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Ruheen 7d
there is a house atop a hill
that houses the lonely and hurting
the ones that have burned their edges
they sit within their ship
incessantly sinking
and panic has already set in
so they grab at one another
pull at their hair and skin
because they fear time
they fear time will fail them
****** them from where they stand
end what is incomplete
what they must complete
but what they cannot
because time has interfered
and time is not the adventure they seek
because there is a house
that is haunting
it stands tall, unafraid
but alone
a house that is time itself
one where they gather
only to hurt
and inflict wounds
so deep
no one ever bleeds
because there will never be time
never enough time
to say anything
but what they mean
a kind of time
that they stretch
so they exist at every point
at every end
but they never witness
the whole
because they refuse to believe
that time is only a dream
Inspired by:
Time and the Conways by J.B Priestley - Last bit dialogue from Act 2
Mar 12 · 97
Ruheen Mar 12
There is a man in my closet
He comes out at night
Crawls over to my bed
Turns out every light

There is a man in my closet
He caresses my skin
Holds me gently
And the warmth seeps in

There is a man in my closet
He reaches into my throat
Fiddles around for hours
Just to pull out the day I was born

He howls with my mother
Sways in her tears
Weeps with my father
And it tells me it wasn't real

He rips it to shreds
Lets me watch the day fall apart
Says I made it all up
Because I can't stand the dark

The man in my closet
Doesn't like to imagine
A world without me
But wonders what would happen

If I didn't dream
Of smiling on a swing set
Or have the memory
Of hiding in my closet

Where I dreamt up the man
Who let me paint with words
Watched as I stepped out
And boldly touched the world

A time where I was pink
And every day was golden
When my hands would touch the ground
And somebody would still want to hold them

When I could stand atop a hill
And want to climb higher
The man would reach into his pocket
And pull out a ladder

But lately he retreats further
To a corner in my closet
With all the shame and guilt
He knows it's haunted

By painful apologies
Unnecessary remnants
Ones he wishes I would burn
So we could stop reminiscing

Again he reaches into my throat
Pulls out another day
One where I was lonely
One where I wish I had said

Please don't leave me
Please stay the way you are
Pink and golden
He'll catch you from afar

Now that dear man
Is only trying to keep me golden
Amidst all the clothes in my closet
For me, he'll fold them
Mar 8 · 162
Ruheen Mar 8
there are days
where you spend hours
trying to untangle
the chain
of a locket
it is days like these
moments in which
there is nothing
but peace
pathetic it may be
but void of a feeling
so hopeless
and adrift
because it is a goal
you can achieve
just focus and tenacity
and then finally
you're hit
with the satisfaction
when it all comes apart
a high so pure
it has you wishing for another knot
Mar 1 · 65
Ruheen Mar 1
I'm trying too hard again
failed as a daughter, a friend
hard to exist without faith
so I resist all the shame I can reach

because nobody's watching
nobody can hear me speak
seven years and counting
still I crave something sweet

I don't mind
I learned to cry

swimming in fears once caged
corners of my soul unmade
and the light from the door
as I fell to the floor, guided me

because somebody's watching
somebody has to be
seven years and counting
I need someone to hear

