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Sep 2022 · 678
I lost myself in thoughts of things to be
That I find my tears drowning me.
I have seen enough there is to see,
Yet, I do not know of any truth to set me free

I have prayed and prayed,
That I find no word left unsaid.
I have paid and paid,
And do not know of any price left unpaid.

I do not know what demon has cover my lantern's light.
Even the stars are scared of this cloudy night.
I am lost between what is left and what is right
That I do not know what is right or left to sacrifice.

I have faith all things shall pass away,
But I fear this as well might sway.
I shall pray just this last day.
And hope I am heard before my hair turns grey.

–Abdulmalik Jibril
Sep 2022 · 1.3k
You said you saw me dancing in the rain.
You said I looked happy and sane.
If only you were truly true,
You would have noticed my pain.
If only you really knew
And not just claim,
You would have seen that my tears were the rain.

Dear friend,
If only you were truly true,
Maybe I would still be alive today.
Maybe. Just maybe.

—Abdulmalik Jibril
Jul 2021 · 719
Dear Mother Earth,

Please forgive me, for I am of those who have wronged.
I do not know where I am, but I do know for sure that I am lost.

My eyes and feet are swollen, and my voice is fade.
For I have prayed and prayed, that I cannot find a word left unsaid.
And I have paid and paid, that I do not know what price is left unpaid.

I am working, but nothing else is.
Everything else is walking, but I am still.
I have cried and cried, that my tears are drowning me.
I am but a child, please forgive me.

It is dark here, please tell my star to shine its light,
For I do not know if to turn back, left or right.
I am confused and lost, tell me what more I am to sacrifice.

There are too many doors, give me just one blessed key.
For I feel trapped, and do not know of any truth that can set me free.

I still believe all things shall pass away, but I fear my faith might sway.
Please show me just a way, for my hair is turning grey.

Your confused child.
Jun 2021 · 331
Some things are just not meant to be,
No matter how hard we try.
We cannot alter "The Decree",
No matter how much we cry.

What will fall will fall,
No matter how high the rise.
What will crawl will crawl,
Even if it has mastered the sky.

Sometimes, for some things to live,
Others have to leave.
For some things to come,
Others have to go.
And sometimes to free and be free,
We have to let go and let be.

Everything happens for a reason.
For which more important questions are, than "why?".
If we fight and fight,
And we try and try.
Yet, what we want passes us by,
Then we should come to realize,

Not all we want will be
But all that be is all we need.
Jun 2020 · 447
I said it wasn't my country,
so I watched her milks turn acids
her blood diluting her rivers of honey
and her tears washing off her own fertility.

I had no fear—
     for it wasn't near.

I said it wasn't my tribe,
so I saw,
but pretended not to have even looked
I listened,
but pretended not to have even heard
Yet it was written on my every line;
they aren't of my kind.

I didn't care—
     for it wasn't my tears.

I said it wasn't my religion,
so I turned my back
reciting from my scriptures
I have eyes, but had no vision.

I had no fear—
     for of God, who dares?

It came for my country, but I wasn't near
It went for my tribe, but I wasn't there
It came for my religion, but I wasn't aware.
Now it has come for me,
but there's no one here.

By Abdulmalik Jibril
Jun 2020 · 818
Today, I am again closer
to everything mine —destined.
Better than I was,
Good for how I want,
And best for what is to come.
That, I know, without doubt.

As much as I have gone farther,
I know I am yet to be
where I want to be.
Just as I know, without doubt,
What will be will be.
I am at peace and ease
Knowing Who holds the wheel.

Whatever comes after
Was never meant to come before.
And whatever comes before
Was never meant to come after.
However, whenever.

Today, I am wiser and stronger
than I was yesterday.
But I am not getting any younger
Just so you know,
Today, I am a year older.

©By Abdulmalik Jibril
Jun 2020 · 481
There are voices
in my head.
They tell me
what to say and do
and what not to,
when to say and do
and when not to,
how to say and do
and how not to,
And why.

