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Lisa Aug 2017
It a great thing to be in the middle of fades between the lines of black and white
It's great to be gray to dissappear into the black like a shadow or like walking out in the middle of the night to not be noticed
Or never have any eyes on you
don't be seen
no mistake noticed.
the white does not always shine on you and when it does you can easily go back to gray
It's great to be gray beacuse i change my outfit 5 times before coming here and and today maybe I wanted to shine. But I'm gray so I stand out just enough to be noticed but not to much then all eyes on me and that is quite scary then I'm not gray.

It's horrible to be gray.
To always seem like you are in 2 places at one like everyone is watching you but like not a single person will even notice you
It ***** to be gray.
To say hello to someone and they won't respond beacuse they don't know your name from that day when you helped them when no one eles would,
you were always in the gray
To have every mistake noticed by everyone but then be told that it's okay just stop and go back to the gray.

It's okay to be gray beacuse inbtween of the black and white I may stay
but oddly enough gray is okay it's a ryhmes so it must be true
beacuse in all white I shine all eyes on me never a moment of peace
never any time for the little boring gray me
But in the black I'm never seen I'm forgotten,
Say hi to the girl in the hall and receive a weird look beacuse she doesn't even remember me now
Maybe it's okay to be gray beacuse shades are sometimes all the same in some weird way.
Chelsea Patton May 2015
He is only 10 he should
be crying beacuse he
feel down,not beacuse
someone called him a ***.

She's only 12,she
should be playing with
makeup,not razors..

He's only 14  he should be  out with his freinds,
not tying ropes...

She's only 16, she
should be out on dates,
not staraving herself...

They were all 18, they
should have been
celebrating graduation,
not a furneral...
hope u like it
always anxious Nov 2014
my momma said
i can't talk to strangers
beacuse strangers
are never nice people

but my daddy
says i'm paranoid
beacuse talking to them
is the only way i'll have friends

and if that is true
then let me be paranoid
i'll always be scared of people
only beacuse of what momma said
zakariya Jun 2015
I wanna write somthing about u
And i want u know
U are the best and u will still the best …
U are the best beacuse no one like you  
U are pretty ♥ beautiful ♥ wonderful
Beacuse u are differnt and i will say that again
No one like u
U make me smile
U make me happy
And i’m sure u will
Never do somthing hurt me
I wana write somthing about u
When people ask me how are u
I said i’m hàppy beacuse i have friend like u
U are the best and i wish u all the best
Beacuse no one like u
this poetry is for my best friend Pamela Ekundayo ♥ ♥
IL Mare May 2015
A friend once asked me
What ambition will I let the teachers put
In our high school yearbook
For everyone to see
And I said I'm afraid I do not have one
And he said that how would I succeed in life
If I don't have any ambition
And I've thought about this for awhile
And to justify my answer, I replied that
You need not to have any ambition
To succeed in life
I said you just needed to be happy and
Maybe I should let them put "To become happy" in the yearbook and you know what?
It ocurred to me that I never even give a single ****
About what the other students might think or what their parents might think
Except for what my parents might think
But usually, they don't care as long as it's who I am and what I want
And I'm thankful for that

But I've always wondered
Why I never had one
Never thought of becoming anything
Now that I'm in my senior year which is a crucial part
Of my career orientation
And I'm scared so much
I'm scared that before
I wanted everything
Yet now I end up wanting nothing
And I wondered so much
On how I changed so gradually
From being a ball of blazing fire to a godforsaken blackhole
Though I know change is inevitable,
I didn’t expect to lose my heart in the process

Once, I've always dreamed to become a doctor
Because I wanted to heal scars and unspoken miseries and no
I'm not just after using scalpels or stethoscopes or syringes
Or cutting off people's brains
I wanted to fix the broken
Rip my being into shreds to keep them whole
I wanted sacrifice and salvation

And I've always dreamed to become a soldier
I don’t care how silly it sounds
I wanted to protect people and wanted to taste the bitterness
Of war and blood and death
I wanted to know death and see all the worst
And be exposed to them
That I wouldn't have any choice
But to be brave for myself and the others
Because death? It could be sweeter this way
To die for a cause, to die for somebody
I wanted sacrifice and salvation

And I've always dreamed to become a teacher
Beacuse I wanted to influence someone's life
Give them power to stand up for themselves
Watch a bud blossom into a beautiful flower
And then I would make thousands of memories
Because at the same time
I'm learning through connections and bonds and warmth
And that, would be one of the greatest things
I will cherish in my life forever
I wanted sacrifice and salvation

And then I aspired to be a lawyer,
To serve and give way to justice because that's all we have to know
And I realized defending a criminial would be unavoidable
And I've always sworn to myself
That if that happens, I'd rather burn myself to death
Because I should only send the right people in jail
Those people who deserve to rot in the cells and cling to metal bars
I wanted sacrifice and salvation

And I watched the conversation end
And feel my heart pound in my ears
And I cried so much that night
That I realized I seldom cry
Because I thought I was better
And I was terrified because
Nothing hurts more than not knowing
What you could actually want in this sad world
Because that means you might as well be nothing

A hollow
A ******* void
And I don't want to be like that
Nobody does
So i think and think and think
What do I actually want?

