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Badshah Khan Mar 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust) - 78

BismillahIr RahmanIr Raheem

To gain the divine wisdom,

You should be humble.

Truthful and sincere, but not to others

But to yourself, may you look differed subtly,

To others, not as you naturally expect for yourself,

But stay humble and sincere.

In the fullness of ample time, you're scholarly;

Divine wisdom will amply prove about yourself to others!

Allah Khair..... Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem

Ummah Thurab - Badshah Khan.
©UT-BK 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust)
An interplay of this separation
still on vacation yet
as any variation tedious that superfluous is law
and supplement lantern that a grain cordial
when vacant harbor oppression here
undaunted but so admirable at a feria
Curiosity killed the cat
but you can't blame the cat for being curious

— The End —