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16.1k · Jul 2015
Dilemma of a Country Boy
Ron Sparks Jul 2015
I know
the feelings she
stirs in my ***** when I
look at her are wrong 'cause she's my
Sometimes I get silly when I write poetry . . .
11.0k · Jul 2015
Cancer Anxiety
Ron Sparks Jul 2015
to live
     every day
     in morbid dread
sharp cold spikes
     driven deep into
          the chest
  learned, pressed


     in my head,
          and yet
               remains unsaid
Ron Sparks Jul 2015
from the eighties
vibrates my car speakers -
for a moment I'm reminded
of you
5.6k · Jul 2015
Afternoon Motorcycle Ride
Ron Sparks Jul 2015
serpentine road
turns into the sun;
   my throttle opens
5.0k · Jan 2019
Ron Sparks Jan 2019
I thought I was brave
with the scars to prove it.
My legacy -
   broken bones,  split knuckles,
   black eyes and loose teeth.
   Adulation and respect.
I fought  both man and isms
Never backed down.
But a black man, driving
an Uber taught me the truth of
true bravery.
Harassed, insulted, threatened by
a low-life passenger,
  white racism covered in a cheap suit and tie,
he refused to take the bait.
He denied himself the pleasure of
      justified violence.
He told me his story -
and anger for him, righteous indignation,
crashed over me in furious waves.
I admonished him for not
confronting that mans ignorance
   with a closed and determined fist.
Never back down, right?
Gently, he spoke the truth of
   black men in America.
His eyes caught mine in the rearview mirror.
You, he said, are innocent until proven guilty.
Protected by a system that
oppresses me.
I am guilty - period - and would be lucky
to be arrested, not killed,
  in a confrontation with that bigot.
So he did nothing, let the swine in a tie
off at his destination,
and drove on - leaving that pig to
wallow in his hate.
His bravery earned him nothing.
No adulation. No respect. No recognition.
Nothing except another day of life.
Another day with his family.
In contrast - my lifetime of bravery.
A pale reflection, when set beside his truth.
He was brave, not I.
My self-styled bravery, forever
by my privilege.
4.8k · Jun 2015
I Hate Zombies
Ron Sparks Jun 2015
I hate zombies
they are the infantile enemy
the foe against which there is
    no guilt
the essential
questions of right of wrong
  of morality
never apply to the cerebellum-craving
undead.  It's us or them
   hunt or be hunted
   **** or be killed
they are enemies that fail to
   our notions of what it is
   to be us
give me a werewolf any day
or rather - any moon
the tortured lycanthrope
   forces the protagonist to
choose to **** because
    unlike zombies
there's always
   a chance
   however small
   that a werewolf
can find
3.3k · Jun 2015
Spirit Ride
Ron Sparks Jun 2015
on unending
back roads of Nebraska
I left behind the ghost of my
3.3k · Jan 2019
Send Nudes
Ron Sparks Jan 2019
Send me nudes, you said
I sent you my naked
truths instead -
An unfiltered and unapologetic
glimpse into my heart
my innermost self
That part of me that so
rarely sees the light
of day much less the
of another soul
In the end, staring at my
demons, at my fears, and
my weakness you
failed to see
my strengths, my beauty,
or my integrity
You looked into the
abyss of me and
3.3k · Nov 2015
Ron Sparks Nov 2015
brittle leaves
swirl in circles
behind the motorcycle
3.1k · Jul 2015
Ron Sparks Jul 2015
in zero gee
   my beagle
3.1k · Jul 2015
Facebook Law Degree
Ron Sparks Jul 2015
the trial
is over; the
debate’s just beginning
they’ve all just earned their Facebook law
3.1k · Jul 2015
Judge Not
Ron Sparks Jul 2015
they frown
at my tattoos
as I ride past their church;
I think if they had stones they would
cast them
3.0k · Apr 2016
Steamy Beads of Sweat
Ron Sparks Apr 2016
beads of sweat
between her dusky *******
little rivers of pleasure
that collect in her navel
and threaten to spill with
each exhalation
distract me long enough
to avoid the
     little death
that look in her eye
seen only when
riding me
or on the back of
my motorcycle
    reignites my
passion and
all too soon
    I die
2.8k · Jul 2015
Whiskey Dick
Ron Sparks Jul 2015
“Sorry babe”
I breath fire as I stare
down at her naked
body - the twisted sheets
damp with futile sweat -
“I have
  whiskey ****.”
2.6k · Jul 2015
Death at Dan-no-Ura
Ron Sparks Jul 2015
his frail form
offers a salted tribute
to the warriors lying
dead and dying on and under
his geta.  A thousand
clacking sounds rise up
into the stormy seas as
these tiny samurai know
defeat once
The Samurai Ghost *****, or heike crab, was used by Carl Sagan in Cosmos to illustrate evolution and survival of the fittest.  The battle of Dan-no-ura immortalized in the Tale of Heike was a pivotal moment in Japan’s history, which established the first military dictatorship and resulted in the death of a child emperor.
2.5k · Jun 2015
Ron Sparks Jun 2015
wailing tonight;
long, slow, melancholy.
The only way he knows to say
2.3k · Jan 2016
I'm a Throwback, baby
Ron Sparks Jan 2016
I'm a throwback, baby
     atavistic and masochistic
I'll pay for dinner and
  I'll hold the door
you can complain and
     vilify this good guy
but I can take it.  Your
feminism does not and can not
     impel or compel
me to forgo my manners because
           tell me how I should
                expect to respect
2.0k · Jun 2015
the gun in my pocket
Ron Sparks Jun 2015
there’s a gun in my pocket
heavy with the essence of
another man’s soul
still swirling in the smoky barrel
in this dark corner of this lonely
and forgotten
bar is the man who played
Thanatos and brought to
inevitable conclusion the yearnings
of a single human life
in this corner, sipping cheap
and smoking
foreign cigarettes is a
killer with a conscience
but you’d never know it
steady hands and
unwavering eyes
greet the bartender
I order another
and pat my thigh, keeping
the soul in the chamber
for just a little longer
because, really, it’s  my soul
that’s been stolen by that
gun in my pocket
2.0k · Jun 2016
Shedding the Ghost
Ron Sparks Jun 2016
(note - This is a haibun; a Japanese writing form that combines haiku with prose.)*