And the wind blew
Leaves fell onto the ground
People wheezed and laughed and breathed through their noses
And it slapped me in the face
I've never been stable in my life
I've concealed my greed up until now
I dreamed so much that I denied reality
Each day, making myself believe
That I wanted nothing but I actually
Wanted THE power to be everything

Be everything in a world I was bound to craft
I wanted to create moons and stars and storms and unicorns
And wars and tides that tell "Hey, humans can actually create worlds."
I wanted to be out of my control
I didn’t want to settle on a skin I was enclosed in, I was held captive by
So I changed whatever's written to
The paper I had submitted for the yearbook
And wrote "To be a Writer" and nothing else
This was supposed to be a slam poem but I don't have that talent to be so raw in front of an audience so I let the words scream at the paper instead. Hehe.
Jamie Lee Oct 2018
Is hell
Because I do not enjoy
And well
I enjoy all of you-
With your smooth moves
Perky and peachy attitudes
Teach me
To be as sweet
As you-

Can be cruel
Not like it is on tv,
Or beside me
Everyone shining,
While my smile feels
Like hiding
Under this wax mask
A painted canvus
Of pale and black
Don't look at me
I'm a heartattack
A bad act-
Broken glass
Of a painted doll

I am a leo lioness
Your hieness
Sparkles on my eyelids
But you see
I have enough pride
To hide it-
Its priceless,
Really hillarious
Sometimes I feel
Like a bad *****
But I'm none of this
I am the pray,
The gazelle in the grass
But I am also the lion
Waiting to attack myself

Because you see,

Is hell,
I am the lion
I am the gazelle
I am heaven and hell
In a vessle of myself
See what you will,
Your critiques are nothing
My only enemy is me
My only savior is me
I am a lion
But I am also
A sheep

Don't look at me

Sometimes I cry in the mirror
Blink my mascara tears,
Blurry mess-
Can't fit in my old dresses
Tearing apart at the seams,
Crawled out of my skin
And made some bad habits
Declining wealth
Declining health
Laughing as the scales tip-
After all I am a person,
Not permanent
Why should I care

But I do

I do when I look at you
You with your talented hands
With your spider lashes
And good moods
Teach me to feel
As good
As you
My lipstick smears and screams
As the paintings on my face mock me
So will my body,
My body thats bruised
And missused
Perfume to cover the *****
They'll see my cherry lips move
But they won't hear me talking
Its perfect,
The mask of confidence
My incompetence
Is a perfect fit

No, really

Its lovely
When I wear it,
People love me!
Because people think
I love myself
Is hell,
Beacuse I do not
Love myself
I love everybody else,
Even the ones who
Say I am full of it,
Selfish leo,
Selfish lion
Exaggerated ego-
Winking eyelids
Wings to my forehead-
I flaunt
What I don't want,
Because you want me to
You want me
To love me
Like you do

All of you

I remember the words
From my mother,
Is not a pretty color-
Its crimson red,
Like blood,
I've had to sew it up
Don't look here
Not at my guts,
Look at my eyelids
Are these not enough?!?!
These cherry lips
Tell you to sush
Less of a lioness,
More of a cub
I know
I am my own predator
My own pray

I am

All of the above
I get hurt I don't mind.                       She gets hurt I don't care,
     You get hurt I worry a lot a lot
         Because I care,
      I never want to see you hurt,
   From all her drama and turmoils,
You still don't realise that its me who

      She's driven you through hell,
        Some little publicity and all.
   Silly little drama that could have pushed me way but still I stood with  
             My sobering heart
        Waiting for my chance to  
             You after her dread
  And heal your wounds from her
          Sharp swords.                               

It is my endless love that makes me
Yet I don't mind that you are never
             Going to love me.
always anxious Sep 2014
Dear legs...
I'm sorry how i've alwYs complained about you not being long or straight enough.
Thank you for still carrying me even though i've hated you with such a passion.

Dear arms
I also wanna tell you sorry, for punching you when i got mad, and also for complain about you being too floppy.
Thank you for still helping me, do everything and for just being there, life would be a lot harder without you.

Dear ****
I'm sorry for all the times i've said you were ugly, you not being round, small or smooth enough.
Thank you for still going along and let me sit on you when i've been tired.

Dear stomach
Sorry for pinching and hitting you whever i was hungr, and sorry for never liking you beacuse you were floppy but i know it's just skin
And that's how you're suppossed to look.
Thank you for telling me when i'm hungry and keeping in all the food i eat, you work like a machine and that must be hard to do!

dear *****
Sorry for always thinking you were too small, i regret everything i've said you've grown nice and round, i'm sorry for complaining so tou had to hurry so much you got stretchmarks
Thank you, for grabbing so much attention, that id sort of funny.

