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ALC Dec 2018
I can't help but fall for you,
over, and over again.
And my heart still smiles,
knowing we weren't meant to make it till the end.
I have known a guy for multiple years now, we have dated but nothing serious has ever happened, yet I feel so connected to him so unexpectedly.
2.0k · Apr 2019
Hurdles in Human Clothing
ALC Apr 2019
This world will throw road blocks in your path
Disguised as people.
People masked with love and honesty
Men and Women adorned with fair hair and a sparkling smile.

This world will throw boulders into your path
Marking you with kisses and scars
Swaying you to stray from your goals
Asking you to give up your morals.

This world will send storms into your path
To push you back
And off the road
To hold you down.
Though through all of this,
We continue to walk
To run
Away from their grasping hands
And through the pelting rain and hounding thunder.
Toward the horizon shining with the ever-present idea of hope.
-ALC April 8, 2019
1.9k · Dec 2016
ALC Dec 2016
Hello my star-crossed lover
I’ve wondered how you’ve been
I can’t stop thinking of you,
You were my best friend.

I hate, I had to do it
It was my only way
To see what else is out there
To find myself someday.

Hello my star-crossed lover
I think of you too much
I can’t help but want you
Within my grasping clutch.

I hate, I had to do it
To let you go away
You were so much to me,
I had to find my way.

So here we go again,
From hello to goodbye
I don’t want to see you go
To let our time go by.

I know it’s got to happen,
That will be here someday
And wonder where it all went
If it was worth the pain?

Hello my star-crossed lover
I’m here to tell you what,
I’ve never once forgotten
Your very precious touch.

How I’d love to tell you
That“I have found my way”
but that’s not happening
No, not today.

So I’ll see you someday
On the horizon
With the sun glowing
Brining hope again.
-ALC November 22, 2016
1.6k · Aug 2022
Natural Disaster
ALC Aug 2022
The tempest builds in its confined earthly cavity,
Swirling and crushing its source.
It roars searching for escape,
Thundering out with torrential rains.
Lighting sparks through veins
Escaping in blistering snaps.

The soul relishes in the primal storm,
Yearning for a greater release,
A larger typhoon to rip this earth away.
To shatter the shell constraining its rage.
It shakes with monumental tremors,
Succumbing it’s structure,
to rubble on the floor.
-ALC August 14, 2022
1.2k · Oct 2018
ALC Oct 2018
I like the feeling of tears running down my face.
Because it’s when you’ve built up enough raw emotion,
Your body can’t hold it all together anymore.
980 · Apr 2019
Wolves in Human Flesh
ALC Apr 2019
We are two wolves
Tearing at each other’s flesh
Biting in with savage need
Pushing and pulling for dominance.

We are two wolves
Working off of undiluted instincts
Of euphoric animalism.

We rip away our human pelts
And reveal our battle worn skins
Blemished with past wars and historic victories.

We are two wolves
Growling with pleasure and an insatiable appetite.
Digging our incisors into each other’s flesh
And grazing our claws down one another’s backs.

We score each other’s bodies
With nips, kisses, and tongue
Demanding one to admit the others rule.
To surrender and go docile.

But we are two wolves
Fighting each other
Each step of the way
With unadulterated ravishment.
-ALC April 4, 2019
966 · Jan 2019
My Voice
ALC Jan 2019
It sooths my soul,
Easing me into a secure state.
Persuading me to lift the corners of my mouth
And smile a sparkling grin.

Then it snaps,
And screams nonsense in my ear.
Causing alarm and panic to kick me in the gut.
Causing my head to spin,
And my stomach to clench.

It tries to sooth the whirlwind it has lead me into,
To put me back on steady ground,
To breathe through the confusion.
It whispers soothing lyrics to me
To lift my spirits once again,
Encouraging me to smile
Imploring me to steady my nerves.

But panic for some unknown horror has already sunk in,
And the alarm bells are screaming in my ear.