I don't mind
just let me cry
Mar 1 · 162
Ruheen Mar 1
these days
i force myself
not to speak
to explain
to justify
my ways
i don't say
how i feel
i try not to
ask questions
what right do i have
to express myself
as a child
with no aims?
something old
Ruheen Feb 20
It started again.
The feelings. The bleeding.
The indents in my skin.
The waiting. The staring.
At the clock to move an inch.
The wanting to hide under my desk. In a corner.
Under the sink.
In the dark. In the closet.
A place where I could think.
About anything but how
I'm still pretending.
It feels like a performance everyone bought tickets for.
Expecting greatness.
An unlimited audience.
A constant improvisation. No rehearsal.
Some rehearsal. But unnecessary.
Because I change direction based on reactions.
To make sure the audience stick around.
Come for another viewing.
I need them to like me.
To come back.
Otherwise the show ends.
And I can't have that.
Because I'm an attention-seeking, narcissistic *****.
Or the main character. Or both.
No matter how much I hate it, the show must go on.
Feb 20 · 114
Ruheen Feb 20
I could be in the smallest room in the world and still feel small
I could be in the most open of fields and still see walls
I'm tiny, hunched down
Humility, but worse now
I'm drowning, but they love me
On the ground, it's killing me
But I still look up
Waiting for the sky
There are waves on ceiling and they're stuck on green
Don't care for flowers so I picked dead leaves
There's a roof in my leak and stars on my wall
Pineapple lights but they won't turn on
There are words in my chest
And a man in my closet
Who throws my clothes off their hooks
Tells me to be honest
"Let that little girl out.
Turn the lights on.
Smile for more than a moment.
Or you'll be stuck in the smallest room in the world
Feeling small."
Aug 2024 · 89
Ruheen Aug 2024
there is an empty space
i'm just not sure I'm allowed to take it

i will stare at it wondering
then turn away hesitant

when i finally gain the courage
someone will have taken my place
Aug 2024 · 398
Ruheen Aug 2024
if i get closer
i get scared
that i don't mean
what i say
i pick on the skin
my nails.
Aug 2024 · 562
Ruheen Aug 2024
i don't know anything
but i'm young
i have an excuse

you're older
you say you know better
but you know nothing
what's your excuse?

you say you know me better
but if you really did
then you'd never want to see me again

see, i don't know anything
because i'm young
so just excuse all of the above
i just told you my excuse

or so everyone says
when they justify what i do
what other young people do
then turn around and fault us for being young

i don't know if i like it
if i'm supposed to feel relieved or insulted
sometimes both

you see, there's the kind, comforting "you're young, you'll learn"

the exasperated, tired-of-you "oh my god, you're young"

the condescending, i-know-better-than-you "you're so young"

the i-wish-i-was-you, "i can't believe how young you are"

the unsolicited, let-me-give-you-some-advice "you're young right now"

and then the hesitant, i'm-not-qualified-for-this-and-i'm-bullshitting "you're know..."

i might have missed some
let me know
i just know that ageism is a real plague to our society
it's time things change

Hahahaha I'm kidding. Maybe. Not really.

Call me young.
I am.
There's nothing I can do about it.
I'm going to stay young for as long as I am young.
What good comes out of growing up too fast?
So call me young.
Until I'm not.

I will use it as an excuse for as long as I can.
Remember, I'm young.
Aug 2024 · 279
Ruheen Aug 2024
I have all these scenarios playing out in my head
Because I keep wondering what life would be like instead
Of waiting for the future, I imagine it myself
Cause I know, life won't turn out as I hoped
They'll fall apart
I'll fall with them
These images in my head will fade
None of them will be real
All these scenarios
Will only ever remain
As words.
Aug 2024 · 280
Ruheen Aug 2024
if the clothes hanging in my closet
start getting bigger
i know
i'm either eating too much
or hiding under sweaters

if they all turn from black to white
i feel like I'm asking for attention
i look in the mirror
and force my smile away
"don't get ahead of yourself
you're losing direction"

i need to feel bad about myself
to get the right motivation
hide under sweaters
that shield me from affection
Aug 2024 · 171
Ruheen Aug 2024
my urge to pop a
and watch them cry
as i laugh

it's on par with my urge
to shove
a knife in my throat
just to
what happens

how morbid. i know

but aren't we all?
Aug 2024 · 81
Ruheen Aug 2024
i like the rain
the sound
makes me feel like i'm alone
so when i'm in the shower
i cover my ears
so it sounds like the rain
and thunder
oddly enough
even cold water
begins to feel
Aug 2024 · 298
Ruheen Aug 2024
when you light a match
watch the flame
burn it black
wisps of smoke
reach your fingers
it's warm
it's exciting
then you put it out
it's still warm
part of it
permanently black
so you let it

