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949 · Jul 2015
Against the Dark
Ron Sparks Jul 2015
in the center
of my garden of thought
is an
     inky black pool
an obsidian mirror that ripples
     and grows
with each
          and every
hurt, pain, and torment I endure
circling the pool
     my verdant hopes
     my violaceous loves
     my carmine furies -
their blooms crawl, intertwine, creep
  in a mass of emotion and impulse
      pushing ever against the center
where my garden meets that
     ebony pond;
a barren desolate blight
  of decay and hopelessness
the vivid chromaticity of my
in perpetual campaign against
          the void
        that forever
    threatens to
942 · Jun 2015
Ron Sparks Jun 2015
the tubes and wires,
past those frigid machines,
you'll see the pleading eyes of a
940 · Jul 2015
Every Time I Pee
Ron Sparks Jul 2015
the stained glass window in my bathroom is broken
I see it every time I ***
three shards of missing colored glass
bleeding non-filtered sunlight -
a washed-out contrast to the flavored
beams shining next to those jagged wounds

a more discerning eye might notice
  the scars
on two more pieces of tinted glass;
cracks that promise
to sacrifice their host, hint at
a future for the frame with less glass
and remind of it's eventual doom

I’ve often considered repairing that window
but I never do
the missing glass, spiderweb cracks  the flaws
make the window less ideal,
but more perfect

Washing my hands today, my face illuminated by
green light,
  red light,
    yellow light,
      broken light,
        and spidered light through cracks of glass
      I think again;
I really need to replace
that glass.
927 · Aug 2023
Whiskey in my Gullet
Ron Sparks Aug 2023
The taste
of my cigar
and the whiskey in my
gullet can't fill the pit inside
my chest
912 · Sep 2015
Ron Sparks Sep 2015
the sting
of the needle
brings both pleasure and pain;
i’m addicted to getting new
Ron Sparks Jul 2015
i was already dying
   when I met you
eating away at my body
     at a time
for a year, in clandestine
my carcass was animated by only
        the hope of love
        a yearning for
            something sensed
            not seen
     but then
    your aspect fell
       upon me
  savage, yet serene
proclaiming your love
   with all that you were
and the
860 · Dec 2017
Another Junkie Died Today
Ron Sparks Dec 2017
Another ****** died today,
his blood steaming, cooling, in
Pittsburgh's winter streets.
The pale, blue, afternoon sky,
moving too soon into night,
settled darkness on the day,
and on the junkies life.
This all-too-common narrative,
the background noise of our lives,
fails to stir our outrage.
Crawling on top of the man,
as he gasps his last,
his seven-year old son.
They die together, son cradled
in father's embrace.
Both riddled with bullets.
And still, the community fails
to find the outrage.
A black man's death means
nothing to a society conditioned
to judge his worth by his vice.
The death of his son means
even less.
857 · Jun 2015
plenary drunk love
Ron Sparks Jun 2015
when I’m this drunk
and you’re a thousand
miles away
I miss the plenary version of you
everything that you are
and all that I perceive you to be
why aren’t you here with me

I want to stop giving up
I want to just do it
I want to love you completely
with all that I am
and with no reservations

because when you’re
a thousand miles away
I know that the daily
irritations and influences
that detract from our
utter (what an ugly word) and complete
devotion to one another are
just that
distraction and irritations

the insecurities and the self-defeating
effects of life are nothing
when I have this much whiskey in me
I know that my love for you
is real

more real than Paris for Helen
more significant than
Romeo for Juliet
I love you as I love the
heart and lungs
in my own breast

without you I am bereft of a
vital *****
necessary for life
for existence

when I am this drunk
I don’t make sense
but I know
more truly than I know my name
that you are
and that I love you
845 · Jul 2015
Tiny Scream
Ron Sparks Jul 2015
tiny scream
under my boot
  first step on Mars
834 · Nov 2022
Ron Sparks Nov 2022
smoke, with a hint
of leather - succulent
spice from the cigar teases my
825 · Aug 2023
Ron Sparks Aug 2023
by me as I
wrestle with my regret,
she laughs - and for a short moment I
too smile
810 · Jul 2015
My Scar
Ron Sparks Jul 2015
my scar
but my vigor remains
I stand unbowed, unbeaten, and
As a cancer survivor, I am very proud of my scars.  The 10-inch scar along my neck is a badge of honor - of survival.
Ron Sparks May 2018
Someone put an
in the Constitution and the
Declaration of Independence
when we weren't looking.
They added terms and conditions,
the ones nobody bothers to read
until they're ****** by them.

We live in the 'Land of the Free', asterisk.
We have the right to free speech, asterisk.
We can practice any religion, or none, asterisk.
We have the right of Life and Liberty, asterisk.