Dear hips
I'm dorry for punching you and complaining avput you being too wide.
Thank you for giving me the hourglassshape every girl long for.

dear skin
I have so much to be sorry for..
I'm sorry for cutting you, and bruising you and burning you, i' so very sorry i have ruined you this much, i'm sorry for letting my emotions out on you, i have made you scarred and i'm sorry about that. Im sorry for also complaining how you were never clean enough
But thank you! For sticking along and holding my body together you're awesome

Dear face
I'm sorry for never liking you and being sad about my eyes not being deep blue or my nose not perfect
Though i thank you for
Letting my friends know who i am

Dear hair
I'm sorry i put you through a lot of heat and dying and all that but hey you're still on my head i bet i would look weird bald so thank you!

Dear body!
Last but not least
I wanna thank you for being so strong and beautifull i wanna thank you for holding on even though i put you through this much

*dear body... I'm sorry.. Thank you
just a girl Jul 2014
i'm gonna make it
im gonna take the hundred steps

i'm gonna make it
i'll take one day at a time and it will soon be ninetynine

i'm gonna be ok
lots people have climbed this before me

i'm gonna be ok
i can do it beacuse i'm strong

i'm fine for now
but it will get better
it wont be easy
it will take a while

but i'll make it
i'll be ok..

always anxious Oct 2014
anorexia you inside of me
hysteria is all you'll ever be.
you're a struggle
and you caused me a lot of trouble
yes you made me skinny
all with that stupid theory
but i'm gonna win in the end
even though you are my only friend

i will not die today
just have to get back what i threw away
i called you my master for way too long
but i just realized where i belong
i have my friends here
and they take away my fear

i might have been close to death
but only beacuse of your stupid threat
"you're gonna get fat"
and then we had the calorie chat
but i'm forcing you to leave
so i can freedom achieve
amme Nov 2016
Skating on thin ice my whole life like a figureskater.
First price on sight but the stripes, resembles a broken picture.

A golddigger... Go figure.
Writing straight from my heart so every bar tender. I remember a night in december,
from a walk in the park to a shot in the dark, I wasnt that cleaver.
Pretended to be concious and smart but now the scars on my arms shows that Im a beginner.
Sober for 3 years yet addicted to your liquor.
Sparked my transmitter when ladys slipper fell off after our first dinner,
But I never knew cinderella was a heavy hitter.
Couldnt connect the dots so now im on the ground with seven stars above my head like I got hit with the big dipper.

But **** all the modesty, I just need honesty...
My writtens a blasphemy (blast for me) but I can't be myself anymore like broken prophecy so God,
accept my apology, beacuse there's a monster inside of me that produces sick thoughts like it knew biology.

Some might say im insane but **** my brain, my heart is always by my side. Deranged thoughts but love tells me when its a lie.
So stay in my lane and embrace the fact that we all are going to die or live to busy and miss the heartbeat that takes you to the otherside.
amme Mar 2018
I imagine a biological plant,
I reach for It but can't touch It beacuse It's only my imagination.

I picture the same plant and reach to grab it but this time It's in 2D.

Now I am holding the plant. I can see and feel It got many features trying to prove itself being realistic but
It got no smell, no dirt, no life. It's just a prop.

Unlike your plant..

I can feel the warmth, the edgy imperfections, the good intentions of your plant.
I can see the healthy strains, the perfect ratio, the water flowing through your plant.
I can smell the unique aroma, the soul essence, natures soil all over your plant.

So I inject my plant with drugs, steriods and testoserone to match yours.
Look at my plant now world!
- Its just GMO'd.
Trying to be real made my plant more fake than It ever was.

How am I supposed to spread my seeds when my plant is so dysfunctional?
It would only create more confused and broken plants and eventually the world would be destroyed.

"Evolution could only come after a revolution"
Is a quote stuck in my brain.
Should I let my plant rot for the better
or should I keep watering It hoping for the best?
I really dont know anymore.
Lynsey-Nova Oct 2014
im sorry i am not my sister
im sorry im not strong
like you
im sorry i am in pain and sad
all the time
im sorry i cant breath
im sorry that you hate me
that i've ruined your life
im sorry i dropped out of school
and broke all your plans
im sorry i am not the one you thought
id be in the end
im sorry that i didnt give up my
dreams for you
im sorry that i didnt take care of you for years
that i left and didnt come back
im sorry you had to rely on others
im sorry im dissapointing
im sorry ive broke your heart
im sorry i followed my dreams and left you alone
but mostly im sorry i was born
beacuse i did take care of you
i did save your life
i never asked for anything this just
isnt right
i never told you no i never rose
my voice i gave you everything i never had
a choice
i never followed all my dreams never
got out of this town
and now ill rot here inside
beacuse you've broken me down
so thank you for all your love that
burned right through my soul
thank you and i love you
i dont remember why though
Jolan Lade Jul 2018
You will be the sun, and I the moon.
I will reflect the light, the shine that shines from you.
I so close but you so far, almost just a distant star.
When you apper I will leave, but I still see your light, still reflecting your shine.
In between us the earth, that we both see, for this we both care.
The earth, the love and without us it would not be there.
In a sky of stars, I cannot take my eyes of you. I cannot exist, cannot fight without your light.