i'm sure there's a metaphor in there somewhere

Once I lit a match. I wanted to watch the fire. I watched the fire burn the wood and turn it to ash. It was turning black. I saw wisps of smoke curling between my fingers, as the flames got nearer. I could feel the heat. Before I got burnt, I blew out the fire. And the flame was gone, but that black wood, that ash, still remained.
That’s when I had a thought. Maybe that’s what happens when you decide to be bad. When you choose to be evil instead of good. When you give up doing good for doing bad.
Maybe when you make that choice, a fire ignites in you. A fire so bright, you can’t see anything else. But it’s like bliss. Blinding bliss. And you let that fire burn when you continue to be bad. It makes you want to do worse. Because it feels right. It feels like you can finally be seen. But that fire, that flame, it’s burning you, to your core. It turns everything black.
Eventually, you extinguish the fire. You don’t want it anymore. But you don’t know that it might be too late. Your heart, your soul, your mind. It’s all gone. It’s black. It’s ash. It’s a part of you now, a part you can’t get rid of. It’s still there; it won’t just disappear.
Aug 2024 · 673
A Different Kind of Hell
Ruheen Aug 2024
if only we could exist
for a single moment
at only one place
for only a memory
that would be solely ours

but we are flesh and blood
we travel and continue
to exist at different times
in different places
we cannot seem to stop
yet we believe
our existence
is extraordinary

when will we realise
that even the extraordinary
is ordinary?
....figure it out. I'm going to sleep.
Ruheen Aug 2024

in a British accent

i do not fear solitude
i fear being left alone after already having someone so close
i'd rather enjoy my own company;
it is for this reason, amongst others,
i think myself to be quite fascinating

It sounds better in an accent. I pretend I'm in some historical fiction novel or movie.
Aug 2024 · 121
Ruheen Aug 2024
i lack the lyricism
they all expect
me to have when
i'm feeling miserable
and can't confess
with my tongue
but instead
have to express
in writing
because it's best
to have an outlet
so you don't
into patterns
you thought
you left and
disregard the
feelings you
because they
haven't disappeared
and are merely
and then i
ask myself
*"what the **** am i doing?"
Aug 2024 · 154
silent competition
Ruheen Aug 2024
I don't care enough about me
Or you
Or why the world spins
I can't even sleep
And somehow you think
That I'm hanging
Onto your every word
You are my muse
And I'm a flighty bird
With no direction
And listen
I understand
You love the attention
The gazing
The movie star treatment
And inspiration
Is hard to come by
So take what you need
I'll gladly concede
But leave me
Out of your dreams
I must be
Out of my mind
No that's you
I'm alright
Aug 2024 · 517
Ruheen Aug 2024
i just don't feel like smiling
but i can be nice
it's august
used to be july
stating the obvious
isn't a crime
neither is smiling
once in a while
take a look
inside my mind
you'll see how
turns to july
Aug 2024 · 309
Ruheen Aug 2024
I like the physical
of vertigo
and dizziness
from blurry
and voices
I can't
around me
lines on
my wrists
with excuses
I can't sleep
I like the physical
of blood
on my skin
with pleasure
and sin
in the
the peeling
back of
with haste
The physical
of pain
that is
is beyond
those who
want to
Aug 2024 · 94
Happier Times
Ruheen Aug 2024
Those were the happier times
Moments where I felt alive
Sad days, slow days
Muddled in between
Those happier times

Where I lied through my teeth
To get between you and me
When I spoke in cursive
And told you to hurt me
So you wouldn't know
If it was me to blame
For the games you played

Those happier times
Where we couldn't tell
If we were sad and confused
Or elated as hell
Would be
If it met me