These voices
are those of my best friend.
They will never leave
as long as I live.
Is there a friendship
greater than this?

©Abdulmalik Jibril
Jun 2020 · 284
When you see me smiling —all by myself
Or dancing —holding hands with the wind,
Do not think me crazy.
For this music, only my kind understands:
The echoes of the songs of the beloved;
The reflection of the beloved's beauty.
From where no one hears nor sees
But the lover.

By Abdulmalik Jibril
May 2020 · 278
What you've refused to let go,
is what holds you in captivity.
Be like the wind: be free.
You are the peace that you seek.

By Abdulmalik Jibril
Apr 2020 · 300
It is not in your beauty that I found love;
It is in your love that I see beauty.

And if you care as much,
I would care more.

If you care more,
I would care most.

For this path of ours is not blind,
But truth from love's perspective.

If hate ponders this path of ours,
It shall find nothing of its kind,

But evolve,
Just as we have, in love

Beyond all barriers –the isms:
Racism; tribalism; religionism,

To become one –WE:
You, me and love.

©Abdulmalik Jibril
Jan 2020 · 256
When the morning comes,
admirers follow, and leave with it.
But lovers meet at night
and never leave.
Jan 2020 · 186
O Sacred friend,
I called ninety-nine times and one.
And in every call, I love the more
For in the calling,
I die of my old self to live anew.

©By Abdulmalik Jibril
Jan 2020 · 194
It is not in your beauty that I found love;
It is in your love that I see beauty.
Jan 2020 · 225
Why have you made the nights your cloaks when the ground is better a comfort?
Weeping for what has left you for what is to stay to come.
Do you not see that dusk comes before dawn?
Why then do you trouble your heart?

You've flooded the Holy grounds with your tears and awoken the nights with your cries and fears, Seeking God.
Yet the ground on which you stand have refused to crumble but you do not care.
You've used too much words. Have you not seen now that it is not quantity, but quality that heavens first hear?

Is he who has made his desire his god same as he who has made God his desire?
Strip yourself off wants and put on contentment attire
Walk with faith and marvel at what you will acquire

I know you have stained yourself again. But come, this river does not run out of flow.
Wash yourself. It is not of ours to judge. Wash yourself till you become one with the river.
Drink from it and be pure of soul.
Drink till you get drunk in His Mercy

Jan 2020 · 152
If we could look through
What claims to be light,
We will see the darkness that rests behind.

If we could look beyond
what is said to be darkness,
We will see the light.
Trapped, just like you and me
— scared of the dark.

Just maybe

Jan 2020 · 170
If we could look through
What claims to be light,
We will see the darkness that rests behind.

If we could look beyond
what is said to be darkness,
We will see the light.
Trapped, just like you and me
— scared of the dark.

Just maybe

Jan 2020 · 323
My Malika (My Queen)
This is Malika:
A queen, whose jingling beads charm kings to stoop,
And beauty intoxicates men to stupor.
That even men of muse ponder upon her mute
And how her smile drives the clouds and her voice calms the winds.

The star that does not leave my sky,
even in the darkest of nights.
With brilliancy like that of the rising sun;
Whose ray of love has blurred my vision:
All I see is beauty upon beauty and light upon light.

The peacock of birds who walks in beauty and humility
That no eyes can see, but mine.
A cure for the soul that brings the heart to its senses.

This is my Malika and I am her Malik.

©By Abdulmalik Jibril
Malika is an Arabic word which means Queen, while Malik is the masculine gender which means King.
Jan 2020 · 224
In your words,
I find cure.
By your look,
My soul enlivens.
O You Who dwells in my hearts.
Jan 2020 · 389
Unless we tolerate,
We are not peaceful.

Unless we endure,
We are not patient.

Unless we let go,
We are not yet free.

Unless we trust,
We have no faith.

Unless we are compassionate,
We are not humane.

Unless we care,
We do not truly love.