Inspired by TSPoetry
just a girl Jul 2014
loving two people...
one not knowing, other heartbroken beacuse he knows he's your true love...
the heartbroken one being 4000 miles away...
the one not knowing being by next door...
the age difference between two true lovers....
the lack of common interests in close lovers....
the lust...
or the love...?

i'm in a situation right now where i'm in love with two guys... both loving me to the end of the world... the one 4000 miles away is 24 (i'm 14) the one by next door is 16...
the one far away i have never met, and my parents can't know i talk to someone idk in real life....
and the one next door cut himself for me...
the one living far away ended up in hospital with bad headaches(migraines)....
and i really dont know what to do...
shall i love the one far away.... or the one next door?
cuase my heart says the one far away... but my paranoia, anxiety and logic says the one by next door....
Sara Ackermann Jul 2011
I'm so sick of it,
The scorn, the hate.
One in your voice,
The other in your eyes.
So condescending in one moment,
gently the next.
I hate it!
Whenever you want something,
You whine like a small child,
After they've already said they didn't want it.
You'll never really be an adult,
No matter how old you get.
Always criticizing,
Making comlpiments meaningless.
Cold, harsh, calculating;
You never know when to stop,
Even when people tell you.
Your kindness is annoying,
Beacuse I know it's fake.
I know you want to hurt me,
but, and yet, you don't.
Often I want to hit you,
Just to make you stop;
Or take a knife to my throat,
Just to make it end.
There are times I think
I love you
But I know that they are false,
Because it just turns back to hating you.
You'll never understand
The things that I have felt,
So don't bother trying to figure me out.
I don't care how you feel,
I don't care what you want.
Just please forget me,
And stop worrying.
rare-and-rad Oct 2014
October 3rd was gonna be a blast a moment to remember, and i was gonna life it up without evening using
the next few hours i m lready holding a beer between my hands
**** 5 months of my life wasted , thrown away because of abusing
i.didnt go home that night instead i went to my dealers house for a little glips of her taste opon my lips
good **** was the first thing that came to mind, now i tell my dealer to gently grab me the hips
after it was over, it was like nothing ever happened i got enough for another day or two i have to come up with an idea
i didnt even think how i just gotten out,my moms working and my aunts in hospital,ivtried leaving but she said eres mia (your mine)
i lost 5 pounds in 12 days and never felt better in my life, i was happy, free and high
i just keep telling myself  , remember that you cant go home beacuse only houses exist , and the only travel is to be fly...... to be continued
just a girl Aug 2014
At a camp 40 ither people
Still im sitting on my own
Its not beacuse they dont like me
Or beacuse i dont like them...

I just like it better when im alone

Simoun Pelagio Dec 2014
Cookie Crumble, why are thee sad?
Rookie Rumble, are you the one  responsible?
Yes, i have i did everything that made Cookie Crumble sad
Why Rookie Rumble, why did you make Cookie Crumble sad?

- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - -   -- - - - -- - - --  - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - -

" beacuse i've always loved you , Cookie Crumble
e ot May 2015
It is like this and
this is how it is.
The sun rises and
the sun sinks
but the moon is
Don't fear
falling in love
because love is
Rather fear people
beacuse people
Lisa Jul 2017
If I told you my favorite colour was yellow would you believe me?
Even if I was smiling and bouncy and happy as could seem.
You would believe my lies in yellow that happiness in it beacuse i truly love brown but you would question it cause it's ugly and gross and not smiley and bouncy and happy as could be.
But separate brown take it apart peice by piece and see the colour it took to make brown see the yellow and greens the blues and reds the purples and orange and see all, all the effort put in to brown pick it apart and see that I do want you to pull me apart too,
see me like brown,
see what I took and place to make it me to make me seem happy as could be seem look at the yellow colour i say so I seem like me
My favorite colour is brown but you wouldn't believe me beacuse it's ugly and gross and doesn't seem happy as could be.
Mitchell Dec 2012
The dead end road
Where all is told
And you know I hate to say
That I told you so

Can you see me
Through that white picket fence?
I swear to God
I'm really not that dense

There's a place for you
And there's a place for me
But what you don't know
Is that
My tongue
Has already set me free

No, no quite alone
Each measure of tissue
I have
Is one of unwanted bone

So the sewn see themselves

But I've got their key
And trust me
There's no reason for them
To get so fussy

Crown jewels atop
The wooden table masterpiece

I ask for nothing in return
For my eternal sufferings

Yet I see all that can be in front
Of me when the music roars
For the soaring tongue tied mad
Press their fingers to the pad

Fingers bleeding for the needing
To press is easily an antidote to
No longer repress as the next kin
All wrapped up in infinities Win
Makes sure the labeled Sin dances
With dull eyes drunk off the night sky

And as I sit the liquored up smoke
Fresh off the nicotine fix
Floats to heaven as the seven ladies
Of wonder and plunder
Wash their eyes as their own prize
Making them lift things
They denied in shadowed wish

Two tell me something
I know nothing of

Would be a gift worth listening

Every syllable off the mouth & page

Sends the paige to the wine dark room
So oh' so soon they realize
That their prize is really
Just the same as mine

Cast me out far from the coral reef docks
My mind is tight and my heart is indefinitely locked
My hands rest smooth upon the hands of the clock
Each life grows to fight the inevitable stop

Can I hold true to myself here?
Where is the naked End?
There is a praise inside of
Far from reach of rhyme and form
Yet the feeling of the norm resonates so resolutely
And still something feels like wicked pollution

There is a spray of ****** blood upon the battlefield
Who really knows when in time who invented the wheel?
We have our customs and we have our ways
And really who in the end is who to say
That is wrong and that should be cast everlasting in Song?

