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385 · Jul 2019
blackbiird Jul 2019
i'm drowning but no one seems
to notice so i allow myself to succumb
to the cold, murky waters of the dark abyss
and everything goes quiet.
383 · Jun 2019
stars go dim.
blackbiird Jun 2019

the stars light up when you smile
but now the stars have now burned out because you chose to leave your life without saying goodbye to those who loved you.

You should’ve realized that stare go dim when you’re not around.

Well, they certainly do for me.

373 · Jun 2019
mama knows best
blackbiird Jun 2019
mama always told me be careful
who you tell your secrets to
because one day you just might
wake up and your whole world is chaos.

as usual, mama was right.
blackbiird Jan 2019
My psychiatrist told me to
Paint him a picture
Of a better future.

So I said:

“Give me the ability to discern the truths
In my heart from the lies in my mind.”

Only then can there be progress.
Because mental health is important.
368 · Feb 2019
blackbiird Feb 2019

Does the sun miss the moon
When it’s sleeping?
Does the hand miss the thread?
When it’s no longer spinning?

Is the child no longer?
Dependent on its mother
even after he or she
reaches adulthood?

Is a clock is still a clock
Even when it’s not ticking?

So tell me how could I
Possibly miss the chance
To dance with my first love
for the rest of my days.

For the brokenhearted, may you confide in Him for whom is the healer of all things.
367 · Jun 2019
unconditional love
blackbiird Jun 2019
thank You for teaching me that
Your love for me isn't based on my performance
but You love me because
I am Yours.
blackbiird Dec 2018
Unhinge my deepest insecurities
And grasp me within the safety of your love.
Light a match within the hallowed halls of my heart
And I’ll watch the demons flee.
361 · Feb 2019
the altar
blackbiird Feb 2019

i am so thankful
God took the time
to carve your delicate
hand into mine
so that we may unite
as one at the altar.

360 · Mar 2019
blackbiird Mar 2019

in the wilderness
i found Your love
a love deep enough to
penetrate the walls of my heart.

in the wilderness
You spoke to me with
a tender voice
calling me home.

in the wilderness,
i fell in love You for
the first true time.

in the wilderness,
You stripped me bare
to make me whole.

blackbiird Sep 2019
Poetry feeds my soul
like a needle feeds the thread
upon which you have sewn
your ruby-colored letter A
across my heart,
marking the shame that
I must carry each time
you tell me you love me

and I’m a slave
to you.

there’s no release
no release from the
purgatory that you’ve
placed upon me.

Food for the soul
(I think maybe I am your slave).
348 · Apr 2019
black sparrow
blackbiird Apr 2019
shards of broken glass
surround me as I walk
along this lonely road
listening to the sound of
the black sparrow
singing from the treetop.
347 · Jun 2019
how could You love me?
blackbiird Jun 2019
how could You
love something
so selfish



how could You love a sinner
like me?

But I suppose
That’s what The Cross is for.
346 · Mar 2019
love is beautiful.
blackbiird Mar 2019
i love you.
ti amo
je t'aime.
Wǒ ài nǐ
я тебе люблю
te amo.
Я люблю тебя
jag älskar dig
kocham Cię

no matter what language,
love is beautiful.
338 · May 2018
blackbiird May 2018
They dwell in the shadows—
The darkness is all-consuming, reckless, obliterating
Everything in its path, wreaking havoc on her world
They surround her like a cloud of smoke, making it impossible
to breathe,
They thirst for control, they hunger for power—
They hunger for her beating heart, its rhythmic beat resonating into
Their dark, empty, lifeless souls.
They feed on her very existence: mind, body, and soul.
She struggles to fend off the toxic hands that seem to
Wrap her in their suffocating embrace, crushing the depths of her soul—
******* her into the blazing, torturous inferno of hell
Their sinister voices penetrate into the depths of her mind—
Her thoughts, feelings, and actions intertwine with their
Evil and corrupt unholy caldrons.

These are her demons. They are part of her. They are her world.
They hold her in *******—
She is a prisoner waiting to be freed from her captivity.
This silence is deafening; the world has suddenly gone numb.
She is paralyzed by fear.
And in an instant, darkness engulfs her broken spirit.
332 · Jun 2019
to my ex
blackbiird Jun 2019

thanks for teaching
me that I could live
with you.

331 · May 2019
blackbiird May 2019
Once upon a time

I thought you were everything

I needed but now I realize

You were the thing dragging me down

So I pulled the ripcord

And watched you drift away.
blackbiird Mar 2019
yesterday I wanted to die.
Today I want to praise God.
330 · Jun 2019
blackbiird Jun 2019

i want to be the reflection in
the mirror that turns your frown
upside down.

326 · Oct 2019
blackbiird Oct 2019
Cut the cord
And rip out my
Like you do
Everytime you walk away.

At least my
Cynicism will be
There to greet me.
321 · Oct 2019
fool in love
blackbiird Oct 2019

mama told me to love hard
not be a fool hard in love for the
wrong person.

as usual, I don't listen too well to mama.

do yourself a favor and don't fall in love with the wrong person.
blackbiird Jan 2019
I’m tired of fighting a
Winless battle.
I wish I could reverse
Time and stop me from being born.
But all I have are
These pills that can give me
The permanent sleep I desire.
But then I think of you
And flush them out.
Don't worry, I'm okay.
blackbiird Jun 2019

I can feel your soul touching mine
when I'm sleeping and I know I'll be okay.
you can stop watching me sleep
because I'm okay with the memory of you beside me.

whatever loss you're feeling, it'll be okay in time. You'll always have those precious memories. Hold on to those memories and keep moving forward.
312 · Jan 2019
blackbiird Jan 2019
Sometimes cutting is
Easier than pretending
I’m not hurting.
Sometimes cutting is easier
Than saying I’m  okay
When I’m  really dying
On the inside.