Those were the happier times
Where I could remember your face
Without wanting to
Jump off a cliff
I'm backkk. I wanted to come back a long while ago but my account wasn't working or something. I was locked out. Regardless. Here you goo.
Ruheen Oct 2022
cherry-picked words
taste sweeter on
my tongue
than your hand-picked
Aug 2022 · 169
Ruheen Aug 2022
i believe that if
i don't eat
three meals
a day
i'll feel better
about myself
Aug 2022 · 369
Ruheen Aug 2022
a chill that you feel in your bones
when you know
how far you'll go
then you hold it in
the familiar feeling
when the cold settles in
and you don't
even know
there is ice on your window
May 2022 · 133
Strangers Again
Ruheen May 2022
We said hello in passing
Laughed with each other in groups
One day, there would be five between us
And I couldn't meet your eyes
Then it became three
And then only one
Then our knees were pressed together
Then your hand slipped into mine
And I could feel you laugh
Your voice rang in my ears
And mine in yours
But slowly your fingers lost their grip
Or maybe mine did
Our hands fell
Someone sled in between us
Then it became three
Then it was five
And suddenly we were strangers again
Who laughed with each other in groups
Who only said hello in passing
Friendly, maybe even friends
But not quite the same.
just an observation
May 2022 · 301
Seven Days
Ruheen May 2022
Seven days in a week
For which I am free
For only three
Out of five
There's no need
To be alive
So I lie there instead
And shed
My skin
I don't belong
If I can't get in
Four weeks and
I can sleep
In my head, I will be
Eight hours of dream
One day, it will be
Apr 2022 · 505
Ruheen Apr 2022
I don't like flowers
But there's one where you can see through its petals
It doesn't shroud what's right in front of me
Without permission
I see what it's hiding
It understands my desire
To reveal the concealed
And beneath it's milky veins
A clear glass frame
That we call petals
Each a frail skeleton
It'll crumble in my fingers
And vanish entirely
The petals will shatter
As if it was nobody
Ruheen Mar 2022
the way we walk
isn't so complicated
we're not going through a field of thorns
or the deep blue ocean
we're not going through storms
or hurricanes in motion
there's no sand to drag us in
no shells to ***** our skin
we're just walking on cement
on a road that never bends
so why would you want to take a detour
into a place where there's no right
and you don't know what's left anymore
you can't see the black or white
and there's no grey
why can't this road
be the one that we take
because I cannot stop out there
without getting lost
Feb 2022 · 282
Ruheen Feb 2022
Turns out we don't need to use that many.
This is random. I felt like posting.
Dec 2021 · 370
On Ice
Ruheen Dec 2021
Days like this
where I'm spinning
Figure 8s, pirouettes, I'm balancing on one leg
In the corner, I can see
you mocking my flexibility
You're getting closer
or maybe I am
Then I'm falling
Then I'm not
A hand reaches out to grab mine
one I've held a few times
I swear for a second, red flashed
before my eyes

So I lean in and whisper
"Let's pretend it's real"
We clutch the thread, so tightly in our hands
It tangles through our fingers, wraps around our wrists
and you use it to pull me up
or I'm pulling you down
It's one or the other
now I don't know which one of us is falling anymore
It started with me
but your smile says otherwise

I say "I miss you" cause I almost missed you
and you reply with another "I miss you"
and that glimmer in your eyes
just gets brighter
and you smile again
This time I mirror it, a smile for a smile
A laugh for a laugh
A nudge for a nudge
A glance for a glance
I see the way you look at me
I think that's the way I look at you
I feel the thread wrap tighter
I feel us fall faster
I'm pretty sure we're falling together
Slipping on ice
hurts like hell
but we don't seem to mind
since we're laughing again

I said "Push me off
not pull me up"
You say
"Pull me down
Don't push me away"

Then we're slipping on ice all over again
For someone important. Happy birthday.
Dec 2021 · 437
Ruheen Dec 2021
This is what happens when you lose your ******* mind:
You start to ramble and despise
every word you hear and say
every picture you see
and then comes along the one person
who swims right into your sea -
you don't mean to block their way
but you want to make them stay -
so you shut up and sit tight
and wait for the right time
to say or do - god knows what
or who I'm becoming
with you.

