If you can't hear nature's song playing the music of love
Each new day, with each new dawn, new sunrise and a fresh
Moon smile,
Go back to sleep!
If you can't make your heart a Mecca for the freedom seekers,
Your spirit a temple for the suffering souls,
And your mind a spring well of innovative ideas,
Go back to sleep!
If you can't hear the cry of Amal Hussein, the iconic figure of the starving Yemeni child as she was shedding her last tear, taking her last breath, and Whispering her last prayer,
Go back to sleep!
If you can't spare a holy dish to fill empty stomachs,
If you can't offer a kind word to help soothe other’s pain,
And color their lives with the rainbow hues of hope and happiness,
Go back to sleep!
If you can't be the soul of your place, a tsunami of positive change, the Spring of humanity that will blossom
With a new future full of hope, love and inspiration,
Go back to sleep!
Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2