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46.7k · Jul 2018
The Sounds of Midnight
ok okay Jul 2018
The lull of a restless night relieves my senses
It's monotone silence maintains my breath
The cold night breeze enters through an open window
It whispers soft tunes and attempts to put me to sleep
The humming of an exhausted laptop helps me decompress
It distracts me from overthinking and blocks out my stress
As the night goes on it starts to rain
It comforts my senses and cleanses my pain
This time-worn house cracks and creaks
It talks of troubled times and how it came to be
This place I call home proves i’m never alone
And it's always there to support me
3rd poem. Enjoy :)
8.4k · Nov 2018
Finding Myself
ok okay Nov 2018
So many people focus on finding love
I'm too busy finding myself
8.3k · Jul 2018
Little Liar
ok okay Jul 2018
Those 'little lies’ you tell me
Always come back to haunt me
You think not more but for yourself
And pretend that you adore me
Through manipulation
You create my frustration and make me feel lonely

You taunt me with your 'little lies’
And use me like an object
You pull me close when you're feeling sad
But don't catch me when I'm falling
You tell me that we're the best of friends
Yet you leave me when I'm hurting

Your 'little lies’ always end in tears
Just admit that you don't love me
hey guys, enjoyed making this :)
6.7k · Jul 2018
ok okay Jul 2018
Isolation and quietness are my two best friends
They never leave me
They don’t betray me
And they do not care
Isolation helps me think and comprehend reality
Isolation does not sleep and never decides to leave me
Isolation eliminates my pressures and anxieties
Isolation helps me relax and breathe
With isolation who needs real friends?
Quietness comes and goes but never decides to leave me
Quietness helps me sleep at night and stays with me till the morning
Quietness lets me focus and takes away my fears
Quietness is always trustworthy and is right around the corner
With quietness who needs real friends?
Isolation and quietness are always there for me
They never leave me
They don’t betray me
And they do not care
My two best friends never change and are always there for me
With isolation and quietness who needs real friends?
Second poem I wrote. Hope you guys liked :)
6.3k · Jan 2019
3am again
ok okay Jan 2019
It's 3am again
Loneliness came and went
***** became my friend
And we talked about life and death

The seductiveness of darkness took control
I gave myself in and let it take my soul
5.3k · Aug 2018
Goodbye Old Friend
ok okay Aug 2018
You were there for me at my weakest state
To comfort me and my self-hate
Through our darkest hours and toughest times
We let go of our struggles and let time go by
Through jokes and games
we forgot about life
We could talk for hours without blinking an eye

As years went on we started to quarrel
We argued in hatred about our naive troubles
You called me a loner and I said "fine i’ll leave"
So I left you and cried until I could no longer weep

You made the best of me
I tried to make the best of you
I regret the day that I blocked you
I regret blocking my best friend, even through all the things he said.
3.5k · Jul 2018
Seasonal depression
ok okay Jul 2018
The moods swing as the seasons change
Cold wind and gloomy nights make awful days
Crickets perish as the seasons change
The buzzing sound dulls away
Sunlight turns to darkness as the seasons change
The once bright sunlight hides far away
My self-esteem dwindles as the seasons change
I question whether I am sane
My mood changes as the seasons change
We intertwine and feel each others pain
My Loneliness deepens as the seasons change
This hollow house comforts my pain
My nature changes as the seasons change
Morbid thoughts shroud my brain
Activity depresses on the bridge as the seasons change
Too bad I chose Winter to accept my fate
Life goes on as the seasons change
With or without me that won’t change
My first poem, idk if it is any good. Thanks.
2.8k · Sep 2018
Hang Me From Your Balcony
ok okay Sep 2018
Hang me from your balcony
So you can hear my fantasy
People only want to listen when your wrists are painting poetry
Push me off a cliff so you can make a tragedy
Tragedies make poetry
Poetry is lovely
Tie me to some train tracks
To create a mass catastrophe
Catastrophes make poetry
Poetry is charming
Life is cold :l Second part was inspired from 'life is beautiful' lil peep x
2.8k · Aug 2018
The Thoughts in my Head
ok okay Aug 2018
Anxious thoughts shroud my mind
Thoughts of self-harm and suicide
Troubled days unsettle the soul
Uneasy nights make me cry

