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14.4k · Jan 2015
Gul e Dawoodi Jan 2015
See with an eye  of  wisdom,
Yet you'll fail to understand the reality,
Drag the lies until their skin bleed,
Yet you'll fail to expose the reality,
No matter what you do to make them believe,
Deception  is the only reality.
In today's world,  deception is the only reality.
When you are able to understand the truth it's too late.
If you preach the truth, people would say either you are a liar or a mental case.
Because we believe in what we see.
And we only see what we want to see.
13.1k · Jan 2015
Fearful Soul
Gul e Dawoodi Jan 2015
She loves to watch sunsets ,
Because of the feeling she gets,
She burns inside and sheds tear,
Just like a candle when it melts ,
She is afraid of what life brings,
And how one's fate swings,
She is afraid to fall for someone,
Who might treat her like 'no one' ,
She is afraid to lose their trust ,
Who do for her; their best.
Well...I just tried to write something different from my previous writes. e.e
10.9k · Feb 2015
Immune To Violence?
Gul e Dawoodi Feb 2015
Bombs and guns are just toys,
The signs of bravery for boys
Immature brains with violence fed to them,
Make them all completely numb
But what about the country men?
You see them crying now and then
Does that make you immune to violence?
Well, that just describes your height of ignorance.
We are so mean.
And that's what kills the strength of a nation.
7.2k · Jun 2015
Gul e Dawoodi Jun 2015
Sometimes, life is all about regrets
Regrets about the hearts we break
Regrets about the risks we take
Regrets about the friends we make
Regrets about the words we say
Regrets about the path we choose
Regrets about the things we lose
Regrets about the secrets we share
Regrets about the secrets we hear
Regrets about the promises we make
Regrets about the decision we take
no  regrets
Is all we say.
Gul e Dawoodi Jan 2015
When*   I  wake  up  and  get  ready
For  a  new  day­  to  start
You  kiss  my  forehead  and  call  ­me,  "My  son!"
Mother  I  know  you  love  me
­And  I  am  your  only  star
I  know  you  are­  afraid  to  lose  me
And  father's  heart  throb­s  too
But I  have  to  go  outside  and  Learn­  something  new
I  see  those  protectors  who  ­beat  the  blinds
I  see  those  protectors  who  ­beat  the  children
I  see  how  they  protect  ­us
And  perform  their  duty
Mother  don't  be  a­fraid  of  this
To  die  is  my  duty
You  can­  not  protect  me  outside
They'll  beat  me  too­
If  I  fight  for  my  right
O  Mother!  Hug ­ me  tight
Because  God  knows
This  might  be  ­my  last  *night!
Protector here means Police.
Pakistan's so called Police is also no less than terrorism itself.
5.8k · Dec 2014
Need Your Attention!
Gul e Dawoodi Dec 2014
I am from Pakistan...
Yesterday on 16 December, 2014 our city Peshawar got attacked.  Terrorism at it's peak!
Innocent kids and teachers were brutally killed by the terrorists. These martyrs didn't know that there    life was going to end like this!
My whole nation is bleeding.teachers were burnt in front of their students. Bullets were sprayed on innocent lives. THIS ISN'T HUMANITY!  THIS ISN'T WHAT ISLAM TEACHES! THOSE TERRORISTS **** OTHERS IN THE NAME OF GOD BUT THIS ISN'T WHAT GOD WANTS FROM US.
I REQUEST you all to pray for the young martyrs because humanity has no Boundaries!  
Please pray for the safety of every country because everyone's life is precious!
5.2k · Nov 2014
~*Hope *~
Gul e Dawoodi Nov 2014
Hope lies within the heart
To us hope is belief
To us hope is a symbol of life
To us hope is a sign of wisdom
To us hope is patience
To us hope is peace
To us hope is a sword,
That kills the dark knights,
Heading towards our kingdom,
In the dark nights
Never stop believing!
Never lose hope!
♥ :)
4.8k · Jan 2015
Peaceful Loneliness
Gul e Dawoodi Jan 2015
Afraid  of  this  miserable  world
I  found  peace  in  my  loneliness
Discouraged by the society
And being an insecure mess
To  be  lonely  I  guess,
is  simply  the  best.
3.4k · Jan 2015
Secretly Hated
Gul e Dawoodi Jan 2015
A Common man with wisdom,
A  rich man with luxuries,
An intelligent student with extra knowledge,
A girl with beauty,
And a boy with looks,
Are all hated secretly
By those who flatter.
3.1k · Feb 2015
Burden Gives No Merriment
Gul e Dawoodi Feb 2015
In order to be glee
One's mind should be free
Free of burdens and exhaustion
Only such life is a satisfaction

