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4d · 183
Love at first
I do not remember
how it is that we forget
when and why we got here
and how we ever met

I do not remember
what we both can’t recall
words that we would say
or didn’t say at all

I do not remember
what you also do not
what we said we never will
and what we both forgot
7d · 151
He asked her if she would like him
to get her a cup of coffee.

That would be amazing”, she replied.

No”, he said. “Amazing would be, me giving you the world”.

corny”, she said.

Nonetheless, he wished he could.
Jul 13 · 74
A long ago
My Dear Poet Jul 13
I decided a long time ago
as long as a piece of string
I would be the one to cut it short
if you were to cut it thin
yes, It was a long time ago
along a long and lonely path
I longed to stretch it out
what you would cut in half
I decided a long time ago
as long as you were here
long is such a long ago
I, short of memory,
long to remember
Jul 6 · 296
My Dear Poet Jul 6
We slipped into the other
steadying ourselves
we balanced our hearts
till we fell into love
Jul 5 · 228
Stop doing that!
My Dear Poet Jul 5
Why do you always do that?”, she asked

What?”, I replied

That thing you always do! Even when I say don’t!

Am I doing it now?”, I asked

No…but when you do…don’t!

So, when I do it, you want me not to?

Yes!“, she exclaimed

So for me to stop doing it…I’d need to do it…right?”, I asked.
Jun 30 · 118
My Dear Poet Jun 30
Do you think we’ll ever be ok?”, she asked

Depends what you mean by ok”, I replied

She then, gave me a look that spoke a thousand words and said, “okay”.
My Dear Poet Jun 30
I don’t think I can take it anymore”,
she cried.

Where would you take it anyway, if you still could”, I asked

What do you mean…I don’t get it?”she said

Never mind”, I replied

You cant take anything anywhere if at first you didn’t get it”.
Jun 30 · 72
Nothing Left
My Dear Poet Jun 30
I’ve just had enough!

Enough of what?” I asked

How can you not see it?” she cried

See what?”, I said

Simply, how I’ve just had enough

Oh…no, I see”, I confessed.

Indeed, you’ve taken more than your share”.
Jun 29 · 256
You still have it in you
My Dear Poet Jun 29
I feel so sad”, she sad.

Someone’s muzzled happiness and locked her in a basement”, I replied.
You just need to find her”.

What if I found her dead?”, she asked.

Then realise this one thing…
…it took you to be alive,
to distinguish that which is dead
Jun 24 · 52
Here I am again
My Dear Poet Jun 24
I went up
then came down

                           here I am

I went in
and back around

                           here I am

I took off
to be found


whether I go
I’m bound
Jun 22 · 189
It wasn’t what I meant
My Dear Poet Jun 22
You’re that feeling that burns
every time you’re filled, not spent
we go back to learn
It wasn’t what I meant

The strong promises and lines
that couldn’t be broken, you bent
among all the go around rhymes
It wasn’t what I meant

The absent truths and stains
of every little word stolen, you lent
only to borrow pain and play
It wasn’t what I meant

and when you finally understood
phrases couldn’t be ripped, but rent
now there’s that silent separation
It wasn’t what I meant.
Jun 19 · 136
My old shoe
My Dear Poet Jun 19
my old shoe carries me
through walks of life
the dirt, dust and poo
through to the end
and if my shoe can do
then how much the more
you too, can too
my friend
Jun 19 · 208
Worm Logic
My Dear Poet Jun 19
If the early bird gets the worm
then a late worm will live
but if there be an early bird
then there must be a late bird
and if so, the late worm will also die
the moral of the story is…
…don’t be a worm
Jun 12 · 436
Love In
My Dear Poet Jun 12
Oh love how you I
and it wouldn’t matter
which way
and why
because do I
and yes oh love sweet my
Jun 9 · 224
Take Note
My Dear Poet Jun 9
If I could hold
what hands won’t

If I can have
what hands don’t

If I can smile
and take note

I can handle anything.
Jun 7 · 210
I only
My Dear Poet Jun 7
I only weep
when my tears say so

I only bleed
when my heart says “flow”

I only think
when my mind says “know”

I only die
when my life says “go”.
The irony of free will
My Dear Poet Jun 3
she didn’t say she didn’t love you
she just needed time
to learn to love herself
Jun 1 · 466
Never say. Never.
My Dear Poet Jun 1
Never kiss or touch me
keep them few