Unless we love,
We have not actually lived.

Unless we understand,
We do not fully know.

© By Abdulmalik Jibril
Jan 2020 · 167
If only my heart was gold,
Maybe, I'd be so precious to you
That so dearly you'd hold
And never let go.
For our love would have been mystery —unknown

If only my heart was gold,
You'd have left me —heartless
And just as you always say of men,
I'd also sing with bitterness,
"all women are the same".

But my heart is not gold,
So through every broken piece,
I'll always find peace in a whole.

By Abdulmalik Jibril
Dec 2019 · 199
O friend! A friend, truly, are you
To have noticed my iron legs,
And not the rotten part; the host of flies.
How pleasant was the fragrance
Which you thought to be that of buoyance?

O friend! A friend, truly, are you
To have noticed my tears in the rain.
Ah! You did not see at all,
For my tears was the rain.

O friend! A friend, truly, are you
To neglect my presence before came the sun:
When I was trying to kindle my candle,
But comprehend my presence when the sun rose.

O friend! Was it the scars on my shadow you saw
Or the shadows of my scar?
Whichever, both were mine.
Or did you not see at all?
A friend, truly, are you then.

By Abdulmalik Jibril
Dec 2019 · 364
They said every sun that set will surely raise,
And in-between is but time.
What if I rest and never raise,
But you awoke to the sunshine,
Will you bring me the sun where I lie?
Will you hug yourself to comfort me with your smile?

If tomorrow comes, o friend
And you awoke before I do,
Will you wake me up
And give me from your meal?
Will you be my friend still
Or you will unveil what I feel to be real?
If it rains on your farm before mine,
Dear friend, do not forget
That we first watered the soil with our sweat
And through the thick and thin of life,
We dared nature with a smile.

Tell me, o friend. Tell me.
If things never get right and fine,
Will you still be by my side?

By Abdulmalik Jibril
Nov 2019 · 239
How long will it take me to tell you
Stories of the three group of eight prisoners
And how my mind left me for you.
For I'm lost,
Hoping to find myself when you find me.
If only you truly look —with care.
I hope never is not far from here,
For I know forever is nowhere near.

How long will it take you to tell me?
That you hear how my heart beats in pair:
With you and for you.
And the thousand and one words in my silence
Hoping that you truly listen —with care.
Maybe, or maybe not,
Someday I will dare take a step.
I hope forever is somewhere near,
For I know never is far from here.

I can only hope, my dear.
Who am I to dare
And what do you even care?

Nov 2019 · 160
Mayhap, if we endure,
And choose to go
A little further
With peace and pure,
By just a step or even more,
Beyond the darkness
Of the darkest of nights
Or maybe not,
After the darkness,
We would find light,
Scared of darkness.

Maybe or maybe not,
Behind the light
The one behind the light,
Or maybe beyond that,
Rests darkness,
Awaiting the night.

Behind everything or everyone you see, is something or someone you do not see.
"It is not what you look at that matters, but what you see."

Sing me not songs of stars,
Bring your ears to my breast,
You will hear the songs of my heart.
Not just of the moon and sun,
But those of the universe.

Bring me not flowers
Nor butterflies.
Exalt my presence
For you are rose — most pleasant
And you are my butterfly — more elegant.

Take me not to places worth milk and honey,
Take me to your heart
The deepest and calmest part
Let me rest there
Under its gracious sky
With you beside me,
Gazing at the inner beauty of you.
For no treasure is beyond there.

Jun 2019 · 323
If you think of me,
you shall find me.
But when your eyes rain,
know that it brings me pain.
For your tears may curse the land and leave it barren.

As you think of me, so am I.
Think me gone, gone I shall be.
So think not of me gone;
know that I live.
I only left the body.
I left once to live forever.
For I am not the body, but the soul.

There is a thin line between both lanes.
I shall await you where the line ends.

Jibril, Abdulmalik ©2019
May 2019 · 300
I thought of love,
then I lost myself.
For I found it
beyond my knowingness.