This is what happens when you're on some ****** island
Only you can see:
You start seeing what you want
but never hearing what you need
you start feeling things you'd rather not feel
then you scream
suddenly everybody's looking at you
all weird
-cause everybody was your nobody;
your nobody was always somebody-
they can see your crazy
you would hide but you're too lazy

This is what happens when you lose your ******* mind:
Somehow you start making sense.
Merry Christmas!
Dec 2021 · 634
Ruheen Dec 2021
You ever heard of the red string?
It's an invisible string that binds you to your soulmate.
The red string of fate.
Some tie it to their ankles.
Their thumbs.
Their little finger.
Others don't believe it at all.
I don't either.
I know it isn't real.
But strangely, it is the only myth about soulmates that I want to believe.
I want it to be real.
because of her.
Nov 2021 · 282
Ruheen Nov 2021
I don't have a dream
Is that strange?
Is it supposed to be?
It isn't to me. At all.
I don't know anything
But why do I have to have a dream?
I won't find one
Even if I do,
I won't
You're the weird one for having dreams that are never constant.
I, in this sense, am perfectly normal. At least I'm consistent for never having a dream.
Nov 2021 · 348
Ruheen Nov 2021
My brain won't accept any more emotional stupidity.
It's literally NOT POSSIBLE.
It's taken in as much as it can.
Wanna know how I know?
I'm not feeling what I'm supposed to be feeling.
I can't.
Nov 2021 · 123
Let Go
Ruheen Nov 2021
We've been drowning for a long time
We're already under
Just holding our breaths
And we really want to let go
They should've noticed
Should have acknowledged it
It's all so poetic: death
Talking about it
Explaining it plainly:
A statement; a confession
And no one ever believes it
Well, now we're dead
So they have no choice
We took in the water:
We let go.
Jul 2021 · 349
Poetry - A Brand
Ruheen Jul 2021
Evoking feelings one thought they couldn't possibly ever feel since, well, the beginning of time.
Jul 2021 · 737
Ruheen Jul 2021
That one corner
In your closet
Where you just sit
And think

She told me to stop. I promised her I would.

That one corner
In your closet
That you're always
Trapped in
Jul 2021 · 492
Ruheen Jul 2021
I don't know what's wrong with me.
But I just got so angry. Frustrated.
I wanted to yell.
I didn't. There were people around.
I was cutting an apple, peeling the skin off.
It was bright red
And it was glistening under the light.
I had the knife in my hand
And for a second - no it was more than just one second -
I wanted to throw it.
And I wanted it to hurt.
And I wanted to see the glistening again.
But I don't know who I was aiming for.
or the apple.
I didn't throw it.
Apr 2021 · 1.4k
Ruheen Apr 2021
"Let me in?" I asked
She said, "Could you please go back"
Gave her my hand,
But she let it fall.

I picked it back up
But she was already gone;
I watched her walk away,
Smiling at the Sun
And I melted.

She was in the rain,
She was in the grass,
And I couldn't help but smile
When I saw her laugh.

I wanted people to see what I saw
Because it's better to be held
Than holding on
To nothing, nothing at all

She wanted to be by herself
And I swear I understood
Alone, but not lonely
But what about me?

Why couldn't she understand
That she was too good
For this world and its people
And to just stay hidden

She pushed me away
I couldn't be with her
But I watched and I smiled
So imagine the others
How would they see what I saw?

Now she's gone
And I remember everything
Every moment, every smile,
Every crinkle of her eyes

I'm not fine
She left without a word
And no one seems to know
But me and a few others

She was too good
For this world
She was too good to just
Sit in her world

I wanted her to be loved
The way I love her
And now I'm not fine
Because all I can do is remember.

