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May 2015 · 347
You're Blind
Megan H May 2015
Oh my
Oh why
Can't you learn?
A friend who uses you
Ends up abusing you
Is not a friend at all
As much as they have you believe
They could care less if you leave
They just want special treatment
But in the end
Only your time was spent
They don't care
So beware
I suggest you stop going down this path
**And get your head out of their ***!
This is just me venting out. Sorry for the language.
May 2015 · 883
Megan H May 2015
It's not the voices in the dark-
That scare me,
It's the voices inside my head-
That terrify me.
The shadows that prey upon
The walls of my home-
Are nothing compared to
The shadows that live among
The deepest recesses of my soul.
So no-
I'm not afraid of a haunted house,
Or a ghost.
I'm afraid of myself.
**And you should be too.
Apr 2015 · 722
All This Darkness
Megan H Apr 2015
There is a shadow looming over me.
In fact there are many shadows
That I have chosen to bear.
They vary in size and shape
And none of them are mine.
They weigh me down
Make my life seem heavier
I do not know why
I have chosen
To accept this darkness
Apr 2015 · 2.9k
None of Them Realize
Megan H Apr 2015
And none of them realize
The effort it takes to get out of bed
To go outside for the day
And face all of my fears
None of them realize
How tiring it can be
To pretend.
Apr 2015 · 491
Time Has Lapsed
Megan H Apr 2015
Time has lapsed
Things aren't any different from before
But I am.
Do you want to see me now
Now that I'm not with the new
Because now I tell the truth?