This world is a dungeon for us
That is why we have created so much fuss
Just like  birds trapped in a cage
Waiting for the door to open, they gaze.

So let them overburden you with their expectations
And don't say a word about it in hesitation
Just do what they say
As long as you stay
Life is so exhausting,tough and unfair.
2.8k · Mar 2015
A Beautiful Creation
Gul e Dawoodi Mar 2015
Soft and tender existence with fragrance of love and warmth,
Affection and nourishment that gives one comfort as if heaven came down upon earth,
never will I forget her love,an angel who gave me birth
Obedience and silence with a smile of gold
The symbol of beauty and Trust
A drawing in her little hands she holds
A little more respect and a little more regard with a lot of love
I have to give them back
God this is a lovely life with eternal bliss
And for this and all of this, I say thanks.
Happy Women's Day!  (I know I am late)
2.6k · Jan 2015
Flaws Make You Perfect
Gul e Dawoodi Jan 2015
What's inside your heart,
Is a secret between you and God,
You hide your flaws from the world,
By wearing a mask of peace and love ,
Waiting to be understood by someone,
No one knows If you are crying,
But you can't hide it from yourself,
flaws  are  meant  to  make  you  perf­ect ,
God wants you to throw the mask away,
To let them see the real  you ,
Because for your God you are Perfect .
"Your flaws are perfect for the heart, meant to love you. "
You don't need to be perfect.
2.2k · Feb 2015
Once They Were Alive
Gul e Dawoodi Feb 2015
so*  colorful  and  bright  like  a  flowe­r
so  lively  and  cheerful  like  a  *­
once were they all,
but the winds of hardship turned them into
burning*  paper   and   *hole
Gul e Dawoodi Apr 2015
Some people are not poets
They are poetry themselves

Some people are not authors
They are books themselves

Some people are not singers
They are songs themselves

Some people are not beautiful
They are beauty themselves

Some people are not modest
They are modesty themselves


They all exist in this world
But they don't  recognize themselves
Know your worth. Because you are amazing just the way you are.  Don't let your 'speciality' fade because of hatemongers.
1.9k · Sep 2015
Midnight struggle
Gul e Dawoodi Sep 2015
At night, when I close my eyes and try to relax
All the things I have done wrong come before my sight,
I feel suffocated and cry deep inside
"What  have  I  done  ?" , I shout
"Is  that  me  ?" , I doubt
I search for keys to unlock the doors of my mind,
But bad memories are all I find
This isn't how I thought it to be,
This isn't how I wanted myself to be
Sometimes, that's  not what we intend
But the cycle continues and the struggle never ends
1.8k · Jan 2015
I Am A Shoe Polisher
Gul e Dawoodi Jan 2015
How*  does  it  feel  like
when  you  carry  a  ­bag  full  of  books?
I  hope  that  it  doesn't  feel  like  a  burden  as  it  looks­,

I  wish  to  study  just  like  you,
scamperin­g  towards  the  school   before  the  first  bell  in  a  crew,

But  you­  know  what  I  do?
infront  of  your  school  ­I  sit  and   polish  your  *shoe!
Education is the right of every child.
Earning money is the responsibility of parents.
1.8k · Apr 2015
Beware Of Humans
Gul e Dawoodi Apr 2015
Flames touching the sky
Ashes forming endless smoky deserts
Haters are meant to hate and cry
Beware of this fire
Or else you'll burn your feathers

