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Sehar Bajwa Oct 2018
To those men who are always behind us, though sometimes we may not see them.
To those men who are too busy flying fighter jets to teach their daughters to make paper planes.
To those sons who will point at every aeroplane that skims the horizon to proudly claim, “that’s my father!”.
To those women whose hearts will return wrapped in the tricolour and chipped aluminium; Who will place dented helmets beside faded polaroids of days gone by.
To those youth who will break solemn promises- “I’ll come back soon.”
To those families that will stare out of windows, refusing to draw down curtains as they hope against hope.
To those men who can truly say the sky is the limit.
To those men who fly above us yet are so rooted to the cause of their motherland.
Those brave hearts whose faces are lined with sweat and determination as they kiss the ground beneath their feet before they embrace the heavens for the last time.
To the men who take every sortie with a last salute.
To the white saris and navy-blue shirts stashed away and medals hung on rusted nails. To survival and martyrdom and the presence of absences. To commodores and flight lieutenants and wingmen. To parades and memoirs and sacrifices and soldiers in the sky.
The Eighth of October is for them.
To those men who are always behind us, though sometimes we may not see them.
To those men who are too busy flying fighter jets to teach their daughters to make paper planes.
To those sons who will point at every aeroplane that skims the horizon to proudly claim, “that’s my father!”.
To those women whose hearts will return wrapped in the tricolour and chipped aluminium; Who will place dented helmets beside faded polaroids of days gone by.
To those youth who will break solemn promises- “I’ll come back soon.”
To those families that will stare out of windows, refusing to draw down curtains as they hope against hope.
To those men who can truly say the sky is the limit.
To those men who fly above us yet are so rooted to the cause of their motherland.
Those brave hearts whose faces are lined with sweat and determination as they kiss the ground beneath their feet before they embrace the heavens for the last time.
To the men who take every sortie with a last salute.
To the white saris and navy-blue shirts stashed away and medals hung on rusted nails. To survival and martyrdom and the presence of absences. To commodores and flight lieutenants and wingmen. To parades and memoirs and sacrifices and soldiers in the sky.
The Eighth of October is for them.
The Indian air force day is celebrated on the eighth of October.
Just a little something I read out in assembly .
Sehar Bajwa Aug 2018
shuttle lost in space
transcend physics, black hole, in-
finity together.
my first haiku.
Sehar Bajwa Jan 2019
turquoise shimmering
sultana in confinement
tigress on a leash
this is my first in my new collection , the Disney Haiku series
basically revisiting the fantasy movies of my childhood and understanding the deeper meanings they convey.

this haiku explores princess jasmine's frustration with being confined to the palace in Agrabah and of course, her symbolic aquamarine.
Sehar Bajwa Jul 2018
I'll unshackle my heart for you.
I'll love you more than I say.
But first you'll have to promise me-

promise me you'll Stay.
Sehar Bajwa Jan 2019
it takes seconds to break
what it takes years to make.
the most important things are fragile
Sehar Bajwa Oct 2018
love doesn't listen to reason.
neither does the Devil.
Sehar Bajwa Aug 2018
no mud,
no lotus.
dont let your struggle become your identity
Sehar Bajwa Sep 2020
"you were a parade of red flags but I screamed colour blind from the rooftops.
you see,
scarlet is the colour of both love and betrayal."
Sehar Bajwa Jan 2019
The chapters you live in are pages I visit often
The novel of my life is indexed by your name.
Dog eared, bookmarked, frayed at the edges
Memories I keep (re)turning to
Some shabbily hastily taped back
Ripped out in fury, the need to forget
All consuming
And yet
I put them back
Smoothing out the wrinkles
Relishing the agony to remember
To cherish the love not too long ago
The roses you gave me
Pressed against these pages
sweetness wafting
pervading my senses
mingling with a whiff of your salty aftertaste
******* the pages like they conceal
fragments of you within their folds
forever on my bedside table and in my dreams
you reappear,
the protagonist of a story that never belonged to you.
Sehar Bajwa Dec 2018
wrappers on the hearth
you left lips thirsting under
withered mistletoe
Sehar Bajwa Oct 2018
Some magnificent
rollercoaster, such is life:
No safety harness.
Still here. Still waiting.
Sehar Bajwa Oct 2020
sometimes self-care looks like
blocking their contact
not because you've moved on
but because you haven't.
Sehar Bajwa Sep 2018
a shame time and tide
dont wait : t 'was by a second
the crab missed the waves.
its  not just us humans.
Sehar Bajwa Feb 2019
there's a bullet hole
where my heart
Sehar Bajwa Mar 2019
I was your Venus when you were  my Sun,
Pulling me closer just to watch me burn.
Sehar Bajwa Sep 2018
1  But i'm just so done
8  With life. I can't wait
0  around to be some hero.
0  I'd rather be a photo
2  On the mantelpiece. Too
7   Scared to even
3   Try and hope to be
8  better. i won't be great
2  someday. Nothing i can do
5  to help me survive
5  hell why am i even alive..
No I am not suicidal. I am just here to say I understand.
Sehar Bajwa Sep 2019
braving the tempest
hope plunges on; horizon guides;
their lighthouse signals dawn


your compass guides
across uncharted terrains;
your light leads the way.
Sehar Bajwa Dec 2018
You smell like riptides upon a fathomless sea, elusive waves that never cross, beckoning me closer.

You smell of exotic beaches on travel catalogues; the ones unexplored, untouched, unique. The ones not treaded upon, inviting and innocent.

You smell like the lighthouses on deserted rocks, leading me home, guiding me safely to shore and to you, slighting the storms; unwavering, trustworthy.