*I'm not the same
But you play the same game
This world is unchanged
I hear different music now
Even though the same song still plays
I can't even count how many days
Things have been this way
How long have I been different?
Apr 2015 · 887
Four Leaf Clover
Megan H Apr 2015
Scavenging for that once in a lifetime
Four leaf clover
Heads down
Eyes searching the earth
For one small piece of luck
That may never be found
These chins need to rise
People need to see the world
Stop looking for this luck
And realize how lucky they are
To be alive
To live in this beautiful world.
Stop looking for luck. You are surrounded by it at all times if you'd just realize it.
Apr 2015 · 1.1k
Paper Mache Hearts
Megan H Apr 2015
Paper mache hearts
Stepped on
As people walk on.
Not enough glue
Not enough paper
To repair them all.
Not enough-
To place the shards of our hearts
Back together.
Apr 2015 · 513
There Was Me-
Megan H Apr 2015
There was me-
The girl who listened
And watched,
The girl who never did,
But never told.
The box of secrets
I held inside
Bursting at the latch
Never tell what's not mine to tell
But never admit to my own endeavors
I am the girl who has seen it all
In my short life
Without saying a word
Without anything to prove
Without trying to be
Like everyone else.
Mar 2015 · 14.2k
Megan H Mar 2015
And maybe in the end-
We are all superheroes.
Each of us with a tragic back story
Specific sets of attributes
Some of us fly
Some of us read minds
And maybe some of us-
Are stronger than others,
We all have potential.
I believe the only difference
Between us all is-
**Who will stand up,
And fight?
Mar 2015 · 858
To be a bird
Megan H Mar 2015
And in all my life
I thought about
How wonderful it would be
To be a bird
To fly gracefully above the world
Above all the seas
Traveling with many companions
All the world questioning my adventures
To die a beautiful short life
But a meaningful one,
Without my knowledge of time.
Imagine how happy we could be without the knowledge of time.
Mar 2015 · 3.8k
Cleaning Day Today
Megan H Mar 2015
I scrubbed
And I disinfected
Leaving no stains
On me
On my past
Mar 2015 · 802
You're the Book
Megan H Mar 2015
You're the book
I've read many times before.
The one with the protagonist
Who does all the wrong things
Who doesn't see the wrong things
Others are doing to them
Behind their backs.
All I can do is scream at them
Even though they will not hear me.
I become so frustrated,
Yet I continue to turn the page
To see what will happen next
Even though
I already know the ending to this book.
I already know the ending to this story even if you don't. Please listen.
Mar 2015 · 874
Looking in the Wrong Place
Megan H Mar 2015
I travelled place to place
Looking for something I needed
From Texas to Europe
To New York and Mexico.
I could not find it
What is this thing
I wondered
That they call living?
I looked everywhere
Carefully planning my future
But then
One day I turned around.
I saw all of my past experiences behind me
The good times
The bad times
The nights I felt alive
And I simply said
Sometimes we search for an amazing life, and in the meantime we don't cherish the life we have.
Mar 2015 · 6.4k
Megan H Mar 2015
I was built-
In frigid cold
Under painful circumstances
So delicate
Fragile, I was
When they created me.
They built me up from the ground,
Where I had fallen
Carefully they picked me up
Plastered a new nose on my face
Two black eyes
Two very empty eyes
And a smile.
A smile that would always fall off
I was finally something new
Not better,
Just different.
I believed I had been saved.
Until the day I realized,
I had been
Created in the coldest depths
Of other people's souls
Who gave me empty eyes
And a broken smile.
They made a snowman
And left me out in the cold
Because once they made me
I had no more use
Left alone to die
Waiting for-
The first wave of heat to come along.
Mar 2015 · 359
Not Quite (10W)
Megan H Mar 2015
I'm an angel,
They said.
But they don't know me.
Feb 2015 · 966
Megan H Feb 2015
A poem created in a head-
Lost before it can be written down,
Is a true tragedy.
A story that will never be told
Words that will never be released
Forever ******
To the graveyard
Of forgotten memories
And the crypts
Of stolen livelihood.
I think up poems all day, and when I forget them, it makes me quite sad.
Feb 2015 · 964
Going to War
Megan H Feb 2015
Send the troops
A new war has begun.
A war deep inside of me.
We will need ammo
We need survival strategy.
Find me someone-
Who has experienced
This war before
Find me someone-
Who can help me win.
Feb 2015 · 903
Relying on the Moon
Megan H Feb 2015
How wonderful it would be-
To find the light
I know dwells inside of me.
I know you want to help me,
But don't you understand?
The difficulty of finding the sun,
When I've been relying on the moon?
Feb 2015 · 2.3k
Megan H Feb 2015
Here I go again
To this place
I cannot escape
It is my own personal prison-
I am the one who made
This inescapable cage.
The steel bars,
The prison guards-
All my creation.
My own personal Alcatraz.
Feb 2015 · 855
Megan H Feb 2015
I was the unbroken.
The challenge.
All the fates-
Tried to keep me down.
I always got up.
I would run-
Run away from the pain.
But this time,
It caught me,
And here I am
Trying to fight it,
But I know,
Deep inside,
I have already lost.
*I have been broken.
Jan 2015 · 709
I Tried
Megan H Jan 2015
I'm sorry I'm not perfect
I'm sorry I can't be the person
You need me to be.
I tried so hard for you,
But now I know for sure
There's only one person I know how to be
And that person is **me
Jan 2015 · 1.1k
To Thrive
Megan H Jan 2015
It will be interesting to see-
The end of days.
When the sun is blocked out of the sky
And havoc will encompass the earth,
Will I be the one trying to find the light?
Or will I be the bacteria
Thriving in the darkness?
Jan 2015 · 2.0k
Megan H Jan 2015
Please excuse me,
Something is not right.
I look alive,
But believe me when I tell you
A part of me has died.
A piece of a puzzle lost long ago
Underneath miles of rubble
In a destroyed world
Since then I've been searching
For the last piece of my soul
Only to find I made a bigger hole.
Now I'm falling
Deep into this hole I made.
Still looking for the puzzle piece
That is burning at the center of the earth.

Are you okay?

Yeah. Yeah. I'm okay.
Jan 2015 · 1.1k
Caving In
Megan H Jan 2015
Everything is falling apart.
The roof is caving in,
The flooding waters from above
Weighing it down.
My strength is no more
There is no way
I can keep the roof from crashing
Down on me.
Jan 2015 · 906
Never Forget.
Megan H Jan 2015
I watched as all those months went by
Oh my how time flies

Didn't even know when the time was right.
I didn't know I was supposed to say goodbye

You left me stranded with my thoughts
How many times had we fought?