Again, in my lost self,
I thought of love
and love found me.
Then it became of me,
as I, of it.
Now, love is me and I am love.

May 2019 · 272
Teach man an alphabet
and he may think
he already knows scriptures
Teach him scriptures
and he may think
he already knows the secret of the universe
Show him the secret of the universe
and he may think himself equal to God
Show him the way how
and he may depart from you
and differ in route.

— Jibril Abdulmalik ©2019
May 2019 · 654
When I begin writing a poem,
the tears, blood and sweat of  the innocent become my ink
and the bones become my pen.

When I begin writing a poem,
the voiceless become my thoughts and I become the words of the voiceless.

When I begin writing a poem,
I only stop when I find no more pen,
for the bones are gone to the soil ben
And when there's no more ink,
for the tears, blood and sweat are dried up when there's no more heat

When I begin writing a poem,
beyond myself do I think,
till every line makes a sense
and the message is clear and felt.

By Jibril Abdulmalik ©2019
May 2019 · 229
I forgot myself in your smile.
Never stop smiling,
that I might find myself.

I forgot hate in loving you
Lock the doors,
that I might not find what I've forgotten.

I forgot my learning
trying to know you,
now I've become learned.

I forgot my ways
trying to know your ways
Show me all your ways,
that i might find my ways.

I forgot my speech in your voice
Do not stop talking,
that I might find what to say.

I forgot my thoughts in thoughts of you
And in that, have I written what I found
trying to find my thoughts.

Apr 2019 · 487
We've walked too far to look back.
If we look back,
we'd think we've walked too far
from where we are coming from
and too close to where we are heading to.
But If we look forward,
we'd realize we've walked far
from where we're coming from,
but far from where we want to be.

Never look back. Always look forward
Apr 2019 · 303
We are not all privileged to find shoulders on which to stand
To have a better view of the remaining journey
Shoulders of giants of great stance.

We are not all blessed with masterpieces from which to extract our plans.

We are not all blessed with pleasant sounds
Sounds to which we can dance.

We are not all smiled upon by nature
Some people don't even get a glance.

We are not all blessed with good family and friends
Some don't even cross paths
We are not all given such chance.

We may all be blessed with knowledge
But not everyone understands.

Apr 2019 · 260
Do not think you can ever be greater than you think;
You can never be.
You can only be as great as you think.

You are only as great as you think.
Think beyond that,
And you shall be greater.

Your thoughts are your limitations.
Think beyond yourself.
Think through the heart of men.
Think beyond thoughts.

You are only as great as you think. Think beyond that, and you shall be greater.
Apr 2019 · 431
To define a woman,
it needs more than just words
For their true nature is beyond thoughts
So, a woman is more than just who or what.

If through a woman was everyone brought
So not to say naught,
Till we forever find a better word
for now,
A woman is synonymous with the word "world"

Apr 2019 · 1.3k
Do not try to look at me
— I am in a mantle —
I cannot be seen.

Do not try to call me
I will not answer
For I do not want to utter a word
— I want to listen in silence —
For I am in the company of the essence.

Do not try to understand
For I, myself, do not understand.

Apr 2019 · 818
There is a secret;
The Secret of secrets
Beyond the imagination of our impure selves
There, lies all my unknown self
For I am a mystery yet untold.

Here, I am
But seen to be there.
There, was I
But not seen nor heard.

