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Feb 2016 · 749
My Bad
Amber Bowen Feb 2016
I'm sorry
I only seem to exist
When you want me to
Aug 2015 · 871
Amber Bowen Aug 2015
My heart feels like it's exploding
And I'm not sure where I'm going
Will you grab my hand and lead the way?
I'm just not quite sure you're here to stay
Anywhere with you I'm sure to go
Through the rain and even the snow
A moment with you is better than none at all
Even if you leave you'll catch my fall
I'm not quite sure how to explain
This beautiful feeling of love and pain
All I know it is you I want
Any pain aside in a careless haunt
I feel so blind without you.
What is this?
Aug 2015 · 741
Amber Bowen Aug 2015
I always thought pain was red
Like the blood in my veins
I never would have thought
My pain would have a face
Jul 2015 · 527
Amber Bowen Jul 2015
I'm so ******* numb
Words just won't come
I don't think writer's block is what you call this.
Jun 2015 · 803
I Miss You
Amber Bowen Jun 2015
When I say I miss you
I mean that
I miss everything about you
I miss you altogether
I miss your contagious smile
I miss the feeling I get when your beautiful hazel eyes skim over my figure
I miss the feeling of your skin against mine
I miss the melodic tune of your voice weaving through my ears
I miss the comfort and safety of being close to you
I miss the way you hold me tight
I miss how you tell me you love me without hesitation
I miss it when you kiss me gently and when you kiss me harder than you ever thought you could
I miss when you hug me and the world fades away and it’s just us standing there holding one another for as long as our heart’s content
I miss you, **** it
*I miss you
I miss you so much.
Jun 2015 · 1.2k
Self Destruct
Amber Bowen Jun 2015
I am a ticking bomb
Of mass destruction
Chaos burns bright in my eyes
As I pick myself apart
Looking for the right wire
Red or blue
Hesitating, shaking violently
Hushed whispers of pain and frustration
While the pressure is too much
Why would you come near
When I'm set to self destruct
You came and cut the wire.
You saved me.
May 2015 · 675
Amber Bowen May 2015
Carving into my desk
As I imagine carving into myself
Engraving my heart and soul
With warning signs
And almost empty threats
That shroud my pleas for help
I promise it's not to keep you out.
It's to keep me in.
May 2015 · 497
Amber Bowen May 2015
What would it mean to you…
If I turned around and jumped over the edge, knowing I’ll never return?

What would it mean to you…
If I completely lost myself in this tide of self-inflicted torture?

What would it mean to you…
If I stopped existing for everyone’s sake, maybe even my own?

What would it mean to you…
If your world came crashing down around you, burning bright flames of a hushed goodbye?

What would it mean to you…
If I stopped trying, because every time I try it hurts more than the last time?

What would it mean to you…
If I left this scary place, where you could be free of me and my darkness?

What would it mean to you…
If I came to you with a storm of my own, tear stained cheeks and sobs that beg for help?

What would it mean to you…
If I said that I need you now more than ever, but it feels like you’re slipping farther away?

What would it mean to you…
If I stopped every task at hand just to be there for you?

What would it mean to you…
If I merely asked for, not the same, but some comfort and safety from this raging battle against myself in a war I’ll never win?

What would it mean to you…
If I endlessly ran away from my problems that chase me with razor sharp teeth and menacing claws of pure destruction?

What would it mean to you…
If I let this darkness consume me?

What would it mean to you…
If I left?
Please, help me.
Don't let me leave.
May 2015 · 3.0k
Amber Bowen May 2015
Crying can happen so gently...
But oh god does it hurt
When you're curled up crying so hard
You think you might scream,
But your throat constricts
And all that you could ever muster
Is an unintentional mangled squeak of raw emotion.
Finally breaking.
May 2015 · 434
Let Go
Amber Bowen May 2015
Why won't you let her go?

