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My Dear Poet May 2022
Three poets
rot down a river bed
their body decomposing
except their head
still composing poetry
and recite being dead
where poems still flow
I’ve heard them read

one was caught
by the sun beam
flickering ripples of light

another fought
by a splashing bream
kicking up a fight

the third flowed down
the rapid stream
where water foams white

I, one day went fishing
and caught myself a fish
down the river swimming
quoting Tennyson
Dickinson and Finch
I set it free
because poetry is freeing
Not every line in the end
is a hook
three dead poets can testify
down by the brook
Three poets wrote about a river
May 2022 · 1.6k
I will follow you
My Dear Poet May 2022
I will follow you
whereto you roam
I will follow you
all the way home
down the road
up the hill
along the river
by the mill
past the tin shed
that old shoe store
till I follow you
and go no more
to an open field
where a path unpaved
with stones unsealed
leads to your grave
Apr 2022 · 1.5k
Seasons of ‘She said’
My Dear Poet Apr 2022
She said, “I don’t like talking about my feelings. My feelings are as fleeting as the season of summer”.

I told her, ”I never had a problem ever talking about the sun and temperamental weather”.

She said, “I don’t like talking about emotions. My emotions are as dry as autumn leaves”.

I told her, ”I never had a problem with a blowing wind or whirling breeze”.

She said, “I don’t like talking about my fears. My fears are a looming dark sky for a winter storm”.

I told her, “I never had a problem finding shelter and a place to keep her warm”.

I smiled and said, “Let’s just walk and talk about spring”.

…she left me there planting seeds.

while all along, I never had a problem picking her flowers away from the weeds.
like the seasons she changed
Apr 2022 · 1.7k
Itsy Bitsy
My Dear Poet Apr 2022
Itsy bitsy spider
crawling in deceit
along came the truth
and stomped it with its feet

Down came the shoe
and squashed it’s organs out
splat like a web of lies
it’s bits all about
If you appreciated this poem
watch the video:
Apr 2022 · 990
My Dear Poet Apr 2022
I never knew
something could be so broken
without falling apart
My Dear Poet Apr 2022
If you help me with this letter
I may not need to send it
Apr 2022 · 1.2k
Light your own path
My Dear Poet Apr 2022
I’m tired of collecting the tears
that the sun never dries
I’m resolved to chasing the wind
let the breeze blow my eyes
I’ve decided to fan my fears
and live while I’m alive
breathe as much fire
and burn till I die
Apr 2022 · 733
Taking a Chance
My Dear Poet Apr 2022
There’s a hundred and one ways
to impress

and a one in a hundred chance
to pass her test

but I counted on my only chance
and gave it my best

and what do you know
she said, yes.
Apr 2022 · 1.5k
Happy Birthday
My Dear Poet Apr 2022
Today is my birthday
reluctant to turn the calendar
I lingered here a little longer
the same age I was yesterday
I remained today
Til the wind blew the page
and turned to that age
that I am to be
So, unashamed and bold
I accepted my fate
and fighting my fears
I got old, a day late
Apr 2022 · 837
Can you hear me?
My Dear Poet Apr 2022
I am the quietest whisper
crying out from
the loudest chamber of my heart
Apr 2022 · 1.4k
My Vow
My Dear Poet Apr 2022
I can never promise
             to never hurt you

but I can vow

             to never leave you

and live my life in such a way
              that you will hurt

to not stay
Apr 2022 · 2.1k
Highly Strung
My Dear Poet Apr 2022
The things held up
and dangle down
are the things that often
hang around
don’t tie high your hopes
in bids and byes
let loose the noose
and find your ground
Apr 2022 · 2.0k
Suck it up
My Dear Poet Apr 2022
I poured out my bitterness
one night over dinner
and it dripped all over my dessert
The conversation went
from sweet to sour
but I lapped it up with a burp
It turned lame and it became
all about me
and out fell a foul smell
for all to see
But happily they all sipped
with a straw dipped
in my ***** like a slurpee
I hate it when people talk trash about an other. You know there’s always someone saying the same things about you.
Apr 2022 · 1.1k
Slice of Life
My Dear Poet Apr 2022
the same knife
can **** you
or feed you
Apr 2022 · 891
Oopsie Daisy
My Dear Poet Apr 2022
Oopsie daisy
I get a little clumsy
when it comes to love
it gets a little crazy
I slip and trip
I flip and stall
I blunder the kiss
and stutter and all
but if all you ever
utter is this
“I love YOU”
just hold me please