Sometimes cutting will
lead to a decision I
Can’t take back.

save me.
309 · Feb 2019
being human
blackbiird Feb 2019

I am no longer
afraid to be a human being
to feel the sunshine
beat down on my skin
to feel the rain
soak me

to feel the pain
of stubbing my toe
against the railings

to walk barefoot
on the cold concrete
while dressing my wounds

I am afraid of
living a life
without purpose
a life filled only
with the selfish desires
of my flesh.

I am afraid
of my soul dying
knowing You.

308 · Mar 2019
you > without you
blackbiird Mar 2019

my worst day with you is
better than my best day without you.

302 · Jun 2019
the M I D D L E
blackbiird Jun 2019
in the middle is where
I let go and You catch me.
in the middle is where I lose
myself and became whole again
in You.

in the middle is where
You sew together
my broken heart.
In the middle is where
You want me.

so I'm trusting that
in the middle
is where You'll perform
Your greatest miracle.
When I tried running, God always found me. I'm learning that in the middle is where I'm supposed to be. I'm safe in God's hands. In the middle is where he won't ever let me go. He wants to renew my mind and my soul and teach me to rely on him.
302 · Dec 2018
blackbiird Dec 2018
Heartbreak is the cruelest form of suicide.
If only you were here to hear the sound of my heart breaking.
Then maybe you’d stay just a little bit longer.
298 · Jun 2019
the moon & her wrath.
blackbiird Jun 2019

every night she comes and goes
spilling her wrath on everything she
touches until the world is a silent, black hole
of nothingness.
but every morning I crave her presence
and I can’t help it.

blackbiird Jun 2019

I’m not crying.
mother nature is just watering my face
to her delight.

296 · Mar 2019
my tears.
blackbiird Mar 2019

there is no hole
big enough to fill
the satisfaction of my misery.
even my tears overwhelm
the ocean from which
all life swims.

instead i keep my tears
locked away in a reservoir
where the demons feed off them.

293 · Feb 2019
Ugly heart.
blackbiird Feb 2019

You made fun of that poor wretched soul but no amount of makeup could
cover up your ugly, darkened, mishapened heart.

blackbiird Oct 2019
They say warning comes before
Destruction but I walk with Destruction.
Destruction comforts every fiber of my
being, ******* me into the black whole
of repressed memories but
I cannot escape these haunting premonitions.
289 · May 2019
a fatal contradiction
blackbiird May 2019

your eyes say i don't care
but your heart screams, "help me."
i watched your lips form the
words "save me"
but your voice spoke out, "i'm fine."

one week later,
dressed in black and i still
can't shake the memory
of seeing your heart break
for the final time before it eventually stopped.

You never know what someone is going through. Depression is a real thing. Always be kind.
287 · Jan 2019
The Veil
blackbiird Jan 2019
To live by blind
Faith is to
Carry the torn veil
To the cross.

So, God,
I come to the alter
To sew back the
Veil the devil
Tried to destroy.
284 · May 2019
the saddest story
blackbiird May 2019
i wrote:

the day my best friend
killed herself
without telling me
282 · May 2019
liquid courage
blackbiird May 2019

i wish i had the courage
to talk to you but for right
now, my friend jack daniel will do.

281 · May 2019
blackbiird May 2019
i hate that you left without
saying goodbye
but my heart is grateful for the departure.
279 · May 2019
i'm not scared of dying
blackbiird May 2019

i'm not scared of dying.
i'm scared of not knowing who will be at my funeral.

276 · Feb 2019
blackbiird Feb 2019

do you have the courage
to believe in love
even when your dreams
catch fire within your heart?

when your vision
simply becomes an idea.

do you have the courage to love
once more?

273 · Feb 2019
The Loneliest Traveler
blackbiird Feb 2019

Even the loneliest traveler
Needs a home when the waves
Crash on the shore.

Even the loneliest traveler
Craves the sensual touch
Of another human being
When the darkness overcast
Its grisly shadow.

Even the loneliest traveler
Needs a touch from God
From the top of the hill.

272 · Feb 2019
eternal fountain
blackbiird Feb 2019

go forth
among the lake
and take a sip
of My never-ending
love for you.

quench yourself
in the goodness
of My lands.

and I shall
replenish your
soul with
eternal life.

blackbiird Oct 2019
I had a dream
that our bodies
withered under the
crumbling weight
of our façade.
from the cynicism
that surrounds both of us.
disillusion with the human
realm was buried within the
ghosts of our past.
265 · Apr 2019
girl meets boy.
blackbiird Apr 2019

girl meets boy
girl falls in love with boy.
boy promises to love girl forever.
boy breaks up with girl.
girl cries over boy.
boy moves on. '

my love life summed up.
261 · Mar 2019
love letter to Him.
blackbiird Mar 2019
i've loved and lost
but i am thankful for
the stars that guided my way
back to Your heart.
260 · Jun 2019
blackbiird Jun 2019

I terminated a toxic friendship today.
I guess that's progress.

I vowed to never give
my soul to people who don't even water theirs.
that's progress.

257 · Sep 2019
blackbiird Sep 2019
blackbiird Mar 2019

i didn't fall in love
with someone who wanted
to rewrite my story.
i fell in love with someone
who wanted to give me a new ending.

blackbiird Mar 2019

your love chased me
down a dark alley
that i made with my own rebellion.

your love rescued me
even when i denied you
in front of the altar.

what greater love than
the love of the father?

255 · Dec 2019
grocery list
blackbiird Dec 2019
your heart
I demand you to notice me if you say you love me.
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