She continuously shakes free
But you come back instantly
Constricting her with fear

You're latching on so hard
To think that she hasn't broken yet
Is beyond both of you

Let me go...
She pleads for a lifetime of release
Away from your tainted world

Pain follows her around
Like a shroud of protection
To keep you at bay

You wonder endlessly
Why you're always hurting
At the end of the day

Perhaps you made a mistake
Pricking your finger on a rose bush
Crimson stains galore

She gave you the chance
To turn this around
To walk away without a glance

Why won't you let her go?
Please, let go..
You're killing me.
May 2015 · 706
Amber Bowen May 2015
I wonder if you can hear the sound of my heart breaking
With each and every lingering moment that passes between us
Creating an anomaly of congealed insignificance and broken pieces
Pieces of what we used to be when our passion was harder than any metal
I have to wonder if you see who we've created among our tapering bodies
To bear witness to such atrocities held deep within our disturbed souls
To think it does not phase a single cell of your beautiful and vigorous brain
When I say my heart is breaking I mean with every fiber of my being
That the longing aches are gradually moving in with cancerous tendencies
Due to the lack of blissful love and happiness you bathed me in
Perhaps I shall not advance for the benign lies you carefully present
Underlying the very truth that pours from your soft and lush lips
Every liquidated word that snakes down into your veins as chills
Shivering through the marrow of these tired and heavy structural bones
Attacking my nerves and ravaging upon what is left of my being
After the emotional and physical terror you have inflicted upon me
I still run back into your wicked and wanting arms of caress
I still love you.
Apr 2015 · 448
Get Out
Amber Bowen Apr 2015
My mind is already torturous enough
So, get the **** out
Quit messing with my head
An exhausting, hazy fog blurring my vision
Stop dancing about and playing these games
Just leave...
They think that I need you?
You think that I need you?
How amusing, my dear
Everyone has it all wrong
I never let you inside my humble abode
Don’t think for a moment I’ll consider
I reckon for the first time in a while
I am truly sickened
Such foolish actions should come with a cost
I didn't mean to disappear again.
I also didn't mean to lose you in the process.
Apr 2015 · 599
Amber Bowen Apr 2015
All of these twisted nightmares
Attract various burning stares
Steering clear of the judgmental light
This mess is an unmistakable sight
Always looking for places to hide
So nobody sees this side
I can't hide forever.
Mar 2015 · 410
Amber Bowen Mar 2015
I wish things were different
You could actually be happy elsewhere
Instead of stuck in this perpetual and vicious cycle
With me...
Everything just blew up
... Right in my face.
Mar 2015 · 4.8k
Amber Bowen Mar 2015
Brought down to my knees
Face to face with the dirt
And all that lies beneath
Thinking over again
Piecing it all together
Asking the same question
Wanting to understand
Why we’re here
When it all feels the same
The same pain
Of a different caliber
It's a noticeable pattern, sadly.
Mar 2015 · 6.9k
Amber Bowen Mar 2015
I hope you never feel forgotten,
Because sadly I do.
Feeling worthless and forgotten.
Mar 2015 · 1.3k
Amber Bowen Mar 2015
I want you to feel loved
All the time
Because I know
What it’s like
To feel unloved
I would never wish
That upon anyone
Especially you
I know all too well what it feels like,
I want to show you as much as I can
This form of love.
Mar 2015 · 6.3k
Amber Bowen Mar 2015
I remember when I used to wish for weekends
It was time for us
Nobody came between our plans
Not even ourselves
We’d vent and release
Letting go of all worries
We’d joke and laugh
About anything and everything
We’d hug and kiss
Cuddling until our heart’s content
It was just us
But something changed one day
I’m not sure what it was
Now it’s as if I have to
Pull teeth and nag constantly
Only to spend a few hours together
On a Sunday night
Where you leave early
Because of life the next day
I know I shouldn’t complain
Every moment with you is a moment well spent
Though, I can’t shake this feeling
That you want to spend less and less time
By my side
Maybe I’m losing my mind
I always tend to wonder
If I annoy or bother you
I only want to hear your voice
To talk to you and be noticed
I just want to be loved
And it feels like you don’t even want to do that
Let alone spend time with me on a Saturday night
Choking on my own words.
Mar 2015 · 375
Amber Bowen Mar 2015
Something seems a little different today
The weight of the world vanished
Leaving me standing here clueless
Everything feels much lighter now
Even my feet, as I push forward
I take it as a hint to slow down
And I slowly come to a halt
Looking around at the clear skies
As if the clouds parted for me
The sweet smell of morning rain
With fresh dew drops coating the earth
It all seems so profound and different
I wonder if this is the beginning
Or perhaps the beautiful ending
Of my seemingly eternal suffering
Resonating within is a new feeling
That I belong in this tainted world
Found in my own belated acceptance
I am more free than I’ve ever allowed
Is this what they call happiness?
I could be wrong...
Maybe I'm mistaken.
Mar 2015 · 1.1k
Amber Bowen Mar 2015
I lost a friend the other day
I lost a family member that day, too
Sure, he was furry
And quite small
But that doesn't mean
I shouldn't love him at all
The loss of a pet truly hurts.
Mar 2015 · 701
Amber Bowen Mar 2015
In my state of
Unconscious rest