Dante danced dutifully
He said what he wanted
Without fear of the Pen

I will cry when Dylan dies
Whether He
Hears me
Or not

Ashamed when the praise of the worldly class
listnes tosos the numbers press up front of the teruqlia stilled numbers
Of obsididan housese knpown for the since of Presnt himps and the arabian
To tell the noon of the high seas so I see what you need until it presses HER face to
Mine and I see it and YOU SEE IT
aWHERERE in turn
the babifailnight sky showe the horiozon

But press me
Know me
See past the fright of what I'm supposed to be
Beacuse I have no positive faith in the suystem at hands

IN ****** FORM

Swimming atop stars shining in
Flesh-like delight
I see Marilyn ****
And all the praise for Her
That was so and justly due

I Have My Heart
I have my Breath
I'll push them
I end them

When that will be
I just can't guess it

The sidewalk cramps me
As the stamp ever-lasts me

We are all so scared  

But when the light reaches
The nectar of our honeyed eyes
The sun hot on our foreheads with
Our thoughts only our beds

I see

A pressing of the matter
To see what will be created by
Both our faults and

Our Triumphs

We are one another
Can't we see?

I wish I was you
And you wish you were not me
And he wishes
They were I
And She wishes I
Were all at once

I eat
I bleed

I breathe and
One day

I will die

But the prize
Is not
How much I've gained
Or how much pain
I've sustained

Tis' only the moments
I have had with

The sounds and symbols
I've writ down
Without duel plan
Never seeing no end
To a one and only friend

As I'm watching the wash
Of an everlasting lap
Against beaches that are stocked
With desperate and tanned leeches

And Her Sister Sand's
Observing the old man
With old and
Weathered hands

Tell me a secret
I promise to keep it

Color it burgundy
Praise it with holy
And humorous sincerity

I enjoy the name I have
For it is none that I've heard
Name me what you want
For the sound washes away
With the twilight of the surf

All is the same
As if nothing
Has came
When you remember this moment
Grip tight
No atonement

A smile
A grin
A step upon
Steps that
Will and won't

The haze of the room
Has started to fill
What I needed to believe
In what I thought I should do

imagery in front of me so
i can talk
to mine-self

i am but a small boy
simply ensnared and oh" so"
woefully entrapped

care free until the
feel of the reels
make all of my life real

and a crowd smiles
Or frowns as the town
in due fire or flowers
Makes Her souls rounds
Why when you know, the same thing will happen to you... do we subject ourselves to leason's already learned, roads you have already walked? Why do we live it over and over again until you no longer learn from it ?Whens its burned into your flesh as a map that you just retrace beacuse you don't know how to do anything eles. How do you learn the truth? Stop the cycle? He's lieing, i know he is, i knew he would, and still i fought for him. I hurt someone i loved and cared about, my friend... For what? to take on his shity fantasy, to know when he lies,and to turn the other way? to carry the weight of his faults and have them passed on to be my own? Tuesday i go to remove you completely from my body and wash away the stain you have left inside my womb. I walk away from you, the walking dead, you will not be the end of my heart!I am the mother ******* pheinox and you are just the ashes, that i leave behind at my feet. Your sickness stops with me.
Justin S Wampler Jun 2014
And you, the most
adored ***** who
away I threw
I can't love anymore
maybe there's freedom
in other's arms when
i'll be here aging

One ******* day at a ******* time
you keep seeing places that you haven't
been, and find these boys who help you
in lost and found bins
Dying for your touch,
****, even a ******* grin!
and the light shines right through your
******* *** appeal
into the long forgotten shadow
of when you were real
to me.
I love
just a girl Jul 2014
when i'm awake early in the morning
i think of nothing but you
but i know you don't think of me

when i can't sleep at 3 AM beacuse i miss you
and i know you're sleeping peacefully
i hate myself a little bit more

when i finally fall asleep
i dream of you but i know
you don't dream of me

and every living moment of my day
has become a nightmare not worth living

Allison Sep 2014
“Depression does not always mean
Beautiful girls shattering at the wrists
 A glorified, heroic battle for your sanity
 or mothers that never got the chance to say good-bye
Sometimes depression means
Not getting out of bed for three days
Because your feet refuse to believe
That they will not shatter upon impact with the floor
Sometimes depression means 
That summoning the willpower 
To go downstairs and do the laundry
 is the most impressive thing you accomplish that week
Sometimes depression means
Lying on the floor staring at the ceiling for hours
Because you cannot convince your body 
That it is capable of movement
Sometimes depression means
 Not being able to write for weeks 
Because the only words you have to offer the world 
Are trapped and drowning and I swear to God I’m trying
Sometimes depression means 
That every single bone in your body aches 
But you have to keep going through the motions
 beacuse  you are not allowed to call in to work depressed
Sometimes depression means
 ingnoring every phone call for an entire month
 because yes, they have the right number
But you’re not the person they’re looking for, not anymore"
amme Nov 2016
This new age happy truth life ****, I dont condone it beacuse when life hands me lemons... I turn it into haze and smoke it, thats just how my soul is.
Happiness? too hard to control.
Ego? too easy to promote.
Life? too many do and donts.
I dont curse life but when you love something too much you have to let it go!