With gasping breaths,
Clenched fists,
And a pounding head,
I release myself into sleep
Where even My Voice doesn’t have control over me.
-ALC January 18, 2019
Everyone has an inner voice that helps them to do bad and good things. Sometimes it just likes to **** with your mental state and send you into the rabbits whole.
924 · Apr 2017
The Sooner the Better
ALC Apr 2017
I wish I met you sooner,
So time wouldn’t feel so short,
Because now I’m counting down the clock,
To the part where we depart.
Where I move twelve hours away,
And our strange adventures come to an end.
Where everything I hoped would happen
Now has an expiration.

I wish I met you sooner,
But I am happy that we meet at all.
Because I feel like your part of what changed me,
That now has me skipping brave and tall.
You remind me of what I was
And what I want to be again,
You help me look at the world
As a new adventure that’s waiting to begin.

I wish I met you sooner,
But that’s just not how it happened,
And I am not sure that it would have been the same
If it had been any other way.
Because I wasn’t ready tell let others in
And I would have been to shy,
But you have me smiling,
**** near every time you say “Hi”.

I wish I met you sooner,
So our adventures could just go on,
And I fear that when I move away,
This will all be gone,
But I’ll hold my breath in expectations
And hope for the best.
Because even though I wish I met you sooner,
I am happy we at least got this.
-ALC April 23, 2017
889 · May 2017
Dead Line
ALC May 2017
“Deep breaths”
That’s what I tell myself
Every morning when yet another day has slipped from me.
The cacophony of the day slams into my body
The moment I open my eyes.
The bewilderment enters my heart the moment sleep leaves my body,
As I realize yet again that my clock is ticking
And nothing has been finished.
Tests have yet to be taken
Jobs have yet to be accepted
Homes have yet to acknowledge our existence.
I cant help but feel the shore line slip from under my feet,
Exposing such pretty distractions of shells and ocean life,
Only to have a wave building in mass and volume
To roar over me in a tsunami.
Covering me,
Swirling me in endless vortexes of deadlines
Pushing the air out of me.
Only releasing me every night feeling dizzy, tired,
And not prepared to do it all again tomorrow.
-ALC May 11, 2017
866 · May 2017
One last time
ALC May 2017
One last time can we do this dance,
Of uncertainty and shuffling feet,
Of awkward laughing and teasing greetings?

One last time can we intertwine our hands,
Curl into one another
Hold each other’s gaze with unspoken hopes?

One last time can we see each other,
Be near each other,
Indulge each other?

One last time can we make these memories
That will leave my soul filled and my heart empty?
-ALC May 24, 2017
866 · Dec 2016
ALC Dec 2016
I know it’s a strong word,
And it shouldn’t be said
But it’s always the first one
To pop to my head.
When I see her words
A    C    R    O    S    S
Your page,
I can’t help but get a little enraged.

She’s a priss,
She’s princess
She’s all show
And NO bound.
She think’s she’s got it all
Now that your back in town.

You’re up for grabs,
A perfect new bite,
And I think your trying to protect her from my might.

Well don’t worry
I’ll scurry.
I’ll pretend I don’t see.
Your free like a bird,
Just like me.
-ALC December 8, 2016
821 · Nov 2022
ALC Nov 2022
You are not a thought on my mind.
You are not a passing glance.

You are the ruin of my cerebral cortex.
A scar permanently on my hippocampus.
The destruction of my inner peace.
The trigger for my fight or flight
780 · Feb 2017
Honestly, I am not sure
ALC Feb 2017
Honestly I think I still love you.
I know that that may sounds crazy, but I look at you, I see you sad, and my heart swells with sorrow and longing.
Honestly I don’t know if I love you.
I know that sounds crazy, but I look at you, and I see your smiling face, and my heart swells with discontent, and I want to hate you.
Honestly I miss you.
I know it’s been 6 months, but my heart aches to have you close.
Honestly I’m happy with out you.
It has been 6 months of such self-love and enlightenment.
Honestly I always thought you were cute.
Those blue eyes and strawberry blond hair drew me in every time.
Honestly I always thought you were okay looking
Your lumberjack beard starting to form would make my hands reach for the sharpest thing to cut it off.
Honestly I dream about you
I dream of your arms wrapped around me as you hold me close again.
Honestly my nightmares are filled with you.
I fear us getting back together and being trapped again.
Honestly I always think of you,
And I feel so conflicted with so much emotion,
And they are all for you.
-ALC February 12, 2017
768 · Dec 2016
ALC Dec 2016
Something about rain thrills me,
Chills me,
Makes me shiver to the core.
Sends pure ecstasy through my veins.