In my dreams

I always find you
Waiting for me

You never leave

But upon opening
These tired eyes

Is this reality?

You disappear
Without a goodbye

I'll forever return

Passing the time
Until I can see you

*Knowing you'll wait
I wonder if
I'm in your dreams too
Feb 2015 · 1.4k
Amber Bowen Feb 2015
My body is both
Rejecting and accepting
The idea of sleep
Tossing and turning
Searching for comfort
There's no winning here
Passing the time
With happier thoughts
Only to make it worse
Every now and again
I'm peacefully drifting away
Into the nether of my mind
I used to so often
I wonder what happened
To those blissful days
Where there was no fight
For a night of sleep
I'm exhausted in numerous ways...
And somehow I struggle to sleep.
Feb 2015 · 3.6k
Amber Bowen Feb 2015
The calm before the storm
We both know how this ends
Before it even begins
What a distilled tragedy.
Feb 2015 · 885
Amber Bowen Feb 2015
I'm sitting here letting my own demons drown me as you freely do as you please. What am I to do? This is my fault, I can almost feel it. The second you turn your back, everything slips and reverses until they're in control. It never used to be this way, you know. You were always there, pulling me up and away from the darkness that lingers in my peripherals. Who's to say that I'm merely crazy and illogical to think that you ever legitimately cared for my well being, and the idea that you might one day prove everyone wrong. Did I drive you away, or did you drive yourself away with your cynical isolation? What this seems to be is your futile attempt to push me over the edge, far past any point of return, for your simple satisfaction and freedom. Am I only dead weight to you, ready to be thrown overboard and long forgotten? Perhaps it's just me and I don't understand a single thing that's been going on, and I would if you would exchange words with me. But alas, I can't. For you keep me in the shadows long enough to question my own sanity, then bait me back into the light you so graciously present to me and me only. I cannot express enough how often my heart throbs of excruciating pain and sorrow every time you retract yourself into your cave of hidden ventures. I will forever be unable to truly describe the intricate cracks and lines you have carved into my being. I can show you, that is, if you're willing to pay enough attention to detail. I wonder if you'll be able to see how and why my scars run deeper than mere cuts and scratches. I wonder if you'll come to terms with what you've done and how much damage you inflicted on my already bruised heart and soul. I pray to whatever unknown existence that lies beyond the barrier of this universe that you will forgive both me and yourself for everything that has happened since our worlds collided. I hope that you soon find the courage and audacity to stay here with me and enjoy all that life has to offer down to our final breaths. I know I'd do it for you.
This isn't a normal thing, and I almost apologize for any inconvenience.
I've been sitting on my hands, contemplating on what I should do,
because I am truly at a loss.
I wish I knew if you were okay.
Feb 2015 · 735
Amber Bowen Feb 2015
A silent cry is the worst
Everything stays so far down
In the deepest parts of your heart
Threatening to spill over and out of your throat
In the form of a sob or uncontrollable scream
Feb 2015 · 3.0k
Amber Bowen Feb 2015
I'm scared that I love you
So much that it's too late
For either of us to turn back now
Will you stay?
I hate being this lonely and scared
At a time like this
Feb 2015 · 365
Would You?
Amber Bowen Feb 2015
I'm so tempted to ask you
And see your reaction
What you will do
All I want is to cry
Always thinking silently
Wondering what it's like to die
I've had this urge to ask you
If I left this terrible place
What would you do?

