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254 · Apr 2019
blackbiird Apr 2019
You’re my oxygen.
without you I cease to exist.
250 · May 2019
looks can be deceiving
blackbiird May 2019

my eyes undressed you from across
the room and i fell in love but
little did i know that underneath those clothes
was a heart of stone.

250 · May 2019
blackbiird May 2019

i can't make my heart
stop loving you
so my mind creates a million
reasons as to why i shouldn't.

249 · May 2019
blackbiird May 2019
Of the sweetest sound,
Heart captivated by you.
My strong warrior.
For my awesome boyfriend :)
244 · Jan 2019
I kissed the Devil.
blackbiird Jan 2019
I kissed the devil for a brief moment of ecstasy
But lost my heavenly treasure.
And now I stand outside the gates
On my knees, one last time
Hoping You’ll forgive me once more.
244 · Dec 2018
ten minutes.
blackbiird Dec 2018
I wonder what it would be like to die for ten minutes.
for ten minutes, to be at peace.
to be free from the chaos.
for ten minutes, I wonder what I would miss in life
wondering if anyone would even care if
I was gone.

for ten minutes.
244 · May 2019
blackbiird May 2019

i was simply the victim of your love.
while you were planning my funeral, I was waiting to die.

242 · Jan 2019
paradox of me and you.
blackbiird Jan 2019

i froze my tears
just in case I might need
them again
in case you decide
to light another fire
with your lies.

this is the paradox
of me and you.
like water & oil
we forced ourselves to mix.
but instead we just floated
on top of one another.

240 · Feb 2018
Valentine's Day
blackbiird Feb 2018
Hearts plastered with sickening love.
Fake smiles sprung from deceitful hearts.
Children crying, babies dying.
What a wonderful world to be had.
240 · Dec 2018
blackbiird Dec 2018
If you rule with chaos,
you will reap what you sow.
Even Satan was an angel before he fell.
239 · Jan 2019
peculiar feeling.
blackbiird Jan 2019
I'm not sure if you're addicted
to my sadness
or if I've gotten used to
the silence that creeps
between us while we sleep
but there's something
peculiar about
the way you

it's enticing
so intoxicating
that I don't mind crying
next to you
for a little while longer.
blackbiird Dec 2018
Let our love part the seas
So that we may walk on water
And into an eternal heaven
Where only our two souls shall dwell.
236 · May 2019
a simple question
blackbiird May 2019
for how long will you mourn
yesterday before you realize
that you're missing the best
parts of your youth holding
on to withered flowers
235 · May 2019
blackbiird May 2019

my soul burns from these
heavy burdens i've been carrying
but when i look into your eyes
all i see is repentance.
god forbid i'm buried
before i release the ghosts
of my past.

233 · Jun 2019
Can I borrow your radio?
blackbiird Jun 2019
Can I borrow your radio while I shower?
I need to see the darkness before it slips away.
232 · May 2019
early sleep
blackbiird May 2019

you took an early sleep and all i can do is wonder
where you are when i watch the sun set over the mountains.
you were so young
but you'll never know what your life could have been.

In memory of my beloved friend, Jessica. Gone too soon. <3
232 · Nov 2019
devil's advocate
blackbiird Nov 2019

we love what we can’t
have until it’s burning
a hole in our hearts
and we play catch up
convincing ourselves
that we aren’t the devil’s advocate.
but we are.

231 · Apr 2019
Bleeding hearts.
blackbiird Apr 2019
Invisible hearts hide the most pain
and visible hearts bleed the most in
front of a crowd of by-passers who can’t
see their blood pouring out.
Instead, their beating hearts become bleeding hearts thirsting for life, hoping for someone to give it.
230 · Dec 2018
don't/ love martyr series
blackbiird Dec 2018
Don’t promise me the world if
you aren’t prepared to keep it spinning.

Don’t let me fall
if you aren’t prepared to catch me.

Don’t promise me sunshine
in the midst of the rain.

Above all:

Don’t promise to sew my heart back together
only to put a band-aid on it.
230 · Mar 2019
blackbiird Mar 2019

if I could replace all the
words in every book
with your name
I would,

but no amount of words on a page
could ever compare to what your heavenly
father calls you:

His daughter.
His most prized possession.
The one who took the nails
so that you may live.

so dry your tears
and dance with Him.
for He dances beside you even
on your darkest nights.

For my dear friend Kelsie. I love you! God loves you.
blackbiird Apr 2020

for the make-believe
world you spun around me
infected with webs of lies,
seeping with the decay
of our own insecurities.

yet the sad thing
is I believed you were
my beautiful Guardian
Angel dressed as Satan.

223 · Mar 2019
a.m. thoughts.
blackbiird Mar 2019

you'll never move forward
if you're always looking behind.
take the road less traveled
and see where it takes you.

you'll never grow if
you stop watering in the midst
of the drought.
keep plowing and
watch your harvest grow.