Something about a storm excites me,
Ignites in me,
A sense of wanting more.
Begging for an adventure to begin.

Something about the sounds calms me,
Yet alarms me.
Makes me want to race through the storm,
Laughing as I jump into its games.

Something about the smell
Portrays in me,
A delicate being,
Waiting to be born.
-ALC December 23, 2016
737 · Nov 2022
ALC Nov 2022
And she sat with knees clutched tight to her chest on what was once their couch, looking at what once was their home, what once was their lives, and felt her body begin to shake. Felt the tears well up behind painted pretty eyes, and a scream bubble up behind painted pretty lips. She watched as she set fire to memories in her minds eye, destroying a future now gone.
688 · Feb 2017
Porcelain Doll
ALC Feb 2017
I am not soft,
I am not a fragile doll, so please do not scoff.

Do not look surprised by the bruises on my legs,
Do not be shocked by my lack of faith,
Do not warn me of lives great loss,
Do not tell me to not get lost.

I want to wander
And climb
And cheer.
I want to be lost,
And full of fear.

I want to fall down
And get back up.
I want to get scratches,
To be covered in cuts.

My porcelain skin
Will soon be cracked,
And yes you may stand there and start to laugh.
Though you’ll never see
The fire inside
That devoured this fragile soul
That you think resides.
Deep in my being
It will hide
Because this lion will conquer
And rule the whole pride.

No I am not a gentle girl,
This I have never been.
I have never thought of life
  As willing to just let me win.
So here I will push on
With my bruises as friends,
And conquer this world
And then,
Yes, I will win.
-ALC February 5, 2016
638 · Apr 2018
The Grace in Falling
ALC Apr 2018
You know I tried,
In so many ways I tried.

I tried to be friends
I tried to keep in touch.
I tried to forget you.
I tried to fight for you.

God did I try,
And try,
And try,
And try,
And try.
You didn’t seem to notice it,
You barely seem to notice me.

I tried so very often,
That I was surprised to notice,
One day I didn’t care.
I didn’t care if I got a text back,
I didn’t care if I got a letter back,
I didn’t care if you even wanted to see me.

I always expected my detachment from you,
To be like a tree falling.
But it was nothing like that.
It was like a leaf falling.
-ALC April 19, 2018
599 · Jun 2020
Girl to Women
ALC Jun 2020
Oh sweet little girl
Wont you open your eyes
Wont you wake up,
Rise and Shine.

Oh sweet little girl
Wont you watch your tongue
don't be so vocal or else you'll be shunned.

Oh sweet little girl
Hold your head high
Have a straight back
With shoulders wide.

Oh sweet little girl
Don't play in the mud
Your shoes will be ruined,
Don't mess with the bugs.

Oh sweet little girl
You study so hard
Your effort is noted
But your grades are subpar.

Oh sweet little girl
Don't travel alone
There's people at night
Who want to take you home.

Oh sweet little girl
How you've grown
You're a women now
With a mind of your own.

Oh little women
How your drive, drives you.
How you reach for the stars
Even with lips turning blue.

Oh little women
That's not what we said
Don't speak your mind
You're bringing up dread.

Oh little women
Leave that feather on the ground
Leave that bug on the bush.
There's nothing to be found.

Oh young women
Your voice is to loud
The chaos you're causing
is shaking the ground.

Oh young women
You're choices are bold
They're for to strong.
Listen to what you've been told.

We've asked you to stop
We've told you again and again.
You seem to not listen
Your will wont give in.

Your voice is to loud
Your hair isn't right
You are far to willing to pick a fight.
You play with nature
You say as you please
You're breaking the parameters
of what we believe.

It's time to settle down
It's time to fit in
Stop all this ruckus
And follow the rules you've been given.

"These rules have been botched
The've been slashed through with red X.

The women are rising,
And trust me you're next.
We are coming up from the rubble,
From the ash and the dirt,
We come with a vengeance,
Someones bound to get hurt.