…before I fall
Mar 2022 · 381
Love Letters
My Dear Poet Mar 2022
It was only meant to be one letter
and now compiled into a book
a volume of times I’d say I love you
and the pages of poems it took
It was only meant to be one reader
now the world can’t get enough
a New York Times best seller
the unabridged letters of our love
Mar 2022 · 451
Living with myself
My Dear Poet Mar 2022
i live with myself
in the same house under
the same roof. I changed the
locks  on the doors
then  shut  me  out
and kept me closed
                           in by throwing out            the keys
Mar 2022 · 852
A poem I never wrote
My Dear Poet Mar 2022
strict straight
black hair
ocean blue eyes
white fair skin


sunlit red
wavy long hair
forest green eyes
softly freckled skin


midnight black
tight curled hair
beige brown eyes
dark bronze skin


sandy blonde
wispy hair
soft hazel eyes
light tanned skin


brown hair
deep black eyes
olive gold skin

You are beautiful
Mar 2022 · 1.4k
The mirror in my mind
My Dear Poet Mar 2022
my mirror
has been screaming at me
for a while
I chose to walk away today
but it began to follow
became a black shadow
creeping into my cranium
to stay

broken reflection
in my head
that closing eyes
couldn’t save
shaking the grains
in my brain
didn’t help
like shattered glass
it slithered and sliced
my skin and scalp

cutting the chords
of light from my eye
bleeding fingers from braille
left me blind
without vision
there’s no escaping
the mirror
of reason
in my mind
Mar 2022 · 769
Do you understand me?
My Dear Poet Mar 2022
Trying to get my  .                                across
Mar 2022 · 1.8k
Dealing with yuck
My Dear Poet Mar 2022
Do you scrape it
or roll it
pick it
or mold it
when picking at guck?

Do you fold it
or scrunch it
Tear it
or bunch it
when wiping that muck?

Do you flip it
or flop it
hold it or drop it
when dealing with yuck?
Mar 2022 · 996
A free meal
My Dear Poet Mar 2022
Shaking the grains
of salt like rain
over my fries
I bite into a burger
of my free order
and find a sizzling fly
You may laugh
but it’s a little rough
when dandruff
is white icing
on a blueberry pie
A free meal
is a risky deal
and I tell you no lie
once I found there
a metre hair
I choke and nearly die
I pull up to the counter
complain to the waiter
who couldn’t give a jack
just a dingy diner
at the mall
with free meals
and worse of all
you can’t ask
for money back
free things come at a cost
Mar 2022 · 806
Keep the running
My Dear Poet Mar 2022
/Seven start the running
at the shot of a gun
one faulted behind
six continue to run
six kept the running
till another starts to stall
tripping over shoelace
two clambered to a fall
four kept the running
four running strong
come the first hurdle
three running on
three kept the running
till a cramp came along
two kept the running
two going strong
just one look behind
cost one the finish line
one kept the running
past the cheer and cries
one kept the running
only one won the prize
Mar 2022 · 2.2k
Make up and costumes
My Dear Poet Mar 2022
Just like a shirt cannot
hide the hurt
or a headache
beneath a hat

nor a heartache in a suit
or cold feet in a boot
or glove for a trembling hand
neither a thought I think
could be bound
by a headband

You may appear
cool, calm and collected
but make-up and costume
cannot hide the bleeding
of a wound thats infected
Mar 2022 · 1.1k
Our shelter was the blue sky
My Dear Poet Mar 2022
Our shelter was the blue sky
till we grew a tree
It’s bough became our place away
a home for you and me
So good, we grew an orchard
we dug and planted seeds
In turmoil, tears watered roots
as we cut and grew more trees
Till our fields could not be numbered
in grief we glory in golden leaves
whilst greed sprouted envy
like **** we were deceived
Each planting left us wanting
a forest, thick, large and high
forgetting the place we first belonged
beneath black branches that hid the sky
Mar 2022 · 1.2k
Reclining Nudes
My Dear Poet Mar 2022
Draw me
trace my mind
with tease

Colour me
stay within the lines

Tone in
shades of blind
with ease
Mar 2022 · 1.3k
His and Her conversation
My Dear Poet Mar 2022
She turns to him and says,
“Did you ask me to marry you because you felt sorry for me?”