Rope creates a fantasy like no other
Train tracks lead to an unclear demise
Bridges invite an easy escape
Knives carve thin skin where veins reside

Everyday follows another
An endless cycle from which I suffer
To live is to feel pain
To live forever is to go insane
I want to die
But I'm too afraid
2.7k · Jul 2018
Is God Real?
ok okay Jul 2018
Your infinite greatness makes you greater than all
Your infinite knowledge means you know all that is all
Your infinite power means you are as strong as can be
Your infinite love means you love everyone equally
You infinite wisdom makes you infinitely wise
Your infinite grandness makes me ponder why?

How could a being so infinite exist?
A being so great with knowledge above all
A being with power and wisdom that has no faults  
A being who loves and appreciates me

Is it just me or does this sound absurd?
Would this being still exist if we didn't have hope?
We hope for his love and acceptance at death
Yet how do we know if he actually cares?
Thus how do we know if he’s actually real?

Maybe he's real or maybe he isn’t
Maybe he cares or maybe he doesn’t
When worst comes to worst
When I lose control
I hope for his attributes that make him above all
Hey guys, was just thinking about what is really out there
2.4k · May 2020
Spiders in my Room
ok okay May 2020
There are spiders in the corners of my room
They hide in comfort from their impending doom
They have as much right as me
To stay here too
For I hide here when I cant see the moon
I don't think they will be here long
They seem to come and go
They leave their webs
They leave their homes
We are not that different
Maybe that they know
In time I will be gone too
2.2k · Nov 2019
Like Fire and Rain
ok okay Nov 2019
Depression is numbness
Anxiety is pain
When they are mixed
It is like fire and rain
Except the fire never goes out
And the rain only becomes heavier
3am thoughts
Depression is rain and anxiety is a raging fire
ok okay Nov 2022
Walking through these gates of hell
I wonder what my mind will tell
An endless encore of thoughts today
Only time will tell when they will go away
The music is endless if you aren't feeling sane
If my mind was a puddle
I would be washed out in the rain

I wonder tonight what the sandman will give
Maybe I'll dream of the beautiful sea
The waves breaking calmly on a white sandy beach
Or maybe I will have a nightmare with no escape to be seen
Having a bad day is one thing, but having a panic attack makes it so much worse.

I tried connecting words between lines
Line 2:mind will tell to line 4:time
Line 3:encore of thoughts to line 5:referring to music
And further on referring sandman as creating a dream of a beach.
2.1k · Oct 2018
Friend< 1
ok okay Oct 2018
If you could describe me as a mathematical equation
You could call me friend< 1
even my friends say i have no friends. (< means less than)
2.0k · Dec 2018
Breath of Fresh Air
ok okay Dec 2018
For every breath you take
A flower blooms

In the day it opens its petals
At night it's blessed by the moon

Each flower
Trapped by its stem
Longs for a bee

True beauty comes not in the color of a flower
But its desire to be seen
Haven't written a poem like this before. Unprivated this, i kinda hated it, but i guess it held some worth
1.9k · Sep 2018
The Boy Who Dreamed of Death
ok okay Sep 2018
Everyday he wandered a fragile path
A path Scarred and neglected
It ended abruptly
This was the type of path he knew best
The end of the path opened to a great escape
With no crossing for miles
The vast road offered an instant death
Cars sped past with no remorse
Everyday he watched but couldn’t pull through
He told himself ‘tomorrow I’ll be released’
If only he knew

Every night he dreamed of death
To live alone would be his only regret
His dreams were vivid and were soon to come
Just not in the way he once thought it would

One day it all changed
The boy found a true love
He smiled and forgot why he hated himself
A new path he followed
With a girl by his side
Finally he felt happy and no longer wanted to die

During the night
He no longer dreamed of death
He dreamed of his future
Too bad life is unfair