I cant afford to earn dough. Money on my mind but my heart changes flow. Went solo, had nobody swinging the ropes.
Didnt choose the thuglife so in my apartment stayin broke.
Smoking **** drinking coke slowly dying on my own.
Remeniss, think a while of everything from before.
Go to sleep with achievements setted out to score, wake up in my mothers home with nobody to call my own.
Everyday is a struggle to get through the door. Wake and bake or else my body's saying no.
I don't support this war,
but I don't have the key to this
government's door.
Even if I did they'd throw my opinions
to the Congress' janitor's floor
because the fruits of their heart
are rotten
right down to the core.

Do we even know anymore what we're fighting for?

And sometimes...
I feel like I can't speak,
can't say what I think.
The country I loved
is choking me.

On this war is spent billions and what for?
They could be,
should be
doing something
                  something more
Maybe, just maybe, feeding the poor?
Creating health insurance middle class and below can afford?

Our politicians are prostitutes, they're tainting our youth.

The unemployment line
keeps growing in size.
The cookie is crumbling,
This Nation's economy.

We need a Revolution.
Find the solution.
my generation and SEE
the bigger picture,
what's going on out there
and start to care.

Recycle you paper.
Refresh your beliefs.
Take my hand
and make a Stand with me.

Mr. Moronic,
you know who you are.
You don't speak for me.
Only wealthy companies.

And your most elite supporters
I want to know
is it for ***** money?
or something worse?

We are suppose to be your people.
You treat us like neglected pets.
What will come next?

You won't take way my choice.
You won't take away my voice.
So go ahead, burn me like the town witch.
Beacuse I won't conform.
Because I'm different.

Land of the Free!
Dig and you'll see.
You're in bad company.
And those freedoms you treasure
are being taken away
a little more
                            ­ day

Congress men and women bought
                      left and right
Will you be next?
Put up a fight.
We eat their half-truths
and puke up the ruse.

Government closes your eyes
by telling you pretty little lies.
But is it worth being blind?
Keep covering your ears
and you have nothing to fear.
But, eventually the Truth
will make you HEAR.
I wrote this when I was 15.  
Now looking back at it, it brings to mind a song I heard recently; " The New Wine" by Qwel and Kip Killagain.

Copyright © 2009 Jacqueline Ivascu
AVI May 2014
Moments like this, waiting outside without keys or someone to open up the door for me, get me down.
It's not the waiting, is realizing no one cares about you being outside.
Moments when doubt makes you wonder whether your friends are true, get me down.
The Moment that I found out my father has been ill, also got me down beacuse I couldn't be there to take care of him.
The moment I didn't get the job I wished for, got me so down, I actually tought about not working at all.
The moment I realized I never chase my deepest dreams because I'm afraid to fail, got me freaking down too.
The moment I realized that I could, eventually, be left alone in the world, not only got me down, but also scared me to death.
But the moment it occured to me that I might never find true love, got me down the most.

Then there are moments when I feel so amazingly high, that I think I'm the luckiest girl in the whole wide world, and for just that moment everything is right.

I guess it's because of those moments that life is worth living for.
Pebbles Apr 2011
Sometimes you will see me walking corridors ahead
Unable to catch up
The hurrying  crowd will push by
Not understanding
Or knowing you even exist
I turn
You wave
I'm sorry
I need to feel free
To be grounded within this skin
I stretch
I moan
I long
And then I return
Back to fold in which I belong
Never worry that we are lost to each other
The ties are strong
And like blood
Poetry is our bond
The beauty
The honesty
The bravery to express who we really are
Creates forces which
Will never sleep
They ever beckon you home
To this madness
Houses change
Colours illuminate your face
And shadows are all we can see
At times things seem bleak
Then we notice that
For a while we will all congregate in the same halls
Because we are interconnected by threads
Of golden silk
Heaven illuminates our souls
And once again we shine
We know the hate
We know the love
We feel the pain
The misery
We council
We pass the brick
Which builds the bridge
We knock down walls which devide each other
We will always be
Just because thats the way
It was always meant to be