She wanted to be by herself
Just her in her innocent world
And I swear I understood
She was alone, not lonely
But what about me?
Remediation of "She Dwelt Among The Untrodden Ways" by William Wordsworth in the speaker's POV.
Mar 2021 · 622
Ruheen Mar 2021
Happy endings
Sad endings
All of the above
Not a part two. Just a fitting title. I don't know.
Mar 2021 · 386
Ruheen Mar 2021
I'm being an emotional fool.
A typical teenager, if you will.
What else did you expect?
Mar 2021 · 764
Train to Paris
Ruheen Mar 2021
I remember the inside:
A little red; a bit of grey.
Rows of leather seats and carpeted floors.
But it was when the journey began,
And I sat down,
My feet dangling over the edge,
Just like my anticipation -
They told me we'll be under the sea.
But I felt us moving;
The slow hum I heard eased me.
My eyes flickered to the window,
My parents' voices faded,
As I watched my reflection.
Then I noticed her. In the window.
I recognized her,
From where we had left.
It was while I was on my feet,
Hand clasped in my mother's,
But eyes fixed on her.
The girl sat waiting, sketchbook in her lap,
Pencil in her hand with her legs crossed.
It was crowded and clamorous,
Yet she paid no attention,
Her gaze set on her art,
Her movements steady.
The girl's raven hair was tied
And I think she wore something blue.
We went in together.
We sat on the left,
She sat on the right,
And drew.
And drew.
And drew.
And her pencil left dark marks on snow-like paper,
As her hands moved fast, then slow.
I couldn't help but watch.
I strained to look away,
But the window only showed…
Black. Bricks.
Darker than her hair. And her pencil.
We were underwater, but I didn't care.
I was more intrigued by the girl
Who sat so close, but was so far away.
Practically living in a different world.
I was helpless, shy, way too curious.
I wondered what she was thinking. And drawing.
It was pure, innocent, fascination.
Then the train stopped.
She stopped.
I stopped.
Because we had arrived.
We left.
She was gone.
I was bored.
A memory
Feb 2021 · 278
she's in the rain
Ruheen Feb 2021
where everything just melts away
the sky moves and takes her pain
while everything stands still in the rain
she dances until the colours change
she plays with the water
until she falls again
droplets blanket her face
telling her it's going to be okay
she's in the rain
Jan 2021 · 634
Playing Games
Ruheen Jan 2021
Here I am;
Guessing and
Playing games with my hands,
As my feelings spill out
In front of me.

Carved my skin
A little thin
From my heart to my hands.
Then my nails dug in
A little deep.

Here I am;
In the sand,
Playing games with my hands,
As my feelings make patterns
On the ground.

Jan 2021 · 488
Ruheen Jan 2021
Disappearing isn't easy.
It takes time and effort
To stay away from everything
That you think helps
Because you're always itching to get back,
And it's always an inch away
From your fingertips
Because all you'd have to do is click a button,
And you're addicted.
I'm back. Don't know for how long. Don't know if and when I'll disappear again.
But for now; I'm back.
I just couldn't write. Didn't know what to.
Jan 2021 · 752
Mourning Night
Ruheen Jan 2021
Let the morning rise
But the sun's bled dry
As the storm clouds tread
Across the cold blue sky
And then, smiles,
The mourning night.
And then, miles, to get over and walk away from this incredibly bad case of writer's block.
Dec 2020 · 127
That Night
Ruheen Dec 2020
He died that day.
That man.
I may have gone there to **** him,
And I may have wanted him to die,
But he died
Because he fell upon my sword.
He died.
But I wished he hadn't.
I wanted him to live a little longer
So he could see me burn down his kingdom
And all the people in it.
And then
I would have killed him.
That night.
Ruheen Nov 2020
I don't feel like myself
I feel like yelling
I feel like crying
And I don't feel like writing
But here I am
Because it's supposed to help
They said it helps
Oct 2020 · 478
Ruheen Oct 2020
In the darkness
A hand reaches out
To pull you under
To drag you out
Or to just move closer
Until you drown
With your eyes closed
Sunken tears
Blinding light
It pierces
Your eyelids
To your eyes
You still see
The sunlight
Into the water
You jumped in
So in the darkness
You're floating
Sinking in further
Until a hand reaches out
Drags you out
Across the bank
And pretends to
Save you
But then jumps into
The water
And takes you with
Then you're just swimming
Till you're sunken.
I went swimming today.
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