Sealed lips yet so much to say
Hearts filled with feelings and fear
Everyone here wishes to have a fay
Beware of these liars
As their hearts for you are not Crystal clear
Stay away from haters!
And never trust people!
Because you don't know what they think about you. Stay at a distance. Protect the pure soul of yours.
1.8k · Sep 2015
A Cup Of Tea
Gul e Dawoodi Sep 2015
Have a seat pal and watch sunset with me
This time of the day tells a lot of  stories as you see
I am not going to talk about the gloomy side of it
So don't think this is how our conversation is going to be
Listen to the songs birds sing as they fly home
No boundaries and check points for them, the sky is free
I wonder if you want to know what I believe
Honey is sweet because of the love of the flower for bee
Beauty comes in all forms
like a garden full of green trees
But this sky will turn red as the sun leaves
And you'll leave too since you've finished your cup of tea
Drinking a cup of tea while sitting beside my window and watching how beautiful nature really is. I wish I could describe it beautifully.
1.6k · Apr 2015
The Double Standards
Gul e Dawoodi Apr 2015
How inhumane is the human,
Angels must be laughing
The Globe is a mess,
For them it must be shocking

Every year the child celebrates Mother's  day ,
But the respect for her with every passing day is reducing
What a great love for mother this is, angels must be mocking

A law has been issued for everyone,
But I don't see anybody following
What's wrong with the human?
Angels must be talking
Double standards are infinite . Keep it up people!
1.5k · Apr 2015
Gul e Dawoodi Apr 2015
Let's**   escape   to   another  world
A  world   where  wishes  come  true
Take   my   hand  and  trust  me
Don't  be  afraid  my  dear
  I'll   be  with    you
he said to me and I was stupid enough
I held his hand and thought we were two
So if it  gets dark, I wouldn't be scared
As he with his colors will turn me blue
But on the way to our destination
He left my hand
He said that with me he could not stand
He left me alone right in the middle of forest
But for me it was just  a barren land
1.5k · Aug 2015
Gul e Dawoodi Aug 2015
Everytime when I cry
I ask myself 'why?'
Why it all have to be this way?
Why I have to be a part of this play?
Why someone has to be a joke every day?
Why don't people just stay away?
Why I have to be strong anyway?
Why everybody here always says
'It's okay'?
They tell me to stop being so over sensitive
But nobody  understands what's going on in my head
They tell me to forget and move on
As they don't seem to care
Every night I give up
Give up before this emotionless  society
And close my eyes while hoping  for a good  **day
Now I know why I don't like people.
1.4k · Jul 2015
Secret Behind Their Smiles
Gul e Dawoodi Jul 2015
Everybody has been hiding behind,
The walls they made to be just fine
In their eyes I see a world,
A secret to be told;a story of some kind
But once they speak out,
I can't explain how beautifully their eyes shine
Every night they sit to watch a shooting star and,
Everyone of them wishes,"I hope for a better future of mine"
1.4k · Feb 2015
She Knows Nothing
Gul e Dawoodi Feb 2015
She was told,
There  is  always  something  special  ­about  what  people  hold
Talented people who are perfect at their job,
And they have a talent that no one can rob
She  thought  she   too  had  something   precious,
Something inside her waiting to be discovered
Tried  to   get   it   all  out,
But ended up soon
Because  she  was  a  moon,
Who  n­eeds  sun   to  sparkle  at  night
Just like that, she had no light,
No  talent  and   no   beauty,
Rough and scattered personality
She  is  losing  faith  in  herself   day  by   day,
Losing every single reason to be gay
Over thinking ruins personality. But what if that's the only thing you are good at?
1.4k · Feb 2015
Nature Is The Real Beauty
Gul e Dawoodi Feb 2015
The way eagle glides in the air
Plays with the sky so gracefully
No matter if it rains or not
Flying high is it's only thought
Sparrows chirping, singing songs
All the things that I can long
So lucky they are as they have
Freedom to fly, they never hesitate
The shine of earth just before the dawn
The magic of  sky before the dusk
And when it rains drop by drop
In the garden tiny insects hop
All of these blessings they see
Glory of nature that makes one glee
I wish I could fly with those flocks
Instead of walking on these rocks
The beauty of nature is in it's calmness and peace.
1.4k · Aug 2015
Dream Of An Imperfect Soul
Gul e Dawoodi Aug 2015
Have you ever heard the sound of dreams shattering?
Have you ever heard a person silently screaming?
I know you haven't felt that way
When it all comes to an end
And you don't know where to go
It seems like a nightmare
But that's actually happening
Lost the race
Lost the game
No less than losing life
That's what happens when
And imperfect soul experiences a broken dream
1.3k · Jan 2015
Let The Dove Fly!
Gul e Dawoodi Jan 2015
Let the peace take a flight,
Please don't hate and stop this fight