Two days on the road, two thousand miles on my motorcycle. Hard miles; my *** so sore that every bump in the road brings biting pains up my back and down my legs.

I’m riding alone. No highways. No hotels. Camping in fields and eating in greasy diners. Seeing the America not available to the Interstate. The real America. I’m rough riding across the continent and this isn’t a mid-life crisis. I’m on a mission.

There’s been a ghost haunting me for five years. And yesterday, somewhere on the back roads of Nebraska, I left that ghost, the ghost of my cancer, behind. The specter of death that lingered on me, over me, and around me after excision of the tumors is finally gone.

Contrary to opinion, ghosts are heavy. With mine gone, I ride through the night – the stars and my newfound peace my sole companions. I stop only when the false dawn begins to turn into the real thing.

serpentine road
​curves into the sun;
  my throttle opens

The country diner I find myself in front of welcomes both me and the morning sun. I’m tired, sweaty in my leathers, and covered in road dust as I enter. And I’m deaf, the roar of the road is still loud in my ears.

I tell the waitress I take my coffee black – as black as my soul. My joke falls flat; what comes from my mouth is a rough growl, thanks to a dry throat. It earns me dark looks from the other diners. The ***** biker with no manners.

I have a moment of tired reflection and then I get a visitor to my table. An old lady, dressed in her Sunday best, moves with slow deliberation and takes an unexpected seat across from me. Her frail hands wrap my grimy ones in a cool and gentle grip.

Her eyes, framed by a wrinkled face that smooths as she smiles at me, capture mine before she bows her head and prays loud enough for all to hear. “Lord, please help this young man find his way. He’s lost, alone, and needs your guidance to help cleanse his heart and his soul.”