The following day offered many opportunities
The boy walked his new path with his utmost dignity
The path wasn’t neglected
It didn’t end abruptly
The path opened to a crossing which was new to his area
Who thought this would be the place where he got run over
Life is unfair
1.7k · May 2023
Lonely Little Leaf
ok okay May 2023
Lonely little leaf
Flying alone in an autumn breeze 

Amber where it was once green
Its changed in ways that can't be seen

Will it be let to lay 
Or fly away

I hope it will be with the stars one day
But most likely it will just fade away

Just like everything else
We all decay
Fly away
1.7k · Jul 2023
ok okay Jul 2023
Under the shelter of a desolate sky
The few stars I see
Take the light from my eyes
I call to you
Take me from this cursed land
Take me to infinity
1.5k · Sep 2018
Take Me to Your Dreamland
ok okay Sep 2018
Take me to your dreamland
A place where we can be forever

As our bones crumble to dust
Our souls will astray
Into your dreamland
Away from endless pain
Our hearts will be mended
Our minds will found
Located somewhere between Heaven and Hell
Let us live for the moment eternally
:') I wna dream happy thoughts
1.5k · Sep 2018
My Room
ok okay Sep 2018
An eerie silence fills my hollow room
Closed curtains make darkness last forever
Patches of light offer a sense of hope
However are eventually lost into the nightfall
A sense of melancholy holds me hostage
Wrapped in layers of warmth my insecurities cease to exist
I confide to my internal voice to release me from my angst
Time goes on as I dream in this room
Life will go on without me
1.4k · Jun 2023
ok okay Jun 2023
Some days appear troubled
It may feel as if it always rains

I know you love the sunny days
It makes you feel warm inside
On the worst of days
I will always be by your side

Troubled days come and go
Same with weeks and months
It will get better
And peace will come
For that
I surely know

Winter too
Will not be forever
The cold will wane away

Some day
Maybe not too far away
The sun will shine again
1.4k · Oct 2018
Hang Around For a While
ok okay Oct 2018
Some people hang their heads in shame
Others hang their heads with rope
1.3k · Aug 2018
Time Corrupts Young Minds
ok okay Aug 2018
Time seems slow when young minds play
Time feels long as young minds age

Time seems fast when old minds slave
Time feels short as old minds age

Time goes on and ignores old pain
Time looks out for no one and let's no one stay

Time corrupts young minds and fastens change
Time let's the poor die young and let's the rich die of old age

Time is infinite or so they say
Do you think time will come to an end one day?
1.3k · Nov 2018
Death Follows These Words
ok okay Nov 2018
B l e e d
o           r
r            e
e           a
D o o m

L o v e
N o t e
R e a d

       h   c
     i        r
   v  a  n  e
  e             a
r                m    

A n x i e t y
   ­       d

h                t        
u                o
r                 r
t h o u g h t              
i                 u
n                r
g                e
It isn't perfect but i can work on it
ok okay Aug 2021
Decaying and forgotten
The daffodils have turned rotten

His hollow mind
Too young to be left unseen
He sees the twisted horrors
That no one else seems to see
They exist where no one wants to look
In the corners of our smiles
And the coldness of our breath
The twisted horrors drive him insane
They push him to the edge

Decaying and forgotten
The daffodils have turned rotten
They lay
No life to display
One time they stood tall
And now they are one with their shadow
Maybe he will fall too
Becoming one with his shadow
Or maybe he just needs to dream..
havent posted on here in ages, been on insta a bit..
1.3k · Apr 2021
Its Hard to see the Colour
ok okay Apr 2021
It's hard to see the colour
In a world which is fading
The sky is becoming gloomier
The ocean has lost its way
The bright city lights no longer stand out to me
They seem as dim as they are fake
The smell makes it hard to see the colour too
It gets stronger by the day

It's hard to see the colour
When people ignore others in pain
Our dreams have been forgotten
Maybe our world has gone insane
Just prescribe another pill
And see if things really change

I find it hard to see the colour
In a world that is so negative
Our world is falling apart
Yet we all seem to stay the same
Its a lot harder to see the colour than it used to be and its getting worse.