Feel, know and understand
Tearani C Sep 2012
I promised for so long to be strong enough
to face the brake,
so i could take the pain and never think
i ****** up. and i was wrong,
so i would have the nerv to hold on.
Beacuse no matter how many people say
im crazy.
no matter how many walk away.
I can not think.
I can not belive.
I can not acept that everyone
feels so **** alone.
so you can lie and test my boundry
i'll give my heart to break.
you can take my aspirations
and sink them in the lake.
You can walk right in and i'll
pull every gaurd away,
lock them in a cell and throw the key
so there the'll stay.
And you can push on all my bottons
tell you think its good and safe,
and then i'll wipe away your past
scrub away the staines.
I'll clean out all the cobwebs
in the closet.
Hold your hand while you face
every dark place created out of
I'll help you take your bagage off
tell all the trash is tossed.
than i'll let you be and set you free
and light the bridge we’ve crossed.
zakariya Jun 2015
don't back to see the past
don't cry beacus the heart
don't be sad beacuse you are alone
don't screaming
don't run away
don't be afraid
but ♥
be thankful to God
beacuse you are alive  
weak up to fly
weak up to smile
you are alive in this life  
when u down
stund up
life is not easy but we need to fight
always anxious Oct 2014
I was made to love
And i was sure it had to be you
But seems like i was tricked
And you were too

You leave it alone
You're already over me
I'm so desperate to move on
I fall in love with whoever i see

I've been so stupid
Almost lost my innocence
In a ******* forrest
I thought ihad a better taste..

Right now i wouldn't mind dying
I comvince myself i'm happy
But why can't i just face that i'm not?
Beacuse i wanna move on and be all jumpy
So.. I was on a date with a guy who smokes **** and stuff and i'm out in some deep **** with the guys.. I'm known as the ***** on all schools in my town and im a ****** i no longer know what to do i'm ****** up but kerp convincing myself that i'm really happy
Your Mom Jun 2014
Kieran is really awesome beacuse he is cool and andrew is not because and andrew is a loner
Alice Penny Jun 2011
To feel your heart beat pumping fast,
And to hear your quick, sharp breathing,
all beacuse of me,
is something truly quite powerful.

To gently and softly kiss your neck,
and to bite down on your earlobe,
sets a passion free,
Which really is quite magical.

A French kiss, I usually deteste,
Something I find quite disgusting,
You've won me over,
Congratulations on your success.

A bed shared with barely any space,
Trying hard not to fall off the side,
Duvet disappeared,
on the floor, not needed any more.

Arms wrapped around one another,
Hand holding hand - entwined,
It felt like a dream,
to be with you that night,
A wonderful, glorious dream.
Jolan Lade Jul 2018
I don't know what to say, well why should I?
I kinda like you and I know, you kinda like me too.
I can tell you are scared, and I too judging from how I have fared in 'the past'. Well how can we tell it will last and if not, time fly past quite fast so we can get over it, so lets just try.
I think we could have something special and I want to, do you?
I never seem to fit my own shoe, but you walk so artfully in yours compared to a boor like me.
Could we share, could you teach me? I think I could do that suitably.
And if not you then, where could i possibly find another, who?

I knew what to say, and I did.
We seem like two that would fit.
And if we don't, it will be okay beacuse we, together will meet new people some day.
Who says we can't  try?
Raghiba batool Aug 2014