We've suffered and begged,
For your ears to open,
Yet you brush away our please
Refusing diplomacy.

So we come with our swords,
Our flames rising high
We come with our voices
Screaming out towards the sky."
-ALC Dec 11, 2019
The poem starts off with a little girl and goes onto an adult women. A little play at society and how women are perpetually breaking the "rules" that society continues to instill upon us
585 · Dec 2016
Body v.s. Soul
ALC Dec 2016
My bones they creak
They beg to give in
They swear to me
That this is our end.

My skin it burns
It rips and it tears
It bleeds profusely
Puddles everywhere.
It cries my name
With each passing slash
And swears to me
This is our last.

My muscles they burn
As harsh acid fills in
It pleads to give up
They need to give in.
It groans to me
Weak with despair
We must surrender or we will no longer be here.

My body it aches
It screams as we bleed.
It needs to rejuvenate,
To rest and receive.
It promises our demise
With sharp barking words,
To go on is death!

My soul it sings,
And screams all the same.
It feels all the hurt,
And it knows all of the pain.
It knows the trial is more then can bear,
But it sings because it knows we are almost there.
It whispers sweat words to the rest of my being
To go on is death, but so is just staying.
Move forward,
Go on.
See the world through a screen
Or look with your eyes,
And experience new things.

-ALC December 21, 2016
566 · Jan 2017
Death of a Character
ALC Jan 2017
The knowledge of her death kills a piece of me.
I sit, light blaring at the page, hoping for her to wake up.
I sit, hoping this is all just some terrible hallucination she is having.
My stomach twists as I see his face in my head.
Him, the one that learned how to love her, then lost her.
Sadness, guilt and pity swirl through my body.
I can only imagine the deep pain and loss he is feeling.
All of it is to savior for me to bear
I laugh whipping away my tears
This is silly.
I have watched them from a far this entire time.
Their faces are made up,
Constructed, sculpted, from the words that burn into my eyes.
Yet I feel this pain,
This pain I feel in my being must be the same pain that he feels now,
Staring at her life less body
I want to lunge at the paper
I want to scream, cry, and laugh.
This is twisted
I hate it for sending me to this emotional place,
But I can’t help but continue,
Loving the action and thrills it sends along the ride.
Her death kills a piece of me.
563 · Mar 2019
Wake Up Call
ALC Mar 2019
I wake, drenched in sweat.
The sounds of the sirens echo through my nightmares
Dragging me back into this cold existence that no longer holds you.
As reality sinks back in,
And the memory of your permanent departure takes hold,
I melt back into the darkness.
The darkness of the sheets,
Of the night,
Of my mind.
-ALC March 13, 2015
527 · Dec 2016
ALC Dec 2016
The other night we kissed
It was soft and warm and new.

The next night we danced to music;
To a beat I never knew.

The following night you curled around me
And let your fingers dance across my skin.

Now its all sort of hard to remember,
Which of those was a dream,
And which was real.
-ALC December 19 2016
526 · Dec 2016
ALC Dec 2016
Now as I lay me down to bed
Let my mind be free of dread
Let it flout away tonight
Towards a morning clear and bright.
Let this fear subside from me
As I slowly breathe.

Now as I lay me down to bed
Let me be free of my dread
Till the morning does arrive
Let it come before I shy.

I fear the night engulfing me
Not allowing me to breath
Taking all my gasping breaths
Tell the last one I have left.

Now as they lay me down to sleep
In this coffin I shall keep.
-ALC [March 14, 2016]
520 · Mar 2017
Nightly Song
ALC Mar 2017
The bird sings into the silent night
And puts all the frogs to shame.
The crickets lower their violins
To be able to hear the echo of names.
The names of all the beautiful things
That makes up this little world.
The names of every flower,
Twinkling star,
And little girl.

The bird resonates into the silent night
A solo opera for open ears,
It bleeds its soul into the darkened sky
Only audible for a few to hear.
The creatures wait on baited breath
To listen to its song.
To hear the melancholy tune
Stretch out all night long.