For all those days you sat in a hospital bed
It made my heart feel like lead

They told us you were coming home
But how were we to know?

**How were we to know you'd die and leave us all alone?
Jan 2015 · 1.6k
Start Over
Megan H Jan 2015
Tell me it's over.
Tell me it's time to start again.
Been on a journey
That never seemed to end.
Would you tell me,
That I have made it to my destination?
Am I free?
Would you hold me,
And never let me leave again?
Dec 2014 · 1.7k
Time to Stop Running
Megan H Dec 2014
Time to stop running
It's time for me to face the truth.
Look away from my reflected hate
Forget all the painful loss
Realize that-
Nothing is ever going to work out for me,
But it's the same for most people
So hell,
I might as well try
To live a decent life.
Dec 2014 · 2.6k
Megan H Dec 2014
I'm a survivor
But believe me
It's not that great
Give me a bad situation
And I'll come out alive
But give me your love
And I'll give it away
In order to survive.
Pretty good at keeping myself away from things that can hurt me.
Dec 2014 · 386
Don't tell me.
Megan H Dec 2014
Don't tell me I'm strong
And then beat me down.
Don't tell me I'm smart
And then attack me with cleverness.
Don't tell me I'm pretty
And then make me feel ugly.
Don't tell me I'm honest
And then make me tell a lie.
Don't tell me I'm brave
And then treat me like a coward.
Don't tell me I'm kind
And then make me fight.

Don't tell me these things,
And then leave me to die.
Dec 2014 · 411
I'm Those Terrible Things
Megan H Dec 2014
I'm the drop of water that doesn't quite make it off the leaf.
The shadows the sun's rays don't reach.

I'm a puddle in the rain that no one wants to play in.
The stain that never goes away.

I'm the grave with no flowers on it,
The reason your life is in disarray.

I'm the lightning that starts a fire,
The nail in your blown-out tire.

I'm the dark circles under tired eyes,
The sogginess to your fries.

I am all of these terrible things,
But you are the worst-
You are the reason why I cry.
Dec 2014 · 3.1k
Take Me Away
Megan H Dec 2014
Take me away-
Distract me from this place.
Stress has overtaken me
My life has forsaken me.
I have just realized,
After all that I've done,
I've become like them.
A mindless robot
With sociopathic tendencies.
I'm begining to malfunction.
Help me,
Take me away.
Fix me.
Dec 2014 · 889
I used to be a bird
Megan H Dec 2014
I used to be a bird.
I flew high up in the skies.
Raced the sunrise,
Floated through the starry nights.
Flew above the ocean
With my wings expanded.
I was a majestic creature.
It was a beautiful life,
Until the day
You broke my wings
And I forgot how to fly.
Nov 2014 · 485
Before and After
Megan H Nov 2014
I am who I am
I live how I do.
Because the one moment in my life
That changed me.
There was a before and an after.

I was her.

I have become this.

Before, you knew me.
But this is who I have become.
Try to understand.
Nov 2014 · 1.1k
The Race
Megan H Nov 2014
Constantly running a race
That involves everyone
Indescribable and painful obstacles
That we must overcome.
Hurrying as fast as possible
To get to an unknown destination;
Places we only hear about
Places we've never seen.
People have fallen behind me
Lost in this race,
And it's only a matter of time
Before I trip,
And get trampled by millions.
Nov 2014 · 319
Tell me more.
Megan H Nov 2014
Tell me more lies
Tell me the story.
You swore on a heart
But you don't mind to break
Because what is the promise,
If you no longer have a heart?
Nov 2014 · 209
It goes by so quick
Megan H Nov 2014
It's so beautiful
The flash of light
It's so horrible
The moments of darkness
And then it's over.

