE PAIN..........
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
i walked through deserts,
sieved every grain of sand,
i walked through thick forest,
i walked where darkness reigned,
i was brought near to light,
but it was nowhere to be found,
i turned the pages of history,
tried to solve the mystery,
i searched in silence,
searched it in solitude,
but it was nowhere to be found,
the moment i held my pen,
i found it,
i found peace,
i found peace in words,
and from that day,
i bleed in words,
i cry in words,
i scream in words,
at last i can say,
i found it,
i found peace.......
memoona kazmi Feb 2019

memoona kazmi Aug 2019
The candles flicker and fumes
Rise from the wick
Into my room

A baby flame
Born at once
Took a breath and died

A mother with a coin
in her pocket chooses
poison as her diet

With gun pointing at innocents
The all say
Death for them is a child's play.......
Hi guys, i want all of you to open google and search for the brutality of indian army... Search for kashmir... Everyday hundreds of them are being massacred mercilessly...... They need our gratitude.  They want us to stand for them... Please stand for kashmir
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
your memories aren't just memories,
they are the slow poison for me,
which i keep in a crystal flask,
and every night,
before i go to sleep,
i open it up,
and drink a little,
for every poison has an ecstasy,
and in your memories,
i found mine.....
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
the tall tree,
that once stood so firm,
so proud of its strength,
it is flung down,
next to my eyes,
in front of me,
it's wreathed old roots,
that once used to be,
strong enough to hold him,
are now feeble as they could be,
it's brown leaves,
with a touch of orange hue,
with blend of yellow,
are the ones,
that once were so green and lush,
it's branches that once,
were a home to a thousand blue birds,
are no more mothers,
they now are strile,
idea gleam on the curtain of my mind,
with the tree that once was ceaselessly young,
is now dead,
what are we proud of?????
memoona kazmi Aug 2019
Did you change
Or was it me who remained the same?????
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
As the teeny tiny
droplets fall from
the window of heavens,
purifying every soul,
showering its blessing,
providing water to the,
thirsty cracked land,
wetting my cheeks,
oh how lucky are those clouds,
to throw away their burden,
to make it rain,
and oh how hard it is,
for me,
to keep all,
the blistering tears
inside my eyes………………
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
As the teeny tiny
droplets fall from
the window of heavens,
purifying every soul,
showering its blessing,
providing water to the,
thirsty cracked land,
wetting my cheeks,
oh how lucky are those clouds,
to throw away their burden,
to make it rain,
and oh how hard it is,
for me,
to keep all,
the blistering tears
inside my eyes………………
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
in the book of her past,
she had pages,
she once wished to be tore down,
but now she knows,
without those dark days,
she couldn't have been,
what she is today.......
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
and when you,
are forced,
to put on a smile,
be buried in graves,
of your own words,
every minute feels like,
scratching your nails,
on rough,
hard rocks,
it feels as if,
your head will burst,
as if,
you will start bleeding,
it all happens,
you stand there,
still,firm and straight,
but only you know,
that inside,
you are screaming,
for aid,
but how come they know,
you are hurt,
they are blind,
blind from the real eyes,
blind from all the pain.......
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
i remember her,
remember her twirling,
in that white frock,
with the waves of sea,
as the sea waves kissed her feet,
such a lovely apparition,
my eyes still wander,
wander in search,
of those hazel green eyes,
dancing by the tides........
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
when the sun starts to set,
when the birds take their flight,
on way back to home,
when the stars start
peeping from the curtain of sky,
i replay memories,
your yes and nos,
your do and don't,
you laughter and tears,
your love and loathe,
the only truth is,
i replay you
i replay your memories........
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