The bird ***** in its little tree
With eyes only half closed,
It sings a sweet soft melody
To nature down below.
It sings of tomorrow’s promises,
Of all the laughter and the joy,
The bird sings us a lullaby
To help our dreams come alive.
ALC March 17, 2016
515 · Jan 2017
Death of a Character (II)
ALC Jan 2017
I want to lunge at it,
I want to tear it to shreds.
It drowns me with my own grief.
This false grief,
This false grief that fills my body with weight, that wasn’t there minute before.
I hate it.
I want to rip at the pages and re-wright them.
I want to change the damning end that sends the destructive words to my eyes.
I want to carve out his name,
I want to carve out the man’s name that shot the fatal wounds.
Yet, I see the bigger picture.
I see the ending gives justice to all that has happened.
I have given her the shock value that she has wished for,
And I love it.
505 · Dec 2016
ALC Dec 2016
Oh my goodness, am I going crazy
Because my head is spinning and everything is hazy?

I am standing up, testing the ground
Making sure I’m not falling down.

This world is spinning and I can’t stand it.
Its falling threw, taking everyone with it.

My eyes search for faces
But everything’s washing away
Rains hitting the ground
We’re all slipping away.

We look to one another,
But what to say?
We’re hopeless communicators
We’re drowning away.

We left this world, letting it slip.
Left it go for a simple click

-ALC (October 22, 2014)
504 · Dec 2016
To Be Strong
ALC Dec 2016
I don’t want to be whole,
With you by my side.
I want to be myself
To the very day I die.

I want to be strong
And free.

I don’t want to lean on you
Or for you to lean on me.

I have never viewed myself
As the type of girl to care
For all the attention,
Flashing jewelry,
And gorgeous hair.

I have never seen myself
As the type of girl that would
Need a man
To do every thing she could.

I will stand strong and proud.
Maybe you’re by my side.
But I will always be myself
To the very day I die.
-ALC December 28, 2016
493 · Feb 2017
My Rodeo
ALC Feb 2017
Hold tight
Here we go
This is just another rodeo.
I can make it,
I swear I can.
I will fight,
And sweat,
And stand.

My hands will blister,
My mind will ache,
My body will surely start to shake.
My world will tilt,
Just a bit,
But I will make it,
Through blood and sweat.

They will beat and bruise me
They will push me down,
They will tell me I am worthless,
And how I should just back down.
But its so funny how
I have never heard
A single word
They have ever uttered.

I have always fought
With tooth and nail,
With brain and power
With all of my will.

It has never been a question of if,
But more of when?
Will I conquer all of this?
When will all my dreams collide?
On a endless landscape
That only I can describe.

So hold on tight
Cause here we go,
This isn’t just any old rodeo.
All my dreams will converge on this world
And bring it bouncing
And make it swirl.
I will rise it from the depths of despair
Where everyone is equal
And most things are fair.
-ALC February 5, 2017
485 · Jan 2017
Necessary Struggle
ALC Jan 2017
It’s amazing how we change.
It’s amazing all our games,
Were made for not a single thing
Then to tear us apart and give us shame.
I look at you and wonder still
How we made it work so well,
And I wonder how we made it last
When we were both stretching onto such different paths.
I look at me now and feel utterly free
To be the person I can be.
To stretch my limits beyond your grasp
And take on such a challenging path.
I look at you and all I can see
Is a boy becoming what he wanted to be,
A partier wanting more
From a life that he completely abhors.
I wish you more from life then this
Stumbling and bumping and continuing to miss
The true struggle that makes you feel so free
The one that every person truly needs.
-ALC January 14, 2017
484 · Jan 2017
ALC Jan 2017
Give in
Let everyone else win.
Let this world let you swim
To an early end.

And breathe
Maybe you will see,
Maybe it will all just be.

And tug
Go down with a thud,
Let the blood
Run down your fists
Let it glitter from your wrists.

And tug
The ropes loose,
Let them think they have won
Let them have their little fun.