I was looked at, but not seen
I did not speak, but I was heard
I was not looked at, but I was seen
I was not heard, but I was listened to

This shadow is not mine but this body's
For I am not this body but this soul

—Jibril Abdulmalik ©2019
Life's most precious gift:
To live, we have to just breathe
But there're thoughts beyond thoughts,
Trapped in a realm, yearning to be freed:
If we hold this breathe seize,
We shall seize to live, but leave
But sometimes, to actually live, we have to leave

There's a thin line between sanity and insanity
Erased by our unsay
There's a thin line between Illusion and reality
Erased by our don'ts

This place of gracious enticement
Where we watch us being killed
A place filled with men of slightest thoughts
Amused by this illusional amusement
A place where nothing is real
Full of dos and don'ts, yet no one is free

Though we all came with says and dos
We've not by ourselves chosen to be free
We've trapped all those for the sake of our creed

Why then not hold this breathe seize to actually live
For stance where our thoughts could not reach
For life in a place we've never seen
A place where we're actually free
Why don't we leave to actually live?

Apr 2019 · 296
Through your eyes,
I see what lies in your heart
Through your silence,
I hear your voice
Through your voice,
I hear your silence
I do not know if all these through  are true
But I know what to believe,
and that is only what is from you.

Apr 2019 · 382
When I stare or listen,
my thoughts do same
And I'm left speechless.
So what do I say
when my thoughts stare or listen?
What do I say
when I cannot think?

You are trapped within my thoughts for aye
I'm in love with you,
not your body
For you are not the body,
but the soul.

Apr 2019 · 667
My dearest
My beloved
Rose of flowers
Peacock of birds
Diamond of gemstones
Sirius of stars
You are all of those and I am the lover.

I am the kite
and you are the string
You are my star
and you are the blink
I am the sky
and you are the ring
I am the flight
and you are the wings
I am the lover
and you are the beloved

Apr 2019 · 536
Do not go far to listen to the praises of my heart
Listen to your heart
— the praises come from there —
I am there.

Do not go far by your actions to call me to yourself
Come closer
I am not far from you
By your voice, I shall hear.

Apr 2019 · 325
Do not try to be beautiful
You are beauty itself
Why try to be what you already are?

Set not your body on fire.
It will surely burn to ash
Ignite your soul.
Light up your path,
That others may follow
For you are not this body,
but that soul.

Embellish your heart and soul
Love not your body with all your soul,
but your soul with all your body
For you are not this body,
but that soul.

Cast not your glance on the beauty of the stars
Seek your soul.
It is your true self.
It is the beauty of the galaxy

Look beyond the pale,
Look not for gold,
but yourself.
You are most valuable to your possessor.
For you are not this body, but that soul.

You are you
You are  the unusual; like a noontide dew
You're birth of this fertile soil
Who else should you be but you?
Be yourself,
let everyone in trying to be you, toil
Don't try to become anyone but you
Be the main character, let everyone be a foil
You're greater than you think
Why have you chosen to join the queue?
Don't be to yourself a turmoil
Of your kind, if there're any, they're but few

You're you
That is truer than true
You are an exceptional aesthetic
There's no one alive who is youer than you
You are an extraordinary piece of the greatest artist
You're one of a kind
There's no one like you.


“Today you are You,
That is truer than true.
There is no one alive who is Youer
than You.”
I cannot find any masterpiece
How then do I plan?
There are no shoulders on which to stand
Shoulders of any giant of great stance
How then do I view the remaining journey?
How do I understand?
Tell me, is there still hope for me?

You might feel like a pirate
whose masterpiece Is lost between waves and tides,
But, look In the mirror
Who you see Is the master's piece.
This Is the greatest conviction.
Those great giants you look up to,
Are now like Goliath,
Lying helpless down your feet,
Let this be the hope you seek.

The path I seek does not seek me in return
The one I love never loved me — I was just taken for fun.
Should I think less of my so called friends or should I say much of them?
They only show up whenever I find a gem
Shouldn't I say less of my very own?
Whom I danced to his great plans — plans for me alone
Great plans for the tomorrow that is never known
Only to find he never had a plan, not even of his own
Tell me, is there still hope for me?

You are at a crossroad,
All path seems right.
But, right In you,
Is a Great compass
Leading away from doom.
Trace your steps one, two,
Deep within the bed of your shattered heart,
Sleeps the hope you seek!

Apr 2019 · 460
Cast not your glance on the beauty of the stars
Look here at this eyes, they are the beauty of the galaxy.