He replies,
“I asked you to marry me because I’d be sorry if I didn’t “

Looking through her tears, into her eyes, he pauses

“Do you regret marrying me?”, he asks.

…I’d have regretted not to have married you”, she whispers.

they stare

they smile

and then kiss in a million ways
Mar 2022 · 380
Life won’t wait
My Dear Poet Mar 2022
Life won’t wait for you
to wake up from your pain
Don’t wait till your happy
to learn to live again
Run further than your fears
Through that open door fast
Jump the hurdles in your mind
reminding you of the past
Don’t look back behind you
Keep your head held up high
Know when you can’t keep up
Hope, won’t leave you there to die
Mar 2022 · 353
My Dear Poet Mar 2022
I lost two lefts
and was left
with two rights
A right
on the wrong foot
hid from sight
It fit neat
in my boot
and sweet on
on my feet
but what may be left
may not be right
and yet still
meets the need
Mar 2022 · 1.4k
My Dear Poet Mar 2022
my heart    is split
into two   parts
  the part that   is now left
        and the part   that was right
Mar 2022 · 551
Never Ever
My Dear Poet Mar 2022
I’d trade my heart
for your mind
My touch for your eyes
My soul for your love

Yet never, my mind for your heart
My eyes for your touch
Or my love for your soul

For how then shall I
Ever know you
Ever see you
Ever love you
Feb 2022 · 432
You and me and ever
My Dear Poet Feb 2022
Will our love be strong
and stronger still
and never know till we love
and love till we do
will our hate destroy
and destroy the will
no doubt it may
and may indeed ****
so love me now
and hold me forever
and never leave me
You and me and ever.
Feb 2022 · 2.1k
You can do this
My Dear Poet Feb 2022
you deserve some rest
You’ll be stronger
You’ll stand proud
You’ll even smile
And laughter…it will come

So sleep, be at peace
Have some rest
It’s been a long day
A tough day
But you were brilliant
You were beautiful
you can do this
And you will do this
Feb 2022 · 690
Dream a Valentine
My Dear Poet Feb 2022
I fell asleep
on Valentine’s Day
I’m sorry
I didn’t write you
I was choosing a card
in my dreams,
I slept right through
Dreaming of a pen
to write
I woke the day after
too late to be my valentine
I sign
‘Your sleepy admirer’.
Feb 2022 · 695
Oh Dear
My Dear Poet Feb 2022
Oh my
I’m going to die

Oh no
I don’t want to go

Oh dear
It’s goodbye from here
Though death is as certain as life
It always comes as a surprise
Feb 2022 · 1.7k
Sunlight Moonlight
My Dear Poet Feb 2022
Sunlight, moonlight
Come with their own greeting
Sun says, “good morning”
Moon replies, “good evening”.

Clockwork shift change
Little conversation on the horizon
Clocking in, clocking out
Leaving and arriving
Feb 2022 · 1.3k
Hanging by a thread
My Dear Poet Feb 2022
I lost my button
off a thread
on the day when I wed
left with a half open tux
Though it hung for awhile
it fell, rolling down the isle
and down dropped my trunks
The people ‘woo’
and applaud
My future wife
was appalled
“Do you realise it’s all about you?”
I pulled up my pants
bowing at the chance
I smile, replying “I do”
Feb 2022 · 463
My Dear Poet Feb 2022
There are jailbirds who dig holes
to secure an escape

There are gardeners who shape holes
to plant a treescape

There are pirates that make holes
to bury a chest

There are gravediggers who fill holes
to lay souls to rest

There are thieves that drive holes
into banks kept shut

just like lovers (like you)
that leave a hole in my heart
Feb 2022 · 2.0k
The Box
My Dear Poet Feb 2022
”Don’t look!”, mother said
“It’s not for your eyes to see”
So it sat there, that little red box
in-between curiosity and me
“Be a good boy and put it down
promise to never open the lid,
You never un-see, or undo
a memory, you wish you never did”

I traced the edge, gave it a shake
and placed upon it my ear
listening what may mysteriously make
that ruffle from what I could hear
So I sat a lot, wondering what
could possibly be inside
It’s only a peak, I’m much too weak
my conscience I cannot hide