Rich, white, men know that the asterisk means
'for me, but not for thee," as they smile and
waggle their eyebrows at one another.

We live our lives surrounded by asterisks.
Truth lives in the asterisks.
735 · Jun 2015
Ron Sparks Jun 2015
in the desert
of my sable anguish -
a solitary wildflower,
I weep.
705 · Dec 2015
pixie wings
Ron Sparks Dec 2015
pixie wings
arachnids donate
   their gossamer
694 · Jun 2015
It Hurts
Ron Sparks Jun 2015
when I was five and life was a song of
excitement and innocence
the world was full of mystery
and I had never felt
the pain of hurt or loss of
any kind    and then
one day
a playmate pushed me right off the swing
you picked me up   brushed me off
   told me not to cry
‘mommy,’ I said,
‘it hurts’

when I was sixteen and in love for the  first time
to a young Cuban girl I felt like
    an adult doing adult things
dates and kissing and groping
and late-night phone calls with the
cord stretched and twisted through the house
and under my door    and then
one day
she left me for another teenage crush
and I felt world-ending
anguish  burning, hot, consuming
as only a teenager can feel them
you held me close
   told me I’d be ok
‘but mom,’ said I,
‘it hurts.’

when I was thirty-five at the end of my marriage
holding on to it with desperate and futile hands
trying to be a good father to my sons
who put me on a pedestal high enough
to rival the gods
I fought depression
and anger
even as I felt co-dependent longing
for the woman who was
  breaking my heart
there at the end of that marriage
one day
you held your grandchildren
and me
   and told us we’d be ok
‘mom,’ I said
   ‘it hurts.’
when I was thirty-eight and dying
from the cancer eating  my body
  repulsed by
the very sight of my
shriveled and sunken body with
chemotherapy eyes set deep
deep inside my skull
and scars on my body finally
making me as ugly in life as I felt inside
I despaired and I grieved
the loss of innocence
in my children and the burden
on my new girlfriend
one day
you sat by my bedside
and held my hand,
  told me the kids
and I
were stronger than I knew
‘but mom’ I said, looking
at their pictures,
‘it hurts.’

when I was forty and strong again,
recovered from cancer
and from divorce
my scars a badge of character and honor
with a beautiful new bride by my side
a new life to live
and a new daughter to love
that day
  you lay in a hospital bed
clinging desperately to life
     machines to monitor
tubes to breath
nurses to care and
doctors to treat
I held your hand, like you always held mine,
your daughter (my sister) and
your other son (my brother)
as you breathed your last
even as I
   sobbed at your passing
and fell into the arms of my wife and siblings
I wondered
who now will hold me like you did
like only you could
because oh god, mom
it hurts.
I’ve been thinking a lot about my mom lately; she passed away in November, 2010.  This is for her.
663 · Dec 2015
crystal tears
Ron Sparks Dec 2015
crystal tears -
getting very wealthy
on alien grief
650 · May 2018
Tortured Calculus
Ron Sparks May 2018
l stand in awe and
as l watch evangelical
Christians subject themselves to
moral gymnastics
trying to
  reconcile their faith with their
fear and hatred.
They place the teachings of Christ
on a virtuous scale alongside
the words,
    the actions, and
           the deeds
of the politician they elected and
they find a way to proclaim
That kind of
     tortured calculus
is as impressive as it is
643 · Aug 2015
Ron Sparks Aug 2015
she lies on the bed facing me
the curve of her hips
giving shape to the

her bare shoulder and arm are
bent at a gentle angle
as she lightly runs her
through my hair
her tattoos a vibrant
of color on her alabaster skin

half lidded eyes take me in
and she sighs, a Mona Lisa
on her lips

A million thoughts run through my
mind, my manic mind,
while she caresses me in complacent

How did I end up here
with this woman
with her perfect peace contrasting my
inferior and harmful
psychosis -
my constant battle with myself
and the universe

How can she love me
a man
who screams in defiance
at the tempest
while she spreads her
arms wide
and turns her face into the
rain and glories in it

My thoughts swirl
and clash
with the outward serenity
of the bedroom

And this is normal for me

The surprise comes when,
in a single moment
of clarity,
in between one manic thought
and the next,
I sigh with her
release the knot in my chest -
say “**** it” and
kiss her eyelids