Never want to hold me
till it’s true

Never give me anything
unless it’s you

Never say I love you
till you do
May 29 · 295
a little piece please
My Dear Poet May 29
a little piece please
just a little piece

for the hole in my soul
to fill the whole of my soul

just a little piece of peace
for me
May 27 · 525
My Dear Poet May 27
follow me not
follow me less
and follow me little
oh shadow, oh glue

afraid of sun
or dark
in shades of grey
or spark
you breathe between the two

free to go
free to flow
till swallowed
when day is done with you
May 24 · 62
Great minds gone numb
My Dear Poet May 24
Strong men who sleep while men die
are like big beautiful mansions, settled on the quiet hills of a graveyard, vacant, while dead bodies lay outside.
May 24 · 93
My Dear Poet May 24
all sleep
some fall into it
few enter in
May 24 · 70
I write
My Dear Poet May 24
I write
not because I want to be heard
I write because I exist
I don’t know what else to say
May 23 · 212
The sky and the tree
My Dear Poet May 23
If only you
would reach for me

you the sky
I the tree

we are all reaching
for something

touching you
touching me.
May 20 · 358
lyrics & words
My Dear Poet May 20
my words come with no music
so you can just read them
the way you hear them

just like the way they’re spoken
unbroken, by the melody of the moon

my words have many fingers
so you can hold them
as you seldom do

and truth lingers unspoken
till you hear me, feel me
a wordless tune
May 17 · 348
Speak up
My Dear Poet May 17
The violence of the silent
Is the silence of the violent
My Dear Poet May 11
your empty words are not heavy
…they’re  hollow
it’s the hidden meanings that trip me
though your sharp words fail me
they may slice but can’t cut me
and if I were to fall
I’ll slip down your tongue
…hang off your lip
if you were to speak at all
May 10 · 551
Marching Along
My Dear Poet May 10
Leave what’s LEFT behind
Till you’re found RIGHT there

WHEN I WAS BORN MY DADDY LEFT! left, right, left.
LATER ON MY MOMMA LEFT! left, right, left.

I was LEFT RIGHT behind
left, right, left
May 3 · 324
The Quaver of my Heart
My Dear Poet May 3
Love gives you words that
cannot be expressed
only through sounds of
the human heart
and I have no words
than this, so lay
your head upon my chest
half a heart can only grant you
the eighth note
May 1 · 481
My Visitation
My Dear Poet May 1
In your dreams
I draped down the curtains of my mind
and in your thoughts I hung high
the light of the morning sun
before you breathe
your last sleep of night
remember my shadow
by the window of your heart
hold me close
before our lives whisper passed
Apr 30 · 2.2k
…by any other name
My Dear Poet Apr 30
She said,
“My name is a flower, you see”

I said “Lily…it must be?”
She said, “no, no, no!…

...a Lily…is soooo,
not as beautiful
as me”

She replies
bashfully and wise
I’m just as much beauty to the eyes
as I am to the nose.”

“Oh!…you must be Rose”
She laughed
and cried more ‘no’s’

“It sounds a little crazy
I know and maybe…
but you must be a Daisy??”

she giggled all the more
“who knows?”
and winked
“.. if only baby”

I put my thinking aside
I tell no lie,
while I, still in my head

she sighed

”My names not ‘white’ or ‘plain’
‘Self raising’ “
, she said
”…is my name”.
Apr 20 · 76
Just Enough Hold
My Dear Poet Apr 20
I have a heart with a hole
like a strainer in my soul
so I hold to larger hope

I have desires so deep
and the climb is so steep
I hold to a longer rope

I have darkness deep down
fog of fear hides the ground
I hold stronger along the *****

To have and to hold
one thing I am told
you have just enough hold
to cope
Apr 19 · 392
My Dear Poet Apr 19
I can only carry these thoughts
as far as the wind will blow
Even when I lay me down
they’ll dictate where I go
Beside a tree I find my rest
only to rise when they’d say so
Beneath its branch I sow a thought
like leaves I watch it grow

By a river I make my bed
where my thinking freely flows
like rushing water, runs my head
my thoughts ebb and flow
Near the fire I watch the flames
I light my thoughts aglow
they’ll burn tomorrow new desires
I have no strength to say ‘no’
Apr 13 · 203
One is too much
My Dear Poet Apr 13
If you’re going to tear me down
tear me gently no more than four
I can not bare to think
I could be torn down anymore

If you’re going to break me
break me in three my love
I can not bare to give
the whole of a half
if all of me wasn’t enough

If you’re going to pull me apart
pull me apart in equal two
though you double my pain  
I’d want you to know
each part will equally love you

If you’re going to **** me
**** me gently with your one touch
You may as well
finish me off for good
hurting me once is all too much
Mar 31 · 89
I see you
My Dear Poet Mar 31
don’t cry a storm
to be heard