It can’t hurt, no one will know
after all, it’s just a little look
I’ll open and close, see how it goes
no harm, just like a book
tempting as is, a ‘sorry’ can’t fix
I wish to have kept my word
when mother was gone
and I, with the box alone
peeped in and out flew a bird
Feb 2022 · 1.8k
Let’s Kiss
My Dear Poet Feb 2022
Let’s plant this kiss
and bring forth fruit
our lips entwining
with tongue-like root
Let’s water this kiss
with tears we cry
over trees of life
lest they wither dry
Let’s bury this kiss
beneath our eyes
our last taste of sun
before light dies
Feb 2022 · 634
Bleeding you
My Dear Poet Feb 2022
I want

closer to me
than my own skin

I want you
all the way
and all the way in

past bone and muscle
vein and tissue

all the way through

till I’m bleeding

and bleeding
Feb 2022 · 825
Michele Di Carlo
My Dear Poet Feb 2022
Michele Di Carlo became a freak show
the day he climbed up a tree
To his dismay, that rainy day, he fell
and broke his bone in three

Some say, it could have been worse
a deformity for the hard ******
but humbled now, with a wrist to hide
now that his fingers were all twisted

Yet, no shame is in the mangled
Michele dangled no pity in his pain
He learned to show it off in pride
though be crippled or he be lame

When shaking hands with most men
he smiles, offering a disfigured hand
His strength was in his frailty
a bashfully better and stronger man

For on the day of his funeral
photos reveal before he died
an array display of his freakish limb
his best pose by his side

Even then, Mr Carlo in his coffin
requested only one thing when laid to rest
that when they placed him in the ground
they’d lay his hand upon his chest
Inspired by a funeral I attended
Feb 2022 · 354
Keeping it in
My Dear Poet Feb 2022
If you try
to close your eye
and keep your thoughts
in to think
Take care
not to sleep
in too deep
at a flicker of a slightest


I’ve fallen asleep
many times
lying down

ink and paper in hand

To find my thoughts
splattered around
so I’ve learned to write
while I stand

to not lie
and write
the right
way up

You may find
thoughts like mine

and never stop

by the time
you have this read
you’ll think it’s in my head

so no…it’s

dripping down

You will find
It’s not in
my mind
in my toes

flowing on the ground.
sorry…poetry can make you go a little crazy :)
Feb 2022 · 2.0k
Have a munch on a thing
My Dear Poet Feb 2022
have a munch
on a thing
let it drip
to your chin
falling crumbs
on your chest
that rise with
your breast
blowing up
in your head
from your tongue
at the taste
have a thing
of a drink
leave the plate
at the sink
with everything
you think
with any thing
you munch
like lollies
for dessert
and snacks
for your lunch
you talk
when you chew
makes you crazy
when you crunch
that nibble
that you do
the little lick
at our love
Feb 2022 · 468
A poem hides a secret
My Dear Poet Feb 2022
      hides a
     secret within a
    letter or placing of
     a word look carefully
           and intent-fully
                   a secret you may have
                heard examine it ever closely
                       what’s preferred
                  or inferred if you
         open read it slowly
     it may fly out
like a
Feb 2022 · 778
The lizard and the tattoo
My Dear Poet Feb 2022
A lizard and a tatt!
imagine that…
his lover left before she came
gone on a whim
leaving him
with a tattoo of her name

now full of regret
but soon will forget
when his words finally come true
his promise of change
never too late to arrange
a shed of skin and off with the tattoo
Feb 2022 · 1.5k
Hard to accept
My Dear Poet Feb 2022
Your apology was drowned out
by the noise in my mind

I’d have read your lips
but tears had me blind

I tried to feel your words
but I was numb at every line
Jan 2022 · 802
White Waters
My Dear Poet Jan 2022
“lay low”,
said the lilo
and stay slow
till the wind blow
go down
don’t drown

go on
slip along
stay afloat
in this boat
be brave
stay strong

drift and glide
hover and rest
ain’t it lovely
ride and slide
feeling alive
without a guide
or safety vest
Life is such and so
Jan 2022 · 894
The fear of failing
My Dear Poet Jan 2022
When you first fail,
you learn to fear

When you fear,
you continue to fail

When you fear to fail,
you learn nothing

When you fail to fear,
you’ve learned everything.
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