Would you scream to the heavens so loud there was no sound
Constantly begging for the world to return what was rightfully yours
Would you fumble about, always searching when I'm no longer around
Visually tearing apart crowds and stopping to open all the doors

I won't ask you
For I fear the answer
Of what you might do
I still want to cry
It's not quite my time
So I tell a true lie
When you ask what's on my mind
That you're there with me
In my head, keeping me going
It's true when I say I'm happy
When my world starts slowing
You're always there
Even when you're not
As I begin to stare
Sorting through my thoughts
I won't leave this beautiful place
Instead, I'll always be here for you

I would miss the way your smile warmed my heart inside-out
Longing to be dangerously close to you every chance I am able
I would miss the times you would refuse to leave, never without
Having me at your side to keep both our worlds bright and stable

I now know what to do
but only for you
I'm so scared that it'll be for nothing
But then again
A moment with you
Is enough to last lifetimes
Feb 2015 · 4.2k
Amber Bowen Feb 2015
Here we go again
Not a single word in sight
No attempt at contact
Did I do something wrong?
Or are you ignoring me
Am I too clingy for you?
I don't believe a simple "Hello"
Every once in a while
Is considered too much
Maybe you're busy
And I'm overreacting
I can't help
But to worry myself sick
All these what if scenarios
Only to conclude you are alright
The sun resets itself
Leaving us another cyclical day
Of worry and ignorance
Being ignored ***** tremendously.
I feel so alone and forgotten,
It's unreal.
Feb 2015 · 611
Amber Bowen Feb 2015
Veracious verses of promise poured from your lips
Filling my lungs with pure intentions
My blood didn't feel so cold
Not a coherent thought in sight
Only the hum of the fan in the background
We didn't need the light to see
Guiding one another like the blind
Skin against skin, shivering throughout
Pleasure dancing across the surface
As we immerse ourselves in each other
Rugged heart and banished soul
Bound together as one entirely
In those moments, I felt whole and alive
I wasn't just yours, nor you only mine
But instead, we were woven together
Forgetting the world and making our own
Losing ourselves throughout the rest of the night
I'd give anything for another night like that.
Feb 2015 · 5.5k
Amber Bowen Feb 2015
I'm so frustrated
These words won't come,
Won't help me feel sedated
Life isn't being too kind right now,
And it's almost as if my one release - writing...
Isn't working, and I'm scared.
Feb 2015 · 622
Amber Bowen Feb 2015
I hate you*
More than I can convey
And sadly, there's not much left to say
So, I'll leave it at this
The point I'm making will not be missed
And neither you
Nor the things that you do
Escape while you can
Before I shorten your life span
I hate them for hurting you.
Feb 2015 · 15.9k
Amber Bowen Feb 2015
I thought I heard it in your voice
An unreal suggestion to sincerity
It was like my heart stopped for a lifetime
As butterflies collided in my stomach
But that all seemed to vanish
My heart sank to the pit of my stomach
And the butterflies retreated rightfully so
The very second you sidestepped such a foolish thought
It was a punishing wave of disappointment.
I should have learned all the other times.
Feb 2015 · 4.5k
Second Chance
Amber Bowen Feb 2015
A second chance?
You shouldn’t have messed up
The first time
But I’ll be understanding this time
I’m human, just like you
Don’t let me down
A second time
Maybe I'm a little to understanding.
Jan 2015 · 1.4k
Amber Bowen Jan 2015
Thoughts of you echo throughout the hills of my mind
Like reverberations from a sweet symphony
As melodies drip off your caressing words
Falling… Falling… Always falling
Lasting longer than the ends of infinity
Soaring among broken dreams
Born as frivolous stars
Replaced by vast universes
Ones that invade the abyssal twilight of my night skies
Flickering and bursting all around
Splattering these walls with colored emotions
Painting the wondrous picture of beauty and pain
I couldn't quite settle on what to call this one...
Oh well.
Jan 2015 · 689
Amber Bowen Jan 2015
You retreat, but I advance
Looking for a sign, a mere glance
There's a presence consuming your reality
This I can clearly see
I could be succumbing to insanity
But I feel your energy leaving me