Lies will only make you a liar,
You will burn in your own fire

Look around you and see this love
Doesn't it look like a beautiful dove?
I know that I write poems on the same topic again and again but I don't know I can't think of anything else. People around me don't let me think of anything else.
1.3k · Feb 2015
My Ten Words
Gul e Dawoodi Feb 2015
We are not living
We are just trying to  
10 W.
1.3k · Nov 2014
I want to be ... like her
Gul e Dawoodi Nov 2014
I want to be remembered, like her
I want to be creative, like her
I want to be cared for, like her
I want to be someone's best, like her
I just want to be someone I can never be! her
We always want to get something which isn't meant for us.we feel  insecure just because we compare ourselves with others. Remember! God has made us what He wants us to be! And He gives us what is best for us. :) ♥
1.3k · Dec 2014
The Little Things
Gul e Dawoodi Dec 2014
I am a girl who stays at home all day long.
I go to college but still act like school kids.
I like to make weird noises and weird faces in front of the mirror.(and my room locked)
I am very shy.
I never have any idea about anything that happens around me, always lost in my lame thoughts.
I like to  text my friends but they don't reply instantly and that makes me mad.
I am so dumb and feel like I am never going to be perfect enough for someone.
My friends think that I am a nerd. I don't know why they do that.
That's all :)  :p
Note: it's a challenge.  If you like it then write about yourself a little bit. And      
don't forget to use these hashtags. :)
1.3k · Oct 2015
Gul e Dawoodi Oct 2015
Overwhelmed by thoughts I sit here alone,
Wish to be understood and to be understanding;but that time is gone
There should have been one more chance,
To make everything alright in a glance
Just like others I want to live a peaceful life,
And don't want be the one who's soul feels like killing itself with a knife
Why Should I do that injustice to myself?
And leave the ones who love, crying for help
But what will happen when they'll leave?
And I'll be left alone to bereave
This life has always been so cruel to us,
But I keep wondering how to break this curse.
Just a mess of thoughts in my mind.
1.3k · Aug 2015
Gul e Dawoodi Aug 2015
What*  a  feeling  of  helplessness  it  is
When  you  can  not­  say  what  you  feel
And  when  you  say  what­  you  don't   *feel
1.2k · Jun 2015
Gul e Dawoodi Jun 2015
A cold heart was once the warmest
A  bitter tongue was once the sweetest
A devil was once an  angel
A cruel was once the kindest
And a villain was once a **hero
1.2k · Dec 2014
Parasite in a Garden
Gul e Dawoodi Dec 2014
Humanity is the root
Respect is the stem
Love is a flower
Peace is it's fragrance
Religion is a garden
Hate is a parasite
***** blood of love
vanishes peace
Ends respect
Kills humanity
Makes religion look ugly
Every religion teaches humanity, love and peace. Hatred burns everything but that isn't the fault of any religion.  It's the fault of humans.
1.2k · Jan 2015
Sorry For Being ...
Gul e Dawoodi Jan 2015
Sorry*  Mom  for  being  a  hopeless   daughter
For  not  being  able  to    share  your­   burden
For  being  so  childish
For  being  a  ­bad  girl
Your  only  girl
Sorry  Dad  for  not ­ being   pretty
For  being  so  stupid
For  being  a  bur­den
For  being  a  worry
For  not   being  an   intelligent  girl
Your  only  girl
Sorry  Mom  and­  Dad  for   being  a  disappointment
For  being  your  girl
Yo­ur  only  *girl
1.2k · Nov 2015
Gul e Dawoodi Nov 2015
The fading memories are all I have,
Since when you left and didn't say goodbye
Those promises you made are all I have,
They taste like poison on which my heart sighs
That pain you gave is all I have,
How ruthless you've become;here your friend cries
These words which I write are all I have,
They make fun of it; still better than your lies
The broken trust is all I have,
In this mean world and these fake smiles.
1.2k · Jan 2015
Gul e Dawoodi Jan 2015
Many people come and go
Many feelings come and go
There is always one such feeling,
That we want to stay the same  