She kisses my hand and, without another word, stands again. There’s a reverent silence as we all watch her sit back down at her table and take a bite of her breakfast as if nothing exceptional had just occurred.

I look out the window as the rising sun reflects off of my bike, thinking that, here, maybe it wasn’t really that exceptional at all.   And thinking; lady – I’m not lost; I’m finally finding myself again.

red cardinal
alights upon my bike –
  notices me
This is a haibun; a Japanese writing form that combines haiku with prose.
1.9k · Jun 2015
Recursive Anxiety
Ron Sparks Jun 2015
I worry about everything, baby
I'm a
    writer - a poet
    passion begets anxiety
it's my job  hell
I even worry about
        my worrying
my stress is recursive
mere moments only can I
    break the loop
      forget to worry
        and smile
usually it's when I'm
    with you
1.8k · Jun 2015
reaching the limit
Ron Sparks Jun 2015
when you have had
one too many
you can’t write coherently
and need to stop
trying to be deep
and meaningful
give it up, man
with five shots of
in your gut
you’re not a poet
you’re just a man with
too many words and
not enough sense to
stop typing
1.7k · Jul 2015
Zombie Apocalypse
Ron Sparks Jul 2015
when they're
eating my brain;
I hope they choke on my
fears, self-loathing, and mostly my
1.7k · Jul 2015
Priorities, priorities
Ron Sparks Jul 2015
dolphin slaughter
   in disingenuous and exquisite
Japanese inlets
hunger as an epidemic
   in the shadowed corners of
the world
putrid and rotting flesh
rampant disease
gmo crops making us all
these are things to
about, to fret and rally over
   yet here
I sit, wondering in
      mild horror
why I write better poetry
of whiskey
  in my gullet
than when I am sober
1.7k · Jun 2015
Ron Sparks Jun 2015
the rocket launch;
inside Orion
a new star
1.7k · Sep 2015
Chess with a Young Marine
Ron Sparks Sep 2015
at my age
drinking whiskey
with young
is a poor choice
Decades of practice
and years of experience
keep me seemingly
for longer -
I beat my nephew at
in five moves
bragging about my skill and
but really, my nine shots
to his
three give me an
unfair advantage;
I’ve learned to handle
my whiskey
I mock these young
for their lack of
knowing all the while
they will wake at
run three miles,
and feel great
while I will
until 0900
and feel like
**** all day
1.6k · Jul 2015
Ron Sparks Jul 2015
the fog outside my window creates
miniature halos around each
streetlight -
mocking me with their
how the **** can a streetlight
find God when all I find
are more reasons to dislike
my fellow man?

every day, all day,
on every channel
I see hour after
of so-called news about
the latest boogeyman Arab,
celebrity pregnancies,
something else that
causes cancer,
a book that will
change my life,
or a heartwrenching expose
on teen drugs use in

hundreds of hours of
every day.  We talk
so much and still
fail to communicate.

And all the while, the light
my window reaches enlightenment
without ever
1.6k · Jul 2015
Little Nugget
Ron Sparks Jul 2015
nugget, wide-eyed,
hairless, with red-faced wails;
you just ate - why are we awake
1.5k · Aug 2023
Sunday Evenings
Ron Sparks Aug 2023
dark chocolate,
smooth jazz, and some gritty
poetry are all that I need
1.5k · Aug 2023
Ron Sparks Aug 2023
for buying a
flower from a roadside
vendor.  America summed up
right there.
1.5k · Jun 2015
Ron Sparks Jun 2015
nectar that burns -
the whiskey on my breath -
fuels my rage, my lust, but weakens
my ****
1.5k · Jul 2015
The Upshot Of Insomnia
Ron Sparks Jul 2015
the false dawn
     false hopes
of finding sleep
ahead of the rising sun
transient glow accompanies
     first blush birdsong
the cardinal's aubade
     the brush's first stroke
across the canvas of night
twitching limbs
     bloodshot eyes
          nonstop freight train of thought
                         long -
these afflictions allow me
to witness the lonely beauty
     of today's sunrise
1.4k · May 2016
Anxiety Haibun
Ron Sparks May 2016
You've been here before.  You woke up today and realized that the stress, the angst, and the foreboding that you've allowed to rule your life is there by choice.  You've gotten lost in the spiral of anxiety, again.