Perhaps, to you, I am nothing more
Than your way out, a simple door
The desperation intoxicating the air
Wondering if you honestly care
What would happen if I left this place?
Leaving only ashes to hide in a vase

I keep running, chasing you around
Am I not making enough sound?
Maybe if I scream, yell and shout
You'll see what this is that I'm on about
I've seen through your wavering shroud
Don't you dare stand so tall and proud

I can tell, don't mistake me for a fool
This shameless act is painfully cruel
There's futility cloaking the darkness
Believed to be only harmless
You draw back each and every time
As if I have committed such a terrible crime

Is this where you draw the line?
After all the times we whispered, "Mine."
I made a promise from the start
Deep down in the depths of my ravaged heart
I refuse to leave my world behind
If all is lost, it is you I'll find

Though I suppose it's to be expected
This brittle feeling of being rejected
Every bit of helpful advice
Praying this distance will soon suffice
I will be here, waiting for you
And maybe you'll do the same for me too

Please, don't leave me here
Take me with before you disappear
If you want otherwise, it's quite alright
I'll be here contemplating amidst the night
Never forget, don't let it slip by
I'll love you far past the very day that I die
"I refuse to leave my world behind
If all is lost, it is you I'll find"
The second I wrote those beautiful words,
I began choking back burning tears.
Jan 2015 · 1.1k
Lonesome Nights
Amber Bowen Jan 2015
I'm not sure what to do on these lonesome nights
When you won't notice me, or even acknowledge my very existence
I try to convince myself that you have a logical reason why
But I fail to see it each time I'm able to make any form of contact with you

"Let me know if I'm ever bothering you, I always feel as though I am."
"Nah, that's impossible. You don't annoy nor bother me."

I believe you, I truly do
Up until you resume ignoring me
On these bitter lonesome nights
Ah.. I suppose I'm venting, yet again.
Jan 2015 · 2.9k
Amber Bowen Jan 2015
The realization that you had gone
Hit me harder than ever before
Pulling the air from my lungs
As if I had just taken a vicious blow
Every muscle in my body froze
Nothing had the desire to move
For fear that I'd slip even farther
Tumbling down this dark path
I pressed pause, looking for rewind
But life doesn't operate that way
A desperate cry for help escaped
As violent rivets cycling through
This broken and unwilling soul
Searching endlessly for someone, anyone
It was then that I sadly realized
No one was ever truly there
I hate this feeling.
Alone with your thoughts,
And nobody willing to listen is there.
They're always too late.
Jan 2015 · 4.3k
Amber Bowen Jan 2015
Don't think for a second that you're the one to blame,
Because since that day things just haven't felt the same.
Perhaps you should let me go,
Since I've been doing the same.
Losing someone slowly *****,
No matter their relation,
Especially when you notice it.
Jan 2015 · 1.4k
Amber Bowen Jan 2015
I remember clearly
Whispering as the stars aligned
Those three empowering words
Before the world exploded

I remember clearly
The sincerity in your voice
When you promised the very same
Before the world changed

I remember clearly
As you leaned in to kiss me
How our breaths became one
Before our worlds intertwined