And that's all there is to life.
Nov 2014 · 544
Look harder.
Megan H Nov 2014
Looking for a way.
To see the day
When everyone finds
The mask to your disguise
The day of your freedom-
The release of your demons.
Nov 2014 · 1.1k
Megan H Nov 2014
She loved the rain.
She loved the way it fell with purpose,
The way it changed from sprinkle to downpour.
The way it caressed her face
When she looked to the clouds
She thought it to be gentle
So maybe that's why she didn't notice,
When the flood began,
That she was drowning.
Nov 2014 · 899
Because Everything Ends
Megan H Nov 2014
She trained for years
Mending mistakes
Accepting the mind of a fighter
Archiving past learned lessons.
Her body bearing the scars
From all the times she had fallen.
So much failure turned into strength,
So much success turned into pride.
And one final battle loomed in the distant future.
She was thoroughly prepared
Been ready for this day since she was 10
She was ready to fight.
She was ready to win.
But once the battle began,
She got hit and turned to dust.
Just like that.
Over in an instant.
Years and years of training.
Nov 2014 · 230
Megan H Nov 2014
They said she needed to fall for someone.
Indeed, she did.
She fell
Into a deep dark pit
Where no one could join her.
It was lonely,
And she was sad all the time.
But she enjoyed the silence.
Nov 2014 · 446
Do I?
Megan H Nov 2014
After all that work
After all the fight,
I find myself
Back where I started.
Do I have any fight left in me?
Nov 2014 · 653
Locked away.
Megan H Nov 2014
I'm locked in my own prison.
Stay away.
I cause myself and everyone else so much pain.
Habits need breaking,
Emotions I've been faking.
You will never really know it's me.
Because my body has me trapped.
And I will never be free.
Oct 2014 · 487
It happens.
Megan H Oct 2014
You won't understand it
Until it happens to you.
The day when your stomach drops.
It's the day your eyes become a void.
You want to cry but you can't.
When everything becomes clear.
And it's okay
To hate the world.
To want to die.
To hate all the people you once loved.
It's okay.
You'll get through it.
I promise.
But I can also promise this.
You will never be the same again.
You will never understand until it happens to you.
Oct 2014 · 2.0k
Megan H Oct 2014
It comes upon you slowly at first
You believe it can be handled,
Can be controlled.
But you are so terribly wrong.
You are so weak,
You have no power of its control on you.
No power when
It quickly eats away your soul.
And changes you.
Hate has a way of changing you into someone else. You cannot control something this powerful.
Oct 2014 · 2.3k
Don't Give Up
Megan H Oct 2014
When nothing goes right,
Do not go left,
For it is when you persevere,
And face the obstacles,
When you become strongest.
Going left is for quitters.
Oct 2014 · 3.4k
Too Many Mistakes
Megan H Oct 2014
Gotta try harder
Have to stop failing.
But it's hard,
You know?
Life allows room for too much mistake.
Mistakes make us stronger
Because we learn from them.
But also,
They can destroy us.
Make us question ourselves,
Our values.
How can we live to perfection?
It isn't possible.
But the thought that we can,
Disappoints us
When we mess up.
I disappoint myself everyday,
So I tell myself
I gotta try harder
Have to stop failing.
Oct 2014 · 538
This one is for you.
Megan H Oct 2014
Be very careful
With your flaws.
They can be something
To love about yourself
Or they can be something
People hate you for.
Your destruction.
Be very careful.
Oct 2014 · 391
The Hammer
Megan H Oct 2014
It is becoming more difficult
It seems;
To hide behind the walls
I built years ago.
The dark cages behind my eyes.
The pain that I trapped,
Hoping it would never escape.
But there is a crack in my walls,
And I am vulnerable.
From the hammer
To which
Only you hold.
Oct 2014 · 1.3k
I'm different.
Megan H Oct 2014
I must admit
I'm a little terrified
To have you in my life again,
You knew me before I changed.
The person I used to be.
And I can never,
Live up to the old me,
Ever again.
Oct 2014 · 386
Who am I?
Megan H Oct 2014
I have taken on so many identities,
Worn so many masks,
Covered up my emotions,
For so long.
I do not even know
Who I am anymore.
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