I join her in this
moment of contentment

even as she wonders at my
sudden exclamation
643 · Dec 2015
E equals
Ron Sparks Dec 2015
E equals
    -- the tachyon laughed
640 · Jul 2015
Summer Sweat
Ron Sparks Jul 2015
summer sweat
hugs my whiskey glass;
runs down my back
631 · Aug 2023
Stand Proud
Ron Sparks Aug 2023
racist bigots;
stand proud against their hate.
Trust me when I tell you that you
612 · Jun 2015
Summer Bliss
Ron Sparks Jun 2015
beads on my glass of tea.
Lazy fans push warm air across
her face.
611 · Aug 2015
Ron Sparks Aug 2015
the leaves fall;
my jasmine tea
scents the air
606 · Jul 2023
Twilight Whisky
Ron Sparks Jul 2023
The work
isn't easy,
and doesn't satisfy,
but the burn of twilight whisky
sure helps.
606 · Jun 2015
Old Lady Stank
Ron Sparks Jun 2015
the room is filled with
old lady stank
the kind that assaults the nose
and crawls down the throat in
an angry attempt to
drive you right out of the building.

she says the walls are “peach”
but I can see behind the cracked flakes
that it was once yellow.
I just grunt and sit at the edge of the bed
determined to hate both colors on
principle alone

I don’t want to be here, in her stank
I don’t want to look at the cracked
and pitted
desert that was once her face
I don’t want to strain to hear her
wavering and whispery voice

Yet here I am,
by horrific images of a ****** Christ
nailed ironically to the walls
rosary beads hanging from
every candle in the room
and the Blessed ******
for space on the walls next to her
zombie son

where’s her god now
I wonder sourly as I strain to hear
her wavering and whispery voice
relate how nice the orderly was
her prune of a body this morning.

hell, forget the god
where was her family
or her friends
or her nut job preacher

there’s only me
carrying my own stank of
whiskey and smokes
sitting here on the edge of
her bed
listening to her stories
604 · Jun 2015
Ron Sparks Jun 2015
to live
in harmony -
to exist without that
horrible restlessness in me
each day
599 · Mar 2017
The Flicker
Ron Sparks Mar 2017
"you are
so beautiful,"
I said, and then wept when
the uncertainty flickered in
her eyes
594 · Jun 2015
Ron Sparks Jun 2015
twilight -
above my uncut grass
two fireflies
591 · Jun 2023
So Many Years
Ron Sparks Jun 2023
So many
years behind me,
but instead of wisdom
all I seem to have acquired is
586 · Jul 2015
Night Cries
Ron Sparks Jul 2015
My arms held high, I glorify the night
which masks the horror of the world from me;
all the death, the sorrow and the spite.
I cannot fear that which I cannot see.

The night cries only to those who listen.
Deafened, I reach out and embrace the dark,
offering my soul in full submission.
And yet, the night cries dimly reach their mark.

The sweet comfort of night peels away
leaving ugly darkness and empty skies.
The keening leaves me in a disarray.
Frightened, I listen as the night cries.

The night cries torment me as there I stay;
I long only for the coming of day.
584 · Dec 2017
The Silence in the Mirror
Ron Sparks Dec 2017
A man and his child were
gunned down In my
neighborhood today.
My community did nothing -
leaving the blood-soaked street
as the only reminder of
mankind’s capacity for violence.
l did nothing except
gnash my teeth at the
****** of a small child and
wonder if l lived in the
wrong neighborhood.
l look at myself-
the silence in the mirror
reflects my face
but not my
hypocrisy nor the
agony of my
screaming heart.
562 · Aug 2015
Ron Sparks Aug 2015
the scab
cracks and bleeds
dead skin covering
raw flesh
a painful mistake for the
entire world to see
I want to peel it off
savor the exquisite agony
be done with it finally
but the wound is too recent
I'm not ready to be rid
of you
quite yet
560 · Jun 2015
Because We Dare
Ron Sparks Jun 2015
they say
that we're running -
but we're just migrating;
our hopes and our dreams are out there
541 · Jun 2015
The Key to Happiness
Ron Sparks Jun 2015
or so I'm told,
is key to happiness.
seems every time I try to laugh -
I cry.
540 · Jul 2015
Ron Sparks Jul 2015
in the men’s room
peeking under my stall
  - tentacles
536 · Jun 2015
A Moment of Clarity
Ron Sparks Jun 2015
to me for free;
a smile from a small child.
For a moment, I forget to
531 · Aug 2023
Safe Space
Ron Sparks Aug 2023
The way
you talk about
it, you seem to think that
time really does stand still in my
530 · Dec 2017
Ron Sparks Dec 2017
My green-eyed first wife -
fiery temper and hair to match -
slid the wedding ring on my

Twisting on my knuckle, it
never left my hand.  I grokked
with certainty borne from intuition
that BAD THINGS would happen
should that tri-colored gold band
leave my touch.

Years, a decade and change, passed
and one day I took it off and set it
on the bed beside me.
For two seconds I was fine, but then
I couldn’t breathe.
In a panic, I put the ring back on.