I remember clearly
Every single sensation within
That rendered me numb
As we created our own world
He's discovered and anticipated my flaws,
and yet he still remains.
He remembers.
Jan 2015 · 1.5k
Amber Bowen Jan 2015
I'm struggling,
Embracing the fall
You're letting me slip on these sleek stone walls
If you won't pull me up,
Will you at least catch me?
Jan 2015 · 330
Amber Bowen Jan 2015
No, wait
Don't leave yet
It can still be like it was
The last time
Before you broke away
Just a few more moments
One more kiss
Unspoken, "I love you"
That's all I need
Baby, please
I'm so pathetic.
It's like I'm living underwater with you,
Savoring all the moments I'm allowed air.
It's all the little things, you know?
Jan 2015 · 538
Amber Bowen Jan 2015
Here we go again
Or maybe it's just me this time
I'm always so anxious
Constantly afraid of your next move
I shouldn't be
But I can't help myself
"I'm sorry..."
Spilling from my mouth
Before I have time to think
Like I inconsiderately bumped into you
Maybe this was a mistake
Maybe I am a mistake
If that's the case
You may as well leave
... Again
I feel as though I worry for no reason at all, and I do.
But you had proven me wrong the last time,
And perhaps that's why I can't break this perpetual cycle.
Jan 2015 · 348
Amber Bowen Jan 2015
But why?*
For no reason or rhyme
Life is a twisted game of time
And without it we are nothing
A good friend of mine
Lost two people today
Without any clear reason why
Jan 2015 · 533
Amber Bowen Jan 2015
When it feels like you’re breaking in two
And there’s not a thing anyone can do
"You can't fix everyone,"
She said.
"If they let me, I'll try."
Jan 2015 · 615
Amber Bowen Jan 2015
My hands wander a smooth cold wall
Knowing that it’s more than merely tall
Muffled emotions illuminate the air
Even when no one is there
But I’ve always been here
You just haven’t felt me near
So, I’ll meet you on the other side
Where there’ll be nothing left to hide
Because I refuse to leave
No matter what you care to believe
Stop trying to hide the longing in your eyes,
You’ve been noticed,
There’s nowhere to hide now.
Jan 2015 · 3.7k
Amber Bowen Jan 2015
Darling, my dear
Dancing just out of reach
I can feel you near
I wish you'd stop being so hesitant.
Jan 2015 · 437
Amber Bowen Jan 2015
At first it was two letters and believe me, I was in a bit of shock
Reading your words and seeing your handwriting for the first time
Writing about your thoughts, surroundings, and new daily routine
Letting coherent and legible words flow through your arm onto the paper
I couldn't help but notice all the times you mentioned me in those letters
I guess that was only the beginning

This next venture to the mailbox, I found four more letters from you
I felt a sudden sadness weighing me down, realizing I hadn't written back
You told me how each day it became harder to remember my voice
I was flattered, so I continued reading your words with a new craving
Soon it was time to construct a letter of my own, just for you
Pen against paper for an hour at least

Finally finished, I sealed it away in an envelope to send that next morning
Sliding it into the mailbox and raising the flag for the first time
My first actual letter, I was extremely excited
So, I waited eagerly for acknowledgement that you had gotten it
A week later, two more letters arrived with a twinge of disappointment
It seems as though you still haven't received my words

Now I sit here, anxious and worried you may not get my letter in time
Or perhaps it remains lost forever in the mail, I'll never know
I miss you terribly so, and a bit upset you forgot to write my number down
I included that in the letter, too...
Maybe it's no big deal to you, but I can't help myself
There's no other way to contact you for another three weeks

I can't wait for you to come home.
This isn't much of a poem, but that's not my problem.
A very good friend of mine left for Boot Camp the night of my birthday in December. I miss him very much and can't wait for his return.
Jan 2015 · 762
Amber Bowen Jan 2015
Is its own element
You can't stop it
You can't control it
It just is
Always moving
Never ending
Even after our existence wanes
Time won't wait for us
That's just how it is
I've accepted it
Jan 2015 · 517
Amber Bowen Jan 2015
I miss what it feels like to cry
I almost forget what it's like
To feel their watery warmth
As they make paths down my cheeks
Intricately carving out my emotions
It was a way to relieve stress
And let my anxiety run rampant
Because I'm afraid if I let it go for too long
I'll forget what it's like to be human
I used to hate crying
And it would happen so often
Until I stopped for a prolonged period of time
Now I'm afraid of what will happen
If I don't every now and again
Jan 2015 · 472
Amber Bowen Jan 2015
Life is a gamble
Being born is a gamble
A life isn't the only thing death takes
It takes a soul
It takes a tender, giving heart
It takes a beautiful body with a fragile frame
It takes the light and the dark
It takes a friend
It takes pieces of a family
It takes away from this world
It takes, and takes, and takes
But it never, ever gives back
Death bathes in greed.
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