Crystal Oct 2017
I hate you holy **** I hate you so much.
You ..... came to me
You kissed me you said i love you first and ***.... You LIED YOU ******* TOOL.
YOU DID THIS . You started it with NO intention of staying .
YOU ASKED IF I WOULD be ready to be with you.  and I said yes but I was scared
I was ******* terrified! You knew .... and you took advantage ... just like I knew you would
I gave you the benefit of the doubt... I gave you time, love ,and attention.
I cared about you more than you cared about yourself.I gave you all of me and I got NOTHING in return but lies ... I just wanted your honesty ... all the time even if it would " hurt" ... so what it would hurt? YOU don't think this doesnt hurt !?! YOU ALWAYS HAD ME AS #2 ... ALWAYS AND I LET YOU! I let you in. I let you use me and the sad part is that I have been used ... so many times before... never like this... I was a toy to you . I made you feel better about your sad little life .... I was there and you knew I wasn't going anywhere and you took advantage of that ... and you didn't even seem to feel sorry... you seemed so okay with hurting me. Like you liked seeing me cry over you. YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN HONEST WHAT THE ****. I HATE HOW MUCH EFFORT I PUT. I HATE THE TRIPS I MADE TO YOUR HOUSE . I HATE THE HUGS AND KISSES I LET YOU GET I HATE THE LETTERS I GAVE TO YOU. I HATE THE LONG MESSAGES I SENT TO YOU WHILE YOU WERE AT WORK AND I STAYED UP TO TALK TO YOU!
I hate that I let you in . I hate you so much . I hate how much time I spent on someone like you. I HATE THAT WHEN YOU SHOWED ME HOW BAD AND HORRIBLE YOU ARE I STILL STAYED. I STILL LOVED YOU THE WAY YOU WERE I UNDERSTOOD YOU I was ALL in .... and you... were never in.... you never cared ... you never loved me . You loved the feeling . You loved using me... even if u didn't mean it ... u did it ... and it hurts so ******* bad I hate you! I hate everything about you!!! I HATE YOU MORE THAN YOU HATE YOURSELF. You said YOU WOULDN'T YOU SAID YOU ******* WOULDN'T AND YOU ******* DID. you lied ALLL the time. Non of it was real for you .... you dragged me along till she came back to you and She DOESN'T EVEN LOVE YOU IS THE SADDEST PART YOU ARE GREAT .. OR AT LEAST I KNOW YOU WOULD BE ******* WONDERFUL. BUT SHE DOESN'T SEE THAT. AND THE SAME WAY YOU WANT HER ... IS HOW I WANT YOU AND I HOPE SHE ******* destroys you. I hope you miss me. I hope you regret not being a man about ****. I hope 10 years from now the thought of me makes you ******* cry while I luagh .
I hate you. I hate what you have done to me. I hate all the negitve energy u brought towards me ...
You are a ****. You deserve her . The two of you lie and cheat and you are THE PERFECT PAIR. and I hope you grow and learn to love yourself because  holly ******* make it hard for someone to love you ... you dont even know yourself... thats so sad. I almost feel bad for you.
I was great ... I am great and you.... are awful. And I ******* hate that you were in my life . And im glad you're ******* gone. Beacuse you do NOT DESERVE SOMEONE LIKE ME.
******* . **** the 6 months you wasted . **** the letters . **** the phone calls . The promises . **** the visits .. ******* meeting max. **** the hugs the kisses **** talking to you 24/7 . **** the I love and I miss yous. **** the sc streak. Just ******* for coming into my life only to **** me up even more than I already was. ******* .... **** her ... **** meeting you . **** getting to know you.
Honestly I hope I never see your face again beacuse I ******* hate you and you hate yourself. TRUST ME PRETTY BOY I HATE YOU A LOT MORE I HOPE YOU CHOKE ON LOVE I HOPE YOU DROWN IN HER LIES I HOPE YOU ******* MISS ME . I HATE YOU INSIDE AND OUT!!!!
I wish i didn't have this much hate in my heart
Romona Hardy Jul 2013
Its sad,
how everyday is a reflection of how ignorant of a race we've become.
Humans are discusting beings,
respect is a thing of the past
and chilvalry is dead.
What happened to days when men would kiss your hand
or open doors for you?
women were more respected when they had no rights
now their considered equal yet they still groval at mens feet
and are refered to as ******* and ******.
Then again,
whats equality
it lost its meaning long ago,
for a free country theres not much freedom here.
If an atheist speaks of their beliefs their said to be mocking chrisanity
beacuse chrisanity is the norm.
Its going to **** us
the demise of this world is going to be caused by what its built upon.
Organized relgion is nothing more then power hungry people
trying to steer the young,naive, lonely and afraid
into doing " whats right " by inflicting the fear of the unknown upon them.
There is no " right and wrong "
nothing but centuries of branwashing by bible pushers and jesus freaks.
Were not thankful for anything,
were slaves to the economy,
never content with what we have
always glutton for more.
People who say money can't buy happiness are full of *******
and have never gone without food or cloths because they can't afford them
The main cause of misery is lack of money
ask anyone going without what would make them happy
i bet you all the money in the world i know the answer.
We dont even appricate the fact that were alive
it takes a death or some drastic event for us to even take a second and be thankful for life.
We judge everyone without reason
when in reality were all the same
everyone of us are fighting demons
hiding a part of our past
and running from something.
People sicken me,
were going to be at fault for the sucide of our world
were all born monsters
we all die the same
Aubrey Lee Ann Sep 2016
I swore I'd love you until my last breath
This weapon in my hand won't do a **** thing unless I let it
It can't hurt me or take my life
It's only a gun or a knife
Which to choose isn't a hard choice
For neither is mine, I'm gonna drink this bottle
Till there's nothing left
Till the pain of every memory fades away
No more cuts and no more buts
I'm not gonna say I can't cause you know I can
Waiting for the moment when -
Everything is gone
No more pain, no more emotion, no more anything
A void consumes my soul
As I drink deep from this bottle and all others like it
Hoping to drown out my sorrows
I realize one thing
They're all beacuse of one person
One mistake -
I drink till the stars burn out Everything's gone and I fade into the blackness
Till I'm six feet underground
No more ache in my chest begging for more
Just me and the solid earth around me
No light but that before I died
Before I took my life with the bottle
My last words hardly audible
No one was around to hear "I love you"
I loved you with my last breath
Though I'm no longer here I love you
You wanted to talk to me just long enough to ease the guilt
You put yourself under. I wonder if you even felt
A genuine feeling the whole time you cried.
If you were ever even sorry that you lied, or if
You just hate the idea of missing my kiss,
Or missing this feeling of bliss when I smile,
If it was ever real you wouldn’t risk,
My disappointment in you for a kiss
Against every promise you have made and broken,
And made again, it was my mistake
To take your word once you broke it,
Keep my heart you stole it. Was it a race?
Because you’re reckless I’m a wreck and like always,
I’m whose left to clean the mess.
I asked if you could be here for me,
But you hung up you said to sleep,
I hope you can think of that while you dream,
Because your on the list of things
That I don’t need,
But thought I wanted
Now I’m haunted with that empty promise
And I can’t sleep.
You said seems like things just changed,
I would say it seems your right.
Beacuse your still lying over the same **** things.

— The End —