I put it on backwards.

BAD THINGS happened.

Weeks later, soul-weary and
tired of constant fighting
I remembered my
misstep and I
flipped the ring on my finger.

Things got better.  But now I knew.  
Like peeling blistered skin after a sunburn,
I couldn’t stop.

Flip. Fight. Flip. Make up.
Flip. Scream. Flip. Sweet nothings.
Flip. Slammed doors. Flip. Makeup ***.

I forgot which direction was safe and
which was dangerous.

That marriage - that ring - is gone now.
I’m married to a blonde angel now
with a temper as cool as her hair; who
loves me more than I deserve
and knows me better than I’d like.

From day one, I refused to let the
of the ring mar my new marriage.  

I flipped it on my wedding night.
I flipped it the next day on my honeymoon.
I flip that ring every day,
it to curse me again.

Another decade has passed,
I flip my new ring daily.

And cringe a little each time.
526 · Jun 2015
Lost In You
Ron Sparks Jun 2015
don't know
where we are now;
don't know how we got here.
all that matters is that I'm here
with you.
522 · Jun 2015
B.B. King
Ron Sparks Jun 2015
blues in the room.
Through the haze, ash and sound,
he caresses Lucille and then
plays on.
I wrote this years ago as a tribute to the blues legend - it's even more relevant now, with his recent passing.
518 · Jan 2017
Ron Sparks Jan 2017
lost in his phone
that businessman
misses the sunset
517 · Jul 2015
Dance with Bullets
Ron Sparks Jul 2015
young men
dance with bullets -
spill blood and fight in war;
sent to their deaths on the whims of
old men
512 · Jan 2016
You Didn't Save Me
Ron Sparks Jan 2016
when I met you
I was broken not desperate
you didn't save me
I didn't rescue you
I didn't beg and you
                    didn't bow
my heart and my soul
covered in scars -
some still angry and red -
didn't repel you
and yours, tattered and
covered with wounds
          long healed -
imperfections that made you
          wondrous to behold
we met as equals and so
fell equally in love
and this, my bride, is why
we will
506 · Jul 2015
It's Not The Video
482 · Nov 2017
Monster with a Penis
Ron Sparks Nov 2017
there he is
a monster with a *****
but that’s redundant

all monsters have a *****
all penises are attached to monsters

so  there he is
a monster at fifteen

a predator
walled away - kept from
the good people of the world
by police, bars, most importantly
social shaming

we have no room for monsters now
zero tolerance
and punishment is more
than education

making examples of a monster
is the best way to cow all monsters

and this monster,  he will serve nicely
a warning -
marked, shunned, condemned -
on display to all other
who would
snap a girl’s bra strap
479 · Nov 2017
Fleecing Me For A Fiver
Ron Sparks Nov 2017
his hipster beard -
mandatory accessory for this
gentrified borough of Pittsburgh -
leads him back and forth
from the kitchen to the tables

he serves more tables than he should
I wait too long for my
overpriced salad
as he drops a plate of greasy wings
in front of a table of oblivious
professionals who
judge him
find him wanting
without ever looking up from their phones

a small bead of sweat accompanies him
when he drops off my check

I pay with a twenty and he brings me back
a ragged five and a one-dollar bill.

I know what he did.  ****.

god ****** hipster server trying to fleece me
playing on social pressure
betting on pocketing that faded fiver
that he did not earn from me

I force him to break that Lincoln
I tip three bucks
because I ****** well won’t let him get the best of me

my indignation is an all-American righteousness
so much so that I forget -

forget I paid four times what the salad was worth
forget he doesn’t see a penny of that profit
forget that he makes less than three bucks an hour
forget that without tips he won’t make rent

I forget all of this in my pride at catching a huckster
who just wants to keep the lights on
one more day
465 · Dec 2015
Ron Sparks Dec 2015
Red cardinal
rooting for seeds to eat
  avoids yellow snow
390 · Jul 2015
Things Left Unsaid
Ron Sparks Jul 2015
"We're way
the point of no return,"
she said,
to look into my eyes
as she said it.
"I gave up on
a long time ago.  I'm in
with another man now."

There were so
things I wanted to say
right then. So many responses
on the tip of my tongue.

Some were
angry and inflammatory.
I didn't tell her that she
was the
who lied and deceived me
for months while she
her future with another man.

Some were
hurt and accusatory.
I didn't tell her that she
had unerringly found
***** in my armor and had
exploited them.

Some were
loving and pleading.
I didn't tell her that she
was my soul mate and that
there was no problem
too great
for us to overcome - together.

I didn't say anything.

Instead, I
****** her
and sent her back to
her new
378 · Nov 2022
Ron Sparks Nov 2022
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