Just whisper a rainbow
to be seen
#cry #tears #storm #rainbow
Mar 26 · 283
Willing and worthy
My Dear Poet Mar 26
I will never say
It is unfair that I am the one
always sacrificing for you
whether you love me
or not, I do not
love you to receive
to change you or I leave
I love being the one
who loves you, regardless
I truly do

and if I be not willing
to lay my life down in truth
or be compelled by love
and sacrifice as I do
then please, please
walk away and tell me,
I’m not worthy of the way,
you would have
loved me too
My Dear Poet Mar 20
they call it gloom;
that room across
the corridor
and doom

that feeling
of despair
the damp air of
musty fumes
and rusty hues
of care, where
feelings there
dare to never
ever bloom
Mar 14 · 637
I’m ok
My Dear Poet Mar 14
I am


like I was


as for

…who knows
the sorrow

but hey
Mar 13 · 671
Dandy of a day
My Dear Poet Mar 13
“It’s a dandy of a day”
I heard her say
as I hooked my charm
into her arm
She sighed,
with eyes half closed
a ’Gone With The Wind’ pose
and ‘mmm’ for a hum
we locked our kiss
and kissed like this
till our mouths were blistering numb
we made kissing an art
till ’pop’ went my heart
for the day had only begun
******* on a pillow
and fibres to swallow
when I awoke with the alarm
It’s been a while since a poem flowed so freely and simply for me. Enjoy
My Dear Poet Mar 1
a sower of seeds
brought me to my knees
by a swift smell of a flower
he promised to sell
the seeds of it’s smell
if I’d water it every hour
I said i‘ll give it the sun
if he gave me just one
more smell of its aroma
he asked why not have all?
and need not ask anymore
when you hold and harness it’s power
I said, if that be the case for my soul
give me not in part but the whole
and I’ll grant it an eternal shower
and so he planted as he went
the seed of its scent
into the soil of my heart
Feb 26 · 972
Let loose
My Dear Poet Feb 26
a tear dropped
from the face of despair
and wove it’s way down
it’s entangled hair
weaving through waves
of dry dead strands
it untangled the knots
the braids and the bands
sliding ever so slowly
soothing out like oil
every curve and curl
of every anxious coil
straightening the stress
as it falls to the ground
shaking your head off the mess
let your hair hang down
Feb 23 · 299
When you give your word
My Dear Poet Feb 23
When I said
I was here for you
I didn’t realise
you wouldn’t
be here too
Feb 20 · 593
The Zen of Warfare
My Dear Poet Feb 20
While you advance in front of me
I’m already a step ahead
studying your moves from behind

While you may rule over me
I’m only holding you up
for your fall

While you ignore me
you’ll forget to listen
and fail to hear when I come
Feb 19 · 771
Black Bedtime Dreams
My Dear Poet Feb 19
I weave words into woods
and forests of dreams
feeding your fear with stories
of giants and beans
stalks and straws
cracked golden eggs
scrawny fingers
a glass eye and
wood for a leg
to aid your sleep
come werewolves and bears
ghosts and ghouls
for a nicer nightmare
so come now hither
come to the deep
and dream
a dream my dear
if you dare to sleep
Share a dream?
Feb 17 · 642
Men & Women
My Dear Poet Feb 17
who don’t guard
their heart against bad men
most often or not lose their mind

who don’t guard
their minds from beautiful women
almost always lose their heart
My Dear Poet Feb 17
This spoon is bigger than my plate
these green peas are bigger than your mouth
like the big words that are bigger than this conversation
It’s making this evening hard to swallow
your big eyes are bigger than my lies
and this lie is bigger than the both of us
you tell me to be the bigger man
now here I am
Feb 17 · 272
Famous in my own head
My Dear Poet Feb 17
I’m not going to be famous
selling strawberries
writing poems
or preaching till we perish
especially, not through
this poem
your poem
or any we may cherish
considering the pressure I am under
and the number
of one more follower
to follow me
while I’m following your poetry
I may write and write I do
because like you I like them too
and though they may be the best
I know I can be my worst critic
whether I loathe or I like it
I wont lay my pen to rest
with my words and ways
till then, I’ll have my own novels read
and applaud my own plays
and be famous
in my own head
Feb 11 · 449
My Dear Poet Feb 11
I’m building a bridge
from my heart to yours
crossing over troubled water
my shore to your shores
one end to another
we’re stringing the sun
with the moon to the other
till the whole worlds been strung
so if our hearts ever dangle
and if you ever hope to jump
come hang on with your life
and I’ll hold you up
Feb 7 · 820
Set Sail
My Dear Poet Feb 7
Set sail
upon the sea of faith
where hope is heaven without sun
and in the glory of light we bathe

Set sail
amongst white wings and clouds
where peace is beyond
blue oceans of time and waves

Set sail
and follow the way of wind and breeze
where voices call you to be strong
and beckon you to be brave
Feb 5 · 942
My Dear Poet Feb 5
I dug a trench
to keep you close
growing the hedges
with rope and hose
I filled a moat
to keep you in
a buoy, no boat
if you tried to swim
I planted flowers
bushes, no tree
lest you could climb
and found you free
I paved a road
there you cut a path
far from the garden
away from my arms
now I’m building a bridge
across a sad sea
if you ever decide
to come back to me.
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