222 · May 2019
office talk.
blackbiird May 2019
i no longer find solace
in my solitude because the voices in
my heard are too loud.
                      "your nose is too big"
"you're too fat"

          "you'll never be good enough"

"no one likes you"

"better off dead"

and the office talk begins.
220 · Mar 2019
chalk dust
blackbiird Mar 2019
fragile , white~dusted fragments
of my heart on the ground
where you walked on it
like chalk dust.
219 · Oct 2019
depression is
blackbiird Oct 2019

not always a frown.
sometimes it's a smile covered
by deceitful eyes.

not always a tear.
sometimes it's making everyone
else laugh while you hide your
tears in the shower.

not always that voice
in your head telling you
that you aren't worth it.
sometimes it's a loved one
saying "I'll never leave you."

not always shown widely
but is always felt deeply
by the one who carries it.

You never know what someone could be going through. Be Kind.
blackbiird Dec 2019

then he died
and left me alone
with my demons.

I'd do anything to get You back.
215 · May 2019
blackbiird May 2019
suicide isn’t an option.
suicide isn’t an option.
suicide isn’t an option.
but why does it seem like the only option for me?
surely there must be another remedy
blackbiird Dec 2018
Thank you for loving me at my worst.
I promise to give you my heart at my best.
214 · Jan 2020
blackbiird Jan 2020
and afraid
the crevices
of the

from its
stay informed. its time to break free .
209 · Apr 2019
return/dear God.
blackbiird Apr 2019

I am not a human being.
I’m an angel waiting for my Father to return.
Therefore, you cannot compare my earthly body to my spiritual body
For my earthly body shall decay,
but my spiritual body shall live on for all eternity.

206 · May 2019
the moon and her angels
blackbiird May 2019
i can still taste the cherry cola
on your lips as we shared
our final moment staring at
the moon waiting for the
angels to descend and take you away.
206 · Oct 2019
A message to Donald Trump
206 · May 2019
read backwards & forwards.
blackbiird May 2019

My heart only beats when you’re near.
I need help.
You’ve tattooed your name on my heart.

205 · Jun 2019
a tumultuous night.
blackbiird Jun 2019
My boyfriend just broke up with me.
203 · Jan 2019
if our love was poem.
blackbiird Jan 2019
If our love was a poem,

I’d frame it and place it

Next to the Mona Lisa

So that it will live on forever

Next to a  masterpiece.
198 · Feb 2019
sun and moon
blackbiird Feb 2019

stay close to people who feel like sunlight
and run away from those who feel like the moon.

198 · May 2019
blackbiird May 2019
sometimes the departure

from a broken relationship

is easier than the return of

discovering yourself again—

finding that little speck of hope

that is just enough to keep your heart

beating in the still of the darkness

when everyone and everything fades away.

but trust that the stars

will catch fire in your heart.

to love again and

to be loved so hard

that you don’t even think

about the brokenness of your past.
196 · Dec 2018
blackbiird Dec 2018
my soul almost died today
but He pulled me back
and surrounded me with grace.
He called me his daughter
and for the first time,
I felt safe.
195 · Dec 2018
to you/ love martyr series
blackbiird Dec 2018
let me be the sweet whisper to the madness in your mind.
let me undress your wounds and seal them
with my love.
let me be that star you confess your wishes to.
let me be the sunrise that wakes you up in the morning
and moonlight that lets you rest at night.  
let me love you.
with my heart.
my soul.
let me love YOU.
195 · Dec 2018
Dear God
blackbiird Dec 2018
Dear God,

please keep my head above water,
even when I feel like drowning,
I know your hands are guiding the waves.
193 · Jan 2019
sobbing soul
blackbiird Jan 2019
my soul sobbed
when you walked
away and left me
in the rain
that you created
with your

my soul sobbed
for one more
but you
soaked everything
and ruined
my mascara.

my soul sobbed when
you walked away
and I all I could do
was let you.
191 · Apr 2019
number three/the 21 poems.
blackbiird Apr 2019
i'm underwater
drowning yet you
continue to fill the tank with water.
blackbiird Jan 2019
The cruelest form of heartbreak
I’ve ever experienced
Was loving someone
Who couldn’t love
Themselves long enough
To stay alive.
For me.

I wish I could tell you the cruelest form of heartbreak
But you are no longer here
To read this.

So ask me what the cruelest form of heartbreak
That I’ve ever witnessed
And I’ll tell you:
It’ s loving someone
Who couldn’t stay alive
Long enough to
Know her worth.
For Jess. I love you. I miss you.
189 · May 2019
blackbiird May 2019
i'm not okay.
i'm not okay.
i'm not okay.
i'm not okay.
i'm not okay.

you've stolen my heart
and i've forgotten how to breathe.
189 · Jun 2019
love hurts
blackbiird Jun 2019
I'm done with love.

I always seem to get burned

for loving the most.
blackbiird Dec 2018
a home full of misery is better than
a lifetime of pretend.
a step forward in the right direction
is better than a million steps
in the wrong direction.
a broken heart is better than
a lifetime with the wrong person.

I’d wait a thousand more years
than to live a lifetime wondering
if there is something “better.”
186 · Aug 2019
i am a ghost
blackbiird Aug 2019
in this thing
called life
yet everyone
still tries
to make me
just to
make me
184 · Mar 2019
hey you
blackbiird Mar 2019
yeah you reading this.
If anyone hasn’t told you today,

You’re beautiful.
blackbiird Dec 2019

in this big, empty house
where your scent taunts
me and the silhouette
of your ghost teases me

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