And shove
Watch them fall far from
The heavens above
To a world
So dark bellow
Never again will they ever show.
-ALC January 16, 2014
482 · Dec 2016
Dear Friend
ALC Dec 2016
Dear friend I would run with you
I would fight with you
I would laugh with you
Die with you
Jump with you.
Dear friend will you stay with me?
Will you cry with me?
Hide with me?
Be blind with me?
Dear friend I am so afraid.
Your leaving, all of you
Where are you going?
Can I come to?
No, I must stay,
I didn’t want to come anyways…
Dear friend I am leaving to,
Disappearing for a year or two
Don’t fear dear friend I am here
Standing by your side no matter what you do.
Dear friend I never lost you
You never lost me too
Dear friends we will be together again
No matter where we go
I will be there with you Dear friend.
ALC December 5, 2015
481 · Mar 2017
ALC Mar 2017
Bring on the adventure,
Bring on the pain,
Bring on the laughter,
Bring on the games!

Lets go wild,
Lets just feel free,
Let the wind rush threw us
As we stand tall as trees.

I want my muscles to ache,
I want my back to sweat,
I want to be covered in dirt,
And to be out of breathe.

I want to stare at the precipice
And look straight down.
I want to fall into the abyss
And laugh the whole way down.

I want an adventure
That thrills me to the core.
That leaves me tired and exhausted,
Yet always wanting more.
-ALC March 9, 2017
474 · Dec 2016
Burning Bridges
ALC Dec 2016
Watch it catch,
Watch it burn,
Watch the rubble smolder and smoke,
Watch the ash lift to the sky
And beckon a new hope.

Listen for the sirens
That calls in the wake
Of the piling flames,
It’s to late.

Watch it catch
Watch it burn
Try and put it out.
Listen to the sirens,
Listen to the shouts.

Feel the strong vibrations
As it all starts to fall.
And listen for the sirens,
They are your last call.

Watch it catch
Watch it burn
See it all fall down,
The road has ended
There is no going back now.
-ALC December 21, 2016
473 · Dec 2018
Goodbye to a friend
ALC Dec 2018
I didn't think our last words would be,
"Okay, I'll leave you alone."
And I didn't think we'd go out so quietly,
or so permanently.
468 · Dec 2018
The Crash
ALC Dec 2018
Falling for you was so effortless,
that my heart is still bruised from the crashing halt.
464 · Dec 2016
This Boy
ALC Dec 2016
He is made of laughter and heartache
He is made of so much pain
He is made of so many elements
That I’ve never seen him the same.

He’s a survivor and a fighter
He is made of tooth and nail
He is made of so much laughter
That it makes me want to wail.

I have seen his rough exterior
I have seen his broken heart,
I have seen the self he tries to hide,
I don’t see how he doesn’t fall apart.

I don’t take pity on him
For there is none such to give;
I look at him with wonder
For the different life he has lived.

He has seen such love and affection,
He has seen all lives brutal pains,
He has known the sweet attention
That only a woman has to donate.

He is made of the melting glaciers
And he is made of a burning flame,
And yet he is cold and gentle,
But still he is never the same.
-ALC December 27, 2016
461 · Dec 2016
I am
ALC Dec 2016
I am a storm.
I will rip you apart
Yet leave you wanting more.

I am a tornado
Brining you into my vortex
Spitting you out with a spinning head,
And tattered body.

I am a tsunami
Spilling past the shore line,
And leaving chaos in my wake.

I am a lingering soul
Wandering past you without seeing
Begging for a greater freedom.

I am a sly fox.
Slipping in and out of your fingers,
Ready to wander this world alone.
-ALC December 27, 2016
456 · Jul 2017
ALC Jul 2017
Tree’s engulf me.
Allow my pale skin to match your red bark,
Let my body stretch into the sky above.
I am tired of this world and your silence is so alluring.

Forest absorb me.
Let my whispering thoughts match the roar of your silence.
Allow my body to still,
And my shaking limbs to stop.

Nature overwhelm me
Swell inside me and release this overload.
Take away my pain
My misery
My happiness
My pleasure.
Take away it all, and replace it with your calm reassurance.

Take my screaming heart,
And claim it as your own.
ALC July 10, 2017
ALC May 2017
I don’t want ying and yang,
I don’t want a balanced scale,
I want someone to glimpse my crazy
And join me as we raise hell.

I don’t need a strong shoulder,
I don’t need uplifting arms,
I need someone who knows how,
To turn off all the alarms.