If it's not your health, it's your money.  If it's not the money, it's your kids.  If it's not your kids, you're worried about past life choices and how they will affect you tomorrow.  Your fears line up at the door, wrap around the block, and await their turn.  Your door is open to them all and you don't deny them.  You let them in.  

Once they are inside, you wrap your fears around you.  They’re a welcome smothering; a wearying security blanket of trembling phobia.  They are as familiar to you as they are distressing.  These constant, restless, companions are more comfortable than the unknown.  

Today, though, you stare at the line of fears and realize that something is missing.  Happiness.  Contentment.  Acceptance.  These are conspicuous in their absence.  And you remember an old Cherokee tale.  You have two wolves engaged in eternal battle inside you; one is fear and anxiety and the other is peace and serenity.  The strongest is the one you feed and you've been feeding the wrong wolf.  

You've done this your entire life in a self-centered, selfish, guilt-ridden, indulgent, fashion.  You wallow in the darkness because you're afraid you don't deserve the light.

You know you’ll feed the right wolf today.  But can you do it tomorrow?  

  mighty river;
the fish navigates
​as it will
Haibun is a prosimetric literary form originating in Japan, combining prose and haiku. The range of haibun is broad and frequently includes autobiography, diary, essay, prose poem, short story and travel journal.
1.4k · Jul 2015
Ron Sparks Jul 2015
plastic dinosaur
made from fossil oil -
1.4k · May 2016
Full Flower Moon
Ron Sparks May 2016
full flower moon
in its halo
a space station
The Full Flower Moon is the full moon seen in the month of May.
1.4k · Oct 2015
Wear a Bathrobe
Ron Sparks Oct 2015
Wear a bathrobe
when beating the keyboard,
when borrowing words from your muse;
Let the stale air in the
dim room
form as
beads of sweat,
thick with whiskey,
on your brow
Wonder if what you're
is poetry or ****
Proceed to not care and
write, write, write baby
because at the end of it all,
when the words are used up
and you've sobered up,
someone will tell you
     it's ****
and someone will tell you
     it's gold
But you don't give a ****, do you?
You just
     reach for the whiskey
bottle and ask your muse
     for some more
Netflix and chill
But hey, wear that bathrobe;
     it gives you character
1.3k · Nov 2017
Sharing the Sidewalk
Ron Sparks Nov 2017
I walked out of my office today at noon
and slid into the stream of pedestrians -
the hipsters stroking their beards,
the pale professionals blinking in the sun,
mothers pushing strollers through the crowd
with more skill than a racecar driver

before I knew it, I walked past my lunch destination
I kept walking - and watching
the people of my town share a sidewalk
without attacking one another

for a moment I was tempted to take a picture
post it on online,
make a socio-political statement;
if people from all walks of life
can share the sidewalk
can we not find common ground?

I left my phone in my pocket - decided against
adding my unnecessary opinion to the
manufactured outrage
that is the sad truth of social media