If anyone wants to check out my insta, I am active on hellopoetry and insta.
1.3k · Nov 2018
Numb from the Music
ok okay Nov 2018
If music could numb the mind forever
Popping pills wouldn't seem so clever
:( 1:52am bored
1.2k · Sep 2018
Hide In The Darkness
ok okay Sep 2018
Escape into the darkness
The only place where you can hide
Close your eyes tightly and pretend you are fine
Shutdown your brain so you don't agonize

Hide till you no longer feel blue
Hide till you no longer see stars
Hide till the darkness takes over so you can't see your scars

Wait for the light to come back
Regret all your choices
Wait for a life time
Die alone in the darkness
No escape from the deepest depths of the dark
ok okay Jan 2019
As white as the snow that is yet to come
And as delicate as a fallen autumn leaf
A Heron patiently waits like a philosopher lost in thought
1.1k · Feb 2021
Beautiful Minds
ok okay Feb 2021
Beautiful minds seem to always get lost
They wander through dreams and memories long expired
And can't find the way out when they have not a thing to desire
Like jotted ink in the rain
Their promises run away from their mind
And they get lost in a loop that they think of as life

It may seem pointless now
It may do for a while
It may hurt so much
Until you can no longer feel
But it will change
Your fears will become strengths
And once your beautiful minds have found their way out
You can live your life again
And never give up
1.1k · Jul 2018
Waiting for Friends
ok okay Jul 2018
I sit alone and wait for friends
These long tedious days never seem to end
I yearn for love, attention and bliss
Yet I dream of the day where I no longer exist

When I think of myself
I think life was a mistake
I think my life is a waste
And that God had poor taste

Why would he create someone as pathetic as me
A boy whose mind wanders about when there's nothing to see
A boy who can't concentrate on the simplest things
A boy who hates himself so much that he only feels pain
A boy who only sees light in the dark and the rain

If only the lonely had somewhere to be
Where they could be loved and held intimately
I hope for the day where i'm no longer lonely
Until then I will patiently wait for friends to join me
1.1k · Nov 2019
State Of Mind
ok okay Nov 2019
I am not zoning out
My mind is going places
From somewhere to nowhere
Through Greatness and nothingness
I can travel to places you will not believe

Life is stressful
Sometimes we have to leave
And travel through our minds till we reach our needs

Life is chaotic
Sometimes we have to leave
To avoid the silence
And the noise

Life is a nightmare
And sometimes we need to dream
1.1k · Nov 2023
The Crevices of His Fingers
ok okay Nov 2023
His heart had crumbled
And slipped through the crevices of his fingers
Now all he sees is darkness

The stars no longer speak to me
1.1k · Nov 2023
My Room
ok okay Nov 2023
I loathe it here
This room reeks of the past
Reduced to rubble
the walls have crumbled
Perfect for a hollow heart
Slumber feels shallow
Escaping will never last

These nights feel endless
Maybe time can heal my heart
Welcome to my room. It has decayed with my heart.
1.0k · Nov 2023
Why Don't I Smile?
ok okay Nov 2023
'Why don't you smile?'

Have you seen this world?
The attraction it beholds
Great blues and lush greens
The enchanting songs that emerge from the trees
Such tunes can put your mind at ease
And the radiant stars
That helps light up the streets
This world is beautiful
Beyond the finest words could explain

'Why don't I smile?'