I don’t care for caressing words
I don’t care for your heroic deeds
All I care for is for you to stand loyally
Through all my strange feats.
-ALC May 16, 2017
437 · Mar 2017
Flicker of Future
ALC Mar 2017
The cliff rises in front of me,
Red iron minerals soaked into the rocks.
My hands ache from the climbing
And my body begs me to not stop.
My soul feels enlightened from all I have already seen.
The rushing river that now courses far bellow me.
This is the adventure I have craved for so long,
I can’t wait to reach the top
And see how far I have gone.

I reach up to put my hand on the stone,
Suddenly the sound of the alarm screeches into my bones
My dream is all gone
And all has been undone.
My tired hand puts a stop to the noise,
And my tired mind tries to regain some poise.
My dream is fading,
What was once bright is now gone.
But now I know what I want
And how I will go on.
-ALC March 23, 2017
431 · Jan 2019
My 9th Grade Poem
ALC Jan 2019
I cannot run away from you
You're running straight into my heart
This pain is subsiding so slowly.
I can't breath this last breath
I can't weep this last tear,
You're everything I've ever feared.

When I think about those thoughts, I see nothing but fear,
I see nothing but you,
I feel nothing but a tear,
I  feel nothing but the perplexing pounding in my chest, my heart.
I do nothing but breath my silent breaths
Slowly, painfully, slowly, calmly, slowly.

I do nothing but hear the sweet clicks coming to me slowly,
I do nothing but it rises in me; the fear,
I do nothing but it comes more hastily; my breath,
I do nothing but feel so happy; it's you,
I do nothing but it pounds more rapidly; my heart,
I do nothing but they begin to appear; the tears.

I'd do anything to keep these tears,
I'd do anything to make you move more hastily; you're to slow,
I'd do anything to keep this uncontrollable heart,
I'd do anything to keep my hated fear,
To get rid of them would mean to get rid of you.
I'd do anything to keep these trembling breaths.

I want to feel your breath,
I want to wipe away your tears,
I want to be to close to you,
I'd stop being to slow,
I want to take away your fear,
I want to calm your beating heart.

They could be one; our hearts,
It could be ours; each breathe
We could tame it; our fear
They could vanish; our tears
Together we could be to slow
It could be us; me and you.

I love this world of fears and tears
I love the beating of slow hearts
I love the feeling of your breathing
This is a poem I wrote in 9th grade. Well before what I knew what it was like to love another person or before I had ever had a serious relationship. I rewrote this straight exactly the way I did when I was in 9th grade, mistakes and all. I can't quite remember what I was feeling or what caused me to write this emotional piece. Even with all its flaws it hold some hidden message to me I haven't been able to decipher.
430 · Dec 2016
Holding Back
ALC Dec 2016
After six months I hope to have moved on.
After six months I hope your name won’t sound the same.
After six months I hope that the days we were together feel like a year ago.
After 6 months I hope I don’t feel the pain.

All the time we spent together,
Was more then I could have hoped,
But I am tired of re-living our moments,
And of every last time we spoke.
I am tired of hating people,
Maybe myself a little too.
I dream of a day so different,
Where we are both so different too.

I hope and I beg for the change to occur
Within each fleeting second,
But then I realize something in me
That holds onto each last minute.

So here I’ll start
To say goodbye,
To let you go for real.
So here is when I let you go
Like a new born baby seal.
To survive this world with out me
Without my intrusions on your life,
And please move on without me
Because I wont be holding back this time.
-ALC December 11, 2016
427 · Feb 2017
ALC Feb 2017
I feel myself clinging
To every cell in my body
Trying not to surrender
To the yearning calling.

You slip your fingers
Under my shirt
And I feel my heart
Stutter with a leaping burst.

My body pulls closer
As we rock in a slow rhythm
To a slowly quickening beat
As we become more *** driven.

My body reaches out for you
Craving your touch;
But my mind begs to stop
We have gone far enough!

What a bad idea
This has all become,
But wow wouldn’t it
Be so much fun.
-ALC February 5, 2017
402 · Dec 2016
A Poet?
ALC Dec 2016
Sometimes I think I am a poet
And laugh cause I didn’t know it.
Then I think again,
And see I have been mistaken.
For all the things I have written
Are just words on a page
And make no impact to the deeds of the day.
They are stereotyped fears,
And all of the things I hold dear,
They mean nothing to those who come near.
My words hold no impact,
For the world that holds me here.
-ALC December 30, 2016
399 · Sep 2018
ALC Sep 2018
I see the stares
And I hear the whispers
I look at their faces
Sporting my blisters.