You smell like the seaside of my childhood; familiar, nostalgic, the ones I can traverse with my eyes closed. Land I trust and know like the back of our hands entwined.

                       You smell like salt and the ocean
                          Love upon the unending sea
                    Scents of cinnamon, fire, setting suns
                          You smell like home to me.
Sehar Bajwa Oct 2020
love is painful. love is endless waiting for someone to turn back when you too, are walking away. or trying, at least. but what is relief without knowing how pain chokes your breath?

love doesn't know what he wants.
love is confusion and a pendulum of emotions. Love doesn't want to hurt people, but when it comes to me, love forgets that my heart bleeds too.

is love unrequited? maybe. maybe I don't want to accept it. maybe love loves someone else's smile now. maybe love's heart doesn't drop when he sees me in class, maybe love ignores what his heart is whispering.

maybe love will see this and relive his scrapbook of us. maybe love will confront the right people. or maybe he will scroll past this.

unrequited love is painful, but being drawn in and left is **** near-apocalyptic. if nothing else, we made good breakup poetry.

maybe love lacks courage. maybe that's an easier excuse for me to accept. it is far easier to imagine a heart that cowers from the truth rather than one whose truth I don't recognise. is it time to walk away without looking back? I just want to lie to myself tonight. but then again, can you blame me?
Sehar Bajwa Sep 2020
the colour of betrayal far outshines Vantablack
its depth is a cumulus cloud of chaos and agony
tinged with the wails of a wilting wallflower
bloodied scarlet, a glimmer of unrequited love
purple promises writ into skin, bruised and broken
Sehar Bajwa Feb 2019
    Wake up

or maybe the other way around
Sehar Bajwa Mar 2019
i stared away last night
looking for a
s h o o t i n g  s t a r

fell asleep under an ebony blanket
an unfulfilled wish orbiting my mind
"i wish you were here."
"i love you.
and its all that matters."
Sehar Bajwa Sep 2020
time will grain your polaroids
and bury your touch
unloving you
Sehar Bajwa Oct 2018
Hearts of stone.
All blood and bone.
Sehar Bajwa Nov 2018
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust,
hearts of gold, never to rust.

swallowtails aloft, flutterings better dead,
dampened by years of love left unsaid.

box of promises, vials of lies,
waves crashing within ocean eyes.

bloodied wrists, a scarlet letter
sealed envelope, unposted endeavour

eternal fairytale, lover and her muse,
destined to love yet scared to lose.

wilted bouquets, abandoned gardens,
memories burn while resolves harden.

etched in stars, writ in stone,
identity crisis, fate unknown.

Life's canvas, shades of grey,
dreams crumpled, hope led astray

stairways to Eris, rising only to fall
Lone poetess loving her Wonderwall
no idea what inspired this one.
Sehar Bajwa Jul 6
point the way to heaven and
watch my gaze never
leave your hand
tu jannat ki aur ishaara bhi karle, meri nazar toh tere haathon par hi rahegi
Sehar Bajwa Sep 2018
ancient beauty : a
visage untouched by pain and
yet ravaged by time.
golden days.
Sehar Bajwa Feb 2019
The reason so many children are born in November

2. Archies/ Hallmark marketing strategy.

3. A day that will never ever meet your expectations.

4. when love is in the air but you're ALWAYS ALWAYS breathing a different air.

5. The ultimate reason to buy yourself chocolates and throw a pity party

6. A day when single people will only see couples walking hand in hand; God's Magnum Opus hell of a psychology experiment.
Sehar Bajwa Sep 2018
star crossed lovers
fate decreed our distance
Sehar Bajwa Jul 2018
I know how to love and I know how to lose,
I know how its best sometimes to not choose.
I know how to leave and I know how to stay,
I know how some people mean more than they say.
I know how to forget and I know how to forgive,
I know how its good to live and let live.
I know how to hide and I know how to show,
I know when it's best to just let go.
I know how to rise and I know how to fall,
Heaven bless me but I still dont know all.
sometimes knowing just isnt enough.
Sehar Bajwa Mar 2019
sparkle in his eyes,
stars spell out constellations
of serenity.

clouded over pain,
darkened skies , shifting shadows,
vortex of anguish.
double haiku
the joy and pain in his eyes.
Sehar Bajwa Dec 2018
these days skim by like hours
when i'm with you

the pain blossoms into flowers
when i'm with you

I believe in Happily ever After
when i'm with you

Its always love and laughter
when i'm with you

destiny isnt such a disaster
when i'm with you

the world feels far less daunting
when i'm with you

lines blur between needing and wanting
when i'm with you

I forget all about the past
when i'm with you

I believe this will last
when i'm with you

these moments i'll never forget
when i'm with you

theres nothing i'll ever regret
when i'm with you.
anything is possible with you by my side
Sehar Bajwa Dec 2018
love is what if-

love, what is if?

what if love is....

what is love if;

is love what if ?
love is worth it.
Sehar Bajwa Feb 2019
i know what love is
love is pain.

love is handing them the knife to slash at your chains
but hoping they
don't stab you in
the back.

love is disappointment

it is waiting up for messages never sent
hoping someone remembers
to remember you.

Love is a word over spent
very seldom meant
its the arrow of Cupid that kills you.
its an emotion that disappears
after it catches you unaware
its the want not the need that fills you
both elixir and poison
the apocalypse in the horizon
the fear of the loss that thrills you.
the walls not the bridges
the cuts not the stitches
the fire and the thirst that wills you.
love just is.
Sehar Bajwa Apr 2019
writing your name with my own hands
in the 'Absent' column on the blackboard
chalk and tears; unpredictable fears
you're still not here.
3 hours of staring at the screen
still not here.

— The End —