I see the beauty in this world
How could we fit in a world as lovely as this
The only problems we fix in this world are our own
How could I smile?
Knowing that we take so much
How could I smile?
Knowing that the problem is us
I know we aren't all bad, but maybe we are.
ok okay Jun 2021
Broken I was
But not broken in two
One day I fell deeply
Through the endless ocean blue
Slowly I crumbled
And the darker I viewed
Then out of nowhere
In the deepest darkest blue
I found your smile
And it lit up all that I knew
I imagine this as a boy falling lower and lower into the depths of the ocean. It gets darker and darker and all seems lost. But then somewhere down the darkest part of the ocean he finds a girl with a smile to change his everything that he once knew.
978 · May 2019
Midlife Crisis
ok okay May 2019
My midlife crisis has begun
I'm only nineteen
But I'll be dead by forty
ok okay Aug 2018
You're melodramatic
You say you’ve felt pain
You pretend you are lonely
You walk in the rain
You seek for attention by standing far away
You hope to be popular so everyone knows your name

Don’t fall for the melodramatic
They don’t really care
They only care for themselves and pretend that they’re in despair
Don't fall for the fakes in this world
946 · Jan 2024
You are Enough
ok okay Jan 2024
Sometimes it feels easy to rot away
To lie in bed
As your mind decays
Some nights feel lonely
And as boredom sinks in
Your thoughts run wild
Until you can no longer think
It can hurt sometimes
To waste the day
As you watch the sunset
You wish it could all go away
But as hard as life is
You are cared for and loved
So do not lie in bed too long
And know that you are enough
933 · May 2021
Leaves will fall inevitably
ok okay May 2021
Leaves will fall inevitably
And one day we will fall too
A fallen leaf will wilt away
Eventually, our bodies will decay
The sunlight can not always save the day
But that is okay
For in our dreams we will escape
Escape our lives
And escape the pain
Death will come in time
But not today
For tomorrow I know
I will see your face
remade this from a while make
924 · Aug 2018
Learning to be Social
ok okay Aug 2018
Socializing is like driving
Some go a lifetime without learning how to do it
895 · Oct 2019
By the Meadow Up the Hill
ok okay Oct 2019
We stood hand in hand by the meadow up the hill.
It was almost as if time stood still.
I wish this dream would never end.
So our love could flourish with our flower bed.
I said ‘please don’t leave, I love you so.’
She replied ‘I love you too, but now I must go’
this is part of a book i am writing
866 · Nov 2022
ok okay Nov 2022
Sometimes I find it hard to speak
As if the words had left my mind
Lost in a gaze
While our eyes meet
All I want is to hold your hand
And kiss you on your cheek
Sometimes this world is cruel and mean
It makes it hard to dream
But when I see you from afar
I remember what life means
843 · Jul 2019
ok okay Jul 2019
These tears do not know better
They just flow when they think the time is right
It just so happens that they like to show themselves at night
842 · Sep 2019
A Meadow Made for Lovers
ok okay Sep 2019
A meadow made for lovers
Between nowhere and forever
Beneath the fragile stars
We spot fireflies and share our most inner thoughts
Silence is the greatest sympathy the earth gives
I can only wonder what we will dream about
Tonight this flower bed will be ours
imagination is fun  !
818 · May 2023
ok okay May 2023
Under the shelter of the bewitching midnight sky
I lie in bed and wait
No colour is here
Only the light from the moon
It seeps through the blinds and the curtains in my room
Sleep waits for my guard to let down
Only problem is I never want to let anyone down
So, instead I let my thoughts consume
Who else let's there mind consume.
760 · Jun 2019
ok okay Jun 2019
Some people strive for perfection
Without knowing what perfection is
755 · Mar 2019
Ugly Beauty
ok okay Mar 2019
Pretty girl
Did you starve yourself
And sit upright in that chair
Pretty girl
Did you apply foundation
And condition your silky hair
Pretty girl
Did you use your makeup
And read that 'true beauty' magazine
Pretty girl
Did you put on those heels
So your prince charming could sweep you off feet
Pretty girl
Are you depressed
Because that boy just called you ugly
Pretty girl
That rope is seductive
And in death you found your beauty
Beauty standards are way too high for girls/women. Its sad to see, how far so many people go, especially in school.
742 · Feb 2019
A Flower in the Wind
ok okay Feb 2019
You are too delicate to be loved
Like a flower in the wind
I'm afraid i'll blow all your petals away
729 · Nov 2018
Love and Modern Art
ok okay Nov 2018
Love is like modern art
They both leave the mind in a state of confusion
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