I hear the gasps,
And I see their faces,
And I see the confusion,
As they wonder if I am in pain.
As I lay flat on my back
With air wheezing from my lungs
A smile spreading across my face
And a laugh escaping from my flattened body.

I stand up, ready to fight
As I brace myself for another attack.
We glare at each other,
Sparks in our eyes,
And a grin on our lips
Wondering who will make the first move.

I step forward
And lay on the punches
Ready to receive them right back.
He grabs my arms,
Trying to stop my assault,
But we tumble to the ground
And both start to laugh.

People stare in awed horror
As I take a man to the ground,
And are in shock when I pin him with my knees.
They are gawk as we both stumble up laughing,
And their faces turn white as they see the bruises
That sprout along the length of my body.

I know I am aggressive,
I have never been a gentle girl
Always a warrior at heart
Ready to take down the biggest beasts,
And my bruises and cuts are my battle wounds
That I wear like trophies
Telling stories of my conquered foes
-ALC September 11, 2018
399 · May 2017
Stressed Much?
ALC May 2017
I can feel it,
Filling me up,
Wheeling inside me,
Pushing at my fragile seams.

It’s growing in mass,
Starting in my core
And expanding outward to my fingers,
My mouth,
My legs,
My eyes,
My brain.

It’s shutting me down,
Trying to pour out of me
As I stare off blankly at the white board in front of me.

It threatens to stream through my eyes
In helpless, uncontrollable tears.
It threatens to shoot from my mouth
In hysterical laughter.

I stare wide-eyed at the professor lecturing in front of me,
Trying to control the inner volcano erupting inside of me.
I stare straight ahead with glazed eyes
On the verge of getting up and leaving,
So I can open the valve and release all the pressure.

I force my eyes down,
And with a shaking hand,
Finish what I started.
-ALC May 16, 2017
385 · Jan 2017
Just breath
ALC Jan 2017
Don’t talk
Don’t speak
Don’t beg!
Don’t look at me with so much dread!
This world isn’t held up by my hands!
You weren’t made to follow my commands!
Before I plead!
Before this world crashes on me!
Before my hate and love explode with a fire
Of all my dying desires.
Of all the pain I have ever felt
And all the need that keeps me knelt,
By your side for much to long
Burning my insides all along!
Don’t talk
Don’t speak
Don’t beg!
Don’t think of me inside your head!
Don’t fill yourself with so much dread!
Don’t ask for me to return instead.
Don’t think
Don’t whisper
Just breath,
Let everything settle
And let everything be.
-ALC January 16, 2017
385 · Feb 2017
Frozen Tundra
ALC Feb 2017
I have become adept at turning it off
And shutting down all the sound.
I have become quite confident
In my capacity to not let love be found.
I have allowed my heart to stay in a state
Of self preservation for so long,
That melting the ice that now surrounds it
Could take far too long.

I hold on to this freezing core,
Like a bear to the frozen ice caps.
It keeps me afloat,
And lets me know,
That my heart belongs to no other.

And though I shiver
In this cold
Of self-preservation.

It’s so much better
Then all the heat
That comes from your love and admiration.
-ALC February 11, 2017
381 · Oct 2018
ALC Oct 2018
This is my safe place
And its my jail cell.
I cant stand to be in here
Now that I’m not well.
The walls confine me
And torture my soul.
The window it bribes me
To jump through its hole.

My room is my safe place
It hides all my deeds.
It allows me to let loose
And be a little more me.
But now it’s my jail cell
Binding me in.
I can’t stand to be in here
Where I fear there’s simply no end.
381 · May 2017
ALC May 2017
I will strive to be strong in the face of uncertainty
I will survive
And thrive
In the face of uncertainty.
I will hold my head high
Even with a soul so low.
With an abyss opening in front of me
I will not halt my roll
I will walk straight into the unknown.
-ALC May 7 2017
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