Kiss not these lips and render them speechless,
for they mayn't know to sing the songs of your heart and soul

Whisper not in this ears, but to this heart,
For this ears mayn't bear the weight of your words

Look beyond the pale,
Look not for gold, but this soul
For it sings praises of you

Love not this body nor this heart, it is but dust
Love this soul with all your soul
It is not me nor you, it is us.

Apr 2019 · 360
I cannot find any masterpiece
How then do I plan?
There are no shoulders on which to stand
Shoulders of any giant of great stance
How then do I view the remaining journey?
How do I understand?
Tell me, is there still hope for me?

The one I love does not love me in return
All along, I was waiting for a train at the bus stop
I was played — taken for fun
Can the heart still beat after it has been torn?
When will I stop hearing the 'pii pii pii' or 'puun puun puun' ?
When will I ever hear the train horn?
Tell me, is there still hope for me?

I walked with my greatest companion — my thought
Much was I shown
Even beyond what I seek, in gracious colours
Only to reach the journey end to be betrayed by my own thoughts;
What I seek, never sought me
Tell me, of what difference am I from a soldier who trained forever, only to meet his end in just a day, at the battle front?
Tell me, is there still hope for me?

Should I think less of my so called friends
or should I say much of them?
They only show up whenever I find a gem
They deliver panegyric when things are right
And they come by day to leave at night

Shouldn't I sink in thoughts of my home sweet home?
Shouldn't I say less of my very own?
Whom I danced to his great plans — plans for me alone
Great plans for the tomorrow that is never known
Only to find he never had a plan, not even of his own
Tell me, is there still hope for me?

Who should I run to?
Where do I go from here?
Please teach me how to stop thinking
So I may conquer my fear
For I've sought far and near
I've written to many eyes and sang to many ears
I've cried out my heart, but no one seems to care
Tell me, is there still hope for me?

Which leader would you refer me to?
Is it the one who preaches only what the people want to hear
Or the one who looks at evil and pretend not to see due to fear?
Is it the one who says what the heart cannot bear
Or the one who preaches, but does not want to be dared?
Tell me, is there still hope for me?

I am here
all alone
You may not understand me
that, I know
You are not under this tree
How then will you know the nature of its shade?

I'm left here, all alone, with nothing left. Is there still hope for me?
Apr 2019 · 280
On hills beyond the realm of love did she await her beloved.

Her thoughts were enough a companion
Full of hope of returned affection
Her tears were enough a fuel for the old mother's lamp.

She waited forever and a day
Now she is old as the hills

There, was she sat, under an ornament when lo, and behold from underneath the hill came a tender wind carrying the fragrance of he.

She shook the ornament to adorn the path to her beloved
Her thoughts jumped to the bottom of the hill
With hope and love in her eyes she followed the scent
She sang and danced past nature.

She reached the bottom of the hill to meet her thoughts in tears of surprise
Her forever beloved, had left a dear Jane letter.

She smiled with a frowned heart and laughed with a bleeding heart
She whispered underneath her breath: "This heart can never be broken, for it is not fragile but muscle.
So I am heart-wounded and not heartbroken.
This heart will surely heal, but the scar will remain forever."

For those who were heartbroken.
Apr 2019 · 1.6k
I am like water:
I am tender, yet bold
Your thought is my container
How much of me can it hold?
Do not underestimate me;
enlarge the container
For I am a mystery yet untold.

I am like water:
I take the shape of your container
Your thought is that container
I am to you as you think of me
Look into me; I am a reflection of yourself.

I am like water:
I go to where I flow
And I flow to where I go
And I'll always find a path to follow.

I am like water:
I cannot be understood
For I am beyond your horizon
Shapen the container as you like,
it will never form the true shape of me
My true self is free — it cannot be contained.

How you see or think of me, reflects  how you behaviour or act towards me. Which in turn, I reciprocate.

— The End —