1.1k · Sep 2017
To Be Good Enough
Gul e Dawoodi Sep 2017
I wish it was easy to let go of the past
To start a new life; to live with a pure heart
Where no one could remind me of what I've lost,
Where no one remembers who I was
Letting me live and embrace new things
Where no one compares me with anyone,
And all that matters would be what is yet to come
I wish I get to live with a hope that stays in the darkest of the days
And do not let me lose my faith
I hope I get to love the ones in my life
And erase all the hatred left, before they all bade me goodbye.
1.1k · Jan 2016
Gul e Dawoodi Jan 2016
Covered with cloak of darkness,she sat by the sea
The waves,the moonlight and cool breeze she couldn't feel
And she wondered if this loneliness will go away
Or this desolation will never set her free
The world took her as a mindless flighty
Didn't let her become what she always wanted to be
How her head jumped from one thought to another
But there was no one with whom these thoughts could be could shared
That's not okay.
1.1k · Dec 2014
My Hero
Gul e Dawoodi Dec 2014
A week ago you were here
Among us but we didn't know
with Ideas in your mind
You used to do sketching
You were the brightest student of your class
You loved to do photography
You wanted to be a SSG Commando
You had dreams too
You had aims too
You wanted to be a hero
So here you are now
The whole world knows you
As you can see from the heaven now
I don't know about others but oh my martyrs! You are my real heroes. We shall rise and shine again.  Your precious blood shall not go to waste.
- in the memory of victims of Peshawar attack.
1.1k · Sep 2016
Thoughts turned into Art
Gul e Dawoodi Sep 2016
Have you ever tried to turn your thoughts into art ?
Like words on paper or colours on chart?
It's not that easy to tame the wild thoughts;
And make something beautiful out of them
But I know you can be extraordinary ,
You can be smart
You can make a world of your own and bring it to life
Because words can speak
And paintings can breathe
Not everyone can understand what you are trying to tell;
Through all those signs and all that ink
But don't  stop just because of that
Make these thoughts a source of your art
1.0k · Dec 2014
Battle Against Myself
Gul e Dawoodi Dec 2014
I shall fight against the evil inside me,
I shall protect myself with an armour  of faith,
I shall fight with a sword of hope,
I shall not listen to what my heart says,
No matter what comes in my way,
I shall fight and win one day
Every single person is fighting a battle against himself. We all know what's good for us.and to achieve aims we need to make sacrifices of our desires.
1.0k · Mar 2017
The Wisest Men in London
Gul e Dawoodi Mar 2017
They thought that wall is hard to break,
And all their might shall go to waste
As he never showed affection,
As if he never felt the pain
But deep down he knew the secrets;
That all of them had been hiding from themselves
He with his brilliant observations,
Deduced the most onerous cases
But when he met a man of pure heart
A man whom he called his partner, his right arm
He finally found his missing pieces
His life became much more than riddles and mazes
The man whom he called his best friend
Made him see the hero he was
And that's how their adventures begun
The stories of the two wisest men in London,will never end.
1.0k · Jun 2015
Whisper Of A Child
Gul e Dawoodi Jun 2015
In my childhood, you taught me
Not to shout and not to lie
But this is what you did
Can this act be justified?
I never said anything out of respect
But main reason is that I was horrified
