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Mike Virgl Jul 2017
Centuries stretch into decades
Decades crumble to years
Years dilute to months
Months spoil to weeks
Weeks transform to days
Days pass through hours
Hours scramble to minutes
Mintues fall onto seconds

And it goes and goes
With a logramthic speed
While I stand still
To contort some truth:

Man made measurments meticulously made
May mark mere moments
With words witheld within
Wallowing waves wash white, "whys?"


I speak in riddles as I should
When faced with nothing
But left with the word "could?"

Could of? Of course. Could I? Yes.
I could do anything, definitely
But no I would never
It is a hopless endeavor

And death ushers who it will
And brings their heart to a still
As we all look to how old
To comfort us
From death's hold

For his grip is unrelenting, arbitary, overreaching and perpetual
Nonsensical greatgrandmother you inspired me

I swear im crazy *** is this
Colm Jun 2017
Decide to start and never stop
And years later
When the memories of life pile up around you
Like the books beside a crowded shelf
You learn to be content with where you are
As compared to where you could be
Because fame is not to be desired
No, fame is to be pitied
Because you didn’t start for fame
And you didn’t continue for fame
And if you did you are a fool for fame
Because you became what you became
Because you already were
Perhaps just publicly.... (:
Janae Jun 2017
cinnamon is how i would describe
with spice
no sugar and not everything nice

makes you think twice
could never tell what's going on
behind those eyes

take my advice
though cinnamon smells so right
but you know if you would
just taste

you'd be disappointed
because cinnamon isn't so great
Ramsha May 2017
Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it.
Mida Burtons May 2017
The words that you want to be said
are never the ones you hear, you change
yourself so far you forget who
you once were. You try and please
everyone yet their expectations are
always too high. You aren't ever good enough.
Beau Scorgie Apr 2017
I buried
my roots
in new-age

It nourished me
with words
like water,

and promised
a harvest.

They say
the hand
that points
to the moon,
is not
the moon

and I was thirsty.

My entitlement
told me
I should not
be humbled
by a glass
of water
when what
I desire
is a

Well the spring
never came
and my
cup became
just another
empty glass.

Now I've
stepped off
my hedonic

My frail
body was
not designed
to withstand
the aches
of running.

I'm a
tall woman,
albeit small.

I was built
to see
the little things
from great heights.

And so it became
my glass of water
turned to wine.
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2017
This website,
is full of great minds
with great thoughts
new ideas
equipped with words and rhymes  
to inspire me  
help me write
one or more lines
each day
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