I smiled at a pretty lady pushing her baby
she smiled back
and we shared a brief human moment
I kept walking
1.3k · Jul 2015
Hope & Despair
Ron Sparks Jul 2015
poverty, war -
hatred and bigotry
everywhere; yet each day birds
still sing
1.3k · Jan 2016
Ron Sparks Jan 2016
I command it all
with imperious verbal commands
automation through the ether
my lights come on
the television, voice activated
spoken queries answered by the
computer in my home
    - sports scores
    - weather
    - news
    - reminders
vibration of my vocal chords
compels my thermostat
orders my groceries
and plays my music
I am the master of my domain
and yet now, more than ever,
I control
1.3k · Apr 2016
Jupiter and the Moon
Ron Sparks Apr 2016
on this cloudless night
pushing through the Pittsburgh haze,
daring to present themselves,
entwined in cosmic tango, are
Jupiter and the Moon.
the bands play across a
diluted Jovian face. while the storm
    rages on
the lunar rocks and craters,
perfectly visible imperfections,
cast petulant shadows -
reminding me that
from destruction one can
   still find beauty.
1.2k · Dec 2015
that satellite
Ron Sparks Dec 2015
that satellite
is wearing a cape!
  super moon
1.2k · Jun 2015
Ron Sparks Jun 2015
online and off-
they hide from their demons
by becoming monsters themselves
in vain
1.2k · Jun 2015
the space station
Ron Sparks Jun 2015
full flower moon
in its halo -
the space station
The full moon in the month of May was known as the "full flower moon" by many Native American tribes.
1.2k · Jul 2015
Ron Sparks Jul 2015
Green as the pirate seas Caribbean,
her eyes pulsate with the thundering surf.
Majestic squall, power most stygian,
lurks just beneath the surface of her mirth.

The salt-filled breeze, a warm westward phantom,
imparts its lazy life to flaming locks;
brushes the kisses that from angels come,
caresses lips, a smile that faintly mocks.

Tropical dress clings to a body lithe,
swaying gently on the sand-covered dune
gazing at the sea, a creature of myth
spoken of in countless stories and rune.

Enchanted, I am drawn to my Siren.
She sings for me alone - the least of men.
1.1k · Aug 2015
My Turn
Ron Sparks Aug 2015
she lies
     amid a twisted and
       sweaty sheet
  a goddess basking in
     naked glory
  her silky wetness
     coats my beard,
     white and hoary
I grin,
     lay next to her,
   in mild conceit
as her body
   trembles in final throes
  of lascivious
     ******* delight
  low purr from her
  as my passion ignites
she gives
     me the look that I
     cannot oppose
     pushes me back,
  her head
  my legs, a
   playful bite
  lets me know it's
     my turn
1.1k · Jul 2015
Ten Fingers
Ron Sparks Jul 2015
Bloodied fingers are badges of honor
that few men suffer themselves to accept.
Part of the debt the instrument incurs;
a separation of skilled and inept.

The mastery of half a dozen steel
strings oft becomes a lifetime endeavor.
This daring quest for musical ideals
demands commitment lasting forever.

A hollow body touches the essence
of perfection that is merely expressed
by mortal beings of inconsequence
who caress the Muse nevertheless.

Ten fingers endure torture on six strings
for melodies only guitars can bring.
1.1k · Jul 2015
We Never See
Ron Sparks Jul 2015
fighting ourselves
we never see
  -- that alien ship
1.1k · Aug 2023
Whiskey in my Gullet
Ron Sparks Aug 2023
The taste
of my cigar
and the whiskey in my
gullet can't fill the pit inside
my chest
1.1k · Dec 2017
Whiskey, Hockey, and Slaves
Ron Sparks Dec 2017
The Penguins are playing tonight
I have a belly full of high-quality
a fine cigar between my fingers,
and a pleasant buzz dulling my
constant anxiety.
The announcers play-by-play,
constant and frantic,
blares through my 70-inch television
adding artificial drama, but I like it.
I'm surrounded by my
precarious middle class wealth
while thousands of
slaves suffer and die in Lybia.
But I’m drunk, oblivious, and happy that
my team
just scored
1.1k · Jun 2015
Strip Club Love
Ron Sparks Jun 2015
Sweet thing
with vacant eyes,
don't back up off of me.
**** dancer, please be my girl
1.0k · May 2018
Only the Godless
Ron Sparks May 2018
The best men and women
in this life are not the
or the righteous. They
are not
found in the
church or temple.
We live in a world
where religious
is conflated with
bigotry, racism,
and hatred.
Only the godless are truly
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