If I do something wrong I will be punished
But if you do the same thing, is that fine?
Yelling at each other is all what you did
And expect me to forget about it and pretend that I don't mind?
You loved me one moment and disgraced me at another
And left me crying and thinking you are  unkind
This is the story of a child
Whose parents think as if their child is blind
Although parents love their children more than anything and do their best to provide a perfect atmosphere for them to learn and grow but...exceptions are always there!
961 · Mar 2017
You Taught Me
Gul e Dawoodi Mar 2017
Your*  ignorance   was  enough,
To  teach  me  that  silence  is    bliss
Your  self  centered  world  taught  me;
­That  caring  is  a  waste  of  emotions
Now  all­  I  am,  is  a  numb  being
As  for  you, I'­ll   never  be  the  *same.
945 · Jun 2015
Heartless Lucy
Gul e Dawoodi Jun 2015
Lucy turned into a wicked witch
Now she wears a black gown and holds a silver stick
Goodness wasn't working out well
So she closed her heart in a seashell
Threw it into a dark sea and made a wish silently
To be selfish and unkind and to stop feeling finally
But she wasn't like this before
World has done something to her for sure
929 · Dec 2014
Gul e Dawoodi Dec 2014
I have lost myself,
While trying to be someone else,
Someone I can not be,
Something I can not do
I lost the peace, once I had
I lost the good in me
I lost my identity
I lost my personality
I don't know how to get it all back
I don't know how to get the old me
#lost #puzzled
927 · Mar 2017
A Scribble for You
Gul e Dawoodi Mar 2017
What if I tell you I'm not too good for you?
And I see you not being so pleased to know me
But I say it's okay to be that way, sometimes
And what if I tell you there's no need to make the words rhyme
Translate your feelings into words; call it a poem
Because that is the only way to relief, sometimes
Heart that beats in our chests is not so different, you see
What if I tell you, it's your eyes that become blind, sometimes
Don't  appraise  my emotions, try to be  kind
What if I tell you, it's okay not to be the judge,  sometimes.
926 · Dec 2014
Words and World
Gul e Dawoodi Dec 2014
I live in a world where CARE is just a word
I live in a world where LOVE is just a word
I live in a world where HATE shouldn't exist
I live in a world where REVENGE shouldn't exist
Yes, I live in a world where MEN live
But HUMAN is just a word.
Today, how many of us really know the meaning of these words?  I myself don't know the actual meaning of these words.Because if we knew... our world wouldn't be like this.
923 · Jan 2015
What Is My Fault?
Gul e Dawoodi Jan 2015
All your armies,
All your soldiers,
All your tanks,
All your guns,
Against a boy, holding a stone
Standing there, all alone
In his eyes,
I see the sun,
I see the moon,
And I wonder,
I only wonder,
Who is weak?
And who is strong?
Who is right?
And who is wrong?
I wish and only wish
That the truth had a tongue.
Dedicated to the children exposed to the wars. I haven't written it. Just read it somewhere and wanted to share it with you.
868 · Jun 2018
Gul e Dawoodi Jun 2018
As I walk out of this door
I promise myself not to look back at you
For you have already let me go
How easy it must have been for you;
As I never was 'the one' for sure
But I did leave a note; placed it under your pillow
It's a final word from me to you;
About how once we held each other dear;
And I did care then,
But now, I'm not sorry
And I hope you read it soon enough,
Before I fade away from your memory.
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